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 Jungle Ambush (For Natasha) 
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Post Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Yautja let the last of the slavers fall of his claws, and he looked with contempt at the body. These shuro had put up barely any fight at all, not that he had offered them a fair and honourable hunt. Filth such as these did not deserve being part of something so honourable, and he had simply attacked them with everything he had. The entire compound was littered with slaver corpses, some impaled by 3" bolts, some slashed by his claws or spear, a few had been trapped and diced by nets. But the most common cause of death was plasma burns. Many of those affected had a quarter of their corpses completely vaporised, while the surviving flesh was a blackened charred ruin.

Someone who could read the way the bodies had fallen could determine that over the course of an hour something had made its way through the base and slaughtered everything. Later on the slavers had tried last ditch defensive positions and bastions, but many of those bodies that would have been part of such an attempt had been slashed in the back. As if something had somehow got into the middle of the formation before killing it. The walls were lined with bullet holes and grenade blasts, signs that the defenders tried to fight back.

With the base almost completely dead Yautja made his way to the control room. Once their it was the matter of seconds to hack into their communication equipment and recalibrate it to transmit along high priority ADD communications. When the calibration was complete Yautja transferred a recording of a commander's distress call that would appear to be hidden in the regular system. And with that the bait was in place.

Yautja would remain at the base as long as he had to. But that call was something the ADD had to respond to. How many and of what skill were the only variables here. And he had even picked a spot that they had an actual reason to help. This compound housed a dozen slaves who he had disabled the security preventing their escape. Although fear had ensured they remained cowering together in the back of their cells.

Considering the carnage that they would have seen outside a reasonable behaviour.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:58 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
It was about two and half hours before a response was given to the 'distress call', two Assault Transports converging on the planet, one from the "Apollo" the other from "Aries".

When the transmission was received and the 'distress call' was determined to be the forgery that it was, given that not one A.D.D. ship had been within this area of space, no infiltration operations made on this planet, and it was a relatively uncharted planet to the A.D.D., it was obviously a trap.

"Commander?!...Take a look at this." A confused voice called back to the 'barracks' of the ship.

Among the twenty-five women preparing their equipment for the attack, a taller confident woman rose from her seat nearest to the cockpit door. Dressed in her full body armor: a black spandex under-body suit covering her neck to her ankles, various alloy armor pieces covering vital areas, and a tightly wound chestnut ponytail. The Caucasian woman leaned over the co-pilot's chair to look at the screen the girl had drawn her attention to.

"They're all...dead?" Natasha asked, more than confused.

"Yes Ma'am." The girl responded, turning back to her screen, to adjust the display to a wide angle shot. "We just picked up the base when we entered orbit...and our first scans detected this."

Across the screen it display the carnage; the fires, the rubble, the pieces of the slavers that were left, everything they had expected to be fighting had been fought...and lost.

"Are there any survivors?" Tasha responded, struggling to understand what happened.

"Yes Ma'am." The young co-pilot stated, adjusting the monitor to display the tightly clustered human life signs.

"Commander!" The pilot interrupted, an older woman who seemed disinterested with the scan. "The Aries' shuttle is asking if we're still continuing the mission."

Instead of responding to the demanding older woman, Tasha simply nodded as she stared at the monitor, still confused by the grizzly sight. "Take us down, Liz." She stated solemnly. "There are still some terrified girls down there who need us."

"Aye, Commander." Liz sighed as she signaled the other ship to descend into the planet's atmosphere.

As the ship's engines roared again, both turning towards the Earth-like planet, a number a voices could be heard coming from the rear of the ship. Many of them overconfident cheers, the girls trying to "psyche each other up"; after all this was an assault shuttle filled with soldiers, not agents. All the while, Natasha left the two pilots to move to the open comm. station, opening a channel to the Apollo. Although she didn't expect Captain Mai to change her orders: to secure whatever had sent that signal, the situation had significantly changed.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 6:06 am
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Yautja had not wasted the time between the transmission being broadcast and the arrival of the two ADD ships. It had taken some time, but he had managed to convert one of the weapons systems onboard the Shadow Stalker into a makeshift ground to air weapon platform. It had taken a bit of careful planning to decide on how to setup his trap to ensure that when the ADD arrived they did not leave before his hunt had finished.

