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 Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel) 
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Joined: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:02 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
The first major sign of defiance... or at least fear... showed in her as she grabbed for her skirt. He wasn't disappointed, though... she had lasted far longer than he expected her to without any... persuasion. "I can tell..." He replied, sounding somewhat impatient with her fidgeting. "Let's try another approach..." he said, two chains slowly unfurling from his belt beneath his cloak as he spoke... nearly silent thanks to his practiced control over the metal.

"You need to relax..." he urged, his words countered by a sudden rush of metal as two chains parted his cloak and lunged for her wrists, trying to ensnare them before she could react. The sudden attack also caused his cowl to part enough that she might catch a glimpse of slate colored skin or even a horn.

Wed Oct 06, 2010 5:40 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell let out a yelp of alarm when chains shot out at her from within Raziel's cloak and tried to capture her wrist. It happened quite suddenly but she was still able to avoid one of her hands being restrained. The hand that had been holding her skirt down had been closer to Raziel and she had not been able to move it out of the way fast enough. She eyes darted towards the man's face to see that the cowl had fallen away to reveal something vaguely inhuman.

She screamed and instantly slide of the desk to stand on the side opposite Raziel. Her captured arm stretched across the table between them preventing her from running away but she pulled back as far as she was able. Her eyes were wide and firmly fixed on the creature standing on the other side of the desk. "Dear God, what are you?" Her voice came out calmer than she would have expected but she was still clearly frightened.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:13 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Raziel's smile gleamed against his slightly darkened skin. "Me? I'm merely an artist, precisely as I've told you. Now, granted, I'm not your professor's assistant or... whatever I claimed to be. Also you probably won't be receiving any extra credit." he chuckled. "But you have such a fine form... when I saw you I just had to take the opportunity." he said, reaching a hand up to the chain and pulling it quite firmly, beckoning her back towards the table.

"Now... would you like to go ahead and pose for me, or will the subject be reluctant as usual?" He smirked cruelly. Two more chains rose from his belt, hovering as if they were cobras ready to strike out at her limbs.

Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:28 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell was trembling now. She tried to stay at the absolute furthest distance the chain around her wrist would allow but it wasn't far enough and the monster was drawing her closer. Her gaze shifted to the two new chains hovering in threat at Raziel's waist. She bit her lip. The last thing she wanted was to be chained down and at the monster's mercy. But she didn't trust his words. She met his eyes again, searching for some sign of his true intention. "You just want me to pose for you and nothing else?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:41 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
The Daeva tilted his head slightly, a smirk on his lips. "If I was going to rape you, I could have earlier." he stated simply, though not exactly answering her question. Rather than assault her outright, he extended one of the chains towards her free hand and offered it to her... strange, and even a little threatening, but he was obviously capable of much more force than he was showing to her. His eyes couldn't help but drink in the way her blouse hugged her chest, or her legs beneath her skirt, though he would occasionally glance up to her eyes as if to re-assure her.

Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:00 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell shrugged away from the chain Raziel had extended towards her. Had he expected her to take it willingly. She looked from the chain to Raziel's face. She did not miss the way he was looking at her body. She wasn't taken in. "You could have chained me up earlier too. You could have done a lot of things..."

She looked away from that strangely dark skinned face and considered for a moment. Out of the corner of her eye she could still see the outstretched chain waiting for her answer. He wasn't really giving her much up a choice. He clearly intended to have her as his model no matter what but perhaps if she played along for now an opportunity to escape would present itself. "If I climb back up onto the desk and pose for you will you release my wrist? Or at least promise not to hurt me?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:21 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
He grew impatient, and was about to attempt to restrain her further when she made her counter offer. He had no intentions of releasing her wrist... the only question was whether he considered it more prudent to lie to her and get her back on the desk quicker, or keep her trust for a little longer. He ultimately decided that he was in the position of power for the moment, so he could certainly push her further.

"I never intended to do you any harm." he growled. "Though you ARE trying my patience. I will release you when I'm finished with you as a model. Perhaps before if I deem you trustworthy..." he said in perfect English, sounding human despite his contrary appearance. "Or you can see how far you get with your arm still bound to me. Your choice, Miss Apton."

Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:27 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
She tensed when he growled his answer at her. She hadn't really expected him to release her hand but she had hoped. Still, she didn't have many options left to her. Pose willingly, behave, earn the monster's trust or risk angering him further and be bond against her will and unable to fight. She closed her eyes for a moment and gathered her courage. It wasn't a real choice. She was a prisoner either way but she'd chose the option that gave her the greatest advantage. "Alright, I'll pose for you."

