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 Surrender (Open) 
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Post Surrender (Open)
Kathleen, dropped her book bag in the sand of the beach. She then collapsed right next to it on her butt, still in her school uniform.

Other students milled about her, out for walks or engaged in swims or beach-friendly games, but they just seemed like blurs of notice and shapes around her. She saw them without seeing. She merely sat there as the sun went down and the people began to make their way back to the dorms.

Her mind was spinning. She had just received the scores on her latest exams. All of them were F's, except for one. And that one was D. In other words, she was a complete failure.

But I tried! she wailed silently, blinking back angry tears. I really, really tried!

This wasn't the first time she failed in school, far from it. Hell, she had dropped out of high school after flunking her junior year twice. But she always told herself it was because she never cared enough about school to try at it before. Surely if she put her mind to it, she could do quite well! She just never bothered, there was always something more important to focus her time on.

But this... this was different. She has studied. She had researched . She had forgone parties and orgies and even had successfully manged not to be raped by monsters the whole semester leading up to exams. But then she sat down at her desk for each test... and her mind went completely blank on her.

The sun had gone down and a full moon had gone up. The darkness pressed on her from all sides, only the silvery moonlight kept her from freaking out, even so, she could feel her heartbeat quickening in tension, her breath becoming more uneven. The dread that the darkness always gave her mixed with the sense of failure, amplifying it, eating her up inside.

"Should have known," she said aloud to the night. "Just like he always told me. I'm only good for some thing. Just. One Thing." Kathleen stood up, yanking at her her jacket and blouse, tossing the former on the ground and ripping the latter off her her, sending buttons flying everywhere. She threw it to the ground to. Standing in her bra and bottom half of her uniform, her chest heaved as she took in a breath. "Where are you?!" she screamed at the night. "I get it! You win! You all win! Fucking! That's all I'm good for, the only thing I'll ever be good for! So where are you? Come and fucking get it!"

Her words hung in the air, with only the crashing of the waves for company. And a single terrifying thought suddenly wormed it way into the back of her mind.

What it nothing came at all?

This was followed aby anither, even more telling thought:

Why would that be a bad thing?

Kathleen head spun in confusion. She had the sense that she had just turned some kind of corner, and there was no going back.

Kathleen Lay-The Beauty
Asao Yumi-The Brains
Eve01-The Beast

Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:15 pm
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Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:04 am
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Location: Hiding, secretly watching...wait...TOR, get back here!
Post Re: Surrender (Open)
As darkness fell on the campus the draconian Rexus began stalking the campus. His appetite for the young girls of the campus always seemed sated after a couple, but it was never long before it came up again. He had tried relaxing, putting it off to view the other parts of the island, but it was all too soon that he was drawn to the buildings near which the girls spent their time.

As he came around another corner, he was getting frustrated with how few girls were out this evening, when suddenly he heard shouting. Looking further away from the building a blond beauty stood ripping off her clothing.

"Was another monster already taking her?" he thought as he moved closer. Deciding not, Rexus moved quickly through the grass, listening to her tirade as she yelled.

Clutching her in his scaly and clawed hands, he lifts the girl up into his arms. In the moonlight Kathleen could make out the dark blue and black scales covering his body, the creature is a good 8-9 feet tall, most odd are the metallic parts of the creature. A plate on his head, a strange green glow in his eyes, as well as his forearms carry somewhat bulky metal shells.

Just as that last thought on the cold metal forearms pressing against her skin goes through her head, three rubber-like tentacles shoot from each of the forearms and hold her arms and legs. They wrap around her ankles, and hold her arms to her sides pressing against her large breasts.

The creature glances down at her and she sees two rows of long, razor sharp teeth part as a wet tongue slides out and likes the side of her face. Rexus begins moving off, picking up speed as he runs towards the treeline, she makes out a voice from the growling and hissing but all she can understand at first is...


- Rexus &/OR Tor

"If at first you don't succeed, excessive force is probably the answer"
- Warhammer game tip

Tue Jul 14, 2009 5:06 pm
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Joined: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:45 am
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Post Re: Surrender (Open)
The crazy thing about this all was, as soon as Kathleen felt her feet leave the sandy ground and pressing against the cold metal arms of this creature, the first emotion that flashed through wasn't fear or surprise. It was relief.

The relief faded as soon as it swelled as her arms and legs were bound by the things tentacles, thrusting her chest outward setting it straining against her bra, the straps cutting into her shoulders. Fear swept over her, genuine, sane dread when she saw the teeth and eyes of the creature looming over her, and it occurred her those teeth could cut her to pieces with ease. One would think the long wet tongue tasting the side of her face would do little to dispel this fear. But somehow the act made her toes curl in her shoes, validating that part of her who just didn't care anymore.

It wasn't until the creature started to rush for the dark forest that her life long fear of the darkness jumped to the fore, and she stated struggling hopelessly in her bonds. "No!" she squeaked, her an octave higher than usual in her panic. "Not the forest! Please! Anywhere but the forest!"

She didn't expect to be heeded. Since when did toys have the ability to decide where they would be played with?

Kathleen Lay-The Beauty
Asao Yumi-The Brains
Eve01-The Beast

Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:16 pm
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Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:04 am
Posts: 63
Location: Hiding, secretly watching...wait...TOR, get back here!
Post Re: Surrender (Open)
The large beast continued swiftly towards the forest, his long clawed feet silently propelling him as he carried his lucky catch. Gripping her in his arms, he realized at first she was very relaxed, maybe she was going to give herself freely.

Her screaming seemed more of an annoying sidetrack to the coming events, he glances down at the busty blond and demands; "Where do you WANT to be fucked sssenseless then?" Through his lizard-like accent a note of sarcasm gives Kitty the idea that he probably has no intention of heeding her answer.

As Kathy hangs from her restraints she feels a sense of dread as the coming treeline meets them. The two quickly pass the treeline and the forest darkens around them, the lights of the school quickly fade. Deeper and deeper into the forest Rexus carries his victim, soon the dark green lights of the draconians eyes are the only lights Kitty can see.

- Rexus &/OR Tor

"If at first you don't succeed, excessive force is probably the answer"
- Warhammer game tip

Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:22 pm
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