When the two Assault Transports entered the atmosphere it started tracking them both, achieving a full lock within a second that would be undetectable to their primitive sensors. It tracked them both as they descended through the atmosphere, and once they had both safely completed re-entry into the atmosphere a spread of a dozen plasma missiles shot out from the ship. Each had a no-fly zone around the ex-slaver compound and as long as the two ships remained close to it they would be safe. The missiles had been launched at a slower than normal speed and had their usual acceleration profiles cut down significantly to ensure that the two ships made it into the no-fly zone safely. Upon reaching the no-fly zone the missiles were programmed to detonate, revealing their plasma warheads. Assuming the scanners could still function after viewing something that bright and hot at that distance they could easily determine that even a near miss from one of those missiles would vaporise at least half the transport.

The ship board scanners should be able to determine the launch site, nearly a days trek away through the jungle from the compound for unaugmented humans. Yautja himself would take about an hour to cover it on foot. Plenty of time for him to take them down one by one.

Yautja watched as events unfolded as he intended. The two ships made it, although only just managed to escape the heat wave from the missiles explosions. Yautja himself was waiting in a tree near the slaver compound, cloaked of course. The Shadow Stalker was currently operating under its own AI and would engage them if they tried to leave before it was shut off. Now he would see just what the ADD had brought for him to hunt, and if they would provide as much challenge as the lone red haired agent he had encountered recently.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:40 am
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
The two larger vessels suddenly behaved erratically as the missiles were fired. Both moving quickly towards the encampment, barely managing to avoid the following the shock wave and brilliant explosions. As each ship landed harshly near the edge of the encampment, both fell completely silent.

From an observer's point of view, it would be easy to assume that some form of internal damage was suffered on both ships. Had the attack killed some of the crew? Had the attackers already lost their prizes?

Soon however the rear hatches on both ships opened, pouring a number of fully armed female soldiers. The women of each ship quickly deployed around each vessel, taking defensive positions, remaining in those positions for several minutes, just watching the jungle. It was then that one woman from each of the two ships' crew called the all clear and the girls slowly walked back to the area between the two ships. As they grouped around, it seemed like they were using the transports as cover while they discussed.

"Alright, girls. Both Commander Haley and I have spoken to the Apollo and we have new orders." The older woman stated solemnly. She was shorter than Natasha, dressed in similar armor, and carrying a scoped rifle. Her hair was blonde and kept short, it was messy suggesting that the officer was not too concerned about her appearance. With her rough style and hard posture, she appeared to be the tomboy of the group.

Natasha stepped forward to the centre of the group, all but the other officer would stand in a circle around them. "The Apollo should be here in a few hours to support us, but Captain Mai won't bring the ship into orbit until we can disable those missiles. Seeing the power of each blast, it could put the Apollo in a lot of danger." Her voice was filled with concern but never betrayed her confidence. "Commander Shelby and I have decided to split us up into two teams. Team A will be under her command and it will be their job to retrieve the girls we detected from orbit. They will then lead them back to the ships and then keep them protected."

Moving to step forward to stand beside Natasha, commander Shelby would follow. "Team B will be under Tasha's command. She'll take nine of her girls and lead them to the co-ordinates of the missile platform. They'll blow it up and come back. Then we leave." She stated rather frankly, trying to instill confidence into the shaken girls. Instead, many were against the plan, wanting to take the entire assault team to destroy the missile platforms.

