Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

Vanejin Mines


'Two more on your right, Hitomi!' At the sound of Miyaki's sweetly metallic feminine voice, Spacegirl looked down at the targeting screen. Two fighters coming in fast. The young agent's hands moved with delicate urgency over the controls. In a smooth, swift turn Spacegirl's scout ship pivoted to face the small ships weaving in and out of the asteroids in an intercept course towards her. The fighter craft were small, one-man ships, but they were different. Exceedingly nimble. They carried more armament than their small frames should allow. They were Alien.
'Miyaki, you take the one on the right.' said Spacegirl. 'The one on the left is mine.' Indicators on the weapons console lit up as Miyaki took control of the Starboard Weapons Blister.
'Understood Hitomi. Firing MWD canister.' From the starboard hemisphere behind the bridge a missile leapt from its concealed housing. In a rapid arc it sped towards the fighter who had fired it's own pairs of missiles. Suddenly, as the missile closed with the fighter, its outer casing shattered and in a flash of light several smaller missiles erupted like a swarm of bees towards the surprised fighter. The fighter tried to evade, but he was well within the sub-munition's tracking range. Homing in on any enemy target, several rounds struck the fighter as well as the missiles it had fired. All erupted into balls of flame.

Unfortunately, Spacegirl was not having as easy a time of it. The remaining fighter had held back and now was dodging behind a large asteroid launching missiles. It was all Hitomi could do to shoot down the incoming threats with her port side laser.
'I have another canister ready, Hitomi.' chimed Miyaki. 'Shall I fire?' Spacegirl grimaced. She knew that space combat was a weak point for her and any weakness could be exploited. This was a fight that Hitomi had to win herself.
'Save it Miyaki.' said Spacegirl. 'Take control of the laser and use it for suppression fire. I have an idea.' Crimson flashes outside told Spacegirl that Miyaki had already done so. The young Japanese beauty turned her attention to the sighting controls.
'Hitomi, you've altered targeting. We're no longer locked on the enemy ship.' Miyaki said with concerned curiosity as she fired shots from the laser on either side of the asteroid to keep the pirate ship behind it pinned down.
'I know.' said Spacegirl. 'Fusion Beam on!' From the nose of the sleek scout ship a thick beam of blue-white energy raced forth. Punching into the large ice-encrusted asteroid the alien fighter was using for cover the continuous stream of energy burrowed towards its core. Ice turned to water to vapor to superheated steam in less than a second. Enormous pressure built in a matter of seconds within the asteroid until the back of it exploded, showering the doomed fighter craft with deadly shards of rock and blobs of superheated metal. Death was instantaneous as the pirate was torn apart. Spacegirl breathed a sigh of relief as the indicators fell silent and the battle ended.
'Well done, Hitomi!' beamed Miyaki. 'A very surprising maneuver.'
'Thank you Miyaki.' she replied. 'Well, it looks like we're on the right trail... take her in cautiously while I get ready.' Spacegirl freed herself from the command chair's webbing and moved into the back to get her gear.

There had been a rash of pirate attacks in this sector recently. On more than one occasion ships were found drifting with no survivors. At least that was the official explanation. Secretly, one correlating fact was known: If there were women on board then they were taken and the men on board killed. Moreover, another closely guarded secret was that someone did survive an attack. An old spacer was found alive, but severely injured. A previous injury had saved his life. Back in his youth the man was a belter; a lone asteroid miner. An accident crushed his shoulder between two pieces of ore. He had to spend a year in the hospital and undergo extensive prosthetic surgery. When the pirates shot the old man in the back, the ceramic plate that made up his rebuilt scapula shunted most of the blast.

Hitomi let the old man's testimony wander through her mind as she slipped on her spacesuit... Several men and one THING boarded his ship, stole the cargo, shot the men, and took the women. Including the Spacer's two teenage granddaughters. Just before he was shot the old man witnessed the alien beast molesting his granddaughters. Horrible tentacles and multiple slimy phalli assaulted the screaming girls.
'Not much to go on,' thought Hitomi, 'but the spacer did give us one concrete thing to check out.' In the bedlam of the pirate attack, the old man had grappled with a pirate and ripped his tunic. Clutched in his hand was a piece of fabric with a partial logo on it. After reconstruction and analysis, it was determined that the logo was for the Vanejin Mining Facility. It was a small facility...backwater and forgotten, but the mineral residue on the patch was consistent with their mining operations. It was Spacegirl's task to scout out the facility and evaluate. Considering the encounter with the pirate fighters it was obvious she was on the right track. All that remained was some first hand intelligence of the area, then to call in the marines.

Hitomi fastened the clamps on her suit and climbed into the re-entry shell. With a hiss the clamshell skin closed about her and the featureless shiny egg rotated and moved along its track to the launching tube.
'All is ready Hitomi.' chimed Miyaki. 'The covert sensors have been planted and one conspicuous probe has been launched. I am at present sending your pre-recorded message advising Command that threats were encountered here, but no other contacts were made and we are moving to the next sector.'
'Good girl, Miyaki.' replied Spacegirl. With luck the pirates at the mining facility will monitor the communications and think she had left system. Undoubtedly they'll find the probe and destroy it, but that should distract them from the other sensors...and Hitomi as she sneaks in.
'Remember,' added Hitomi, 'Give me sixteen hours then return here with the landing forces. With luck I'll have everything scouted out and we'll catch them with their pants down. Ok. Let's go!'
'Stand by.' said Miyaki in her sweet metallic voice. '!' Hitomi felt a jolt as the re-entry shell was propelled out of the ship towards the nearby planet. At this distance it would take her six hours to leave the asteroids and reach orbit, but patience is better than launching closer and alerting them to her presence.

On the small readouts inside her tiny vehicle, Hitomi watched Miyaki flare, shimmer, and melt away into foldspace. Now she was truly on her own. She was surprised how much she had relied on taking for granted that Miyaki would be just a comlink away as she had been on other missions. In the long, silent trip towards the planet, Hitomi's thoughts wandered to Tracey....she missed her deeply, and yet she also missed something else. Her young lover was dynamic, tender, and tremendously sexy...but still, Spacegirl longed for a man's touch. She was deeply in love with Tracey...she just hoped that would be enough. Shaking her head to clear her mind of those thoughts Hitomi smiled, glad that Tracey was doing well in her training. It had taken a lot of arguing and more than a little pleading on Spacegirl's part, but the young black girl had not only been allowed to stay at the Antares Base, but to actually be included in this semesters agent trainees. Spacegirl remembered how hard her training had been and how hard it was to be there all alone. She was glad that Dr. Gunnison agreed to look in on Tracey and help her feel at home.


