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 The Punishment (Jacknife, Cassie) 
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Post The Punishment (Jacknife, Cassie)
Black – Cassie
Green – Argos (Jacknife)

The punishment.

I can’t believe the teacher actually was a watching us get undressed for gym and an writing out those detention slips. I mean who’da thought. I’d have been ok had Suriel not laid out sum clothes for me to wear all under me uniform that morning. So I’da gotten up, showered and gotten dressed jus like I do all a the time. An like it really wuzn’t fair an all. I’d read that school manual, all 247 pages. I knew what would get me in trouble. But I’d not have done none of it ‘cept me lover liked me wearing them lil panties with the strings an all that barely cover nutt’n at all. I mean it wuzn’t like I go all bare down thar an then flash the other girls like sum of them floozies do.

An at least this time me outfit had a been a nice pure white, course the sheerness had a shown off me little sliver of red down thar, the one that points right tween me legs were I get all wet an stuff when I have me sum of those really nice thought ‘bout me lover. I kinda giggle bout the way it looks…I’m learnin’ that Violet and Suriel think of it as sexy. The top wasn’t really too bad either, its jus thar wasn’t much to it and what was thar didn’t really cover very well it matching the panties in that regard. Now jus a few weeks ago I’d have thought them to be downright scandalous…..but yah do things fur yur lover, its jus natural.

I reckon I could tell you each an every one of them girls that didn’t do what they were supposed tah. I mean thar was that girl Linnis who wuz always giving all the new girls a going o’er with her eyes, and then Sondra, she never had no under things on, an Katherine, and Samantha, an lots a others. I’d seen it with me own eyes cause I had started kinda watching for it….not like I wuz interested in that sort of thing, no siree I tell yah.

I ain’t no voyeur and I like the man, I mean Sureil, well, and Violet, but that wuz different, really. I was a one person girl, jus like the lord intended, unless Suriel said otherwise he being a guardian angle and all and knowing gods word a lot better ‘n I. That’s how Violet had a entered the picture, an boy had she taught me a lot a stuff bout this thing called sex that the nuns thought wuz all bad and I found felt soooo good. Sureil had let me know them nuns had a lied and I know that part for the truth cause none of the things they say happens ad happened.

Yeah so to make the short of it I get me a detention slip. One way ticket to after school fun a filing an a stacking papers an whatever else yah have to do in the basement. I also knew that I wuz gonna have to run real quick by the room cause of that rule ‘bout showing up in the right uniform to detention. That wuz buried thar in the manual on page 224. I really didn’t need no extra chores jus cause I made the same mistake twice like.

Nobody talked ‘bout detention must so it must be really boring. I figured I’d a have too bring me a few books so I could get a lil studying done. I always figured it’d be best to use ones time wisely. It wuz a real wise thing to do and all. An mama hadn’t raised no harlot nor no dummy. So I hurried from class to get me books an change me clothes, it would be tight an no way did yah wanna be late for detention…that much I knew.
Argos once again was heading to the basement, clutching the folder he had got from Sirrocco. The headmasters assistant had been her usual figitity self when he had walked in. He wondered whether she had some order that she could not pleasure herself. It would explain a lot and with the headmasters continued absence, her frustrations were obviously getting unbearable. Poor girl, still that was not his problem.

He opened the folder as he walked , to find out what in fact his problem was.

“Miss Cassie Marie Smith” he read aloud “punishment to be undertaken for wearing in appropriate clothing during class hours.” Argos sighed “when will these girls learn, the higher ups here like their uniforms correct.” He read on looking at the side notes and something about wanting to set up a religious class.” Argos sighed loudly, hmmm a religious nut, he had experienced them before. Not on the island of course, but Europe in the middle ages was full of wandering nuns who se bodies were simply begging for the pleasure that he gave them. They were slightly more difficult than other women of the time, but once they realised that God was not going to help them they soon fell and begged greedily for carnal orgasms. So presumably this young girl would be inexperienced sexually. An Evil smile moved across his face as he thought about educating her

Argos continued to read her bio as he walked down the steps to the basement and entered room C4, his favourite where the young victim had been ordered to attend. The basement was cool today, Argos noticed they seemed to like changing the temperature down here a lot, not that he minded and assumed it was done just as something unexpected for repeat offenders. There he checked that all his little ‘toys’ were there.

Content with the content of the room he turned the lights off and stood behind the door, waiting for the young redhead girl to arrive.

I ran, well maybe it wuz a good thing that Sureil had been making me exercise a lil. I wuz getting faster, an me legs were showing a lil more muscle on them calves.

It wux gonna be tight so I pulled off the lil white number and put on the regulation white panties. After a month of not earing um they sure felt funny, like they wuz constricting an all across me bum…the skirt no longer touching me like It had. I pulled off me shirt and threw the lacy thing onto the bed. At least when it came bras I’d been wearing a few types, like the athletic ones hat held yah real secure. I put on one of them cause it was on top an nobody wuz ganna raise no stink ‘bout them.

Quick like I grabbed me my books, putting the old bible in last in case I gotta chance to read sum verse. I looked at me self in the mirror, made sure the white shirt was all tucked in neat like, then pulled me red hair back in a ponytail to get it from a going all o’er the place.

Throwing the pack over me back I checked the time ‘gain. Oh god, I thought, help me be quick. I ran, taking the stairs two at a time, almost rolling down the last few. Good thing I didn’t have anything with heals on or I’da been a gonner.

I stopped in front of Room C4, an paused jus to adjust all me uniform real proper like. I knocked….”Cassie Smith reporting for detention” I figure that would at least sound official like.
Argos smiled, “Oh very proper, my young girl” he whispered to himself. His thoughts filled with how the young girl would react to his almost demonic form. However in the darkness he would be difficult to spot. Silently he walked over to the door and pulled it back slowly. The door opened with a creak that continued uniformly throughout the opening. A small amount of light flooded into the room from the corridor, but not enough to illuminate fully the window less void.

“Enter Miss Smith” he replied in his most official voice “Detention shall begin shortly” he tailed off holding the door open for her, waiting for the young girl to enter his terrible domain. He did like her voice, though, but would like it even more when she was screaming for more pleasure.

He would allow her to enter the room before revealing himself, perhaps the darkness will frighten her a little first.

The door opened jus like in them bad old time horror films with that lil squeal like sound well It wasn’t gonna frighten me none. I knew I wuz in trouble and would face up to it like a good strong girl. The cool air rolled past me face and bare legs, I almost said sumthing ‘bout turning off the air-conditioner and then thought better of it.

I took a few tentative steps into the darkened room looking real careful like to see who this person wuz, but then he knew me name and why I wuz here, so the admin guys must have told um. I clutched me crucifies for a bit and took two more steps into the grey an black darkness….”Ah, I’m Cassie, an um I’m here for detention, so like can WE turn on them lights an I’ll get tah work on the filing or phone answering or whatever”. Other girls from back home at school had always told her ‘bout detention and what went on. This school might be different but it had to be the same sort a things….
The door closed behind her silently apart from when it placed itself with in the frame and locked itself. The cool room was now very dark, the only light coming from a small candle on a desk up against the left hand wall about 5 meters from the beautiful young girl. The light flickered in the air as hot wax dribbled down the solid bass.

“Welcome, Miss Smith. Place your books and things on the desk there. They will not be required”. The room seemed to have it’s own overlapping echo slightly as his voiced seemed to have no discernable point of origin, despite the fact he stood only a few meters behind her.

He continued to ask a question though of the young girl. “Do you know why you have been sent here.?”

I looked round the dim room, yet nowhere could I see into the shadows far enough to note whar the voice came from. “Yess Sir” I went to the desk with its lil flickering candle and put me stuff down as requested. It wuz gonna be a might difficult to file or even clean with that lil candle the only light.

“I’m here cause I broke the rules bout what you wear for yur uniform. I done put on sum things me husband Suriel asked me too all under the uniform were they don’t get seen no how, but yes, I done break the rules on page 163 of the guide book an I’m real sorry bout that an I wouldn’t a done it cept for me husband so its not really far an all cause I want to keep him happy as a dutiful wife should be doing. Yah know he’s me guardian angel an all. “ I took a big breath of air in to continue .
‘Guardian Angel’ Argos thought ‘hmmm, some other monster obviously has been very manipulative of this young girl. Obviously playing on her weakness of being one of god’s children had worked out very well for one such entity. Perhaps later he would find out who.’ Until then he had better continue

“Your reasons are not up for debate here Miss Smith, the fact is that you knowingly broke school rules and administration really hates that, especially in relatively new arrivals. The fact is that you need to be punished for such disregard for school rules. And I am here to administer that” He assumed that all he had just said was acceptable to her, as she had arrived promptly and ready to accept her expected punishment. However he knew she would not like his next statement, but was interested to see whether she would obey it.

“As your punishment, involved incorrect school uniform, it has been decided that your punishment shall be administered without any at all. Therefore, remove your clothing. Miss Smith” he ordered holding back an evil snigger. He would find out how far this girl could be pushed quickly he thought.

”WHAT?” Me eyes wide in surprise, I tried to take the word back, but it had jus a come blurting cross me lips all of a sudden. Then I engaged me barin an me lips. “That’s, like…sooo wrong an all. I mean I can understand a doing sumthing in relation to what I done wrong an all. An I corrected the lil problem” Crossing me legs, I pulled up the side of me skirt not certain where the voice wuz a coming from. An displayed the regulation side of them white panties. Smoothing down the skirt I continued. “ but the good book an me ma both say that the only one that sees yah all naked is yur husband an the doctor when he hasta.” I looked ‘bout still trying to find the voice in all them tangled shadows a grey n black. “Now, If yah want me to wear sum bathing suit or other outfit that at least covers sumthing maybe, but, yah gotta turn up the heat cause it be mighty cold down her an a girl is libel to catch a cold or sum such from all the cold damp air….”

I thought bout that lil French maid outfit Suriel had made me get an wuz under the bed in the box. Thar wuz no way that thing wuz getting worn front of nobody but him either….Thar had to be a way out, I wracked me brain thinking on the school book, yet thar be nothing in thar ‘bout what the punishment would be ‘cept whatever was deemed appropriate. It wuz that appropriate part I didn’t think too much on till now.

