Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

Stormbringer 2

Your entry goes unnoticed. The girl is obviously too preoccupied with what may transpire and she just pushes the door closed behind herself without looking back. A brief look around shows you that this is an outer office, probably occupied by a secretary at other times. The usual clutter of filing cabinets and computer equipment could be found in such places anywhere in the world where a busy executive has someone to whom to delegate the boring parts of his job. But this is not a normal part of the world; you have already seen enough to know that much, so everything, even the coffee maker, takes on a faintly sinister appearance.

The girl you followed has made her way straight through this office, which luckily for you is empty, and has also passed through an inner door. In her present state, it is perhaps not surprising she has failed to close it fully behind herself and there is a gap of a few inches through which an experienced pervert such as yourself should be able to get a good look without being noticed. Of course there is always the chance someone will open that door, or come in through the main door behind you. But since when did something like that put you off when there's a beautiful girl as part of the equation?

As quietly as possible you sneak up to the partly open door and put your eye to the crack. Just as you hoped! You have a perfect view of the girl who is kneeling on the floor almost directly facing you. Her attention however is on something, or someone, around the corner and invisible to you. It certainly seems odd that she would be on the floor like that, but since it gives you a better view, you're not likely to complain too much. Snatches of conversation are audible to you, a deep male voice and that of the girl. It appears she is not in fact a student here but one of the staff, which would explain why she looks a little older. Much of what is said goes right over your head as they seem to be talking about something you don't understand. But while you can concentrate at that girl, who looks even more attractive without her jacket on, you don't pay much attention.

That changes though, when the male voice is raised and at least part of what he says fits your own desires quite remarkably. "You know very well that senior students either survive to join the ADD or they end up as sex slaves! It's the pact! But you tried to hide Jasmine because she was crawling into your bed every night for the past year! I think you need a severe lesson in loyalty and staff training, Miss Kusunagi. Now strip, or I'll strip you myself!"

"No... please Sir... I... it won't happen again!"

"It won't. I'll make sure of that. My way.... Now do as you're told or it will be worse for you!"

With a sigh of resignation the girl on the floor slowly unzips her short skirt from top to hem and shuffles out of it without standing up. Then it gets even more interesting as her quivering fingers move slowly from one button to another on her crisp white blouse. As they part, gravity combines with an impressive chest to create a deepening vee down from her neck to her waist. Finally the last button is released from it's captivity and she shrugs the garment back off her shoulders. The movement thrusts her large, bra-covered breasts into even greater prominence than they would have normally. Those pale mounds demand such attention that peripherals like the matching panties and suspender belt gain little attention, except as minor enhancements to your view. You could almost dive into that deep cleavage and lose yourself there but luckily you manage to restrain the impulse and so avoid getting caught.