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 Mana from Heaven (Mage) 
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Post Mana from Heaven (Mage)
The breathes came fast and hard as I slowed me gait after yet another fun run. Who’da thought jus a year ago that I’d of all people been running. Me friends at the Our Ladies school of Peace would have though hell had frozen o’er. Fun run….one of them Ox an Moran things, yet they had become fun, something I wuz driven to do by gods own blessed hand.

Sitting upon the grassy quad I lowered me head once more to me knee. “one….two….three… four….five” then back up. One leg then the other. Now legs together, down, laying me entire torso ‘gainst me legs and pulling the tops of me New Balance shoes back with me fingers. Ever since Violet had shown me the things you could do if yah wuz good and limber I’d followed her regime. Hanaji now mostly benefitted, violet having disappeared scant months after me arrival. Some said girls went back home after a time, an as homesick as I’d still get stubborn pride that me parents were proud of me being here kept me from leaving.

I got back to me feet, the patter of me heart slowing to a point that putting yur head down lower than it wuzn’t gonna put stars in yur eyes. Standing I bent at the waist running me fingertips down me toned legs till I could kiss me own shins. I could feel the nylon shorts pull tight across me rounded bum, feel me breasts beneath the sports bra compress outwards as chest and thigh met. It wuz how I could tell I had a good stretch going. Twenty minutes, seems like a long time but with stretching it can be a drop in the bucket. Yah get what yah put in….no pain no gain or so they say.

The sun fills the sky with its fiery red hues, higher now than when It started out at dawn. Me lover thinks I’m crazy, but its not like she doesn’t work out either. Its jus she gets up late and well, Ma an Pa always said the early bird gets the warm. This early their ain’t much goin’ on and frankly I like the peace an quite. A chance to listen to the breeze through the trees an all.

A whisper of sound behind me, more than breeze this….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 27, 2008 8:49 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
It always amused Mage how these mortals spent a good part of their lifetimes trying to stay nice and trim. The sorceress often spent her mornings around the campus, watching a number of students put in so much effort into physically training themselves so they can stay slim and sexy. It was all pointless to Mage, what they were trying to achieve was nothing a few years of magical training and a number of alchemical potions couldn't make permanent. Then again, Mandrakes root and Nails of the Tarrasque are rather hard to find these days.

But this morning, she felt a bit peckish, unable round up her quota of energy for the past few days due to the barriers being in flux for an inexplicably long time, causing her to spend most of this week as her juvenile self. It just so happened that this red-maned mortal came into view, freshly awakened, absolutely brimming with energies, and then some. This particular girl, though, seemed to be leaking some of her mana, an overflow of sorts, but she paid it no notice, seeing as one of her other favorites on this island had an overflow easily five times the amount that this girl was giving out.

Bounding down from her perch, the cat bounced along the grass towards the girl as she did those "warm-up exercises" if she got her mortal rituals correct. Making like the kitten she is, Mage brushed herself along the girls thigh, purring as she ran her silky fur against the girls damp skin.


and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 3:38 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
“oh….a kitten?” complete surprise at me discovery, its cute lil face rubbing up an down upon me outer thigh. Then the arching of its back as it playfully ran its entire length along me skin. So soft an cute that me very heart leaped to me throat. I had to do sum thing…..

Reaching downwards I let me fingers rub beneath its chin. The look I got I would cherish forever, one of gods creatures, one so good at tugging at the heart strings. But there were rules, explicit rules that banned all pets. Rumors abounded ‘bout girls that had tried to bring pets to this island only to have them….well it wuz best to dwell on sum of them rumors an all.

“Come here lil one, Cassie will take care of yah an not let the bad people get yah.” The young kitten curled into me arm like it knew me very heart. Knew I could do it no harm an all. I reckon beasts have that ability, the ability to understand us humans an find the good ones.

“So what will we call yah, hmmmm, “ then bringing the cute lil face to me own as I cradle the bundle of joy, “maybe ww will let Hanaji name yah” Gathering me legs under me I stood, taking the kitten in me arms an gently scratching its chin an neck. A purring sound spews from deep inside, a vibration that I can feel in me arms an across my tummy were I cradle the dear sweet creature.

As we walk I glance downwards occasionally, noting the way it looks at me. As if intelligence brims behind those sharp eyes, and mirth, the wicked an devilish mirth of a cat playing with its food. But the look disappears quickly to that of the adorable loving lil animal I remember from me youth.

“We will have tah get yah passed Miss DeRee, our dorm patron” a matter of fact comment. For if the ole windbag discovered this bundle of joy there would be hell to pay. An no doubt a dead kitten, to be used later in advanced biology for dissection if the rumors were to be believed.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed May 28, 2008 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
"Bad people"

If only this girl knew who the real bad people in this school were, most of them weren't people to start with anyway. A bit of catting around was in order, and her new perch wasn't all that bad either, though she can feel something not quite right underneath those garments of hers, something unnatural, it buzzed in her feline ears like an annoying bug, not that it was generally irritating, just rather annoying. No matter, Mage simply flicked her ears and settled down in the girls arms, waiting for a good moment to strike, and how convenient too, as she didn't have to stalk her, she just had to go along for the ride and wait for this student to stumble into some secluded place, and with a little mystic violation, POOF! more mana for the sorceress.

