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 Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member) 
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Perhaps he knew too much I reckoned. He knew our training programs, knew what agents were but through an so he thought that with me collar an that knowledge he could rule me lusts. But he had not reckoned on me faith. Had not known the depths I would go to remains free of his taint, forsaking me own pleasures in order to remain above. For me know, me body wuz a vassal, a limber, unresponsive paper weight being pushed about by a man on a mission.

Perhaps it wuz jus like a man, all ego an testosterone, the very fuel that kept them thinking with the wrong part of their anatomy. It wuz more of a surprise in this shriveled husk of a former man, a thing that claimed he wuz a scientist. That wuz until you realized the vanity that would let a body rot to nothing in order to preserve his groan area. Now that wuz conceit. An conceit fueled him. He had heard that kouzakai an I enjoyed one another’s company. Perhaps he tought he could do better with all his tech. But he had forgotten that what really captured a girls attention wuz the mind, the attitude behind the body. He might give me an orgasm or two, but he would never me the keeper of me heart.

The pleasure of me body flared, jus like they said at school it would. Jus like we had been forced to practice. One could give into it, enjoy it an perhaps get lost in the joy. Or, one could retreat, dig in an wait for an opportunity. NIether wuz right or wrong. It wuz simply knowing the price you were willing to pay.

For me the price wuz to sit tight, let me body be consumed by this thing at me back, pounding relentlessly inside me. Twisting an pulling on the rings like I so enjoyed. Rubbing me clit like an old pro. To say I remained above it would be a lie. Even the wards of me mind rumbled, the pleasures passing through to try an twist me resolve. I would let him tire, for like all men they do so far to soon. I could outlast him, retreat into this inner sanctum till a real offer had been put upon the table or he tired of screwing an unresponsive board an went his way, bored to find sum new trollip to consort with. But I could give him sum thing. The one thing these beasts sought to make us…

“Yes master…I enjoy yur cock inside me…it is soooooo goooood, you make me want to cum.” All the conviction of a stoic whore. Well, he wanted it, he got it.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:00 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
"I must admit you suprise me. You conviction is strong. I can see why Kouzkai enjoies you a bit. Still, your a terrible liar." I tell her. She was a resilant one, her body wasn't responsive to all this pleasure, all this desire and yet she still resisted me.

It was... annoying, so very annoying. I then pull her off my cock and drop her to the floor, she may have been in pleasure but that wasn't enough. Not at this rate. If I wanted to taint her I would need to take this up a notch as open a tear in the space next to me and pull something out.

A vial with a needle which I filled up and then injected into her as she feels the prick of the needle as I pull it out and swap it with an achool pad. "Well, I believe I'll take a break, your pussy was just so tight that I need it." I tell her Sarcasticly as the poison did it's work.

Nether an aprodisic or a pain inducer. It was void. She was stuck, any stimulation she felt upon her body wasn't there. She couldn't even feel herself breathing but knew it was happneing as she saw her chest rise and fall. She was stuck at the level of pleasure, pain, sensation, ect. When I made the injection as I sit back. Her body was dead to the world, but not her soul, just what she could feel against her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:44 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Ohhhh, how sweat the win. To triumph over one such as this an have him leave me alone. Perhaps even now he realized he did not want a mere slave. He wanted a match, a woman that would be a challenge for him. An I…I had been that challenge an more. With his rod yet stiff an swollen he had left me to glower in frustration. He had wanted a slave, I had given it to him despite his best efforts to the contrary. An now, now he retreats for it is not what he truly desires. MEN…an monsters, were they all the same?

The prick of the needle took me by surprise as I gloated. Me hands an toes are the first to succumb. The feeling gone in them as the numbing sensation crept ever inwards. Me heart speed up, pulse pounding in me neck beneath me collar. Further an further the lack of sensation crept. I moved an arm, feeling me shoulder swing but nothing, yet as I stared at it I could still see it move, see me hand clasp as I willed it to. An as I looked up into those dark cesspools of his eyes the grin upon his face grew. Oh he knew. At the last I went to curse him, the sensation of me tongue gone, an in that moment I lost me hearing, not a sound, an neither could I scream. All sensations of touch, of feel had disappeared.

I looked at me body, willed it to rise an slowly watching me self managed to sit against the bulkhead, oblivious to its warmth or cold, lacking any sensation as to the textures against me. But I would not let him beat me. No….oh lord what now….wuz it permanent. Would I forever be this way, to never again feel the pleasure of a lovers caress. No, as a slave an agent had value, and the alliance if nothing else were at the foundation merchants. This had to be reversible, perhaps even cooked up in the Labs of the ADD by this bastard. I had far greater value as a sex slave than as a piece of meat. All I had to do wuz get out of here, an get on me….oh….The lord would give me guidance. I prayed. I prayed for me soul an the direction of me life an then, I watched as I put me hand up, an curled the fingers…all except the middle one an waved it before me. I might not be able to hear, might not be able to speak or feel. But I could still communicate.

