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 Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar) 
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Post Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
The demon tapped his fingers against the wall of the meticulously set out room. Though most of the room was drenched in the typical inky blackness of the underground tunnel networks beneath the school, a row of chairs and an obtusely curved altar was laid out underneath a single light bulb... the kind of light that swung from its wiring and managed only to illuminate what was directly underneath it, if that. Of course this was no bother to Hydra, and would only serve to help him.

That was, of course, if any of the students showed up for his elaborate trap. So far, his work to stealthily put up the ad for "the Hayao club of the occult - first meeting" in the various dorm buildings seemed to have fallen through. It was nearly the time specified on the sheet and not a single young woman had shown.

"What's the point in going to all this trouble if nobody pays attention? Young people these days... perhaps if I'd mentioned something about those... impy tree players... or whatever they are..." he mutters to himself, sounding more like a complaining elder than a lust-stricken demon. Either assumption was at least partially accurate... despite his... slightly unwilling... human educators, he had learned little about the time that had passed during his imprisonment.

Hydra snapped out a tentacle angrily, flicking it against one of the chains hanging from the wall. At the very least, the basement's confines, more akin to the tower of London than a school's basement, reminded him of home.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:52 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Ishtar was running as fast as she headed for the main building. Stupid...Stupid...Stupid She hadn't read the entire flyer and now she was paying for it. She had just assumed that the occult club would meet at the Library not in the Basement. It was only when she arrived at the Library and found nothing but empty rooms did she realized her mistake.

Sweat was dripping down her chin and getting the top of her blouse as she made record time to the main room. As she approached the main building the only thing in her way was a single bush. With no time to go around it, she decided that jumping would be the quickest way. Fortunately, her experience in volleyball had enabled to easily clear it. As she floated in the air, people got a hint of her white lilly themed underwear.

Upon landing she immediately raced inside and headed down stairs into the darkness. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs she turned and entered the tunnels. Stunned at how they dark they were she hesitated. Excuse me!!! Is anyone down there? Hello?

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:35 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
The tentacle-laden demon was about to pack up and leave when he heard a commotion on the rustic metal stairs into the basement. "Hrm... perhaps this wasn't in vain after all." he rumbles quietly to himself, not yet moving. It was only after he heard a hurried female voice that he realized the lights in the hallway were likely too dim for anyone to safely navigate the corridor.

With an annoyed sigh he moves to the door, keeping to the shadows... he hadn't brought any sort of disguise, though in low enough light he would appear a normal man with a cloak or cape about his shoulders... perhaps something one might wear to an eccentric endeavor such as his mock club.

Giving it a gentle push, he allowed the heavy iron door to creak further open, the meager light of the central bulb in the room (fortunately somewhat close to the door) spilled out of the threshold and into the hallway, his silhouette present for only a second before he moved back into the shadows. "Hello! If you're looking for the Occult club, the meeting is in here! If you're looking for something else... they probably gave them a better venue and you're in the wrong spot!" he says with a cheerful laugh, his attitude picking up with the thought of possible prey.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:50 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
No response, she was too late. They had already closed the club. She would have to wait another day to join the club. She was about to go back to her dorm, when she heard a creak as door some distance away opened.

The hall lightened up just enough for her to see the hallway. At the other end was a man in a cloak surrounded by the light made from the crack of a door. As his voice filled the hallway she then understood why it was Hayao, normally a masculine name, a man helps surpervises the club.

She smiled as he illuminated the way. I am sorry, sir. I hope I am not late. At least he is friendly if a bit eccentric from the looks of his cloak.

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:25 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Hydra smiles as he hears a young woman stepping closer to the room. His tentacles twitched eagerly, anxious to get a look at his 'guest' for the evening. Part of him wanted to leap out and attack her right then and there, though the more human side of the demon subdued that urge, deciding that half the fun was in the theatrics. Besides, he reasoned, it would be rude not to even ask her name first.

"Actually, you're the first here. I had hoped for more... maybe they're still coming." He says, his voice boisterous, almost like an ringmaster at some (very dark) circus. "But one is a good start! My name is Harold... not the most arcane sounding name, I'm aware." he continues, chuckling. The sound bounced around the room and out to her ears.

