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 Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan) 
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
The gargoyle watched the girl as she seemed to mull over the information he’d given her. He wished to tell her more, but something was compelling him not to. Though, he was a door after all and doors never gave much thought to odd occurrences. Charc’s head seemed to perk up slightly as the human girl desired to know his name. How peculiar this pink haired human girl was!

He did his best to stand up straight on his stone perch, puffing out his chest with a sense of pride. With a twirling hand and a slight bow, the gargoyle announced. “Charc.” The demon settled back onto his perch, groaning lightly as he tweaked his leg in a particularly wrong way. Moving wasn’t generally required of him, but it didn’t lessen his desire to.

The gargoyle hadn’t done much conversing in his life, so he found that he was a little rusty in carrying the conversation- still the company of another made it seem that the gargoyle was rather complacent. His expression, though widely different from humans still seemed to portray a tinge of hurt or sadness as the woman’s question was framed.

“I’m proud to be a door. My father was a door, my father’s father was a door, my father’s father’s farther was a door and- well you understand.” The impling seemed to cringe slightly as the satin gloved finger ran the length of one of his tiny ears. Persephone would find that Charc was not made of stone, but rather a metal.

“I’m not sure what I’m made of. My father was a door, my mother was a wall. So I guess maybe I’m something in between. I wasn’t always mounted here, but when it came time for my father to give up his job he was quick to hasten me into the position.” He said a bit dismally. “But I’m not a door- even you can see that. Well, I’m here now and nothing’s going to change. That’s the way things are.” Charc was fearful of the moment that the human would take her leave, the thought triggered by the sight of the small glinting key in the woman’s slight folded fingertips.

“That’s my key.” Charc said desiring to change the subject. He took a second look at the woman, his head moving with his eyes as he examined her head to toe. “You don’t expect to try and get through my door do you? Why- you’re much too large!”

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:40 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
While still sitting, Persephone still managed a curtsey of sorts. She held both sides of her light blue skirt, then bent her head in respect. Well, why not? He had made the effort to stand up straight in her presence when introducing herself, she should follow Alice's example from the story and curtsey herself. Persephone was dressed for it.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Charc," she said pleasantly. Well, this was certainly a change from that hyperactive sprite girl! But she knew she would have to move onward sooner or later--and sooner, probably, because the pink haired lady had the distinct feeling that Freya was now searching the island for her, probably scaring the hell out of the faculty and students alike (and probably a few monsters out to get her, too). She noticed the sad expression on the imp's face and she immediately felt sorry for asking about him being a door-goyle.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" she asked. She tried a small smile. "Well...better a door I suppose, than a door knocker?" She sighed. " must be terribly lonely here, perched here all the time. I know I'd go insane from being alone, although it doesn't seem like it." She showed the rosary tied around her wrist and hand, the lovely white cross hanging from the pearly beads. "This belongs to my sister and reminds me that I have someone to go home to...someone that I love, I guess..." Yes, despite their differences, she lvoed her quirky older sister and right now, wouldn't mind being the object of obsession right now, to get out of Wonderland quicker.

"Oh, yes! I found it on the table! And yes--" The girl giggled. "--I realized that!" She really was too big to fit through it. The rabbit hole at the mound above ground was one thing. This was entirely another and even small, nine year old Alice couldn't fit through this door...if it was indeed the same door she had goen through. "Could you please tell me how to get through?"

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:54 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Charc listened to the fair, young maiden as she spoke with a rather hyperactive tone that was surprisingly pleasant to the young gargoyle. He hadn’t found cause to laugh in quite some time, but the small joke the woman made prompted a fanged smile from the ebony creature.

His eyes returned with a vivid amber stare to the rosary that the woman toyed with in her hands. It was pleasing to him, but he would never dare ask for it after the small story the woman had told. He didn’t have any siblings and supposed he wouldn’t have minded them- then maybe he wouldn’t have ended up a door.

Once again the sound of the soft feminine voice broke his attention away from the pleasing beads back up to the young woman as she poised her question. A bit theatrically the gargoyle scratched his chin and let out a long drawn out hum as though he was thinking hard.

“I may be the door Miss Persephone, but I’ve never opened myself to go through myself, you see?” Charc said a bit matter-of-factly. “I’m not quite sure how to get through, though I’ve observed that techniques differ from time to time. ” He watched as the student’s expression seemed to be one of dismay, and so his eyes hurriedly darted about the room.

