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 First Day, First Dance (Terasmus) 
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Post First Day, First Dance (Terasmus)
Mille glanced around her dorm room one last time. It wasn't all that big, and that was good. Mille hated having to sleep in large spaces: she got restless easily if there was a lot of open room around her. There was one bed sitting there in the middle of the room, a table off to the side near a window, and a dresser off in the corner, near the doors of what she assumed was to be her closet. She had her own TV and a couple of consoles, which she'd regretted bringing after lugging them, along with the rest of her stuff, up the stairs. She was grateful that she'd made it in one piece, having had a couple of moments in which she was sure she'd overbalance and fall over backwards, due to the weight of her luggage. Another area in her room had a counter, on which sat a small fridge for whatever refreshments and food she'd wish to save. In one corner stood a tall lamp, plugged in to the wall already. She'd flicked on the lightswitch and made sure that it had worked first thing, not wanting to get caught in the dark at night without being able to find her way through this new room. Through one door was her bathroom, a small one with a shower, a toilet, a mirror on the door, a small closet for her towels...and not much else. While not cramped, the room certainly felt cozy enough that she'd be able to rest in it just fine. Of course, that was if she felt like resting...which she didn't.

Mille had just landed on the campus a few hours ago, had gotten her room, her class registrations, her uniform, (she cringed just thinking about that; weren't uniforms supposed to look professional and neat, and not like she was about to mount a pole for a fistful of dollars?) and her copy of the rules. She was more than slightly relieved to hear that she didn't have to wear the uniform at all times, since she planned to go running fairly often and didn't want to do it while giving everyone around a flash of her panties with each step. She found it odd that she wasn't tired at all. She had, after all, just flown in after a long trip, nevermind the fact that she'd slept through the entire flight. She was fairly sure that she should be feeling the effects of jet-lag or something...but felt instead a restless energy, as though the day had merely begun. Thus had come her decision that she'd kill two birds with one stone; she'd go run around the island for a while, learning the lay of the land, getting her exercise, and getting rid of that restlessness.

Upon reaching her room, Mille decided not to waste time unpacking, feeling that a better idea would be to get out and stretch her legs before all that energy exploded inside her or something. She'd opened one suitcase, rifled through it til her dark blue jogging shorts were found, along with a white shirt, along with a dark blue headband and pair of wristbands. She'd donned all five garments, going to stand in front of her mirror. The shirt was tight over her body, hugging the curves of her breasts nicely, and was tucked into the waistband of the shorts, which were just as tight against her bottom. She ran a hand over her body, unable to resist the urge to do so...then pulled it away with a hiss as it came into contact with her chest, accidentally causing one of her nipples to harden. "Stupid, you know better than that!" Mille chastized herself. "That's what got you stuck here in the first place..." She turned away from the mirror resolutely, picking up the key to her room and unlocking the door. She stepped out into the hall, turned, locked her door once more, and started to walk off down the hallway.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:43 pm
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A huge, hulking man was walking down the hallway. It was donning a trenchcoat and a fedora. It's hands were stuffed into the trenchcoat's pockets as it's heavy feet caused the area to lightly quake beneath it. It scans the area with it's eyes as it emits a complacent sigh. Then it says with a deep rumble, "Hmmm... me wonder what this place be like? Me never been around here before. It be interesting."

It continued on down the hall. A gentle wind would pick up about it's form, trying to unveil it's form hidden beneath the trenchcoat as it tried futilely to remain hidden. It's twin toed feet casually leaving scars in the floor from it's claws penetrating the ground.

It hears it's stomach growl in frustration as it thinks, Me know, me hungries. Maybe me find something delicious here soon. Me so very hungry. Me wonder if anyone be here. If so... maybe they'll be willing to play.

Last edited by Terasmus on Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:49 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille hopped from foot to foot, making her way down the hall with that odd hop-step, her pre-warm up warm up. She gave a giddy giggle as she bounced her way down the corridor, which froze and turned into a soft groan of despair as she felt tremors running along the floor. "Shit, an earthquake...?" She pressed herself against a wall, having little other idea as to what she should do in this situation. She glanced up and down the hall, failing to see any sort of cover that might be better than a wall, and started sidling along, curious about the fact that no one else was making even the slightest sound about the well as the fact that they seemed to be following a beat, almost like...footsteps, for lack of a better word. That couldn't be it, though, nothing was that big.