“umm, ain’t that a tad bit inappropriate for a student to be a all naked in front a the staff…seems you would be violating a rule and so would I cause it says students don’t do nothing to make teachers do sumthing wrong, an students and teachers don’t do no carrying on. An it might be a bit of a temptation to have a student all naked for punishment and then the admin would’a think that you wuz asking for favors for a commuted sentence of sorts an that would look bad on both a us. Right?”
Argos smiles at her response, knowing that in a school such a request would be unthinkable by a teacher whose students were under his pupil age.

“You miss understand Miss Smith, I am not a teacher at this school. I am an independent brought in solely to administer punishment here. I am not governed by such, student-teacher rules and the administration is fully behind any actions I take.”
His voice calm and full of control.

“If you wish an increase in temperature I will permit that” he replied as he walked to the thermostat on the wall and turned up the heat “but you will be naked for this punishment to commence. You are to be taught some humility that you seem to happily ignore. Understand Miss Smith, that you have entered my domain now and I do not like unruly young girls disobeying me,” His speech was strong and menacing throughout infusing a symbol of power and authority throughout the room as the sound echoed without.

I could feel the warmth of air, still I had trouble following the shadow that crept ‘bout in the dark. Were wuz he?

“I only know that in the rules ….yur not a teacher?” oh lordy, those parts don’t mean nothing…and the administration had nothing on them….”but in a good like god fearing way this is all wrong cause the good book says that adam an eve got on clothing so as not to be naked fur god….I got it right here.” I turned opening the pack to drag the large bible out onto the desk.

Only the evil hide in darkness, an I wuz in the light. This wuz down right the craziest punishment yet, not even me folks had spanked me bare butt as a child. “Is this a joke, I mean which of the girls put you up to this?” that had to be it, I turned scanning the darkness and awaiting me answer.
“This is the no joke Miss Smith and I feel most insulted that you may think so” he replied angrily before regaining his composure.

“You mention the good book, a work I have contempt for. If these rules laid out in this book are the ones you live by then let us assume that you are being coerced in to obeying my commands and if your God wishs to punish anybody for what occurs here today then he can bring the full weight of his wrath down upon me.” He paused letting her know he was completely serious.

“Hear Me. I willingly accept any disapproval that God wishes to dish out. If he wishes to strike me down for administering this style of punishment, which has been deemed appropriate for the offence you have committed then he can do what ever he likes to me. Put your faith in God to the test Miss Smith and watch me suffer for making you do such things, which violate his ‘good book’”

His breathing was slightly heavier now. The speech had obviously wound him up somewhat and could be heard around the room.

“I’m sorry….its just some of the girls like to play jokes” I said it with me heart, an it seemed to come out kinda weak and pathetic…I didn’t know what to do. “I have broken the rules, and Jesus said to render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser’s. umm, “ me hands shook like as I worked at the tie. “if it is gods will that you punish me than so shall it be, if not than let god strike you down dead.” It seemed only fitting, but then the god had given the devil the chance to tempt Job…an I wuz a starting to feel a lot like Job.

I pulled off me tie, and lord knows I wuz gonna need to go to the restroom…oh why hadn’t I done that earlier. I hated being in trouble, it wuz not so good for the heart. I bent down, all careful like so as to not let me panties be seen from under the skirt. It wuz like proper an right an all. I started in on the shoes, untying them an putting them an me socks all neat like on the corner of the desk.

“maybe you be doing gods work an don’t even know no better.” I fumbled with the top button of me blouse, I wuz getting even more nervous. “do yah got a bathroom, I really need to go and all?” Did I really need to be like Job an have all those bad things a happening to me? Please lord help me, give me a sign.

Argos watched the young girl begin to undress daintily. She was very sexy, but probably didn’t realize her full beauty herself. She cutely folded all her clothes perfectly on the desk however. She certainly seemed however to take commands well and her faith was certainly strong, perhaps she hoped that god would strike him down for making her perform such an act

Her next request annoyed him more, but he realised that her losing control of her bodily functions, during her punishment was not what he wanted, and he could use it as an opportunity to learn some humility.

“There is one at the end of the corridor out of this room you can use, however you will finish removing your clothes before you go, Miss Smith. You shouldn’t bump into anyone, but if you do perhaps some embarrassment will teach you some respect.” He replied sternly “and you had better be quick about it!!”

I jumped as he spoke his last word…a lil up onto me now bare toes. “Ah, Sir, ah what is yur name….I mean what do I call yah?”

I got the shirt unbuttoned, a small sliver of pale skin from neck to the waiste band of me skirt. I could imagine the eyes on me front so I a turned me back to the door, using the candle to light up me face, sure he wuz ‘hind me someplace. I should have realized the candle would backlight the shear fabric of the shirt as I slide it off an only offer a more seductive setting for me undressing. How wuz I to know that me full breast would flair in a curve along me torso even as the bra held um still? I pulled me hair forward to spill cross me front an hide the white sports bra that held me breasts so firmly to me body. Me back, a lithe curve to me waist, the rippling of soft muscle with each move of me arms. I wold never know what the exercise had been dong to me body, how the muscle flouted under me skin an pushed the roundness of me even more so. I wuz a girl an proud of it. I folded the top an set it upon me shoes all neat like. Cleanliness is next to godliness or so they say.

I almost wanted the lights on, but then I realized me state of undress, thinkin it best to not say nothing an jus try an talk like real nice to him. Certainly I wuz to be punished, “um, like would it be best if like“. I slide the skirt off pushing it with each had down me way too long legs. I knelt a lil so as to not bend over all brazen like a keeping me knees together. “I still wore me panties an bra on account I wuz wearing ones to class that ain’t approved…serve me write for having to wear these uncomfortable things.” A girl could always hope I thought as I lifted me leg, stepping over the hem an then slide sideways to pick it up off the floor. The folded skirt soon found its way onto the pill of clothes. Me hands trembled….I mean like he wuz a strange man, an it jus wuzn’t right to go no further….yet he wuz in charge…O lord give me a sign I again prayed as me heart just beat in me chest hard an fast. I didn’t want no more trouble…an I really didn’t like the undies no more, I liked the new ones I’d gotten.
The hidden green monster smiled happily at the young girls nakedness she certainly had a well-formed body. “Hmm, you have been put together well. My name is Argos, Miss Smith and you shall refer to me as such until I tell you otherwise”

The young girls outline from in front of the candle was incredibly sexy as her outline moved effortlessly disrobing herself. He could see however the nervousness in her movements, but that only added to the innocent aura that she had. The internal struggle that was going on inside her amused him, as her dignity fought against her obedient side.

“If you wish to relieve yourself, Miss Smith then you had better be quick about it”

This was a going to far…yet did I really have a choice. I had grown to enjoy being naked with Suriel or Violet….that seemed ok to me. Thar wuz no burning bush no nothing, no sign.

Reaching round be hind me back I unclasped the bra, I slight pause an with a deep breath I shuddered to remove me bits of cloth….they meant safety. Shrugging me shoulder an a bending me back I let it fall forward, pulling it past an through me hair as it hung fore me. It wuz only getting me more nervous an that wuz acting on me bladder.

I bent down, trying to hide as best I could. An slipped the edge over me round bum. An sat on the cold concrete floor. Pulling the panties off an away, putting um on the desk in a hurry. “caa can I gooo now….um Argos”
Argos looked on as the encapsulating breasts bounced up and down slightly, now free of their restraints. Such round beautiful breasts the young girl had. And such a nice pussy that he saw as it came into view, with her lowing panties. It had just a hint of hair upon it. Something that he could deal with very quickly and efficiently with one of his items inside his cabinet. Her nervousness clearly still remained as she became completely naked, a fact he was sure he could exploit later

As she sat on the floor, quietly trying to hid, and asked him, he paused for a second, allowing the cold to properly penetrate her, before answering. “Yes, Miss Smith, you may go. You have 5 minutes from now, to be back here or extra punishment will be incurred” he replied “ do not like to be kept waiting”

His thoughts then turned to what he could do to her. In the middle of the room there was still the large granite table that he used frequently. Perhaps it would be a good idea to restrain her before he revealed himself properly.

Slowly I got up, trying best I could to hide meself. I kept me one hand an arm across me breasts, the red hair pinned down o’er um like a living dress. Me other hand I put in front of me almost bare mound, hiding it from view, then keeping me knees together I edged me way to the door.

“Yesss sir, um thanks” It jus seemed the thing to say, though as I ran down the hall like a scared rabbit it seemed really stupid. I mean if he’d really been a gentleman I’d be dressed…In fact why had I done what he asked…I started going o’er the events in me head the door looming in front of me.

The room was bathed in bright light, urinals an toilets lined the wall….then sum other contraptions a lil further down. Turning, I saw the door had no lock…not a divider not a wall, all open. Running I hit the first toilet an sat down, nervous as all can be, cause this seemed to be a bathroom for men, maybe both. I prayed no one would enter, sitting on the stool an suddenly like nothing wuz a happening. I had to go, jus so worried ‘bout that door a opening….seconds ticked by, maybe even a few minutes….finally. I really hoped I wuzn’t gonna be late an all. It wuz all I needed, another demerit, me being naked an all before sum man….would he spank me like a lil child…not even me parents had done that. I thought though the book, trying to member anything bout what punishments were allowed an kept a coming up blank. I used the sink, staring at the scared lil girl in the mirror, all naked, her red hair a flowing down her front in curls n rings. No I didn’t like this nakedness, me nipples starting to show through the hair as it flowed off me breast…no not good.

I beat it back to that room, maybe I could get me clothes back on, maybe he’d a let me now that I knew the way of it. I opened the door to slip back inside, me hands still cross me body like I’d left, hoping I hadn’t used up too much of me time.
Argos waited for the naked girl to return to his little playpen, knowing that she had no watch and there were no clocks in the basement. The light again shot in briefly cutting it’s way through the darkness as she tried to sneak back in

“Five minutes and 46 seconds, Miss Smith” he tutted from the shadows as she rentered the room. “Not a good start for someone who is here to learn to obey her superiors.” He looked at her face seeing her unease at the situation she found herself in. he knew many of the students here would simply have run from the basement to get away from him, and she certainly would also do if she saw him. Doubly quick if she knew his reputation. He would have to restrain her, but he also wanted to make her accessible for his treatments and he knew just the way.

