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 Annie to the rescue (Akkiguujin) 
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Each peel of hideous laughter sends a chill up me spin till the small hairs on the back of me neck stand on end. The grating noise of these creatures, like fingernails cross an ole fashioned chalk board. Their shape, the seeking tongues…the smell that crosses me nose and threatens to make me gag. All of it seems intent on giving a gal nightmares, an creating the ultimate terror in a person. Fear, sure I fear…but I rest in me lords own arms…rest knowing that in the need I will go to heaven no matter what these things from Hades itself do to me.

The tug upon me ring, painful, tormenting me with me inability to do nothing ‘bout it. Bound by the slimy tongues that grip me from those grotesque mouths. The wicked teeth an evil grimaces are the things of nightmares…perhaps…perhaps that is all this is?

An yet worse comes. The creature changes…a demon incarnate, sent form hell itself to test me…the others in the room that do not hold me bow before him…

“So…will you bow to god your maker…the one that holds the keys to life an death. Let me go….I am not here for your tests…not at all.” Amazingly, me voice stays firm…strength of will an purpose giving me strength even as me lips tremble. I wish to see no more…to hear no more…to smell no more of this great blight. I clench me legs together, desperate to keep me knees straight an me body still before the monstrosity that assails me.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:30 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*With a final hideous tearing, the skin of the bear doll dropped to the ground, black button eye looking up accusingly at the bound girl. It its place uncurled a man shaped form, night black wings doubled in span to sweep the steam away in one powerful beat. The light in the room glistened on the exposed muscle flesh of the Hell born creature, the bilious green veins running across it's visibly powerful form like snakes. The beast lacked any hair, but in its place grew two curled ram's horns, as black as the wings that folded together against its back. The demon stepped forward, revealing a face human in countenance.....if humans had no skin. His eyes gained depth, the inky pools becoming small black holes, facets of the void that looks back if stared into for too long. Long, lean muscled arms stretch up from the beast, hands hooked into claws as he exhales his fetid breath into the steamy air.*

" again from my prison....your terror the key to the last lock on the door....Hmmm? Bow? Before my maker? Oh, duckling, if you knew who made me....your soul would shatter even as you begged him to devour you."

*Akki walked slowly toward the girl, taloned toes clicking on the tiled floor. His thin, forked serpent's tongue flicked out into the air, tasting the delicate mixture of soap, fear, and sweat. He waved his hand, his minions rising from the ground to flank him. His mouth opened in a savage smile, sharp and glistening black fangs pressed together.*

*The demon's form dripped pus into the scalding pool of water at his feet, the smell of rancid bacon frying assaulted the girl's nose and brought tears to her eyes. The tongue manikins holding the girl's arms pulled tighter, lifting her off of her feet to slide up the wall, crucified against the slick surface.*


The Doll House

Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:52 am
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The tongues squirming up me arms, higher till the ends of them paled across the top of me chest. The vile scents assaulting me nose, making me tummy wiggle in ways that were not good. Finally, the warm liquid trickling down me leg told me how true his words were….I feared…feared the vile thing that hissed an walked before me. A thing of me own creation out of the dark thoughts of fear an revulsion.

Every muscle tensing as stood transfixed an waiting for this demon spawn. For the first time in many months I had not a word to say…could not even think as thoughts spun in me head an the pounding start of a migraine ‘gan. It hurt something fierce…me head, an as me view of the creature changed it became me body that hurt as well. Arms an shoulders burning with pain as me feet swung free of the ground…the wall moving hind me…up…up….pain lancing through me shoulders, the kind me lord must have felt.

Twas enough though, the switch in me head finally flickering, allowing the thoughts an words to coalesce into a single purpose, a single thought. Like gods wisdom finally having a chance to get through me thick skull, to reviela me purpose as he has so mnay other times. Not a voice…but a single thought that shatters the fear.

Me muscles unwind, the pain in me shoulders lessens. I turn me own eyes to those dark pools. An wet me dry lips, preparing me self to talk. ‘Love…was this the key’ it had to be, it was the thought foremost in me head.. I had done wrong to annie….wrong to have not accepted her help in scrubbing me back. I had shown fear an loathing. Wuz this simply a manifestation of me own darker side. A side that god felt needed showing to me so I could leave it at his holy alter.