Mille made her slow way along her chosen wall of protection, and happened to glance down a side corridor. What she glimpsed down that passage made her freeze stiff. A giant was stalking down the corridor. She didn't mean a tall man, but a full blown GIANT! The guy was HUGE! She couldn't help but tremble slightly as she watched him. He was wearing a hat and a coat that obscured his features from view, but that hardly mattered. "Holy crap, what the hell is up with that...?" She forgot that she was supposed to be finding cover, though now it was a moot point, given that she'd found the source of the 'quakes'. She wondered vaguely if it was too late to dart off somewhere, out of sight.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:18 pm
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It casually wandered on through the hallways, not really taking any notice of the surroundings. Then it felt eyes upon it's form as it glances over towards their owner. A young student all tressed up to go for a jog or spend time playing, perhaps. It then emits a gentle rumble as it licks over it's lips. Then it carefully approached the girl as it says in a brief, but cautious tone, "Hello... me am lost... would you be willing to help me? Me am trying to find something. But me kinda lost me way."

It then carefully tries to bend down to start sniffing at the girl, trying it's best to not blow it's cover as a warm smile forms on it's face. It then stands back up to it's full height as it emits a grunt, gazing over the girl's young, lithe form... taking in all the details of it. Then it's stomach emits another growl of frustration as it thinks, Must... remain... calm. Me not want to cause alarm. Me want to play with girl first. Hunger comes later.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:24 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille groans inwardly as the huge man looks in her direction, calling out a greeting. She wasn't sure why...normally, she'd be all bubbliness and happy smiles meeting someone new, but for some reason, this one set off alarms in her brain. She tried convincing herself it was simply because he was so massive, whereas she had a diminuitive form. Yeah...right...that's all there is to it, nothing to do with the fact that he spoke like some kid's interpretation of a cromagnum...she thought silently to herself, mustering all her courage to keep from quaking. Though whether from fear or from the rumble of his approach, she wasn't sure.

She forced a friendly smile as he called out to her, waving a hand in reply to his greeting, and groaned again as he said he needed her help. She thought about telling him that she had to go right away, some pressing engagement or other...but shot that idea down when she realized that, after she'd left him wandering about on his own, she'd never feel good with herself, and that would sap any enjoyment she had during her run. Besides which, she wasn't exactly pressed for any kind of 'urgent business,' garbed as she was. Anyone with even a couple of brain cells to rub together would see through that lie. She grit her teeth and decided to ignore the warning buzz in her brain and do what she could. "Uh, sure! What was it you were looking for?"

The alarms going off in her brain reached a crescendo when the guy leaned down and, apparently, began to snuffle at her. What the hell is this guy's damage?! She thought, urgently looking for some way to get out of this situation, and screw grace and charity. Things only got worse as she heard what sounded like the rumbling of his stomach after he stood up. She tried to calm herself down and either answer this guy's question or find an escape as quick as possible, anything to put distance between her and this wierdness.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:38 pm
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Posts: 143
It peers over to a supposedly unlocked doorway as it gazes back to the girl. It then motions with it's head to the door as it says, "Me need help going in there, please? Me have some pressing business. You might be able to help me, as well." It was tempted to place one of it's hands on her shoulder to reassure her. But that would ultimately set off alarms because she'd catch sight of it. So he kept them firmly stuffed into the trenchcoat pockets which hugged his fat form kinda tightly.

Outwardly... from the girl's point of view... the man wasn't only tall. But he was immensely round around the middle, as well. Well... he was fat. As it tries it's best to reassure her with a calm tone, "Me no cause alarm, me promise. Me... just need help for alittle while, okay?"

Me hope me play innocent ruse. Me lure her in... and then me trap her. Me prevent her escape. Then we play. It be good idea, it thought as it continues to gaze over the girl's form. It held it's gaze for a long time over her. Even that would creep out any individual.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:47 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille glances at the doorway, apparently an unused room or something of the sort. Whatever. As long as it was nearby and she didn't have to do anything else, she might as well help this guy out and get the hell out of there. Her apprehension was fading gradually into a sort of irritation. She wanted to be out there, running free and wild, moving her body through the world as fast as she could, not fetching things for people she didn't know! Still, she forced herself to remain calm and friendly. This guy might be standing between her and where she wanted to be, but she was only a fraction of his size...less than a fraction, really...and didn't wanna piss him off, no matter how impatient she was. She'd go inside the room, she supposed. What could it hurt?