As Sigrid Gunnison walked into the room past Tracey, she couldn't help reflecting that the young girl had done a nice job of making the place feel comfortable. It was surprising considering the short time she had been here and, she added rather cattily to herself, considering how little time the black bitch actually spent in her own bed! Masking her thoughts behind a friendly smile, she chose the only comfortable chair and sat down. Tracey was obliged to perch on the edge of one of the narrow beds.
'So, how's training going?, the blonde asked.
'Oh, you know, it's pretty hard work but I'm getting there.'
'I'm sure you are. Bright young girl like you should have no trouble.'
'Not that bright I'm afraid. Not when you compare me with someone like Hitomi,' her eyes shone at mention of the name. 'Or you, of course,' she added hastily.
'Yes, Spacegirl is rather special isn't she.'
'I'll say! She makes me feel so safe when she's around. So secure.' The ingenuous young girl almost blushed. She was like a pre-pubescent ten-year old talking about some rock-hero, Sigrid thought to herself.
'I'll bet you miss her when she's off on one of her missions. When do you expect her back?'

It was one of the hardest things Sigrid had ever done, trying to be pleasant to the little whore who shared Hitomi's bed, when she wanted so desperately to be lying entwined with the Japanese girl herself. A thousand times a day she cursed herself for not making a move when the chance was available. That she had no idea the oriental girl liked to cuddle up to one of her own sex was no excuse in her self-flagellation. If she had only had the courage to speak, things might be so different. But at least she knew now. And relationships didn't always last for ever. This one wouldn't for sure, not if Sigrid had anything to do with it.

But to break up the happy couple she had to be close to them. So she had agreed without question when SpaceGirl had asked her to keep a protective eye on Tracey while she was away. She wanted SpaceGirl to think well of her, and by getting close to Tracey there would be opportunities to slip a little poison into the naive girl's mind. Every evening after dinner, she made a point of calling on Tracey, staying thirty or forty minutes, trying to sow a few doubts under the guise of acting the big sister. It was surprisingly difficult though. The young black girl was so smitten that all of Sigrid's sly comments had simply passed over her head. Even her catty remarks about SpaceGirl only getting Tracey into the training schedule so she would have her available when she felt the urge had just provoked Tracey into responding that she would always be there for Hitomi, whatever the circumstances.

Since her loyalty seemed unshakable, Sigrid was going to have to try a different tack. Maybe she could get Hitomi to dump her young lover. Short of arranging a fatal accident it seemed the only way to pry them apart. 'I said, when do you expect her back,' she repeated when Tracey showed no sign of replying.
'Oh, sorry. I was miles away,' the flustered girl responded. 'I'm not sure. About three weeks I think.'
'I'll bet I know where you were!'
'Where I was?'
'You said you were miles away. I'll bet you were out there with SpaceGirl, wherever she is!' The rush of blood, plain even on Tracey's dark cheeks was answer enough.
'Oh, but I do miss her!' The plaintive reaction would have melted harder hearts than Sigrid's, had she not had reason to steel herself against feeling pity.

Three weeks? That fitted perfectly with Sigrid's new plan. She had decided the best way to shake SpaceGirl free of her entanglement was to prove that Tracey had been sleeping around while she was away. There were was to ensure that she acquired a room-mate who was young, female and very attractive. Not that it would be enough to let nature take its course. The young black girl was too deeply in love to react even if Sigrid paired her off with the most beautiful nymphette dyke on twenty planets! But she had a couple of items in her bag that would help the process along. At one stage she had even been considering taking Tracey herself, but that was hardly the sort of evidence she wanted SpaceGirl to stumble across. This way was better.

Tracey was only too pleased to accommodate the older woman when she asked her to pop out and fetch them coffees from the dispenser at the end of the hall. As soon as she left, Sigrid opened her capacious bag and removed two items. The first was a small canister. Still in the experimental stage and very hush-hush, she had purloined the aphrodisiac gas from a lab near her office. No doubt it would be missed at some stage but there was nothing to link her with the theft. Commander Black would almost certainly put it down to schoolboy games from the young lab techs. Ripping its tab to expose the sticky surface, she deftly affixed it to the underside of the nearest bed. The second item, a miniature digital video camera which fed its signal to a remote recorder, was easily hidden amongst books on a high shelf. The quality may be poor but it would produce recognizable images even in very low light.

By the time Tracey returned, Sigrid was sitting back as though she had never moved. She accepted the drink gracefully and continued to chat about this and that for another ten minutes. Then she made her excuses and left. As the pale Nordic blonde made her way back to her own quarters, she mentally hugged herself with glee at her own cleverness. Back in her room she looked over the second part of her equipment. An expensive recorder was already tuned to the signal being emitted from the miniature camera she had left in Tracey's room. Sigrid turned on the matching monitor and was rewarded by a view of Tracey getting ready to settle down for the night. The young black girl was certainly attractive and she watched the display intently until Tracey turned off the light and got into bed. As expected the camera still produced a decent image, even from the small amount of light seeping past thin curtains. Closing down the equipment, Sigrid absently patted the small object lying on top of the monitor. Unfortunately there was no way to test that part of her plan but she was 99% certain that when she pressed the large square button, it would send a signal to operate the valve on her carefully concealed canister. Now all she had to do was wait for the right opportunity. The gas would do its devilish work on Tracey and her new room-mate and Sigrid would make sure SpaceGirl got the anonymous tape which would record their every depraved action.


Spacegirl moved quickly and silently from the copse of trees where her landing pod lay hidden. She figured she was about seven kilometres from the mining facility, but as she was landing she detected a second energy source on her scanners only three kilometres away. If they were standard issue scanners like in most vessels it wouldn't have registered at all, but to the sensitive devices on board her covert landing pod, the signals were quite detectable. Still, they were suppressed and muted which meant that someone didn't want whatever it was to be discovered. That in and of itself was reason to investigate. Hitomi wound past tree and rock as she closed on the signature. Over one eye Spacegirl wore a telemetry headset that tied into the landing pod's sensor array. This device gave her an overlay of the pod's sensory data onto the surrounding territory. While any troops or such units could not be shown, terrain features, direction and distance to objective, and power signatures could. In addition to this piece of equipment Hitomi wore a black covert ops suit, complete with infrared masking fabric and white noise sound-dampening modules. She had planned to make it to the mining facility after dark, so Hitomi would not have the blackness of night to help camouflage her while she checked out the nearer energy source, but she was confident her skills were enough for that. Besides, she was just planning to observe and move on. With luck, whatever it is wouldn't ever know she was there.

