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 On the run (Karzak) 
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Post On the run (Karzak)
People kept telling her that it wasn’t safe, and some part of her knew that they were right. But she’d be damned if she started acting like a coward. She’d seen what some of the girls were like after a few months on the island: frighteningly pale, dragging themselves around the campus like disarticulate puppets, scared of their own shadow, jumping at the faintest sound, all sense of self lost forever. She didn’t want to become like them.

Besides, no one was safe. Anything could happen to anyone, at anytime and anywhere. There was really no point in trying to hide or staying in groups for safety. You were always alone at some point, and the monsters always found you.

The only way you could fight back was trying to keep living your life normally. If you stopped, it meant the island had won.
That’s why she kept acting as she’d always had and kept running through the woods every morning before classes.

This morning was no exception. She’d made good time, she thought, as she checked her watch upon arriving on the clearing where she generally did her stretching exercises.

Getting her breathe back, she walked to the centre of the clearing, her high ponytail jumping from left to right at every step she took. She was very lightly clothed this morning; even early in the day the weather of the island allowed it, and she didn’t like her moves to be impaired when she ran.
She wore a white crop top, that was hugging closely the two generous globes of her breasts, tiny black shorts and her Nike trainers. The forest was still cold at this hour of the day and her hardened nipples were showing nicely through the thin fabric of her top.
The outfit hid little of her toned body: her slender arms, firm stomach and long shapely legs were all unclothed, only the most intimate parts of her body remained hidden to the view.

Now that she’d rested a little, it was time to start her stretching exercises. She bended forward and grabbed her ankles, her tiny shorts stretching over her rounded ass as she did so.


Last edited by Lodi on Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:43 am

Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
The girls had become increasingly stupid in this school. So many told themselves the rumors of demons and monsters were just that - rumors. The others who did believe the rumors had told themselves they were strong enough to defeat such monsters. However this was a great strech from the truth. Many girls had he seen that had such confidence or rather arrogance, and had fallen. His mind flashed back to his previous girls like Kanu and Kanoe. Both girls had succumbed to him but only after their courageous fronts had crumbled. It was a simple truth that each girl was a slut inside. And this girl was no different.

Karzak's eyes narrowed on a foolish girl who had dared to enter the wilderness on her own. She was just like the others, he could see it in her eyes. That same arrogance. To think she honestly believed that she could do whatever she wanted. As she streched, almost a mock to the beast or maybe an invitation, Karzak grew angry. He would teach her a lesson she wouldn't forget. As she moved her arms down her legs streching them, a opportune moment arose. A few tentacles lashed out, of course he cloaked them to have some fun first. They made around to the outlines of her nipples on her shirt. Wrapping themselves around her breasts, still covered by the thin fabric, the tips of his tentacles pressed in on her nipple outlines teasing them some.

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Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:27 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
She used to take her ipod with her whenever she went running. She’d stopped doing that after her first encounter with a monster. If she was to be attacked, she wanted to hear her assailant coming. It might give her a chance to escape, no matter how thin.

She’d just started her first stretching series when she felt something hard and bumpy brush her sides.
She tensed immediately.
No, this couldn’t be happening. She’d have heard it coming. It just couldn’t be! It didn’t make sense!

But as much as she wanted to deny it, she knew what was going on. If it was anywhere else, she could tell herself that it was the wind, or a bug, or her mind playing tricks on her. On Shukoshu however, if something felt weird, or out of place, it most probably was.

And if she had any doubt left, they disappeared when she felt two supple appendages slide up her upper body. Figured that the island housed invisible monsters, anything to make their life more miserable!

She couldn’t see them, but the tentacles’ destination was growing clearer and clearer by the second. All too soon, she felt them encircling her breasts, wrapping themselves tightly around her tits, squeezing them cruelly until they looked like two ripe fruits, ready to burst at the slightest pressure.

She let out a sharp yelp of indignation when the tentacles’ tips found her sensitive nipples and began to fondle them.

The nerve of that thing!

Enraged, she straightened and grabbed the two appendages that were tormenting her, firmly intending to let them release their grip on her. To no avail.

Whatever it was, the thing that was attacking her was strong. She tried hard not to panic.

“Don’t touch me!” She growled.


Last edited by Lodi on Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:12 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
She knew her position. It was evident this was not her first encounter on the island. The young student's eyes widened as she felt his invisible tentacles touch her body and begin to caress it. She took hold of his tentacles in an effort to remove. What a foolish girl. To compare her strength to his was an insult.

"Don't touch you?" His voice echoed through the forest. "Silly girl, you want this. Deny it as you may your body is already enjoying this. You may hide your urges from your mind, but the body... it reveals all" His tentacles now wrapped themselves around her top and ripped it in two. The pieces flew away with the wind, another obstacle down as he continued pleasing her body.