"I know you don't like the idea of having to wait around, and I'd prefer to have all of you with me, but remember: our first priority is to make sure those girls are safe. They're probably confused, terrified, and need us. Remember how each of you felt when you were first taken." Tasha pleaded to the group, letting her serious tone slip for a moment to remind the group of their humanity. "Don't worry about us. Having a smaller group will allow us to move faster, and escape easier if it's more than a weapons platform out there."

"Besides..." Shelby stepped in again, rather dryly, showing little concern for the emotions of her troops. "The Aries should have completed it's repairs in a few hours and it should join the Apollo in a day or so. With both ships, they should be able to overwhelm the weapons platform and rescue Team B and give us an escape route if they don't succeed."

After their had both spoken, the group seemed to calm. The two commanders then divided the soldiers into their respective teams and both moved towards the base. Just as they entered the encampment, a small group of girls would break way to disappear in the jungle, making their long journey towards the weapons platform.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:54 am
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Yautja remained completely motionless as the humans exited their ships in a defensive formation. It was fairly well executed, but the formation had a few gaps he could use. Well he could use if he felt inclined to attack them this early. Instead he was content to simply watch and assess. His mask was already scanning each agents equipment and he was already calculating what handicap he intended to give himself.

He saw the meeting, and it was fairly easy to position himself in such a way so he could listen in to what was being said. He didn't even have to approach, his mask had built in directional long range hearing. As he listened he felt a flash of annoyance. He would only get to hunt a small group rather than the full force. Oh well, one worked with what they had available.

He did pick up the trace of fear and uncertainty in the group, and decided that perhaps if he struck just as they were leaving they might change the numbers. Moving into a likely ambush position Yautja settled down to wait as the two teams separate. The larger team is nearly out of sight when Yautja chooses to strike.

Leaping down Yautja charges one of the soldiers near the back of the small teams formation. His cloaking ensuring that the first she knows of his existence is when a powerful hand rips the gun out of her grip and throws it at the back of the commanders armour with enough force to knock her to the ground. Before anyone else can react his hand has grabbed the now screaming soldier and he continues with his charge making his way into the concealing jungle.

Moving far enough away so that it would take several hours for the humans to arrive Yautja lets her drop before pressing the buttons that cause his armour plating and mesh to fall off. Removing his mask he lets the pheromones take over and as he rapes the soldier he lets a hunting cry sound through the air. Even over this distance the roar should be heard by the ADD.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

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Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:57 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
"Team B?!" Commander Shelby sharply called out through my shoulder communicator. "Are you alright?!"

I quickly rose to my feet after the force of something striking my back threw me to the ground. I turned only to hear the screams of one of my girls being ripped into the jungle. Ordering the rest of the team to follow me, we charged after her, only to find that there was no trail to follow. There we no branches moving, no leaves fluttering, whatever it was, it was gone and had Jessica.

"Commander, what do we do? Jessica's gone!" Asked Sarah; the youngest of the team, aimlessly pointing her rifle towards the jungle trying to find a target.

Quickly I reached for the scanning device on my equipment belt. After a brief moment expanding the scanning field, I discovered that I was able to at least track Jessica's life signs while she was being dragged away by...nothing. Now having a direction to move I took my remaining team and raced after her. Suddenly I was forced to stop as commander Shelby's voice shouted through my communicator.

"Tasha! What's going on over there?!" She demanded harshly.

"Something's taken one of my team!" I responded, my voice filled with desperation. "We're in pursuit!"

With that, I was about to continue after her when she called back again. "What about the missiles?!"

"I won't abandon Jessica!" I shouted back.

"Tasha, you're mission is to disable that weapons platform! Forget her! There are more people at risk if you don't shut them down!" She demanded.

I knew Shelby was right, but I wasn't going to leave her. "Alright. ...I'm going to send my team ahead to take the platform. ...I'll rescue Jessica, myself."

