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 A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari) 
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Post A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari) (completed)
Right from the start everything went wrong that could go wrong. Ship malfunctions, mission timing issues as if Murphy himself haunted me. The strain of a direct mission turnaround right after a particularly grueling one did nothing to help me disposition. Twuz a complete blindside when they took me. One quick smash an grab that left me in the dark figuratively an physically. If I wuz paranoid I’d have thought I’d been set up.

Yet nobody touched me. Prime agent flesh in a universe were agents were regularly used as bait an nothing happened cept to bind me an dull me senses. The hood kept me from seeing a thing but inky blackness. Me ears deadened by what had to be sound dampening tech. Left me with touch, smell an taste. Even there they hobbled me. With the large mitts placed on me hands I had little ability to use them….more so that the mitts shocked me every time I tried to scratch or touch me self. Me life wuz spinning outta control….

Not once did I awaken on me own. Not once did I feel even the touch of a lash. Cold steel an electric shocks kept me doing what “they” wanted. I crawled from place to place on hands an knees, The threat of shock keeping me from doing the foolish. I ate from a bowl on the ground like a common dog. The food tasteless, much like Ma’s cream of wheat…all bland its texture revolting to me tongue. Me poor tummy gurgled an strained at the lack of food. Made hungry, made tired….I could feel me mind slipping under the strain. But food an sleep were not the worst of it. Not for an agent.

At night I dreamed, dreamed of warm human hands touching me. An with each sleep period the dream evolved. Soon even tentacles were welcome in me embrace, anything to be touched. Anything to see an hear the heat of passion. Me skin crawled, seeking contact were non wuz given. The shock from me own hands more than enough to dissuade me whenever the need got to great an I dared to touch me self with the prickly gloves.

I hated baths, even if I wanted to be clean. Shackled, posed….the cold water pouring over me only to be scrubbed down with some course sponge. The antiseptic stench of the soap made me cough, another rinse….not a touch. I felt like a car at a car wash, an mere object hosed down, cleaned an left to dry in the air, hanging in chains. Afterwards the days torments would commence like any other day or night, for me it was all darkness I dwelt in.

Like a puppet they posed me….sometimes simple posses, naked in the dark. Sometimes erotic posses that sent shivers up me spine. The longer I went the more I wanted sum thing to come of those posses, sum touch….I could feel me blood pound in me veins. Feel the heat tween me legs grow an still nothing. Nothing till that day.

I stood as directed, trying to hold the pose while the soft flutter of a garment slide along me skin in the soft breeze. How long had it been…how long indeed had not a hand been laid upon me. An now this…I shifted….the shock sending me body back to the original position…a position that taunted me with the soft caress of cloth. Played along sensitive an aching nipples, taught with frustration. How long had it been seen I’d had a release of me own. Sex … it clouded me head as the silky fabric caressed me skin. I swear I would have begged to be touched, not caring what….oh how I had sunk in squalor. I prayed each night for an ending….any ending so long as sum thing touched me…held me.

How many times now had the cloth been draped on me to caress me to the point of orgasm only to be removed? Oh how they knew. Knew me body an left me high an dry. I quivered an trembled while I crawled forth yet again. How many times had I sworn that bodies must be close. How I yearned for them to touch me, caress me…even fondle me. I cared not that a part of me hissed an cried in the dark at that yearning. Had I not been born to be held, to be loved? Oh lord how I enjoyed the warmth of a body beside mine. How I yearned to be touched, how I would give everything to be touched.

My nights were filled with nightmares, never to be touched again. Never to be held an loved. I awoke most nights in a cold sweat, shocked as me hands touched me body. I twisted in need, in desire, legs rubbing one another unable to satisfy the itch in me gut. The one that needed to be scratched every minute I remained in darkness….But the gag kept me protests silent. The hood kept me red swollen eyes invisible. I cried that night…cried out of frustration an need. Cried as I felt me mind slip.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Aug 11, 2008 6:03 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I really couldn't help myself, she was such a sweet girl that when I saw her on the captured list I decided to take another crack at her. After extracting data from her collar I found what I needed and begin this regiment with her. I would check in on her every few days to see how it was going. Usually that was the day they would pose her eroticly for me.