Now theres was the little thing of this creature actually naming her, and the thought of some lowly mortal claiming her as a pet sent a slight tinge of anger and insult into the sorceress. Fortunately for the student, all the stroking and scratching and attention she was giving her provided enough of a reason for Mage not to exact vengeance right then and there, that would have to come later.

The pair made their way back to the dormitory, where Cassie tried as best she can to avoid being spotted by the dorm mistress, fearing for her feline cargo and the fate she might bestow upon it if they were to become seen. Unfortunately though, Lady DeRee was quite adept at spotting sneaking girls and their illegal items.

"Miss Smith!!" came her call "and where do you think you are taking that... animal?"

"....Animal??!?!....". The mere fact that she was called one made the witch's blood boil, animal indeed, she could have atleast called her a cat, but nooo, the pompous fool had to call her an animal. Time to put some power into this play, and while Cassie was busy trying to explain the cay she was holding in her arms, the ground underneath them began to shake, footsteps of some heavy animal drawing closer and closer to them, the booming stride causing windows to shatter, the walls to crack, the light fixtures to sway uncontrollably. Closer and closer the steps came until finally, a great beast broke through the walls, its eyes locking onto Miss DeRee, before it gave a resounding roar! A roar so terrifying that it sent the old crone running for dear life.

Of course, this was only seen and felt by that woman who had the gall to call Mage an animal, an illusion cast by the angered sorceress. Cassie long wondered why Miss DeRee acted in such a manner, and it wouldn't be easily forgotten how rumors of Tyranousauruses started to circulate inside the campus, but that is another story. For now, Cassie and the cat were in the clear, and the pair proceeded to their intended destination.

and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 11:58 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
The kitten seems to settle into me arms, happily purring. Well until I made the unfortunate mistake to run into Miss De Ree. How she knew to be thar I can’t guess, jus god does work in mysterious ways.

“yes Mrs De Ree” valiantly trying to move the cute lil kitty hind me back an all to hide it. A bit to lat I suppose. Something ‘bout animals an all. Already I could see the demerits jus a stacking up like. I’d probably be out all weekend an Hanaji wuz gonna kill me as she had plans. But then by the grace of god did I get rescued. I mean no sooner than we wuz having our lil ole conversation, which by the way wuz kinda one sided an all: me being on the receiving side, the ole lady jus went bonkers and started screaming for all she wuz worth.

I looked kitty in the eyes then, an smiled. “Looks like you is safe after all, I’ve never seen her like that ‘fore. But jus to be sure, lets try and tuck yah away a bit safer.” Undoing me shirt I held her under it, givng her neck a good rub while I scampered back up them familiar stairs. By gods own graces we made it…Miss De Ree wuz no where to be seen.

The moment the door wuz open I heard the shower going, hot moist air pouring out from the ajar door. As much as jumping right thar in the shower with me love tugged at me I knew I had to get me new furry friend looked after. Kneeling I let her out from under the me shirt an onto the nice carpeted floor.

“That’s Hanaji” I said, “like we share a dorm suite” then in a whisper like its some sort of conspiracy an all, “I think she’s really rich an all cause me first room wasn;t nearly so big and didn’t have no kitchen.” Standing back up I take a quick stroll to the kitchen unit and pull open the door looking back at me 4 footed friend. Like I don’t suppose you’d like a nice saucer of milk….” Pulling out the milk carton. “Fraid I don’t have no cream llike auntie used to feed the cats on the farm back home.”

Setting the milk down I popped in the toaster strudels for Hanaji, and looked longingly at the shower. I really wanted to be there with her, but me new charge had to come first. I mean yah gotta look out for the strays.

“I suppose we could call yah shadow….but I think I’ll let Hanaji in on it ‘fore it becomes all official like” mumbling under me breath more for me own thinking than sharing none while I waked to the other room. Grabbing the whip from the closet I crossed back to shadow….maybe she would like to play.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu May 29, 2008 1:45 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
"Quaint....", the witch thought as she was served the saucer of milk, "They expect me to drink from a saucer....

She knew she had to keep up appearances, but this part was not for her, though it did give her some fun ideas. She simply ignores the dish for now and scans the room, plotting. Should she take her energies here? no, that other woman has a strange aura about her, so it may not be worth the risk. Maybe a quick check under the bed to see if there was something she can toy with. Quickly sneaking into the bedroom and under the bed, Mage indeed finds things that does not usually belong under a bed. Cuffs, Chains, Locks, paraphernalia that would drive any normal bondage enthusiast foaming at the mouth from envy.

Mischief was in order now, and even though she was trying to gather energy, it was completely justifiable to spend a smidge of it in some practical fun. A swish here, a swish there, and all sorts of little enchantments now adorn their gear, locks that would cease to open, chains that shortened a few links when used, cuffs that would refuse to unbuckle for several days, oh how priceless it would be to see their faces when they use these.