The remains of my team turned back to me demanding that I don't go off alone, but I was quick to respond that they were ordered to take the platform without me. They were about to deny me a second time, but then a blood curdling roar echoed through the vast jungle. It was a cry of dominance, almost of victory. I knew it came from what took Jessica and it was gloating, I wasn't going to let it gloat for long.

I immediately tore off from my team into the jungle, ignoring the calls from the other officer demanding I stay with my team. I wasn't going to let some jungle beast or alien mutant steal one of my girls.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:32 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Letting the used soldier's body drop Yautja feels enough of his control return to move away and place his mask back on. With that in place and the pheromones no longer bombarding his senses he quickly pulls his mesh back on and reattaches the various plating and weapons he had ejected from it. He glances one more time at the female soldier. Her armour had been simply ripped off her body and her uniform was torn, revealing her breasts and her cunt and rear. Both her holes were dripping with cum and the front of her thighs were coated in it. She was motionless, her mind still out of it after the intense and rough rape of her body.

Turning around Yautja leaves the clearing behind and moves off. Inside his mask a holographic map of the surrounding jungle is displayed and Yautja begins to calculate rates of movement in his head as he tries to guess where the human soldiers were. While he did have technology that could track them and locate them quite easily he refuses to use it. He will use his own mind to guess where they are based off the average human speed in this terrain.

Yautja misses the lone agent heading towards the soldier's limp form he captured, and just as the agent reaches the clearing he had left the body in he reached the squad she had ordered onwards.

Yautja silently watches the squad as it moves through the jungle. His cloaking is again active and he quickly plans his next target. However in his focus he misses something, a group of slavers who had fled from the base when he had first attacked. By the time he notices them, silently cursing his own lack of attention to the broader picture, his prey is almost right on top of them. Which means he will have to move quickly.

With no time for stealth Yautja charges forward, faster than his cloaking field can cope with. A blur moves through the jungle to the side of the soldiers for a few seconds before disappearing ahead of them. It is soon followed by gunfire, cries of fear, rage and pain being suddenly cut off by death and even a grenade explosion as Yautja tears into the surviving slaver group. His cloaking system disengaged just as he finishes the last slaver off with a strike from his claws he turns and sees one of the soldiers approaching. He reactivated his cloak as he moves off into the jungle, leaving carnage behind him and the bodies of eighteen alien slavers, but by the time the cloaking field took effect the soldier should have gotten at least a glimpse of him.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
"Jessica!" I called out as I found her body crumpled amongst the grass.

I quickly lifted her upper body, clearing what I believed was sweat from the hair clinging to her face. I lightly shook her unconscious upper body to try and wake her, unsurprised if she wouldn't given the state of her; however, with a groan, her azure eyes opened. She was dazed and weak from her ordeal, but I was more than relieved to see she was going to recover.

"I'm sorry Jess." I whispered as I hung my head, knowing this was my fault for not being observant enough.

"'s alright Tasha. ...I'll be okay." The broken woman struggled to reply.

A smile crept onto my face as she responded, knowing she was just trying to spare my feelings, but it was still good to hear. Yet my smile didn't last long as I turned my attention to her violated form. "What did this to you?"

"It was horrible." She responded with a labored breath. "It had me before I could react. ...It was covered in mesh...had some sort of cloaking field...covered in weapons...and had this huge mouth with spikes for lips."

"Spikes for lips?" I repeated quietly to myself. It was then that her description and the roar I heard from earlier jogged my memory to the briefing all command officers received. Suddenly I realized what we were fighting and it was then that I felt fear consuming every part of me.

Suddenly it sounded as if war had started. I could hear intense fighting for just a few moments before the jungle fell silent again. Both I and Jessica turned to the sound of the explosion and within moments a terrified voice called out through my communicator.

"Oh god!" It was one of my soldiers, but it was too brief to tell who.
"I see it!"
"What is that thing?!"
"Look what it did to those slavers!"
"Shoot it!"

