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 Room Invasion (for Saur) 
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Post Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen was tired; it had been a long day of classes, and then longer training. She cut early to try and study... she had been trying to refocus her mind on martial arts, but against the... THINGS of this place, it was hard not to be... despirited.

She loathed the thought of stopping, however, and the other day had seen her almost obsessively working on her forms beside the dorm. It was just with a stick... but anything in her hands felt better than nothing. Anything gave her a better chance than nothing... especially if it was a straight and sturdy stick.

Gad. After the fact, that sounds even worse than I thought it did. Karen winced as she finished pulling on her nightshirt and shorts. It was just a thin white T-shirt she wore at night, and short shorts for the same; it felt a world better to be wearing clothing when she slept though. It was a false security, true, but she needed all the crutches she could get. It hadn't been long ago that she despaired doing anything... now, she was at least 'in the saddle again'.

Turning off the lights still send a shiver through her. Flicking the switch, she looked around her room one last time... the stick she had broken down and peeled from outside was nestled in a tiny crevasse between her bed and the wall. She had a flashlight under her pillow, and a glass of water sitting on top of the desk by her bed. It would have to do... slowly sliding under the covers of her bed, the martial artist resigned herself to another night of sleep... hopefully, uninterrupted.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:22 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Today had been filled with fortunate surprises for Saur. His attentions recently had turned to the ocean that surrounded the island as he continued to explore his surroundings. The morning had been filled with a long swim, at the end of which, he was fortunate enough to come upon another monster stalking a lone student. Fortunate for him anyway, not so much for the student. He enjoyed watching other monsters in their routines; it gave him a rare chance to learn about both the other aliens and the students from an impartial viewpoint.

He had wandered back onto campus in the afternoon. Stalking through the wooded park areas near the dorms, he had been on the lookout for his next subject when he saw a familiar figure near the side of the building. Creeping in the shadows, he stopped and watched her practicing. His eyes glinted as he watched Karen practicing her martial arts.
"Karen..." he said quietly. He remembered their last encounter well; he had little doubt that she did too. Having located his next target, he settled down to wait for nightfall.

Patiently, he waited until well into the night when few lights were left on in the dorms, he crept from his cover. Silently, he crossed the large lawn to the edge of the building before sinking his claws into the brick exterior. Little more than a black shadow, he moved quickly up the side of the building. Quickly moving from balcony from balcony, he searched, his tongue flicking in and out as he searched for her familiar scent. At last, halfway up the building, he caught it. Smiling, he dropped gently onto her balcony and peered inside the room.

It was dark but the light of the full moon provided more than enough lumination for him to make out a figure lying in the bed. Looking down at the door handle, he knew he could easily open this quietly but he was looking forward to the fight he knew she would give him. So instead, he grasped the handle in one large, scaled hand before pulling with all of his strength, a loud crash resounding through the room and out into the night as the lock gave way and the glass door slid open...

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:37 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen did not know she was being watched... not when she trained, not when she went to sleep. Truth was, feeling like you were being watched on this island could mean many things... most of them bad. But that didn't mean you were in trouble... right then, anyway. People's nerves in this place would go mad just out of fear and worry, and telling that apart from genuine instinct was pretty-well impossible.

Maybe that was why Karen slept so heavily; fatigue, stress, and a measure of acceptance that what would happen, would happen. If something crept into her room, all shadowy and creepy, she'd deal with it.

A sudden, shocking, and brutal entry to her room was NOT something Karen had expected. Actually, she was reasonably sure that never happened here. It was probably that reason that Karen froze for a precious second or two, letting out a shocked scream instead! It was a nightmare... no, this place was a nightmare...

After a couple seconds too long for her liking, she managed to recover her wits enough to reach down, grabbing the improvised sword/club and water bottle with one hand, stepping into the tiny recess as she did. With strength born of desperation, she SHOVED her other foot against the bed, trying to drive it into the monsters' leg as it came forwards to make it stumble. There was no recognition, not yet; just fear, shock, and now reaction.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:52 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Her scream surprised him. He hadn't expected a girlish scream from her. He hesitated for a moment. "Was this the wrong room?" he thought. "It could be her friend's. That would explain the smell on the balcony..."

