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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I flip me head an hair from his grasp. Not the thing a slave would do. But frankly I am feeling a bit less the slave since the music had started. I knew the alien bio ware in me head had to go. All of it. It had become a problem, more so that a solution. If more of the critters out there in the fringe found out about this I would never be safe. An agent has to take their safety seriously.

An being new to cussing, well, perhaps I got that wrong. I’d never really asked him to do nothing to me…for me. Then gain I might need to adjust me attitude, cause frankly I wanted to know more ‘bout this stuff in me head on round me neck. Well…that wuz till he dropped the white lab coat an sttod standing next to me. The thing I’m sure the other two groaned o’er wuz not what I saw. So, it was the diseased skin at his extremities…the way the pale skin seemed unhealthy an old. There wuz no way…no way in hell I wuz gonna do anything with him.

Without the manipulation of the gear he wuz what he wuz….I gritted me teeth an let him feel me up. Not that the ropes let me have much choice in the matter. Instead I worked on some new snide retorts. Unfortunately the old ones no longer applied. Seems he wuz hung like an ox and raring to go. But I wuz no cow…no, I wuz an ADD agent an more that capable of killing this bastard son of a maggot. If he would let me go for just a moment, he’d find out sure as fish takes to water.

The scream echoed in the vast chamber. A couple more whimpers I think joined me…but then I couldn’t see them no more. I had a retort on me lips, but the pain, even though I wuz dripping honey had been nearly unbearable. You got’tah give the girl a chance to accommodate sum thing like that. Give her an opportunity to loosen up as it were. I wuz tighter than a spinsters purse at a funeral most times an lord knows he did me no favours.

Buckin’ an a swayin’ he forced himself upon me. The retort forgotten the haze of pain. The music gone, driven form me mind in one heated hard thrust that send the end of him all the way to me cervis an threatened to split me asunder. Maybe he knew more about what the ADD did to us an what we could handle than I did….very likely that….very likely….

“Ok…sorry…yur the man….really….please….not again…not like that. I’ll do anything yah like…if…if yah jus tell me more about what’s. Been done to me an how to control to the collar….please…anything…”

I think he’d made his point as so I wuz making mine.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:49 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I smirk at her. "Whats the matter is it too much for you?" I ask her with a sly grin as I do allow her to ajust to my girth as I merely buried it nearly to the hilt inside of her. One quick push to that degree any well trained agent could take. If I had continued before her adjustment then there would've been trouble.

"So you want to know about the collar do you. What do you want to know." I tell her as I flick one of the bells creating a light song that would make her tingle with pleasure as we talked and she adjusted to me.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:05 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Condescendingly the words came back to me ears. Perhaps ole oneeye jus liked to cause a bit of pain…liked it rough. Rough I could do. The kind of rough that would leave him ragged an worn round the edges. To be perfectly honest, I wuz harboring a great many thoughts of how rough I could be with him. Though it wuz sporting of him to jus stay put deep inside me an not move.

Inside I felt me self embrace his shaft. Opening me self to him, as he seemed to stuff every inch of me. I breathed…concentrating on slowly moving me body a bit…jus a bit to better take the strain he could put me under. A smaller cock would have been better…I mean its not like I couldn’t enjoy it. Sum times I think men get the wrong idea about size. Yah, it can be a good thing…but it can get really overblown an frankly this freak wuz pushing those limits. Though…give me a bit ah time…an maybe…maybe he’d be one of the best lays in me life.

I shook me head. A swirl of reds an oranges flowing downwards to sweep the floor. The music hit me, swaying gently in its embrace, feeling the walls of me vagina squeeze him in me pleasure. I’d not intended that. I’d not wanted to give him anything but what he took. Lord but did it feel good no how. God had given me this body, given me the drive, the lustful desires. All it seemed so I could snare the bugs of the universe in the web of me arms and legs an bring them down. I needed to know about ever lil bit of me an the things that were part of me….

“Bugs….you’ll have bugs….those….Ummmmm…..” The bells moving me back, feeling the tip of him slide along the wall of me cervix…so very deep…so wonderfully deep.

“any longer an you wouldn’t fit” , the words tumbling from me lips. I’d thought it…an said it…damn…damn. Sin that it wuz to cuss, to not mean the cuss words as they were intended.