But now she could hear the girl padding back, so out from under the bed and back to where she was left, and to her musings, the red-maned girl was carrying a whip, and even more surprising, she was using the leather implement as a cats toy. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, the girl splayed the whip out in front of her, waiting to see what the cat makes of it. Mage looks at the whip intently, a little inspired by her trip under the bed. Taking the slim tip of the whip, she treads over to one side of the student, slowly, innocently, before making a mad dash around and around her. At first, it would seem that little 'Shadow' has taken to a bit of horsing around, but after several revolutions, the whip was now looped once or twice around Cassie, loops that were mysteriously tight.

The girl eventually let go of the handle in an effort to free herself, but little Shadow had mysteriously, almost magically tangled the whips coils so that no amount of force could untangle them. Cassies struggling pleased Mage, and just to be safe, she trotted back around into the students view, dropping the whips end and playfully batting it around with her paws as if nothing was amiss.

and Miko

Thu May 29, 2008 2:42 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
Maybe ‘shadow’ wasn’t hungry, kinda showing it in the arrogant way of cats. I’d done what I could for now. Not like me though, the scent of Hanaji’s toaster straddle had me tummy grumblin’ like made. An the thick moist air spewing from the showers had other parts of me hungry as well. Parts that member the fun of our mornings.

Me charge however was looking a bit frisky as she ran ‘bout out shared room. Up under the bed and then back out again. I let the tip of the whip out, skittering it about on the ground. For a blink of the eye kitty looked at me with one of them strange looks an swoosh was off. Laughing as round an round me she went chasing the end of me toy.

“Hanaji” I scream, the water cascading in the rush of a waterfall from the tub in the other room….Nothing.

“laugh all yah want kitten, cause I’ve done sum thing really stupid an embarrasin here…..serve me right for thinkin a play toy like this wuz jus the thing to play with you with….” This wuz not funny and even if it wuz, the catgiving me one of those lil looks every once in a while tween playing with the tip of me whip or not….it wuz down right embarrassing.

With me hands an arms bound at me sides I went to the bathroom all somehow tangled in me whip….”Hanaji, don’t yah dare laugh cause it ain’t funny.”

Shower curtain aside the laugher commences…”why mistress, having trouble with your whip? “ Oh….she paid….an I had a few more things in mind by the time we both left the shower with a nice flush upon our skins. With me towel wrapped about me torso I lead me not so properly chastised roomie into the bedroom to get her dressed all proper for school. A silent chuckle in me head. ‘mistress having trouble with your whip….right’

The length of rope was perfect for the task, that of making sure she membered to respect her mistress at all times. Round the neck, graced by the white lace collar, the rope hung…three notes evenly interspaced along her front. The egg vibrator, carefully I push it inwards, lodging it within the wet channel so recently used by me fingers, her puffy lips still flushed an full. Back to the rope, through the legs, pullinig it tightly gainst her narrow slit then up the spine an back through the ring round her neck. Each end now diverging along her torso, each round a different side ah here body to cross tween each of the knots to her front. …. One final knot to tie it all off. I stepped back to admire me handiwork. The little kitty now meewing as it rubs its soft furry body ‘bout me calf.

“ohhhh, Hanaji we have a house guest, and well… I found her jus wandering round in the quad ther by the gym an well….What do you think….scooping up the small black bundle of joy and scratching its perty lil neck. “Isn’t she adorable.”

Hanaji reaches out an for once I let me slave have the thing she desires with no fuss. They needed to meet especially if this got us in the hot water it wuz bound too. Lil shadow seemed to snuggle gainst her naked skin an purr happily.

“yah best get dressed, an I got the remote. I don’t want yah all bored in history class an getting another demerit for falling asleep like. … see how yur mistress takes car of yah.”

Shadow rolls upon the bed, seeming happy while we bath dress for our mornings classes, all proper like cept the rope an device hanaji wears. The very thought of what it will do to her making me so very warm inside…. A fire that hanaji does well to keep lit.

“Shadow….be a good kitty, I’ll be right back after class, maybe I can find some cream….if not maybe Ice Cream would work? Hmmmm” I scratch her lil chin and then a small kiss upon the cute lil things nose.

The door closes, kitty safely on the other side, our dorm matron none the wiser. The remote in me hand….I flick it on an am rewarded by a squeal of delight as Hanaji runs down the corridor to class. ‘yeap it works’ giggling ‘bout the day to come.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu May 29, 2008 1:48 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
Such weird rituals they have, and by the way their auras are glowing, she could guess what just transpired in that there enclosure. Mage weaved around their feet, watching their every move, even as Cassie weaved the intricate harness of rope around her 'wife', to which Mage did add a little spice to, casting a small spell that would make the ropes tighten over the course of the day, to an extent that would be just a hair under unbearable. The pair then got dressed and ready for some quality education... if they can reach their classrooms, that is.

