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 Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice) 
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"Oh but you wished me to punish you to save your lover. But if that is the case I will punish her afterwards," she replied calmly, her hand suddenly coming down upon Claire's rear when the woman grew snippy, "Sorry is not enough to stop punishment dear. You had several chances to correct this issue and there is still one issue you continue to ignore. Repairs cost money and every time you punch a hole in the wall it is costing the school funds to repair it. If you are having issues with these so called troubles then you should see the school councilor instead of lashing out and blowing up your bedroom."

She only needs to repeat herself for the stubborn ones. Claire may think broken record but this is no different than how discipline is handled. This is a recurring problem and must be corrected. Vera was willing to be calm and educate this young woman on how to be a proper student of the school. A pity that the woman was too narrow minded to realize that the school itself can send monsters and do experiments as well. More attention means more monsters and can lead to eventual disappearances.

"From your complaints of these 'monsters' you keep saying exist, this should be nothing for you," she replied cooly, "The day is still early and there is still much for us to discuss. A pity you only seem to listen while in this position."


Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:30 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"You'd punish her anyways even if I didn't do this," she replies, knowing that even speaking with this woman was a waste to do. She was getting really annoyed with how down-sizing she was becoming. She could onyl squeak as her butt receives a well directed smack to it. Though her head was lowered it was this woman she was glaring daggers at. Narrow-minded or not when you anger someone they tend to not listen to reason which is what was becoming a possibility if she didn't stop her mouth from running.

"I can listen fine. I am not deaf and you've yet to even give me a chance on simply discussing matters. The first thing you told me to do when we got in here is strip. Forgive me for having that drilled into me that when I do things like that bad things usually follow... and look where I am."

She simply sighs before shfiting back to raising her posture just a bit so it would not strain her wrists or back too much now. As far as she was cocnerned punishment was something done that neither the punisher nor the accussed should like. And here Vera was enjoying herself to the fullest. Clarice doubted other colleges dealt with students this way.

"You say we have... much more to discuss? Do you possibly think I can actually... sit in front of you while we discuss or are you that cautious of me that you think I will try and attack you if you release me?

And aside from which you still seem to be having trouble with making me listen even in this position. A human would only be so defensive as i am when you put me in a position that is not unlike what the beings on this island do.... although I do thank-you for not whipping me or make me go through aerobics to make my breasts bigger. I should give you credit for that. I would be willing to listen to you if it weren't for the fact I feel I'm being cornered. Can you at least see some sense in what I'm saying or do I still sound like a fool to you?"

She realized she would have to be calm and monotone if she would get anywhere with this woman. It wasn't as if Vera didn't come off as wanting to punish her like Natsuki did and that she would not handle too well just thinking about it. But if the woman had a good sense in establishing a base of what she can get Claire to agree on then perhaps what she has just said will make it all the more obvious.

"I see no reason to keep me in this spot when I will only feel spiteful towards you at this point. Even if I do become a bit of annoyance to you... I do not think you will appreciate even a little bit when you seem to have your work cut out for you with other students. You do not have to make this so difficult as it already is, Miss Head Girl."


Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:57 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"There you go ignoring the facts again," she replied, "This is punishment. You did not want this, then you should have not worn the uniform despite the many warnings. If you had problems that involve punching holes in the wall then you should have seen someone about it. You blame me for your position when it is your actions that led to this. And you already decided to be difficult the moment I asked you to come with me with your scoffs and retorts. I would have been more than willing to speak in a more...civil matter if you were actually open to it but you decided to lash out at the accusations of your crimes."

"Did you really expect me to leave you standing in the nude in a civil discussion? I merely told you to remove that mockery. That did not mean you were going to remain in the nude. I do have a uniform your size sitting on the table. Your actions and rebellion led you to this more thorough punishment. I do not tolerate disrespect and you did not start taking me seriously until I increased the punishment. That is the annoyance and you created it long before I began punishing you, Clarice. Now you made your choices and you already show little signs of correcting beyond actually wearing the uniform," she continued softly, her fingers gently stroking along the curves of Claire's lovely body, "I am not cornering you. You moved into this corner yourself dear. What did you hope to accomplish by disobeying the rules of the school? It is certainly not helping you graduate and leaving this island faster. The only thing cornering you is your own lack of sense and credibility of your actions. Break the rules and you get more attention from people such as myself and the school's staff. You are doing this to yourself dear and your actions are what are making this so difficult for you. My name is not Miss Head Girl. My name is Vera Matsumoto."


Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:15 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"Now you are simply ignoring me when I specifically said I will listen to you and listening usually includes me actually understanding and following through what you're saying. And do not tell me that this is punishment. The only reason I would ever consider this punishment is if I did something wrong, which you instructed before hand that I would either do this or Kanoe would suffer. That in itself means I am doing this in the stead of my lover and therefore your punishment is invalid at this point and I am merely sacrificing for Kanoe's sake.

I told you I would listen and you say I am showing 'little signs'? I am not disrespecting nor have I before hand when I have bad choice in words and I'll admit that to the fullest. And how was I to expect that you would not leave me almost nude? Most people for punishment on this island would usually put this into their favor. I will say that I'm sorry for assuming you to be as a monster would extort the situation to its fullest. But touching me is only going to make it more difficult for me to truly believe you were not out for more then mere punishment."

Her punishment for her uniform violation was void when she simply put she would go after Kanoe if she did not obey. Vera cannot deny what she said and that is pretty much a threat to be had for Clarice and the woman knew that and she extorted it to making Claire bend over like this and be put in bonds.

"I think I'm taking you pretty seriously now. So either you can release me and I will no doubt follow your rules with the new uniform. Either we can do that or you can make this more difficult for me and yourself and make me say the same thing over and over again until you anger me. What will you accomplish if someone is angry and furious then? Even I am willing to admit I will hardly listen to words and I will do all that I can to scream and yell at you like a fool if you get me to that point. Then we will be right back where we started.

Plus... you never did tell me your name so Head Girl was all that I had to go by, Ms. Vera. I am trying to make this easier for the both of us by saying that I will do as instructed but would be more susceptible to changing even more so.... if I did not feel like my shoulders were going to dislocate themselves. I'm looking at the facts here... and the only fact I can see is that you want me to not break the rules anymore, right? Then that is what I will do if I wasn't put in such a position. I do not think I am being unreasonable to want my arms back in return for wearing the specified uniform. If that is what it takes for the school to leave me alone by following the dress code rules then I’ll do that exactly as long as I have a uniform that doesn’t show of my panties every time I bend over.

And when I'm atatcked by a monster I will try my very best not to miss if I am defending myself. Most of the damage done in my room and anywhere the I am from then on will be the monster's fault. You can't very well blame me for their stupid actions."


Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:32 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"Now you are making up facts dear," she answered back, "I said I would carry over your punishment to her if you refused. You did not listen until after I began the punishment and mentioned your lover. You never intended to listen from the start and now you try to hide behind my punishment trying to blame me for it. You are being stubborn and you stomped your feet when I told you what to do despite the fact I am the authority here. It is like saying 'No I will not go with you officer' and he ends up putting you in handcuffs to force you to come with him. Even if you then turned around and said 'Sorry, I will go with you' he would still not remove them as you have proven that you would not comply in the first place."

"You made your choice and this where it led you. Since it takes this much for you to take me seriously, you will remain here and until you admit your mistakes. Which you have not, you keep spouting out the blame to me when it was your own resistance and rebellion against my orders that led you to this predicament," she slides her hands up, gently rubbing along the base of Claire's shoulders while the vibrators continue to hum, "If you had listened and obeyed, we would be having this conversation in a more comfortable position. This is punishment and you will remain until you atone for your actions. Even after you admit your wrongs, there will be the matter of finishing your punishment. Until then, there is no reason for me to listen negotiations when you are only making them after the fact I have proven you wrong about your uniform and destruction of property."

"And stop trying to hide, Clarice," she gently massages the sore muscles, "Your posture and tone of voice spoke volumes when I approached you. You did not see me as a person or even a Head Girl and treated me as such when I mentioned your wrongs. Yes, you disrespected me greatly and in most cases would leave you down here to rot for such attitudes. You force me to repeat myself because you constantly repeat the same flawed remarks which only shows you are not paying attention nor listening to me. Instead of constantly struggling just listen and try to think things through. Yes this position is uncomfortable but that will not change until you show improvement. This will not kill you so stop grumbling and think about the discussion we are having. I am the one who will decide if you are ready to listen or not and right now you are too busy blaming me to listen at all. It takes more than just saying 'I'm listening' to show you are listening dear."


Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:56 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"And now you are putting words in my mouth. I never said I blamed you and since I didn't I would appreciate it if you didn't say I was. I've freely admitted my mistakes... I even apologized for my horrible choice in words. But no matter what the facts are I was told by a very reliable source that Head Girls were the people to avoid. It was even before I began to rant and rammble, you were already leading me to the basement.

Look... I do not want to argue because it only makes me waste valuable energy to make this not so straining and you waste your energy defending yourself. You've wanted my attention, you've had it ever since we stepped into this room, but the environment makes me extremely defensive... and intimadated if you want the truth. I've admitted that the uniform is a violation and I've admitted that it is wrong to damage school property... you've yet to tell me of my other accusations yet. So please... do continue with your corrections for I have absolutely no idea what else I might've done that has made the school so aggravated with me, Ms. Vera. You... did mention we have other things things to discuss..."

She shifts again, although maybe it was just secondary nature now. Her breasts were throbbing with numbness from the high charged vibrators, making it slightly easier to talk fully but not without a deepending arousal to her voice. Quite honestly the vibrations were becoming annoying and growing more of a nuissance. Her rbeasts were not her deepest weaknes as Kanoe's, another spot Vera had been playing with nearly sent her crummbling but there was no denying that talking like this was ebbing her strength away. She was slowly needing lift her body upwards more and then get back down to her position. the soft crackings and poppings of ehr bones were a sure sign that Vera's demands to be in this state was wearing her body down.

"I do not know what else you want from me when I admit my wrong doing. But... I do thank-you for rubbing my shoulders. They were becoming sore from my wrists being held in place like this."

She gives a quick whimper, her body tensing as the vibrators ebb her strength away into nothing mroe then struggling to stand in place. She tries her best to keep drool from escaping her lips as her head falls down. Her blonde hair slips over her shoulder, clouding her face from vera but she need not have to see in order to know how very aroused she was becoming. Her bare feet, having had to take off her shoes sicne they weren't exactly school regulated either, dig into the floor, desperate to keep herself from hanging over the ground like a pinata.


Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:44 am
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"You have improved greatly," she finally said after a short silence, her fingers still rubbing the woman's shoulders, "Punishment can hurt but that is what it is for. The only bit of advice I have left is to check your sources again as you seem to fail to know what a Head Girl does in this school or is suppose to do."

"Just relax, your punishment will be over soon enough," she cooed softly, her fingers tracing down Claire's back. This was not her first time punishing someone. While discomforting, there was nothing endangering Claire's body in the long run for being in this position. Vera had already warned Claire about Kanoe's actions and hinted to what it may lead to. There was nothing more she could do. She was not allowed to speak openly about monsters and until this one takes steps to improve her position, there was nothing more she could add.

She traced her fingers along the student's undergarment, slowly peeling it down the woman's shapely thighs. Vera had spent enough time correcting this one, she will have her fun and move on. She slides her hand between the student's thighs, feeling the soaking netherlips as two fingers close in on the fully revealed pearl. The Head Girl returned to work on the helpless nub, stroking and lightly flicking the swollen bundle of nerves. Her other hand joined in, tracing up and down the puffing slit of the woman. Already her fingers being soaked with nectar.

"Hmm... Seems your body enjoys this.." she teased lightly before sliding her two fingers into the woman's depths. While her other hand continues to work Claire's clitoris, her other two fingers explore and search for that tender spot inside the student's body. Hitting both the g-spot and clit, she will have this woman writhing in no time.


Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"Well... you're... already all over me... i-in the basement... I'd wh-what I've heard in rumors... hasn't b-been dis...credited at all..."

Her words were stuttering from mostly the bvibrators that no doubt have turned her poor nipples red from the attention by now. It didn't take much prodding in the right direction to get a feel for what Vera wanted her to say correctly. perhaps she should be much more sincere in being apologetic and willing to behave, but it was anything to get this woman off her back even if she didn't mean a single word of it. But she admitted she did for the most part, but not fully at all. Not that it seemed to matter to Vera as long as Clarice played along like the slowly being corrected student.

Her body shudders as she feels her panties pulled down, the fabric tickling her thighs and leaving a chilling breeze behind it as a remidner of how vulnerable she was. Her teeth clench hard together with a certainly delightful gasp that waved off into vera's ears. Her legs shook iwnardly to each other, struggling to keep themselves up with the weight. Her eyes follow into clenching, her puffing nether lips could not stop the two invasive digits from sliding into her wet entrance. Her walls hug the intruders tightly, the mere friction makes her buckle almost immediatly.

