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 Controling a Dream (Kanoe) 
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Kanoe had asked the question Destra was hoping her pupil would ask. It was obvious she was a bit confused due to the quickness of how things happened. Destra walked around Kanoe as if admiring her current work. She then stopped in front of Kanoe. Destra's voice was soft to the Kanoe's ear, as Destra's eyes showed the lust, and desire she held inside of her physical shell. "Asking for sexual education from a succubus was very smart and very arrogant at the same time." The leather gloves around Destra's hands dissolved, as if they had never been there. Destra walked behind Kanoe, and pressed herself up against her pupil. Kanoe would feel Destra's bosom pressing against her back, as Destra's arm wrapped around Kanoe's waist, as her hand lightly gripping the other side. Her other hand lightly gripped Kanoe's chin keeping her pupils head facing forward. Kanoe would notice how Destra's skin felt like velvet against her own.

Destra spoke softly into Kanoe's ear this time. "Do you know what happens to a Succubus when we are first turned into one? I don't expect you to know the answer, since I'm going to tell you any way. A woman turned into a succubus will experiences a heightened libido, and is consumed by lust. For the first few weeks we do nothing, but have sex with men draining them of their souls, so we can grow stronger. Even after are lust driven state is over we still have an insatiable lust, which we learn to control to a degree. In short we succubus are to you humans the manifestations of lust, and desire. I'll educate you about sex in ways that would make other creatures cum from just the thought of it. "

Destra's hand stroked up and down Kanoe's side, before it drifted lower and gently rubbed over her pupil’s clitoris. Kanoe would suddenly feel a vibration over her clitoris, as Destra's hand moved back to the Kanoe's side. "Your body isn't ready for such lessons yet though. I'm afraid you haven't yet fully accepted your own lust and desires. Don't worry I'm going to help you in that department. The vibrators you are currently feeling are specially made for such a task. They won't make you climax, but they will build up your lust till you start begging to be fucked. " Destra let out a small flirtatious laugh into Kanoe's ear, as if she found it amusing. "Even as you beg for it I won't let you sate that desire. For that's where your real task comes into play. You will either accept your lust and desire or never try to hide it again or be ashamed of it, or you will simply be driven mad by it. The choice is really all up to you, but don't worry I won't let you go off the deep end that be a waste of a perfectly good student."

Destra pulled away as to let the two vibratos placed on Kanoe to do their jobs. She would walk in front of Kanoe, as a chair manifested and then she took a seat on it. Her legs crossed themselves as she sat there observing the Dark witch, and how she would progress on this little test. It would be interesting to see just how far her student could be pushed before she gained control, or she completely lost it.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:09 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra turned to her when she asked her questions. There was something different about her teacher now. Looking into the demoness's eyes, she could feel the being's lusts seep into her eyes. When the woman began to circle around her, the witch realized she had held her breath. A soft gasp left her lips as she felt succubi's chest press against her back. The heat from the demonic form was a wonderful contrast to the cool air of the dungeon.

An arm wrapped possessively around her waist while a hand held her gaze forward. The soft velvet touch of the succubus with the strange panties she wore were gradually heating her body. The encounter with the slave girl was still fresh, leaving her body itching for something more fulfilling. The demon's voice seemed to crawl inside her thoughts as the soft whispers tickled her ear. The woman's warm breath caressed her ear sending a bubbling sensation inside her brain. Just a few touches here and there, sweet nothings into the ear, and she could already feel her belly fluttering.

Part of her wanted to keep this being close to her body. Whether that was a sort of manipulation by the demon or not, she found herself wanting to learn more. Even at the cost of her sanity the witch wanted to experience the lusts of a demoness.

Kanoe trembled as Destra explained the lesson. The soft giggle held mischief but her focus was drawn away to the slow rubbing over her hood. The witch gasped once more, her breathing growing much deeper as she kept her libido in check. A few strokes was all it took to goad her clitoris from hiding just in time for the undergarment to hum right over the swelling nub.

The demoness pulled away from her, leaving her hanging there with only the cool chains and leather keeping her company. The panties continued to hum and vibrate, stroking the fires but never pushing hard enough to threaten her. But the effects were there. Slowly she bit down on her lip. Her clitoris pulsed with heated blood as it grew more erect and sensitive. Kanoe's netherlips grew moist as the fabric seemed to stroke up and down, teasing the entrance enough to send ripples into her body.

