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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:44 pm
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Location: I am constantly stalking girls across the campus
I rolled on the floor trying to dodge the bullets she fired as I entered th room. As luck would have it she hadn't gotten off any shots while I was in the corridor. I successfuly dodged most of the bullets but a few managed to connect. I had no doubts that what she said was true. It was more than likely she had armed the bombs and prevented the possibility of their being disarmed. With the little time I had left, I rushed her and slammed my fist into her midsection, catching several rounds in my torso for my trouble. As she folded over I threw her onto my shoulder and rushed back to my entry point. "Lieutenant release the Shrike Claws and prepare to withdraw the assault bolt as soon as I return to the ship! Then get us away from here as fast as possible!" I ordered as I retraced my steps through the corridors, hearing the claws retracting as I ran. I jumped into the bolt hold and sealed the hatch, "Now lieutenant!"

The bolt ws withdrawn and the ships engines roared as we blasted away from the lifeless vessel. Just as the bolt was retracted into the ship, a shockwave hit, violently shaking the Shadow Mirror. "Damage report." "All sensors show normal sir. However I think we should have the ship checked over when we dock sir." "Roger." I looked over to my captive to find she wasn't entirely unconcious yet. "Security, meet me in the infirmary and bring a restraining device designed for one of the slaves." I hefted the nearly unconcious agent off the floor and made my way there."

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Major

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Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:41 pm
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The last thing Kate felt was punch in the midsection from a dragon monster then she was out as she fell into darkness. The next she knew she felt herself being caried by someone through a unknown ship, her head was still foggy from being unconscious, but she knew asher ADD training kicked that she had to escape so she slid off out the aliens grip and off his shoulder and kicked it in the back.


The more uncommon an evil, the worse it is.

If you want to RP with my character just send me a message.

Last edited by Beth on Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:53 pm
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Location: I am constantly stalking girls across the campus
As I walked to the infirmary the agent slid off of my shoulder and delivered a kick to my back. Her blow had little effect. I turned around as fast as I could and delivered a punch to her midsection that sent her spiraling across the floor. Before she had a chance to get back up I siezed her wrists behind her back and hauled her to her feet. "You're a feisty little one, but you'll soon learn some respect." I told her as lift her onto my shoulder still holding her wrists. This time I also kept a strong grip on one of her legs as I walked.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Major

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Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:20 pm
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Me thoughts were entirely unclean an unlady like. I wanted to call him names that would make a sailor blush, well maybe not that bad…but I wanted to call him those names. Instead I held me breath, naked an strapped into that table reminding me self of the antidote….always the antidote. It was my revenge.

First his breath hit me, warm upon me still cool skin. Then the touch of those lips…of his hands…squeezing the mound till it would burst, pushing the nipple up that the merest touch sent blood surging into. Memories of his bed sent me insides alight with warmth. The thrill of the upcoming ride….him an me alone…filling me more completely than I had been up till now. The room swam in me view, the ceiling loosing its delineation.

Finally, I could take it no longer, the tongue making a mockery of me own command of me body. “Bastard…..” Yeah he got it out of me….but the next round I vowed would be mine. “Don’t you dare start playing with those rings…not yet…or the antidote won’t work….I’m warning you”

Shaking me head….fighting off me traitorous body that felt like putty in his large hands. “I’m strapping you down on the table…remove your bug….” Me voice growing horse with longing…growing fainter as I talked to me self…”then an only then am I gonna jump yur bones…you ......mmmmmm”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:42 pm
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After the alien floored her again ending her first escape attempt as quickly as it started, Kate was stunned by the beasts punch and lay sprawlled across the floor. While she was like this it was easy for the alien to pick her up again and put her back on his shoulder. Once she on his shoulder it then went about restricting her arms and legs and held them tightly. This made it hard for Kate move but this did not stop her from trying to break free by wriggling and bucking her body to try to gain a bit of leverage. While she was trying to do this Kate swore and shouted at the beast. In the midst of this bout of angry she said, "respect Alliance scum like you never."


The more uncommon an evil, the worse it is.

If you want to RP with my character just send me a message.