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 12:43 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
She was still struggling, in a desperate effort to get free, when she heard the creature’s voice coming from somewhere around her. It was deep and menacing that voice, bestial in its essence, full of barely veiled cruelty.
It didn’t bode well for her future, whoever it was, the owner of the voice was dangerous, she had no doubt about it – and he sounded like the kind who liked to play games. She felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Don't touch you? Silly girl, you want this. Deny it as you may your body is already enjoying this. You may hide your urges from your mind, but the body... it reveals all" The voice said.

She was so shocked that her mouth hung out wide open, gasping for words. “What a bunch of crap!” She thought, her anger tinged with helplessness. Monsters’ logic shouldn’t surprise her anymore at this point, but damn, it pissed her off so much! How could they say that?! It was so, it was so… How could they think that they enjoyed it??!!

“Want this?!!” She shrieked, the anger of her voiced tinged with bitterness.

The creature didn’t let her anymore time to recover her wits, it wrapped its tentacles around her top and tugged on it with all its strength until it ripped, revealing the generous curves of her full breasts.
It let her feeling even more vulnerable than before. With her top gone, she was half naked and her shorts and panties made a laughable barrier against the creature’s obvious strength.
Now that there were no more clothes covering her chest, it was evident that the monster’s ministrations had not let her body indifferent: her dark nipples were standing up proudly, betraying her by their responsiveness to the monster’s caresses.
She let out a cry of outrage as the creature resumed its fondling, squeezing her generous breasts more forcefully than before. She frowned in disgust as she saw how her luscious orbs jiggled indecently, bouncing from one side to the other as the invisible tendrils relentlessly kept at their task.
The tentacles that were rubbing over her rock hard nipples and stroking her sides were now doing it with more purpose and finesse than before and it was getting hard to ignore that it didn’t feel entirely bad.
No, she couldn’t think that! If she started to think that, she was lost!

“What are you? Retarded?!” She shouted, struggling with all her might to get free. “I don’t want this! None of us wants this!”
She tried kicking the air around her with her arms and feet, hoping to meet a solid form. Gods, she wanted to hit the bastard so badly!
Anger was good, anger helped her ignore the fear and it was easier to dismiss the fact that her body was feeling something other than horror and disgust.

“You bastard!” She yelled, her voice full of frustration and impotent rage.
She knew it was no use. The monsters hardly paid any attention to what they said, and if they did, it was only to mock them. But it felt good, it gave her something to focus on.

“ This is insane,” she thought, “I’m getting groped by a fucking poltergeist!" It would’ve been funny had her situation not been so desperate.
“Bloody ghost!” She yelled. “Let me go!” She kept kicking and struggling with renewed energy, she refused to give in!


Last edited by Lodi on Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:55 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
"You're an absolute joke. A hypocrite. Who are you to say you don't want this. You, just like the others, made it clear this is what you want when you stepped out alone into the woods. You know the rumors, the reputation, yet you still ignore it. And you and I both know why. It is because secretly all of you want to be fucked out of your minds. You try so hard to conceal this desire because of the image others will portray you as but it is the truth. Just look at your nipples. Already they've acknowledged that your body wants this"

His tentacles grinded its bumps deep into her smooth skin and especially her sensitive and erect nipples now. Within seconds his remaining tentacles tore away her shorts, hungry for the rest of her body. This girl could fight all she wanted but it would make no difference. The end result would be the same.

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Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
More monster logic. She’d heard that kind of reasoning many times before, yet it still managed to get to her; she couldn’t let the monster know it, though.

She forced out a cocky laugh.

“Sure Casper, whatever you say.” She drawled “You keep living in your little fantasy world.”

Deep down, she knew that it was dangerous to speak so to the creature. The strength of its tentacles was such that it could easily hurt her, or kill her if she angered it too much.
However, she had found that most monsters tended to give some kind of warning before they got too rough, and she generally knew where to stop before things got out of hands.
Anyway, it was worth taking the risk if it meant she could give the bastard a piece of her mind; as things were, her sharp tongue and wits were the only weapon she had, and she’d be damned if she didn’t use them while she could.

She was about to go on when the monsters’ tentacles resumed their previous activity, their bumpy sides grinding themselves into the soft skin of her breasts, squeezing them more cruelly than ever before. Her face grew hot as the creature fondled her chest roughly, pulling at her breasts and moulding them until their original form was unrecognizable; letting them return to their normal round shape before pulling at them again. As time went by, the monster increased its rhythm significantly until it became downright frantic, not giving her a second of respite and not for a second releasing its attention on her engorged nipples. She fervently hoped that it hadn’t noticed the sudden redness of her cheeks or the slight quickening of her breathing.

She couldn’t let it happen, she had to get a grip on herself, she had to focus on what she wanted to say while she still could!