But then she bounded out of bed, grabbing for an object next to her bed and his hesitation disappeared. Her familiar form was on full display in her tight shirt and shorts as she kicked the bed and backed away. "No," he thought, "this is definitely the right room. No one else has this spirt." He grinned as he watched her, admiring the way her body moved while she attempted to defend herself.

He stepped into the room, easily stepping around the bed as it slid towards him.
"I told you we'd meet again, Karen," he said quietly.

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Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:17 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen was too muddled in shock to get anything he said... not until the very last words. Fear was screaming through her body... because she knew that this monster was a hell of an opponent, even when she had the room. Still, she had that bed forwards as an obstacle, there for him to have to move around. And the water in her hand. She stepped forwards, putting a foot against the base of the bed, the smooth stick pointed towards him like a spear.

...get out of my room. Karen said, softly... hopefully intimidatingly, but more so because she couldn't get her voice to speak any louder. The 'sword' was only held in one hand, but she was secure enough with it as it was. The rest depended on what he did next...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:19 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
He stood in the same spot as she levelled her weapon at him. He took the time to admire her generous curves that her clothes did very little to hide. She was just as he had remembered, a generous chest flowing down to a slim waist and a pair of long sexy legs. Up and down his eyes roamed before he finally spoke, "Here's your chance to redeem yourself, Karen," he said, "Let's see if you can make us of it." As he finished, he placed his foot flat against the side of the bed and shoved it back towards her.

He was already moving as the bed slid towards her, ready to take advantage of any opening that presented itself.

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:16 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen didn't flutter and flicker at the gaze. It was her imagination that was conjuring more than plenty of images that threatened to shake her mind and body.

...Redeem myself? She asked, eyes glittering dangerously. She noticed the armbands, with made her mentally cringe at the thought. Great... with his own natural strength and durability, that was likely a measure to help keep himself from being hurt while guarding. That was going to be a problem.

Then he did the thing Karen had been waiting for him to do. Pushing the bed back... was a controlling move, a counter. And as he pushed against it, she stepped up onto the mattress swiftly, using it as a stepping stone as he launches forwards! Thrusting with the straight stick, she went straight for his throat, marking it with a yell only as it began to connect! KIAI!!!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:31 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
It was an unexpected move on her part but he wasn't so inexperienced as to leave himself completely open. As he makeshift weapon flew at his throat, he twisted to the side, his arm coming up and sweeping the weapon away as her momentum carried her past him. Quickly, he turned back to face her, falling comfortably back into a ready stance, his hands held at shoulder level as he watched her.

There wasn't a lot of room for either to maneuver in her room and he debated simply charging her. Quickly he dismissed the idea. Where was the fun in that, he decided. Instead,
"Very good, Karen," he said. "I see you've been spending your time well." Unseen, he used his mental powers to lift a pillow from the bed while he spoke. With the last word, the pillow flew across the room at her. Giving her no chance to recover, he came in low for a grapple as he grabbed at her legs.

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Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:33 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen flew past him, a lump forming in her throat as she realized she hit air. Forcing back tears, she dropped into a roll and sprung back to her feet, whirling around. Setting her improvised weapon, she faced him down again. Damn... if her surprise attack didn't work...

She didn't see the pillow coming, didn't even see what caused it. It nearly broke her focus, but she jerked backwards quickly when he dove in low. Falling to the side, she rolled again, wincing as she bounced off the corner of her roommate's cabinet.

Ah! Guh-dammit! She whispers, righting herself and watching. She was used to being thrown around now, and kept her eyes on him even with her desperate maneuvers. piece of crap! Karen went in with a feint towards his face... then whipper her other hand up, splashing him in the face with the water bottle!

It was just water, but it was distracting enough, blinding enough for just a few moments... that she twisted her body and whipped the wooden sword up, back, and around right between his thighs... another desperation move, but it was the best she had!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:29 pm

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Her plan was as good as any. Not knowing what was in the liquid, he ducked his head to the side when it came towards his face. Seeing her strike coming around, he twisted his leg and took the blow on the front of his thigh. It was a solid shot but his scales were more than enough protection against a wooden stick.