“On the table there-“ Charc said pointing with one of his clawed fingers. Certain there was nothing on the table beforehand the young Persephone would be prompted to look. Placed neatly on the far edge of the table was a small, crystal blue bottle that couldn’t be more than the size of a shot glass. Inside was a liquid of an indiscernible color, though it appeared to be clear. Written neatly on a label…in English were the words: Drink Me.

The anxious Charc, unable to stand such excitement in one day eagerly proclaimed. “What is it? What is it?”

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:50 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Persephone didn't quite know what to do with the little vial. She knew better than to simply pick up strange bottles that appeared out of nowhere and simply drink its contents. The pink haired girl remembered how one time, she had mistakenly drunk from her sister's water bottle when they were younger and living together with their parents in England. The water had been drugged and she had been kidnapped by a masked man who had meant to take Freya instead. Back then, big and little sister looked very much alike at a glance, until either one of them spoke up. Persephone had never been very refined like Freya; an elegant woman with dangerous tendencies...

"Well, from what I was told, Alice drank from a bottle like this to get through this door, supposedly," the student explained, picking up the little bottle and sitting herself back in front of the small gateway. "They say she found a bottle like this one here. It says 'Drink me', just like her bottle did." She turned the little bottle over in her fingers, considering her options. On the one hand, she would be stuck here, unless she could think of a way back, unless she decided to go ahead. On the other hand, since it was obvious that Alice had caused quite a bit of trouble...this might be poison to lead off any more humans wandering into Wonderland.

But what choice did she have?

Sighing in resignation, she pulled the stopper out of the top. She gulped nervously, then looked at Charc.

"Well, thank you for being so nice to me, Mister Charc, but my sister's probably worried about me, so I have to go home. It was great talking to you. Maybe we could meet again, one day." She moved to place the bottle at her lips, then stopped a moment, considering something else. She lowered the bottle. "Oh, one more thing. In case this stuff kills me, I suppose I should say my good-byes properly as befitting a 'lady'." She gave the little impish garogoyle a kiss on its head, then moved back a bit. Taking a deep breath, she prayed the liquid she soon ingested would not send her to her doom. Taking a sip, she awaited with baited breath, for something to happen.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:21 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Charc watched eagerly as the pink hair woman strut towards the table, though due to his stature and the positioning he couldn’t quite see what had appeared on the table. All he had seen was little more than a solid blue glimmer. The table was the true one that designated the portals held in this room.

Persephone approached once more taking up her seat in front of Charc, and he decided he rather liked the human girl and would most definitely be sad to see her go. He eyed the vial precariously as she sat there turning it over in between her fingers. He listened with vigilant ears as the woman explained the mysteries of Alice. How in the world could she possibly know about Alice? Though, doors were not accustomed to thinking along such lines.

As the girl announced that it was time for her to leave, Charc was more than surprised as he felt the softness of the woman’s lips press against his head. If he could have blushed, he most certainly would have.

“Murder is not a common thing among Elunaria’s inhabitants. I don’t think table would try to kill you Miss.” Charc stammered, still a little flustered and taken off guard from the kiss he’d received. If there was one thing he’d decided, it would be that he would never forget those soft, succulent lips.

He gulped himself as the girl pressed the vial to her lips, almost as if he were living the moment with Persephone. It seemed already the curiously strange girl had made a friend in an even stranger world. He watched as she drained the liquid, holding his breath in anticipation.

Nothing happened immediately. The liquid’s taste seemed to resemble cherry licorice, if that was possibly. It was warm to the touch as it lingered in her mouth, but immediately after a shocking cold assaulted Persephone’s limbs for a few moments. Then there was nothing again.

Charc’s eyes never left Persephone’s beautiful face, as though he was eagerly waiting for the girl to proclaim something wonderful had happened. Would she shrink? Would he grow somehow? Charc was unsure about how it all worked, as he was rarely ever woken.

A few minutes passed and Persephone would feel a pleasant tingle slowly begin at both of her carefully concealed nipples. And though there were no hands to caress the supple breasts, it felt as if a lovers embrace gently kneaded the flesh. Her slit, hidden by frills, ruffles and panties started to warm in a pulsating manner, her sensitive flesh tingling lovingly.