She took a deep breath and stepped back towards the desk slowly. She tried not to fetch when she was in range of the second chain. She just turned slightly and edged passed it. Once she reached the desk she exhaled the breath she'd been holding. She glanced up to meet Raziel's eyes one last time then climbed back up onto the desk. She moved back into the position she had been in last but still sitting up. She swallowed hard and tried to sound as brave as possible as she ask him, "You still want me laying on my back, correct?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:58 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
The second chain followed her, twisting the cuff at the end as if it were an animal's head... following her back to the desk as she sat down. "Yes... go ahead and lie down. Since we've dispensed with formalities, I'll be a little more... helpful in how I'd like you posed." He laughed, a sinister sound that would do little to dampen her fears. The tall demon-like creature remained at the head of the desk, waiting for her to do as she was told.

At the same time, the extended chain followed her, trying to ease itself around her free wrist gently. "I don't suppose a subject as lovely as yourself has had the fortune to avoid my fellow nightmares on the island?" he asked, making small talk while he waited for her to lay back.

Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:40 pm
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell didn't like the way Raziel had laughed when he said he would "help" pose her. Nor did she like him standing behind her waiting for her to lie down for him. Still, she did not want to be retrained any more so she did as instructed and began to ease herself back onto the desk. She jerked to a stop, however, when the second chain tried to ensnare her free hand. She pulled her hand out of its reach and turned to glare back at the demon. "I'm doing as you asked. Why are you trying to restrain me more?"

Regardless of his answer, she would eventually comply and eventual lie the rest of the way back down. It wasn't as though she could really stop him but she wouldn't like it. She frowned deeply at his attempted "small talk". She turned her sharply away and refused to meet his eyes. "That is not something I wish to discuss with you."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:20 pm

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Raziel sighed at her reluctance to the other chain, considering simply forcing it upon her. He risked losing any degree of cooperation from her, though he also wondered how much longer she would agree to his commands anyways. "Very well... that might have been a bit personal." he grinned. "Maybe we should start with something a little more calming... what brings you to school here?" he asked, almost sounding like a school advisor even as he circled her stretched out body.

He waited for her answer, but then returned to his "artwork", his large hand rising above her and falling on her blouse, just above her collarbone. Without a word of warning, he unbuttoned the first button, already moving for another, his hand drifting closer to her prominent chest.

Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:08 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell thought it was ridiculous to talk to the demon this way. As thought they were just meeting casually. But still she felt obligated to answer him considering he had stopped trying to restrain her other hand. "I want to get away from home." She couldn't help but sound a little bitter about it. There was a certain degree of irony to her current situation. She couldn't help but scoff a little. "I thought I'd have more freedom here."

Raziel suddenly began unbuttoning her blouse and she bolted upright again, her free hand covering her chest. She realized that her action would give him another excuse to restrain her but she couldn't help herself. Her curled up into herself, hugging her knees to her chest. How could she possibly go through with this? She clenched her fists and forced herself to breath. "I know!" She said before Raziel could scold her. "I'm trying..." She forced herself to uncoil but she couldn't convince herself to lay back on the desk again. She bowed her head over her lap, hair falling like a curtain around her face. She tried not to cry. After a moment she gave up and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I can't do it. If you want my shirt off you'll have to restrain my other hand." Her tone was not defiant. It was more like she was asking him to restrain her and it hurt something inside her to say that. "I can't do it under my own power."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:51 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
The Daeva's hand tightened as she drew away, catching on her shoulder. He needed little urging from the girl to restrain her small form further. Almost as she spoke it, the chain snapped out like a lunging snake, trying to encircle her slender wrist and draw it away from her. Not just satisfied with that, another chain snakes out for her at the same time, this one holding a larger collar, obviously aiming itself for her neck. "As you wish dear." he smiled.

Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:01 am
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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
Nell lost the battle not to cry as the chain snapped around her wrist and the tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her hair still hung down in front of her face preventing the demon from seeing them however. She was relieved by that fact at least. She did not want this monster to see her pain. She cried silently, only releasing one soft sob as the her hands were wrenched away from her. Her hair prevented her from seeing the last chain coming but it also prevented the collar from getting a clear shot at her neck.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:00 am

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Post Re: Soaking up Some Culture. (for Raziel)
The chain bound for Nell's neck paused, flitting about behind her as if it were confused... trying to find a way past her long hair. The cuffs that had managed to bind her wrists pulled back... not quickly or painfully but forcefully. They pulled back... urging her to lay back on the desk. "Now where were we?" He asked, the cliché ringing with even him. His hands returned to her blouse, though he took a moment to brush her hair aside from her neck, giving the collar a clear path to attack her again without locking any of her hair inside of its strong clutches. After attending to his failed collaring, his fingers found the second button, slowly popping it free and revealing a bit more of her upper chest.

Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:25 am
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