He stepped back into the shadows, leaving the door propped open for her. "Come on in, have a seat... we'll wait and see if some more people show up. May I ask your name miss?" the demon asks, careful not to let the light reflect off his grey skin or red eyes.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:46 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Ishtar looked at the man in the cloak as he stepped back to let her in the room. Oh I guess I was not the only one who got lost on the way here. I am Ishtar Rocha, it is a pleasure to meet you, Harold.

At Harold suggestion, she decided to enter the room to look for a seat. The light in the room barely provided any light only enough light to illuminate things directly underneath it.

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:04 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
The demon stayed fairly close to the door as she entered, drinking in the sight of the young lady. Her features were curious... even exotic to Hydra, who couldn't place their origins. This was only exacerbated by her hair, a shade of blue he had yet to see. 'What curious things I've missed', he thinks to himself. The way the meager light reflected off the girl's sweat dampened face made her seem to glow slightly, the sheen continuing down to her blouse's collar before it bloomed outwards across her curved chest.

It had been a few days since Hydra had captured anyone, but it seemed the wait was worth it. He tried to snap himself back to his act, lest she grow suspicious, though his eyes lingered on her form, glancing down over her long legs. "Ishtar... now that's an interesting name. Your parents were obviously much more creative than mine." He chuckled again, his laugh boisterous yet slightly unsettling. "Welcome to the club by the way... or the beginning of one anyways. Do you have any experience in this particular field, or are you just here to learn, my dear?" he inquires, allowing one stray tentacle to slink behind the door, ready to slam it shut if need be.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:31 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Thank you, Harold. I have a little experience in magic, I can cast some minor illusions but I am still a beginner. As she answered his question she opened her notebook to make sure she would remember his name and the location of the club.

Although he seemed to be a bit odd in his dress, he seemed to be a nice person. She had just hoped that the lighting had been better, she could hardly make out his features. I would like to join the club so that I can better control my ability to use magic. What is your experience with the occult.

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:13 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
"Really? That's quite impressive!" He says in response to her claims of magical abilities. "I'm a bit varied... mostly a scholar, but I know a few parlor tricks from my younger days. I'm currently a bit more interested in demonology." He continues, his tone turning flat and disinterested. As if to prove his claim, though, he allows the tentacle at the door, cloaked in darkness, to push gently on the iron door and let it swing shut.

"Not real impressive compared to some around here, but it's great for scaring people when they're not expecting it." he says with a deep laugh. "But I'm more interested to see your abilities... mind coming up and giving me a demonstration?" he says, making a gesture towards the altar-like podium in the middle of the room before stepping even further into the darkness. "I'm also curious... would you tell me a bit about yourself? Just to get acquainted of course. Do you hail from anywhere interesting?"

The demon's tentacles again twitched in their hungry way, his more ravenous side tiring of his games.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Ishtar jumped a bit when she heard the door closed shut. It was a little discocerning with just the two in the room, but he was able to hear her through the door. Anyone else that showed up late could be hear if they showed up at all.

Ishtar walked up to the podium, she thought a littlebit about what kind of illusion to cast. She cast a spell to create a miniature circus on the podium. After a miniature three ring circus with each having different things going on, a trapeze act in the center ring, the left ring had the clowns performing, while the right ring had a lion tamer getting lions to perform tricks. Ishtar felt a bit exhausted as even such a small spell took alot out of her for some reason, she couldn't pinpoint why.

She hoped Harold liked it, but she couldn't take her eyes off it until she ended the spell. You were asking about my background. Well there isn't alot to say. I grew up in American Housing Area in Japan, so while I'm American I actually have a mixed background in Japanese and American culture. Other than that I am much like most other girls.

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:59 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Watched her amazing skill with a certain amount of interest. He had to admit, it was quite impressive for a human... at least any human he had ever seen. In all actuality though, he was biding his time... waiting a bit longer to ensure that no other students were going to show up. "That's... amazing Miss Ishtar!" He complimented, before starting to quietly circle the room, sticking to the outer edges where the shadows were thickest and concealed his form. She seemed to have to concentrate on the illusion to maintain her spell, which only worked in his favor.