I tap my fingers as I observe. Just like when my succubus took her I found that her need for sexual contact was great, to pile it onto her gave her a bit of control and that was what I needed to take away from her as the regiment was quite harsh, not one bit was given up to her, to let her relax, the shock even increasing the more she tried to touch herself.

I let this go on for six weeks, six long weeks I let this torture take place upon the agents body, depriving her. I would dare say that this might be the longest period she had gone without sex. Ha, ha, ha so I knew her body would be espeically suscutable to this, since her body was always being touched, carressed and otherwords, plus her agony was quite delicous to observe.

Then on the 45th day I enter the room. She can hear my footsteps echoing around the room as I circle her as the last pose made her hold her hands above her head, with legs together squating a bit. Like a belly dancer in mid motion. I then give her something as my hand reaches down and touches her hip and carress it to see her reaction. I could judge from it if she was ready or if I should wait another 45 days.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:04 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
A human hand touched me skin….I jumped, the electrical shock of not holding the position immediately cutting through the sudden elation that speed me heart. Or had I imagined it. I reassumed the position, legs trembling form the effort of holding me self in the awkward pose. A pose both degrading an erotic….so open to all who might view me…who might touch me! I could feel me heart beating faster, me blood flowing in me veins as the adrenaline surged forth. The pain diminished in me arms an legs. Oh how I held me self, trembling, waiting. Desperatly I sought to be enticing, to be noticed so I might be touched again.

Was sum one there? The foot steps silent for all I tried to hear. Perhaps they had killed my sense of hearing once more…or perhaps It had been a yearning. A yearning that left me breasts taught, the sensitive nipples swelling under the rush of blood. Would he yet touch me again, a warm human hand? Nothing…..nothing…..nothing….

I wuz crazy, had to be it….too long without a voice to talk to, to long without sum one to touch, to hold. I could feel me lips quiver against the ball within me mouth. A quite tremor in me spine as me body threatened to spill forth in tears the yearning denied me. An yet even now, I heard the voices in me head. Voices that tried to contain the yearning, the need an desire. A babbling that threatened me very sanity in the otherwise silent tomb I lived within. No….lived wuz wrong…dwelt….to live would have meant contact…to live would have made that fleeting touch real….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:47 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Hmmmm, not yet I thought, she had jumped, she had yearned for it, but yet she was not desperate enough for it. Truely lost. Hmmm, she was tough one, an admirable quality if not infuariting. I turn around not bothering to hide my foot steps this time as you hear me walk away. Once again banishing you to the darkness.

Going back I look at her handlers. "Increase her treatment. I'll be back in 45 days, do what it takes to break her, if it comes to it show her the black chapater in bursts. The recording of the horrible attroicties commited by people, focus on humans and cut out the images of any sexual relations. If she responds to it properly continue it. I'll check back in 15 day interverals now." I tell the man as I nod at them and walk off leaving the girl to her fate, the fate I had decided for her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:16 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Once more I heard footsteps…but this time they receded, a door closing leaving me once more in dark silence. Me heart grew heavy, hope vanishing jus like those footsteps. Legs sagged, arms hit me sides and the shock hit me….kept dancing along me limbs till I rose once more. An resumed the faint echo of me previous life.

Too short the night, me eye lids dropping while the images played across me gaze. Images of death, animals tortured, mutilated by grinning leering human faces. I tried to move away, treid to shut me eyes but the images remained as if they played directly into me head. I heard the screams of those poor defenseless beasts. The nights I swear were shorter, the meals smaller and the days longer.

They had me pose….For whom I could not know, but I did what I could to receive another touch. I threw me efforts into me be alluring, seductive to me unseen audience hoping one would take me away, would take me from the nightmarish images that haunted me even after they had stopped. I could feel the sweat run down me body as I held these new posses. Degrading posses some of them, vile an disgusting possibilities intertwined with the images of the beasts in those videos as I stood, sat or laid at the whim of another.

Would that this end… body become desperate, more often I awoke in the middle of the night from the horrible buzz of electricity coursing though me body as me hands wondered an tried to caress me skin with the prickly gloves. Yet more an more often I risked the pain of electricity an a million small needles in a hope this time it would work. I grew more desperate…I cried more often.

