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 The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame) 
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Post The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus, just having finished a meal, was going through the dorm area, but he seemed to be looking for a particular student.

"Taijiya Ayame. Here we go." He muttered as he slid an envelope under her door.

When she finds the letter, it says,

"I know who you are and what you do. If you want to hunt me, come to my forest.

I'll be waiting."

By the time she arrives, he's ready, mind sharp and traps ready.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:58 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
It was late at night, when everything else was still, when I sensed his evil presence approaching my room. My eyes snapped open, a brilliant red, ready to react. I crept out of bed, grabbing the kitchen cleaver off of my nightstand, and removing it from its makeshift cloth sheathe. I crouched low, back against the wall, next to the door, ready to ambush the attacker, should he open the door. Heart pounding in my ears, I filled my lungs with air, to steady myself.

An envelope slid under the door.

Not moving for a minute, I sensed his presence moving away. Deciding it was safe to move, I reached over and read the message. Examining the envelope a few more times, I smelled the glued area, where hopefully, the smell and taste of saliva would inform me of the nature of my enemy. Oddly, the saliva smelled and tasted like… a spider’s web? In my journeys with my family, I had encountered all sorts of monsters, demons, and the like.

Striding over to my closet, I pulled out a black stretch cloth shirt, and a black woven stretch pants, laying them on the bed. Stripping off the pajamas, I slid the pants around my slender legs, the material light and form-fitting to allow for maximum mobility. I pulled the soft cotton fabric of my shirt over my head, pulling it down over the mounds of my chest. Digging a little deeper in the closet, I pulled out a black beanie, jamming it on my head, to cover most of my bright red hair. Taking one more thing out of my closet, I strapped around my waist what I liked to call my batman belt. Scavenging through my desk, I slid I few capsules into the belt, capsules containing makeshift smoke bombs made of stolen C02 and various powders, all-purpose antidotes, as well as more specific antidotes for spider venom, and… aphrodisiacs. Glancing at the antidotes, I was reminded of the price I had paid to obtain the medicinal plants necessary. Some of the plants in the greenhouse were a bit more… frisky than normal plants. At least I had managed to exact my revenge on the plant after it ravaged me… and after that, I got what I needed.

Ready to take on the opponent, I left the dorms, and strode towards the forest, my mind alert for any approaching evil.

Taijiya Ayame

Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:17 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus had laid a few warning traps in random places in the forest, making sure they're not too obvious.

"Finally. I can test myself as a hunter against another hunter. Come girl. Test me." The monster mumbled quietly to avoid the possibility of being overheard.

With a tree coated in thread and a web net in a not so obvious clearing, he retreated to a nearby pond, the water masking his scent from the young hunter.

If she could beat these, it proved the game had only begun.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:08 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
The letter had said, "I know who you are and what you do. If you want to hunt me, come to my forest. I'll be waiting." Ironically, I knew who he was, and I knew what he did. He was some sort of monster spider, and as such, was likely to have laid plenty of traps. I expected unseen spider webs so sticky that they could ensnare me with just a brush of contact. I would most likely encounter a maze of obstacles, only to find the beast behind me at the most inopportune moment. Their entire race was built for that kind of trickery.

I was counting on my sixth sense, my ability to sense evil, to alert me to his presence. I sensed him, a bit to the north, slightly to the left of where I was heading. Rather than heading straight towards him, I walked a round about path, hoping to circumvent his traps by approaching from an unexpected direction.

I narrowed down his position to somewhere close by to a small clearing in the woods. There was a pool, also, as well as a tree glistening with dew. A cool wind rustled through the trees, as I breathed in deeply.

It was strange. I sensed his presence, but there wasn't so much as a wiff of the monster. Suspicious that he was using the water to hide himself, I decided to check out the pool. Lowering my body, I army crawled, cursing my anatomy, and how it made even simple things a little more difficult. From here, the majority of the moonlight was above me, so I could easily see the rays of light reflecting off any webs.

Taijiya Ayame

Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:39 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus leapt out of the water, spitting thread at the hunter, missing most of his attacks, but catches her leg pinning it to the ground.

"Disappointing. You beat my traps, but you were careless in your approach. Crawling like that makes vibrations I can sense. I'm feeling nice. I'm going to give you another chance. Come find me when you cut free. However, if I catch you again, I'll show no mercy."

With that, he threaded the hunter down more throughly and leapt off to prepare more traps for her.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 12:59 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Waiting until I was sure he had left, I spat some of the thread out of my mouth, and reached down for my cleaver to hack the threads away. With a few adept swipes, I was free, and then carefully pulled off the extra webbing. I was surprised at the webbings strength.

Surprised that he had let me be, I laughed to myself that he would be so complacent. Not only had he let me go, but he had given me more information.

Approaching the monster from the ground with stealth would be impossible, if his senses were that perfect. My other options were speed, a distraction, or--not attacking from the ground. I cleaned off the remaining webbing as I contemplated the best way to proceed.

There was no viable way of approaching through the air with stealth. Any motion in the trees would be noisy. Plus, the trees were a haven for a spider. Webs could be set up any where.

If I approached with speed, I would be liable to run into his traps. Further, I still did not know what his physical capabilities were, but a cleaver to the back of the skull was liable to kill any sort of creature.

I walked slowly, searching out with my mind to find the beast, waiting to see what sort of traps he had laid out for me this time.

Taijiya Ayame

Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:45 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus, felt rather smart with the last trap he had prepared... the real trap. Knowing he'd outwit the young huntress, he lied in wait, invisible thread ready to spring the trap that would win him the game and catch his prey.