"...a-a simple... anatomically i-incorrection..." she retorts as best as she could, giving Vera the resistance as she now doubt expected, "I'd... hate to s-see what y-you w-w-would do i-if I was go-good..."


Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:11 am
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"Never said the punishments were false dear," she cooed softly as her fingers keep stroking over and over again, "Being good does have it's rewards. But, I am still skeptical that you can even accomplish that much less your roommate. This is enough for one session so just relax and take your punishment like the naughty student that you are."

Vera felt her own heart pounding faster. She could see Claire's body glistening with sweat before the dimly glowing light. It was a pity this one was so stubborn in being corrected and learning. But if those two witches wish to remain in the dark then so be it, no matter their plans they will never beat this island.

A soft smile spreads across her lips as she felt the woman's entire body become rigid and tense. The velvety walls clinged tightly to her fingers as she stroked slow circles around the student's g-spot. The Head Girl knew it would not be much longer before this woman would succumb and just enjoy the ride. Her other fingers flick and stroke the swollen nub, sending forth more sparks of pleasure into the already growing fire.


Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:06 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
Clarice could simply give a soft 'tch' to Vera's comment about the punishments. Unable to speak lest she waste her rpecious energy, she was gasping for breath and possibly for relief. This wasn't punishment to her, but it would no doubt psosibly make the woman angry if she said she didn't want her to pleasure her as such. There was only one person she could relax for... but this certainly didn't change the fact of how her body was reacted. Her face squinches as she tries to resist letting go, but she knew it would invetably come.

Her legs struggles to close but the cahins prevent such a motion as Vera no doubt had anticipated it would come to this. Her tender spot and her clit was just too overpowering for her body to simply ignore. As much as the mind was willing to resist, the flawed anatomy of accepting any pleasure was hers to curse. Her body tenses as she continues tor esist until she could not anymore.

Her toes dig into the ground, the woman losing every bit of ehr strength in the process. A sudden arch of ehr back and a single hit in the right spot sent her over the edge. She bites her lip to the point of almost drawing blood, screaming a cry of bliss as her walls contract hard on Vera's fingers. For a single moment she couldn't feel that pang of tensing when she had no energy tot ense with. Her body went numb in a climax where even biting her lip did not cease her long cries of passion.

For seconds it lasted; almost feeling like it lasted minutes her body slumps forward her energy spent and her strength waned to even attempt at moving her legs which were still numb. Her tongue hung loosely out of her gasping mouth, her eyes steadfast at peering over every inch of ground within her view. She had failed once again to escape another woman's clutches and that only managed to deal a heavy blow as Claire's mind realizes the extent of what Vera had just done. There was only so much the woman could take, knowing she was defeated in this process was nothing of punishment but simple torture to her... and in the very same place her pride had been dealt a fatal blow. Pleasure gave way to anguish as she reveled in the memories of this torture chamber. This was such a tiring ordeal to have to deal with.


Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:58 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
Vera watched as muscles tense and strain, struggling in an inner battle of desire and need. She could feel a pleasing shiver run through her spine as a mixture of emotions radiate from the mystic. Without a method to concentrate that aura of feeling flickered about Claire's body. The colors and sensations were expected, pleasure though there was an odd level of anguish and pain as well.

The Head Girl's fingers kept working the special spot over and over as Claire's body convulsed in pleasure. Blissful wails sound through the dark room, showing that she had succeeded. The monsters had trained this student well a pity her future and her lover were nearly decided no matter what they do.

The sight of the woman's shuddering form was magnificent. Vera wanted to keep the feeling going as long as possible but it seems the discussion had drained most of Claire's stamina. She kept working the tender flesh, feeling them twitch and spasm against her fingers until finally the woman slumps over. The Head Girl sighed as she slowly slips her fingers out, her hands nearly soaked in nectar. She slides her hands and fingers up and down the woman's back, taking special care of the sore muscles of her shoulders.

"Seems you have had enough already," she said softly as one hand gently reaches under Claire while the other reaches for the bindings haning above, "Careful, I am going to ease you up onto your feet." With that she pulls the bonds off the hook while using her other hand to push the woman's upper body upright. The Head Girl loosens the bonds and moves down to remove the shackles before saying anything. "Over on the table is your uniform and a towel. A sink is in the corner, I suggest you clean up a little before you leave. I do hope you took some of what I said to heart, for both your sakes. Next time, I may not be as merciful."


Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
She made no signs of speaking; there really was no need to open her mouth. Vera had made her point, but she had unintetionally made this a way of truly hating the woman. Pity she wasn't full of strength like before.... she found the woman unworthy tos trike down as it was any ways. No form of discipline was worth raping her whether Vera wanted that to be known or not. She could excuse monsters because they were what they were called, but... this woman was a human and yet she just went on about this like she was one of them.

The woman acted just as Natsuki ahd after her punishment was voer. Soothing, attending, warm... but it was all a lie and confusion set in from the obvious question of just.... why? Why did it have to come to this?

She remained silent despite of how much she could say; it just didn't mean anything at this point. She wobbly is pushed to her feet, her bonds undone by the woman. Her posture was a slump as to be expected, her loud wheezing gasps left her to sound and look like a wanton slut. She struggles to the sink, the cold water making her sensitive flesh just too much to bare when she tried to clean herself a little thoroughly. It was hard to imagine the serious toll this would put on her... the first time she was raped by a human was duelly noted in her subconcious.

It was only until she looks at the woman with half lit eyes does she try to re-clothe herself and even think of speaking...

"Y-you... s-said something... about making things change... to help myself and... possibly my lover... wh-what did you... mean by that?"


Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:19 am
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
Vera takes a rag and wipes the juices from her hands and fingers before tossing on the table. She knew this woman would hate her for this, most either fear or hate. It never made things easy but that did not concern her in the end. With this matter taken care of, she turned to leave.

Before she reached the door the question was brought up. It was her turn to ask why. It nearly sounded desperate but she could humor the woman for a bit longer. Sighing softly, she turns to face Clarice. "I doubt you are even able to do it. You hate this place and now myself so much that it is doubtful anyone would accept you without signs of reform," she spoke cooly, "It is not a complete answer but there are open positions beneathe all Head Girls. There are...benefits. It will not fix all your problems but work well enough, it may deter some of them. But, that is up for you to decide. Right now, no one will show interest in a troublemaker like you lest they wish to take... crueler routes to get you."

There was only so much she could tell right now. She was sure Clarice knew about Prefects. They were not much of a position compared to a Head Girl but being a position of authority does give a bit more breathing room when one can deter monsters to feast on the more troubling students. It would be nice to see what she could learn from picking another magic user's brain but it was doubtful she will ever get that chance. This woman hates this place and would probably rather drown in the ocean than take part in it's workings.


Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:22 am
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
"You humored me to answer the question... th-the fact these issues you have presented have been solved... I don't think you can honestly sa-say I'm a trouble maker.... anymore... Besides... I want the deterence of being used as a toy... even if it means I must get more invovled with the school... may you... humor me a bit longer?"

She knew of the Prefects, but was unsure of what to make of them. they didn't seem at all as brutal in rumors then the Head Girls were. SHe would never want to be something Vera was, but her mind begins to ponder if perhaps reaping benefits from this school for a little obedience was hoenstly that bad. She hated Vera's work ethic, but there was little she could do lest Kanoe suffer for it and ehrself even worse. Despite not liking this woman one bit, she was not a fool to think that there was something to this possibly.

"You are... looking for Prefects I assume?"


Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:44 am
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Post Re: Avoiding Troubles Causes Trouble (Clarice)
The Head Girl regards Claire calmly. She could not help but see this woman as trying to weasel her way into a safer place. Well it was one of the benefits mentioned though it was not foolproof. But the reason this one was interested would only make her useless later. Especially if she learns too much.

"Yes there are Prefect positions open for many Head Girls including myself," she replied softly, "But you are not qualified at least not for me. Just because you received your punishment and claim to have listened to my lessons does not mean your record has been erased. Besides, why should I even consider you when you have been despising me this entire time. You think I am some sort of monster for what I do and now you want to work with me? Do you know that you will be dealing with similar tasks as this? You may not agree with it but it is how order is maintained here. Currently you do not have that idea in mind. Once you start working with me, you will only back out in the end and I have no use for those who cannot decide what they want out of this school. I deal with enough of those students on a daily basis."

If she wanted Clarice on these sorts of terms, she could have just made another threat to that roommate of hers. It was an obvious weakness as most loving emotions are. This woman was untamed right now and would only bite her hand in the future.


Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:56 am
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