Last edited by Beth on Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:44 pm
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Location: conquered Davey Jones' locker...
- On board the Devourer -

I continued to lick her nipple, watching it grow more turgid as the time passed and my desires grow even more dangerous. The poison had nearly dissipated now, but there was still the involuntary face jerks, and the sudden tremors. I still needed the antidote, as much as I'd hate to admit it.

Although I did wish this was it. It would be as enjoyable as heck if this was it.

He licked again and again visibly teasing the poor girl.

" How unwise." he said, while he enjoyed the pleasure of her pierced nub. " I wished for something like a surprise that when I licked your little pleasure nub, I'd be healed."

I gave it a feigned involuntary suck, seemingly an effect of the poison she gave me earlier.

" It would be very, very nice if it were so..." he said, getting even more turned on by the girl's helplessness.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Tue Nov 27, 2007 3:28 am
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Trying to force me breathing to stay steady, I squirmed under his ‘attentions’. Nipples reacting to the ministrations like he knew they would if he membered me…an right now he wuz acting like I had made an impression all those months ago.

“Do yah really think I’d make it that easy on you….you really don’t member me do yah?” clutching at the bounds that keep me on the table. The grin wide upon me lips…Till he touches me yet ‘gan…teasing, playing…using me like a fiddle in the hands of a master of the instrument. Music played across me lips, the music of me own voice as I moaned. Fingers playing cross me ribs of a sudden…

A laugh makes it past me lips, “good play…you always liked me tied up…and with a few other girls round to make me jealous….” Gulping in air as he sucked the turgid nub into his mouth an flicking that devilish tongue cross the tip.

“I have the other girls yah now…all ready for yah….so jus stop….jus get the thing out, an I promise you’ll get the antidote….who knows you may even enjoy it.” A lil wink at him..a hint” But you have a bug on you…Guaranteed…I’ve read the reports…I know it.”

Make him think ‘bout that one. “In fact I’m here because you have a spy high up in your organization an if yah continue to play yah jus might get you an yur boss caught in the web that is being made right now to trap you all by that spider yah wanted me telling yah all ‘bout….so what you say an we get on with it.” Arching me eyebrow as I regard him an watch.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:34 am
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Hana Leaned against the wall, her breathing strating to get heavier. She closed her eyes as her mind clouded and her skin became more sensitive.

She forced herself to think clearly, but her body had trouble with the drug. Only her training stopped her from succumbing easily to the sensation... but that doesnt mean she can stay for very long

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:00 pm
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"It won't be long now, just give up and I promise you pleasure, if you don't I guarantee you, that my dear girl here... Alyssa will turn you into her own personal toy and she seems to have a bad habit of not taking care of them very well." I tell the agent.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:07 pm
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She winced slightly and looked up at him. She let off a soft growl.

Its not like she minded losing so much, in fact she conciders it a way to learn more about her enemy... and right now... its not like she can do anything.

A strong agent never gives up... but a smart agent knws when to rest.

She should relent... atleast for now.

She nodded up at him quietly, bowing her head in defeat.

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:26 pm
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Many gave up with false hope of being rescured or being free. I found the best way to deal with the sluts to find if this is true is to test them by saying what they are. "Hmmm, very good slut, better to be a docile cow then one lead to the slaughter."

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:42 pm
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I never said i was a slut." she responded softly, her voice a little unsteady. "all i said is that im defeated in battle... and i wont try to escape for now"

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:46 pm
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"Hmmm, your more composed then most. Any other agent would've attacked me and that would be all the exuse I need. Well if your defeated you might as well be one, since you know what I'll do to you now." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:52 pm
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She cringed inwardly. She's been through this how many times, but as usuall she has to play it right. Besides her body wont tell her anything else.

"i... just had more self controll then" she said causually as she kept her eyes on him, watching him in that still wary way.

Student or ADD agent? you decide. Message me anytime *winks*
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Tue Nov 27, 2007 6:10 pm
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"Well good then, maybe I can pull ten or twenty orgasms from your body before you break." I tell her. "Now as the defeated will you do what your captor says gracefully when I tell you to strip or will you fight back?" I ask her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

My Bio- viewtopic.php?f=7&t=144

If you fancy an RP with my character do not hestitate ask. I'm always free.

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Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:29 am
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