It was a subtle feeling at first, but it was growing clear that the longer the girl restrained from touching herself, the more intense the lustful feeling would become.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:41 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
At first nothing seemed to happen to Persephone as she sat in front of Charc still, waiting for the side effects of drinking the surprisingly sweet liquid from the little blue bottle, which she set aside from herself. She could have lived without the extra licorice taste as she had never been a big fan of the stuff, but she liked the cherry flavor that it did have. The young woman had been surprised and more than a little worried when she felt the rush of cold go through her body, freezing her skin and sending up goosebumps. She had shivered when the feeling and warmth came back to her limbs, but she did not continue to stop being concerned. Was it supposed to be like this?

"Murder? No. Making me scared out of my mind? I guess that's still fair game," Persephone said aloud, raising her hands adn wrapping her arms around herself. The girl rubbed her arms to warm herself up, remembering a phantom coldness that was no longer there. So it would seem that the table had a mind of its own, too, as she didn't notice anyone else in the hall of doors. Above them the violet candles continued to light the large chamber, the candlesticks themselves never seem to grow shorter as time went one. Did a concept like time even truly exist in a place like Wonderland?

Persephone waited a few minutes more and nothing seemed to happen. Maybe she hadn't drunk enough of the liquid? She had been courteous enough to leave half the small bottle for someone else to drink, should they come across this room as she had and needed it...

And then she started to feel them. Like the hands of a ghost lover, they started...'touching' her. Well, touch wasn't exactly the right word, since there was nothing there in front of her besides Charc and he couldn't move nor was he big enough to take both of her soft mounds and...caress them as she felt it possibly was. It was pleasant and a bit disorienting. Just what was going on? She shifted uneasily where she sat and a comely blush spread across her pale cheeks and she kept her hands firmly on the hem of her skirt, which kept her sex right out of view as that, too, began to feel something as well. Her breath became a bit shallow as she fidgetted a little, wondering at the warmth she felt between her legs.

As she sat there, trying to discern what was happening to her body, she felt something growing within her; something she least expected at this time. Desire. Lust. She suddenly recognized this feeling spreading through her body, which made her feel quite uncomfortable, making the light pink blush on her face become a bright red. She soft pants turned into slightly frustrated whimpers as she tried to decide what to do. The more she resisted the urge to touch herself, to please herself and release the exquisite agony building in her body, she wasn't going to do it in front of Charc! The very idea of masterbating in front of someone--it was so dirty! And they had just met for Christ's sake!

Oh, but it was so hard to resist. And there were so many frills, would he noticed if she played with herself under her full skirts? If only to tide herself over...

"Umm...I think the table gave me something weird..." she tried to explain, wanting to get out of there. Who knew who would walk in on her msterbating, if she went back towards the darkness she had come in--but then, when she looked, that opening had sealed off. There was no place to escape. "I feel...I feel...odd."

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:36 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
To Charc’s delight, conversation seemed to progress as usual while the pair waited for the table to determine the way through the door. His sharp eyes kept a steady watch on Persephone, ready to announce any changes he saw in her whenever he started to note them. Though it may have seemed selfish, he had hoped that the concoction would turn her into a door- nah, he wouldn’t wish the fate on anyone, but he still knew he would miss her company dearly.

“No need to fret, the table’s job is to get you through the door. Nothing more, nothing less. He’s ageless you know- been here since before Elunaria was born- hey are you okay?”

A soft hue as pink as the woman’s hair started to appear at her pleasantly round cheeks. Charc had a keen eye for detail it seemed. He noted the slight change in the woman’s demeanor, how she seemed to be restless and fighting to remain still. He watched as her hips started to sway ever so slightly, as if she was fighting some inner demon that Charc couldn’t even begin to understand.
Charc’s small face was filled with concern as he listened to Persephone’s observations. He nodded his head in agreement as he watched the woman go from odd, to bad and it seemed as though she was getting worse. “I’m sure everything is fine. Whatever’s happening it’s only happening because it has to get you through my door.” Oh how terrible awful it must have sounded to the woman, that somehow the insatiable urge she was feeling was part of a deviant plan to gain access into a land unknown.