With a slam, a click, and a lock, Mage was now all alone in the dormitory suite, and already she was bored to death. No time to dilly dally, her meal was making good its escape. The sorceress made haste, phasing through the walls of the dormitory, and with a little magic assistance, quickly scooted over to the school proper. Now, there were other girls who were up and about now, some were easier pickings, but Mage wasn't interested in them, being rather intrigued by that red-haired dominatrix, and theres the fact that she actually gave her a pet name, she still had to get her back for that.... and the saucer of milk....

Inside the school, Mage was already mapping out her devious plot to lure Cassie into a secluded enough area, so she can show her who is the pet, and who is the master.... or mistress, in this case.

A few minutes later, Mage spots her quarry walking in the hallway, padding along to her classroom. The hallway led to a series of rooms and other hallways, but before it came to those, it first leads to an entrance most of the students of this school have become familiar and absolutely terrified with; The Basement.

Cassie was quickly coming up to this part of the hallway, and the sorceress wasted no more time, magically unlocking the door to the bowels of the school and taking up position behind it, intent on luring the unsuspecting student down and out of sight. Just a few more feet now.... and it was Lights! Camera! AC...

...tion.. or not. Her target quickly rounded a corner into a classroom just a few feet shy of the entrance, completely spoiling her plan... for now at least. Quickly, out from behind the door and silently into the room, stealth was key in this operation... but there was none to be had. As soon as she graced the room, most of the girls quickly took notice, and all at once, they started to pet and stroke her, ooohs and awws abound as Mage tries to slink past them. A few deft steps later, she spots her red-maned morsel, scooting over and jumping onto her lap in order to avoid the ensuing mob of students.

and Miko

Thu May 29, 2008 3:39 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
Modern literature class, one normally would have thought boring. But the book we were going over, well I could never have believed a professor would ever have picked it. Even me fingers had trembled when it got plopped on me desk. “To serve and Submit” by Susan Wright. It didn’t matter that hanaji an I lived this book. That wuz private. But put pen to paper an it wuz smut….invigorating, heart palpitating, wanna burn it but can’t smut.

Former Catholic school girls jus don’t read this kinda thing, let alone have to do an oral presentation over it. An today wuz me day. Me day to stand in front of the class an explain the concepts of a master an a sex slave on how both of them had special roles in life…an that they could be lovers, an all. Well at least that wuz me take.

Rubbing me kness against one another and rolling me finger in me hair I waited. Bump…bump….bump went me heart. Yet warmth krept round me belly, cause I knew…knew that all during me presentation the little remote control would be in me fingers and hanaji would be wide awake in the classroom two floors up.

A commotion in the front of the classroom snaps me from me reverie. The girls all clustering round something close to the floor when suddenly the black pile of fur explodes through their feet an hits me lap. Stopping me fidgeting I reach down an scratch its neck, surprised as can be that she got out of the room and is here….here of all places. There is no hiding it know, more demerits cross me mind…an agony of a lifetime of punishment doing this chore or that chore, or worse yet…not membering what it wuz I’d done an waking up cold an naked on some dank floor in the basement.

“shadow….oh…whatcha doing here” I whisper, scratching the kitten under the chin an feeling the now familiar rumble of a purr in me lap.

“Class….what is all the commotion?” the male voice of authority rings out through the room.

Uh oh…..”Professor Mandrack, ah…I found a kitten today on the quad after me morning run an well, I took it to me room an then came here…an like well it must’ah followed me like all the way here cause it jus showed up an poof….her she is. I don’t mean no disrespect to yur fine class or nothing, an well, I wuz jus trying to do good by the lil kitty. I mean she is adorable…and well…Shadow here, yah can see is not trouble at all, an I’m all prepared for me presentation. So it really won’t be any problem at all…”

I swept me eyes down and fidgeting with me hair waited for the other shoe to fall. There wuz no telling, sum of the girls were smiling, others still grinning in mischievous delight at the possibility of miss goody two shoes getting in trouble as they called me. Well if I didn’t have to give the presentation that wuz fine…it wuz all a little too personal and close to home no how.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu May 29, 2008 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
With the inquisitive hands of those annoying students now at bay, the idea of a mass curse was now boiling inside Mage's head, maybe inflict the students with a massive outbreak of warts? or maybe have their clothes suddenly turn to ash at the most inconvenient of moments? Grand ideas, but it was all too cliche'. Mage had no desire to listen to the middle aged man and his discussion, but something he said caught her attention, about the complexities of a Master/Slave relationship as was illustrated in todays choice of reading.

If cats could grin, one would see an especially evil one forming across Mage's feline face. Again now, once more... Lights... Camera...


"First scene~". With a flick of the tail, Mage lays upon a few of the girls an enchantment, the rest being left as they are, including Cassie. Nothing noticable as of yet, but the class still had plenty of time, and she weaved in in such a way that it would dispel once the bell is heard. The spell will gradually make several select students in this class rather bothered... sexually... In the course of the class, it would be surprising if there wasn't a massive orgy.