When she approached, he would trip her with a low branch. That was the ploy. The real trap sprung when she would jump to avoid it. Another branch swung out, knocking her into a impossible to notice web. He had her right where he wanted her... in his web... helpless.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 9:01 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
I sensed him up ahead. He was sure to have layers of traps prepared for me, such that my dodging them placed me in a position worse than I was in before.

Taking a small capsule of powder from my belt, I threw it high into the air, some 30 feet in front of me. It exploded in a puff of powder, coating everything beneath it in a layer of fine white dust. Waiting for the dust to settle upon any webs that he had set up, I noticed a single thread, precariously tying back branches of a tree, ready to spring back at any moment. I followed the path of the thread to the base of a large tree, where, the roots formed a nice cavern, most likely, hiding the spider in wait.

I injected myself with the first of my all purpose antidote/antiaphrodisiacs to preempt any toxins i would encounter, and then sprinted in a looped path, avoiding any web i had exposed with my powder bomb. sliding out a steak knife that i was using for a dagger from my belt, I threw it into the crevice between the roots, hoping to injure the spider. I drew my cleaver, ready to defend myself against any counter attack, as I rushed towards the spiders hiding spot.

Taijiya Ayame

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:08 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus leapt out of the treetops, catching the young huntress as she rushed his alleged hiding spot.

"So predictable. Now I've got you, young one." He said, pinning her arms and legs to the ground with four of his tendrils. Ripping her belt and then her cleaver away with a free tendril, he coiled a tentacle around her waist, hoisting her up from under him.

"Think you're first one to hunt me? You must not have much expierence yet. That's my good fortune, I suppose."

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:24 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
My sixth sense shot off like a gun in the dark, as the spider lept above me. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground by my limbs, my slender body squirming against his appendages. I felt the ground give way underneath me, as a tentacle coiled around my abdomen, giving my hips a soft, sensual caress as I was lifted close to the body of the spider.

"Think you're first one to hunt me? You must not have much expierence yet. That's my good fortune, I suppose."

I struggled against his limbs, trying to free an arm or leg, but there was no way for me to gain any leverage. If I didn't find a way out of his grasp soon, I was going to be in real trouble. Though my belt was removed, I had one more trick up my sleeve.

"You should have minded your surroundings." I stated plainly, and kicked out, knicking the single thread of webbing, holding back the branches. upon contact, the branches lashed out, whipping the spider in the back. The force of the blow caused him to release me, and I fell on my back to the ground. I quickly grabbed my cleaver and belt, and dove behind a nearby tree.

Taijiya Ayame

Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:22 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus had been smacked by his own trap. Rather embarrassing at first, until he realized that the hunter had escaped from his grasp. Now he was just annoyed. Until he got an idea. As Siferus flew through the air, he realized that he had been trying too hard. That's why he couldn't keep a handle on this girl.

Siferus landed on the ground with his back towards the huntress. There is no way she could see him burrow four tendrils into the ground as he laid on the ground and feigned unconsciousness. This was the final movement. She would be caught after this.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:38 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
The spider landed with a satisfying thump on the ground. I peered around the side of the tree, to inspect the damage, and was surprised to see the monster motionless on the ground. Perhaps the branches had hit a sensitive spot on his body.

I brushed my brilliant red hair back with my hand, and straightened up, taking in a deep breath, arching my back, my form fitting attire showing off my fine physique. I inched closer to the monster. Dead, or simply unconscious, I couldn't tell, but it didn't matter, in seconds, he'd be dead for certain. Taking my cleaver in my right hand, I wound up, and took aim for the back of his head, ready to finish him off.

Taijiya Ayame

Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:51 am
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus could feel the vibrations from the ground as she walked toward him. She would get about three steps away when he sprung his last trap. Tendrils shot up from the earth and instantly bound the young huntress' arms and legs and lifting her from the ground. The sudden grabbing of her hand caused the cleaver to fall from her hand, which Siferus got up and picked up and threw it deep into the forest.

You won't be needing that for a while, Miss Ayame. He said, tearing her belt off once again, but then slipped a tendril under her shirtand tore it away, revealing her tone belly and her beautiful bound breasts.

I know I'm going to have fun with you now...

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:38 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
I was in mid stride, ready to attack, when I was completely overwhelmed by the monster's tentacles. They wrapped around my thighs, and my arms, and in my shock, I felt the cleaver fall from my grasp.

My core muscles were flexed as I tried to fight against the tentacles, though I didn't have anything for leverage. I had no more tricks to pull, and what was worse, it seemed he knew it too.

"I know I'm going to have fun with you now..."

one of his tentacles ripped off my shirt, and along with it, the sports bra I wore underneathe. My breasts bounced softly as I struggled, turning against his tentacles. I gritted my teeth as terrifying images passed through my mind--images of his tentacles fucking, penetrating, molesting, and abusing my slender body. I knew it was coming, and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"I'm warning you... don't think you can get away with this..."

Taijiya Ayame

Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:14 pm
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Post Re: The Thrill of Things (Slayer Ayame)
Siferus chuckles and slides another tendril beneath the huntress' pants, tearing away the crotch and tossing the ripped fabric to the ground. Her panties were the next thing to be ripped away as the same tendril tore the panties away with no trouble at all. The tendril burrowed it's tip and pumped the aphrodisiac into her body, Siferus unaware that she had taken an anti-aphrodisiac. It wouldn't neutralize the agent, only delay the effects, she would still fall victim to it, it would just take a good deal longer for it to work.

I won't get away with this? Of course I will. You're not going to stop me, Ayame. He sneered, taking one of her nipples into his mouth, his tongue beginning to dance around the nub, wanting for it to become erect and ready to pleasuring.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:18 pm
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