Hitomi crawled silently up a small hill and peered over at what lay below. In a small, more depression than valley, a large camouflage net was tied in between several trees. Underneath it was some sort of structure. Spacegirl pulled out a small pair of collapsible infrared binoculars and studied the area. No heat signatures roaming about. One static heat signature which corresponded with the energy source her sensory array had picked up. Probably a generator. After a few minutes of observation, Spacegirl decided that she could risk moving in for a closer look. There didn't seem to be anyone here at the moment. Silently the lithe agent moved down towards the building. Closer now she could see that it was some sort of prefab structure about sixty feet long and twenty feet deep. Two large sliding doors were spaced along the length of the building, but on its side was a normal sized door with a dirty window set in it. Spacegirl crossed the distance to the side of the building quickly then slid to the door and, rubbing away a small circle of dirt, peered inside. Resting in work cradles were two alien fighters of the type she had destroyed hours before. Hitomi switched her optic headset to 'Record' and slowly followed the outlines of the ships. They were about half the size of contemporary fighters. Sleek, yet asymmetrical. A bulbous egg shape glistened like oil on water on the side of the craft. Hitomi reasoned that this was the cockpit. The main part of the craft looked like jagged shards of glass mixed with molten metal thrusting outward along the long axis of the hull. Numerous clamps were set in places along the 'wing shards' undoubtedly for mounting weapons.

Hitomi was considering getting an even closer look when a numbing pain exploded in the back of her head. Her legs lost all resolve and she was aware of herself falling to the ground, but her eyes were still blinded by the force of the hit. Hitomi fell to the ground in a crumpled unconscious heap. Standing over her, the burly mechanic still had his wrench held high in case he needed to follow through on the back swing. Confident that the lovely young intruder was down for the count, the man pulled a dirty comlink off his belt.
'Get me the Boss.' he said in a gravelly voice. 'Tell him we got a visitor' The sweaty grease monkey looked down at Spacegirl's unconscious body. Her skin tight clothing did nothing to hide the rich swell of her breasts or the smooth curve of her ass. He wondered inwardly if he had time to get a piece before the Boss sent someone to fetch her.


Spacegirl was shocked awake by icy water splashing over her. Her body ached and her head was on fire as she tried to shake the water out her face. Doing this Hitomi realized that her arms were secured far apart over her head. Slowly her senses, though reeling, were returning to her. Her muscles throbbed with pain and her arms burned. She must have been hanging for quite some time. As the cold water ran down her body Hitomi could feel she was naked. Through the pounding in her head came a cacophony of raucous laughter. Forcing her eyes open Spacegirl's growing fears were confirmed. She was in a large, poorly lit gallery that reeked of smoke and sweat. Around her were dozens of burly men sitting at shabby tables. Some of the tables were on raised platforms, almost pillars which gave Hitomi the sensation of being in a deep pit. Apart from greasy fixtures placed sparsely on the walls the only light in room came from the floor. It was then that Hitomi looked down and saw she couldn't see her legs. Hitomi was hanging from manacles through a hole in the center of a raised platform that came up, suspended as she was, to her waist. There were two halves of a ten foot square metal plate that was closed around Spacegirl's waist which not only held her secure, but kept Hitomi from looking down through the hole. The platform was lit underneath and Hitomi could now see that the light was coming up through several two foot wide channels that spider webbed the platform in a fractured pattern. The channels formed passageways that were sealed with glass flush with the top of the platform and Hitomi could see that the pattern converged to the center of the platform....exactly where she was suspended.

'Well, well, well.' Hitomi looked up and saw a balding fat man standing on a catwalk connecting the platform to the rest of the room. The light coming up from passages under the platform cast shadows on the man, making him look even fatter and more evil.
'We're so glad you could join us, aren't we boys?!' he said, turning to the men seated around the room who immediately answered him with roars of laughter, whistles, and catcalls. Hitomi, could feel the oily sickness of their eyes as they stared at the naked swell of her breasts and she fought at the chains holding her, if only so she could end the humiliation and cover herself.
'For such a hot little bitch you certainly have been causing some problems for us.' he said, the smile fading from his face.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' said Hitomi as she tried to muster all the composure she could and forget the men staring at her.
'Oh you don't, eh Spacegirl?' the man says. Hitomi does her best to stare at him blankly while inside wonder how they could know who she is. The man waited for significance of that to sink in then continued. 'The boss has had his eye on you for quite some time. In fact he's coming here to deal with you personally.' The boss was coming? Hitomi thought about that. At least that didn't mean they were going to kill her right away. She might still have a chance to escape and deal with the head man once and for all.
''re not going to kill me?' said Spacegirl, feigning fear in her voice.
' we're not going to kill you.' said the pirate mockingly. 'We're not even going to fuck you. Boss's orders. He wants that pleasure for himself, though if I were you I'd pray we kill you before then, right boys?' His mention roared with laughter once again. The fat man's smile left him and he almost looked at Spacegirl with compassion. 'Most girls end up killing themselves after a night with that monster. But that's your problem.' A bolt of fear stabbed through Hitomi's stomach. Pirates like this pig weren't shaken easily. The Boss not only wasn't human, he was so alien that these guys feared him. One thing that Hitomi was sure of. She was not going to be taken by that beast.
'What are you going to do with me' asked Hitomi.
'We're not going to kill you or fuck you, but for killing our friends and being a general pain in the ass I should have the guys line up right now and let them take turns fucking you every way from Sunday!' The men cheered and some even got to their feet. 'But as I said the Boss is the boss. Of course, he didn't say nothing about not having ANY fun with you.'

Hitomi felt her fear welling up in her once more as the men got to their feet pounding the tables and yelling a raucous chant....MAZE! MAZE! MAZE! MAZE! Spacegirl looked down at the platform again. The lighted passages made up a large maze of which she was suspended in the center! Hitomi began frantically tugging on her chains as the realization set in. The pig of a pirate on the platform turned in a circle slowly with his arms high above his head, encouraging his men's chant. As this was happening four metal crates about three feet square came down from the ceiling suspended by chain. The crates rocked and bounced as they were lowered and high pitched growls came from the crates as something inside tried to get out. Spacegirl began feeling real terror as the crates were lowered to the ends of the passages and men clamped them in place. Pirates all around her began cheering and frantically exchanging wads of money as they placed bets on the winning beast. Spacegirl was wild with fear.
'Noooo! Please!' she screamed. 'Please!! I'll do anything!!' Ignoring her the fat pirate dropped his arms and the gates to the cages were raised.