The tingle feeling now, spread through her body like wild fire. There was a pleasant nip to her creamy flesh, that seemed as though a thousand kisses were being laid upon her tender skin. Her panties that concealed her eager cunt suddenly felt slightly cool, Persephone would notice that she was beginning to secrete her silken honey. Charc’s eyes never left the strange girl as she started to fidget uncontrollably before him. The feeling now seemed to be insistent, as if her body was begging Persephone to touch herself, begging the woman for release. Her limbs would start to feel light, as if she would lift off the ground at any given second with a pleasant warmth surging through her blood.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:28 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
It was awful! It awful way to get her through that door! If that was the table's job, to always get a person through the door, then that table was probably a nasty old man who preyed on the young flesh of nubile girls, were it a human being! As it wasn't the young woman could only curse the table's conditions for her to go through and it seemed that her condition grew worse and worse. She wanted to cry, because it was so unfair and she didn't want to do it...

"I-I'm fine, Charc, don't worry about me," she replied, not wanting to scare the gargoyle with what was going on with her body. It was starting to get to the point where she couldn't touch herself, or start to pleae herself--especially when a few small, barely muffled by one of her hands, cries would escpe those soft, petal pink lips of hers. There some places where the simplest of touch would drive the girl mad and those little kisses...those phantom, unseen kisses on those places would drive her further and futher into insanity, if she didn't stop it.

"Do me a favor though," she said to the little door guardian. "Close your eyes. No matter what you hear--no matter how much I seem to be crying, don't open them until I tell you, alright?" She could feel her panties begin to soak, her inner thighs beginning to become a bit slick in a mix of sexual fluids and her own sweat that had bilt up as she forced herself to resist temptation. She fidgetted again and waited until Charc had closed his beady little amber eyes and waved her hand unsteadily in front of him to make sure he didn't peek. This wasn't going to be pretty, not for her anyways.

Once it was clear, the girl lifted up her skirt, revealing soft, creamy thighs and her mound, hidden by more frills, which were getting wetter and wetter by the second. She was aching now, aching and wanting something inside of her--anything. It was amazing how much someone would want something to the point of almost causing pain, but it only kept her attention for a little while. She felt so embarrassed that she ahd to go through this just to get through the door. Whatever happened to innocently drinking a bottle of potion and shrinking?

She pushed down her panties down to her knees and peered down at her cleanly shaved mound. She removed her gloves, her teeth biting onto her lower lip as she tried to keep as silent as possible. The sensation of being kissed everywhere was maddening and sitting up was beginning to become difficult for the girl as well. By the time she slipped one finger into her pussy, she was already on her back, crying out in pleasure. She hadn't orgasmed, but the feeling of being touched, loved by hands, figners and lips unseen--it was too much for her to even think of sitting up as she started to pump her digit in and out of her wet cunt, making loud slurping noises as she did. She moaned and panted as this continued, adding in a second finger, just pushing in and out.

Yes...yes, this felt wonderful, she thought. Her other hand, which held her skirts up as she spread her legs a bit more, stretching the material of her panties a bit, went down to join her other hand, starting to rub and press at her clit, trying to speed up the process of a rising climax.


Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:50 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Charc looked at the girl with a few moments of genuine concern. Perhaps it may have been odd, having only just met the girl to feel a sense of worry for her, but for a gargoyle that was doomed to guard a door for all eternity, he’d grown attached to her incredibly fast. She seemed genuine enough in her request for him to close his eyes, so with great reluctance his stony lids fell shut over his yellow orbs.

It seemed that within seconds of closing his eyes, he heard a worrying thump as the woman fell backwards on the floor, her hand desperately swarming her eager cunt. He resisted the temptation to spring his eyes open and remained relatively silent aside from worrying whimpers as he heard the panting moans and agonized squeals of the woman as her fingers slid in and out of her warmth.

“A-are you okay?” Charc asked, the worry evident in his voice. Though she must have not heard him, for her moans easily drowned out the sounds of his quiet voice. After hearing no response from the woman his eyes slowly crept open.

With wide eyes and his jaw agape, Charc couldn’t rip his eyes from the spectacle of the woman’s bared cunt. He watched as her fingers slid frantically inside of her tightened, warmth, her inner walls squeezing around her fingers.

As Persephone pleasured her silken cunt, Charc started to notice a small pool of her juices forming just below her, and suddenly the intentions of the table were becoming clear to him. He wanted desperately to help her, and he knew what he had to do.

“Y-your beautiful Persephone.” He whimpered, ashamed that he had opened his eyes despite his promise. He needed to draw attention to himself, let her know that he was watching. “Keep touching yourself just-like-that.” He said with a rather husky voice, a pleased smile spreading across his lips as he observed his own private show.

