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 Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus) 
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The leader of the Imps grunted as the girl began becoming more animated, more involved in her own 'rape', his hard pulsating cock hammering in and out faster, then much slower as it became even more difficult to slide out as the girl had her own orgasm, her pussy clamping down on his shaft hard. Even as the girl's hot hole held his shaft in a vise, milking it for all it was worth, the Imp grunted again as his cock released its seed, sending rope after rope of thick white cum into her depths. After a few spasms of his release, the Imp slumped forward, allowing his body to rest on the girl's hips before dissipating into the air, seeming as if he had been successfully unsummoned.

Pia's familiar remained silent, allowing the girl to enjoy her first orgasm even if she hadn't planned on it being because of an Imp. Staying quiet until the girl was coherent again and could speak and hear, the familiar edged closer to Komiko's face, its tiny face peering down into the girl's own. "Are you all right? Do you wish to stop now or would you rather to just get this over with?" The familiar asked, its slightly squeaky voice sounding smaller in contrast to the girl's loud moans recently.

The mob of Imps looked at each others, grinning softly as they had listened to the girl being fucked into an orgasm by one of their own, and remained silent as the meddling familiar asked Komiko his question. Soon, it'd be their turn, and they'd take it a step further. Oh yes, they would. The demon lord laughed silently to himself. This would certainly be a night the girl wouldn't forget anytime soon.

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Sat Jul 25, 2009 5:45 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
After it and I has cum I flopped back on the bed breathing heard my head feeling light headed from the recent activity, I could feel the Imps seed leaking out of me but the way I was feeling I didn’t care about that much. I was panting as I tried to answer Pia Imp “W-what was that? Did he or you cast a spell on me just when I went all funny? I never felt anything like that before, it was like my body ceased up in a bundle of nerves and sparked simultaneously.” I couldn’t really explain it but it felt good and it was the first time I ever felt an orgasm, my sex still tingled as if it wanted more and was willing for more but I was feeling bad about my self that I wanted more of this feeling to continued.

I reached down between my legs and felt the warm cum that was leaking and pulled it to where I could see it as it dripped from my hands mixed with my virginity that was now gone, it was slimy and sticky “Ugh.. This is disgusting is this what happens when you cum?” I asked Pia Imp, I had finely figured out what the Pia’s Imp had asked. “Well if you could hold on longer I like to take a few minutes to get cleaned up and think of a way to get rid of more of these guys faster.” I told him as I got up blushing at seeing so many Imps eager to have there turn with me, it made me feel like one of those whore you see in the western pictures in the saloon. I had enter the bathroom and began to cry to my self as I cleaned up, never in my dreams had I ever thought of losing my virginity in this way, I had thought I would have been married first before losing it.


Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:28 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The familiar listened as Komiko tried to explain what it was that she had just felt, asking whenever he or the others had cast another spell or anything of that nature. Shaking its head, the familiar shook his negative answer. "That wasn't a spell, that was just your body reacting to the pleasure. It's what your people call an orgasm. The spell we used to make sure you wouldn't feel any discomfort might have made your orgasm a bit stronger." The familiar shrugged, not entirely sure, and went toward the desk in order to check on the summoning circle to see whenever it would need another damping spell yet.

After some moments, Pia's familiar turned around and saw that Komiko hadn't come out of the bathroom yet and that the Imps were getting a bit more animated, as if wondering when she'd be back. The familiar sighed at his former but cruel master and jumped off the desk. Passing by the other Imps and receiving smug looks from them, it continued its way into the girl's bathroom, climbing up onto the sink. "If it helps, I can add a spell that takes away your inhibitions for a while, that way it wouldn't bother you so much and you could actually get this job done faster... And I could use a spell that erases your memories of this night so you'd never have to remember it again."