Mille flashed another smile at the giant. "Kay! But then, I gotta move. I'll help you first, though." She walked over and tried the knob to the door, and was mildly surprised to find it unlocked. She twisted, then pushed the door open, stepping into a large room. A large and rather empty room. "Ummm...what was it you were looking for again?" She asked, that icky feeling of dread coming over her again as she stepped inside, feeling that this might not be the best of ideas. "There's not much in here..." She walked in a little further, turning around once to survey the room, then turning towards the door. "It's empty." The alarms were roaring now. He hadn't taken his eyes off her once since he'd come up to her, and it was wierding her out big time. She considered bolting, inching her way towards the door again, getting ready to make a quick dash out and into freedom, away from whoever this guy was.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:08 pm
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It casually follows behind the girl as it licks it's lips, rumbling deeply as it's eyes follow her. Then when it's large form was in the room with her. It carefully nudges the door closed, working one of it's hidden hands to lock the door behind itself. Then it says with a happy tone to it's voice, "There... now we be in a more secure area where no one shall bother us. Let me introduce who me be. Me am Terasmus. Me want to play a fun game with you." It then carefully steps closer to her as it attempts to sniff at her again, emitting a warm rumble.

Now be time for me to pounce. Me must make sure me have her secure, though. Must prevent her escape soon. Alarms go off now. She'll be scared, for sure, it thought to itself as it gazes over her succulent form. Abit of drool started to drip from it's chin, coating the chest portion of it's trenchcoat as it just stood mere inches from her.

It did tower over her. It's immense size could easily block any form of escape if she attempted it. But would she feel hope now that it'd be possible for a way out? Who knows? But one thing was certain... she could see a faint glimmer of it's jelly-like eyes which were wobbling about as they were half-hidden by the fedora it wore on it's head.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:21 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille looks on in simple horror as the thing- she's positive now that this is no person- fills the doorway, then steps beyond it, closing it behind itself. Oooohhhh, God no. That's bad... She knows for a fact that she does NOT want to be trapped in a room with...whatever it was. No biggie...She thought to herself, Just get past him somehow and I'll be cool...move my happy ass out that door, down the hall, and scream my head off, someone'll help me...yeah, right, like someone came to see what was up with those damn mini-quakes.

"Terasmus, huh?" She asked, trying her best to keep her voice from shaking, and failing slightly. Whatever it was, it was drooling now. There was no way in hell she could mistake that line of liquid pooling on the chest of its coat. "Cool, nice to meet you and everything...ummm, love to stay and play this game with you but..." She backed up slowly, as though inching away from the creature, then took a running start, dropping down to the floor and sliding (she hoped) between his legs, making her way for the door, not knowing that it was locked.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:37 pm
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It brings out a hand from one of it's trenchcoat pockets as a tentacle bursts free from the bump. It then emits a grunt as it tries to follow her with it's eyes. Then it emits a huff in disdain as it turns it's immense form to gaze at her approach the locked door. Suddenly it brings up the hand with it's tentacle poking out from the bump as it launches itself at the girl, attempting to twine about her wrist. It stings just briefly as it clasps around the girl's wrist.

It yanks the girl back to himself as it emits a deep rumble. It gazes down at her as she can finally make it's jelly-like eyes as it's tongue licks over it's lips. Then it says, "Me think you not be leaving here any time soon. Me want to play with you. Me play fun game with girl. So please stay and play with Terasmus!"

It's tongue suddenly launches itself at the girl, extending and lengthening till it brushes up against her cheek, licking and lapping over it. Copious amounts of saliva comes off of it and coats the girl's cheek in it's stickiness as it emits a happy rumble. Then it says, "Me try to think of fun game we can play now."

Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:44 pm
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Mille let out a shout of triumph as she made her way to the door...which swiftly turned to a shried of dismay as she felt something slap over her wrist, stinging her sensitive skin, and restraining her arm as it wrapped around. She turned, looking with fear up...into a pair of jell-o blobs. She supposed they were this thing's eyes...and supposed that she really didn't care. She wanted nothing to do with this thing, she knew that much, even as she tried to twist free of the tendril around her wrist.

"No, I'm good, really, no games here...I just want to go on my run..." Her eyes widen as the thing licks its lips, the rumblings of its stomach swiftly becoming clear to her. "Oh God...please...I just want to go run...that's all I wanted, was to stretch out a bit after my trip...please..." She begs softly, not sure why she does, just knowing that she's afraid and unable to fully cope with the thing standing in front of her. She cries out as its tongue flashes forward, sure that she's about to be in a world of hurt...and instead feels the thing start slurping over her cheek, leaving wet saliva all over her face. "Ewww...." She says softly at the feel of it. "That's sick! What the hell are you, anyway!? Leave me alone! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" She shrieks at the top of her lungs, hoping more to get someone's attention rather than get an answer from whatever this Terasmus thing was. She didn't care what it was, if only it would let her go. "Please, I don't want a game, fun or otherwise! Just leave me be! Please!" She whimpers softly, clearly afraid of whatever it was that was holding her captive.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:09 pm
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It emits a giggle as it tilts it's head, continuing to eagerly lick over her cheeks, mouth, and all over her head. It made sure to get her head good and covered by copious amounts of it's saliva as it says with a happy rumble to it's tone, "Me enjoying your tastiness! That be what the game called! Let me enjoy you! You be happy with Terasmus! So be happy. Now laugh."

