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 An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy? 
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Post An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Siferus had waited for three days for Clarice's poison to expel itself from his body. All the time, he had been wanting revenge. He had been planning and scheming until his plan was finalized, but he needed Kanoe as well, which was fine by him. Kanoe is always fun to play with.

Leaping through the trees and towards the dormitory, Siferus waited for Clarice to sneak off to continue the fight between the two of them and crept into the dorm area.

This should be interesting. He thought to himself, sliding another envelope under the door with Kanoe's name on it.

The note inside reads:


You and I have met a few times now and I think it is fair that I tell you that your lover, Claire is coming to fight me again as we speak. If you want to make sure you see her again, I suggest coming into the woods as soon as you read this.


After leaving the note under the door, Siferus skittered his way out of the dorm area and make his way back into the woods, where he would lie in wait for the two witches.

This should prove quite interesting indeed.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Wed Mar 11, 2009 3:16 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Clarice sighs as she makes her way to the exit of the dorm building. She knew the date set for the spider and her to meet again. Doing so calmed her paranoia that Kanoe wouldn't get involved. But if there was one thing she was despising most of all was being manipulated into following such contracts. She had learned a trick from a not so fond of teacher on poison inducing magic. It was ironic a monster taught her this and she uses it against another. But this time she doubts the spider will fall for her trick of hand.

As she makes her way to the outside of safety, she looks around to make sure Kanoe did not see her alone out here before she continues on the path into the forest. That was the last thing she needed was for the woman to see her walking into the forest. That would be suspicious enough in that case. But she had no idea of the note left in the room. But it was certain she would find that out soon enough.


Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:22 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Kanoe sighs softly as she returns from her classes. She was wearing her usual uniform of blacks and reds and her hair was tied into a long braid with a silver clasp on the end. It was difficult trying to live a normal life here as the hold the monsters had over her continues to tighten. The braid, her breasts, even her pierced nipples were all little marks that monsters left on her as signs of control and owner ship. It was difficult to say how much more she could take.

Her jaw clenched tightly as she opens the door to her room and finds the note on the floor. She has grown to despise mail greatly. It was either from a monster or more punishments or both. Shutting the door hard behind her, she picks up the note and begins reading. Her eyes immediately dart about the room, searching for her lover. Damnit, was the woman crazy? Before Claire used her own body as bait to poison the creature but even then that was not enough to stop that vile spider. The monsters were learning more about their powers, if her lover keeps barging off like this their powers will be completely useless against them.

Claire would no doubt be angry if she tries to chase after her. But the note was not a warning but a threat. If she does not follow, she will never see Claire again. That was enough to crumple the note and let it fall to the floor as she runs out of the room. Her long braid trails behind her as she runs out of the dorm in her uniform still and out towards the woods. She was not sure what she could do, but she had to do something, anything.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Mar 11, 2009 5:37 pm

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Walking back to the dorms from class Natsumi noticed someone running towards the woods, ever the curious one she turned towards the woods and followed her. Making sure to keep the woman within her sight as to not lose her in the thick forest she watched as the woman disappeared into the trees while she was not far behind.


Natsumi and Iseria

Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:00 pm

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Alucard sighed, resting at the top of a tree; somehow the tree was able to support its weight without buckling. The massive alien had been flipping through a book from the library, a thin hardcover tome full of colorful images of monsters and comples mathematical formulas that detailed said monsters. The alien's yellow eyes flashed; Alucard knew it was not alone.

Removing its camouflage, Alucard looked about. "So, who do I have the honor of meeting?" the alien said with a bemused grin.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:44 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Siferus had found his way back into the forest. Hearing a voice in the tree above him.

"So, who do I have the honor of meeting?" the voice echoed slightly.

Looking up and seeing the gigantic monster, Siferus felt the need to show no fear. This was of course his first encounter with another monster on the island.

I'm Siferus Darkcrown, the genetically engineered spider monster here. Just whom am I speaking with? Siferus leapt up to take a branch in another tree about five feet away from the giant head of the monster that somehow managed to stay in the tree.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:37 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
As far as Clarice could tell, she was nearing her undesired destination. Ever so quick to strike first and ask questions never, she already begins to conjure a small bolt of darkness in her hand. Being around Kanoe only made her rub off on Clarice in more ways then one. Being consumed by darkness though wasn't her biggest issue. She freezes in place at the sound of mumbles. She ducks into the bushes and slowly edges towards the sound.

