Shokushu High School

Where ravaging tentacles explore the female student body

Writing Tools

There are writing tools that can make writing a much easier thing. The first of these is 'How to write a short story'. This document will go over the very basics of writing a story from Conflict and plot to character development and kinds of stories. Reading this document should give even an experienced writer a new look on short story writing.

The Short story structure sheet allows the writer to create an overview of her/his story planning out the steps. First is Characters' names, ages, and basic descriptions. Next comes Conflict... what's going to happen to make your character react. Time allows you to set part of the scene merely by saying what the time period is. Place is important as it'll help set the mood of your work. Character motivation is important as your reader will want to know why the conflict makes the character react. Last but never least is Resolution. How is your story going to conclude with characters, plot, and conflict coming together in a satisfying way for the reader.

The character sheet posted will let you sit down and plan out from name to how many people in the character's family. You'll give physical details to your main characters. Consider how much education and what job the character has. You'll consider religious beliefs. You'll be able to outline your character's personality and inner being.