Suddenly the exchange ended over my communicator as rifle blasts echoed softly through the jungle signaling my team must have opened fire on the creature. I felt a pull on my arm as the fallen agent called my attention.

"Go." She breathed. "Leave me your pistol and help the others. My armor's all over the place but it's still here, so I should be able to get back to the ships."

Although I knew it's pattern, I didn't want to leave her again. The briefing suggested that the alien had more of a conquering behavior, not interested in slavery, that once it had used one victim it no longer desired her afterward. I struggled with the decision before reaching to my pistol and handing the small weapon to the soldier as she started to lift herself from the ground.

"Don't stop for anything." I pleaded as I handed her the weapon. "Get back to the ships and stay there." When she nodded in response I rose to my feet and tore off into the jungle, headed towards the gunfire, fearing the worst when I arrived.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
As Yautja moved off into the jungle the soldiers opened fire, their rifles aimed at wild guesses as to his location. But with his cloaking field engaged, the low visibility offered by the jungle and the sheer speed at which Yautja could move meant that even their most wildest guesses were several feet to short. Of course now that the threat of the slavers stealing or weakening his prey had passed he was free to strike.

Moving quickly into the tree tops he soon found himself above the humans. He waited as they seemed to calm down and start to advance into the space the slavers had been occupying. Looking at each soldier in turn he noticed that the one bringing up the rear seemed slightly shaken, and he guessed her to be the youngest. Time to further play on that fear.

Picking a soldier who was only just in view of the youngest one Yautja dropped down, his body shimmering into existence as he disengaged the cloaking. But before either soldier could even cry out he had grabbed his target and with a push of his legs propelled the two away into the trees.

As he moved through the air his free hand ripped first her guns and then her explosives away and discarded them. Landing he set off, unknowingly heading in the complete opposite direction to the angle that Natasha was approaching from.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:28 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
"Tasha?!" A hysterical young voice called out through my communicator again. "Tasha!"

I stopped again and took the device in hand to answer. "Sarah? What's wrong?"

"It's Gina. ...Something has her!" She sobbed.

Hanging my head again, knowing I had lost another soldier, I started to realize that all of us were in severe danger. Yet I wasn't allowed to worry long as I could hear a faint scream in the distance, and coming closer. I quickly connected the two and assumed that it was headed this way with Gina. Turning off my communicator and ducking behind a tall grass-like bush, I drop to a knee and trained my assault rifle onto the oncoming screams.

I could hear the screams. As it grew closer, I could also hear leaves being torn as something was rushing through the jungle canopy. My fear was palpable as I dreaded what was coming. I knew what I was facing and I couldn't imagine how I was going to fight off, but I couldn't let what happened to Jessica happen to Gina.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:46 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Although Natasha had audio clues as to how close Yautja was he had something far more accurate. His masks various visual modes had allowed him to see her long before she knew where he was. As he had closed the distance he had simply raised a free hand and aimed his gauntlet at her chest plate. Before she could react the three inch bolt shot out and impacted with her chest. He had controlled the speed enough so that the bolt did not fully penetrate the armour and instead became lodged in it, although the impact would still stagger her. However the main point of the strike was to lodge the bolt in her armour, and allow the shock generator inside it to send bolts of electricity through her body.

The shocks only lasted for a few seconds, but in those few seconds Yautja had moved past her position. Her spasming body unable to do anything to stop him as he moved off into the jungle behind her. As Yautja moved past she had a choice. He had just proven that he could reach her squad much faster than she could. If she followed him to try and recover the soldier he had grabbed this time she ensured that her squad would be forced to face him again without her. The alternative was for her to head back to her squad, and in doing so abandon the soldier he had taken.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

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Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:18 am
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
I rolled onto my side as I coughed heavily. My body was struggling to recover from the attack, feeling like every part of me had been kicked. As I pushed myself to sit up, I looked at my surrounding to see if it was standing over me, gloating. Instead, I found myself alone, and with a bolt sticking out of my chest armor.