Even the baths I know tried to move me self so that the hose would cascade across me swollen lips an always they moved it. That unseen entity that tortured me by doing nothing to me…nothing but feed, house an wash me in the most uncaring of ways……

Kittens….kittens destroyed in the most hideous ways before me very eyes, their screams filling me ears as I held yet another pose….oh to stop it…stop it….to make it go away. I’d do anything….anything as the hood held me tears of pain an suffering would it ever end. But all I could do was scream into the ball gag an watch the horrible people to horrible things to the poor defenseless creatures while I desperately tried to be alluring…to end me days of naked, blind, an deaf terror.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:47 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Thirty days laster, one month of this torture she hears my foot steps once again the same footsteps that gave her that one lone touch so very long ago as I step foward, seeing her progress, her utter breakdown as she risked such pain to get just a sensation, anything as I move towards her and put two hands on her arms moving them slowly up and down her arms I check her reaction as I move closer and she feels the heat from my body in this cold damp place.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:55 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I hear the footsteps. Like a thunderclap that echoes in me ears the march of boots falls upon the hard floor. Breathing deeply I let me chest fill….feeling once more the skin of me breasts go taught. Blood rushes across me body, a sudden heat ‘gainst the chill of the room. Suddenly I tense, not certain what to do as the horror of the touch suddenly stopping clouds me mind. Yet it has not even started….an a yearn for it…wish it.

This time I swear I can feel the air move scant moments before the actual touch, allowing me to control me reaction an avoid the shock. Me body flows under those warm fingers. Life flows wherever the caress moves along me arms. I falter, letting me body try an touch the heat behind me…the presence I can feel real or not. Teeth sink into the rubber ball as the shock takes me….Tears spring anew to me eyes under the pain as still I sway wanting the touch…wanting it more than even the pain that courses though me body.

Only the sudden thought that I must obey each an every command to the letter brings me back to the original position. An yet the caress rolls up me arm, not a mere touch…but a long languishing press of fingers along me arms. A shudder rolls through me belly an I moan behind the ball. A joyful moan. Legs feel like putty, as I strain to keep me self upright all of a sudden. The tremor sends a warm wash across me middle, an I feel the wetness ooze down the inside of me thighs. Heat flares ever hotter in me middle.

Even I am surprised by me bodies reaction….but me mind accepts it. I want more of this touch, I want to feel the tremor inside grow in intensity no matter who or what. Sweat pours down me curves in rivulets as I strain under the twin agonies of keeping the position while me body reacts an shivers in one small orgasm…..another already rising behind it….feeling the hands slide back up me arms, the heat to me back. Oh how I long to hear those words that say I am allowed to give an receive pleasure.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:14 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I continue to carress her arms my hot breath plays across her neck as I feel her orgasm but she still keeps that postion. My hands move from her arms to her hips as I grip them tightly as I lean in close to her ear as she is allowed to hear me. "Well, do you remember my voice?" I ask her.

I let her think about it, let my voice ring in her mind as I reach up and undo the ball gag slowly as the silva from it cascades down from it. Such a long time since she had now been allowed to talk. "You may answer." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:48 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
A voice whispers in me ear, the puff of breathe a warm caress. I feel the body behind, feel the hands clench me hips an hope springs anew. I wrack me brain to answer in truth. A voice. The words tell me I know of this one. Tell me I should member him…yes him, male a brimming with confidence an authority.

I quiver in his grasp as thoughts of not so long ago flash in me head. A mission….The mission an a man that claimed he had made me collar. The thought hits an the collar buzzes ‘bout me neck as if it comes to life itself. I gasp the ball gag no longer able to keep the noise of me body hidden. I try an speak, even as the heat of him at me back sends shivers of pleasure along me spine. I had fought…an won…won a small victory that day. An empty hollow victory in an empty hollow war. A stupid act. Oh how stupid to have spurned this man an the pleasures his touch brings me. Even his presence warms me, makes me yearn under his touch.

