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 Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer) 
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
As the determined young girl brought her forehead down to head butt him in desperation, he merely backed away from her twisting his grip on her wrists and with a dancers grace sent the girl flying into the air to land back again upon her bed. His mouth stretched into another large grin as his tongue danced in the air beside him. He figured truthfully she would probably try to run at this point. What fun that would be he thought to himself. Any exit she took would simply lead her back into the room from the shadows he had cast about the room at his first appearence.

"Maybe you'd like a chance to earn your freedom my sweet little Christina?" The creature asked as his tongue disappeared back into his mouth and his ashen face looking once again slightly more human his tone still filled with a primal desire but seemed restrained, even polite.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Thu May 21, 2009 6:31 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
The girl landed on the bed, and used the bounce from it to leap to her feet on the other side of the bed. Standing she stared back at him again in her ready stance, although this one was held slightly lower with one foot slightly outstretched. His words rang in her and piqued her interest, this one was attemping to bargain. Or maybe it was simply a trick. She would indulge this she thought, these things are intelligent and it is the second time it asked this question.

"No." she replied sarcastically. "I would rather just strip and let you have me. What kind of chance are you talking about."

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Thu May 21, 2009 6:40 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
From beneath the creatures feet darkness stirs as a throne of solid shadow is bore forth, opulent in design yet the edges trailed and flicked with wisps of shadow as if it was not truly real. Casually the dark being takes a seat his arms coming to lay upon the arm rests. With a slight tilt of his head he listened to her response, and chuckled darkly.

"One should be careful what they ask for, even in jest. Though that course is certainly still available." The dark adonious' smirked at that. "The game is quite simple, you manage to amuse me...I leave you alone for this night. You fail...well...lets cover that if and when it happens. A few options for you to consider. First, seeing how you've already managed to thwart the best efforts of one of critters who were after you...maybe a bit of sport. You against two lesser creatures. Beat them and tonights freedom earned." The man's soulless eyes remained locked upon the girl's own dancing blue orbs as he continued to offer up paths to her salvation.

Continuing, "Or, I could hide myself away and allow you to find me a suitible replacement for yourself, understand I won't be far from you and any trickery attempted will be met...poorly. Another choice, you could entertain me...physically. An exotic dance with the ending of you pleasuring me with that sweet little mouth of yours. The last option I suppose is for us to continue the current fight or flee and I beat or catch. I think we both know what happens then." His tone was once again polite, though almost devoid of any sembelance of emotion. Tilting his head slightly, he watched as the girl pondered her options though still etched upon his face was that playfully cruel smirk.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Thu May 21, 2009 7:38 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
I can take him! I can do this! All I have to do is beat him and I will be free... I can't take on two creatures, im better 1 on 1. I can do this.

Thoughts of freedom filled her head as she deepened her stance.

"I will take you on! If I beat you, im free, if I cannot stop you from ravaging me first that is." Her words were confident, she still had a trick up her sleeve.

I can't hit him physically, but if I can use THAT move on him to startle him I might be able to get in enough blows to disable this bastard!

She built up the centripidal force of Chi within her legs again, but instead of letting the force explode out through them, she moved it up to her hands by tightening the corresponding muscles, cupping her hands towards him she let the force flow out of her hands and into the air infront of her. The release was exhausting, but it resulted in a ball of force pushed at high speeds from her hands towards the monster. It was small, smaller than it should have been. But still potent. Whatever this island did to her Chi manipulation, it did not prevent her from having it, which was good. This was her gambit though, if it didn't work... Well, she would rather not consider that.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Thu May 21, 2009 11:38 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
The creatures smirk disappeared as the defiant young woman challenged him outright. Wordlessly he merely continued to watch her do whatever it was she meant to do and with that brought his hand up to his face and rested his check upon it as she finished her proclamation. His body posture was one of boredem, she had picked the last option when the other three had been so...interesting. He did have to admit though he got a great deal of enjoyment out of watching her goo covered body go through the various motions of her martial styles not to mention the clothes she was wearing. Like a bullet, the chi blast cannoned from her hand blasting towards the beast who again did move at the oncoming spiritual energy blast, or perhaps couldn't.

