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 Training alone (Karzak) 
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Post Training alone (Karzak)
*The silver haired girl was carefully setting out targets in a clearing in the forest. she had chosen this spot for its isolation and silence. she could practise her fighting all night here if she wanted. as a cloud revealed the moon in the sky she raised her head to look at the beautiful sight. she had often fell asleep looking at the moon when she was with her family. but that was a long time ago. she shook the thoughts away before they made her feel too much emotion and took her ichi monji her favourite fighting stand. as the wind curled around her silver locks her gold eyes focused as she started to attack the targets. her full body fighting suit showing off her muscles as they started to train*


*she said as she hit each target. as far as she was concerened this was going to be a enjoyable night of training.*

Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:23 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
Time had flown by. Since the beast had arrived on this island he had plenty of fun. His purpose was clear, to corrupt the minds of every girl on this island. His goal was coming along rather well. Karzak had encountered many girls awakening the slut inside them. Satisfied from his fill today he had been heading through the wilderness towards his home. Then his eyes met something extraordinary.

"Such a beautiful new student" He knew all the girls on the campus by now from his hunts. Someone like the girl before him would have been a person he would have made a note of. She was practicing a fighting style and her body was very fit. It was more than appealing. True he had met his quota for the day but one more girl wouldn't hurt. It would soon be time for him to welcome the girl. Karzak stalked her from within the shadows further observing her body.

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:37 am
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*The girl continued her training, mentally noting the fact that she had become alot weaker since joining this strange school. no matter, she thought, i should be out of here soon. So she carried on her training.

After a few moments she got the feeling she was being watched. yes she had had this feeling since arriving on the island but it was now somehow more pronounced. She shook the thought away. if something moved she should know about it, she hadnt trained for nothing after all. Smiling to herself the girl reached up and tied back her hair so she could start practising her spinning kicks.*

Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:41 am

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
There was no need to conceal himself. There was no one in sight and the other girls knew better than to pass through the woods at night. Noone would hear her soon to be screams and eventually moans. His eyes began undressing her putting a smile again on his face. It was time to stop imagining these things and see how it looked firsthand.

Before the girl could react Karzak's tentacles took hold of her, holding her tightly. Karzak stepped out of the shadows now, the moonlight making his body clear before her. "It's never a good idea to come out during the night, especially by yourself. You're new here. Tell me what is your name?" As he asked her this his tentacles were now groping her breasts through the suit.

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*the girl had just started to practise her kicks and mid kick something grabbed her. no it was more than one things. she looked up as something walked out of the trees. it looked like a monster, but of course monsters where just something out of fairy tales...wern't they?*

If your playing a joke its not that funny.

*she said her voice betraying no emotion. she looked down when she felt something rubbing her breasts. ewww what the hell are these things? some type of weapon? no it couldnt be all weapons were confiscated. she thought.

*she quickly twisted out of the tentacles and backflipped into the branch that was just above the 'monster'. she noted that it took alot of strength to do just that. usually it was as easy as breathing, but something had minimised her strength.*

I can go where i please and my name is of no concern to you stranger!

*she rubbed her wrist where the tentacle had held it. it was becoming red raw. maybe jumping away in that manner was not the best of ideas, she thought.*

Wouldnt it be more polite to say your name first?

*A smile flickered across her face. she could tell by looking at this thing that it was strong. maybe her training was going to be more than she had thought. it had been a while since she's had a fight. the adrenaline had already started pumping around her body.*

Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:31 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
Karzak smiled as she made her way into the upper branches of the tree. He then laughed as her face was in confusion. He made sure to reveal his fangs and it was clear then that whatever he was, it was real enough. "You're asking the wrong question don't you think. Instead of asking who I am you should be asking what I am."

The beast observed as she continued hiding in the tree. He had hoped that someone of her physical and what seemed combat capabilities would have had something more inventive. His four claws took hold of the tree and soon enough it would come crashind down along with her body. As it rolled out of the branches his tentacles wrapped themselves around her again, this time a firmer grip - one that would not let her escape. "Are you always this cooperative in situations like these? I'll ask once again what is your name girl?"

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:14 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*the girl almost gasped when she saw the fangs. ok, maybe its my imagination. she pinched her arm making a fresh new bruise appear on her pale skin. she then looked down at the 'monster'. ok, maybe i'm not.*

who, what, it doesnt far as i'm concerened your not even of this world. *her voice was strong*

*as the tentacles grabbed her again she tested their strength. they were strong there would be no twisting or manoevaring out of this grip. She felt their texture. if she tried to hard to escape they would no doubt rip her skin off. so she relaxed her body. when the creature asked her name she smiled.*

My name...Mmmm...My name is Catári. *she said as she grabbed part of the tree with her teeth and pulled off a sharp bit. she stabbed the tentacle that was holding her wrist and jumped off the tree. a fist ready made to punch the creature in the face*

Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:22 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
"There are many things you can call me. However as you just said they do not identify what I am. Truth be told I actually am of this world. I am the product of man's desire for power. However a name most of your kind had coined for me would be Karzak. This is your first time encountering beasts and monsters isn't it. You seem confused. This island is thriving with beasts like myself. Monsters are not some myth to scare people they are real."

The sharp wood irritated his tentacle enough to loosen up but it would hardly injure him. She lunged at him with a fist. "You lack the power to beat me" He said a claw grabbing her now before she could come within 5 feet of him. "Your combat tactics are that of an amateur. Just accept defeat" His tentacles took hold of her suit now, tearing it into two. It was time to see what he had to "work" with.