Me voice crackles….an I try a clear me throat. So long unused it seems to not be mine. As the words begin to flow they sound almost foreign, a broken song…..I work to add the lust I feel, the desire. TO let him know that even if me voice is odd I have needs.

“Yesssss…..I wus fooollllishh girl. Master…..please don’t go…I …..I will doooo anyyyyything jus touch me….please….” an yet I wuz dirty an foul….He deserved me clean on scented if I wuz to grace his bed. Oh lord…what if he said no….what If he didn’t want me? What if the dirt I felt beneath me nails an the foul scent of me own breath turned him off…what if others would be more conducive to satisfying his needs….like the demon bitch….the one that tainted me with evil….the one that showed me such pleasures that a bad girl could have. Would he prefer her….Oh please lord…please let it be me……

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:18 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
I then grab her long red hair and pull it back forcefully taking her out of the posed postion making the shock ran over her body as I whisper into her ear. "Yes you were, you were very foolish, even now your presence disgusts me, so I'm giving you one more chance satisfy my needs and I may give you the privleage of gracing my bed. You may look good on it, fail me and at best I'll give you to my succubus as a present." I tell her as I let go of her hair so she can resume her postion.

"Now first, here's a present." I tell her with a smirk, as senstive as her skin was this would be a good way to punish her besides using the shocking mechnism. I wrap something around her head, to be more presice her lips as she felt a piece of silk there as I adorn the southern bell with something that was made for a harem dancer, just that one bit as I let her feel the soft silk in contrast with her devoid of all contact as my hand reach down and have my hand a few inches from her ass, so close to touching it as she can feel the heat from my hand. Ha, ha, ha. "Aren't you going to thank your master for the gift." I tell her.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Aug 14, 2008 9:50 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Fire sparks all along me scalp as the hairs are pulled and me skin crawls in pain. The stance broken the shock returns, dancing along me limbs an making me nauseous in its embrace. But I have no choice as a voice whispers in me ear an a hand holds me hair in a painful embrace. He releases me an I resume the position, the shocks halting as soon as I gain it.

I know his succubus…know her well an know she will use me till I can take no more. Oh…but the things I learned from her. The things that will make him happy when I grace his bed. A bed…a bed to rest me head upon. A night’s sleep…maybe…maybe even sum chocolate. Me mouth waters as I dare to dream a little after so long.

I feel the embrace of sum thing soft as a butterflies wing flutters across me lips an caresses them as a lover would. A sensuous sensation after so long denied. The leather of me collar tingles round me neck an I realize his hand is behind me, ready to cup me firm round bum. I dare move closer, closing the gap a bit more till I swear I can feel the tingle of me nerves I am so close. I dare not move any more least I be shocked. But sum how, sum way I knew he wuz there. Have I become so sensitive?

“Master” I swallow, working the lust I feel into me voice, “Master thank you for the gift, thank you for having yur succubus teach me so that I may better please you….an thank you for showing me this world of pleasure were I can sense the very presence of a hand near me bum an enjoy its heat an the caress of air that moves from it along me skin….May I cum if you touch me master?”

I wuz close…silly close the last one not nearly enough to begin to satisfy the long dormant desire in me heart, mind an body. I’d become that that I had so long tried to keep away from. I had become the lady that begged for her lover to touch her, an like a two bit tart, cum from jus that touch…..But worse…I liked it. I wanted to grace his bed an prove me worth.

Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:58 pm
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
"Oh, so you'll cum if I touch you will you. Well then no." I tell her as I then press my hand against her ass and start to carress it. I smirk evily as I continue to play with her ass, wanting the bitch to cum before me, so that I could punish her. I then move my other hand over and place my finger tip just over her clit, I don't touch it at the least I just let her feel it there.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:11 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
Inwardly I groan at his words. I’ve had training….I’ve even had girls in me bed who wanted to be me slave. I know I must obey, but what he asks is far too much after all I’ve lately been through. I know than me master is cruel an heartless. Though I can hope perhaps he does not understand what I can feel….I have tried to be good. I have tried to tell him. It has been far too long.