Wild howls rose above the men's cheers as the things leapt into the maze. The entire platform shook as the beasts navigated through the maze. Hitomi screamed hysterically as she struggled to free herself. Her legs were kicking wildly as she tried to pull herself out of the maze, but the plate around her waist held her fast. The pirates around her cheered and pointed as the beasts raced closer to her. To her right, about twenty feet away, there was a crash as two beasts met up with each other. Loud, rapid thumps rang through the maze as the creatures tore at each other, the men cheering on their favorite. Hitomi could see the shadows of the monsters as they fought but couldn't tell what they were. Suddenly, there was a howling wail and a spray of blood burst at the spot painting the glass a deep red. Some of the men roared approval while others threw down their money in disgust. Spacegirl, distracted by the brutal combat, suddenly felt one of the other beasts upon her. The young Asian girl kicked her feet wildly as she screamed, trying to fight the unseen beasts. She felt claws rake at her legs and a rough tongue lapping at her sex! Spacegirl screamed as the monster began licking at her slit hungrily while cheers erupted from the pirates who had bet on the winner. Hitomi tried to buck and kick the monster away but clawed hands grabbed her legs, holding them apart with impossible strength. The thing lapped wildly, licking up the nectar Hitomi's sex was being forced to produce. Hitomi screamed from the pain and the humiliation of the pirates turning her into a perverted sport, but she also screamed trying to steel her mind against the feelings that, however unwanted, were welling up inside her body. Tears began to flow down Spacegirl's cheeks as the waves of desire began to flow up from her loins. Her screams began to be accented by sobbing gasps and moans as the beast continued to push its tongue into her tight pussy. Soon the other surviving beasts made it to the center of the maze. By now Hitomi's juicing were flowing and the beasts, apart from the occasional growl and yelp from a stray bite seemed more interested in licking Spacegirl's pussy than fighting. Hitomi felt her legs going numb as the sickening realization hit her that she was on the verge of orgasm. Then waves crashed upon her and Spacegirl came, ripping out a piercing scream and arching her back as she did so. The beasts below feasted frantically on her cum, thrusting Hitomi higher on the orgasmic wave of the bestial rape. The orgasm crashed about Hitomi for an eternity... perpetuated by the creature's licking. Mercifully the strain was too great and Spacegirl fainted, the men's laughter still ringing in her ears.


'Here's your dinner, Doc.' said a diminutive pirate pushing a cart into the small infirmary. Dr. Jacob Tsiochovski took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He had been working sixteen hours straight and hunched over his microscope for most of that time his back was aware of every moment of it. The aging scientist didn't remember what day it was and almost no longer cared. He lost track of time after the first two weeks since those alien monsters attacked his mountain home and brought him here. 'Just put it down and get out.' he said with weary contempt.
'Easy Doc' said the pirate. 'Just remember who holds the keys.'
'I'm sure you'll remind me.... now please leave me alone. I've got work to do.'
'Yeah I heard the boss has given you a deadline.' laughed the guard. 'Don't worry...lots of people do well without all their fingers. Is this the stuff?' The pirate lifted up a small rack with several tubes of a strange, glowing liquid.
'Don't touch that!' said Dr. Tsiochovski, taking from the guard and setting on the table carefully. 'It's bad enough that you bastards are forcing me to combine my formula which would have helped countless psychiatric patients with that alien compound just so you can have a super aphrodisiac, although I agree you are all too ugly and stupid to get a woman near you without coercion. If, however, your boss expects me to create this for him I don't have to be bothered by pests like you!' The small pirate stepped back hands up in mocking defence. He'd let the Doc have his fun... once the boss had the stuff, this guy was dead anyway. Dr. Tsiochovski took his meal and turned away, moving to a nearby table. The pirate, who was a low man in the ranks, and being a pirate of very little brain, looked again at the rack of serum. A wicked thought entered his head, and while the doctor's back was turned pocketed a vial of serum and a syringe before leaving the room.


Hitomi woke painfully in a cold cell in the depths of the mining facility. Her loins burned from abuse and her whole body ached. The young girl could barely move as she pulled herself up the wall. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious, but the blood covering the insides of her legs was dry. Spacegirl's legs were a thatch weave of bites and scratches from whatever hideous beasts that had ran the Maze. She dared not examine herself too closely out of fear of what mutilations she would find. After an eternity Spacegirl struggled to her feet and held her self up on the wall as she moved to a small basin. The water was cold and fetid, but refreshing as she took small sips and slowly washed her neck.

Suddenly metal ground on metal as the solid door to her cell opened. A scrawny pirate carrying a bowl entered the cell as Spacegirl weakly tried to cover her nakedness. She knew she still had her implants and hidden weapons, but now wasn't the time.... in her present condition, even this weakling would have bested her.

'Dinnertime, sweets.' said the pirate. He was dirty and thin, with more than a few teeth missing. Dinner.... At least that gave Hitomi a clue on the time of day, if not how long she was out. The man put the bowl containing some unidentifiable paste on the ground in front of her. Spacegirl did her best to look defiant as the pirate grinned at her. After a moment, he turned to leave. When he got to the door, however, he pulled it closed and pocketed the key.
'I think you've got time for a little dessert before dinner. You're off limits, but what the boss don't know won't hurt me,' he chuckled in a toothless grin. Hitomi knew what she was in store for and hoped she had the strength to turn the tables on him. Painfully, she put her hands behind her back as the man came closer. Flexing her hands, Hitomi unsheathed her hidden finger blades. Spacegirl waited, feigning only partially terror as the sickening pirate moved closer. As he reached for her, Spacegirl lunged, swiping at him with her razor sharp blade-claws. The man sidestepped as the blades cut into his chest, but not deeply.
'You BITCH!' he growled, connecting with a vicious backhand as he clutched his wounds. Hitomi, in her weakened condition, fell to the floor dazed. In an instant, the man stumbled after her and was on top of her, pinning Spacegirl's down.
'So you still got some bite in you still, eh? I've got just the thing for that!' The pirate slapped Hitomi hard, stunning her further as he pulled a syringe from his pocket. The young Asian felt a pain in the side of her right breast as he injected her with the syringe's glowing contents. Hitomi felt a mind numbing warmth spread from her breasts across her body, making her moan out loud.
'You'll be more than happy to do what I want in a minute or so.' said the pirate venomously. 'We're testing this stuff for Leper. We know it's alien, but even the Boss ain't saying where Leper got it. All I know is the bitches who've taken this stuff will fuck you till the cows come home. It's strictly off limits, but if I'm going to risk my ass for a piece of yours, then I might as well have a real good time!'

