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 Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic) 
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Eventually Haruko's back came to a tree, pressing against it with all of her strength as the oddity got up and started coming toward her again. Though fear read throughout her body, she wouldn't be showing weakness in her face. Any fear now was only at the appearance of something new and unknown after already proving she could bloody his nose with a good hard knock. She actually found the strength to grin wickedly at his complaints. It didn't exactly make him seem fearsome... or scary in the slightest.

"Bitch more, why don'tcha? Ya got hooves and you're complaining at me for swearing? You're a pretty lame demon if that's what you are."

Of course despite her off guard words, her muscles tensed quickly as he continued to press on towards her, readying herself like a wildcat prepared to pounce, breathing picking up as she slowly entered an adrenaline fueled battle panic.

"Don't come any closer! I swear to god I'll beat you to a pulp if you do! I-...!" ...And then she noticed the quickly growing erection he was gaining from all of this, eye twitching in disgust just before bursting out in a shout and quickly losing her stance. "Oh for cryin out loud! Put some PANTS on would ya?!" Immediately the seriousness deflated like an old balloon. How could either of them be threatening with... with... THAT?!


Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:10 pm
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Thaddeus was rapidly losing patience with this one, his ears starting to twitch in anger, one hoof stamping slowly, like a bull preparing to charge. Putting one thumb to his nostril, he blew out a clot of blood, then repeated the motion on the other, glaring at the girl for a long moment, then blinking and looking down at his hardening cock, eyes rising back to the girl against the tree unashamedly.

"First off, I, am a Dark Young, son of the Black Goat of the Woods. Not a demon. Might be splitting hairs to make that distinction, but it matters to me. As for beating me to a pulp...well, you're welcome to try little girl, but you'd better finish it if you start it. I have..control problems...when I get angry," he smiled in an expression holding no warmth, only disdain for the mortal before him, the lambent gold of his eyes pulsing with unnatural energies as his skin and fur seemed to roil for a moment, suggesting something far larger trapped within him.

"And as for pants, I don't see the need for them, except maybe as a snack. For instance, I think your clothes look rather tasty at the moment, especially after that little chase you led me on. Now, are you going to hand them over, or are you going to try and do more than bloody my nose? Your choice firehair, but please get on with it quickly. I find your crude personality offensive," smirking, the satyr spread his arms in a welcoming gesture, waiting for her to make her move, the muscles in his legs tensing to send him upward in a leap if she charged.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:18 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko took in a deep breath, pushing her chest out with the air, before letting it all back out as she took the time to think things over. Her options were run and risk this... guy apparently... chasing her down and catching her defenseless from her blind side or she could stand and fight while remaining on guard and trying to play a game of keepaway.

"Demon or not, I don't really care," Haruko spoke, trying desperately to sound confident. She did have a bit of belief that she could win after the pitiful show he'd put on recovering from her initial strikes, but experience told her that he may have just been faking for this exact opportunity. Still, it was the only thing she had left! "...But you eat CLOTHES?!" she asked, stunned by his choice of meals. "So you're a clothes-eating demon with hooves and a funny face. I don't really feel like walking back to my dorm naked after you eat my clothes, so I'm going to have to pass and take the 'beat the tar out of you' option."

She'd obviously completely blew off his comment on not being a demon. Like she'd said, she didn't really care! She'd paid only minor attention to his form, not really registering just what that distortion on the surface meant.

"Just make it easy on yourself and fall over!" Haruko shouted as she rushed forward, intent on landing a hard kick to his midsection this time to force him to double over so she could send another one to his face. This time she wasn't acting out of surprise, charging full speed ahead.


Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:47 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
And so the firey redhead charged, just as he had thought she would, spitting yet more verbal abuse at him. Waiting until the last moment, he flashed a nasty smile at her and vaulted upward in an inhuman leap, twisting like a cat in midair to flip over her dashing body, landing behind her and facing her, hands open and raised in mock terror.

"Ohhh! Such a scary kick! I bet it would hurt like blazes....well, if you could actually hit me that is. And why don't you fall over instead, hmm?" he taunted, shoving her in the back forcefully, seeing if she could catch herself, or fall into the stream.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:53 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko let out a sharp cry of surprise as her kick hit air. No one could move like that except her! And with that thought she mentally kicked herself. She was dealing with a satyr-like big demon guy with all sorts of inhuman things about him. With him acting like such an idiot, she'd understimated the monster and now looked the fool instead.

...Especially when he pushed her from behind, waggling her hands wildly with yet another shout as she teetered between recovery and water, finally losing the fight for balance and splashing into the water like a total tard.

She was quick to scramble up and out of the water, but the damage was already done, heavy and waterlogged clothing now clinging incessantly to every curve and contour of her body, coughing as she brushed her now very much flat hair out of her eyes. This was all VERY uncomfortable now...

The poor girl did her best to still appear threatening, drawing on her anger as she growled furiously. "You're gonna pay for that!" she shouted with a great amount of spirit as she rushed forward again, this time with a punch. Her movements were even slower than before with the water weighing her down and restricting her movements through her uniform, but she didn't care. This was a matter of pride now!


Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:13 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
With a braying goat-like laugh, the satyr leaned forward sharply as she rose, dripping wet, and delightful, from the water, pointing one clawed finger at her derisively.

"Nyaahhaahaah! Did the water cool your temper firehair? It sure does nice things to your outfit, at least!" he leered at her as he spoke, erection growing more pronounced as he gazed at her revealed curves. He was so distracted by the fabric clinging to the supple young skin beneath it, that he completely forgot to dodge her punch, taking it square in the chest.

"Whuff?!" he burst out as the breath left him at yet another of her surprisingly powerful blows, staggering backward warily, hands rising to defend himself, skin and fur roiling yet again as his primal fury spiked, resembling nothing so much as massive serpents writhing beneath his exterior shell.

"Huuu....guess you showed really do hit hard for a human, you know? So, is that all pushing you in the water was worth? A punch in the chest, or are you just getting warmed up?" Thaddeus taunted her once more after regaining his breath, deliberately leaving himself wide open this time, a vicious plan forming in his twisted mind.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:25 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko bared her teeth in an angry snarl as even a connected attack only gained her more rediculous words from the thing's mouth. She didn't care about anything now beyond hammering his ugly face with every ounce of strength she could muster.

"Stop making fun of me!!" Haruko screamed, reaching the end of her rope as pure anger overtook her. She roared her rage out, charging once again. She didn't plan to stop punching this time. She'd press forward and continue to hit him as hard as she could, damn what it would do to her hands in the process!


Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:35 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Roaring in his true voice, the voice of a Dark Young, the maddening howl of an abomination against all things wholesome in this reality, Thaddeus ducked his head forward to meet her raged fueled punch, slamming his forehead into her fist hard enough to fracture bone in a normal human. Fortunately for him, and not so much for her, goats have very dense skulls, what with head butting being their natural form of attack...and Thaddeus had so much in common with goats.

Rearing back, eyes glowing bright enough to be seen even in the bright light of day, he snarled at her as she retracted her hand, uncaring if he had broken it, or merely hurt it. Baring his pointed teeth, he reached forward with one long, gorilla-like arm and batted her backward with inhuman strength, aiming to put her in the stream again.

"I'll make fun of you as much as I want, you pathetic little twit! You're just a stupid little trollop, filthy and waterlogged like a little red furred rat! You want to keep playing this game?! Fine, get up and come at me again. But make this last shot good little girl, because it is exactly that. Your last," he roared at her, hoof stomping down hard enough to shatter stone as another ripple of distorted flesh and fur passed over him, his outline starting to warp and shift, suggesting a massive, towering form around him.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:52 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Everything immediately ended for Haruko with the punch, pain from the impossibly hard connection piercing up her fingers and to her brain, immediately clearing the fog of rage she'd entered, instead squeaking pitifully in pain and bringing her hand back to nurse it helplessly. She hadn't even seen his hit coming, ragdolling back and splashing into the water yet again.

His insults weren't so goofy now that she'd apparently flipped some bizarre switch in his system and with the strength behind that almost halfhearted attack she'd just taken head on, there was a lot more to this guy than met the eye. She was positive of it now...

Was this how she was going to die? Victim to some monstrosity out of a fantasy novel? She pondered her fate over and over as she rose from the water much more reluctantly this time. This was her last stand, her last attempt to fell this thing before she bit the dust. The thought actually brought tears to her eyes, hidden among the many rivulets of water coursing down from her hair. If she was to die here, it would be fighting to the end! She wouldn't turn and run like a frightened animal only to be taken down and torn to shreds.

Her breathing was heavy as she mentally prepared herself for imminent death, staring down this... evil thing with a mix of fear and determination in her eyes. This was it!

With a cracking shout of challenge, Haruko rushed forward for the last time, expecting this thing to actually give her a free shot for her final attack. She brought her leg up instead of her throbbing hand, sending the powerful limb straight between his legs in the hopes of him having the same weakness as nearly every other male. If a below the belt kick didn't work, it was likely nothing would.


Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:12 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
His nostrils flaring with the scent of her wet skin, pain, and fresh fear on the air, Thaddeus laughed darkly, eyes miniature golden suns in his leathery, grotesquely malleable face. As she rose, he leaned back and roared with unholy rage and passions best not pondered, pounding his chest like the great apes of the jungle. He looked back as she charged, and noted her intent in a flash, a surge of unfathomable rage washing over him.

As her foot rocketed through the air toward the weakness of every man, standing proud between the satyr's legs, the furry man-thing changed, flesh sloughing and warping like wax in an infernal flame, stretching and growing into a towering monstrosity, fully standing fifteen feet tall on four massive, elephantine legs, a nest of wormlike, madly writhing tentacles topping it like branches swaying in a unfelt wind. Three horrid mouths full of gnashing fangs opened along the trunk of the body, screaming and gibbering in a language that hurt her ears to hear, words forming as her foot connected with the massive creature with all the effect of a rabbit kicked a plains lion.