“Still no matter. Go to that granite table and bend over it, Miss Smith. Your punishment shall be less serve if you simply obey” his voice portraying a sense of authority once again

I inwardly groaned as he gave me the time…..”I …I came right back…it couldn’t a been that long, but I’m sorry I really am”, edging to the candle an the light it offered. It wuz a kinda security. I didn’t like the voice, thar wuz an edge of it that seemed not so friendly no more….like he wuz looking forwards tah sumthing I wouldn’t no how like. Well an me clothes were thar as well. I didn’t like it none that things wuzn’t going well. “Ah, I’ll get on me clothes like, yur right I didn’t like that going down the hall with out none an I think I learned a bit on that” I pulled the shirt out at least it’d cover me a bit with its length an all. .…I mean what is this punishment, don’t yah think that yah should tell me?” I got me shirt over one shoulder, me full breasts set to jiggling a lil ‘neath the hair as it fluttered round them. After all he hadn’t said I had to bend over the table naked like an it wuz the right thing ta do so I wuzn’t tempting him like.
“Stop that now, Miss Smith” he reacted gruffly “I never said you were allowed to redress yourself.”

Silence followed his comments, as the dark room seemed to engulf more of the candles light. The flame flickered in the air moving and changing shape as it created a well of hot wax in the top of itself.

“Understand that you can assume that unless I tell you to do something you are not allowed to do it here.” He replied in an angry and frustrated tone. This girl obviously liked to assume a lot of personal freedom. A policy that would make her very unpopular with the higher-ups at this school. Argos fore sore many such sessions like this in the basement, unless of course she was lucky enough to be broken sufficiently in this one to conform with the rest of the school rules.

“As you were late, you will have to bend over that table naked”

I froze to the words…me fingers loosening on the material till it flutters from off me slumping shoulders to pool on the ground in a clump while he addresses me further. The candle light flickers across me worried features, bathing me red hair an turning it slightly orange at the highlights, like a flame of its own. Green eyes seek the person that speaks in the shadowy corners, yet nothing. Its as if there are a hundred speakers in the room, perhaps he simple watches form someplace else, getting his thrills at me expense. I felt the tingling in me chest at that, a thrill that I suppressed sept it might be showing, the nipples that had a mind a thar own…an stood out too far for being naked in a mans presence that wuzn’t me husband. Conflict n turmoil raged within me.

Emotions flicker across me mind an face, I don’t do so well hiding them, I’ve never needed to. Anger at being naked, cause its wrong. Desire to obey and do what I’m told. Frustration at me inability to do right by this man. Fear, of whatever punishment leaves me naked an bent cross sum table. I’ve seen me self in a mirror, me legs that are too long, but I’d a grown to like the way that lil strap on them undies disappeared down the crack of me bottom. I also knew that bending o’er gave a great big view of me privates as they sat beneath the heart of me bottom, all puffy an vulnerable. I needed to hid that, cause it wuz too much a temptation for all the wrong stuff to be a happening. I’d had ‘nough nightmares an needed no more.

I bent o’er, trying to bend at the knees real careful like. An picked up the shirt, putting it back on the table all folded. Then I gathered the candle up an walked to the big ole hard table, the flame spurting, an a causing me to have to bring up a second hand to keep it from a going out, me long body uncovered from me feet to me head. Only the golden crucifix, the flame shining of its surface adorned me pale body, forgotten from the years a wearing it as it rode tween me breast, its sides dimpling the slightly the soft yet firm flesh as each step set up a small swell an jiggle on um.

Placing the table on the hard surface, an a crossing me ankles I bent, the long graceful lines of me legs stretching the muscles, forming the graceful curves an lil pocket of air were the tops of me thighs don’t quite touch. I bent to that cold table, me nipples hitting the smooth polished surface first, then flatting out me breast till they spilled in an arc out from beneath me. I sucked in a breath of air at the coolness, straightening back up. So cold. I shivered, then looked down an noticed the coolness of the rock had a done me in…I had to hide um an thar wuz oly one way…the hardened pointes pulling the skin tight. I felt the flash of heat cross me face and upper chest, the embarrassment at what had happened. I groaned a lil, but I had no choice, he’d a made himself clear. Then I settled me self back upon the table, bringing me hands straight back an down the sides of me body, to cover me bare bottom an displayed privates as best I could.

Me check rested on the cold granite, teeth chattering…”Mrrr Aarrgoss, Ittss cooolldd”
Me body wiggling a bit as it shuddered, hoping that soon the table’d be a bit warmer, hoping that I’d not done nothing new wrong.
Argos happily watched the young girl remove her shirt once again and replace it back on to the pile of clothes, leaving her in just her crucifix that nestled nicely between her breasts. Her emotions were obvious as she slowly walked over to the table and placed her upper torso on the cold granite table. Her bottom and genitals in perfect position to be ogled, but Argos had one action to perform first.

Her complaints at the temperature how ever fell on deaf ears as Argos walked over to the wall and pressed two buttons. To the great surprise of anyone who saw the table, it was in fact not a solid lump of the rock. Although having a thick covering of the rock over it the hollow centre was filled with several devices, one of which he activated now. With lightning quickness, four holes emerged from the rock, falling into the table. Two were on the top of table on either side and slightly above her head. The other two were down the side near the floor by her feet.

Before the sexy read head could react two pairs of restraints emerged from the holes, taking firm grip of the young girls limbs. The two by her feet quickly grabbed at her ankles holding them firmly. The other two emerged on slightly longer arms, but intelligently sought out the prone girls wrists latching on them. With contact achieved successfully the restraints pulled on the respective limbs, but in two different ways.

On her wrists, the manacles pulled her arms away from her bottom to rest firmly above her head. In case that wasn’t enough to expose the girl, her leg restraints pulled her ankles side ways creating an upside-down V shape with her legs, her bottom at the point and her stubbly womanhood exposed against her will.

The girl impressively bound to bend over the table, Argos laughed evilly from the shadows. She still could not see him, but he was going to touch her soon, so she would see his form soon enough.

The scream wasn’t even out me lips for me hands wuz dragged upwards latched securely by some sort of restraints….jus like Violet an the ropes, oh lord no I thought, me ankles being pulled as me feet slide cross the floor….I could only hope his intent wasn’t, an then that laugh. I shuddered knowing what that laugh meant. It meant bad things for me.

I wuz open to him, the heart of me bottom, the clear display of me privates, with thar narrow slit and full lips…no doubt smaller for now. The arrow of red that pointed to the delights that me husband an girlfriend enjoyed, an me too. Hard to believe, but yes. A distant thrill at being tied up again had to be fought down…no not like violet, this wuz a bad thing, a very bad thing! I fought gainst the bindings, nothing even given a bit. Tight but not uncomfortable, yet it wuz like they wuz a formed to me.

“Mr mr Argos, I’m like kinda married…I mean this …please I’ll take the spanking on me bare bum….but please nothing further. I love him….really” It wuzn’t far to Suriel, no siree, he deserved to have me to himself, not shared with another man, not having me taken gain’st me will like that….The tear hit the surface of the table, the light form the candle flickering nearby. I watched it for a sign he wuz a getting closer, desperately I moved me head, searching for him. What wuz I gonna do anyway…get free, an get even if he dared touch me in a bad way…its all I had.
“If what I am doing is so wrong, then surely god should smite me down, or perhaps your guardian angel should come down and rescue you” he sternly replied as he walked over to the cabinet and removed a small jar of a thick purple substance.

Then slowly but surely he walked directly behind her and knelt down. His hand came up to her exposed womanhood, feeling the warm lips. The fingers then continued upwards to lightly press on her dark asshole. The subtle tip riming her private hole softly and sensually even though it was so dirty and wrong for his victim.

“Have you ever been touched here, before Miss Smith” he asked as his hand moved back down to her pussy. There he could feel the short subtle hairs that covered her. Her womanhood had clearly been shaved recently, but had not been kept up.

Using his other hand to open the jar that he had placed below her, he smiled back at her. “You should be happy though Miss Smith, you will never have to shave down here again” he smiled touching her pussy lips, making sure she knew where he ment.

I wuz sure they would….but me bible classes had also told me that yah never put god in no box. I shuddered as the footsteps moved ‘bout the room, shuddered at what god may want me tah go through tah make me stronger. I resolved I would win this un…for Suriel an me self.

Breath, warm an thick moved over me bum, I slide me body forward an the hard table jus as far as I could, coming up on me tip toes like, anything to get a lil further from him an what he had to be a looking at right then. I brought me body up off the table a bit, looked down tween the lil gap in me breasts as they lightly rested on the table, looked tween me split legs trying to see the face an all of this man that tormented me so. The shadows from the small flickering candle did lil to help. I strained to raise me self higher, to know what his intentions were.

Those intentions clear as his fingers slide cross me privates, parting me skin. Please god no. I silently pleaded, as I felt a flicker a heat deep inside. Then the finger plays cross me bum, like Suriel had done prior to pushing his way inside….like violet had done as well. I try an squirm out from under it. No man but Suriel should a be touching me like that.

The question thrust me back, made me think. Perhaps he would think I wuz spoiled goods if I told him the truth, told him the things that Suriel an Violet had done to me…and me to them. An then the next statement, ‘bout not shaving no more…”No, I’ll….I’ll shave for yah but…..the red hair in the middle stays…I’ll do it, promise an cross me heart. I ain’t no hussy,” I wasn’t an them girls that had a shaved themselves seemed way to willing to bed things. “I got a man….an in answer to yur earlier question” I take a breath, willing me self to go on, like to the priest at confession, “I’m not so innocent yah know, like I got a husband of sorts an he, well he’s been thar with his finger an all…yah won’t be the first. I’ve done a lot a things with him and his friend an mine Violet. Violet even tied me up an I done tied her up, so maybe yah should” I squirmed ‘gain as the hands a touched me all down were they shouldn’t. I could only pray I wuzn’t showing too much excitement, but that damned fire had a starting burning with his touches an me talking bout what Suriel an Violet had been a doing to me. “jus leave off cause I be spoiled goods an all.” I watched that hand tween me legs, watched it slide o’er me an licked me lips, letting the building saliva glisten on them. I wuz grateful he couldn’t see none of it, that wuz punishment ‘nough.
Argos laughed and smiled. “Hmm, I’m glad you have been touched here before and that you are not entirely inexperienced. As you have been broken in with these places, it shall make this better for me, as you won’t cry and scream about it being your first time or anything”

His hand moved down to the jar where his fingers scooped up a hand full of the heavy thick gel.

