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 All That Jazz (for Ella) 
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
When the crowd burst into applause, Ella nearly bounced with joy. It'd been a long time since she'd felt that thrill of ovation, the sheer primal happiness of having her singing enjoyed by anyone other than herself. She bowed again, grinning like a fool, adding her own voice to "Tito's".

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" she waved to the audience as she yelled the words, ready to turn and thank "Tito" for pulling her up to the stage when her vision of the room wavered. The crowd disappeared, the band as well, even the microphone in her hands. She stumbled as she tried to turn, blinking mutely down at her hands, her brain trying to process too many things at once. Was this really happening, was she hallucinating again, even worse than before? She felt more than saw that another figure was still on the stage with her, and she looked up in confusion, only to be met with a horrific sight.

Tentacles, swarming toward her, and a hideous, inhuman figure behind them, its face a nest of drooping appendages. Her reflexive recoiling in shock and terror very nearly saved her from the approaching restraints, her instinct to get back, get away sending her tumbling backward off of the stage. She landed hard on her tailbone and back, her head bouncing once off the gym floor, filling her vision with stars for a moment and dulling her thoughts. Got to get up, got to get away, what is that thing, what is it what is it?! Her body was slow to respond, her lungs blasted free of air in the fall, leaving her little more than feebly crawling back onto her hands and knees and sluggishly trying to crawl toward the door.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:16 pm
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
His mind had reached out the compound thing doing multiple things at once. First and foremost he wanted to seal her in her so that she wouldn't be able to escape him. His mind flew out as he sank into her thoughts further using his gift of telekinesis on the door to press it closed with all the force he could muster.

Being in her mind had told him her plans and thus he took counter measures against them. His dark and scheming mind had been that way after all.

He thought of things long since forgotten to her. From the tattoo on her back which she had just landed upon to her slit wrists beneath the veil of the long gloves he had worn. His white eyes had followed her as his shadow descended on her. Eyes that burned into her soul as he burrowed through her mind as he acquired more and more information, most of which had already been supplied to him from his nodes, at least some of her background anyway.

Mouth tendrils eagerly flailing as he approach, his mass of legs going towards her once again as they hade been pressed to their limits as he stretched them out to capacity in order to reach her. Her crawling speed was probably quicker than his movement, he hadn't been sure having no experience in that matter to adequately judge though he had figured that now was not the time to find out.


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Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:05 pm
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Dazed by panic and the collision with the floor, Ella wasn't sure what was going on, but it felt like worms were squirming through her mind, burrowing and fouling her very thoughts, flashes of old memories burning clear for a moment. A burst of pain in her lower back, a faded memory of getting the tattoo "Tabby the Cat eh? It suits you baby doll." Thomas' voice as he watched her get it. Sharp pain, then a sick, weakening feeling from her wrists, remembered blood flowing from slashed veins, the crushing despair that drove her to slit them.

Crying out, her sweet voice raised in horror and torment, she collapsed to the floor again, hands weakly clutching her head. Her body trembled and curled inward protectively, trying in vain to shield her from the mental assault, leaving her entirely vulnerable to the more mundane dangers of the approaching tentacles.

"Stop please stop! Get out of my head!" she screamed, eyes clenched tightly shut, tears streaming down her cheeks as the flashes continued, a growing sense of extreme violation building as her life blurred by, dredged up and viewed by the horrible thing behind her. This couldn't be happening, couldn't be real. This was just another nightmare, just another-. She screamed again, in revulsion and denial, as the first tentacles reached her ankles. God help her, this was no nightmare.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:24 pm
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Aegir could feel the smoothness of her ankle against his touch as it slithered across her flesh, coiling around it as his grip became firmer. The initial contact of her warmth had him drawing some of his attention from the door figuring that she would never reach it.

Thus his telekinesis had been spooled back as white eyes gazed upon the screaming tentacles that had writhed against the flesh of her arms feeling the trace of those scars with the keenness of his touch as he had secured them in his grasp.

Mouth tendrils wriggled about aimlessly as he instinctive released pheremones from his mauve flesh giving rise to a musky scent, one that had been a throw back to ancient times and would have no effect on the human in his grasp.

Suffice it too say he had been thoroughly turned on by the music, his latest conquest had been rather difficult to snare that only caused him to be more thrilled with ensnaring her. If he had been capable of it he probably would have broken into a smile.

But her request for Aegir had taken it as such, seemed rather odd to him. Ah, yes these humans had been quite different valuing the sanctity of their minds, harboring their secrets.

He withdrew from her mind and the secrets therein but he still scanned her surface thoughts, that, it seemed had been as far as he had been willing to go.

Speaking into her mind in a form of telepathy since he lacked vocal chords to bestow any form of speech save for a few burbles in his native tongue that wouldn't have made any sense to her he had found himself miming Thomas as he spoke to her.

Sure thing, baby doll.

His mouth tendrils twisted into a grin or rather his kind would read it as such.