"Iä! Iä! Shubb Shub-Niggurath!"

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:26 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko was barely paying attention through her tunnel vision, watching her aimed kick... hit something that wasn't what she was fighting before.

The student stumbled back a few steps from the kick, getting a good look at her new adversary with a dumbfounded gawking expression just before the foreign language struck her ears, forcing her to cringe as the words themselves actually seemed to be harmful, bringing a headache and a good amount of dizziness to the forefront in a quick hurry as she moved to cover her ears, struggling to even stay on her feet.

That was it... She was dead... She tried hard to pay attention to the monster's actions as the wicked syllables reverberated in her head like hammers, reflecting on her past and realizing she was entirely unhappy with her life ending so soon. She hadn't even truly lived! Why did she have to run into this stupid, ugly creation of evil?! WHY?!


Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:39 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Still roaring in a harsh, atonal blending of three mad voices, the towering creature bent toward her, long, foot thick tentacles lashing down and wrapping around her ankles, jerking her up into the air like a fish on a hook, dangling over the three gnashing maws of jagged teeth. The tentacles slowly lowered her toward the waiting mouths, pebbly black tongues squirming out, glistening with thick, viscous saliva as she came within reach, lolling out hungrily. With a sharp jerk, she was plunged downward, as if to be consumed, only to halt a hairsbreadth over the cavernous opening.

"Where is your fire now firehair? Where is your rage, your strength? Have they served you well, dragging you into my clutches like this?" the beast spoke, the words disjointed as the three mouths took turns speaking the words. As the foul breath washed over her face, the black tongue snaked out and licked across her watersoaked chest, tasting the wet fabric and leaving a trail of slime as it moved toward her neck, a shiver of excitement rocking the treelike entity as it first tasted her young flesh.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 8:49 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko shouted in surprise as she was suddenly tugged upward by the legs to hang upside down, actually having the peace of mind to grab her quickly sliding skirt and hold it back into place instead of letting it fall.

She got a good look at the thing's mouths, realizing her fate was to just be a snack for this enormous monstrosity and as she was lowered quickly, she only cringed and awaited the pain of those jagged teeth biting into her flesh... only to tentatively open her eyes to discover she was instead hovering straight over it. The stench of its breath made her head swim, unsuccessfully trying to tune everything out and prepare for death.

"I die a fighter's death, I have no regrets..." she lied through her teeth in response to his words. She wasn't going to give this thing an inch of satisfaction. "Just get it over with..."

And of course the last thing she'd expected to happen, happened. Immediately she squirmed in protest as the tongue slathered over her still thankfully covered breasts, feeling it nonetheless. It was when it actually reached her skin though that garnered a full reaction, screaming at the top of her lungs as instinct took over again. She thoughtlessly released her skirt, letting the wet cloth simply fall where it may as her hands came out in an attempt to push the disgusting, slimy thing away from her, shuddering in disgust. This was humiliating! Why wouldn't it just EAT her?!


Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:08 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
A roaring laugh shook her struggling body in the creature's grasp, the foul breath again buffeting her like a strong wind.

"Die? You think I'm going to kill you? Eat you? You have me all wrong little fox. I fully intend to leave you alive, and relatively unharmed. I will be honest however, I am going to do some...rather delightful things to that marvelous body of yours...but first, to taste those garments you have clinging to you. Wouldn't want you to catch a cold in them, yes?" chuckling like a warped smokestack, the monster snaked two more thick tentacles down, each twining around a wrist and pulling her spread eagle, upside down before the three mouths, the slimy tongue on her neck and face joined by two more, one licking over the taut fabric of her panties, tasting the skin of her thighs, her sweat, and the prize buried beneath them. The second trailed over her athletically toned stomach, twirling almost whimsically at her belly button, before dragging down to her chest, digging under the middle of her bra and pushing both it and her shirt down to hang against his third tongue.

"Mmmm, delicious." the beast purred, lashing tongue licking across her face, teasingly pressing against her mouth, waiting for her to speak, or gasp, or even pant for breath in this awkward position.

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"The abuse of greatness, is when it disjoins remorse from power." - Brutus, from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Also a tagline for the anime Eden of the East.

Last edited by DarkYoung on Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:22 am
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Post Re: Learning Experience, with Free Bruising! (Problematic)
Haruko's eyes went fully wide with the announcement of just what he planned to do with her, actually hating and fearing that even more than death. This wasn't happening!

She soon found herself entirely defenseless, even her arms splayed out on either side of her body like some arcane science experiment on display. Her teeth were gritted hard, muscles shifting and straining in place as she gave her all in an attempt to break free even as the slimy tongues slithered their way over her sensitive skin.

Her breathing came hard and fast, putting all her effort into escape and ignoring the rather pleasurable sensations coursing through her virgin form from the roaming, wet muscles and even the slimy substance left behind. Finally she just couldn't stand it any longer, shivering pathetically as she screamed at the top of her lungs. This was totally useless!!


Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:38 am
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