“I see demon, yur words ring true. I will not run, I will not hide, I see me purpose as clearly as if god had spoken to me in a loud booming voice. That I missed it all along…I can be a bit stubborn at times. Love….Love changes everything demon, have you ever wondered if god would not once again wish for you to be shown love, that he would not still want you back in his fold, forgiven for all time.” Those deep pools of his eyes lacking every sense of emotion, a inky black darkness that swallowed all.

“I have been sent to show you love, not fear.” I knew then that love was the stitches upon that bear. A bear that needed love….needed tenderness after such a hard life. So so obvious, an yet I had missed it. Had not annie simply reached out for love…had she not in this demons embrace said the same to me…an I had pushed her…had sent her sprawling. “If you allow me…I will embrace you…touch you of me own accord. I am not here to fight with you…only to be that example to show you the way back to god that we all treasure so we are no longer so empty inside.” Each word bringing greater calm to me…no doubt the demon would push back at me…make me want to regret those words. But love need not be blind…need not make you a doormat for others to trample upon. No…it wuz a noble thing…an it wuz up to me to embrace all the things of the world an beyond in love.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:31 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*Akki blinked as the girl spoke, halting in his approach. Inside he felt a deep confusion. Was this girl serious? Did she really think that love was the key? along for now...see how far she was willing to go for The demon chuckled inside as he mentally willed his tongue manikins to lower the girl to the floor.*

"You...speak the truth...I...all I wanted was to feel needed...just like these dolls...I was bound into this bear to protect...but my summoner cast me away...banished me when she saw my form...I only sought to punish you for your heartlessness...but I see that you are...different."

*An inky black tear rolled down the demon's cheek, dripping into the pool of scalding water at it's feet. His wings folded in closer to his hideous body, as he hunched over in apparent sadness. The tongue manikins whined and went still, tongues retracting and faces resuming the wooden appearance of normal dummies. Resusci Anne, the now tentacled horror, mewled like a kitten, tentacles retracting into a knot of writhing flesh that resolved into her usual swimsuit clad plastic body. As the red light went out in the dummies eyes, they all collapsed, lifeless once more.*

*Akki smirked inside, thinking to himself, Now, what will you do girl? Will your faith drive you to comfort, or will your fear drive you to flee? Either way, the game is still afoot... The demonic figure continued to drip oily tears into the water, beginning to shudder as if quietly sobbing.*


The Doll House

Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:05 pm
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Tiles slide gainst me back…this time downwards till me feet rested upon the wet tiels of the floor. Some how…some way I’d been right…been correct in me reading of what god had in store. The tongues left….an I stood alone with this creature…this creature that missed gods love. I could tell as he spoke, his need to be connected, to be…well….loved.

Closing the gap I took a step forward an raised me hand to his face, one black tear trickling cross me fingers. With all the tenderness that had ever been shown me, using the things me parents had taught me I gently caressed his face, wiping the tears with their inky black stains away from his face.

Suddenly…more so know that I knew what needed to be done me nakedness bothered me. It wuz wrong to be this way…to be without a covering about me body.

“Please…come…walk” I took his hand in mine, an turning began to walk through the still swirling vapors an into the clouds of grey. “I … well….need to put sumthing on, then we can talk, become friends…so tell me what would make you happy?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:11 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*Akki thought to himself, Oh this is delightful! How unexpectedly naive this girl is! He sniffled and bowed his head as the girl took his hand, took his hand!, shuffling along after her with the soft click-click of his taloned toes tapping against wet tiles echoing around them.*

"What does any doll want? To be held....cherished...needed...All I've ever been is bound, enslaved, used...and finally discarded like trash."

*The demon's voice seethed with bitter regret, false tho it may be. It followed the girl, inky tears still dripping from the voids of its eyes. The skin of its hand within the girl's grasp felt disturbingly like warm, uncooked bacon, slick with moisture and the pus that exuded from the demon's flesh. Its breath stank of rot and corruption, of things that only grow in the damp, dark places man is not meant to tread.*

"Why...are you being so kind to me? I attacked you....sent my minions to torment you."