Quickly pulling the bolt out in anger, I took a moment to sigh in disappointment from the gaping hole in my chest armor. I groaned as I stood up again since my body hadn't recovered from the electrocution. However as my disorientation was shaken off, I remembered that it still had Gina. I quickly ran to where my rifle and scanner had landed, I began turning erratically in every direction until the hand-held device found Gina's lifesigns, tearing off their direction.

This thing had beaten me effortlessly, so there was no reason why I should try to fight this thing alone...I never was very sensible. I didn't care what it could do to me, all that mattered to me was what it could do to the rest of my girls. It was then when I remembered my team. Still barreling through the endless plants of the jungle, I reached for my shoulder communicator to turn it on again.

"Tasha Team B.." I called out, panting as I ran.

"Tasha?!" Sarah's same hysterical voice responded. "What happened? Did you find Gina?!"
" knocked me out and...and still has her. ...I'm chasing it down now."
"Tasha, don't! We can't lose you!"
"I'll be fine Sarah. ...Just take the team back to the ships. Don't...go after the weapons's too dangerous with this thing running around."
"What? ...but what abo-"
"The ships...are easier to defend. And once it's dead we can take out the weapons platform."
"...okay..." Sarah responded softly, still unsure of the decision.

After the channel was closed, I thought about my decision to take Sarah on this mission with us again. She was still new, fresh from Antares and still recovering from her initial capture. I could only imagine how much this was affecting her, watching as each of us was taken away one by one. I had to stop this thing.

"Commander Shelby?" I called into the commuincator after opening another channel.

"Tasha? What the fuck is going on?!!" She yelled back, obviously furious.

"It's that Yua...yautja thing. ...That's what we're fighting." I replied coldly
"Fuck. ...Then get back here, now."
No, it's still got Gina. I'm team back to you. I've also found Jessica and...she's on her way back."
"No! She's not wo-...Alright." Shelby responded defeated, knowing that I wasn't going to listen. "I'm going to abandon the second ship and tighten our defense around just my ship. We'll keep everyone together and that should keep us safe until Aries arrives."

With that I closed the channel and shut down my communicator again. Without distractions, I focused on moving as fast as I could through the jungle.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Sat Jan 02, 2010 6:09 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Fortunately, for Yautja at least, his mask was still on when Natasha gave the order for her patrol to withdraw back to the ships. His mask was, obviously, monitoring their communications and he had heard everything they transmitted. His mandibles clicked in annoyance and anger. She was trying to cut his hunt short, trying to steal his prey away. Yautja was almost tempted to abandon his latest target and instead go after the agent who was trying to cheat him of his prey, but then he realised something.

With his ship still functioning as a weapons platform, and the plasma missiles capable of reaching fractional-light speed within seconds, they could not leave unless he let them. They could not force extra reinforcements down, and any attempt to leave would be blown out of the sky. They were trapped here, and her order to group up only gave him a single large target to pick away at. Something he found much easier than having to track multiple individuals through the jungle. He would use his current target, than abandon her for 'tasha' to find. By the time she did he would probably have caught up with her retreating team and would have time to get one last target before he would have to start picking them off from the main force.

As he threw the soldier he had captured to the ground and released his weapons and armour the last thought he had before the pheromones had overtaken him had been just how good this hunt was turning out to be. Ripping off the clothes that were in his way he used her young body until his use of her body allowed him to regain control. However he was still angry from earlier still annoyed, and he vented that annoyance and anger in his rape of her helpless body. His movements were rougher, and he spent less time arousing her body before simply forcing himself on her.

Quickly regathering his equipment Yautja moved off in pursuit of the fleeing prey, leaving his latest victim in the same state as the first.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:05 am
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
By the time I'd arrived, the creature had already used Gina and must have long since left. I found Gina perched on her hands and knees, all trembling from exhaustion and I assumed for what she'd just been through. Dropping my rifle and scrambling to her side, I ease her into a kneeling position so she could recover. When she knelt back, I could see what the creature had done.