With that I pushed me self up an took a step. The corridor tilting, wavering as I sprawl upon the ground. I raise me head while the room spins. The room tilts an turns. Focus…focus on me body, me limbs get them working for me. Then looking at me limbs an working them under me body I begin to control me actions. Only the red dot upon the floor tiles lets me know I bleed…I feel nothing, not even the wound. Another drop of crimson hits the tiles below me chin. A clear indication that it comes from me head. Slowly I begin to crawl. One limb at a time. I will crawl form this place an cower in a corner, waiting for the effects of the drug to wear off.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:16 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
((OOC: Sorry if I've been gone a long time, been really really busy with my music and stuff. :oops: ))

For a long time, Kouzakai remained silently watching in a dark corner of the room. The succubi spoke with him, but he did not answer. NOr did he even paid attention to the war that was ensuing outside of his ship, safe from prying eyes of the enemy fleet menacingly advancing to their position.

He was intently watching the proceedings going on, watching as his little 'pet' Cassie was used without any remorse. His colleague sure knew why and where to pick them...he was a good 'judge of character' as any. Perhaps he was beginning to have vague notions of why Kouzakai enjoyed fighting and trapping Cassie so much. The girl has spunk, and she was overflowing with it. Although he can see it in her eyes the only being she ever viewed as her equal was the towering leviathan.

Still, it was like a movie. He was enjoying watching Pierce-eye try and figure out what makes Cassie tick.

THe fleet seemed poised for the kill, slowly making their way with little or no resistance at all. Kouzakai was itching to give orders to the succubi, but not yet.

NOt yet anyway, while the 'movie' was still playing and had yet to reach its climax. He remained silently still.

End of passion play, crumbling away...
I'm your source of self-destruction.
Taste me you will see, more is all you need...
You're dedicated to how I'm killing you.

A member of the Archanius Alliance, Lieutenant.
The Archanius Alliance
Terror of the Deep

Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:56 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
She then hears a laugh a deep and loud laugh as I was able to do this project my thoughts into her mind. "Ha, ha, ha, poor little girl, so lost and afarid, bleeding from your head don't you know, why don't you let your god help you with that." I tell her as my laughter then becames the only thing that echos throughout her head as I look down upon her.

Too bad she didn't know about the collars ability to block such messages from entering her mind or it's ability to heal and rid it's body of toxins. Not that I would reveal such things to her, at that moment I was enjoying her misery.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:28 am
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
The scream echoed through me head, through each torturous shuffle of legs an arms as his voice invaded me privacy. ‘Blasphemy would get him no where….no…I would neuter him first…let him live unable to sue the one thing he seemed to love the most in life. Yes, like a neutered dog, sniffing at the bitches crotch but unable to do nothing ‘cept watch the other male dogs take her. No….what that is is to castrate, yeah…take it all off.’

I fell, me chin hitting the floor, concentration going the wrong way. An all I could do with the pain an the humiliation wuz laugh. An echo in me head that displaced the scream an joined his own laugh. Ohhh…we laughed together, for much different reasons…oh but how me laughed. Finally me own sanity prevailed. I had to get out…had too.

Slowly onto elbows…then knees under me. Shuffling ever forward towards the portal…keep the goals simple. Portal first. I had to watch each an every part of me body move in order to control it. How I wanted to feel once more. To know the caress of the ships air upon me lips. To once more feel the throbbing of the engine under the plates. To even know how me body held itself…..even in the guise of a slave if that be it. Looking down once more I noted how me hands had formed tight fists upon the floor. I’d show him….then I’d kill him….slow…vengeful. As the lord is me witness….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:45 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kaza looked over at the site, she went from wide eyed to glaring in two seconds. Her red eyes gleamed with hatred, nails dug into the palm of her hands drawing a rather large ammount of blood. Tail stiffend and hissed, spitting venom onto the floor. She hated when her master spent more time with other females other than herself, she had been quite known for her jealousy. Teeth gritted as her mind raced with all the ways she would torture and abuse that little slut for taking away her time from him. A sharp tooth bit into her lower lip drawing blood, despite her own rage her tentacle servant appeared from the shadows. Long red tendrils wove around the girl, trying to calm their master. The slimey bands ran over her body soothingly, while the rest like her tail acted like cobra's ready to strike.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:18 pm
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I then walk over to where Kouzkai and Kazari stands having reset my robes. "That's quite a wild flower you got there good sir. Full of spirit and spunk. Resistint to the very end, such a lovely show she puts on. I'm sure I could break her though given some more time, but then again I'm just borrowing my time with her from you. So I'll leave her with a lesson learned that she shouldn't mock me as her eyesight will soon go as well. She'll regain her senses in about 30 minutes or so. That should give you enough time to tie her up, set her down, chains, whatever you like to do with your 'slave'." I tell him emphazing slave heavily.