Two feet before impact the creature continued to sit motionlessly save for a narrowing of his eyes as he once again bent the shadows to his will, a small black wall of darkness rose up before him and the ball of force disappeared into its darkness. The girl may or may not have noticed a similar wall opening right behind her as her own attack is turned against her.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Thu May 21, 2009 11:54 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
As the bullet flew, Christina began to move towards him unaware of the gate opening behind her, she moved to attack him in his distraction at the bullet. As the bullet slammed into Christina's back she flew forward, landing square on her face only about 2 feet from the being. Instinctivley she would have rolled to her feet but the shock of having the attack slam into her from behind left her stunned there for a moment as she pushed up on her hands to get back to her feet.

"Quit toying with me!" She shouted as she rose. "I know why you look bored. You wanted me to pick the other two options. There is no way you would let me try to run, not having already deprived you of whatever sick joy you would have gotten out of seeing me with that beast. I know I can't run from this room. You would have made sure of that. As you have proven you aren't dumb." Her voice was spoken in between breaths, as the blast had knocked the wind out of her. Coughing and heaving she got to her feet only to come face to face with her abyssal assailant.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Fri May 22, 2009 12:10 am
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
The creature looked down at the dishevelled and defiant young woman. Her anger and frustration clear upon her face. Another smirk appeared at the corners of the beings dark grey lips. Seeing her on her knee's, her hard breathing and her muscles firm and shaking with adrenaline was at least pleasing.

"Well, your pick while humorous wasn't all that entertaining. My turn to chose." The Nightbringer spoke in turn to the girl his eyes flashing a dangerous shade of red. From the girls left and right the shadows swirled together, dark monsterous forms taking shape. As the shadows solidify the creatures could be seen clearly. The first of the dark forms was a tall, lanky oddly shaped creature. It sat crouched upon two legs, and at the end of it's obsidian arms looked to be long, sharp claws. In between it's legs however, swung a very large deep black cock. The other creature, was larger and thicker than his counter part. Crouched as well, almost as if honoring the dark man upon the throne, this creature looked more like feral beast. Shadowy fur, shiny and slick covered the beast, his head the shape of some demented wolves. Unlike the other creature, this one seemed to be of more "real" but it too carried a large tool between his legs.

"Now, the games begin." The Nightbringer leaned back into the throne, still resting his chin upon his hand.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Fri May 22, 2009 12:26 am
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
Duck! that was the first instinct in her head as the two new creatures moved to pounce on her. She rolled quickly backwards to avoid the second only to have the bestial one leap over the lanky humanoid. This was bad. Christina was not good at taking on more than one thing at a time she had to try and disable one first before the other woulc overwhelm her.

she spun around her right hand turning int a fist as she attempted to back hand blow the beastial one in the face.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Sat May 23, 2009 5:36 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
The buxom blonde was quick on her feet, he would have to give her that. The shadow creatures would be fitting sport for his entertainment, though truthfully these were little more than puppets and a mere extension of himself. He could have brought forth real beasts from the void if he so had chosen, but as of the moment little need was held.

"You know, you can end this...but now your only option is to dance for me and please me. At least it would save you from what is going to be the inevitable nights enjoyment and from these two's own as well." The sitting being mocked at the mobile girl as she and the creatures continued to dance about the room.

Her strikes she would find able to land solidly on these creatures, but each hit she landed seemed to chill her down to her bones. While their own strikes drew no blood, they did tear at the girls clothing and the cold from where they had struck seeming to try and sap the girls very strength. The large beastial monster didn't even bother to dodge the backhanded strike, its face turning from the force of the blow though its body remains completely in place. With a snarl the beasts wolfish head turns back to the girl and roars at her, rising to it's full height, head nearly touching the ceiling. The lanky being pounces this time, his hands extended trying to wrap the nimble young woman up in a bear hug while her attentions on the other.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Sat May 23, 2009 7:31 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
As Christina dodged and moved, the creatures claws, teared at her clothing, leaving rips in her satin night garb, revealing but a bit of skin, and after her blow to the wolven creature she stood there stunned as the thing rose up and wrapped her up in a bear hug, her arms pinned to her sides. She then valiantly tried to struggle against the beasts might as it squeezed her. Its touch seeming to sap her strength from her as a deathly chill was sent down her body.

