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 Try Outs (for Kireina) 
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Again the instructor seemed to have read her mind, but she still doubted him. Being unarmored can be taking a major risk just for a sport, after all in a dark street you don’t think of fighting by the rules.

All her thought though were replaced by sheer pleasure as he complimented her form. Slightly thrown back by the sudden attention, she almost didn’t block a nasty axe kick from Celeste.

“I though I got you then.” Celeste panted, the sparring getting into them. Even Kireina was breathing a little shallower than usual, breaths speeded up by the exercise. Quick as the wind Ki countered with a turning side, almost catching the other girl in the chest.

“Well then you have to try harder now don’t you?” She replied at her partner, gathering her concentration back to the match. Celeste was no easy target though, and the other continued to skip away gracefully, forcing Kireina to continue in a very tiring way.

Afgter a while, when exhaustion started slowing her down she slipped, making s mall mistake. Trained instinctively Celeste slammed an Out-In kick, hitting the side of Kireina’s head with a crack. Dazed, Ki shook her head, sliding back instinctively.

“You okay?” Celeste asked concernedly. Shaking of the blow Ki just smiled and nodded at her partner, mentally berating herself for her slip. Admittedly she was growing a little tired, and the lack of exercise strained her unready muscles.

“I’ll live.” Ki chuckled, getting back into form and beginning to attack again.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Wed Oct 07, 2009 1:26 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Aegir had sensed some of Ki's concern before she had shoved it into the back of her mind as she concentrated on events unfolding around her. Of course he had known the full affect of his attention as it served to brake her concentration.

Of course he saw that she seemed to be tiring, his illusion doing well enough to do just that as she struggled against the interactive figment.

He had meandered amongst the students as he had dismissed those that had lost there sparring matches. Before long that had only left Ki and Celeste committed in battle with one another. Aegir watched along with the other students that had silently assembled up behind him.

Low kick, low kick, high kick, punch, Aegir had issued to the illusion as he dictated her movements effortlessly as he watched on. The punch of course would leave Celeste over extended and prone to a counter.

Sweat flew off of Celeste as she had tried her best to land a telling blow, clear that the pressure of being scrutinize falling over her like a shroud.

Aegir had planned out his next move thinking then, if all went well, that it would set him up to remove this fascade. She had been far enough from the school after all and he did possess a multitude of weapons at his disposal, wondering if he would need any of them.


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Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:18 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Kierina could feel the battle heating up, and she smiled at Celeste. Her opponent has been amazing, with moves and speed that can rival her own. Like dancers, their movements were eerily coordinated, forcing them to remain tied at two points.

Back slide, low block, upper block. As fast as he mind processed the attacks her body snapped into motion. At the final punch though her training took over, and sliding forward, she snapped self defense move that was almost impossible to do in the middle of a match.

Her hand snapped out in a knife hand block, pushing Celeste arm out wide and leaving a wide target. Ki saw the widening of the other girl’s eyes as she realized her folly. Almost as if unable to stop herself Ki shot out another powerful roundhouse.

Something clicked inside her mind and she stopped herself midway. Remembering that both of them were unarmored and vulnerable Ki slowed the kick down. The force was enough so that her foot hits the side of Celeste’s head lightly before she folded her leg and pulled back.

“that’s 4-2 Celeste…” She panted out, meeting the other girl’s eyes and smiling.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:34 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
He had applauded, his hands coming together as his eyes remained locked on the pair of combatants. "Good work, the both of you." He commented, eyes still upon the pair as his hands dropped to the sides. He did turn his back on the pair, pausing in mid stride as he went.

"Celeste, you are dismissed."

With his words the girl bowed at the waist before turning on her heels and fading away into the crowd of students as she made her way back towards the campus.

Making his way up to the head of the half dozen or so students that had remained. All eyes seemed to sweep over him as he went though a student patted Ki on the back congratulating her on her victory. They had been quick to get back into position though as they made some space amongst themselves as they gazed at the dan.

He seemed to know that each had been eager to hear what had been next or perhaps were so afraid to fall out of line that they fell into attentive status as their gazes had been uniform as they focused ahead watching their instructor.

"I need a volunteer," he said without even turning around to face his students.


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Thu Oct 08, 2009 2:25 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
“Dismissed.” Ki couldn’t believe it at first, and she stood there stunned. The past was one of the best fights she’s been in, and she knew that the girl was a highly capable fighter.

When she finally shook her head out of the clouds she turned to look at Celeste, unfortunately the girl already left.

“Looks like this one would be harder to please” she whispered softly to herself, biting her lower lip. Mentally she made a note to look for Celeste later; they might find some way of swaying the instructor. Right now though, she has to make herself notable, so that there would be a bigger chance of the instructor in listening.

The class started to buzz when he asked for a volunteer, and sensing the apprehension in the faces of the people around her, it was obvious they had doubt’s in volunteering.
“Well no pin no gain.” She murmured softly before straightening.