*Akki cackled with silent laughter. Does this little duckling think she can redeem me? Make me repent my wicked ways? Go back to serving her God? Too bad for her, I am not a creation of her so called God. The demon decided then to teach this little mortal a lesson...a lesson in mercy given too freely, and betrayal made with glee. He ached to strike, to ravage the nubile young body, but the anticipation of burying himself in the sweet morsel only made the game that much better. Oh my fire-haired beauty, the things I will do to you....I long to hear you scream for mercy in my tender grasp....but let the charade go on....just a little longer.*


The Doll House

Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:52 am
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We walk hand in hand from out of the showers, me hand closing on sum thing much like raw hamburger…or steak. Slimy, coated in grease…but this meat is rancid. As he speaks I do what I can to keep fighting the rising bile within me throat. The stench nearly choking the air from me lungs. I pray to me lord to give me strength an wisdom, to not gag upon the air that wafts form his fetid self. An yet he had to have been at one time an angel, pure an chaste. A being of beauty an grace instead of this loathsome beast with his talon feet.

Stopping then at the entrance to the showers, the small alcove still filled with steam. Next to me feet lay the limp white towel in an unruly clump. Ending at the knees, proper like I retrieve me towel an wrap in round me body, feeling better as the cloth secures me nakedness ‘gainst the sight of man an demon.

“God can give you that an more….you are loved, cherished, needed. All we have to do is accept god an be embraced by his kind love. One time you were such a creature, living in heaven, one with the god of your creation. I look forward to the day I too enter heaven, to see me god first hand an worship at his holy alter.”

The pause is short while I further ponder his question. An then taking up a big breath I continue as we walk. “Is it not me offering me hand to you that broke off your attack. Is it not the turning of a cheek…the offering of forgiveness that changes everything. Love is all those things, it can make the bad good….an create all manner of possibilities in ones life.”

I stroll to me locker, offering a seat to me new friend….the one that I will witness to an bring back the lords flock. Dabbing the perfume of vanilla an roses upon the valley of me chest…wrists…an upper lip, I immediately feel me tummy settle. The stench of evil in this creature now masked by the perfume of a few of gods creations. Then I pull out the black lace panties, a shimmy them up over me hips under the edge of the towel. No safely wrapped ‘gainst prying eyes I finally I sit next to this poor beast, made vile by the chaos of all that is bad.

“Tell me of your life as an angel….for should you accept god once again you could become one. An know that I will pray to god for you as well, I will bear witness before him for you. That is love….that is friendship.” Giddy at the prospect of bringing one like him to god…to see him healed an changed to a wonderful angel of light from the poor ruined darkness he now inhabits. I slide me arm up his back, an pull the back of his head to me chest, to cradle an hold him like me mama once did for me. I vow to show kindness….love… happiness.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:29 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*The game was getting more interesting by the moment. Akki leered at the girl's back as she pulled on the black lacy underwear, inhaling the scent of vanilla and the natural aroma of her body beneath it. Have the other beasts of this island broken her mind? Can she really think this mindless drivel will change me? The demon continued to cry pitch black crocodile tears as the idealistic girl spoke, his eyes going to the curve of her slender neck, the gem studded collar, the golden cross upon it. As his head was drawn to the impressive bust of the zealously faithful girl, Akki couldn't restrain a chuckle. He coughed to hide it, pretending to sob in relief as he wrapped his arms around her waist. To tell the truth, or lie? Akki took a moment to think, enjoying the warmth of the girl's breasts through the towel, falling into the rythmic rise and fall of her breathing. His black curling horns cupped her breasts as she pulled him close, catching for a moment on the bump in the towel created by the rings in her nipples.A half truth, a partial lie. Enough to be convincing, more to be distressing.*

"I...was never an I said, I am not a creation of your God. As far as I am aware, he doesn't exist. Or if he does, he doesn't care even slightly for humanity. If he did, why would he let this school stand? Why would he let a creature such as I exist?"

*Akki chuckled internally as he spoke. Technically, every word was true. Was the girl bright enough to catch the unspoken meaning to his words? If he had never been an angel, and there was no God....was there any hope of redeeming him? Don't get too comfortable in those panties, little duckling...they'll not be on you for much longer... The demon continued to falsely cry, adding a shudder to his performance as he hugged the girl tighter, pressing his head into her breasts more firmly, his horns again tweaking her gilded nipples. Perhaps he should tell her how he really came to watch the truth dawn on her as he dropped the ruse and defiled her in this steamy hell.*

"If you would like....I could tell you the tale of my creation...but....first I would like to know the name of such a kind, sweet may call me....Akki...if you wish."

*The demon turned his head upward to look at the girl's face, carefully keeping his own visage in a despairing guise. One of his horns hooked in the top of the towel wrapped around her, loosening it, but not quite enough to make it fall.*


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:56 am
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I must say I felt much better at being dressed an all. It wuz the proper thing to do, even if angels don’t really have a sex…well their had been Suriel. The tinge of pleasure sending goose bumps up me spin as I membered him an the piana. I began to speak once more, if nothing else to set me mind on the task at hand an not get sidetracked on the angel that still had not returned to me arms.