“but unfortunately for you, you have no choice about shaving again, because this will leave you hairless down here” his hand carefully started to apply the gel over her womanhood. The gel stuck nicely and didn’t spill or drip off where Argos put it.

“You see this gel is really quite fascinating, while having no side effects, it has the very interesting property that it destroys human hair, but it not only does it externally. It lowers itself into the skin and destroys the hair roots as well, which stops the hair from growing back at all.” He continued as he finished applying the substance and carefully used a towel to wipe his hands.

“You now will be eternally hairless back here Miss Smith. A fact I would not complain about unless you want me to apply some of this substance to your head”

A light fizzing could be heard coming from the gel as it did it’s work, slowly removing the light hair that covered the young girl’s womahood.

Well, that said it best, me great idea had been a bad un….still it didn’t keep me from a thinking a bit. Not so long ago I’d a been all in arms ‘bout not having no hair….An I really wanted a lil, so it wuz a bad thing he done do. I could only think a one way to make it a lil better an all. “How bout putting that stuff on me legs an me armpits an such….I don’t suppose you’d not like a touching me thar as well.” If it really worked like he said it’d be a shame not to have tah spend a lil time now an save me work later….Hopefully this un wouldn’t be bad idea number too.

I really didn’t feel much, an I had to wonder if I’d be a needing a bath afterwards to get the rest of it off an all. I had to wonder ‘bout this one, he’d been all professional bout it, no stray hands, no….nothing untoward at all. Maybe I’d been wrong ‘bout the type of punishment. I could live with not having the hair…not to say I’d have asked for it….but I could live with that, even if girls like me teased me a bit….then I’d be wearing sum undies at least. No the showers fore gym class….oh no.

“Mr. Argos, like it really won’t grow back ever?” I’d not been too kind to um ‘bout being all shaved, they wuz gonna have a field day with me. “Uh, please reverse it, I mean the girls at me gym class ‘ull make all kinds of fun of me…please. But I would like the stuff used on me legs and other places I don’t want no hair, please”
Argos smiled at her request, using this stuff on other parts of her body might be fun. Her constantly having a smooth hairless body would make her that little bit more delicious to play with. Yet she moaned about being hairless in the most important place and complained that she would get teased because of it.

Argos had had his way with many girls here, he didn’t know exactly how many, but he must have had a reasonable sample of the school. Of all his victims, none of them had a natural bush of pubic hair. All had waxed or trimmed themselves at least; many were completely hairless down there like Cassie now was. He would be most surprised about girls laughing at such things, but he had never quite understood the modern woman. And there was no way to reverse such a process that he had just performed. Cassie would never again have a pubic hair that she could naturally call her own.

He smiled at the thought, greatly amused by the thought. Still perhaps he would make her completely hairless. He had always thought that women should have hair only on top of their head and now perhaps was the time. He went back to his jar and lifted some more gel, this time over both his hands. Going up eithier side of her left leg, Argos layered a thin film of the gel over her limb. As he worked he spoke to his little experiment.

“Very well, little one. You have asked to be hairless and I shall make you so. This process is however non-reversible, by anything short of a hair transplant. You pussy will be silky smooth till the day you die and you will learn to love that feeling he laughed as he added more gel thinly to her second leg, meticulously covering it. He then stood and added more to her underarms. Although they were already smooth, he would make them super smooth as he placed the gel on. The light fizzing from the gel began over her body, as he thought about washing her down.

I wuzn’t sure how to think ‘bout this man no more. His hands played cross me legs smoothing the stuff o’er me pale n smooth skin. I could feel strength in them fingers, yet they didn’t wander none. Not even when they got close to me privates….it wuz starting to bother me sum. I was to be punished, I understood that, an the getting naked an all had been humiliating. Even getting me front lower belly covered in that gel stuff an not having no hair. I looked down tween me legs an made sure…not a touch a red.

Still, it was kinda unsettling, did he like me, or wuz this really gonna be a punishment session an not an excuse to get the girl an do with her as one pleased. I wuz starting to feel a lil warm, finally….not that the table wuz. I couldn’t read this un at all. I had me share of nightmares an in them sum strange monster took advantage of me an made me do things an put his hands an fingers places they didn’t have no right ta belong an all. But other than that first time, nothing…nothing like them nightmares. Not even like Suriel or Violet. I wuz starting to think that maybe he didn’t really find me none to attractive, and for sum really strange reason I found that kinda bad…..oh lord what wuz a happening to me? Well that wuz one way to find out jus how professional he wuz gonna be….see if he could be a good doctor.

“Um, Mr Argos, like I don’t wanna be no rude an ungrateful lil girl an all, but like I got small hairs in other places and like if yah want them gone an me all smooth maybe, well” I couldn’t help but feel the heat rise in me face…I didn’t know why I wuz…what you call it. Oh yeah, maybe flirting a lil. “I can put me hair up on me head if yah jus release me hands, an then yah can put the gel on me arms, hands, fingers, back, chest an anywhere else ….I suppose I got sum bushy eyebrows that could use a good sculpt. If yah want I’ll close me eyes so I don’t see yah an all.” A girls body has a lot of hair, so does a mans, jus ours are a lot more fine an smaller most a the time. Now me Aunt Ednie, now she wuz a hairy one. They wuzn’t no small thin hairs on her face…ueeewww

Sumtimes I think I get a lil full of me self, only god knows why I said them things…but then I wuz kinda feeling a might bit left out if he wuz gonna suddenly make me do choirs all naked like…. I mouthed a lil prayer under me breath, real faint like, ‘Lord forgive me for a feeling this way, but it don’t make no sense, I don’t rightly know why I don’t wanna be ignored cause I should be a feeling real good ‘bout it but I don’t. Is it bad to be think’un yah hope its more than choirs all a sudden?’
Argos had no interest in being a beauty therapist for this young girl. Such other hairs she had were insignificant to him. They were thin and soft and unlike her pubes were not an irritation to him when he touched her. The gel continued to fizz as he turned away from her to find the equipment he wanted to use to clean her.

He returned with a long hose that came from the wall, pointing it at her body.

“Time for you to be cleaned up now, I think. Don’t worry the gel is rendered inert at this cold temperature” he informed her as he turned on the hose. The stream of water that emerged was cold. Really as cold as it could be, while still being liquid. The water cascaded over the young girl’s body removing the gel from it as it sprayed over her legs and torso.

He smiled evilly as he washed her down, taking the hair with it. Eventually cleaning her legs and armpits, which now were completely smooth. He then turned the stream solidly on her pussy. The coldness removed the gel like it had done on the rest of her, touching her skin, as the water drained off the table on to the floor where it drained away.

The water hit me like a stone an me heart leaped into me throat. It wuz like a going swimming in them polar bear plunges at winter I’d guess. Me skin crawled under the onslaught of the water, I squirmed an kicked to get away form it…the life being leeched from me. So cold…so very cold.

An then it hit me tween the legs. I squirmed an arched me back downwards, trying to keep me chest clear of the water. It only put more a me directly into the onslaught, I screamed and arched back up, wiggling the hips to try an get away to no avail at all. I think un I shrank three sizes, I couldn’t no more feel a thing, jus the icy hand a winter. I could see deaths hand as it slide those bony fingers over me bottom, the chill would have been the same.

I laid fully on the table, shivering away while the water slid off a me, me lips blue an teeth jus a chattering. I’d thought the table was cold, it wuz the only warmth I had right then. I shook hard ‘nough the shackle things banged ‘gainst the stone in a unholy rhythm of sorts.

I couldn’t even talk for fear a biting me tongue, still I tired, it wuz better n dying, “wwwwaammmdddddd ppleaaddddaaa” My body jiggled gainst the table in one never ending spasm of sorts. That wuz punishment ‘nough, I’d never wear them things ’gain. “llloorrdddd hheelppdddss” the tear wuz even cold as it flowed down me cheek. I’m sure me entire body wuz blue….I jus couldn’t look.

This man is evil.
Argos turned off the spurting water and dropped the hose on the floor. He then walked over to the wall, and turned up the heat to a warm temperature. He then returned to standing behind her body placing his hands, on her back and bottom. Her skin was cold and she shivered, but she was hardly in an danger of catching pneumonia or anything. Bedsides the cold water would drain away quickly and she soon would be creating a lot of heat herself

“Good, Miss Smith. That was easier than expected” he replied to her rubbing her bottom carefully. Water dripped of it on to the floor as he knelt down behind her. His hand followed the curve of her bottom around to where her now hairless pussy waited. Letting his hand caress over her flower, Argos’ hand sensed for any hint of hair. He found none, feeling only her pussy lips newly naked from their light covering.

“and this has worked very well” he commented indicating with his hand “clean enough to eat I think”. With that his tongue emerged from his mouth, thick with saliva and planted itself upon her nether lips. It wiggled around over her, caressing, touching and exploring her folds, the muscles warm against the cold of her skin.

I shivered yet, uncontrollably as teeth chattered. I wanted to hug me self for warmth, to close me legs an rub um together….anything to get warmth, to be warm ‘gain, the bonds imprisoning me from such action. I knew how Sally had felt when she got pulled from the pond back of the Jones’ house that winter 2 years back when she’d gone skatin’ on thin ice an all.

I didn’t really hear him none, didn’t even give no thought to me tormentor who’d gone from maybe saint to evil villain with the spray a water. Then a warm hand, hit me bottom, jus slide its way across me the heat a that hand feeling good, but being in a not so good place. Me body jus a jerking on the table, yet the hand moved in tween me legs and roamed over me mound…so warm….so wrong. I tried to wiggle away from it as it came down me cold skin an a touched me privates. Evil wuz his name, what he think, getting me all cold an a stroking me wuz gonna make me want him next to me. No way!