"Mmm... How.. How do I accept it if begging... Mmm.. If begging is not what you want?" she called out to the demoness sitting before her, "I.. I know I have to... Have to.. Ahhnn embrace it but h-how do I do it without losing m-myself.." The witch did her best to focus on the questions. She squirmed a little in her bonds as it grew more and more uncomfortable. The teasing was building and there was no signs of ever reaching the edge she seeks. Giving in would only annoy her teacher much like how it got them both in trouble with her first lesson.

Kanoe shuts her eyes trying to think. She knew she could not hide from it. She was a sexual being and this was to be her power. A breathless coo of pleasure left her lips as the vibrator found a nice spot to hum over. Her arms gradually grew slack in their bonds. She was still tense from the stimulation. Her body glowed with a light sheen of sweat and her chest heaved with each shuddering breath. But she forced herself to experience it. She did not shut out the sensations as they flowed and meld into her thoughts. The poor witch struggled between fighting it and completely losing herself. She had to allow herself to feel it without losing her bearings. Easier said than done.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:51 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
As Kanoe tried to focus on not losing her sanity the panties secondary function, would kick in as a vision of sex washed over her mind. Destra rose up from her seat and walked back over to Kanoe. “I'm sure by now you’re starting to see visions of your own desires. It's good that you understand it’s pointless to be so tense, and that you should rather enjoy the feeling.” Destra's hand lightly touched Kanoe's arm as it drifted down to her pupil’s top. Kanoe would suddenly feel her top, and any undergarment under it forcefully ripped off her body. “Begging is for those who are weak, and do not realize that their desires and lust have consumed them. They then become slaves to their own lust and desires, because they can't obtain them on their own” Destra’s hands grasped Kanoe's luscious melons, as her fingers teased and twisted her nipples. That was before Destra grabbed both of her pupils erecting peaks, and pulled them towards herself.

“One can only control there lust and desire when they realize that what they lust over, and desire is what they truly want. This isn't done by forcing such things to the back of your head, or trying to control them. You have to have to enjoy the warmth that lust often brings to your body, as if it was your favorite blanket you wrap yourself in, and your desires are the things that you enjoy doing. When you are able to accept these then you will be able to stop your trembling body.” Destra let go of the nipples she was pulling on allowing them to form back into place. Kanoe would still a pinching feeling though, as Destra had managed to attach clothes pins with vibrator beads hanging off the ends. Destra walked back to her chair, and sat back down. She would watch now to see if her pupil could pull it off, or if she would have to step in and stop things.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:06 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Kanoe's eyes would flutter as a low groan sounds from her throat. The sexual visions struck hard against her psyche and will. Now at the boiling point, she did not have the mental strength to fight the visions and her lustful desires. Slowly her eyes would cloud over, seeing nothing but the visions as Destra continued to speak.

Images of her lover bound as she played with the woman's body played through her thoughts before melting into another dream like vision. Some of her partners were ones she recognized while others seemed to be random students that may have caught her eye before. Even the monsters joined in on the fun. Her role flowed from submission to dominance without losing a beat as she pleasured her mistress and teachers.

"Ahh!" her body arched into the pinching fingers of the succubus. A faint trace of milk dribbled from the engorged peaks causing her eyes to roll completely back in her head. Her voice made her visions involve the demonic teacher. Such a resourceful demon she found herself thinking of making the demon hers though it was not possible at her strength. Other visions held no other meaning besides raw lust and desire, their bodies writhing against on another. They were not fighting for dominance but working together to achieve a sensation that either had experienced before.

Juices ran down her thighs as the pins on her nipples hummed causing her precious teats to pulse and throb in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Pressure built as her orbs swelled with milk but were held back by the clothes pins. Kanoe's eyes blink but remained clouded over as she focused on the visions. There were many things she lusts for. She wanted power more than anything even if that power involved sexual dominance or the dark arts. The visions began to reflect this as she obeyed her teachers in various sexual lessons while other visions focused on making even her closest lover kneel before her as a slave.