"Second scene~". Time to dispose of the teacher. First off, an illusion, The professor coughs slightly, abruplty ending his discussion, while in reality, the educator in question becomes held in suspended animation, and moved to the far, far end of the classroom, well away from discovery.

"Third Scene~" Another swish, and several questionable items materialize inside the teachers table, well away from view of anyone, items the type that Mage had found underneath Cassie's bed.

"Cue actors~" The Illusory teacher laid the book down and faced the class. "Now, I could bore you all with this dribble, but I would think it be better if it were demonstrated." The teacher scanned the class, then called on one student, Miss Rodenfeld, and on another, Miss Smith, calling them towards him doubly quick. "I do believe Miss Smith here was going to give an oral presentation on our topic today, but I would like to change it to a visual presentation. Miss Smith, I would like you to pretend that Miss Rodenfeld over there is a newbie slave, and from what you've read, show us how one would introduce such an initiate into the world of slavery. You may use the items I have confiscated, they're in the drawers of my table."

The professor wandered of to the side, sitting down on a nearby chair. "Now then, introduce yourselves."

The room was silent. From shock or disbelief, but whatever the cause, the presentation continued. The meek girl with smallish figure and wide hips, short blond hair, wearing glasses, slowly approached the red-haired student, extending her hand out in greeting "H..hi... Im N..Nadja.."

and Miko

Fri May 30, 2008 5:10 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
(might have gotten a bit long here) :oops:

The cat did not seem to draw the attention of the teacher. It looked like me good luck wuz gonna hold and I thanked me lord that art in heaven for taking care of me. ‘Shadow’ seemed to push an proud with those furry lil feet of his in the manner of cats, making me lap a nice comfortable bed and then curled up an settled in, me hand upon his chin, scratching away. The purr picked up jus like we left it.

Till the teacher spoke that is. Merriment dancing away in those brown eyes of his. The look in his eyes like he knew sum thing ‘bout me an I didn’t have no choice in the deal. Way too close to home. Fidgeting in the seat while heat rose to me face I realized all eyes were on me, even the cat no longer purred.

I looked at the professor, me slave already up an extending a hand in greeting. Like she read the book.

“Like right now….I mean yah want me to start?” Me eyes darting to the clock as me hands go clamy…..11 minutes gone out of class.

An affirmative nod, bored an waiting.

“an like clauses section 13 para 15 in the student manual of rules I’ll be exempt from?”

Another nod.

How about section 17 para 1-3 dealing with lewd and obscene conduct?” I’d memorized the entire manual. It pays to know what is wrong jus so yah can avoid the basement. A lil thing that not even I had been able tah do, an I try an be good.

“Yes Miss Smith, and before you site chapter an verse, for the purpose of this class you are absolved of any wrong doing in the interest of education. “

“Even Chapter 7, section 15, paras 41-47. The one were the Teacher orders a student to break the “

Cut off as his brows furrowed behind them glasses of his. “Miss Smith this is not Law Class, this is English 103, creative writing, I am fully aware of your concerns, but in leui of your presentation I have decided to grade you on how well you carry out an interpretation of the meaning of the book, any more from you and I will send you to the basement under Chapter 1 section 13 Para 3 ‘disruption of the classroom environment. ‘”

Carefully getting up and trying to make sure nobody saw me pussy I wiggled free of the desk putting the kitty on the chair all nice like an smoothed down the front of me skirt, tugging the hem back down a tad, or at least trying to, as it wuz to short in spite of what the uniform guys said.

Once more time I went to open me mouth, a different question in mind. The look on the professors face making me shut me trap tight then an thar. The cliff edge loomed jus in front of me, one more step that look said an I was falling.

Walking right on past the girl I ignored her completely an addressed the class, only turning round when I got to the professors desk. “Who can tell me them mistakes me slave has made jus now?”

“Uhhh, she well, didn’t introduce herself right? And so like you are ignoring her. “

“Kinda…does a slave have a name not given by its master?” As I looked out over the room I could see about half of um might have read the book by the look of comprehension in their eyes. A couple of um were starting to fidget like they needed a bathroom break or such and well….14 minutes into class….the clock was like in slow motion.

“Anything else?” Miss Nadja Rodenfeld was now making her way to stand next to me, her face red an looking a bit sheepish. Something else burned in those eyes. Starring back till she dropped her gaze I made sure she understood I wuz the Alpha, and well…she would find out soon enough her role as I spoke to the class ignoring her like a piece of furniture.

“She spoke, an you didn’t ask her too.” I could see the lights were one with this one. And right then an thar I could really see how a professor looked at his class. Most of um were bored an the lights were out. Only a few seemed to be taking any interest.

“Very good, so the slave thinks she has a name, dares to speak to her mistress without permission, Does not address her mistress as mistress, is still dressed, an has come to stand next to her mistress. All this after volunteering to be a slave.“ Turning to the young girl still standing by me I could see she wuz a bit slow. New to the collar. An then it downed on me I wuz the only person in the room that wore one. Wuz that how he knew? I could feel the telling heat, me knees a lil weak. But for the class I had to show them who I really wuz in the privacy of me bedroom an me own slave of passion. Me dear Hanaji, please forgive me.