Suddenly the palm tentacle lifts her up in mid air. Then suddenly six tentacles suddenly bursts from it's back, tears and rips can be heard as they emerge from it's trenchcoat at it's back. Soon they start writhing and wriggling. Then one whips out as it nestles it's way to one of the girl's feet. It stops at the sole of her left foot as it suddenly starts to tickle over it. It applies gentle, feathery touches that would send anyone into a frenzy of laughter.

Me have you now, girl. You no escape from Terasmus. You play with me. Then me eats you ups afterwards, yes. Because Terasmus be hungries! Me wants you, it thought as it watches the girl. It's eyes showing no form of emotion... but a grin crosses it's gaping maw which opens and closes reflexively, drool dripping down it's chin and coating the chest portion of the trenchcoat.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:16 pm
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Mille tries her best to squirm away from the thing snaring her wrist as well as the tongue that covers her face and head with the creature's sticky spit. "So gross..." she says, the 'ick' clearly abundant in her voice. She squeaks when the tentacle lifts her up by her wrist, leaving her dangling like some kind of ragdoll before she can react. She stares incredulously at the thing holding her up. "You're serious? THAT'S your game? Taste me? Well, sorry, hun, but you gotta by me a drink first. At LEAST one." Her disbelieving look grew even more shocked at his next request. "LAUGH!? The hell are you, some kind of idiot?! I'm being held up in the air by my wrist by some huge thing I don't know that's talking about tasting me and probably wants to eat me, and you want me to laugh!? How the hell do you expect that to happen!?" Her fear was giving way to hysterical anger, panic lending her a bit of rage at her predicament.

That was, of course, until the damned thing whipped out several more tentacles from somewhere under its coat and sent them coarsing towards her. "God, I should have seen this coming, shouldn't I..." she said to herself. This thing actually expected her to laugh! Out of righteous indignation and pure stubborness, she decided she wouldn't do it, even if it killed her. Don't give the thing the satisfaction of what it wanted. Unfortunately...her body, with its overactive sensitivity, decided to betray her. Again. She started out alright as the tendril began its initial sweeps over her feet, able to hold back the sound. But soon, the tension became too much, and she let out a giggle. "Stop it..." She said, laughing softly as the things continued to play over her feet.

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:38 pm
Profile YIM

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Soon another tentacle moves down to her other foot as it does the same. Then both of her feet were being tickled. A weird grin crosses it's gaping maw as it says, "Oh... me thinks me not be letting you go. Me thinks me just enjoy your laughter. As me enjoys your tastiness!" Soon a third tentacle whips out till it twines about the girl's neck, gently squeezing as it's tongue suddenly starts to brush up against her lips and mouth. Terasmus emits a harsh snarl as it's tongue suddenly plunged into the girl's unwilling mouth as it forces her to take it in.

Me enjoy you, your laughter, your fear. You fear me. You dread me. Soon... me make you scream and cry. Me want to break you, girl. And when me do... you just be a pile of jelly, it thought as it emits a deep rumble. The other tentacles that weren't occupied with the girl's body were dancing about as his one hand that didn't have it's own palm tentacle extended out starts to rub over it's flabby gut through the trenchcoat it wore.

Mon Jul 16, 2007 4:48 pm
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Location: Somewhere...riding tentacles...
Mille's soft giggles become shrieks of laughter as a second tenty joins in, dancing over her other foot. Both of her feet being played with at once is too much. She starts kicking and thrashing as she laughs, trying to move her feet away from the things. The third tentacle that wraps around her neck worries her somewhat, but she can barely focus on it while trying to stop laughing and keep the other two from playing with her feet. Needless to say, she's more than slightly surprised as the creature's massive tongue plunges into her mouth, forcing itself in. Her own tongue wrestles with it, but not in a loving way. She's trying to get the damned thing out of her mouth.

What the hell is this thing's game? She thought softly, wondering why it was doing this, what possible reason it could have for picking on her, toying with her like this. Mille was already frightened, now she was laughing, though she didn't really want to, and she had some alien's giant tongue slithering down her throat! What was this place?!

"But...but I mean it! The tentacle monsters really did eat my homework...and my pencils...and my uniforms..."

Mille Greensbaron

Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:20 pm
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