“What you mean about the school…it’s a wonderful place, though I do miss me Ma an Pa an all me ole friends. But I’ve met lots of new people here, an it’s a nice pleasant place with great weather an such. They gave me a full ride scholar ship on account of me singing an such so it can’t be a bad place at all. “

Looking him in the eyes, an a catching me breath. “he brought yah into the world no matter what right now yah can member ‘bout it all so perhaps yah can be a testimony to gods love an how that love redeems us all. We all should strive to be gods blessing upon this world of ours. To love and hold an cherish all that is good. TO guard gainst the evil that dwells in each an everyone of us cause we are sinners. An yet god gave us his son, an had him die for us so we who believe in him could be saved from the pits of hell an enter heaven. It is a grand thing…grand indeed. God can do the same for you…I’ll bet if yah got down an prayed with me you would see too what he can do for yah. “

Sadness filled me as I noted his poor lost soul. Oh, to bring him back to the fold would be a worthy task…already he wuz asking the questions that needed answering…already I could see him begin to ponder gods greater love. The way those eyes looked up at me own. The hurt that must dwell in his heart for being apart from god for so long. SO long that he no longer believed himself to be of gods creations…so many lies must have been told him. But what an opportunity…to show him the way…to be the beacon that would shine upon the path till god himself could take him under his arms an carry him back the heaven and the place he belonged.

His voice reminding me of me obligations to listen an answer…to be polite. “oh…pardon me, I mean that wuzn’t too neighborly of me for not lending you me name. I’m Cassie Marie Smith…an well, I am pleased to met yur acquaintance an all Mr. Akki. I do say that is a wonderful name, very unique. Does it mean sum thing or is it like Cassie that is jus a name of sorts.”

His head in cradled next to me, those poor black tears leaving grey down the front of me white towel. “Its ok…really crying be ok…for god does love you more than you can ever imagine. You ever know an angel called Suriel?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:37 am
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*If Akki had real eyes he'd have rolled them. How simple is this girl? Get down and pray to a non-existent entity? Not likely. Perhaps it was time to draw this little charade to a close. Guard against the evil inside of us? That was rich. Akki was the evil inside of man. Was he supposed to guard against himself? The ridiculous thought caused him to chuckle again, forcing him to fake another sob to cover it up. A little longer then. The deception was almost as much of a turn on for him as fear.*

"Akki is short for Akkiguujin, Japanese for demon doll. My summoner gave me the name, as with all demonic dealings, form determines function. Akki isn't my name, it is just what I am called now. I've had other names...older names...but that wouldn't interest you...."

*The demon nuzzled his head into her welcoming arms, horns pulling the towel down even further. Just an inch more, and the glint of gold would be visible again. Suriel? What part of "I was never an angel" did the girl miss?*

"I've never heard of a...Suriel. I've never met an angel, only other demons, some from Hell, others more like me."

*From the shower room the hiss of water rose in volume again, the shower heads the girl had turned off turning back on, steam filling the room again as they sat in the locker room. If the girl had turned to look, perhaps she would notice the absence of the four manikins that had so recently been trying to pin her to a wall. Akki wasn't betting on it. She seemed to engrossed in her dream of converting a demon back to God. He hoped the blow to her psyche when he disabused her of this would be exquisitely crushing.*

I'm dropping clues like breadcrumbs, little duckling, snap them up quick or you'll be in for a big surprise...


The Doll House

Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:10 am
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Perhaps he really didn’t understand the truth of things. Had the lies of the twisted one so warped the angelic host that followed him when he was cast form heaven and gods hand all those millennium along.

“You really don’t member the time before you were cast from heaven? That is truly sad, I mean look to the bible, the truth is there within its pages. God cast the devil to the earth an out of heaven…some of you followed. A man did not summon you form heaven…did not give you life, only god could have done that. Suriel, he is my guardian angel… a great love that is tender an sweet. Jus like love is. Perhaps It is you that will lead those that have been cast out back to gods side. All You have to do is accept him once again. To pray to him…love him….take him into yur heart.”

Silently I prayed to me savior…to be able to show him…to find a way through to his heart so it would feel the lords love and be accepted once gain to his bountiful graces. How could he be so blind still. He had to be on the edge, jus one small thing to sway him to accept love, an god, an all that wuz good.