As Persephone stimulated her cunt a riveting heat built at her core, pulsating through pelvis as she heightened her sexual lust. With the knowledge that Charc was now watching her every movement, she would feel a shocking amount of her juices flowing past her fingertips. The puddle beneath her started to grow, her slick stream starting to flow in a wide arch around her and enveloping the floor of the room. The closer Persephone got to her climax, the more of her juices spewed from her cunt.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:12 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Persephone felt incredibly humiliated and betrayed when she found out that Charc was watching her. And with the way she was positioned, he'd have one spectacular view of her open pussy as her fingers were thrust into it with abandon. Her sexual fluids were flowing out of her like water coming from a tap; it was quite the astonishing sight! Her hips bucked and she felt her body start to spasm as she drew closer and closer to climax. The only thing holding her back was that the little demon was watching her do such in improper act in the company of others. Oh, gods, she could die of embarrassment here!

And yet, she couldn't bring herself to stop. As if something had a hold of her, she kept going and going. Her breaths were short and almost labored as she tried to bring herself off. She shook her head from side to side, unable to stand the pleasure coursing through her body as her juices pooled udner her. Oh, god, why did he have to look? Why did he have to watch her? It was so embarrassing! She didn't want him to see her like this; helpless with a lust she had no real control over.

She could feel her sugary walls begin to tighten and clamp down, pressing against the two digits working herself. The pink haired girl started to arc back on the floor, the hand working at her clit starting to move frantically in motion with the fingers pumping and rubbing. There was the soft sounds of something chiming; was it the rosary? It was a vague thought, but the sound was comforting and made her think fo home. She imagined herself, safe at home in their London flat, tucked away in the privacy of her room with no one to bother her, except her sister occasionally. Yes, a better time...when they were young...

"Aaah...oh, god....oh, god..." she whimpered as she pushed harder into herself. It was starting...she was going to cum! "Ahh...aaah....AAAAH!" She let out a keening cry of ecstacy as she suddenly orgasmed, though she didn't stop her own ministrations. She dutifully kept pumping in and out of herself, intent on riding out this self-given orgasm, her clit also being rubbed frantically to keep up the intense spikes of pleasure that attacked her young body.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:04 pm
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Charc watched with an almost mystified gaze as the pink haired woman’s fingers worked diligently at her swollen clit. His radiant yellow eyes lingered at her tender slit, watching in amazement, as her juices spewed from her like a human fountain. He felt his mouth go dry as he longed to taste the beautiful girl’s honeyed cunt.

The girl writhed in ecstasy on the floor, her moans ringing through the small chamber like a wondrous symphony as she drew herself to her peak. Her back arched helplessly as her inner walls pulsated against her slender fingers that thrust unrelentingly inside of her warm depths. As the girl came, she held herself in the blissful wonderment, her mind a gentle haze as her fingers worked furiously at her clit.

It must have been quite concerning, that as her moans hit their crescendo and her orgasm wracked her body with full, unhindered force that the stream of her juices continued to flow as powerful as a restless stream. The pool sprawled out all around her, quickly consuming the floor with it’s shimmering gleam. Despite how worn the girl must have felt, the constant stream of her juices seemed to refuse to cease.

Charc became instantly worried as the level of the silken juices rose from a fully spanned pool to a torrent of nearly three inches high. He looked at the seemingly agonized girl, still suspending herself in orgasmic bliss. His eyes frantically searched the room, finally settling on the glass table.

“There! Persephone look!” He said pointing desperately to the table. There sat what seemed to be a beige cookie of some sort, written on it witch bubblegum pink icing were the words ‘Eat me.’

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:20 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
It was splashing all over her fingers and hands, getting on her dress and in her hair. Oddly enough, it felt and flowed more like water than the sexual fluids normally found inside of a normal woman--not that she would deem this exactly normal, per se. It continued to flow out of her, even as she continued masterbating, until she could no longer continue. It felt wonderful to be able to let herself go like that, back arched, mouth opened wide as she came on high and slowly started to descend back down from the bliss she felt.

She felt wet. And in more places in one. Although it was hazy at first, her young mind snapped back to attention and she sat up, splashing about a bit. It wasn't sticky, she thought. She lifted a hand of the stuff. It was almost like water. It certainly didn't cling, look or smell like her own fluids to the smell of sex. But that did not change the fact that she was indeed quite wet and still had her panties firmly set on her ankles. And they were soaked as well. They would not be pleasant to wear, she thought, but there was also no way that she was going commando either. However, there was the fact that she seemed to keep on giving out more and more of her juices than was physically possible. Just what was going on?