“Collar, yes…an more….me too….what did you do to me…how…ohhhhhh, perty music….how does it work.” Gasping for the life giving air as I speak. Furrowing me brow as I try to remember what it is I seek. “tell me an I will make you cum without a single thrust….”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 09, 2008 11:49 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kaza walked over to sneer down at the girl, she placed a foot on her chest and shoved the girl on her back. "master why do you spend so much time with this slut...she isnt worth your time" Demonic eyes glared down at the woman who was receiving more attention than her, she turned to face the man. "play with me instead" Hands ran around his waist, and up and his coat.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:36 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Ha, oh how I want to rub it into her as I hear the green coat of envy enwrap itself ‘bout this female. The wicked grin spread across me face, lighting it up even as she tries to turn me over pinned as I am to her master’s prick. I can feel his bony finger tips dig into me waist as I am forced to move. Can feel the thick hot slab of meat bounce in me. I think he wuz enjoying the lil cat fight that wuz erupting. MEN….me eyes rolling in me head. An to think I hadn’t really wanted him till right now. Now, the moment I realized that to have him wuz to deny her/it/whatever…..

“freak….your not woman enough to challenge me….Men want more than a pet…as much as they think they want slavish devotion. They know deep down they don’t , so go fuck yourself like you know you can an leave the real men to me to pleasure. Cause nothing bets a real women when it comes to pleasing a man.”

Damn if me hands weren’t tied behind me back an me pussy stuffed to the hilt I’d ‘ave really given it to her lily white butt. Jealousy wuz so unbecoming in a slave.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:05 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"ha..hah..hah..very funny you can even be considered a dont know what a true woman dont know what its like to be a real woman my friend..." Kaza slapped her across the face hard, then licked the blood from her claws. "you human mortals are pathetic..think your so high and mighty..cunt you couldnt stand five minutes from me fucking you nor an bitch please shut the fuck up. She slapped her across the face once more, then had a smirk play across her own. "oh but that gives me an idea" Walking infront of the whore, Kaza rubbed her own pussy lips. Suddenly her blue cock slipped back to stand erect infront of the womans face dripping with pussy juice. "suck it bitch...and if you so much as bite down well...suffer the dire wrath of hell"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I’d only been trying to insult her, not speak the truth. Yet god had guided me very words to hit the nial on the head so to speak. The pain only reminding me of who I wuz an what I wuz. I didn’t consort with demons, I wuz a child of god. The gold chain that ung below me neck proof of me faith an blessings.

Several retorts crossed me mind. All in rapid fire. But I felt me faith stir within. Felt the power of god himself fill me like a finely crafted wine carafe. The power of the heavens weighed upon me soul an then…I wuz light. Pure an blessed. Ohhhhh let the demon learn of real power. Let her learn of what she has missed by turning from god almighty who sits in heaven.

The smile grew upon me face, me mouth cold as ice. I licked me lips, slowly, like I looked forward to this…an oh how I did. For I felt the power within. Felt the glory of the lord in this one deed like never ‘fore. The red puffy lips pursed, concealing the aching cold within me mouth.

Lips touched the throbbing shaft. A cold like no other blowing outwards across me lips as I softly exhaled upon her tip. She would feel the pleasure of the lord, the absence that could fill her fully if she would jus turn back to his graces. A moment of shear bliss, rapture…I could see it on her face the agony of a decision made in haste so long ago. Could see the grim lines etched upon her face as gods own pleasure filled her….an then I withdrew and with it gods own blessings withdrew leaving an agonizing cold in its place.

“Know this demon, she is my own avenging angel. Should you her again it is not she that will bite but my very own wraith. You have a choice. To repent an regain your place in my holy presence or suffer once more….for what you have felt is the merest token of my love. Should you not turn from your wicked ways then enjoy the others and be damned still, but she is not yours for selfish pleasure. She divinely protected from your kind.” The voice echoing form me lips as time stood still and it wuz but the two of us….I heard it….she heard it….no one else would.

An with that I turned me head towards her, the smile all teeth.

“Perhaps later, after you repent you shall know me flesh demon. Till then might I suggest Kouzakia or the others. “ all sugar an spice an everything nice. I swear demon cum dripped from me chin, but then I might have been mistaken when I became possessed of gods own spirit. Suddenly I realized…I’d cum…it literally ran down me thighs…an…who knows…perhaps the same utterly pleasurable surge of energy had gotten Peirce ole oneeye. I could only hope it wuz his seed mixed in with me own honey. I’d never fore felt an afterglow like this….

“Oh….lord that wuz gooooooddddd….”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:10 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kazari suddenly shivered and stumbled back clutching her head. She gritted her teeth feeling somthing nice cascade over her body, the demoness began sweating. Divine magic killed her, she hated priests and priestesses. They were the only females and males she killed first fucked later. "oh desolate lord....dark master wandere of the abyss sacred lord of all that is unpure....grant me the power to overcome this....worthless swine" Kaza said aloud clutching her face, her body suddenly glowed black and then she stopped shivering. "you will have to try harder than that slut...take your precious shit and cast it somewhere else....our dread father watches over his children...he has loved me since the day i was ripped from my mortal mothers womb"


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:20 am
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"Ha, ha, ha how very intreasting. It must be because you are from the twisting nether my dear. For that backlash of power didn't affect me in the bit. Since the dark magics of a warlock are burned into my body I'm suprised. Although the little girl came from it such a delightful pussy. I can see why as a mortal she would be prized." I tell Kazari.

