Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

IRC Rules

These rules are not here to stop you having fun or restrict you unnecessarily. They exist to ensure the smooth running of the channel for the benefit of the vast majority who fit in and act in a civilised manner.


Channel operators have an @ in front of their nickname. They run the channel and decide on appropriate behavior. They can kick you out at any time for any reason. They can also permanently bar you from entering the channel. But being responsible (and quite nice really) they will only do so if you break one of the rules, ignore a warning, act like a moron, or seriously annoy them. Fail to respect the Ops or ignore their decisions and you WILL be removed.

At any time the following rules will be interpreted by the Ops as they wish.


This channel respects your right to be treated as an adult under the laws of the country under which you reside... to a degree. So if you are resident of a country that gives you sexual freedom at 18, you must be 18 to enter the channel. If you are resident in the UK where the age of consent is 16, as verified by your IP, we may allow you to enter. In no circumstances will anyone younger than 16 be allowed entry. Nor will anyone between the ages of 16 and 18 where their IP shows they are resident in the US or Canada. Using a nickname which implies you are under legal age is treated exactly the same way as you actually being under that age.


The channel has a theme and it has visitors who happily fit into the theme. Unfortunately it also gets it's share of visitors who feel their ego is bigger or more important than the channel. It isn't. If you cannot fit into the channel as it stands, you are likely to find yourself banned for 24 hours. Look on this as time to consider if you would be happier elsewhere. Attracting a number of bans in a short space of time will lead to you being permanently barred from entry to the channel. The definition of 'disruption' will be decided by the Ops as they think fit and is not open to discussion.


Visitors to the channel, especially girls, have a right to spend their time there without unwanted attention, threats or abuse. Anything that an Op decides is anti-social behavior towards another visitor is likely to get you kicked out, and in extreme cases banned. We protect our girls. So be warned!!

Role play is ALWAYS consentual. Get the person's permission before starting and do not be abusive if they refuse. Within the role play itself, a different way of speaking is more or less essential. Outside it be polite to all other visitors.

Do not send another visitor a private message without their expressed permission first in open channel. If you don't want the rest of the channel to know you want to talk to someone privately, use the /notice command. But be aware that Ops have the right to send private messages to any visitor at any time on matters of channel business. Ignore them and the Op will likely kick you to get your attention.

Do not ask other visitors age, sex, location, real name etc. And for your own privavcy, you are advised not to give such information until you know someone very well.

If You Feel Harrassed

If you consider you are being harrassed by another visitor, report it to an Op. They are under instruction to take such reports seriously. If you don't want to be seen to be doing this, send a private message by double-clicking one of the Op's names and typing in the window that opens up.

Being sent a private notice in the main channel window is not harrassment unless the contents of the message are offensive. Generally they are a way for another visitor to request a private conversation with you and you are free to ignore them unless sent from an Op on channel business.

Being persistently sent private messages that you didn't agree to receive, or being followed from channel to channel (stalking), are both types of harrassment not tolerated in this channel.

Role Play

Role Play takes two forms. General role play is the way you act in channel while you are there and applies all the time. You are visiting as either a monster, a student or a female visitor to the school. That means when you speak or perform actions, you do it as that character. Anything you wish to say that is not in character should be placed within ( )'s. Example: 'Damn, my car broke down today' - will be taken as your character speaking, while (Damn, my car broke down today) - will be taken as you talking about something that happened in real life.

The other sort of role play is sexual - actually sceneing a rape. Such role play can be either private or public. Private scenes are a matter for the participants to define for themselves and we don't offer guidelines. In public scenes, we expect the role play to bear a close association with the SHS site theme. Primarily that it involves ravaging of a female by a monster - not consensual sex. The theme of the channel isn't heroic fighters battling it out for hours, nor is it excessive brutality. But equally it is certainly not all-human sex, nor is it cute monsters giggling with their dates while they grope each other. In extreme cases, Ops will interfere with a public scene or stop it completely if they feel it is inappropriate to the channel theme.

Persons not directly involved in a scene are required not to flood the channel with aimless chatter, and never to join an ongoing scene without the permission of those taking part.

NOTE: Students and other females playing an all-girl scene in public are taken to be available for monsters to join in without asking.

Character Restrictions

To maintain the theme of the channel, the following restrictions and guidelines apply to the public channel:

  • Students are human girls. They may use a bit of minor magic but nothing dangerous. They may not exhibit alien or anthropomorphic tendencies.
  • Monsters are just that - monsters. They are not cute and cuddly and they do not ask student's for dates except as a ruse to get the girl somewhere and rape her.
  • Monsters and students do NOT sit on a sofa kissing and cuddling. Students are terrified and monsters are aggressive.
  • Monsters are fantasy creatures. They are not large versions of any existing animal. They may demonstrate kinship with a known animal but must have enough differences that it is not in any way considered beastiality. Example: a monster related to a wolf but walking on two legs, wearing clothing, able to talk and hold items, showing other than animal intelligence etc. If we want to watch dogs fucking we can look out the window. We don't want it in here.


The channel is intended for role play and chat, not the trading of pictures and videos. Fservers and traders will be accepted as long as they do not flood the channel with scripts and messages


It is not unusual to be present in several channels at the same time. We restrict your presence on certain channels that we find offensive while you are also a visitor in ours. Why? Just because we want to. So if you are also visiting one of the following channels at the same time as SHS, expect to get a warning to decide where you prefer to be. Expect also that this warning will be in public, listing the channels you are on.

Banned co-channels:

  • Any channel with a pre-teen, underage, or paedophile theme
  • Animal sex: meaning terrestrial rather than fantasy animals
  • Toilet sex
  • Incest
  • Torture chans at the discretion of the Ops
  • Channels that promote hatred of any grouping or ethnic background
  • Any channel an Op takes offence to

Piracy of Visitors

Joining or taking part in the channel while also using your presence here to invite other visitors to different channels is not acceptable behavior. Of course we all talk about other channels that we like, and directing someone to a room where they will feel more at home is normal. But persistently publicising or inviting to another channel in which you have more that a passing interest, for the purposes of improving that channel at the expense of the Campus will get you banned.

It should be pretty obvious that the rules are common sense and intended to allow everyone to enjoy their visit. If you feel you are unlikely to be able to stick to them, save us all the hassle and stay away.