Me slave was staring at me as well, like she hadn’t heard a thing I said. That look of incredulousness you find when all of a sudden your worst nightmare is real. I gave back a snarl that made her step back an start fumbling with her top button.

“Sum times yur slave needs incentive when new” The drawer next to me already open. Oh he wuz a dirty old man, he’d thought of everything….an to think there were more drawers as well. Drawing out the dog like collar and a riding crop me fingers lovingly caressed the smooth leather as I bring them into view. Oh how I love leather.

The riding crop whistles through the air before the smack echoes cross the room. In the hand with the collar sits the business end of the crop. The palm of me hand smarting a bit, but frankly the collar has taken most of the blow. There are times yah need to set the stage I figured.

Already me slave was working with greater haste. The shirt fluttering to the floor to reveal the simple white bra that held the teacup breasts upon her narrow chest. Cute, kinda like Hanaji but with out the muscle. Already I could feel the warmth inside. I could feel the Dominatrix rising, wanting this little one squealing at me. She had so many mistakes already I could spend all afternoon disciplining her.

I stroked the crop with me leather gloved hand, feeling the tingle across me fingers an up me arms. Black leather. Looking out over the class I saw the stares…the puzzlement. And on three of um object lust. Oh …. I had um now. Me own collar buzzed ‘bout me neck. So very warm. I love the way leather sounds as you move, the way it caresses your skin.

Click…click each step echoes as the stiletto heels strike tiled floor of the classroom. Even more so I see me slave begin to recognize the position she is in, clothing falling, wide hips wiggling, hands moving even more quickly as those great big pools of blue go wide in astonishment. An then dart franticly from crop to me legs, crop, to me chest, crop to me

…..Oh heaven an hell….Oh god no….I can feel the breeze across me steadily rising an falling chest. Bare it is, the golden rings displayed for all above the black leather bodice.

"Not now…not now…" The collar tingles, an I swear a laugh is heard deep in me head.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri May 30, 2008 12:47 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
(no worries ^^)

Mage, or by her more popular name, Shadow, had hopped up unto Cassie's desk, granting her a better view of the unfolding spectacle. Things got off to a slow start, with the fiery-haired vixen stating every possible rule and regulation she could possibly break during the course of this exercise, and absolving herself from every last one of them, it seems she has done this before. A quarter of an hour since the spell was cast, the afflicted students should be feeling a slight itch down inside there bowels, an itch that could only be scratched with a little intimacy, but still, not enough to warrant any action, though it would surely be annoying.

Back to our little show, and little Cassie seems to be getting into the spirit of things, employing the skills she uses on her dear wife to maximum effect, already forcing the assigned 'slave' to undress with a mere growl. Not that this little show wasn't interesting enough, but what made it even more interesting is the fact that the collar that was locked around Cassie's neck began to stir, as if alive, the odd buzzing coming once more to Mage's sensitive ears. Black leather straps began to fly out from the accessory, parting the seams of her school dress and slicing it to mere shreds, draping the floor underneath her with cloth confetti.

Her new outfit was about as modest as a fig leaf, with the thinnest of straps anchoring the cupless bodice to her collar, with one strap going between her breasts, and one on either side of them, with one last strap running down the middle of her back from collar to garment. the straps had made their way down her arms as well, covering them in the most skin tight of leather opera gloves, almost like a second skin. From her bodice hung six other straps, three on either side of her hips, which held in place thigh high leather boots which hugged her curves all the way down to the most sinister of stilleto heels. Now all her goods was on display for everyone to see, creamy skin wrapped by black leather, with metal bits piercing her naughty bits. Strangely though the professor didn't so much as stir from his seat as the spectacle unfolded.

Enjoy the sight she did, but Mage was rather puzzled by how the collar acted, as she had sense no magic or spell being held within it. No matter, she would find out later, for now, the show must go on.

"Ehem!" came the teachers sharp cough, snapping everyone from their revelry, "Thank you for the fashion show, Miss Smith, but move it along now, I would like you to get to the meat of the presentation.... and Miss Rodenfeld, knickers off, chop chop, the sooner you get undressed, the sooner you can get dressed."

Nadja was a bit hesitant, she had not been so exposed in all her life, probably a freshman, or just extremely lucky to avoid any of the other residents attention. Slowly, her arms move to unclasp her bra, which followed the rest of her clothing down to the floor, the view of her perky A cup breasts now unhindered. Her panties proved most difficult for her to remove, taking her a moment or two before she started to slide the waistband down her flaring hips, the cloth bunching up as it is dragged over the flesh of her buttocks, down her trim thighs, past her shins, before finally joining the rest of her ensemble on the classroom floor. With that, she bows her head down and joins her hands in front of her in an attempt to cover up her naked sex.