The warm tongue with his hot breath wuz the last….the sensations that it created with its warmth jus bout drove me back a lil. Then I squirmed an twisted me hips, trying to dislodge him, make him miss. I don’t need no man a licking me after what he’d done. Touching me even if his hands were warm an felt good….

“stttoopp, Ishk neeedssskk warmmmsshkkk, drrrrryykk oofffkkkk” Me head ached, the cold, me teeth a chattering, me hair still so wet an all. Small request…I wuz starting to feel like a pet a sum sort, an I treated me dog better than this…least I rubbed him down after his bath an made sure he wuz a warm. I reckon the man had no manners at all…that an I don’t think this wuz the Admins way a punishment.

“llesssttkkk iikkk rubbbkk meeksskssk daawwwgggkkgggkk dddooowwnnkkk”. Beast! I thought.
The warm rush of air from Argos’ turning up of the heat finally hit the room and the wet body that lay out in the middle of it, still dripping with cold water. Her drying would be gradual but noticeable as the cold water evaporated from her body, but would soon most likely be replaced with sweat coming from the fine body itself.

Argos continued to lick the back of her pussy, vigorously. Her body moved about a great deal considering the restraints, but the evil monster brought his hands up to hold her hips still as he continued his sick, twisted little assault on her young body. Her body still felt cold under his touch and he couldn’t even understand what the young girl was saying. His tongue moved down the young girls clit lay, now only protected by the tiny clitoral hood having had any hair around it permanently removed.

The tip of the tongue was the first part to reach. Like a probe it, felt the clit as if it had never encountered one before. It then circled over the hood, gently pressing and prodding the tiny bud as if it expected it to awaken from a deep slumber. However the tongue was relentless and it continued to touch the tiny bundle of pleasure as it worked with her shaking body to expertly run over her sensitive mound.

I little warmth from the air bout me started to waft o’er me body….bit by bit the tremors of the chill a leaving me. The wicked warm tongue continued to play at me, a striking amongst me folds an skin….an the touch upon me…the touch that with others would no doubt warm me in ways I liked an couldn’t deny. It wuz so wrong that these men could a do this too me. It wuzn’t supposed to happen this way, an it shamed me for it. But respond I did, each an every time…

I felt the warmth slide from me insides to me arms and legs…but mainly to me belly. I knew what it meant now, I knew that should he continue I would welcome his touch no matter how much I fought it an that hurt the most. At least I was restrained, unable to move away, get away. This way I had no choice….perhaps this is what violet had meant, to enjoy what life offers, but it still seemed wrong.

I looked o’er me shoulder trying to see him, “ttthiss mmee Punisshmentt?” his head a tucked down low hind me upraised bottom. I let me back arch downwards, letting him have it easier…exposing me length to an easier touch. I wasn’t going no where, an a fighting hadn’t helped fore ”mmmee yyourr ccaapptiiveee”. At least I wuz getting lil warmer, “pleassee ddryy mmeee off, iii’ll beee gooddd, stiiilll heerreee”. I tried to stop the trembling of me legs an bottom. Let him see I wuz all sincere like, I thought, but the cold water was still on me, the warmth of the air mixing with it an cooling me skin still. NO, he would know, he would now by me soon to be wetness, by the way me skin got a lil darker an a puffy, by me nub, that the tongue wuz a wakening sure as day came each mornin.

I needed to learn to fight, to keep this from a happening at all, cause once they got started it wuz all o’er for me….Lord, I thought, What’s wrong with me, why’d I get made this way….I sought his purpose for me life, hoping it wuzn’t to be jus a bedding wench for evil.
“How does it feel Miss Smith?” he asked “the cold of your skin, but also having your pussy licked like this. You can’t tell me that all smooth and hairless it does not feel good, having my tongue run over you here” ignoring her pleas to be dried. He would leave any kind act to when he needed her cooperation and at the moment to lick out her pussy, she could do nothing to stop him

He continued to lick at her bringing down one of his hands to pull back her clitoral hood allowing his tongue better access. He would like to do the trick of splitting his tongue in two so he could lick her asshole as well, but it was not quite the time to reveal what he was. However he suspected that if he made the young girl cum, revealing himself might be easier for her to take he thought with an evil smile.

Therefore instead of his tongue his other hand came down allowing a finger to push itself between her ass checks. The tip reached her asshole and pressed on it, not forcing its way inside, but just letting her know it was there before rimming her tight hole there a little as it shivered and puckered with the rest of her body.

Do I lie, or tell the truth. The good book would have me tell the truth in all things, jus sumtimes like now I don’t know if it wuz written for all times. Me sudden doubt fore I knew the answer, knew the way of it. Tell the truth, it wuzn’t like a man would know the lie, would already have seen the signs of its bold faced wickedness.

‘tttrrruth bbee tttoldd” I shivered ‘gain, a spasm as the wicked tongue played over me, as a finger reveled me deeper yet an the flick sent air a running tween me chattering teeth in a big rush. “Ii Llikkke ittt, lootttss”. I cannot figure a man who can’t tell I’d already moved to give him more access, to let him more easily touch me bare skin, where hands had previously played in me hair. It wasn’t like I could spread no wider, move backwards no further being trussed up like I wuz. Maybe he didn’t see the signs…I felt um, knew me body, but then he wuz just a learning it….but lord he knew a woman.

I shuddered ‘gain, less from cold an more from the touch, feathery light upon me exposed nub, then down the soft pink lips of me center. The touch of him upon me bottom, right were I liked Suriels finger after he’d a entered me an all.

“mmmaakke meee waarrmmm”, I needed to be dried off, warmed like a horse both before a workout an after. I knew what he wanted know, knew that despite me self I would give it to him…much sooner with the touch, much sooner with the restraints. The cold leaching the fight right out of me….Yes, blame it on the cold, on any thing but the stubborn acknowledgement that I liked a mans touch, worse yet any mans or womans….

In the darkness, the evil monster retracted his tongue from her sensitive spots, knowing how much she liked his touches. Her subtle body movements gave him slightly greater access to her private areas, but he did not know whether they were conscious or not.

“I can make you warm little one. I can make your skin positively hot to dry yourself if you want me to.” He smiled evilly before placing two fingers at the entrance to her pussy and pushing his way inside quickly. There he stroked her from the inside, rubbing her vaginal walls strongly, providing heavy, but sensual pleasure upon her insides.

“Tell me you really want it, Cassie. Tell me that you enjoy me touching you here and that you are glad I have made you hairless down here. Then I shall give you all the pleasure you desire……….and perhaps if you really beg well I may even dry you with a towel”

Her next words would determine a lot, he thought to himself, on how the rest of the session would go and what level of further persuasion, if any, he would have to employ.

(Hope you feel better….figured it was vacation time…I will be out first week of April, so If I do reply then it will be the exception)

No I thought….but warm….warm. Could I sell me self so cheaply, even when I enjoyed it….I wuz no whore. Oh god no. I moved to against him regardless of how I felt in me head, my body responding as I knew it would. He would know anyway yet I could not…could not sell me self like this, not for a mere toweling off, he wuz evil.

“I…I’mmmmff nooofff wwhoooressfff. Lllliikkkeeff iitttt iii ddoooo…addddmmmittt” me teeth still chattering as me bodies skin pimpled with a thousand lil bumps. “I worrththfff moreeddd ttthaaannnfff thaaattfff, Ggoodddff maannnfff bbbbeeebee ddooofff itttfff drryyyfff mmeeooofff”

I had admitted I did like it…would like it even as I fought the sensations, because I had too. I could be honest with him and me self, but a true gentleman would then stop, would have dried me off and rolled me in a warm blanket before a fire.

“liikkkeefff mmoorreeddddfff waaarrrmmmffff”, he had to be good, the sensations I wuz feeling trying to override the pure hell of being cold….so hard to feel, to think…. ”ooohhhfff…yyyerssffff”

Argos smiled. So she valued her dignity quite highly. That was fine by him, if she was not going to submit to him and ask to be dried with a certain level of surrender, she was not going to get her drying.

“Very well, Miss Smith. If you think yourself too valuable to be worth a towel I will not indulge you in such a privilege” Argos replied as his hands continued to work in and out of her hairless opening, before eventually pulling his hand out of her, licking up the tasty juices that adorned his fingers.

From there he brought up his penis, hard and throbbing, heat coming off it as it swung through the air. Silently the tip got placed upon her skin, the pink flesh of her pussy lips stretch ever so slightly over the end, wonderfully.

“The question is how much value you will put in yourself, after you hear yourself screaming on the end of my cock” he whispered subtly to her with obvious discontent, but with an evil satisfaction that the young innocent would remain wet and cold.

The heat of him wuz

I felt the fingers, the only part of me that wuz starting to get warm. Once a bodies cold it can take awhile…how many times had I shivered for minutes after coming in to a warm house and nice crackling fire during the winter. Those time I ain’t been wet, on a purposely kept all cold.

Then they left me an I sagged ‘gainst the table, cold water tween me an its surface as a convulsed in lonely misery upon the smooth finish. For the life of me I couldn’t member being cold this long. It seemed a big price to pay fur something that I would say no too and then enjoy…a big price for me foolish pride. But then the saints had suffered far more than me. Me price wuz me comfort, me virginity long for taken by …. I think Suriel, though none too sure no more on that. No, I would be forced to share me body, an pay the price of humiliation that I would enjoy it eventually.

No small surprise being all tied up an unable to get away that I soon felt the heat of him ‘gainst me. I could feel the warmth of his hardness tween me legs, an against me skin. I shivered from the cold no doubt giving this evil man pleasure from it, from the way it affected me. “nnnnevertttt sssaaidddtt notttt ennnnnjoytttt…wwwwwilllllttt sssoonnnttt Fffffastttterrrrttt wwwwarmmmmttt” I needed his body ‘gainst mine without asking, jus to preserve a lil pride….anything to be warm. “mmmmmightttt ffffindddttt mmmmettt mmmmmorrrrretttt ennnnnjoyyyyabbbbblettt ifffttt Iiii wwwwwuzzzzttt wwwwarmmmmttt annnntt abbbblettt ttttto eeeennnjoyttt mmmmorrrretttt qqqqquickkkklytttt” It wuz hard to talk with me lips shivering an all, waiting for the room to grow warm, the light of the candle flickering over me wet dimpled blue skin. I kept me head down on me arms, trying hard to warm and unable to move much…I need to dry, to jump, to move. Muscles ached from the shivering…god this wuz torment.
The pleasure Argos felt in the tip of his member as his young victims private area vibrated over it. Her entire body shivered under the cold as she begged for warmth. Argos’ body was certainly warm. Like a low radiator heat came off him and any water that dripped on to him began evaporating.