The pirate got off Spacegirl, took several steps back and began to unbuckle his trousers. Hitomi was already too far gone to care. Her body was alive with sensations and her head pounded as desire ripped though her defences like paper. Forgetting her wounds and pain, the young Asian pawed at herself frantically, tugging at her breasts and thrusting several fingers into her tender pussy.
'Hey! Bitch!' Hitomi looked up and immediately saw the means of her release. She no longer saw the pirate, nor would have cared if she had. Her eyes were locked on his penis. Hitomi crawled towards him, her embarrassment and humiliation driven from her by the alien drug. Voraciously Spacegirl plunged the dirty member into her mouth and sucked on it wildly.
'Oh, FUCK!' moaned the pirate. 'Oh man....suck it you bitch! Yeah! If one dose is good then three are fuckin' GREAT!' Spacegirl only heard noise as the pirate congratulated himself on overdosing the young agent. Hitomi's head bobbed back and forth frantically as she tried to satiate her lust to no avail. She knew what she had to have. With surprising ease Hitomi lifted the pirate up and threw him to the ground. In an instant she was on top of him trying to stuff as much of his cock as she possibly could up her drenched pussy. Thoroughly impaled Spacegirl bounced frantically on the man as he grabbed her rippling breasts, almost as if to hang on for dear life. The pirate was beginning to see stars as Hitomi fucked him. Suddenly the man's eyes when wide as he looked up at Hitomi. The color drained away from his face and sexual ecstasy was replaced by white hot terror. The pirate screamed as bright amber light filled the cell. In the darkened hallway, light streamed through the cell door's small barred window and the wretched man's scream gurgled and faded into silence.


There were five girls huddling together in the large cell. Each had been stolen away during pirate raids and they were awaiting with fear the next humiliation the slavers would inflict on them. The girls wore dirty medical type gowns and they were beautiful, faces were streaked with dirt and tears. Suddenly there was a crashing thud against the door to their cell. The girls looked up and clung to each other in fear. There was another crash, but this time the door flew inward and clanged to the floor. The girls screamed as they saw along with the cell door was a dead pirate whose chest had been caved in. In the doorway was a young Asian girl. She wore the same dirty jumpsuit that the pirates wore, but it was a poor fit and it was unzipped down to her waist, exposing her nude body underneath. The girl walked in towards the women. The girls in the corner suddenly realized that this woman wasn't a pirate, but another prisoner and she was helping them escape. Jumping up the women ran to the pretty Asian girl, but stopped in their tracks when she began to glow with an eerie amber light.
'Food.' said Spacegirl as her eyes shone like miniature stars.

'What the hell is going on?' demanded the fat pirate boss as he moved down the hallway towards Spacegirl's cell. There were several pirates crowded around the entrance of the cell peering in and murmuring to each other. The boss shoved them aside, entering the cell. On the floor was a mummified corpse of a naked man. His body was withered and his face gaunt. The boss looked down at him and the corpse looked back with shrunken, dried eyes.
'I think its Binn' said a pirate at the door. 'He was on food detail. The pirate boss looked around the cell.
'Spacegirl! I want that bitch found! NOW!' he barked. The men at the door drew their weapons and scattered down the hallways not knowing at this point whether they feared the boss more or Spacegirl. As the men ran to search for the escaped agent, alarm klaxons began to blare from speakers all over the mining complex. The pirate boss looked up surprised and angry.
'What the fuck is it now!?'

Several hallways away the group of young women had no doubt. Spacegirl stood stoically in the center of them while the women writhed on the ground in orgasmic terror. Tendrils of energy, like tentacles of amber light emerged from the young Asian. These tentacles had all five women in their clutches as they raped each and every one. Eerie amber light danced over them like reflections from a pool as the energy wrapped around the girls' full breasts and invaded their tender pussies. Hitomi seemed oblivious to the mass rape she was committing as she stood there expressionless. The translucent tentacles of light pulsed and rippled as they fucked the young women into sobbing orgasms. The alarms droned over the sound of rape as the girls bucked and writhed at the mercy of Hitomi's tentacles. Far off there was the sound of several loud explosions then the staccato yelp of gunfire. Slowly the gunfire mixed with shouts of men.

In a hallway several pirates rounded the corner only to be cut down by weapons fire from the ADD strike force. All over the mining facility ADD troops were mopping up the resistance given by the pirates. The slavers here had been totally taken by surprise when the ADD cruiser came out of foldspace. By the time they knew what was up infantry pods were already entering the atmosphere. The ADD squad checked the fallen pirates and moved on. Presently, they came to cell after cell of women prisoners. Then they came to one with the door ripped from its hinges. Ready for a fight, they paused, then dashed inside. Stunned, they stopped dead in their tracks. In the center of the room was a broken and dead pirate draped over the twisted steel door. In one corner of the room were several mummified husks of women. Laying next to them, was the body of an Asian girl. Commander Black bent dOwn next to the girl and rolled her over.
'It's Spacegirl!' she said. 'She's unconscious. Get her out of here!

Hitomi woke a bed in the sick bay of the ADD cruiser. Sitting next to her was Commander Joyce Black.
'Glad to see you're awake.' said Commander Black. 'You gave us a bit of a scare.' Spacegirl sat up slowly. She felt like she'd been asleep for weeks.
'I take it the plan worked, sir?' smiled Hitomi weakly.
'Yeah although we were worried when your landing pod telemetry went out.'
'That was probably when they got the drop on me,' explained Spacegirl.
'One thing, Spacegirl. When we found you we found dried husks of several girls and another of a male prisoner. What the hell are those bastards doing to them?!' asked Commander Black. Astonished, Hitomi looked at her commanding officer dumbfounded. 'I...I have no idea!' said Spacegirl.


Sigrid looked at the grainy picture in the monitor with satisfaction. An easily arranged medical problem, assisted by a small vial, had ensured that one of the trainees had to be quarantined. Her room-mate, not coincidentally the most beautiful girl from the intake, was declared safe but had to be moved out to share with Tracey. The power of modern medicine, Sigrid mused with a taut grin as she watched her plan unfold.

Manaca Perez was getting undressed ready for bed. As she lifted the uniform shirt over her head, two sets of eyes lingered on her tautly voluptuous body. Tracey looked with more than a touch of envy at the perfectly rounded curves, wishing her own body looked more like that of the young Latino. Sigrid Gunnison licked her lips as she took in the full breasts swelling in Manaca's blue bra. She was almost tempted to go for this one herself. Then she shook herself. However lovely this young girl was, Hitomi had her hooks into the pale blonde's soul and no-one else would do. Still, she could dream......

As she disentangled her long hair from the shirt, Manaca looked over at Tracey and smiled. 'More trouble than it's worth, having a mane like this,' she remarked ruefully.
'Oh no! It's lovely,' Tracey responded automatically. The young Latino smiled her thanks and removed her slacks prior to heading for the bathroom. The two girls had been thrown together by circumstances and although sociable, there was no particular bond of friendship between them. In fact, many of the trainees completely ignored the black girl, feeling she had received preferential treatment. Tracey propped the pillow more comfortably behind her head and went back to her book. She was already in bed having had a tough day's training. A few minutes later, Manaca walked back into the room in a short dressing gown and Sigrid carefully pressed the large button on her black box. Then she set an eight-hour tape to recording mode.