Without so much as a smirk, the professor looks towards Cassie with a deadpan expression. "Now then, Miss Smith, the floor is yours."

and Miko

Sat May 31, 2008 2:31 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
The crop hit the desk with a vengeance. A thunderclap echoing through the confines of the small room, loudest right ‘hind me newly acquired slave. Her whole body flinching from the noise, jumping forwards in complete fright. Oh how she would make the most delicious of slaves, submissive, meek…and willing. I would gladly take her later and see if Hanaji would like a partner in her daily degradation.

But the professor he wuz a different matter. He would suffer if I could make it so. He had cut me authority with his dumb lil stunt. Opening his mouth an speaking to ME slave! I slowly moved to the front of me slave eyeing her as if to judge her. A blush rising up her face all the way from the top of her breasts from me mere gaze. Perhaps the class would notice, I cared none.

“Professor it would be best to address the slave properly, otherwise they may begin to think they are sum one…. Sum thing of worth an importance. And here…here they are nothing. “ Staring straight into Nadja face while I spoke…a small globe of spittle as I cast out the words. Each word of emphasis I saw her tense, sure I was about to strike. Still I held me desire in check, held it while me hand ran up an down the length of the crop as if caressing its surface like a lover.

Placing the business end of the crop before her lips I gesture by pressing me lips together an pushing them forwards. “For the classes benefit I must punish the slave, but before I do she will kiss the tool of her punishment and tell me why she is to be punished.”

Still I looked at her as me voice bounced off the white board and back to the class. For the class, they would see me bum, and the small leather strap that disappeared into the slit of me firm an rounded bum. The Briefest of G strings. As I move the black leather reflects the light as if it has been polished to a mirror like surface.

The slave may speak.

“I….umm….I used my name” the crop whistles through the air with blinding speed, desending on the right hop of the poor girl sending her jumping, her small breasts jiggling as she lets out a startled scream of pain.

The first word out of a slaves mouth when speaking shall be “Mistress….and I told the slave to sit there, on the desk in front of the class….why does the slave hold her hands an arms in front of her….does her mistress hide her breasts? Should a slave not do any less? Do you not like my breasts? Do you not think I should be able to view yours….all of you? Did you undress in a manner that would bring pleasure to me? “ Shaking my head back and forth, me red hair bouncing about me neck and shoulders. SO much to teach this one…and so little time…once more I glanced at the clock wishing I had the time to do the job proper like.

Stepping away I looked at the class….”Did not our heroine in the story willingly do anything for her mistress and her master even though it meant possible death. Did she not do so willingly and enjoy the fact they found pleasure in her?” I could hear the noise behind me as the younger girl crawled onto the table. No doubt she would not know what to do, an I would have to train her in the positions of submission.

Gracefully spinning back around on me toes, I Nadja in the eyes watching her immediately drop her gaze. Moving closer I stopped jus before touching her, me mouth next to her ear an whispered so no one else could hear. “Slave, I see such promise…oh yes, you like this…you do don’t you. Already I can see you would make me very happy….very happy indeed. It is only training and discipline you lack, something I can give yah” I could smell the fear upon her skin so close was it. Could smell it and the first stirrings of a woman’s musk. Leaning back I regarded her, before one more leaning forwards to the other ear and fastening the collar about her neck.
“A slave earns the right to wear a collar just as a mistress does. Her willingness demonstrates the right” once more I whisper…”yurr going to cum before this is over aren’t yah lil one, cause yah won’t be able to help yur self.” One leather clad finger tracing a line down her cheek, across her lips then down her jaw. Still I did not stop it, not till I slide it tween her thighs and along the folds of her sex, feeling her tense, a small gasp leaving her lips. A grin that went from ear to ear as I turned back to the audience at large, brought on by me discovery. Oh, she wuz getting wet….oh how cute.

“How many strikes like should be administered an where? I ‘lll let yah girls decide, given yur reading of the book, what would be fair?” Oh I felt it in me lions as well. A gathering heat as the mistress in me took o’er an ‘gan looking forward to this class with new vigor. I’d even forgotten all ‘bout me own modesty, me own need to be demure and lady like. I did not even think how me classmates would treat me…the things they might say ‘bout me preaching an bible thumping and well… darker side. I uz the mistress….I stood an spoke an walked like the mistress….I wuz in charge.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat May 31, 2008 4:20 am
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
"30", came one reply.

"25", came another.

"You wouldnt even stand 10..." came another voice in response to the former.

"Oh? and I suppose you can take more??" came the offended party's reply.

"If I manage to take 30 hits, you have to be MY slave" was thrown back in response.

25 minutes in, the students were getting a bit restless, stressed, wondering how the growing heat between their legs could be relieved. Nadja, meanwhile, couldnt believe what she was hearing, or what she had heard from Cassie. It confused her whether to be proud or to be ashamed, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red as the students debated the amount strikes to be given.

"Twenty one..." came the professors loud and strict voice. His sudden outburst silenced the class, causing them to fall back into silence. "Twenty one strikes, Miss Smith, and do not hold back, I will take responsibility for any permanent damage to Miss Rodenfeld."