Slowly the evil monster lent back and reached for the thick candle, with its good deposit of wax that had built up and moved it slowly in front of him. The light flickered as it passed through the air, the shadows that the room experienced changed vividly in perception.

“So if you wish to feel heat little Cassie, lets see how you like this” he sniggered evilly as he tipped the candle. Several individual drips of wax fell through the air on to Cassie’s fair smooth back. The water sizzled as it evaporated allowing the wax to solidify neatly the cold skin underneath as Argos watched on as he continued to torture the young girl.

I felt him close, wanted him closer if for no other reason than to warm me with his body. I heard the voice in me head as the words echoed in me ears. A voice that told me he would pierce me in but a moment with that hard warm maleness of his. I braced meself, not wanting to really have to have him in me. Yah lil heat al right, I was feeling a bit sassy with his making me feel like this an all….I started to say it out loud, “yahtttt, llllilttt alltttt…Arrrrhhhhhhhh” The scream echoed in the small room, each drop ah searing heat hitting me skin, then going cooler. The pain set me on edge, every muscle clenched an a aching as I knew not where it would hit next…so cold and then a sudden warmth like a red hot poker put to me skin….the light from the candle flickering ….oh lord, he’s a pouring the wax on me …..

“nnnooooottt, plleeesssseetttt” evil, the man wuz evil an no gentleman…. “beee gggoooddddttt, iiiiii dddooootttt wwwhattttt yyyouuuutttt waaanttttt” gladly be towled off now, gladly submit to his whims, jus stop the pain and cold and heat all at once I thought….
[color=green] Argos smiled as she submitted to him. Her vocal response was pleasurably evil to him and he listened to her howls with a satisfied smile. Carefully he placed the candle beside her, flicking as the warm air passed by it, flickering as it did. With the candle stable his hand released the wax rod and moved to her smooth back where the hot liquid had solidified and left its mark upon her body.

Slowly he began to peel off the warm solid, revealing the reddened skin underneath. The skin was hot to the touch and very sensitive to as his hand passed over it. To have such hot spots in the cold areas of skin, must set her confused nerves alight with sensitivity.

As he peeled off the wax Argos sp

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Location: Bringing light to the dark
Argos smiled as she submitted to him. Her vocal response was pleasurably evil to him and he listened to her howls with a satisfied smile. Carefully he placed the candle beside her, flicking as the warm air passed by it, flickering as it did. With the candle stable his hand released the wax rod and moved to her smooth back where the hot liquid had solidified and left its mark upon her body.

Slowly he began to peel off the warm solid, revealing the reddened skin underneath. The skin was hot to the touch and very sensitive to as his hand passed over it. To have such hot spots in the cold areas of skin, must set her confused nerves alight with sensitivity.

As he peeled off the wax Argos spoke. “Good, Miss Smith.” He replied to her “obey my wishes and you will be treated better. But remember more wax is melting and can easily be reapplied if necessary.”

And with that Argos thrust forward, once. His huge member pushed aside her flesh like a nail going through wood. Almost instantly he was inside her womanhood, and he let out a short triumphant and satisfied exhale.

I felt joy at the touch of his hands, warm and powerful upon my cold an hurting skin. Felt shame as well that I could feel such from the man that had hurt me, abused me so. I looked past me shoulder at the light, knowing it was on the table as the candle flickered in the air currents of the room an all. Chattering still, me skin cool an so sensitive to his warm touch. I heard the words an responded….”yyesssssttt ssirrrrttt” hanging me head.

One minute I relaxed a lil, despite the cold, seeing the wax in that candle safe on the table. I breathed a deep breath that ended with the next sounds a agony that tore from me lungs in a scream that echoed off them dark walls an bounced what seemed o’er an o’er into me ears in a this place a horror. Me whole body wuz shoved forward, me cold hard nipples cruelly pushed to rub ‘gainst the top of me table. Pain shot through me from inside an outside as I came up on me toes an me calves knotted as they tensed an then refused to undo themselves from the cold. Muscles shrieked in pain as they wuz cold an suddenly told to clench, to fight. Tears rolled down me face, tears of pain not of nothing else….it all hurt.

I should’ve been ready, but the wax had a taken me to a different place, not thinking ‘bout the spear poised at me privates…The beast, as he entered in brute force…I clamped down tensing as wuz natural an all by the surprise a his move to enter me an all. I felt him push past tightness, made all the tighter by the cold, roughly an hard…pain flooding me from the assault. The only saving grace wuz he had warmed me a lil, made me a lil wet, otherwise I swear he’d a torn me asunder the force was so strong.
Heat wonderful heat radiated from deep within as he crashed into me insides an his body bounced ‘gainst me rump. Me breathing came in quick breaths after the scream. But already I wuz a pushing back on him, rubbing the heat of his body into mine were I could. Thar wuz no pleasure in it cept the need to be warm. An if it meant him inside me then so be it…..He’d done taken it an thar wuz nothing but to use it fur me advantage. The lord said I would have to forgive, but at that moment it wasn’t nothing I wuz capable of in the least. The joy wuz done gone.
Argos felt her body tense along with the incredible scream that emanated from her pained mouth. Such a reaction was not unexpected; he couldn’t blame her for being surprised by his girth and the sudden savageness of his assault. The pain would surpass however and soon she would feel a wonderful pleasure inside her.

Slowly he retracted himself from her only leaving his bulbous head inside. The pressure on her body relaxed against her bonds. The demonic creature then bent himself over her cold wet body, feeling every shiver as his torso pressed against her back. The heat came off his body like a radiator as his muscular chest became wet with water. A wandering hand lowered itself around to the front where it found her violated womanhood.

“I’m glad you agree, Miss Smith” he replied as the hand stroked her gently around his cock, the tips of his fingers reaching her clit and caressed her small bud. Then suddenly he was back inside her with his full length as he began to thrust into her regularly, fast in and then slowly withdrawing feeling every facet of her inner workings.

Me aching calves, the muscles knotted in them from his horrible action. It wasn’t pleasure or joy that grew but hatred….hatred that threatened me immortal soul. I hated him for this…a man treating me a worse than nay a the animals that were a kept on me Uncles farm. Anger brought me heat, greater than the heat of his skin ‘gainst me back….it wuz a heat that flared from the insides out.

I cold feel him play ‘gainst me, push himself in me, an none of it did nothing for me. Anger burned like a bright flame inside me…I raged against the treatment. I could feel the building storm, the returning strength in me arms an legs….muscles warming jus like the hot wax that had dripped upon me skin.

I yanked, strength returning to me arms an thought I felt give in the restraints…Grimacing a snarl ‘gainst me lips I heaved backwards, driving me self against me tormentor in shear anger…not for pleasure but to push him back, maybe topple him. Caution left me head, I’d done what this man had wanted, done what I wuz supposed too, obeying an I’d been treated like dirt…. Anger an hatred gave me strength an took away any feelings of any other sort. I howled at him, primal an full of everything I felt…”Kkkill youuu, you soonnntt off aaa biitthchhtt” Another yank an the restraints pulled further out…more room. I tried to smash me body downward onto the hand that assaulted me tween me legs.

Argos smiled at her words, mercilessly continuing to push himself in and out of the young girl. Her rage fuelling her strength as he felt her body warm underneath him. her efforts at crushing the hand that molested her were feeble and caused little damage to him. Certainly not enough to stop him from happily fingering the young girl

“You can struggle and threaten me all you want little one” he snarled back at her, looking down her body. “Your threats are ill advised and foolishly ineffective no matter how much you hate me”

Slowly he pulled out of her hairless womanhood, his penis wet with various liquids as it squelched out of her, but he left his hand underneath, still stroking at her clit. The water was evaporating, drying her body slowly in the heat. Vapour flowed off her sexy smooth skin.

“Do you wish to see me little one, wish to see the face of the one you hate so much?”
he asked calmly as he licked his lips with a chilled satisfaction.

I struggled an had to helplessly endure him inside me. But me body warmed as much from his contact as from me insides….I’d never felt like this ‘fore. This hate, this loathing. I think I only made him happier with me struggles, that some how they gave greater pleasure. I wuz a fool to have a walked into this trap, to have a taken of me clothes an been caught in this web a deviate an lies….all he’d a wanted of me wuz me body to use. I hated him more for that….

I wiggled but no more did the bonds stretch, no more did I feel like I wuz a getting sum where. An then he spoke ‘gain, trying to catch me out an fool me ‘gain. I gave me hate filled retort, venom a dripping off each an every word like. “I don’t care how handsome you be on the outside….how all them girls fawn o’er yah an all like sum big TV star. You’re an ugly ugly man on the insides, an It’d do yah right to have to be on the outside what yah are on the inside cause if it’d be me I’d a cursed yah to be that way Mr. Argos the terrible”

I wuz kinda pleased with me self right then an thar. Let him show himself, cause I knew jus how ugly he really wuz on all. I god would honor me then he’d a be made the ugliest beast yah every did lay yur eyes on. Looking o’er me shoulder I dared him with me narrow gaze to show himself an be judged!
Argos laughed as slowly pulled out of the young girl, her flesh closing quickly after being stretched to accommodate his girth. With an eerie confidence he stepped back to the wall, and flicked a switch. From above the room was instantly illuminated. Though only fairly bright, he thought it likely that it would be uncomfortable perhaps painful on Cassie’s eyes having been adjusting to the darker conditions, her pupils large trying to let in more light

With confidence that the bonds would not move any further no matter her anger, Argos walked around her to the front of the table where her wrists were restrained

“It is amusing that you think a curse such as yours would be of interest to me. I have been struck down by powerful beings in the past, been rejected by my own people who once revered me as their greatest and you think your threats bother me, whether you claim to be a child of this Christian god or not” he replied to her as bent over in front of her prone face

“Look at me, Miss Smith. See the thing that you will soon be riding like a whore as you beg for your god to save you” he laughed evilly at her.