Her body was dripping with sweat while juices flowed like a river down her inner thighs. The witch's entire body was trembling. Muscles twitched violently but would never reach the point of release. She knew she must not surrender and fall back into the darkness of her thoughts. She forced herself to experience it all even as the visions took a toll on her willpower. Drool lightly trickled from the corner of her mouth as she panted like a dog in heat. Her hands clench and unclench slowly but she continued to only moan in pleasure. Kanoe was stubborn and did not want to fail like many times before. She will embrace this. This is what she wants and the succubi was bringing it all to the surface.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 12, 2010 5:32 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra sat there as she watched Kanoe's body enter the latter stages of her trial. Unfortunately for the Dark witch, this was only the beginning stages of her trial. Destra seeing that Kanoe was well into her lust and desires decided it was time to progress to the next stage. The vibrators would go from a low intensity to a medium intensity. In the mean time the visions of sex would also increase in strength, but the increase wasn't enough that it would over whelm Kanoe. The glazed eyes of her pupil would find nothing but darkness, as a blindfold covered them. This would make Kanoe focus more on the sensations she was feeling. Destra knew Kanoe would claw her way through this, if she had to. The girl was rather stubborn when it came to certain things. Destra was just hoping this was one of them. “If you feel you can't take it anymore just tell me and I'll make it all stop.” Destra called over to Kanoe letting the Dark witch know there was a way out.

Mistress I don't understand the purpose your putting the cow titted whore through this? Destra wasn't surprised Fatin didn't understand her reasons behind this method, so it was better to explain things to her. Its quiet simple my pet. This method allows me to see how far Ms.Kanoe can be pushed. In other words it will tell me where her lust and desires over ride her own conscious. That is the point where most mortal women become nothing more than bitches in heat looking to be fucked. Fatin was quite in her mistress head before she spoke up again. And what if she is able to accept her lust and desires? This question brought a smirk to Destra's face, as she was hoping that was the case. Then I won't have to hold back, and the lesson can become more fun for the both of us. I'm actually hoping she accepts her own lust and desires, so when she is reborn I can give her a special gift. Fatin would remain quiet telling Destra she had gone back to maintaining the barrier. Destra just sat there watching, and waiting to see if Kanoe would crash in this round, or would she pass with flying colors?

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:08 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Success and failure was gradually becoming a non issue in the witch's mind. In the end, she would not know the meaning of either as her lusts and desires would decide what she truly wanted out of all of this. Her eyes fluttered but if she noticed that her vision was now blocked by a blindfold, she did not show it. All she could see was the constant erotic vision being fed into her mind or perhaps her mind was creating on its own now.

"Uhhhnnnn! Ahhhnnnnn!" Her cries and groans echo off the dungeon walls. Hips rose and bucked weakly perhaps in sync with one of her many visions. Knees wobble and grew weak but she continued to stand as the demonic undergarment kicked up a notch. After so much sexual training and experience with monsters, the witch was at least ready physically for this overwhelming ordeal.

The way out mentioned fell on deaf ears. Though it was referred to as telling rather than begging, Kanoe saw little difference at this point. She failed the first test during her first encounter with this demoness. The dark witch did not want to fail a second time. This time her darkness was not interfering. She had no excuses left.

Her composure began to fade she writhed erotically in her bonds. Her muscles tensed and relaxed as if really being fucked for real by her visions. Kanoe could no longer see a light at the end of the tunnel. She was no longer counting the minutes but merely focusing on the now. The young student embraced her visions in both submission and dominance, acceping what her lusts and desires create in her mind though she no longer knew the difference between dream and reality. There was no difference at this point, it was merely pure emotional lust.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 13, 2010 5:59 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra was impressed that her pupil was still holding it together. Most students on the island had utterly lost it by this point, but there were a few who progressed this far. Unfortunately even they couldn't handle the third and final phase of this trial. Now lets see if she really has what it really takes. Unlike the first two parts of the trial this one incorporated a new twist. The vibrators on the panties, and hanging off the clothes pins would increase to the highest possible level a human made object could reach. They would stay like this for a few minutes, before they slowly began to increase in strength to something a normal human sex toy couldn't mimic. Every minute that paste the vibrations would strengthen until they final stopped at a level that could be considered demonic. Now even the visions of sex grew more hardcore in nature, but not to the point that it would become sickening or unbelievable. After all the visions were based off of Kanoe's own sexual desires and lust, and would only be at their strongest now.