Again with the infraction to Cassies authority, but then again, Mage really only did that to annoy, who is gonna know anyway, as soon as the real professor gets thawed out, he's taking the fall for all of this, so Twenty one strikes it is.

The flame-haired dominatrix snorted at the teacher, out of his view, of course, before taking position behind the slave, the poor thing shivering in fear and anticipation of the coming punishment. Before any strike was given, Cassie told her slave to count out the blows, landing the first one on her ass soon afterwards.

"AAHH!!" came Nadjas scream, but since she failed to count it in, it doesnt count as one of the hits. This much was told to her by her mistress, and so, it starts again.

"GGHH!!". The students voice quivered as the strike landed on her tender bum.

"AAHN!! two..o.." came another as the second landed

This went on till all twenty one were counted out. Amazingly, Nadja did not protest, did not back out of the presentation, nor did she complain, taking all the blows like a good little slave she was told to be, even though now there was a few tears flowing down those pale cheeks of hers and she was panting really hard. Red stripes now began to show on the slaves firm buttocks, testament to Cassies discipline and cruelty, and something else, a trickle of moisture working its way down her inner thighs.

"And what will you say?" came Cassies query.

"Th...ank you... Mistress....." came Nadjas quivering reply.

Much of the students now did not seem very interested in the topic, shying away or pretending to be asleep during this part of the show, yet the other seem to be hypnotized by it, unable to pull their eyes away, even for just a second, while stray fingers began to secretly explore the ever dampening spot on their panties.

34 minutes in... still a bit less than an hour to go....

"Plenty of time...."

and Miko

Sat May 31, 2008 1:41 pm
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Post Re: Mana from Heaven (Mage)
For an untrained salve she had done fairly well. Only the fact she had prefaced each an every count with Mistress had been a mistake. I wuz quite happy with her, in fact a Gag had been all but unnecessary, which was very good.

Gently I tapping her with the crop I directed her till she knelt on all fours in a proper slave pose. Then with me free hand I gently caressed her red an heated bum. Drawing smooth circles on her lovely tush. Only occasionally would the light tough of a single finger tip swirl across her folds, drawing up the nector of her lust to cool her heat. All the while the commentary continued.

“so lets see know…I see a few of you are getting a bit board. Perhaps a lil class participation is in order” I felt the tremble of her body, heard the breath catch in her throat an smiled. “Hmmm….look at all the toys, tossing them on the top of the desk between her wide spread hands and under her trembling body were she could see the assortment of devices .

Then leaning closer, the whisper of me breath upon her ear lobe…lips…then teeth. Backing off before I whisper in her ear. “You are making not just your mistress hot and pleasing her….but you are pleasing many in the class, do look…look at the ones with there hands hidden in their laps…playing…playing because of you, the pretty lil thing displayed for their pleasure as well….you have such potential lil one….such potential.” Me finger, wet with her juice traces a lap about her delicate lips an plunges inwards. “taste yur self an know first hand how much you enjoy being on display, being punished…but you shall not cum till your mistress commands. “ Her lips closing o’er me digit an sucking it clean. So very good.

With a click of the hard points of me boots on wood I jump atop the desk an face the class, carefully taking a seat on me human chair I adjust the G string sideways from the rear to leave me own wet lips upon her back, so that she may feel the pleasure of her mistress. I can feel her muscles tense all along her back, feel the shuddering breath of air fill her lungs. No doubt she is not used to the exercise. But in time…in time she could be exceptional. Then with a leisurely pat I once more begin to caress the red bum of me slave, caressing her while I feel the heat of her body rise…an feel the slight tremors of excitement ripple across her body.

“Seems some of you are more bored than others. Do you not find me furniture unique? I challenge each on every one of you to come up here and touch the fine leather, feel the heat in it. For in our reading do you recall how the slave was poised…and how the men touched her, looked her over…and how it made her feel real on a fire. How later they would take her to the bed an enjoy her treasures?

Looking at sally I preceded “An please when you are done select two toys you would like used upon her flesh, or watch her use on herself. Sally dear, could you take a note on how many of our classmates vote on each item so I can use them from the most preferred to the least ….or until we run out of time.”

Smiling at them all, and watching the strange mix of emotion in front of me stage. Ohhhh I wuz having fun, an I wuz quite certain already that Nadja wuz looking over the things below her an hoping for some an not others…praying if she had the faith I did. Praying for only certain items to be used. Jus to distract her a bit more I leaned back an crossed me legs at me knees, all lady like a proper. I should have put the crop in her mouth…not to late at all….

“Slave, the mistress needs you to hold her crop an not to drop it” wiggling it in front of her mouth till she bites down on it. finally that hands was free to explore the tender buds of her chest, the small rack firm mounds that hung like twin udders. One hand on her bum, the other upon her breast I played while the bravest students ‘gan to walk to use. How I wished I could have watched Nadja’s expressions, but no, there was only to wiggle me backside an make sure she would feel me own slick nectar upon her back.

27 minutes to go....

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:17 pm
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