As me eyes cleared I saw the hulking brutish creature an whimpered. Shuddering visibly as me mouth going open all big like, an the breathe catching in me throat like. He looked old being all hunched over but huge…so tall, his armor like out of one of them movies about the Romans or such… Horns rolled out of his head tween all the black hair, eyes a icky yellow of a gaze I could not meet fur long. I couldn’t be certain of what type a demon he be, but something said he ain’t one….but not a man neither.

Dropping me gaze I recoiled at the sight of his thing, the thing that had been inside me, filled me. For a moment I wuz in awe that it had actually fit thar at all. I looked down a moment, staring at the lines atop the marble table. His ugliness had defiantly been made to come out an suddenly the anger fled me bones an I knew… I knew I’d done sumthing wrong an terrible. Far more so than the wearing of them underthings. It hit me hard.
“oh lord forgive me” I cry out in anguish of a sudden, knowing I be wrong, knowing it so much so an all. Me soul feels like it hangs in the balance, the words in me head so hard to say an all….The hate I’d felt, now I understood why he would want to hate me so, it was me salvation an duty to be kind an turn the other cheek as the lord would ‘ave done.

“Mr Argos, please I been wrong, wrong to threaten you like, please forgive me an all….I don’t wanna hate like, like you do, cause sumthing happened. I know yah don’t really like me an all otherwise you’d a treat me a lil better even if I done this wrong by wearing the fancy panties an bra like. I shouldn’t want to kill nothing….I mean thank you fur teaching me what I not want in life, the wax of that candle that hurt me, thank you like, cause it woke me up taught me that me bodies pain ain’t nearly so bad as me souls. I understand now, an like I’m yours” I hang me head in shame, “as much as it is humiliating for me ta say, but the lord tells us to turn the other cheek so to speak. If it’d be in your heart to let me go, I can sing fur yah, or play the piana even talk to yah bout me lord god in heaven, cause only he can offer any of use redemption an salvation.” I looked up into those eyes an dropped me gaze ‘gain, uncomfortable under those eyes.

Only the lord knew know what would happen. Any thing is possible when yah put yur trust in him.
Argos laughed. “God. Heaven. Salvation. You speak as if you know such things. Humans have always needed some form of higher being to believe in. A hope that when one dies ones, mind lives on somewhere.” He moves his head closer to the young girls face.

“A foolish notion, when one truly thinks about it”

Her realisation of his form had however changed her tone somewhat. She now seemed very eager to get away from his demonic form. Understandably of course, but she was only leaving after she had satisfied him thoroughly with her body.

“If you wish to leave here with out me hurting you anymore, you will have to be more agreeable, miss Smith. Shyness or modesty will count for nothing if you want out” he replied as he pulled his face back from hers. He smiled as he vaulted himself on to the table, his erect member, wet with her scent, waving in her face.

“If you are good with your mouth singing, I’m sure you can perform this little task” he smiled evilly as he pushed back her wet hair from her face. Her hands still bound to the table he placed his own hands upon them to make sure she only had her mouth available.

“Mr. Argos the mind don’t go on…its your soul that does. An the lord ‘ll forgive yah for your past deeds…an cause he does then I should as well, but if yah think I Ain’t gonna bit yah if yah try what I thinking you might be a thinking, then yur wrong. The lord says we can defend ourselves an I’m giving yah fair warning like.” Lord knows me hands is gonna have trouble fending him off an all if he does try.

“I’m married Mr. Argos, an I done did me husband once…but I love him an all. I can be agreeable, do my penance, even forgive yah for what yah already done. I jus don’t understand why yah gotta be a trying to have sex with me like…I ain’t the pertiest girl in this here school, an I don’t think I’m necessarily real good at none of this neither. So why not find yourself some lil ole hussey an be done with it, cause she’ll be lots better than I, an a willing as well.” I look up into the twisted face an continued so he could see me faith in me eyes an maybe learn sumthing. “god sent his own beloved son to die on the cross fo…..
“ah you do not see why you are so attractive then. Because you are not so easy and do not think yourself, so attractive despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, is why you make suck an appealing fuck” he spoke softly and calmly. Almost business like. Like a lawyer trying to convince his client to deal against a prosecutor.

“Youthful inexperience is most entertaining for me, besides you must have done such things for your husband” he replied hoping that this was the case

“I’d hate to have to harm you more permanently, if you fail to cooperate, Miss Smith. I’m sure your husband, would hate to see you in pain and have your smooth skin burnt or scared so irreparably. I know you don’t want to feel pain, but if you do not comply I will cut your skin slowly, allowing you to bleed out, before pouring hot wax into the wounds”. He remained calm throughout the sentences despite the words, which were coming out. The candle had melted more wax in its bowled top and he elongated his taloned fingers indicating what he would use to carry out his threat.

Interrupted in mid sentence…I fumed a lil, But as he spoke the fear returned, a knowing what he would be capable of. The cold, the wax…. A clawed hand a reaching for it small flame an its hot wax. Suriel, I beg you to come an rescue me, what good is a guardian angle that is always off doing sum greater good for somebody else…the lips moving o’er them words silently. Fear, an anger, an lingering lust had me head all screwed up. I could still feel the heat of him inside, so big, so tight, It jus a wasn’t right no how, most cause I’d liked it an shouldn’t ah.

I swallowed hard, the saliva like sum knot in the back of me throat. “Mr. Argos, why would yah want to hurt me, or anyone else like in order to make um do sumthing ‘gainst thar will? … It jus ain’t gods way an all.” Not a demon….but not no man either. It had me confused as me forehead wrinkled in deep thought ‘bout this an his words….yeah I wuz inexperienced I suppose, but I didn’t need nobody but me husband a teaching me…an I’d been taught a lot since I got here. Had a lot of them bad dreams that seemed to go like this encounter no less.
The demonic looking creature looked into her eyes. This young girl trapped by her beliefs. Seemingly unwilling to go against him, even if it meant having to have great pain inflicted upon her.

“Gods way. I have free will, miss Smith. A concept I presumed you would understand. I am not bound by any higher beings. Ones that I used to know faded when the old ways ended. The power of belief is a strong one, certainly Miss Smith, but it is not all powerful. Zeus, Ares and Neptune once thought themselves powerful, but that power only lasted while mortals believe. Now no one believes and their power is gone.” He informed her as if giving out a lecture on ancient religion

“I do what I do, young one because I enjoy it,” he answered her question. “I have no qualms about morality or human judgement. That got dished out to me long ago, hence I choose to ignore it”

He leaned over and picked up the candle again, waving it lightly infront of the prone girl. “Now decide” he ordered as he prepared to carry out his threat.

Me eyes wide at the sight of the candle, the pain that it’d cause…wouldn’t god know I’d not had a choice. I had to be strong, strong in me faith.

“you say you understand choice…what choice do you give me, pain an possible death or doing sumthing bad that I done once with me husband?....Mr Argos, does your sense a choice matter more than me free will. Are you really so hedonistic…” the word slow in coming out like I practice each syllable to make sure I get it right an all. “you are moral…amoral but god will forgive yah an I’m sorry ‘bout them other false uns yah speak of…god is different.” I raise me head, the long pole dangling before me face…”I…I know yah ain’t gonna like me lack ah skill an all…an when I fail to please yah in the way them other girls can are yah gonna punish me anyhow?”

I steal me self, pushing forward as far as I can to kiss the thick round end of him…show him I don’t want no pain form the wax…an then back off, waiting for his answer, the question in me eyes as I look at the hideous misshapen head. “Do I…I get punished for not being no good?” eyebrows up, appraising, wondering.
Argos smiled as she kissed the end of his member and placed the candle wax, back down on the table side“Your free will, matters when you have the power to exercise it. if you were strong enough to fight me, I could not exert my influence upon you. Unfortunately for you that is not the case.” He replied with authority, but little malice

“You do not get punished for lack of skill and experience, Miss Smith. However you can make up for these failings with effort and enthusiasm. Show a willingness to try and you shall avoid the unnecessary pain. The skill is not difficult to learn and you will improve quickly through practise.”

He smiled again “just think how much your husband will notice and be pleased when you next do it to him.” he whispered to her, moving his member closer to her mouth suggestively. The huge dick, still rock hard with the scent of her pussy lingering around it.

Gulping a small shudder goes through me … I hear the words an they linger false in me head. “me husband will consider me a tramp for doing this with another,” the anger riding in me voice unhidden. “like I suppose any good man would, I member it was you who hide in the dark an with the authority of the school ordered me into a position I can’t no how fight back from. Seems to me it is you who is weak cause he can’t get what he needs the normal way of men. ” Contempt riding in the air….enthusiasm… no way, effort right…I had to do what I had to do to stay alive, avoid the pain of the hot wax on the cold water. But I in no way, shape or form had to do it cause I wanted or liked it…Suriel it had been well different, not unpleasant but not real exciting like neither, and the result had a kind of surprised me like.

I close me eyes, not wanting to see what I do, not wanting to even be her at all and to think I’d felt the heat of him an even now missed it inside me as much as I’d fought it. Me head a shaking a lil as I think on it, me mouth accidentally brushing against the pole before it. I kiss it on the side, soft like..not really wanting to…then again fore he gets mad an throws wax on me. For a Minute I wonder if he can even be trusted, probably not, but what choice do I got. Its not like if I bite him I can get away while he be in pain an all.

Opening me mouth jus a bit I place me lips further around the shaft along its side, meeting him sideways, wanting to avoid him head-on…..
‘weak cause he can’t get what he needs the normal way of men’, the words rang through him like bells, through his mind. Rage worked up through his body, but it faded as she began to exercise her mouth on his pole. He felt like making her pay dearly for the insult, but decided against it. Instead, He lifted her head slightly forcefully, turned it to face down and placed it on the end of his rod, allowing the tip to hit the top of her mouth.