“I don’t need your help to get laid, Casper.” She sneered. “I’m getting plenty of play around here, thank you. And I’ve never had to force anyone.”

Now, that was better. Sarcasm was probably lost on that thing, but it was oh so satisfying to be able to talk back to it!
However, her small victory was short lived. All too soon she felt the monster’s thick tentacles tug at the hem of her shorts, quickly tearing them apart.
She hissed softly as the fresh morning air caressed the back of her thighs. It was the least of her problems though. Her sneakers and panties were the only garments that had escaped the creature’s tentacles, and she was not optimistic enough to think that she’d get to keep them on.
She suddenly felt very vulnerable and exposed, realizing that there was no way she could get out of this. A little cry of protest escaped her as the monster viciously tweaked her painfully erect nipples, making her curse herself for her body’s weakness.
Humiliating as it was, it added fuel to her anger. Violently, she writhed from side to side, arching her back and shaking her limbs, testing her meagre strength against the monster’s formidable one, trying to escape the tentacles that were teasing her sides, even if she knew that she had no chance of succeeding.

You’re the big joke around here!” She cried out, her voice full of venom. “Creeping on me like that, forcing your way into my pants, not even daring to face me! You’re nothing but a pathetic little coward!”


Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:15 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
Her laugh was accompanied by his. The prospect was actually amusing. Did she really believe that she wasn’t enjoying it? No, deep down she must know it. Her breathing deepened and her cheeks were flushed now. “Tell me do you always tell yourself that in these situations? As much as you try denying and telling yourself you don’t like it, the more the pleasure will suffocate you. Just look at yourself. Your face is flushed and your breathing… it easily gives you away or do you normally take in such deep breaths ”

Some of his tentacles ceased their duty of tending to her breasts only to take on a new task. They moved down to her panties and rubbed her womanhood through the cloth. Soon a wet spot formed on the thin cloth. “Care to explain this then if you don’t enjoy it. I’m the coward? Look at yourself. You fear me deep down because you know you’re at my mercy. It’s clear in your eyes. Drop the act. It doesn’t become you and if there is one thing I do not like, it’s a liar. Now tell me how are you feeling now?” He said rubbing his bumps faster back and forth against the thin cloth.

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Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:07 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
“Damn you !” She shouted.

But even to her own ears, it sounded weak.

Her nostrils flared when she felt some of the monster’s tentacles leave her breasts, brushing against her ticklish underarms as they did so.
Unexpected as it was, it didn’t stop him from fondling her breasts as ferociously as before. Her firm orbs seemed to move on their own accord, moving and distorting, alternatively bulging and compressing under the invisible tendrils’ squeezing grip. It looked sick, she thought, something like this shouldn’t happen, something like this shouldn’t even exist, it was…

She gasped, and her taut stomach’s muscles contracted when something squishy and leathery slid between her thighs, rubbing itself roughly against her crotch. Of course, she despaired, of course the bastard would do that. There was no way she could win, there was no way any of them could ever win, she realized once again as the invisible monster kept mocking her.

“You think I care what you like?!”, she thought, but didn’t get to say it. She was too busy grinding her teeth in a desperate effort to keep quiet the soft sounds of pleasure that wanted to escape her lips as the thick tentacles between her legs kept running up and down her hidden folds, brushing against her bud with each pass.
“No!” She didn’t want it to feel good, she didn’t want to feel weak in the knees, she didn’t want her traitorous weak body to be answering to what the creature was doing to her. She had no way of checking, and she didn’t want to, but she knew that already her pussy was moist with her honeyed juices. It was so wrong, it was oh, so so wrong!

Her two hands, that had been trying to keep the ghostly appendages off her chest, flew down between her legs, gripped what they found there and tried to remove it. At least the bastard hadn’t thought of restraining her arms, that was something.
Bad move, she immediately realized. It only served to make the bumpy tentacle grind itself more firmly against her cunt.

“I feel like I want to see you die! You and all your kind, I want to see you all dead!” She managed in answer to one of the monster’s mocking questions.


Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:42 am

Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:49 pm
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Post Re: On the run (Karzak)
“Your words, they’re empty and meaningless. You and I both know it. You’re just like the rest of the girls at this school. You attempt to mask your feelings with fake words of hated and anger. However we both know the truth. You want it don’t you?” Karzak smiled. “You want to be fucked until you can’t anymore.”

His still invisible body walked over to the girl running its claw down her body. “Ask me nicely and maybe I’ll give you what you desire” He said taking hold of her breast with his claw now. “I must say you do have an impressive body.” His claw slashed away her panties. The tentacle that had been taking care of her beautiful sex was replaced by another claw. It probed inside her folds a bit, her juices running down it. “Look at your cunt. Its telling you what it wants. Why not listen to it?”

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Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:28 pm
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