Panick began to take root as she releaized there was no escape from this, these things would have her, and there was little to do. But she struggled still, like a wingless angel against a rising tide of darkness she fought against the thing holding her. Her strength was not enough to free her however.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Mon May 25, 2009 3:59 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
While one creature held her firmly in place, his arms wrapped around her struggling form trapping her to him, the other creature slinked up from behind the girl, sliding his own arms underneath hers and interlocking them behind her neck in full nelson hold. The larger creature merely unwraps the girl as the other takes possession of her, his thin arms like metal cables against her struggling. Unbending and unrelenting. With a twist it forces the young woman down onto her knee's before the sitting adonis.

"I warned you, didn't I?" The monster mocked as he smiled. "Do as you will." He continued with a wave directed towards the two creatures.

The wiry shadow the held her rolled onto his back, leaving her laying ontop of him, wrapping its own legs around hers and forcing them apart. The shadowy werewolf type beast stalked closer to her, its excitement showing as it stared at the tattered remains of her clothing and its large member growing and even slightly drooling with a thick pearl-like substance. From behind the other creatures large cock was hardening as her struggling caused her to grind her own rear into him.

"Ah finally, tonights festivities begin."

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Mon May 25, 2009 4:27 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
Feeling the beast holding her's arousal and seeing the other encroaching on her helpless form caused Christina to struggle harder, but the creature holding her was too strong as its arms kept her held fast, her legs held spread by its own. Her tank top and pajama pants still clung to her form, rips running through them from her tussle with the dark beings. Her chest heaved with heavy breathing from her endeavors.

"No!" she screamed at the beast as it beared down upon her.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Tue May 26, 2009 6:35 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
The sitting man just laughs at her struggles and fierce protest. "No? Words aren't going to stop them my sweet...but I could." The monsters voice was callous and cruel, it was readily apparent that there would be a price for him to stop the two shadowy beasts from having their way with her. The wolfman kneels down onto the floor inbetween the struggling girls legs and places his clawed hands upon the girls shoulders. With a light drag, the beast tears the front of the girls tank top to shreads, freeing her bouncing breasts while she struggles. The beasts hands palm her firm breasts, wrapping his clawed fingers around them. Unlike the last time the claws aren't cold, and though they don't break her skin the girl can feel the points poke against her sensitive tits. The other creature underneath her seems to bend and warp as it's own feet stretch like some sort of tar and fully coil around her ankles, its breath hot on her neck and its rigid cock rubbing against her.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Tue May 26, 2009 10:27 pm
Profile YIM

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
Posts: 90
Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
"Oh? And what kind of respite could you possibly add" She spat back at him as the wolf man approached her. She screamed out in protest as her silken tanktop was shredded from her divine form, her breasts bouncing free and swaying with her struggles as the lanky man's feet liquified and oozed around her ankles to hold them like shackles. Christina's struggles stopped as the Lupine monster cupped her lovely breasts as she felt the tips of his claws poke at her skin, not wanting the sharp hands to tear into her flesh as well.

It was torturous, she couldn't struggle, and yet these things were going to have her way with her. But would giving in to the real monster, the one causing all this, be better than letting these two fiends take her nubile young body?

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Sat May 30, 2009 3:30 pm
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Post Re: Against the Darkness(For TheNightBringer)
Oh come now, you know what is going to happen to you if you don’t accept my offer, you know you can’t escape and you know if you try to trick me and honor the agreement for your freedom then it’ll go very poorly for you.” The grey half naked figure sits up in his chair, placing his arms onto the arm rests as he speaks to the girl, his voice plain yet cold. “All your freedom for this night requires is these two things, an exotic dance from you…for me and the second is for you to pleasure me. Those two things and for this night I’ll leave you be."

The two monsters holding the girl did nothing as their Master spoke to the girl, both of them watching him in reverence. “Of course, if you prefer…” The man gestured towards the two monsters as if allowing them to return to their previous activities.

Tick Tock, my sweet."

The monstrous feral wolves clawed hands, squeeze and maul her exposed breasts, before dragging them down her body to the waist line of her pajama pants. The cold clawed thumbs of the beast rubbing in-between her inner thighs and slides them right up against her covered womanhood, grinding them lewdly against her.

Glance into the shadows and turn a page in the Black Codex. (Character Profile / Story Listing)

"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”

Sun May 31, 2009 12:37 am
Profile YIM
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