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Sun Jul 26, 2009 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
Seeing Pia’s Imp climb up on the sink I quickly dry my tears. “Umm sorry im taking so long just freshening up some.” I lie to him not wanting him to think I was weak. I listen to what he said about making things to move on quicker and I wonder was it that so obvious how much I felt about this? I had nodded my head at him casting a spell on me to temporally remove that which was hampering me but was scared when it talked about taking away my memories “No! Sorry but no, I rather keep my memories no matter how bad they are, you can take away my inhibitions away from me for a temporally, but leave my memories alone please, I had lost to much of that already and still trying to figure out what my past was.” I had admitted to the little Imp.

I had thought of a way while I was in the bathroom at how to get rid of more but the thought was hampered by my inhibition of doing something like that. The whole idea at having sex with demons was bad enough, Pia’s Imp had gave me some hope at being able to get this over quicker. “What do I have to do? You know to help you cast this spell?” I ask him just a bit concerned that would go wrong as well, but he seemed to know more about this then I did, which made me feel better.


Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:10 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The familiar nodded, clearly understanding the point she was trying to get across. It couldn't blame her for wanting to protect what memory she had left without letting any more fade away. He couldn't exactly relate to that, but having become a living creature itself, it knew that memories, painful or not, were still to be treasured, and what little it had made so far was certainly worth more than its life.

"Okay, I won't do anything about your memories. I promise." The little creature stepped a bit closer to Komiko, making sure it didn't slip and fall into the sink or onto the floor. "I don't have the Marquis' powers of temptation or his ability to make others fall in love with him completely. I'm guessing you got a plan now, so the best I can do is stop your inhibitions long enough for you to carry your plan out."

The familiar scratched its scaly head a bit, trying to figure out how to best do it as it hadn't done this kind of thing before. "But just so you're aware, I'm not too sure of the effects it'll have. I mean, you won't have a problem with doing things you normally would not do, but I have no idea where you'd draw the line. It would be entirely new territory for you. I'll still be close by you. It'll only last for a few hours, though. Once I finish the spell, you won't have any doubts or concerns at all." The imp raised its arms, clearly wanting to be picked up. "Eye level, please."

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Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:45 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I listen to him and it seemed he wasn’t sure about the spell and it was the first time, I had hope it wouldn’t cause me any deviant behavior or become permanent. Biting down on my lip looking slightly worried I take a deep breath and pick up the little Imp and raise him to my eye level. “Ok I think im ready, it’s only temporally right?” I ask him hoping he would assure me it was under control.

I waited for him to cast it not sure how it would feel but so far he was helping me throw this and I was glad to for him being her, I wonder if he also helped Pia throw any thing like this, I figured Pia was smarter not to even had tried that spell in the first place. “Umm do you know if Pia had ever cast that spell before? Umm never mind im sure she wasn’t as stupid as I was in the first place.” I told him blushing at the fact I had no idea what I was doing any way and probably thought I was stupid in other way like the fact of not knowing any thing about sex.

Looking foolish I tell the little Imp “If there some way I can repay you, just ask. It’s the least I can do for you after being so helpful to me.” I tell him as I wait for what ever he had planned to do started.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:16 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
"Yes, it's only temporary. If I was just a bit stronger, it would be more lasting but that isn't the case." The Imp nodded at Komiko as she brought him up to eye level. He listened as the girl asked about the spell and Pia. "Erm, I don't think she ever used that spell. I just happened to be nearby looking for my master when I overheard someone say his name and went to investigate. After a bit of talking, she decided to try to contact my master and ask him to have me as her familiar."

The familiar shrugged, "Forneus granted her request, but he pulled an unfair trick on Pia, making her pay a price for me, which I still feel guilty for. The master took her to Hell and had his way with her or she risked losing me as a familiar. The important thing to remember when it comes to dealing with the master is to make sure you don't get cornered by his words. Anyway, you aren't stupid, you've just had some bad luck"

Before beginning his attempt, the creature in Komiko's hands seemed thoughtful for a moment. "I really like those cookies with chocolate chips in them." The imp gave a brief shrug before using what little power it had to emulate Forneus' own powers, holding contact between Komiko's eyes and its own, letting a small bit of the Marquis' powers flow into the girl, severing her inhibitions and stopping them from becoming a hindrance for Komiko. "Okay... Um, shit, I don't know how to confirm if it worked. Try something you wouldn't normally do?"