She was determined to catch the spider off guard, but as she nears the mumbles, she slowly begins to realize that it as a small conversation. Her mind races with thoughts... Siferus wasn't alone. That in itself could only mean bad news as she hides in the bushes, still holding a bolt of darkness. That little nicely formed ball began to surge with emotions and energy from her adrenaline rush.


Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:14 am
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Lacking any sort of directions from the letter, Kanoe could only follow the path ahead of her. Her long necklace beats against her chest as her silver clasp does the same to her back with each step of her pursuit. She was not even sure if she was heading the right direction. There was only a small hiking trail closest to the dorms. She had no woodsman skills to know if Claire was even on this same route. All she knew was there is a manipulative spider on the loose and her lover was heading straight for him. The dark witch continues running, unaware that another student had taken interest in the following the raven haired woman.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:21 am

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
"Does she know where she's going?" Natsumi asked herself hurrying to keep up with the raven haired woman. "We are getting pretty deep in the forest. This could turn out bad." she thought starting to run as the quick woman was starting to leave her behind.


Natsumi and Iseria

Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:28 am

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Alucard's eyes flash once more, the alien sensing something else. Putting a finger to its lips, the alien whispers, "I think we're being observed." It activates its camouflage once more, and then says in an even lower tone, "You can call me Alucard." Alucard then climbs over into another tree, making only a little bit of sound as it did so.

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Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:41 am
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Sfierus could hear bushes rustling as he stood in the tree, conversing with this creature. Earlier than I thought. Pretty well done, Claire. He thought to himself with a slight bow to Alucard, not knowing if this creature could be trusted.

Just as he was making a move to lower himself to get a better idea of Clarice's hiding spot, Siferus heard more rustling. Excellent. It seems Kanoe has arrived. What the? There is someone following her. That makes 3 students! More than I'm capable of handling myself. Perhaps this Alucard creature wouldn't mind sharing in the fun...If I knew where he was... He thought to himself, hiding high amongst the trees, his eyes observing every inch of his surroundings, trying to find any of the three students to start the fun.

PM me if you're interested in a Roleplay.

Siferus Darkcrown: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3579

Everyone's favorite spider monster has come home. I'm always looking for more interesting students or female monsters to with. Send me a PM, don't be shy, I don't bite. Unless you want me to, that is.

Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:00 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Eyes widen at the trees rustling, she practically forces her face to the dirt in an attempt to hide herself deeper in the bushes. Her body tries to not make a sound. She had hoped to catch that slimy monster off guard but now he was onto her. it was only a matter of time before she was caught.

She freezes at the sound of bushes rustling beside her. Had she been caught like that? She cringes her eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable discovery of the creature finding her, but... it never came. Opening one eye to see her fate sealed, she saw a familiar pair of shoes. At that moment her heart could of just stopped as she comes to realize who exactly it was.

"Kanoe..." she whispers, not wanting to raise her voice so the monsters could find them, but the woman was heading straight for the trees rustling about. She bites her lip, inevitably out of luck then to just try and get her attention by poking her ankle with a twig to maybe make her look down. She hopes the woman wouldn't over-react or this could end up so horribly.


Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:45 pm
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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Kanoe slows down as she hears the rustling up ahead. She was not going to barge in like before. It would be useless if they both get captured. Breathing deeply, the dark witch focuses on catching her breath for a moment as she considers the situation. They were dealing with a clever little spider that knew about their magic and could poison them with a powerful aphrodisic. If she could just find a way to stop the tendrils....

A sudden poke to her ankle makes her jump, kicking her leg at what ever it was. Her eyes go wide as she sees an arm sticking out from beneathe a bush. It was her lover, thankfully not captured. But, if she was there then the rustling must be Siferus. The witch continues to back away off the trail, hiding behind a tree as she gazes at her lover. They would not really speak to each other though that may be better at the moment. She was annoyed her lover would go out to a place set by a monster when it is an obvious trap. But that did not matter, they had to get out of here and now.

Her thought was cut short as she hears more rustling coming from the path she just came from. Was there another monster? Were they surrounded now?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:58 pm

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Seeing the dark haired woman stop Natsumi moved slowly up towards her catching a glimpse of an arm sticking out of the bush. Stopping a few feet away from the two people she hid behind a tree wondering if they would see her as she spied on them.


Natsumi and Iseria

Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:03 pm

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Post Re: An unholy alliance, or a massive rape orgy?
Alucard smirked as it watched Kanoe hide behind the very tree it stood in. The large-breasted witch was even within easy reach of the alien, although she most certainly was not aware of its presence. Alucard waved briefly in the direction of the other monster, hoping that Siferus would at least see the motion, if not the alien itself.

The Menu- see who's been eaten!

Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:38 pm
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