Destra just sat back and watch the physical show. All though she had to wonder what her pupil was actually seeing. Now her student physical body was being tested due to the vibrations, and Kanoe's stamina would be pushed to a new level through this stage. That is if she didn't black out from the physical exhaustion, or didn't crack under the immense sexual desires her psyche was now being barraged with. What awaited Kanoe at the end of this, if she could truly accept her sexual desires and lust was a sort of rebirth, a rebirth that Destra was actually looking forward too.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:10 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Muscles tensed and twitched violently as the demonic spells and effects went up yet another level. Her body shuddered as the constant stimulation and teasing sent the poor student to even higher levels. She had long passed what a mortal could call the breaking point or the edge but still release did not come. The succubi's magic had been constantly heating her body to a slow boil and building from there. It was only a matter of time before her body and mind suffers a meltdown assuming she does not simply burst into flames from the lustful heat.

There was little the witch could do but writhe in her bonds. Her moans grew louder and more wanton. Kanoe's throat was growing dry from the heavy panting and gasping for breath. She could not tell what was real or what was dream as her hips began to buck against whatever bodies she was embracing in her visions at the time. But no matter how stimulating the vision was, her real body would never cum as long as the demonic magic held it back.

"Ooooohhhnnn!" Kanoe's eyes flutter and rolled back into whites behind the blindfold. She did not know if Destra was watching her or if she was even in the dungeon anymore. Her thoughts were completely on the visions and forcing herself to experience them to the fullest. If it were not for Natsuki's sexual and stamina training, she probably would have already blacked out or worse from this overwhelming tension. Strands of raven black hair began to shake free from her braid and stick to her glistening pale form. The question of surviving this test was still up as well as when she passed how much of her will be left her lust enriched mind.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:25 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra watched as her pupil began to except her lust and desires. How her pupils body writhed and bucked with each new vision. Destra was intrigued by what was going through the dark witches mind. That her body was still moving in ecstasy was a testament she was still conscious. She has a lot more stamina and endurance then I originally gave her credit for. I wonder how her mind is holding up though. Destra decided to find out by letting the dimension tell her. Releasing a slight bit of the safety net the dimension would begin to shift in a constant motion. Destra however was keeping Kanoe in her bonds, and where she currently stood. When the Dimension stopped shifting Destra would know that her pupil had either passed out, or had gain full acceptance of her lust and desires.

M...Mistress can I fuck the cow titted whore? Destra half rolled her eyes at Fatin's question. Apparently her pet was getting aroused just from watching Kanoe writhed in ecstasy. No, Fatin you cannot fuck her. I can't risk you accidentally releasing any of your soul, or magical power into her. You still haven't learned how to control either of those when you climax. Destra closed her eyes wondering when her pet was going to learn self control. It didn't really matter, since without her permission Fatin was incapable of harming the students on this island. Destra just waited for Kanoe's verdict in this trial to be delivered. Then again she had all the time in the mortal world to wait.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:45 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
The distortions began completely chaotic and random. Dreamlike images and scenery would fade just as quickly as they formed being quickly replaced by yet another sexual vision. The witch was lasting longer in both body and mind than she ever had before. But, her stamina and will was not infinite. She forced herself to experience each and every vision while the clips and undergarment continue to stimulate her body. The witch was uncertain what to do from here. The visions were not stopping. The stimulation has not ceased. Kanoe had reached a new level but knew not what to do from here.

The dimensions around her body began to stabilize, focusing more on each vision as she allowed her to experience each dream to its fullest before it shifted once more. Finally the dimensions halted on one vision. The witch's body pressed up against Destra's as they embraced each other fully. Their nude bodies nearly sizzled the air around them with their lustful heat. Fingers groped and massaged every tender spot on each other's body as they continued to send each other into bliss time and time again.

She had managed to control her vision but did not know how to stop it or perhaps she did not want to. As her will began to slip, the vision began to turn more submissive as the Destra in her dream began to take control and tie her up. Tentacles and sexual toys hummed and pumped into her climaxing body. The witch's breathing grew ragged as her cunt began to physically react to the mental stimultions. Her belly quivered and twitched violently as her breathless moans ended in a long wail of need. The visions were in control now.