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:49 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I smiled at that “Oh I love those to.” I giggle and he started to cast the spell and I could feel the odd sensations I had felt when I started this mess, but this time I almost felt like a different person as impulses I would normally resist as would most likely not would even think of seem normal the little creature didn’t seem to know if it worked or not, other then the fact I had that strange feeling I sat him on the corner of the sink and giggled again. “Weeeell I would never think it proper to do this, or even think about it.” I tell him as my hand reaches down to his gentiles and softly rub them.

Getting on my knees I stick out my small tongue and begin to lick the little guy shaft. I smile as I watch his expressions as I start to do it. My tongue moving up his member as the tip of my tongue teases the tip of his demonhood my tongue rolling around it and my soft lips touch his head as I kiss the tip slowly sucking it into my mouth. My hand still playing with his testes as I slowly lower my lips down his shaft.

I moan on his penis as I reach the limit before feeling like I might gag at going down so far pulling my head up off his member I gasp for air realizing how stupid I was when it cam to sex. “How do those girls do that with out gasping?” I say and lower my head and try once more.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:01 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The familiar was, to put it plainly, in a state of shock as the girl it had been trying to help suddenly began touching and licking his shaft, which had hardened rapidly under her attentions. Torn between allowing her to continue and stopping her, the familiar decided that he wouldn't have any chance of stopping a human larger than him. Komiko certainly had more strength than he did. The creature grunted and groaned as it felt the girl sucking on the hard dick while playing with its own balls. Never had any human ever done this for the little demon.

At the doorway, watching the entire scene, were twelve heads with six at both sides of the doorway. The Imps had been watching the whole thing occurring, and they couldn't believe that such an innocent girl was now behaving this way. Forneus was slightly confused as to why she was acting the way she was, because he didn't remember using his powers on her. The Imps, jaws dropped, watched with such an intensity no other creature could match. Did I mention they happened to be standing on each others?

"Unn... Please stop, girl!" The familiar groaned, trying to get a handle on the situation before it got any worse. "I didn't do that just so you could give me a blow job! Get back out there, there's other imps to take care of first!" The familiar dearly hoped that Komiko would listen but didn't put much hope in the desperate plan. "I think we've confirmed that it worked, girl!" The imp shouted before it began having bodily spasms, cock throbbing from the girl's sucking before its seed exploded into Komiko's mouth. The imp groaned and fell back against the side of the sink. Thus began the sex life of this particular virgin imp.

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:25 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
Not being aware you was so close, I swallowed most of the Imps seed but couched out the rest in my hand gasping for air and what seemed to disgust her before in the bed she lapped it up in her hand and smiled at the Imp laying it the sink and giggled at the silly look he had on his face, licking the rest of his cum off her finger like melted chocolate she tells the Imp “Not bad, a bit salty but has a pleasant taste to it, ill have to do that again for you some time little guy.” I said to him and turned around a saw the other six at the doorway three on either side of the door.

I had giggled at that and smile “Well you little perverts who’s next? Hmm I guess ill pick this time that way there no argument will start.” I smile at them and say “Ok you two on the top get to the bed now.” I tell them as I start to walk to the bed, my hips swinging side to side sexually inviting to the little beasties the way im acting is almost like the old me never was. Jumping on the bed with one of the Imps under me I smile at the short little guy, my breast jiggling and hitting it on its head. “I guess you get to also play with my breasts as you fuck me. And you get to enjoy my tight virgin ass.” I looked at the other one and said that giggling and I lower my hips some so the one under my could enter me a little easier.