He knows. His hand touched me bum, sliding his fingers along the round soft fleshiness. I single finger winding its way along the crevasse of me crack, not touching the swirl of muscle in me middle, but gently he moves it over an I feel the pressure between us….I must obey. But the touch brings renewed heat across me belly, heat that desperately wants out. This time the groan can be heard as I fight the rising tide within.

I try an move a lil back to the original position an his hand follows. I can feel his back closer as he shifts his own position to encircle me with an arm. Trembling, me arms threatening to now fall from their position overhead I find me self pinned, pinned tween his hands. One that strokes me ass, the other that never touches me, but pins me in place as he lightly caresses me slit…me clit…oh my god…not a touch as I would normally experience…but a light feathery caress of air an mild electricity. Although there is no physical touch it is a touch all the same. I feel it an shake, only serving to move it as if he moves. A lovers soft caress on the most intimate part of me. A part of me that has felt no such touch since I wuz captured.

I bite upon me lip. Sweat beads upon me forehead under the hood. Arms an legs tremble from the effort of restraining me self. Yet I stifle the rising heat as he has ordered me too. Desperately I try to bottle it all up. I know now what a bottle of Champaign feels like, the wire rap undone, slowly building in pressure until sum thing must surely pop.

I must not pop. An yet his mere presence is now so close to me. The gentle caress upon me lips as the air currents from the air-conditioning system attempts to cool the room and moves the soft cloth ‘bout me face. The touch, an almost touch; they all conspire to drive me to that edge like a train hurtling for the car stuck at the crossing. An impending crash none have the ability to stop…too long…too long.

“Master”, voice shaking, the words dripping with lust an desire, a mere whisper upon the air…, “Please let me….Master you tuned the collar… ,” The realization hits me a the same time me frazzled body pops with a loud moan an squirt of liquid from tween me thighs.

“AAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhuummmm”, the scream comes from deep within. Me insides convulse an I fall to the ground in joy….another scream ensues, but this one of pain. The pleasure instantly replaced by the pain of high voltage running along me nerves. On unsteady legs I push me self back into the proper position. His hands are gone an I have failed me master…failed me self.

Tears fall to be absorbed in the darkness of the hood as I tremble. Knowing I have done wrong an not knowing how to prevent it. Can I help how I am now wired? An yet I must find a way, but then, this may be me masters way. I had wronged him in the past. Do I not deserve the punishment? Has he not shown me the door to unspeakable pleasure?

Still I shake in me stance, not knowing what he will do. At least the pain has cut off the orgasm. Or has it. Denied once more, me belly knots in frustration. I can feel it as it screams for an outlet that will allow me to exhaust me self in the wave of pleasure sure to follow. The start/stop wearing on me emotionally an physically.

“Mmm..Master…I…I….have failed yah.” What more can I say…shoulders curl slightly forwards. Head slumps sum…I try to retain the position, but it is no longer the same alluring girl within it…it is a beaten girl with no way to win at this game of pleasure an pain. Too long….way too long.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:56 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
The feel of my fingers sliding over the firm and succlent flesh, feeling the warmth of the girl in my hand as I hear her groan, such a delicous moan that come from her mouth, one full of longing, sexual need, and the need, not desire but a deep need to cum, to be released from this torment. She had quite a voice I thought.

She was so close I could see her arms trembling, so close to falling down, yes let that sweet pain take you once again. I thought as I wiggle my finger around her clit just inches, centimeters away. She was breathing harder, I could see her hearbeat increase, as the collar of hers activated after it's long time here. I smirk.

She was bottling every ounce of it up, oh she needed to cum so badly, so very badly and that desire was so slowly devouring her up. Consuming her with it's need, that primal fury. Soon it would pop and there would be nothing she could do to stop it, it was inevtiable. It was so clear by the sweat on her forehead, the great trembling of her arms. The two opposing things doing a lovely job of sending her over.

I then hear her sweet voice speak once again as she called me Master. Ha, if only she done that the first time I would not have been so eager to torture her now. Those words don't last long as she doesn't even give me the chance to consider letting her cum as she does just that, her trembling arms let loose causing her to fall from pleasure, almost like an angle into pain or into hell.