Both girls sat up in their beds, studying hard. ADD training was no pushover and only the best of the best would ever get to be field operatives. Feeling warm, Tracey pushed her blanket lower then looked over at Manaca. The golden-skinned girl was leaning back with her hands behind her head. Her large breasts seemed to be pushing for release against the thin fabric of her nightie. Dark bumps clearly showed the position of her nipples and Tracey found herself drawn to stare at them avidly, almost willing the material to disintegrate beneath her gaze. Seeming to sense the look, Manaca glanced over idly and then drew a sharp breath. With shock, the black girl realised she had been unconsciously fondling her own breast through the almost transparent material of her baby-doll and her aroused nipple was poking hard against the garment. Then their eyes slowly met and hot sparks almost visibly flashed between the two girls.

Eyes glued together, both young trainees moved towards each other. They met between the two beds, arms wrapping around each other and hot lips melding together in a passionate kiss. Breathing heavily they clasped each other tightly, hands moving over backs, cupping bottoms. Scrabbling with eager fingers, they quickly stripped each other, mouths only parting for the minimum time necessary to remove nightwear. In her own room, Sigrid sighed with satisfaction and settled back to enjoy the show, one hand idly stroking her inner thigh.

Drinking in the sight of two very different but equally beautiful and equally naked young girls, Sigrid made mental comparisons. Tracey was slightly shorter than the other girl, with deep chocolate skin and curly black hair. Her slender limbs framed a slim body that curved softly over taut muscles developed during her recent training. Smaller breasted than her companion, her high firm peaks still swelled in an invitation hard to ignore, each surmounted by a large purple-black nipple. Flanks sleek with youth flared into the curved hemispheres of her small bottom. By comparison, her companion was more rounded, more voluptuous. A long thick black mane of hair waterfalled down over her shoulders, almost touching the swell of her gently rounded bottom, which shone golden-brown with the thin sheen of sweat covering her delicately rounded cheeks. In the front, her large soft breasts thrust forward from the shrouding hair. Perfect globes of honeyed flesh, each surmounted by a dark brown nipple, smaller that Tracey's teats but by no means small, they seemed to poke forwards in an attempt to be noticed, asking to be touched, begging be kissed.

Using a trick she had learned in training, Tracey suddenly unbalanced Manaca and twisted her down so that she lay helpless, body arched over the edge of her bed, breasts straining upwards. Pinning the other girls hands to the mattress above her head, the young black girl hovered over her room-mate's golden body voraciously, eyes hungrily examining her prey. Lowering herself, she avidly kissed her way across the soft honey-coloured skin of Manaca's neck and onto her upper chest. Then as the excited girl writhed and groaned beneath her, wide lips and a rough pink tongue began to explore taut thrusting breasts. Lapping, nipping, even biting, Tracey worked her way over the swollen mounds beneath her mouth. Manaca moaned with rising passion at each new touch and she felt her already large breasts swell and throb as they engorged with excitement. Marks appeared one by one on the flawless globes as Tracey left love bites to record her passage while the young Latino desperately squirmed her arms free and clasped the black girls head tighter to her heaving tits. With her hands now available, Tracey grasped a large orb in each and squeezed them rhythmically as she continued to bite and lick at the sensitive flesh.

With a moan of excitement, eyes fixed hungrily on the monitor, Sigrid wiggled her hips forward and twined her fingers into the fluffy blonde hair surmounting her pussy. Her other hand slipped between the sides of her dressing gown and onto the naked mound of a large pale breast, tweaking the pink nipple to arousal with practiced fingers. Slipping down over her sex-lips, a long finger pressed between them and dipped into the already copious amount of juice that had accumulated there. Then sliding her digit back and forth, the stern-faced Nordic blonde coated her finger with honey before using it to seek out and tease the rising button of her clitoris. With a groan she began to pleasure herself as she watched the events on the screen before her, her face flushing with excitement and triumph.

Working her way to the centre of one proud orb, Tracey found the dark brown nipple already fully erect, straining upwards as though seeking attention. Not wishing to ignore such a tempting plea for help, the young black girl extended her tongue and circled the hard nub in a swirling motion that caused Manaca to groan loudly. Then Tracey's lips captured the swollen teat and the Latino shuddered beneath her, moaning wildly as she felt her responsive flesh sucked strongly into the warm dampness of her companion's mouth. Quivering with emotion, she writhed at the hot sensations flooding her young body while the hypersensitive nipple was sucked and tongued simultaneously.

'So that's what you do while I'm away.' The hard, flat voice cracked like a slap against Tracey's face and she looked up in confusion to see SpaceGirl standing in the doorway. Feeling relaxed after her rest on the trip back to Antares, Hitomi had rushed to greet her companion as soon as the ship touched down. Eager to see her friend and reassure her that she was safe, the last thing she had expected was to see her lover naked with some ...... some big-titted bimbo slut!

Tracey's mind, still under the subtle effects of the aphrodisiac gas, refused to clear. 'Hi, Hitomi,' she grinned, 'want to play with us?' In two quick strides SpaceGirl crossed to the younger girl. Lashing out suddenly, the back of her hand rocked Tracey's head back and the black girl sat down suddenly on her own bed, bewilderment and pain mingling in her bemused expression as her hand moved slowly to the bruise darkening her cheek.
'And as for you......' SpaceGirl looked across at Manaca, still lying arched over her bed, a vacant expression of pure lust on her face as she teased her tumescent nipples. 'As for you ......' A look of confusion shadowed the rage in Hitomi's eyes as she breathed the insidious gas still seeping from beneath the bed. As it started to react with the remains of the serum still lying inert in her bloodstream the young Japanese girl's face went blank. 'As for you .........' heat flared in SpaceGirl's body, fanned to an irresistible aching need by the chemicals. An amber light began to glow in her eyes.


Sigrid had literally hugged herself with glee when the monitor showed SpaceGirl's intrusion into the passionate scene she had been watching. It was so delicious, so perfect! She laughed aloud as the Japanese agent crossed the room and struck her lover, surely her ex-lover now. Oh, how scrumptious it all was! The relationship with that little black tart was certainly over and soon she, Sigrid, would be able to move in, first consoling Hitomi and offering a shoulder to cry on, then ...... then ...... slowly but surely making herself a vital part of SpaceGirl's life.

But now things weren't going quite as expected. Hitomi had not stormed out of the room. She was still there, seemingly staring down at the exposed body of Manaca Perez. Surely she wouldn't ...... with both of them ...... wait ...... the gas! Could it be strong enough to make her ......? A worried frown crossed Sigrid Gunnison's face. Not expecting Hitomi to return during the carefully planned scene of betrayal, she had never considered the possible effects of SpaceGirl breathing in the aphrodisiac gas while in a room with two exceptionally nubile young females. Now she realised the possible consequences of her oversight and sudden fear made her normally attractive face look old and haggard.