My wet pussy teasing his cock as I try and get him aroused by rubbing my sex on his member. “What’s the matter little guy Hmm don’t like them aggressive do you? Think you can make be cum as hard as your leader made me cum? I have to say that was amazing.” I tell him and grin egging him on.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:13 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The Imps watched in amazement as the completely transformed Komiko finished up her little tryst with the familiar, realizing that this was for real, not a trick or anything. The demons gulped in unison, realizing that they had been outsmarted by an imp they had made themselves and given away. But then again, one only got a few opportunities in life where a nubile and young lady was practically full of stamina and wouldn't balk at anything...

The two imps standing on the top of others stared back at the girl and nodded in agreement, not seeing any need to argue or lie to get what they wanted, and practically ran for the bed, climbing onto its soft surface while waiting for Komiko to get there. The rest of the ten gathered at the floor by the bed once again, listening to her talk to the two imps and getting rather hard again at the things she was saying, finding it rather enticing.

The second and third imps that had come with the leader and had climbed into the bed were gleefully grinning back at Komiko, anticipating the wild fun ahead of them all. Relaxing on its back, the second imp groaned as Komiko teased his hard shaft with her wet slit, taunting it with her words. "Ha, we can do anything our leader can do. Its you we think can't handle us!" The imp laughs as it taunts back at Komiko just as it finally slid its hard dick into the girl's pussy. The third imp snickered in agreement, hugging her ass and grinding its cock against her, before guiding its own cock into her tight virgin hole, groaning as it pushed all of its length into Komiko

A fourth imp, though it hadn't been told to do anything, decided to be just as aggressive and got onto the bed as well. The imp grunted at Komiko as it climbed around her side and held itself against Komiko's chest, its hand grabbing one of her hard nipples, while snickering as well. "You can't handle all of us at all, can you? We definitely don't think so at all!"

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:36 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I had grinned at the Imp below me at his words and felt him slide his cock into my sex, it went in easily being so wet from the last encounter though the one who was sticking it in my behind seemed to have forgotten to lube it up some, I moaned in pleasure at the cock sliding in my slit but some pain could be seen as the one hugging my round ass slid is in. I gave a low but sexy “Owie, you on my ass I know your eager but remember I am only human, I don’t think we are made for quick entry there hun.” I purr it to him.

Another very eager Imp had jumped on the bed and started to play with my breasts, I smiled at it saying “Oh? Is it your turn or are you just to excited to wait?” I ask it as I practically purred it to him. “Ok, I hadn’t thought about getting titty fucked but go for it you little pervert, I think I would like to taste your cum on my face, so lets see how taste yours is?” I tell it and kiss its forehead. I moan as the two that are in my hole begin doing there job at pleasuring them self.

Normally I would never think of doing this but after the spell this all became a lot more easy and I was willing to try things now I would have been to afraid to think of, it was like taking the shackles of a prisoner that was allowed to run free, I would also thought my self a complete and total slut for doing this but the sexual pleasure was a reward for not having the normal inhibitions. To get the one Imp cock into me so I to could feel more pleasure from him I stated to undulate my hips onto his cock feeling it slide in me deeply. “Oh yesss, your cock feels so gooood Mmmm, you two are doing nicely, I want you to fuck me hard ok and fast, lets see how fast you can make me cummm.” I moan the last word out as I could feel my self getting just as excited as the Imps here.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:10 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The Imps held on to Komiko tightly and began working their shafts in and out of her holes, doing as she told them to do only because it suited their purposes. The second Imp under Komiko grinned as it captured her sensitive clitoris in its hand again, and began massaging it with its scaly fingers just as the leader had done. The third Imp, not bothering to listen to Komiko scold it, continued to grind its hips against her ass, pumping its hard dick into her tight hold. "So tight! I could do this forever, girl!" The Imp grunted happily.