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Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:50 pm
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Twitching and shuddering as the mental deluge abated, Ella struggled against the twining tentacles as best she could. Unfortunately her breathless state and her generally weak physique gave her little hope of pulling free of the disgusting appendages, though that did nothing to stop her from trying. Reflexively she tugged her hands closer to her chest, the profane touch on her wrists somehow worse, as she knew the creature had seen her slit them in her memories.

She shook her head violently as she heard Thomas' voice in her mind again, this time detached from any memories. "Sure thing, baby doll." What? It was using his voice, speaking in her mind? She was outraged, almost more angry than she was afraid, her tear-streaked face twisting into a near snarl, her hazel eyes glaring up at the squid faced thing.

"Don't you dare use his voice!" she whispered fiercely, knowing she had no way of backing up her demand, but not caring. Panting for breath, her nose scrunching at the weird musky smell on the air, she did her best to maintain some sort of composure, twisting her body in the thing's grasp to face it head on, still futilely attempting to wrench her ankles and wrists free.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:28 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
He had been like a spider letting her struggle in his grasp like an insect fighting against the sticky strands of web that had engulfed them. Letting her wear herself out had been his aim and notting could do it better than anger.

Her demands had been meet with utter indifferance, his mouth tentacles twitching as she had spoke, hers taking her in appraisingly as if viewing her for the first time with lust filled eyes. His gaze had roamed over her as a tentacle flowed upward to the bareness of her cheek in a strange caress.

Sure thing baby doll, he once again used that voice knowing that some wounds could cut deeper than the flesh. One of his tentacles caressed her cheek. Then in a bland voice, his usual tone, he spoke into her mind again.

I'm going to enjoy this.


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Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:12 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Her struggles flagged as her strength proved insufficient to even loosen the vile creature's hold on her. Glowering angrily, she went still, occasionally tugging to see if complacence made him slacked his grip. She grit her teeth as a tentacle rose to her cheek, turning her face away. She didn't like the way it was looking at her with those empty white eyes. She felt, dirty, for lack of a better word, just from having them regarding her.

She nearly snarled as it spoke into her mind in Thomas' voice again, jerking her face away from the caress once more, tugging violently at the restraining tentacles again, her body twisting and arching off the floor as she gave a surge of effort, putting everything she had into breaking free, muscles straining ineffectually, only serving to further tire her, and rob her of breath.

"Enjoy? Enjoy what? What are you going to do to me?!" hard on the heels of her anger, the fear returned. Oh shit, its going to eat me, or make me a body snatcher or something. She redoubled her efforts, pretty damn sure that anything the creature before her would enjoy, she would find anything but pleasant.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:34 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
His grip had slackened somewhat until she had surged against him once more his grip had gone from slackened to tight as he coiled his appendages firmer against her body prepared for when she had struggled against him a second time.

What he had come to read upon her mind as she jerked her way back from the touch of his tentacle against his cheek. His tendrils about his mouth had twitched as his eyes slide up the expanse of her leg, tentacles flaring at once beneath her skirt where one of them tore through the cotton of her panties as he shredded them. Another tentacle dipped there as it caressed her slit of her sex with up and down motions that had been deliberately slow as another tentacle, the one that had shredded her panties, had gone to work on her clit as it rubbed against her there.

No, nothing quite like that, he had cooed into her mind as images of devouring brains had returned to him. That had been so long ago that he had last consumed anyone that the memories had boiled up in his cranium, lingered there, and then promptly vanished. He hadn't been allowed to consume such a tasty treat on this island though by her struggles she didn't realize that, not that she would.

But she had been bright enough to know what he was getting at given his recent actions, another tentacle working beneath that skirt of her's as it flickered it's tip against her back entrance.


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Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:01 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Ella kept struggling, screaming in frustration and fear as the tentacles tightened back down at her wrists and ankles, holding her secure. She stopped struggling in shock as another slithered up her leg and wound around her panties, then tore them clean off. She yelped in pain as the waistband dug into her soft skin before the fabric tore, leaving her bare. She yelped again in pure surprise as yet another slimy appendage flicked over her smooth nether lips, squirming in revulsion as it began to rub back and forth.

"What the heeeep!" she tried to scream at the beast, only to have her indignation turn into a high pitched squeel as the tentacle that stripped her found her hidden clit, pressing and teasing at it insistently. Oh God, it wanted to mate with her! Terrified and repulsed beyond sense, she struggled like a wild animal put in a rope noose, shrieking at the top of her lungs, doing anything, everything she could to get away from those violating tendrils.

"No! Stop! Please not that!" she wailed, voice cracking as she felt another unseen tentacle press against her virgin anus. She clenched her buttocks as tightly as she could, trying to deny the creature access as best she could, rapidly losing what little strength she had left in her maddened frenzy of struggling.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:20 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Why not? He had asked in that rather bland voice of his, his body squirming closer as she had let loose a scream, a scream that acquired the attention of at least one other person that seemed to be drawing nearer as if to investigate the source of such a disturbance.

A mental probe had been all it took, the command to leave well enough alone had implanted itself there as he took care of the small problem that had coursed up. His mind reading had extended beyond the walls to the unseen to his own benefit it had seemed.