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*when she was stopped she relaxed her fist. she glared at him when he called her weak and an amatuer*

Karzak was it...? for your information i do not take kindly to being insulted. i am not an amateur fighter. i have yet to find anyone...human who can defeat me. i'll tell you that i have only become so weak since arriving at this island. And if you were once human and became this thing from humans desires, then arnt you just merely a creation of man, man-made, with little or no purpose? you;ve got to have a purpose in like or else its like you dont excist...from what i can see your only purpose is to scare little kids from under their bed!

*When you felt her suit rip off. she did not look ashamed but even more angry*

That was my mothers! and now look its ruined!

Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:00 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
Her glare was nothing unfamilar to him. Many girls had given him that same glare... before it turned into a face of lust. "Do you think you're in a position to try and make your way out of this by such a weak argument. Your knowledge is limited. You do not understand. Man's desires are their own as is mine. I am not ruled by such trivial matters. My purpose is one of my own choosing. As for your pysical activity there have been countless others that have fought me with much more success. It doesn't matter regardless. You will turn into a slut just like they did in time."

Karzak's other claw ran down her chest taking hold of her breast and fondling it. "Such a beautiful body." His claw pinched her nipple, the sharp tip digging in. His tentacles made their way to her cunt and began sliding across it, the bumpy surface pleasing it as well as her clit.

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*the girl looked at the creature, this Karzak and realised he spoke with the essence of someone high in ranking in a battle ground.*

no doubt one with guns *she wispered and snorted she greatly dispised guns. they were a weapon with no honour watsoever.*

*and what did he mean by more girls. and slut? she had never even kissed a boy let alone done anything else with them. she would never become a slut. the mere thought repulsed her.when the monster pinched her tit she screamed.then caught herself she must not become afraid. pain was a not a new feeling to her. she had fought threw it before and would again.

when the monster started to rub her clit she frowned and the wierd sensation it sent through her body. it was wierd but not unpleasant.*

what do you think you are doing?

*she started to tug at the tentacles no longer caring uf they ripped her skin. she was a fighter and would not give up without a fight.*

Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:32 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
"You should feel honored Catari. Another monster wouldn't have asked questions and taken you on the spot. You'll find though that I'm not like most of the other beasts here. They are mindless and do what they want spur of the moment. They are not like you and I. Yes you and I we are not so different. I can see you possess a warrior's spirit. See what separates us is our goals."

Her efforts went to waste as it did not manage to ease the grip on her. Karzak continued stimulating the pleasure in her clit and luscious folds. He noticed her body start to react yet her face had the same look of confusion. "I see. You've never been touched before have you?" He looked at her silver bush just above the beautiful cunt. It had to be true, her facial expressions and now this. She was inexperienced, untainted. "If you cooperate it will make things better for you. Yes I call you a slut because deep down each girl has it within them. It lies, dormant, waiting to be awakened."

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:08 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*Catári looked completely confused. she listened to Karzak, saying that they were the same. yes it could be plausible but no. there were things about her and her clan that no one shared. NO One! she musnt let this thing start making sense to her. keep him talking, she thought, think! some commo ground warrior spirits he said, yes that was it now to think of a plan.

As Karzak talked Catári's mind was wirring. what would her parents have done in this situation? What would the Tanikie clan of done? Use a jutsu that was obvious but it was nigh impossible to make any hand signs. So what would the clan have done? they were one of the most feared clans just less than 100 years ago there must be something?*

How on earth could someone like you possess the spirit of a warrior? you do not even fight an honourable battle!

Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:20 pm

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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
"Silly girl. You speak of honor yet you know nothing of it. I have seen many battles, ones that would shred most minds. Only the strong survive the psychological and physical torture. I existed in a time where men did do battle yes with guns. However a true warrior knows how to fight using his own two hands. I was once called the best soldier and the coldest killer. In the end it is not about what is in your hand. It's about your body. Your body is a tool and how you use it determines whether you are the victor or the man standing dead in the ground. I know how to use this beastlike body to its full potential but you.... you do not know. Do you know why? Because deep down your body wants to succumb, it is begging for me to take you"

His tentacles now wrapped themselves around her nipples and her clit. They grinded against them, the bumps digging into both of them. "Watch as your body reacts. You see thats what stops you from achieving a whole other level of power. A true warrior knows their defeat and acknowledges they have a great deal to learn. you simply try to mask what is obvious"

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Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:30 pm
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Post Re: Training alone (Karzak)
*The girl only half listened as Karzak was talking to her. her mind was wizzing with thoughts and she was desperately trying to order them. just calm down, she told herself. right thats it clam... think...i can't use tai-jutsu as ive been bounded too tightly. nin-jutsu wont work as i have not properly trainied, sen-jutsu wont work either as the moon is not full. that leaves gen-jutsu. but how is creating an ilusion going to get me out of this? she gasped when she felt the tentacles grope her more hardly. the rubbing was hurting her but was not entirely unpleasant.
no...stop these thoughts, gen-jutsu...meditation wont work as one mere hit and id be awakened...creating an illusion wont work as this creature might see to do...? he says that every girl is a slut, slut...slut...think Catári what is that again? oh i remember. but how could i be one? oh just stop wondering girl and do something...KASU!!! What is wrong with me?*

Horror? Sumemasen you'd be surprised what horror i've been through and what i've seen. from the age of 3 i've known nothing but isolation, tragedy and horror. all three have become my friends.

Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:59 pm
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