The Imp hugging Komiko's chest gave a small shrug, "Hey, whatever you say. The spell you used summoned us here to give you a good banging, and since that's what you want now, we'd be glad to fuck you all you want." The Imp cackled as it stepped back onto the bed, letting itself stand at its full height. "If my cum on your face is what you want, then your whim is my command, mistress!" The Imp spoke as Forneus laughed silently, amused at how this was turning out.

The Imp brought its own hard cock up in the middle between Komiko's breasts, and then pressed her mounds of flesh together until its cock was completely enveloped by the girl's tits. With a grin back at Komiko, the Imp began humping at Komiko's tits, its cock rubbing as it slid through, as it used its hands to grope her breasts. "By the Marquis, this is fucking good! Girl, you really should summon us a lot more often after tonight!" It grinned as it winked at Komiko.

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:24 pm
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
I could tell the Imp who was having his way with my virgin ass didn’t care at my request to be easy it didn’t really matter as long as I made it cum so it would go away like the leader had when he released his seed inside of my now gone virgin pussy, I had giggled when he was making a comment about my tight hole, I had purposely tighten it now around his cock that was riding my hole hard and fast. I wanted him to feel this same discomfort I was feeling, I clenched my butt cheeks harder on his cock feeling him slow down some, I thought it would be amusing if he had cum so soon because what I was doing. The thought alone had made me grin and it would be something for the other Imps to tease him about later back at where ever they came from.

I had gasp when I felt the one under me start doing what the Leader Imp had done and moan with wanting more of that pleasant feeling my slit already dripping with eagerness as his touch, I couldn’t help but like the feeling. Its comment at his pleasure of my sacred place made me feel good about my self even though I was a novice at this. “Well if you treat me right I will have to think about it.” I giggle at him pressing my hips down on him giving it a slight wiggle to tease his cock that was in my hole as his fingering drove me onward to not only please him but my self as well. “Ahh Mmm yesss thats the spot, it feels so good.” I purr it to him as I enjoy the feeling.

Grinning at the one who had decided to titty fuck me I replied “Yes you little pervert I want your cum on my face, and if I like the taste ill clean it off your cock, sound like a deal?” I giggle, not caring how slutty I sound at this moment, but I was sure I would feel it later when the spell ended and began to moan as his shaft slid in and out of my breasts my tongue touching it when he thrust it into my breasts the tip teasing the head giving him reason to thrust his Imphood once more.


Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:00 am
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Post Re: Summoning Made Easy? (Fornicarus)
The Imp behind Komiko groaned as she began clenching down on its shaft, slowing down its lust-filled thrusts. As proud and stubborn as he was, Forneus was not one to allow a mere brat to push him around. Refusing to admit defeat, the Imp kept on sliding its cock into Komiko's tight behind, deciding that the discomfort she was giving him well worth the sensations it was getting from her ass. But even then, its hard cock was already throbbing for release, seed just waiting to explode into her. "Aw, fuck." The Imp swore just before its cock erupted with cum, filling her tight hole up with his come. It being full of cum allowed the Imp's dick to slide out as it passed out on the bed behind the girl, dissipating into mist as well.

The Imps gathered by the bed stared at this, and collectively put their faces into their palms, clearly disappointed with the foolish Imp. The Imp under Komiko, however, couldn't blame him for coming already. Being a virgin only recently, the girl's holes were still quite tight. "Ah, don't grind on me so hard, you're going to make me come a lot faster!" It whined in a high pitched voice, not knowing that was her plan from the start. Even as it complained, the Imp continued to expertly tease Komiko's clit, massaging the small ball of sensitive nerves between its scaly fingers.

Still humping its cock in between the girl's tits, the Imp grinned up at Komiko, nodding its tiny head. "That's a deal, girl!" The Imp then began thrusting faster in between her breasts, groaning every time the girl teased his shaft with her tongue. With four Imps gone now, the remaining Imps had gotten more stamina back now that there weren't so many of them to share Forneus' endurance. In fact, the Imps by the bed realized this and began talking together in a demonic language, debating on what they would do next.

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:11 am
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