Ha, ha, ha she pulls herself back up and I see that she is... crying? Was it from the pain, no, it didn't seem like that. She then speaks those words, with such saddness in her voice, it gave me pleasure to hear them come out like that. Such supreme pleasure and now I know why she cried. I made a motion with my hands and take her hands and force her down onto her knees.

The shock had been turned off as I make her assume this postion. "Your right you did fail me. You weren't even able to ask for permission to cum before it happened. Such pitful behavior." I tell you as you hear me set something up beneath your swaying breasts. It then moves up she hears the sound of motors a soft hum as something touches your nipples. It was soft, very soft and a bit fuzy as I let your nipples taste the feel of fur for the first time. They then go down a bit.

"This will be your punishment." I tell her as she then feel wool against those nibbles in contrast, scratchy and dirty wool, that was coarse before they back off and you feel the fur again. "Between heaven and hell, where ever you end up is up to you, Stay still and take it and cum with the fur and be in heaven. Take it and lose on your pathway to heaven and fall i nto hell with that wool." I tell her as she then feels me strike her ass with a loud bang.

It was painfully, oh so much so, but the jiggle from the impact of the wooden paddle I used made your body jiggle nicely so the fur teased your nipples just as greatly the pain from that. And thus the condrum, if she tried to get more of jiggle from it, then she would lose the soft fur and head towards the wool, only reciveing double displeasure. I hit her again. "This ends when you cum a grand total of three times, where your breasts are when you cum will determine if you pass. Be thankfully that I'm giving you one screw up slave!" I tell her with a hard whack.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:42 am
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Post Re: A Slaves own Salvation. (Keemari)
The voice held a mocking tone to it when he spoke to me. I swore he must tower o’er me, his large shoulders an strong arms ready to take me back to the room once more. Yes, I had cum…known I should ask. Still, I’ve never done that ‘fore. A touch…that wuzn’t a touch stroking me like that. The sensations, soooo strong. I had to wonder what it would feel like to have him inside me, to have his body next to mine as he thrust, bouncing gainst me sensitive clit with his chest rubbing me nipples …I shook with the pleasure in that thought. Even more so when he pushed me down onto me knees an elbows.

Rustling sounds fill me ears as a soft caress of fur barely touches me nipples. A soft caress of fiber across the swollen tips of me tits an engorged areolas. I could have rolled in that fur, stretched me body within its soft embrace an rubbed ‘gainst it like a cat in heat. How I wished I could see. The sensation almost sent me once more o’er the edge an I strained to hold back on the impending orgasm. With me face wrinkled in frustration an strain I did me best to listen to me masters words. This….this touch so soon after the interrupted climax had me on utter edge. I might have had an orgasm, but it had been short an cut off by the pain, not the sustained multiple ones that would satisfy me.

He pushes me bum forward, the touch wonderful till me breast slide across the sandpaper like texture. I gasp as the itchy scratchy fibers dig into me nipples an set me breasts to flame. As soon as he lets go I pull back atop the fur an wiggle me aching breasts along the much more pleasure able fur. Sumthing metallic clangs hind me head an I feel the cool metal at me back. Its slick surface at me shoulders intent on keeping me body from raising itself. I have not long to wonder why he has posed me this way. The whistle of the paddle against me upturned bum felt before the crack of the retort reaches me ears.

Me bum erupts in pain, the searing kind that yur body naturally does anything to get away from. I had one direction an only one direction I could go; forwards. I gasp in pain an shock as me breasts are dragged out of the soft embrace of fur an across the rough fibers of the wool. Neither of these fabrics has ever felt like this ‘fore. Groaning inwardly I understand the punishment now. I push meself back upon the wonderful fur an rub, trying to leave the memories of me burning ass an the prickly wool hind me. I push back, putting me bum in the air. Into a position that the skin tightens over its curves an the heat of pain spreads more easily. Gritting me teeth I set ot work rubbing me breasts ‘gainst the delightful fur like a complete maniac. I can feel the blood pounding in me gut, an just as well, spreading heat across me rump. With me arms I brace me self an prepare for the next blow.

“Master, Please be kind even if I did bad….it hurts…really hurts….so sensitive….Please….give me time to play on the…..” I hear the whistle of air……….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:16 pm
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