I reach my bony hands down and squeeze upon her flesh as she noticed I started to move my huge cock in and out of your body during your whole celestrail power up as you felt it move inside of you, going to your core.

"To answer your question though girl, the collar is an amplifier, based on the princial of a universal one. It can amplify anything, pleasure, pain, strength, stamina, ect. It's artifical intelligence is mixed with a unique lower life form that has the ability to create and reshape it's existince giving it it's ability to morph as it does." I tell her as I pinch both her nipples making a new song play as it distrubs the bell. The slower one.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:50 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Trembling from the rush of power an pleasure that had overwhelmed me I could not help but hear the smug satisfaction in his voice an he made light of what had happened. The sensation of mud an grime caking me skin hit me right tween the eyes. To have gods own power mocked by this scientist an not be able to take his head off wuz a terrible insult that could not go unpunished. It had been loving gesture, the gesture of a father bent on protecting his child from the worst of nightmares. An this…this mere creature of flesh an bone would mock it. Would make sum thing that wuz beautiful feel so dirty.

To touch me, to take me like I wuz some sort of toy for the day. I hated the aliens as much as I hated the ADD. It wold not surprise me to find out at the top levels the two worked together to keep prices in the marketplace stabilized for a healthy profit for both. I t wold not have been the first time in history such a turn of events had unfolded. The first time wuz….

“Ummmmm…damn you….” Gasping the thoughts broken an back on what the monster behind me did to me. I didn’t need him playing with me like that…as it wuz the glow across me body had me enjoying the thrusting in me body a bit too much for me liking. God wuz like that, working in mysterious ways. Save me from one an leave me dangling all on fire for the other. Well at least it didn’t hurt no more.

That wet sound of flesh smacking flesh bounced off the walls in the small room. A sound an lingering odor of sex an lust. Perfume I wuz intimately familiar with, mine.

“So it can amplify, I don’t recall a single time it’s done much more an amplify pleasure an that is always when sum critter I don’t want in me is a doing me. So how do I get rid of it? Right now the two of use ain’t seeing eye to eye an I especially don’t like that it seems to like you better. “

He might not say, but then the Villain always baited James bond in the OO& movies by telling him what wuz gonna happen an I wuz betting his ego ‘bout this creation of his wuz gonna reveal all. But amplifier …hmmm….I’d had a dream once, induced by a monster…an another that had used me as a Mana source. Ma an Pa had been witches in me dream and I’d used the powers inside me to surprise a demon. What if….it wuz really far fetched. Memories cascaded down upon me. No body had ever prepared me for this. But pieces were falling in place. They said the campus had inhibiters. But … if he wuz a warlock there would be none here. An if … the big if. I really did have powers an the collar wuz what he said….whoa nelly…this might be interesting. Though taking on the strength of yur opponent wuz never a really good idea.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:28 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I could feel her seething hatred, dislike for me and that was fine. All the better. As she enjoyed the feel of my hard cock inside of her twisting and turning as the collar provided such fun for us as it feed us both additional pleasure as it's energy source was her, her sexual energy and other types that may posses.

"Damn me, damn your god that allows this, but that's just rude. After all one's faith is too great to let that one thing shake it lose." I tell her with a smirk as I continue to use her. I use the collar to add to the sensation, increasing her senstivty as I take something out of my pocket. A tiny sticker then I put onto her clit for later use.

I then hear her question inbetween her moans of pleasure as I continue to thrust into her. Reaching down I take her breasts and squeeze them tight twisting her nipples a bit. "Oh that's because of it's setting. It wouldn't react easily to the amplfying part with the way you've been using it." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Jul 16, 2008 6:12 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Gritting me teeth gainst the onslaught of forced pleasure I stopped me talking…stopped the things that wuz distracting me from the total focus of not enjoying this. I had to gather the weapons the ADD had taught me. The mantras, the ability to distance yur self as the creatures forced themselves upon yur body. To make it a rag doll that thy could fuck till the cows came home but would not get the satisfaction of making you enjoy it. How many times had our instructors told us that the critters of the deep wanted the women they raped to enjoy it. found even greater satisfaction in taking not only the body but the very mind an soul. Would not Kouzakia think less of me if I could not even control me self as this beast of a once proud man took me an made me squirm.

An squirm I did, desperately trying to get away. Sum thing though held me Arms behind me back, kept me off the ground so all I could do is move me hips an pelvis as he slowly slipped in an out of me, giving me the full measure of me his stroke. This had to be what a porn starlet felt like, the large cock stirring an filling her insides like no other could. An to think how wet I wuz, already me body reacting to the stimulation, the thrusting. Seeking to protect, to enjoy even if me mind had other ideas.