"Huh? Charc?" The young woman's mind was still a slight mess and she just remembered that the stone gargoyle was still there and had been watching the entire time. She blushed and fisted her hands. She felt the rosary in her hand and pushed aside her embarrassement for the time being. "The table? There's something there again?" A new item? She certainly hoped it wouldn't do her harm--not that this had done her much harm, but it did weird her out--as she felt her patience was starting to strain in this place. She needed to get moving again! The pink haired student allowed her panties to liein the midst of her orgasmic fluids and started to get up and moving towards the aggravating table.

Her legs felt wobbly and the liquid was up to her ankles already and was still flowing freely from her at a rather disturbing rate. She reached the table and saw the little cookie there. There wasn't much for her to go on here and she hoped to every god in the book to help her on this one, because she refused to stay stuck here for too long. At the very least, she hoped for it to stop her from getting the whole room filled up with her own strange cum. She picked up the biscuit and gave it a bite.

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:45 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
The water beneath the woman’s feet slowly started to churn, white caps appearing on the surface of the liquid as it seemed to take on a crystal blue hue. Persephone’s lips closed around the biscuit as Charc watched with a worried expression. It was a pleasant vanilla taste, and the cookie seemed to melt like butter in her mouth bringing a sense of calm over the young woman. Nothing happened for several moments, as before, but by now Persephone surely should have learned that it was merely an indication of what was to come.

Persephone’s flesh would start to tingle pleasantly, and much to the young woman’s relief her honeyed juices would slow to little more than a trickle and finally stopping. The room around Persephone seemed to grow to massive proportions, but as Persephone would soon learn she was shrinking at an alarming rate. Bless the pink-haired girl for only taking a bite of biscuit anymore and she could have easily blinked herself out of existence. She shrank in mid air, falling a good ten feet into the churning liquid, causing an alarmed scream from Charc.

“Persephone! Persephone! Are you okay?” He screamed, his arms outstretched but useless as long as he was mounted to the door. A strong undercurrent swept Persephone in circles around the room and out of the corner of his eye Charc spotted the key. It was just within his reach and reluctantly he reached out and grabbed the silvery thing. With a deep breath he looked at Persephone, longing to enjoy her company more but knowing what he needed to do.

He bent over as far as he could, unlocking his door and opening it. He saw Persephone’s head penetrate the surface and he called to her, watching as the streaming water rushed through the opening.

“Fare thee well dearest Persephone, I will forget you never!” He called watching as the pink-haired girl was swept across the room and out of the door. “Wonderland is a treacherous place, please do be careful!” He didn’t bother correcting himself, it’s not like the queen would hear him anyway.

Charc laid awake for several moments after Persephone’s disappearance, but with no excitement but the lingering memory of the girl to keep his attention he fell into a blissful sleep, muttering Persephone’s name.

The sound of wings sounded in the room with the doors as Ayperos fluttered inside of the room, his keen eyes averted up towards the ceiling where several snowy white orbs were floating pleasantly through the air. With a small jar the darkling collected the orbs, the essence of Persephone’s emotions whilst she’d been subjected to the humiliation and pleasures of this particular room. He nodded his approval and simply blinked out of the room.


As if by divine intervention Persephone was kept afloat amidst the giant lake she’d created. After going through the door she found herself under overcast skies with thick, gray, ominous clouds hovering overhead. There was little sunlight to penetrate the clouds swollen with rain, and the poor girl was tossed around the current like a rag doll whenever she grew tired of swimming against the water.

Off in the distance, if she squinted hard enough she would make out the sign of a shoreline, where several creatures seemed to be flying overhead in a wide circle. There were several figures as well that were undistinguishable characters on land so far away. Whatever hope the girl had, she would most certainly be inclined to swim for the beach.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:22 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)
Persephone could barely believe what was happening as she tried to keep her head up and out of the 'water'. While she was a good swimmer the water's current was much stronger than when she had been a properly full gorwn human girl. Her undies had even escaped her legs as she had shrunk, leaving her sex and her bottom exposed should someone dare to look under her skirt. The pink haired girl was pushed towards the door--the one she had the key for and her sky blue eyes widened as she realized she was going to be slammed into it.