"However if you ever wish to share her again, do please tell me. I would love to try and break that fiery will, when I'm granted more time with her." I tell him. And now my other reason why I decided to cut my time with that red head short as I move next to my succubus and move my hand down and cup her pussy. "What are you doing?" I ask her as invoke my pleasure curse directly on her clit.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
The world spun inside me cocoon of silence an lack of touch. Suddenly me vision blurred, a noticeable fuzziness about the edges. Oh … please lord no…I prayed so fervently me mind echoing with the desire to be free of this confounded drug. An then before me gaze me knee shifted out of me view. No matter how hard I tried me vision continued to roll upwards, soon all became black an the last sense…the last one O felt I could use was gone. Vision, hearing, touch…all gone, gone like as yesterdays pleasure. Fleeting, passing through me fingers jus like the water of the pool. How I wanted to capture them, bring them back.

I lay in blackness, not knowing or feeling a thing. They could do anything to me. Wuz I on the deck…or in me lovers arms, or sum thing far more sinister. Did he care a bit about me, or wuz he willing to feed me to these animals. Nightmares honed in on me no matter how hard I prayed. Visions in blues an purples of creatures, using me against me will. Delighting in how me body reacted to them. Delighting that I found pleasure in their evil an perverse torments. Hell….Hell had reached me. A hell that would forge me anew, stronger, better able to serve gods will. I had to believe in gods blessings otherwise all wuz lost.

How I wished to wake up upon me soft bed, a lover in me arms….but the dreams were dashed as the demons came an took me. Trussed me up an worked their evil upon me skin. I drank of their vile seed. Loathing an loving it. Felt them taunt an humiliate me….an for what. What wuz me purpose in this dark place. Taste…I could taste an smell their vileness yet. Even if I could feel nothing, I wuz not alone…no….

Silently I screamed…no t sure I could handle the pain within me mind as I the unspeakable wuz done to me….how long….hours? Days? Would me torment ever end?

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:14 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Kaza continued to bit into her lower lip, muscles clenching as her anger continued to grow. Her clit ached suddenly, she gritted her teeth harder and leaned forward slowly placing her chin on his shoulder. "i....dont like her....master....."


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:27 am
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"I don't really care for her ether my dear. I just want to see her writhe in agony and pain before me, maybe pleasure as well. I want to see her broken. Such a thrill it would be, however I do not have the time at the moment to do so, since I'm borrowing it from our host. So I'll leave her in the pits of her own void, the void of hell for a bit as a present until we meet again." I tell her and Kouzkai as I then twist her clit a little bit.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:52 am
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Kaza pushed away from her master, she walked over to the passed out agent. Pulling her up by one leg and then dropping her back to the floor, a smirk played across her face. "my my she sure didnt last long" The demoness bent down and spread the girls legs. Hands went down thighs to rest on her well abused sex, tail coming up and stinging her exposed clit injecting her lust venom directly into her sensitive bud.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:44 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Then in the midst of darkness, the lords own blessings flowed into me. A sense of pleasure, desire, joy all rolled into one big warm ball. If I could have I would have hugged me self an rubbed me knees together the feelings were so strong. How I fervently prayed to me lord. In this dark prison of me mind I had become a bride of Christ. Too think I had missed this joy when I had not followed the path to be a nun. Ohhh…the sensations….the joy.

An in me darkest hour I felt the first thump of me heart in me chest. Felt me own life stirring and thanked me lord in heaven for all that he gave me.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:08 pm
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Kaza decided to pay the girl back for her past trangressions. Hands drew a pentegram on the womans back slowly, once complete she the symbol would begin to draw on the girls evil side trying to bring it out.


"its not the dark you have to be afriad of....its whats in it"-Echo Night Beyond

Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:28 pm
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Post Re: Alliance Meeting (ADD Agents and Alliance Member)
Impulses slowly returned, small feelings an sensations like I wore the sins of the world upon me back. But that weight wuz a feeling…an feelings had to be good. So much had been dead to me.

With the return of sensations came thoughts of malice an what I would do to the one that had taken those sensations away from me. That smug grin, the way he had used me collar to try an enslave me. For him I would do sum thing special, maybe roast him slowly on a spit o’er a crackling fire. After I had gilded him an forced the pieces of his own flesh into his mouth. He had dared to force me into doing things I had not wanted to do. Perhaps I should do the same to him…yes, he took an eye, I would take more.

An eye for an eye I had learned. Well, it wuz time for him to learn that payback with me would be double or more. I had been kind. Too kind. It wuz time for me to seek vengeance an do so in the most nasty ways I could think of. Then…oh yes, then nobody would ever mess with Agent Cassie Marie Smith ‘gain.

I would rape an humiliate him. Take him in ways he only dreamed of. He’d see.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:31 pm
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