Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

Head Girls

Mostly written by Shai Tanaka

The Head Girls. They are seen and recognized instantly by the entrancing pale blue sash that adorns their perfect shoulders and slender waists. Their hair is always neatly done, their make up if any is subtle and complementing, their uniforms are immaculate. They are polite, they are well behaved, and they are punctual. They excel in their studies, extra curricular activities, and always seem to have a distant gleam in their eyes. When they walk, they walk with purpose, vigilant eyes wandering across the campus, settling on each student they pass as they walk by. Those students may envy a Head Girl and aspire towards taking their place but they certainly don't draw attention to themselves if they can help it. After all, those Head Girls can summon any student to be disciplined on a mere whim and tales of their activities become expanded and enhanced with each retelling.

Who are these Head Girls anyway?

Head Girls are considered favored pets of the Headmasters; a Head Girl's willingness to serve is one aspect of them gaining that particular status of course. Each Head Girl was hand selected by a Headmaster for their usefulness; they showed ambition and talent that could directly benefit Shokushu and its cause as well as demonstrating an above-average skill and enthusiasm in catering to the Headmasters more carnal desires. As such it is quite likely that the Headmasters will use a Head Girl regularly as a bed warmer. Each Head Girl has proved their excellency in some form or another, along with a certain ruthlessness and disregard for the welfare of other students. Because of this, Head Girls are set somewhat apart from the student populace and are generally considered rather distant and unapproachable.

Once a Head Girl is chosen they are informed about the true nature of the island - that is if they haven't already been enlightened. It is promised to these very select few young women that after serving the Headmasters for a certain number of years and proving their worth they are allowed to traverse back and forth between the planet Shokushu and Earth. There is a catch, however; in order to maintain the semblance of a normal University, each Head Girl is required to pay a visit to the N.I.C.E. labs. There they are implanted with a malicious device that is directly attached to their heart. Once back on Earth, their every movement is monitored. Any attempt to reveal the true nature of the Island will result in an instant, fatal heart attack.

However, if the Head Girl has developed the proper sense of loyalty to her Headmaster, while on Earth she will go out and avidly recruit young women to apply to the prestigious Shokushu University. And during their time at Shokushu, they will always put the interests of the school and the Headmasters above any sense of duty or responsibility towards normal students. These girls efforts do not go without reward. They are granted whatever they desire from the prosperous school - money, power, fame, adventure, excitement, knowledge. Or perhaps the Head Girl has a desire to take a student or two of her own? The Headmasters grant it.

Head Girls experience the rewards of their position immediately by being moved out of the general dorms and given a suite on the top, or penthouse, level of the tower, where they live when not entertaining one of the Headmasters. Access to this level is key coded so that normal students can only reach the floor by invitation... or by demand if a Head Girl summons one or two for diversion or discipline.

Each suite comprises a living room, bathroom, bedroom, balcony and kitchen, all of which exhibit a sybaritic luxury far beyond anything available to other students or Prefects. On appointment a Head Girl is encouraged to have their rooms completely redecorated to their own taste and equipped with every modern convenience. Naturally this gives the young woman a sense of what the future can hold for her and does a lot to ensure that she will make every effort to avoid failing in her newly acquired status.

Head Girls are allowed to keep a student in their rooms as a favored pet if they wish. More often, though, they will tend to make use of their position to achieve casual encounters or have a student visit to attend to the cleaning and cooking. So tales about the Head Girl's lifestyle spread amongst the student body, enhancing their mystique and motivating other girls to aspire towards being chosen themselves.

Q: What is a Head Girl?

A: Head Girls are appointed by the Headmasters to help maintain discipline within the school and to assist them in their objectives, both at Shokushu and on Earth. In status they are only a little below the teaching staff and they alone amongst the students know much of the real purpose and activities behind the school's facade. It is rare for there ever to be more than five or six Head Girls at any one time.

Q: What are a Head Girl's responsibilities?

A: The Head Girl represents the Headmaster and his deputies in a range of ways. These may include making speeches at opening events, giving notes of thanks to visitors, reading in chapel, delivering Assemblies, representing the Headmaster to the student body and organizing whole school events. They are also in charge of the Prefects in their specific dormitory. Their Prefects are a direct reflection of themselves, which means that unruly Prefects will result in punishment from the Headmaster. Often a Head Girl excels in a certain subject such as Math, Science, Sports, English or Grammar and if so, they may be required to tutor as well as maintain their other responsibilities. However, their true value lies in their more hidden attributes.

Q: What hidden attributes?

A: Since Head Girls know more about the true nature of Shokushu, they understand how the Headmasters enjoy spending their time. They also understand that by accepting the position, they have a primary responsibility for sexually serving their specific Headmaster on demand and with full knowledge of what is happening. They also play a part in bringing suitable students to the Headmasters for their entertainment, without any display of jealousy. It has been rumored that Head Girls sometimes work with various monsters on the island, deliberately leading other students into suitable locations for them to be attacked. On visits to Earth they actively seek suitable victims as well as spreading false information to dispel any rumors about Shokushu's true purpose.

Q: Can a Head Girl ever resign?

A: This is almost unheard of once a Head Girl has enjoyed the power and status of their position. But should they express such a desire, or should they prove unworthy, then a simple trip to N.I.C.E. will remove all knowledge of the truth regarding Shokushu and they will revert to being a normal student. Of course, other students who remember that Head Girl's previous activities will tend to be rather unkind towards them should this happen and that, together with a knowledge of the ultimate fate of normal students, is one more incentive for a Head Girl to perform well.

Q: Can a Head Girl ever retire?

A: A Head Girl never completely retires but when she is getting a little old for the position, she may be able to take permanent residence on Earth, perhaps aim for a staff position at Shokushu or with the ADD, or be sent to another planet. The monitoring device remains in place for the rest of their lives of course, as a precaution. Retired Head Girls can continue to receive help and support from Shokushu by maintaining their role as ambassadors and recruiting agents, or by any other work they do in their new home.

OOC Note: Head Girl is not a position that can be requested. They are selected by the Heads though candidates may be nominated by the mods. As players they are likely to have been involved with SHS for some years; as characters they are always taken to be in their senior years at the school. While Head Girl may be seen as a status position, their primary purpose is to instigate interesting roleplay IC and to be a visible presence for those who need help OOC. Head Girls are not exempt from the normal requirements of OOC consent for scenes and are not immune to the many attacks of the monsters on the island.