He had felt her renewed struggles against his restraining tentacles that quivered against such movements. His mouth tendrils twitched vigorously as he slithered a little closer to her, his eyes flowing casually against her uniform, his mind already in the process of reading her surface thoughts as they had welled up inside her as an idea took shape in his mind, an idea that had sort of just popped in their but had been revolting nonetheless.


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Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:44 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
She looked at the monster incredulously, still fighting and bucking away from the stroking tentacles, her face beet red from exertion, embarrassment, shame, and forced pleasure from the attention to her arousal slickening sex. She tried as best she could to keep the tendril out of her rear, forcing herself to press against the tentacles molesting her from the front. Gritting her teeth to fight off the sensations she looked at the sickening face of her assailant.

"Its not somewhere you stick things!" she growled between struggling pants for air. She was starting to feel light headed from the sheer mind numbing impossibility of the situation, and the combined stimulus from the probing tentacles. Maybe she could reason with this thing, if it could actually understand her enough to ask questions. It might even let her go. She silently prayed to God she was right.

"Look, I don't know what you are, but why are you doing this?! Just let me go, tell me what you want, maybe I can help you without you tearing my clothes apart or sticking those things in me?" she blurted out desperately.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:59 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
He had paused as he reflected upon what she said. He had never been asked what he had wanted before and while he had found that he had enjoyed dwelling within the minds and bodies of his prey like they had been toys for him to exploit to his own ends. He did not how her struggles had transformed in her desire to get away from the tentacle at her rear only allowing him more access to her sex while she did so.

Hmmm...that is an interesting answer ... one I cannot argue with. He seemed to mull something over in his mind as that tentacle on her backside had retracted almost like the tape of a tape measure. Mouth tendrils still twitched, however, he had been so use to air heads that refrained from answering or had given him quite a simple answer that he had ignored. Of course he could have been lying though he had always prided himself in the fact that if a logical answer came his way he could be inclined to let his prey go. After all he had been patient, he could always hunt another or even go without if the need had arisen.

But what had he truly wanted? He gave it some thought for a moment longer, his form shifting to resemble a hybrid, that of a human with the legs of tentacles that had still grasped her. But his illusionary form had not been any old human, it had been Thomas, or rather a hybrid mockery of the man.

What I want? I seek adulation on a grander scale than you. I seek to be worshipped like a deity.

He had brought his tentacles against the flesh of her sex, rubbing against it as he had continued to toy with her clit. His mind picking up her arousal though at the moment he seemed more inclined in answering her question than in sex itself, at least for the moment as his curiousity had ben perked.


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Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:31 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Her struggles lessened as the probing at her rear ceased, aside from the occasional subdued twitch and squirm as she tried to ignore the building heat in her abdomen and thighs. Heartened that the creature seemed willing to be reasonable at the least, she tried to get her breath back, stopping to muffle a gasp or strangle a small moan, refusing to admit the rubbing against her now thoroughly soaked slit was starting to really, really turn her on. It had been a while, that was the excuse. She'd not been touched there aside from washing in over a year. Yeah, that was it.

She bit back the urge to scream at it again when its form blurred into a mockery of her dead lover, calming herself by repeating her silent plea to God that she could get out of this in one piece. She blinked a few times at the response to her question, eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"You want to be a god? Why?" she hated to admit it, but now that she was reasonably certain she wasn't going to be eaten, she was a bit curious about the strange creature before her. Maybe it didn't know what it was doing was wrong by her standards?

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:54 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Of course Aegir had thought that he did no wrong. Such things came naturally at one time to his people though they had no longer relied on sexual reproduction. The minds he had consumed had tainted him, the others had said, though he had been quite unuse to being questioned regarding his desires and wants.

Had it been simply the fact of displaying his superiority against another? No, that didn't quite hold up. The inhibitor's placed throughout the island had made hunting easier and he had never tried his hand at a monster. Still he had been content to listen to her words as they spilled from her mouth though the dampness hbetween her thighs had been enticing.

To be such would be to prove my superiouty over the other races, to prove to the others that I am not tainted, that they are insignificant to me. That is my primary motivation for wishing that.

His hands had lifted up her skirt as he "spoke". He let the cloth flow down to her lower back as he used those hands against her rear, they smoothing up against her before wrapping that touch against her hips.


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Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:20 am
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Post Re: All That Jazz (for Ella)
Ella's face looked intensely thoughtful for the moment, almost comically so. He wanted to become a god, to prove he was a better than everyone else? She tried, and miserably failed to wrap her mind around that logic, doubtless something to do with her being merely human, terrified, and not really thinking straight at the moment to boot.

"How does molesting me help you become a g-hahn?! it help you become a god?" her sentence was broken by a gasp of surprise as the thing slid its hands under her completely useless skirt. Figure it out baby doll, figure it out. If you can think like this thing, maybe you can convince it you aren't worth bothering.

"All that Jazz", the profile of Ella Schuur.

"The previous performances of the lovely Ms. Ella Schuur!"

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Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:45 am
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