Slowly her knees bend as she sank towards the floor only to have the shackles keep her hanging up off the floor. Kanoe's head slumped forward as her body continued to tremble and twitch violently. It was as if her body was desperately trying to climax but the demonic magic held the flood gates sealed shut. Juices drooled down her thighs, her panties completely soaked in her desire and need. Her head rolled from side to side before finally falling still. The dreams faded and her mind was blank to the world while her body blazed like a furnace.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:33 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra watched at the Dimension shifted in random ways, all most as if it was a game of chance. Ever so slowly the dimension began to stabilize, as her pupil began to focus more on one vision at a time. Then it finally stabilized on one setting, as Destra grinned a somewhat evil grin. What a dirty little pupil I have. Even then Destra realized Kanoe was beginning to lose it, as the dimensions began to warp again. The dimension just returned to the dungeon setting, as if nothing had changed. So in the end she wasn't able to fully control it, but she did come further then most others.

Destra could have simply let Kanoe down with a thought, but decided to keep the dark witch hanging there. The rest of the room began to morph and twist though. The stone walls stayed, but the room began to have short gothic bookshelves as well gothic furniture including the bed that had appeared. Destra stopped in front of Kanoe, as her hands removed the clothes pins from her students throbbing peaks. Her hand would move over to the side of Kanoe's face, as she began to gently stroke it. "You did very well for your first attempt, but now it’s time to wake up."

The only way to make her pupil wake up from her lust filled consciousness was to make her climax. Destra's body moved to Kanoe's side, as her hand began to grope, and message one of her pupil’s luscious orbs. The vibrator in Kanoe's wet and wanting folds would vanish, but the vibrator on her clit would stay. Destra’s free hand removed Kanoes blindfold, and began to gently stroke down Kanoe's midsection after having removed her blindfold. This hands finger would push, and rub against the vibrator against her pupil’s clit. Destra had lengthened her tail quite a bit, as it rubbed and prodded against Kanoe's sex. Slowly the spade like tip would begin to penetrate her pupils wanting sex, as it then began to move back and forth. Wow shes really clamping down on my tail. I can barely move it inside of her. She's so tight though it’s hard to believe she's been fucked so much. Destra's tail began to move inside of her pupil, as she was getting turned on herself.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:16 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
A weak gasp sounds from the unconcious witch as warm fingers stroke her cheek. Blood rushed to her swollen peaks as the clips were removed. The darkened nubs now stood out like tiny thumbs on top of puffing areolae. But not even the constant pulsing of heat and pain rippling through her breasts were showing any signs of rousing the exhausted woman.

Eyes fluttered but remained closed as hands cup and massage one of her swollen mammaries. A gentle squeeze was all it took to start a light flow of milk dribbling from her engorged teat. Kanoe's breathing quickly grew deep and ragged. Her head rolled from side to side as the demonic woman continued to stimulate her lustfilled body.

Kanoe began to sway and writhe in her bonds, reacting to the woman's touch unconciously. Hips rise, trying to grind against the humming vibrator and Destra's fingers. Her mouth hung open in a silent cry of pleasure as the demon's tail forced its way into her still quivering folds.

Muscles clench around the invading appendage on instinct. The witch bucked against the slow thrusts. Her insides clinged for dear life, wanting this insane tension free from her body. The lewd slurp of juices filled the room as weak moans soon joined it. Eyes continued to flutter as her gasps grew even more breathless. It only took a few moments for the defeated body to succumb completely.

"Ahh.. Ahhhnnnn!" her head rolled back as eyes fluttered, revealing the whites of her eyes as she used what little strength she had to cry out her glee. Juices gushed forth down the Succubi's tail as her entire began to jolt and spasm as if being electrocuted. The witch climaxed long and hard. Her precious nectar pooled at her feet as milk jets from both her luscious orbs.

The moments of rapture lasted for minutes until finally everything ran out of her system. Kanoe's body sagged in her bonds, leaning up against Destra's form. "Ooohh.... Ooohhh goddd.." was all she could managed to whimper from her still trembling form. Eyes try to open but everything was still blurry. Her mind felt like putty and even basic thoughts were sluggish for the poor witch.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:34 am
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Destra watched as Kanoe hit her point, and the tension in her body was released. Then it was finally over, as Destra supported the dark witches weight. "There is no God here only a Demon of lust and desire." Destra whispered into Kanoe's ear, as her tailed pulled out of those wonderfully tight folds. The tail whipped back splashing the excess of Kanoe's juice onto the floor, but it made the cracking sound of a whip. Releasing her pupil from her bonds, as she supported the woman's full weight. Destra moved Kanoe over to the bed present in the room. Kanoe would notice that she had been laid down on silk sheets. I could easily take advantage of her in this infantile state, but what fun would that be.