Something strange seemed to be happening to the picture on the monitor. Circuits struggled to cope with suddenly increased light levels and jagged lines split the image as though lightning played about the room. Sigrid leaned closer in puzzled concentration.

Manaca scrambled up the bed in sudden fear as Hitomi's glowing eyes focussed on her naked body. Then a tendril of energy trailed towards her and pinned the Latino down so that she couldn't escape. On the next bed, Tracey looked on in confusion. Unable to see much with SpaceGirl's body in the way, she could tell something was happening between the two girls but didn't know what. But with the aphrodisiac still coursing powerfully through her body, she knew that whatever happened she wasn't about to miss out on it. 'Hey, come on you guys. Don't forget about me.' In response Hitomi stepped back until she could see both girls at once and Tracey gasped with sudden fear as she saw her friend's face. A new tendril emerged and wrapped around her slender black neck, throwing her down brutally onto the bed.

More energy-tentacles emerged as Hitomi stared blankly at the two bodies quivering with fear. One circled the full globe of Manaca's left breast and squeezed roughly at the velvet tautness. Another twined about Tracey's leg, snaking up over the soft black skin. Ripping aside the Velcro fastenings, SpaceGirl exposed her own nearly nude body. One hand began to tug at a throbbingly erect nipple, the other dived into her panties and thrust three fingers into the aching emptiness of her cunt. Hitomi began to feed.


Tendrils of amber light played over the swollen globes of Manaca's large tits. The intangible tentacles felt real enough to the young Latino and she gasped with drug-enhanced arousal as her firm globes were remorselessly stimulated. Her golden flesh dimpled and bulged as the tendrils grasped and prodded her heaving breasts. Light seemed to play over the hard thumbs of her tumid nipples, breaking apart then reforming into cup-like appendages that closed over the throbbing peaks and vibrated them.
'Uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh .........' her large nipples responded readily, lengthening and swelling as pleasure flashed through her body to centre on the increasingly aroused bud of her clitoris.
'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ......... Nnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhh .........' as her tits were stimulated and her nipples teased to greater hardness, the beautiful young girl's clit began to throb in sympathy. Writhing on the bed, she began to give her mind over to the powerfully erotic feelings flooding her helpless body.

Hitomi's blank expressionless face turned towards her friend. As though still raging inwardly, she treated the black girl's body far more savagely than she did that of Manaca. Amber tentacles roughly turned Tracey so that she was lying face down on the bed. Still gripped by a drug induced fervour, the pretty young girl squirmed against the firm mattress, seemingly oblivious to the tendril holding her down as she rubbed her pussy against the rumpled blankets in powerful circular movements. Energy tentacles pulled and pushed at her body, intently seeking access to her most vulnerable places. One yanked her arm savagely aside as another curled beneath to wrap itself round the engorged shape of her pendant breast and contracted sharply, causing the black girl to cry out in mixed pain and lust as her flesh bulged under the assault

Tentacleraping Tracey. Click for full size

Then Tracey yelped with sudden agony as the tendril wrapped around her inflamed tit rapidly attached itself to her nipple. No teasing tug or lovers caress, the energy beam gripped her sensitive teat like pliers, closing fast and squeezing the aching nub remorselessly as tears ran down her soft black cheeks and Tracey writhed in anguish. Hot pain flooded the young girl's breast and flared through her shuddering body, warring with the aphrodisiac that coursed strongly through her veins. Fresh agony burst through Tracey as a new tentacle lashed the quivering upturned hillocks of her bottom, crackling with energy as it struck home again and again. Dark red weals marred soft brown skin as Spacegirl, face still bizarrely emotionless, relentlessly tortured her closest friend.

Automatically spreading her legs wide at the touch of a gently exploratory tentacle nuzzling between her thighs, Manaca sighed deeply. An amber energy tendril traced the delicately sensitive skin close to her aroused pussy, setting the receptive flesh quivering as a warm sensation suffused her cunt. Moving slowly and steadily the tentacle travelled up higher, pressing down into coarse black hair to open her puffy labia and reveal the slick wetness of inner flesh.
'Uuunnnnnnnngggghhhhhhh ......' with a groan the young Latino girl felt the amber beam touch her aroused clit and gently massage it. Once more the light broke apart to reform into a cup shape which enclosed the swollen nub and vibrated over its throbbing surface.
'Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh ......... Nnnnnnggggghhhhhhhhh ......' her body spasmed as the voracious tentacle of light worked her clitoris into a shuddering orgasm. Then Manaca moaned with anticipation as she felt another energy tendril pressing against her entrance.

Tracey writhed and shuddered on the bed, breath coming hard, panicking as agony and arousal pulled her mind apart in a haze of conflicting emotions. Her breast and nipple ached dully from the tendril gripping it, while her back, bottom and legs burned with streaks of fire where the sparkling tentacle whipped her soft skin remorselessly. Then suddenly the lashing ceased and she groaned with relief. But not for long. With no warning, no preparation the thick tentacle thrust into the tight ring of her ass. Bright light filled the room as it powered through the clenching muscle to embed itself deep in the young black girl's abused body. Tracey screamed with pain as the sudden invasion forced her anus walls wide and she bucked wildly in an attempt to dislodge it. Then another energy tentacle, sadistically ignoring her clitoris, rammed itself into the unprepared walls of her cunt. Reaching beneath herself, Tracey grasped the intruder in an attempt to pull it from her body. But every time she touched it a warning jolt tingled her fingers and made her cunt spasm wildly as released energy caused her inner muscles to jerk spastically. Roughly the tendrils began to thrust in and out of her body. Without any finesse or any attempt to give pleasure a stony-faced Hitomi relentlessly ravaged the soft body of her young companion.

Wrenching her almost hypnotised gaze away from the events on the screen, Sigrid came to her senses. Something was very wrong in that room. Without pausing to dress, she slipped on a pair of shoes and rushed out into the night air.

As the tendril of amber energy gently eased itself into her pussy, Manaca moaned with excitement. The arousing tentacles continued to play over her body, stimulating her upthrust tits, tugging her swollen nipples, and caressing her quivering skin. Enhanced by the aphrodisiac drug suffusing her system, each touch was magnified a hundredfold and Manaca squirmed with erotic pleasure. The tendril slid deeper into her welcoming cunt, thickening as it impaled her, filling and stretching inner walls until it was like a large, fat appendage that touched every part of her. Slowly it retreated, only to return again. In and out it moved in a stately rhythm as it insatiably aroused the young girl, causing her to gasp and cry with delight. Another slim tendril quested beneath her wriggling bottom and Manaca moaned her acceptance as it slid into the welcoming entrance to her anus.
'Eeeeeeehhhhhaaaaaahhhhh ...... Eeeeeeehhhhhhhh ...... oooooooooo' with a loud ululating wail the golden body spasmed into another orgasm. Amber eyes flared hotly and fingers pumped ravenously into her own cunt as Hitomi sped up the energy tendrils fucking the Latino girl, while at the same time savagely raping Tracey.