“If you come back to god, perhaps you can be me guardian angel, there to protect an keep me safe. All manner of goodness an mercy is yurs for the asking. God is soooo very good.”

How could anyone resist. It meant so much to be one with god….boy would he be in a big surprise when he accepted god into his heart an got his soul back. I wuz almost giddy at the prospect of seeing it happen.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:39 am
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*Akki could have died from laughing if it was possible to do so. She wanted him to be her guardian angel? Oh, he had to play along with this one.*

"What...would I have to do to be..your angel?"

*Just a dash of uncertainty, a hint of hope, bite down on your mirth and here we go! The demon was thoroughly enjoying this little game. This sweet, naive little girl was offering him salvation, over and over, trying to get him to repent his sinful existence. Perhaps he should up the game a bit.*

"Do I just need to pray? Is...that all it takes to be saved?"

*The demon pulled away from the girl, dropping to his knees and settling his elbows on hers, bending his head forward to press the crown of his head against her breasts, his horns pressing against the rings in her nipples again. He faked another shuddering sob and clasped his clawed hands below his chin, waiting to see what the girl would do.*


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Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:55 am
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OH….lord he wuz ready….really ready. I could feel me heart thumpin’ in me chest like a big ole jackhammer. A twinge leapt from me nipples as his horns touched me an went straight to me heart.

“This really make me happy…an the things it will do for you…” excitement making me all giddy as me voice rose an octave. I could have jus ‘bout bounced all over the floor an sung an danced for me lord. Carefully I extracted me lap from under his head, sliding next to him on me knees to bow before the lord with him.

“You need to accept jesus as your lord an savoir an do everything you can to accept him in your heart.” Oh…its so wonderful….an to think of how much better his life will be when he does this. The wonderful things that god will provide him. The great arm coming from on high to hold us in his warm embrace. Already I could feel the warmth, the swirling clouds of heaven starting to touch us as I knelt beside him, head bowed in supplication to me lord.

With hands clenched together before me I let him know what needed doing….wondering if when I next opened me eyes he would have the wings of an angel…no longer the horns. TO have the smooth silky skin an light hair….to be a beacon of light unto the world.

“ask the lord for forgiveness…use yur own words…feel it…say it from the heart….” I went silent, scarcely able to breath as me side touched his….so much at stake…scarcely able to breath as I await his words an the thunderclap of heaven.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:53 am
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*Akki sniggered inside, nearly exploding with laughter from the display. Keep playing along. Almost time to shock her out of her happy little world.*

"Uhm....Jesus? I...ahm...accept you as my lord and savior. This is...Akki...also known as Ellopodes to the that helps. Forgive me...for my wicked ways...and redeem me of my sins....mmm....oh God I ask thee?"

*The demon turned to the girl next to him, head tilted to one side curiously.*

"Was that what I was supposed to do? Nothing happened."

*The demon snapped his fingers suddenly and pointed one claw between the kneeling girl's breasts at the golden cross.*

"Maybe that would help...ahm....Cassie....can I borrow that please?"

*The demon's tone turned pleading, another inky tear running down his raw muscle cheek. The creature sounded desperate, eager to be saved.*


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Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:05 am
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For a moment I wuz down trodden, the lack of any fireworks at all to light up the little room…no burning bush…no great voice. I’d tried, but then their had been none of that stuff when I had accepted an become a Christian. Maybe for a demon it would work much the same way….then ‘gain the nuns at school had always been telling us that the evil minions of hell were liars an miscreants. How could one know….how could one?

“Well if you really meant it an all in yur heart of hearts, then he heard. It is now time for you to live that way. To obey his testaments an live yur life for god. Will you give up your past life an take another. Do what is good an right.” Pausing as I looked at the crucifix that dangled upon the chain ‘bout me neck. But I knew the truth, it wuz more a symbol of ones faith….

“It has happened if it will happen, if you truly seek him, the crucifix…its is merely a symbol of ones faith. I suggest getting one…an today…start living yur life as God would have you. Do you really understand?” some of the giddiness leaving me…a weariness replacing it. Had I been sucked in? …had I been a silly lil girl for believing?…. no… anything wuz possible.

Taking his talon in me hands, looping the crucifix round me fingers so we could both hold it an continue to prey.

“let us prey together…..the lords prayer for starters, then a few hail Maries shall we?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:11 am
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