Sure that the door had locked when he slammed it, he passed the closed threshold, inching his way behind her as she maintained her spell. It was a little too soon to be comfortable that another wouldn't hear them and interrupt, or go for help... but he couldn't wait any longer. Besides, he reasoned... it was night. Most of the other monsters would be out prowling and likely intercept any students on their way here by now.

His 'cowl' of tentacles split apart into a mass of writhing appendages, poising over his shoulders and around his torso, ready to strike... which he quickly did, sending two tentacles to entwine around her wrists, binding them quickly behind her whilst the blue haired girl was distracted with her performance. "You look like you're using up all your energy on that display, impressive as it is... wouldn't want to burn you out already, the night's still young after all, Ishtar." he says, moving up behind her until she could feel his inhumanly hot breath across the back of her neck, almost like a sauna's steam.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Ishtar felt something wrap around each of her wrist. Before she could react, her arms were pulled behind her. Suddenly distracted, the spell completely fell apart and disappeared into the nothingness that it came from. Ishtar screamed.

What's going on? Why are you doing this? Let me GO!!!! As she felt his hot steamy breath on her neck, she struggled to get free. However, she was unable to get her arms free from the tentacles vice like grip.

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Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:24 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
The demon raised an eyebrow as she began to struggle violently in his grip, pulling at the tentacles but not breaking their grip upon her slender wrists. "Perhaps I was wrong about not having any energy left." he says with a mischievous laugh, before wrapping a large hand around her throat, his claws filed off to appear more human... or perhaps simply to not kill people by touching them. Two more tentacles slunk around his form, each grabbing at one of her ankles and holding them in place, the smooth texture of the tentacles none the less gripping tightly around her soft flesh.

"I'm afraid I lead you on a bit... call it a fallacy of my species." He says, pressing in even closer to her. His broad, muscular chest... nearly human save for its grayed skin... pressing against her small frame. The buckles of his kilt's belts pressed into the small of her back, their steel warm despite the cool air of the room. "My name is actually Hydra... though I suppose I was being fairly truthful when I mentioned that I had an interest in demonology." He says, using his free hand to draw back on her long, blue locks of hair before looking over her shoulder, allowing her to finally see his darkened face and crimson eyes, framed by a wild black mane that still didn't quite serve to make him look human anymore.

"As for what I'm doing... well, this was an occult club. I was thinking of performing an occult ritual to appease a demon... that's me. Of course I needed an offering... that would be you, of course."
he explains, excitement in his voice now that he held the young woman in his grip.


Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:52 pm
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
Ishtar continued to struggle as she tried to use her feet to gain traction in her feet. However, all her strugging stopped when his large powerful hand wrapped around her throat. A new tentacle grabbed each of her ankles to ensure no escape was popssible.

She could feel his chest press against her back. His remaining free hand drew her long hair giving her a look at her attacker. What she thought was a human actually was some sort of human looking creature with light grey skin and dark red eyes and wild black hair.

A-an o-offering. What are you going to do me?

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Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:35 am
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Post Re: Occult studies and Demonology (For Ishtar)
The demon slides his fingers from her blue hair down, over her neck, past the collar of her shirt and down her back, circling back up after reaching the small of her back and running his digits up the young woman's flank. "Well... most demons are interested in one of two things... violence or lust." He explains, more as though he were lecturing a class than explaining what he had in mind for his victim. "... Or both..." he adds, raising an eyebrow, though not yet clarifying which it was he was after...

... or at least, not verbally. His hand lifted a little further, cupping the underside of one of her breasts and giving it a gentle squeeze, testing it like a fruit at market. "Excellent body... but in answer to your question... quite a bit." He sneers. As he speaks, yet another tentacle loops around her and snakes under her blouse. It wriggles up, through her cleavage, and to her neckline, before snapping outwards violently and popping most of the buttons off of the garment. A few of the destroyed buttons clatter across the floor of the room, the echoing sounds betraying that the room was a bit deeper than she might have first suspected.


Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:07 am
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