Thump….he reaches the end of himself in me, bouncing on me round bum and causing me hanging breasts to jiggle like bells below me body. I snarl trying to feel pain, to feel anything but the wash of pleasure that turns the snarl into a groan. Lips tremble an open, me body trying to curl around the thick shaft the pierces me and makes me warm…. How I loath the critter of a man that does this to me. But I must think, must activate the defenses they have taught me.

“jus get it o’er with an cum, stop teasing me yah Ass” oh to get him to take the bait. To use me an leave me…before…before I debase me self in joy an pleasure that I had wished to reserve for another in this room. Me first Orgasm wuz not to be his. He had not been the one to get me nearly crawling the walls before in mutual foreplay. He did not deserve this…not at all. I …Kouzakia….memeber Kouzakia….think un him. Could you do this to him? Cum with this other man piercing yur body. Would that not pierce yur very heart….

Stop feeling sorry for yur self Cassie…do sum thing…before…before the pleasure is to much. The mantra snapped into being in me head, a wall of sorts…lines an power. Formed of light, of good, me body forgotten….

Some day it would be the death of me. That talking.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:13 pm
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"Now where's the fun in that if I end this too quickly." I say in response to her obvious bait. Of course she would want me to cum inside of her quickly. Less likely the chance then of her breaking or showing how weak she was before Kouzkai over there. He picked fine mortals. I rarely dealt with such trival beings, but she had peaked my intreast with her semi-divine powers and the collar of course.

I snap my fingers as the little dot I put on her clit starts to blink, a homing siginal might describe it best as the collar locked onto the data it was putting out as a change in the electrical flow of her nerves was happening, very subtlely.

This happened as I reach down and grab both your breasts, heaving as they were and take them into my hands and go to your nipples twisting them lightly as I lick at your ear as I slowly turn and twist my cock into your core. Letting you feel it all the way for several minutes as I let it complete it's produre. THen one hand left her breast and went down to her clit where I just barely touch it, but the sensation is ten times the average as my finger barely glides across it.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
I lock me mind behind the glowing blue lines. Silently singing the words o’er an o’er. It is all I can do, to give him me body but ward me own mind form the pleasures of the flesh. They had taught us well. The mental image in me head building brighter, almost as me body glows. I feel nothing…hear nothing…see nothing. I am one with nothingness…a vast hellish place that no Christian should ever wish to visit. For there is no love, no happiness…no pain or anger. There is nothing but fog.

I look through the fog, an see the floor gyrate under me. Oh…how I wish with all me heart that me dream had been real. That I could have smashed the man behind me with the fires of vengeance. The academy had told me I had powers. Powers that could be harnessed if I would jus unlock them. But for the life of me every effort had ended in failure. I’d learned that Ma had been gifted in certain abilities. So had Pa….but their only daughter. No, the Genes seemed to have lain dormant within me. An if I had some how had those powers I would not know be having to cower behind the shields in me head.

Oh I knew he wuz still there. A faint haze as me body adjusted to him an he wormed about inside me warmth. He could have that warmth, have the whole an enjoy himself, but I would not participate. Would not clasp him in the grip of me lions, holding him while I moved about the full length of him. Oh too have had kouzakai here…to have enjoyed this …our sex. Damn him to hell …damn him.

The wards flared, I felt the touch upon me middle. A sudden ripping fire that broke against me mind an threatened to overwhelm it. I could feel me body convulse, flutter along the length of him as it reacted as nature intended. For all intents an purposes I had had an orgasm…perhaps he would be satisfied now, the hiss of air out of me lungs like that of a groan….he’d done things to me. Had tuned the collar…had put sum thing tween me legs an then touched me.

“fuck you” I jus managed to get the words out, for I had to once more build the wards. To protect me mind form the assault he launched against me through me body. I could feel the muscles clench…I shouldn’t….damn….damn….lines an wards with me mind twisted in on themselves. I fought back for control. Inside I could feel the beast rumble…he wanted out to play…to make a deal so that I no longer fought. NO….not going to happen …not know. Not after what he has done to me with the collar. I will get rid of it, he has shown me how twisted it is…how bad….there can be no good…no good at’all.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:29 pm
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"Did you like that. That was a device of my own invention. I of course can make it better. With my own talents. I suggest you speak up now or I'll increase the intensity by up to three fold." I tell her with a smirk as I continue the assault on her body.

Ah this was the one saving grace of mortals, they were so much fun to torment. There inexperince there downfall as you play with them, torture them. Hmmmm, such a delicous meal when you found one that was seasoned just right.

She start's to hear me chanting a spell without missing a beat as I fuck her, grinding and twisting my cock deep into your body, taking you for everything you were worth again and again as that clit attachment still ran hard as I start to play with your clit a little more agressivly.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:20 pm
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