Their close quarters did provide him with an opening however as his tail wrapped around her calf. Jerking hard, he pulled her leg from under her.
"Another valiant effort, Karen," he said, his tail staying tightly wrapped around her calf, pulling her off-balance and keeping her from getting her feet fully under her.

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:00 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen hissed, her breath escaping between her teeth. Fear struggled on her face, and tears of frustration were forming. This guy... was just too... her breasts heaved, and her head bowed down. She couldn't look up at him, let him see the emotion in her eyes. Her dark hair spilled down over her forehead and eyes, and slid over her shoulders as she shuddered.

You don't have the right to talk to me like that. Ever, you piece of shit! Suddenly, she dropped down to one knee, struggling to maintain her balance. Breathing in sharply, she raised the sharp stick, and brought the spearlike tip down HARD.

Right onto the tail around her calf, around the mostly-still limb trying to hold her and keep her off-balance. Violence was in her eyes, and she was going to HURT him for making her feel this frightened, this frustrated and freaked. Talking like this was 'sport' for him... when it was desperation for her!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:30 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
The tip of the makeshift sunk into his tail, the force of the blow blunted somewhat by his scales. The attack surprised and he responded with the promised violence she had always seen in him. Roaring, his tail jerked away from her, the branch ripped from her hands by the force of the motion. Reaching down, he grabbed her by the leg and jerked her into the air, slamming her against the ceiling before driving her down onto the bed. Bouncing, she came to rest face first, stretched out across her mattress.

He was on her before she could recover, his hand on the back of her neck, driving her down into her comforter. Reaching back, he pulled the stick from tail, the wound quickly closing as his body moved to repair itself. His face next to her's, he whispered,
"That Karen, was a mistake."

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:48 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen expected something... but his sudden violence, his immediate retribution, made her scream in surprise! Her long limbs and black hair trailing, she found herself flung down onto her bed. Grunting at the impact, she wheezes, the breath knocked from her lungs...

...and then she felt his hand on her neck. She made a muffled whimper, her face buried against the blanket of her bed. She struggled to rise, but she saw his face lower down next to her, and heard his whispered words. Swallowing, fear worked its way up her throat... and closed it. She couldn't speak, only stare at him with wide eyes. Strength threatened to leave her limbs, and she could only tried to weakly push herself up onto her knees.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:08 am

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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Leaning into her, he drove her back on the bed when she tried to rise. "You're not going anywhere, Karen," he grumbled in her ear. Lifting the stick up to her face, holding the tip near eye, he let her see the blood on the tip. Straddling her back, he laid fully on top of her, tossing the stick behind him, it sailed quietly through the air and over the railing of the balcony.

His weight on her back pinned her down, freeing both his hands.
"You're going to scream tonight, Karen," he growled in her ear as he grabbed her forearms. His grip was tight on her arms as he dragged her arms down to her sides then under her body until her hands stick out between her legs, under her hips. His tail wasted no time in grabbing her hands, trapping her arms fully extended underneath her as the strong appendage wrapped tightly around her wrists. His hands moved to her sides, roughly squeezing her midsection. "Many, many times..."

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Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:35 am
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Post Re: Room Invasion (for Saur)
Karen struggled desperately, grunting breathlessly as she was pressed down harder. Her fear-filled eyes saw the bloody stick... they flashed with grim satisfaction, then she felt the twist deep in her gut as he tossed it aside and laid fully atop of her.

Karen was tiny compared to him. His bulk alone bore her down... not merely pinning her, but owning and possessing every limb. Her arms and legs could move a little, but it meant nothing with his position and weight spread so effectively and completely. Her breasts pressed against her mattress hard, the weight forcing an impressive amount of side-cleavage out as she was crushed down.

Helpless like that, there was no point even thinking to fight him as he began to adjust her. Her arms were freed, but just enough to bring them to her sides and then down under her body. Pinned by her own weight. Tears began to stream down her face as he felt the tail wrapping around her wrists, pinning them down between her thighs. Her heart was hammering fast, her breath shortening as she felt him squeezing her sides... his words terrifying her.

Karen was afraid enough to beg. Please... don't... She whispered so lowly as to be almost inaudible, her face pressing down against the bed. As if she could hide from the entire world... because she knew she was soon going to be screaming herself hoarse to his pleasure.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:58 am
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