With a sudden crash the door flew open. Sigrid Gunnison, hair tousled and chest heaving from her breakneck dash across the compound rushed into the room and grabbed SpaceGirl by the shoulder, swinging her around and breaking the energy links to the two writhing bodies she had been assaulting.
'Stop! Please! Stop it! You don't understand! It was me! I put a drug in ......' seeing the blank expression and amber cat-like eyes for the first time, Sigrid stuttered to a halt, her face confused.

For the first time a shadow of emotion touched the young Japanese girl. A look of pure undiluted hatred flashed briefly before she resumed an expressionless mask. Whether the look signified annoyance for the interruption to her feeding, or hatred at what she had done to Tracey while believing the girl responsible for her own actions, Hitomi could never remember. Her eyes flashed a darker amber, no cat now but an angry lion, and Sigrid backed away in sudden fear.


As the two released girls huddled dazedly on their beds, a thick tendril of energy lashed out, lifting Sigrid easily into the air and slamming her against a wall, pinning her there as she squirmed ineffectually in an attempt to escape. More amber tentacles, flecked now with red, shot out and shredded clothing until she hung naked and afraid, teeth chattering with terror, chest heaving and small incoherent sounds coming from her trembling mouth.

If the brutal rape of Tracey had been horrible to watch, what followed next was a thousand times worse. Face implacable Hitomi released tentacle after tentacle of pure force. Each one sparkled with incipient power as they writhed towards the helpless figure pinned like a butterfly halfway up the wall. Tendrils wrapped violently around soft breasts, clamped painfully hard about pink nipples, forced legs brutally wide to thrust cruelly into vagina and anus, lashed viciously at pale skin that soon became criss-crossed with livid red markings. As each one struck home, it released its energy charge into the vulnerable body, which jerked in agony as Sigrid screamed and twisted and begged for mercy. With no sign she was even aware of what she was doing, let alone that she heard the pathetic cries, SpaceGirl savagely assaulted the powerless figure achieving within minutes what had taken hours to do to her victims at the Vanejin encampment.

The blonde's struggles grew weaker as her life was drained steadily by the emotionless figure she had so often dreamed of taking to her bed. Fluttering like a moth as her body was wracked by the vicious assault, her cries diminished to moans and finally to silence. At last she hung still, no movements save those caused by the thick tentacles still pounding her body. Finally Hitomi released the lifeless husk which slid slowly to the floor as she stalked from the room.


'It is really quite simple,' Doctor Tsiochovski was explaining to Commander Black. 'The serum Leper insisted I manufacture was largely untested and was in any case, not made under, errmm, ideal conditions. While it had been tested with limited success on a number of unwilling test subjects, it had never been administered in the volume used by that pirate scum on Ms. Kotani. Of course I cannot be certain, but I have been talking to some of your own scientists and it is possible that the overdose combined with the young lady's own peculiar mental powers to achieve such lethal side effects.'
'I see Doctor. But why ...'
'Why did it suddenly re-emerge here?' Black nodded, for once almost unable to get a word in and not enjoying being lectured to. 'Again, from what I have learned from your scientists, it appears that we were working on similar lines in the development of an aphrodisiac drug. The space journey may have kept Ms. Kotani insulated from suitable victims, or she may simply have been satiated. Then on her arrival here she is presented with a scene at once both arousing and disturbing to her. Add that to the gas you found, which effectively increased the level of aphrodisiac in her body by a further 50% and the results are perhaps inevitable.'

Doctor Tsiochovski beamed with satisfaction at his eloquence and erudition before one of the most powerful women on twelve worlds and sat back, steepling his fingers across his midriff self-importantly.
'And now?' Commander Black asked with a trace of irritation plain in her voice. 'What now? Have I lost my best agent? Do I have to keep her locked away indefinitely for her protection and ours?' It had taken a lot of effort to capture SpaceGirl intact. The medical facilities were still crowded with personnel nursing broken bones from her deadly fighting skills. To say nothing of a large number of men and women who had been left ravaged in her wake and now needed psychiatric counselling. Manaca Perez occupied a room to herself where she twitched and mumbled in sedated slumber. Occasionally Hitomi's name was recognisable amongst the sounds and a look bordering on awe or devotion crossed her pretty face. In the room next to her, Tracey fretted, her wounds bandaged now, restlessly disturbing the staff every few minutes with demands to be released so that she could go to her friend. Across the compound, Hitomi lay unconscious in the most secure facilities available. It had taken a full squad of security personnel armed with stun guns to capture her and all Black's authority to keep her intact afterwards.

'Noooooo,' Doctor Tsiochovski drew out the word thoughtfully. 'No reason you should have lost her forever. The young lady just needs to work the serum out of her system. It could take months though. No short cuts I'm afraid. Not unless you can find someone to volunteer as a victim.'
'How do you mean?'
'Well, it's all hypothetical, because no-one in their right mind would willingly be there when she suffers another attack. But if there were some way she could have a victim, uhhh, I mean an assistant in the room when the serum hits, then it would speed up the process. By using the released energy to, ahh, stimulate another person it would burn up the remaining serum in her system faster.'
'Would it not be fatal to the assistant?'
'Not necessarily, no. I have another serum I was working on which should blunt the more, ahh, extreme effects of such an attack. Still that is all by the way. No-one would volunteer to put themselves in that position.'
Commander Black's face took on a thoughtful look and she keyed a switch on her desk. 'Send Ms. MacDonnell to me when she is released from sick bay,' she instructed her assistant when he entered.

Six times Hitomi's eyes flashed amber in the ensuing days. Six times Tracey uncomplainingly offered her body to extremes of pain and pleasure, alternately screaming with agony and groaning with lust as she bled the ravening energy from her friend. But each time the assault was weaker and less violent than the preceding one until finally, on the seventh day of her incarceration, the light consuming Spacegirl's eyes flickered and died. Shuddering in the aftermath of the violent force that had possessed her body and mind, she fell sobbing to the floor. Tracey rushed across to cuddle and reassure the tortured young Agent, cradling her shaking body gently and rocking her like a child, stroking the straggle of sweat-soaked hair away from her anguished face.
'There, there, honey. Rest now, be easy sugar. Ain't nothin' we can't beat long as we together.' Weakly SpaceGirl smiled up before drifting into an exhausted sleep.