“Would I do alright sir?” she called out.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:50 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Glancing back over his shoulder the instructor's gaze flowed down Ki's body as if he had been silently appraising her. He had seen her kata, he had seen her fight and now after all that he had studied her. Silently he had studied her, scanning her mind with his own as he had searched out for anything that he could use.

He could tell that she had been tired. It had taken a moment before he had realized just how exhausted that she had been. He knew that she had been eager to please him, to place an impression upon him and thus had moved to volunteer as he had believed she would.

"Approach." he had commanded before looking away from her. His words had been clear and commanding as he spoke explaining what he had wanted her to do. "Now, strike out as if you were an unseen attacker and I shall demonstrate defensive techniques given the situation.

"Go for my throat first at the back of my neck."

He let his mind flow into her own as he read the impressions that had formed there, reading it so that even without looking he would sense her attack and whatever it was. He could show just how to counter such a strike and perhaps launch one of his own.


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Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:12 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
“Understood.” She responded formally as she walked out of the groups of students. Everyone suddenly quieted down, waiting for their newest coach to show what he’s made of.

Still bordering on formality she placed her feet together and bowed, palms pressed together in front of her chest. When she was done she straightened and readied herself, spacing her feet just enough to give her momentum to grab.

Realizing this really was a master who specialized in practical situations rather than competitions she suppressed the instinct to give out a warning cry, as what was taught to them. Poising her hand she let her body go into motion, aiming for the part indicated by him

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Aegir had waited, unseeing the bow but sensing all the motions in his mind, he was as still as a board, that was until she had made her move. Endorphines flowing into specific regions he had sensed the flood of adreniline though her knowing when it was that she was going to strike with his precognitive abilities.

A hand shot up as if lightning quick though he was acting off of instinctual knowledge as he seized hold of her wrist. Bending his back he had used her momentum against her as he seemed effortlessly to flip her over his shoulder.

At that moment he had shattered the illusion as if it were glass. The students melted away into nothingness, even the disguise that he adorned over him peeled away revealing the mauve horror that he was. His hand still grasping her wrist, his other tucked beneath her shoulder as he had guided her down to the ground to ease her fall.

Tentacles that had been legs had lashed out coiling about her limbs as they attempted to restrain her before she had a chance to act.

He had been banking on surprise and of course her weariness.

What, no warning?

He spoke into her mind with his through telepathy seeing that he lack any vocal chords. He had been speaking to her in this way all along matching up mouth movements to his telepathic words all along.


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Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:57 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Part of her saw the grab coming. It seemed like the most basic open for a self-defense move, effectively restraining the threat before turning the tables against the attacker. Students even in their white belt stage were shown a similar technique, usually following the defensive grab with a kick in the exposed stomach.

Instead of being thrown to the side, as she had anticipated, her ‘instructor’ met her momentum, effectively lifting her feet from the ground. The world seemed to stop at the moment that the balance shifted, and she could have swore that the second she was above her captor lasted for a minute. White eyes held her, instilling fear into her being as she realized the trap that was sprung.

The adrenaline rush still pounding in her veins was reawakened and her body went into motion. Catching herself she threw her weight against the monster that held her, hoping to slam it against the ground enough to loosen its hold on her. At the same time her ears hurt from a piercing scream.

Then she realized that the voice was coming from her own parted lips.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:10 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
With her weight slamming against him he had staggered back, though his multi-legged nature kept him from losing his balance. His flesh had been soft and rubbery, resistant to blows those almost instinctively his tentacles had tightened against her as if he had been a being slipping on a patch of ice and grabbing the first thing that had been at hand to steady themselves and retain their balance to avoid a nasty fall.

With his hold upon her secured Aegir did his best to protect himself by restraining her limbs down. He knew that portions of his body had been more vulnerable to attack then others such as his eyes. Sure he had regenerated but still the effect of a well time attack there was painful to endure.

This can go one of two ways ... easy or of course the hard way, which is it that you'd prefer? He had known that she had been fatigued or he wouldn't have chosen now to reveal himself, though he had been unsure as to how much she had left in the gas tank.

A tentacle did reach up to her gi as it bunched up the fabric of it near her shoulder like a fist as he had torn it to the side.


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Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:34 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
The ripping sound made her wince, and the tension around the top lessened. By now she shut her mouth, the scream exhausted, and felt herself still dangling helplessly a few inches above the ground. Now with a clear head she studied the scenario she was in.

If she was able to properly see him before she would have yanked herself away instead of slamming herself. Still as she took in his form she shuddered. It seemed too much similar to the ilithids she read about in fantasy books, and the way he communicated to her was so alike them. Their cruelty and psionic abilities were well described by the authors and known by all the readers. The only flaw that she could find that made him impossible to be one of those creatures was his lower half, ilithids had humanoid bodies. Still that fact only heightened her sense of fear for this…creature.