Destra moved over to a nearby chair and sat down. A book materialized in her hand, as she thumbed through the pages. Destra was still trying to figure out whether she should punish her student for failing, or reward her for lasting so long. Another page turned in the silent room, as Destra allowed her pupil to recover. It would also leave her time to see how long it took the dark witch to recover from such activities.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:58 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Every muscle in her body ached. It was a good kind of ache but that did not change the fact her body was exhausted for the moment. The dark witch did not even try to move or steady herself as her bonds were released and she fell forward.

Kanoe held onto Destra loosely as she was taken to the soft bed. Juices continued to flow freely from her still twitching passage. She did not try to fight it, letting herself bask in the afterglow as she layed spawled out on the woman's bed.

Darkness briefly took the student as fatigue settled in. Having so much tension held back then released was exhausting for an ordinary human. A soft moan left her lips as she began to stir once more a few moments later. She was a slave to a monster so her body was made for such relentless and exhausting endeavors. Kanoe rested a hand on her lower belly as she slowly sat up, blinking sight back into her vision.

The room was nothing like anything in the school so that must mean she was still in the demon's dimension. Kanoe shifted so she was sitting on her knees as she looked over at the patiently waiting Destra. She lowered her gaze, knowing she must have failed the succubi's test. "I guess I failed your test," she said softly, taking long deep breaths to help recover her stamina, "Sorry to disappoint you once again, Destra."

She was not saying this in a mocking manner. The witch truly regretted failing the test no matter how sexual and vile it may be. "What will happen now?" she asked, unsure what was going through the demon's mind. Destra did not seem to be one to discard students. In fact, the demoness took the time to help her climax and rest in bed before moving on to whatever she had planned next. At least the demonic being showed some consideration unlike the others.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 19, 2010 11:20 pm
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Post Re: Controling a Dream (Kanoe)
Her former teacher had all ways pushed her pets to their breaking point, and beyond. In most instances those male pets died, and a new replacement was needed. One thing Kiryuu punished her many times over for, was the simple fact she didn't push her training dolls to the breaking point. There was a reason for that the population of any species is limited, and a succubus left uncheck could go through that population within a few decades. That was Destra's point on how the Succubi became an all female race. The Habit of her taken care of thing and not breaking them continued with her pupil.

Destra knew the limits of a human body in sexual acts, and that such a level had to be trained into a human. There was also conditioning involved. Seeing how her pupil was all ready steering Destra assumed that Kanoe's body had been well conditioned due to the islands patrons. Closing the book she was reading, and allowing it to float back to its place on the bookshelf. Destra stood up from her chair, and moved to sit down on the bed. "Well it wasn't a complete failure. Most humans would have lost it before they even hit the third stage, but you are really well condition physically. You even managed to control the visions for a bit of time, before you completely went under. In other words you just need to learn how to stop the visions, and you should be able to except your lust and desires."

Destra placed a finger on the cross that Kanoe was wearing around her neck. Normally such an item would have blasted Destra clear across the room, or at least off the bed. There were still what seemed like jolts of electricity surging into Destra's finger. A weak holy aura was being given off by the necklace. Destra spoke a few words of magic, and the Aura began to fluctuate until it became demonic in nature. "What I just did was turn your regular holy pendent into a demonic pendent. When you sleep it will fill your dreams with visions of sex, and when you are awake it will improve your talents in pleasuring others with your love channel, and your secret entrance. Think of it as a training item now, while still having what makes it special to you intact."

Destra got off the bed and walked over to a picture on the wall. The picture on the wall was that of a girl on a wooden horse. The girl was gagged and bound. There was also a black knight holding a whip in the back ground. "Tell me Ms.Kanoe, what is that you really hope to get out of these lessons?" Kanoe at some point told her the reasons for wanting these lessons. Destra couldn't help but fell there was another motive in there someplace.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Sat Feb 20, 2010 6:31 am
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