Her under suit was shredded over her breasts and thighs, bearing her heaving mounds and her unshaven sex. Her tanned skin was marked by large hand prints on her breasts, obviously from the creature harshly squeezing her large mounds. Her sex leaked the same fluid that stained her thighs, leaving behind a powerful musk that seemed to radiant from all over her.

"Commander..." She started, dazed. "It's a beast...I've been raped before but...never like that."

I hung my head shamefully for a moment, as it was obvious what this thing had done to her. "I'm sorry Gina...I shouldn't have left the team."

"It's alright." She replied as she laughed weakly for a moment. " know me. I don't fight them off as much if they're good."

I had to laugh as well; remembering how many times Gina had resisted being rescued from 'being raped'. Though it was understandable, given her body. She had an almost perfect figure, and loved to exploit it. In fact it was rare that she was ever found in her own bed back on the ship. It wasn't rare that I felt jealousy when I was around her.

Once she'd mostly recovered and I helped the shorter woman to her feet, we both searched around to gather her armor so she had something to cover the torn pieces of her under suit. She didn't seem to mind being nude, but I insisted that she needed some form of protection. I knew she was a strong fighter and a good assault soldier, but I was also worried about her. She gave in to them too quickly and loved sex, I was worried that some day if she continues to give in to them, one may not let her go.

Once we had collected her body armor and found what little pieces of her equipment it left behind, we both made our way back to the ship, hoping we may meet up with my team on the way back.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:07 pm
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Post Re: Jungle Ambush (For Natasha)
Yautja soon reached the area he had slaughtered the slavers, and from their it was a simple matter to find the route the soldiers had taken to get back. They were smart enough to not use the same route he had already attacked them twice on, but even without his mask illuminating the clues and tracks Yautja could clearly see their trail. Moving quickly he followed it, and steadily closed in on the lead they had gained. Soon his mask picked up a human life form, and his cloak engaged Yautja moved into the jungle and soon was walking along the side of their formation.

He could see the uncertainty, and fear in this group. Most were controlling it well, but one seemed to be struggling. She looked to be the youngest of the team. The weakest link. A predatory animal generally picked off the weakest link, and slowly worked their way up the chain. But Yautja was no animal, he wanted the hardest possible hunt. Sometimes that meant taking the weakest, but sometimes it meant striking somewhere else. Invoking the desire to protect, to shield, could drive someone to do things they normally couldn't do. The agent who had ordered her squad back, who seemed to be the best individual hunt in this group, seemed to care for her troops. Invoking such a desire in her would give him the best possible hunt.

And the best way would be through her troops fear, and the fastest way to achieve that would be terrifying the youngest one. Making her scream and beg over the radio for help. And the best way to do that would be to leave her alone, and pick off her squad around her. And despite the fact it went against his normal habits maybe he should take more than one at once.

Moving into position ahead of their path Yautja waited, and when the middle of the formation was passing he moved. Disengaging his cloaking as the soldiers noticed him and tried to turn and face him he struck. He aimed his gauntlets and two nets shot out, pinning two of the soldiers against trees. Moving forward his claws ripped through guns and he effortlessly shouldered the soldiers out of the way. The youngest one had been at the back, and she had frozen when he first appeared. As such he seemed to ignore her, as if he couldn't see something stationary. Within a matter of seconds she was the only soldier still capable of moving, and yet she also was the one least capable. Her fear, her terror had completely overwhelmed her, and she could do nothing but shake as Yautja used more nets to gather up her squad and bundling them together like kindling carried them off into the jungle.

Seraph's Bio and for those interested in just what Seraph has been entertained by The Darklight Grimore, Chapter 6

For those in space Yautja is on the prowl for new trophies

For a list of my chars go to here

Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:47 pm
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