The first thoughts that formed into her mind after her reaction was “How could a thing like that exist?”

Still this was no time for useless, curious thoughts. Pulling herself away from him, as much as she can she studied the grips around her limbs. They were secure and strong and, in her currently tired state, unbreakable. Looks like she wasn’t given any option but mental combat and flight.

“Did you really have to rip my uniform off… I could remove it properly you know… that way you could have gotten what you wanted without destroying my wardrobe…” she hissed between gritted teeth, the softness of her voice hiding a quiver of fear.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Sat Oct 10, 2009 1:32 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Do you really expect for me to believe that? Right, you would simply discard your gi had I of asked. I suppose I could have dominated your mind though that is no fun at all. Besides, it's not as if the garment could be repaired with a little stitching.

He spoke into her mind, eyes peeling over her as he responded. He had felt her thoughts concerning his origins flutter through her mind as she wondered what on Earth he had been and how he had existed. His mouth tendrils quivered in a particular way as if to indicate his species way of smiling at her.

Revealing that not even her thoughts had been safe he responded to her questions although she had not uttered them. Obviously my kind is not native to your world and I myself am relatively new too your world by a few hundred of your years ... well I don't think that my presence is new to you. Anyway your a smart girl I think you know what will happen next.

His form had loomed over her blotting out the light of the sun as it cascaded down her. His eyes pooling down her form, stopping when he had eyed a breast popping free of her uniform. His tentacles on her by this point had been quite secure, one tentacle reaching up as it coiled about the breast that he witnessed, taking her weight against it before granting her a soft squeeze while the very tip of that tentacle had brushed over her nipple softly almost absently as his eyes sank further to her heaving chest.


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Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:55 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Kireina felt herself pull back, or try to make the action while the tendrils around her still remained fast. Nothing seemed safe, and again she was remained by those dreaded monster. It seemed to be gloating at her helplessness, and even the tricks taught to her about how to slip away from binding ropes were useless against the strong, coiled limbs.

The first thing that came into her mind was something born from the years of delving into fiction. Her eyes still covered by the prejudice of her book knowledge another stab of fear entered her heart. Ilithids were known as intellect devourers; they take over their prey’s mind and literally suck their brains to add the victim’s knowledge to theirs.

Before she could sputter out her thoughts of death she felt a slithering movement around her right arm and a gentle, teasing brush across her chest. Staring at the way the monster seemed fascinated at her chest, still covered by their restraining bandages, a second dreaded possibility came into mind.

She felt the bandages constrict even more as the tentacle slipped and bulged under the bindings. A pained gasp escaped her as the bandages strained to hold the added weight, and she knew a sudden yank would destroy them.

“D-do the monsters of this island no no-nothing except sexual p-pleasure..” she gasped out stubbornly, finding difficulty in taking in air with the pressure around her chest.

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

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Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:04 am
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Delving into her mind he could feel her thoughts and while it may not have been any comfort to her he had addressed her fears.

Why I am mo illithid. That is a fantasy creature loosely based upon my kind. I have feasted on gray matter in the past and even absorbed memories from those I have feasted upon. I have not feasted in such a way in some time nor do I have any intentions of doing so with you.

There had been no point in telling her that he couldn't do so given the rules of this place. A little fear was healthy after all whereas too much could serve as a paralysis. Let her think about what she would, he had told himself, and while he could even manipulate that he chose to leave her current thoughts alone.

A tentacle reached up lazily as it unbound the sash at her waist. The dexterous appendage had struggled for a moment before slipping into the knot that she had created only pulling against it as he worked to unbound it. The tentacle upon her breast had pulled at the wrappings there while another tentacle sized hold against the top of her gi as he pulled it opened to expose her entire chest.

Answering her question he had spoken with a quick burst of his telepathic ability. I can only speak of myself when I answer not really knowing the others save for glimpses of memories here and there. But no, that is not all that I think of. Offer me a deal and if it is good enough I shall let you go. If not well then you are clearly at my mercy.


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Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:00 pm
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Post Re: Try Outs (for Kireina)
Kireina almost laughed at the tentacle pulled at the square knot. Designed to hold even in the middle of combat, fingers would be needed to remove the stubborn thing. Still the monster proved resourceful, and her belt dangled, dropped to the ground.

With her arms pinned, there was no way for the t-shirt like gi to go but up. Held in place by the limb she could see the bandages around her chest slowly being worked free. By the way he unknotted the belt it was no surprise that those were also stripped and dropped to the ground, letting her full breasts be exposed to the cold air.

As all of this was going on she thought about the monster’s offer. Considering her situation it was highly obvious hat he desired, and that he was going to get it whether she consented or not. Salvaging a bit of her pride she fiercely grinned at him.

“As you said before there is nothing for me to offer now is there… I’d rather have you try and take it that offer up to you like a whore.”

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

Always up for an RP. Pm me to set one up

Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:02 am
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