"Oh, g--god! Kyaaaaah!!!!" she screamed, the sounds she made slightly bubbling because of her own honey getting into her mouth. She splashed futilely, flailing her arms about randomly in the water, trying to keep afloat as she readied herself to hit hard stone. Luckily, Charc had gotten ahold of the key she had taken from the table and had unlocked the door for her. Although she couldn't say her thanks, she managed to meet his golden eyes one last time, his words the last thing she would har as she was swept by the tide, carried along with the current for a while, tossed around like some child's plaything.

While the lake of bodily fluids had been bad and a little strong for her tastes, what came from being on the other side of the door was even worse. Not many knew it that Persephone feared very few things. Leeches, the dark....and storms. More precisely, thunder and lightning. It stemmed from her childhood and even as un adult, she still trembled uncontrollably during a rain storm. While she kept it udner wraps when around others, when she was by herself, it was utterly useless. She was useless. A crying mess who couldn't even think straight.

So alternated between being conscious and knocked out, thankfully, having not been drowned by the waters that had come from her own depths. The rain had started to fan out a bit and wasn't as terrible as when she first entered the gate of Wonderland. It had steadily become less and less awful and settled somewhere between a bad day and a cloudy, lazy, restless day. The clouds were a shade of gray that anyone would despise, promising more rain in the future as well as a few good placed thudnerclaps, of which some had been heard on Persephone's rather wet journey so far.

She came to once again, coughing as some water slipped into her mouth and down the wrong tube. She almost choked, but got through it all. Looking around, she wondered where in Wonderland she was now, rather tired of this game already and ready to give up. However hope was on the horizon--or at least in front of her. The white rosary belonging to Freya had come loose somehow from the pink haired student's hand and was floating right before her eyes, reminding her of what she had to do and her resolve returned as she grapsed it back in her hands, her eyes finally finding themselves on something that looked like land. While what flew above it seemed ominous, she started to swim towards land with all the strength and determination she had, suddenly getting a second wind.

Her body was tried from bringing herself to orgasm as well as weathering the elements like this, but she now had renewed vigor, thanks to the reminder of Freya's cross. Somehow, Persephone's sister was giving her the strength to continue on!

Don't you just hate it when you say "Oh, f--k me!" as a response to a bad situation and the tentacle monster(s) take you seriously?
The Tentadex
You Gotta F--k 'Em All!

Persephone Williams


Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:17 am
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Post Re: Down the Rabbit Hole (Pan)

There were a total of six avian creatures flying circles above the partial beach of the mainland. As Persephone’s worn limbs carried her vigorously towards shore, she surely caught the notice of the flying creatures. One separated from the circling pack of bird creatures and swooped downward towards the pink haired girl.

As the creature neared Persephone would be able to discern that the creature was humanoid in appearance, closely resembling a harpy of sorts. His facial features were sharp and pointed, and his eyes had a rather prominent upward slant with a shocking emerald hue. Feathers adorned the lower half of his body, and while his hands and feet seemed humanoid enough, there were ten razor sharp talons. Large wings lined his back that seemed almost as wide as he was tall, which was easily over six feet.

“Silly girl what are you doing?” He called hovering above her, his powerful wings flapping rhythmically. “Don’t you know these waters are banned?” The creature lowered down to Persephone, gripping at the back of her dress with his talon toes and lifted her out of the water with ease. He soared dizzyingly high through the sky towards the beach, where the rest of the flying creatures had landed and were now watching Merrick tote the strange looking creature back with him.

He landed with ease, gently setting Persephone on the ground and going from flying to a soft jog as he ruffled his wings, drawing a wide circle back around towards the pink-haired girl. He drew his feather brown sloppy hair out of his face and crossed his arms.

“What is your name girl?” He sounded rather matter of fact, and a bit cocky as he beamed with having single handedly retrieving the creature that dared break the ban. Now that she was close she could see that there were four other avian-like creatures, all male with hair and feather colors ranging from blue, orange, black, and blonde.

Beside them was a reptilian humanoid creature, with narrow slits for eyes that seemed to regard Persephone with a condescending glare. His skin was pale green with golden flecks on his underbelly, he was skinny and hardly taller than Persephone was.
There was a pair of what seemed to be weasel like humanoids, that seemed much more weasel in the face than the body, though they were covered in brick red fur. Their eyes were narrow and asian looking, with large buck teeth. They were also both male, watching Persephone with smug interest.

“Well girl?” Merrick said once more impatiently.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:05 am
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