“Normal way of men. Normal way of men.” He repeated himself sarcastically, knowing that she could hear him. “Now do inform me, Miss Smith. How, in fact am I, the creature you see before you, able to relieve my sexual needs through the normal way of men?”

With that he pushed her head further down on to his rod, the tip pushing against the back of her throat now likely gagging her. There he held her head down, penetrating her head, with no remorse for several seconds until he removed his hands allowing her ,mouth off him.

“Now Miss Smith, you may now enlighten me”

I smell me own scent upon him, an with each kiss my own taste as well. It ain’t the same when its not done for love, when it is forced on yah like. Well, like any vile man he grabs me, forces himself upon me using me like a misbehaving bully.

Over an o’er he repeats what I said as he pushes his thing into me mouth. Fear makes me not bite down hard an hurt him like he is me. But I know ta do so will invite even greater pain upon me. I don’t want to hurt ‘gain. Then it happens that hard still rod as shoved into me mouth so fast an far I gag not being ready an all. When yah love sumbody yah can learn, I’ve done this before a vague memory sitting in me mind.

I struggle finally, the hands upon the back of me head, his shaft hurting me throat, so long an wide. Jus as I’m gonna bit in order to breath he starts to withdraw, the gagging action of me mouth sending me mucus up an out me mouth and nose. Sputtering, an a shaking me head while I blow to clear me nose I gasp for air. Words come to me ears, an I look up into those wicked eyes of evil. For a moment I ‘ave to wonder if it be better to talk at all, but maybe this is gods will, that I teach this man sumthing of what he has lost.

“A good strong man would be able to woo a lady, to court her till she willingly did the things yah want. Me husband only had to ask, to show me the first item an I willingly accepted with enthusiasm that I am sure he enjoyed. Slaves don’t behave with enthusiasm…and that’s how you be treating me. Maybe Mr. Argos if yah treated people according to that golden rule than you would find them more receptive….yah now the one that says to treat other people like you want to be treated.” I cocked me head an rubbed it ‘gainst me shoulder a trying to get the saliva dribble off me chin. “Somehow I don’t think me tying you up an demanding yah to lick me down tween me legs would make yah happy would it?”
Argos violently pushed her mouth back upon his member, holding her down upon him again. His hand on the back of her head, held her in place as he forced himself into her mouth.

“In case you hadn’t noticed Miss Smith, I am hardly a man anymore. I hardly think that charm, will exactly get me by.” He replied to her, working his cock in and out of her mouth.

“However you are mistaken, Miss Smith. If a strong enough woman came along, I would gladly pleasure her. In fact….” He finished as he lifted her head of his cock and lifted himself up from the table. He then walked around behind her to kneel down at her pussy. His wet tongue placed again on her hairless nether regions. With skill and vigour Argos licked her out, his tongue wetly smashing against her pussy lips and clit as he flicked it back and forth. He can taster her as he hungrily licks her juices from her.

No sooner than I finish the sentence then I feel his hands grasp me. Hair being pulled by the strong arms me mouth pierced by the rigid shaft till me jaw an throat ache. I push ‘gainst him feebly with me tongue, gagging at the length of him. His strokes are demanding, even angry in nature, not like Suriel, not at all. Arms and legs tense ‘gainst me bonds with each powerful thrusts. I feel like a lil ole rag doll. Wondering what a strong woman is to this man. An then he pulls out, an leaves me alone, to jump off the table and strut round me till I can’t follow his movements.

Wiggling when his hot breath blows ‘cross me privates. Whimpering when his tongue slides down the length of me in a slow tease an circles me nub. This ain’t fair, where as before I had been cold an mind focused on jus that, now I have nothing but a hat tongue sliding across me, knowing I’d rather have this than what he’d been a doing to me….

‘Oh god’, I mumble….I couldn’t allow pleasure to be forced upon me….but I didn’t like the pain, the constant fight jus to remain alive neither. I didn’t want him in me mouth, but wuz this really better? I couldn’t take pleasure…but once ‘gain me body wuz conspiring gainst me. ‘oh god yes…no…’ me lips moving with the words, hoping I hadn’t said them aloud in that gasp of air that hissed outta me mouth.

“not fair… Mr Argos….yes I prefer that… ….shouldn’t ….. “ I clenched me eyes shut, trying to force the sensations elsewhere. I had a vision of him, chained to the floor, me nakedness above him, jus out a reach an all. I could feel that divelish tongue upon me or I could leave. It hurt me then, deeply cause for that moment I couldn’t tell me self to leave…to go. ‘oh noooo’ the here an now, I feel me hips move for him, against him….”ohhhwmwwmm” eyes wide open as the moan crosses me lips…astonishment an I knew what I had to do…knew it an hated meself for it….

“Please Mr. Argos, I’ll…. I’ll do yah….aummm, in me mouth, … good like….ok, please…” I had to stop this, I couldn’t enjoy it, I couldn’t want it. Even taking him an being good ‘bout it was better than finding enjoyment like this, was better than finding me self riding that face while he was tied up an not wanting to leave. What would god think of me…such a I wasn’t one…not really.
Argos smiled from behind his waving tongue. This was a change in tact that surprised him greatly, but pleased him even more. He was finally getting to her. Breaking down her walls of morality and holiness. However carnal desires were slowly breaking through her defences and she was beginning to feel her body’s reaction.

He added a finger to softly rub the top of her clit, while his tongue moved down her pussy lightly pushing in and out of her smooth opening. He could feel the heat coming from her now, much more than before. The way she moved herself for him was also most exciting.

“I’m sorry, Miss Smith. Did you say you would prefer to suck me than have me do this to you?” he asked with some genuine surprise.

Ohhh it felt so good, an had to be so wrong after all I’d said. Oh I wanted it to continue, it would be hard to not have him know that. I tried to stop me self, really I did, an perhaps the easiest way wuz to have him in me mouth…it wuzn’t like he could make me feel the same things an all.

“ahhh, no, yes, … Its all wrong is all… an I ain’t no Harlot Mr. Argos…an you making me feel like one cause you be forcing me ta do things that I shouldn’t an all…” I gasp as the wicked tongue touches me gain me face no doubt twisted in the rainbow of emotion. “I….oh lord, its jus wrong to be like this, so yes, please I’ll give yah the suck me if that’s what yah call it when yur in me mouth like…If you’ll promise to let me go right after, cause really I learnt me lesson. No more being down here ever again.” Anything to get me mind off the sensations me body threw at me. The rising heat in side me, the sheen of cool liquid I could feel gain’st me thighs that ought not be thar. “how can this be…how can yah be so …so… good n bad at the same time” me head shaking jus like me bottom wuz a starting too….”Please…spank me, pour the wax on me…jus stop this…its worse” I couldn’t no how fight this, nothing wuz going in ways I could understand an control. “no harlot…no harlot….” The words barely audible above the slurping wet sounds form tween me legs.
Her pleas for him to stop were simply to exciting for him. He had her now. He knew it. she knew it too, though she may not admit it, even to herself. He continued to lick her observing the effects his warm wet muscle upon her body.

Clearly there was a great conflict inside her going on. Her body clearly loved his touch, desired his touch strongly where as her mind fought against it, at least partially, not wanting her desires to control her. Obviously if they did, she would think less of herself, for giving in no matter how hard she struggled against him.

This made him most happy with his work, so happy in fact that he didn’t even feel he needed to reply to her request. He just continued to touch her hairless skin before moving further up to touch her tender asshole. With his finger still assaulting her clit carefully, his tongue moved up to lick her other tender hole, making tiny but intense circles upon her puckered flesh.

Silence, it haunts me till I hear a whimper…”ohhuuummmmm” a whimpering moan, almost inaudible while me insides tie themselves in knots an threaten a release. I build the wall in me head as toes curl an me heals slowly pivot outwards. Legs extend till I’m on the balls of me feet, calves an thighs a tight group of bunched muscles like I be ready to explode out a the starting gate like some runner at a track meet.

I close my fingers over the cord to me shackles, twisting an pulling on it as I toss me head in a swirl of red that cascades about the table. The wet firm tongue slides tween me tight butt checks and plays across the swirl of muscle…another whimper upon me lips, tumbling o’er them like water o’er rocks. Fingers play me undersides, play across smooth sensitive skin that when I came here had hair upon it…I rub me self against the fingers trying to feel it even better, as me body seeks the release.

I gasp….”pleeeassee, … wwhhatt…” I know I’ve lost then, that soon I will be nothing but whimpering willing flesh. “I…Leeettt….me….myyy turn…do any thing don’t enter…. Pleaseeee!” My words fail me, soooo close, body wanting sumthing soooo different than me mind. Even the table feels warm, “hmmmmmm” me lower lip held between my teeth, quivering as me body readies itself fur this man. Me mind having the same words tumble o’er and o’er ‘gain, ‘he knows….he knows….he knows. Water pushes hard ‘gainst the hastily erected barrier, threatens to spill over, oh god no…..
The young girls half hearted protests fall on deaf ears despite her almost in ability to be intelligible. Tasting her ass hole, Argos smiles as the young girl loses herself in the feeling of him touching her sensitive spots. The green monster also notices how her young hips move and press against his hand, rather than trying to pull away like they allegedly should be doing.

Slowly Argos stands, retracting both his finger and tongue from her body, but it is only left unattended for a few seconds. Quickly the large tip of his member replaces his tongue on her back passage. The bulbous head quickly presses on the responsive hole, but holds back yet from truly penetrating her, teasing her with his penis, letting her know she will soon be penetrated there.

With his legs now standing right behind her, effectively locking her in place Argos cheekily bends over to the table control and presses a single button. Almost instantly the bonds that have restricted her wrists, release her and retract into the table leaving her free. With a brimming confidence, the evil master partially releases his prey, knowing that she could try to fight him. However still in her prone position and with the pleasure wracking up within her body the resistance is hardly likely to be more than he can handle.

He even leans forward to kiss the back of her neck as he prepares to enter her.

Why do I have to open my mouth…I scream into me head. The size of him pressed ‘gainst me tight opening through the full cheeks of me bum. I gasp, realizing his intentions….realizing his size…. An unable to stay quite. “no.. not yet….so big…please not there…” I look o’er me shoulder expecting nothing from this stranger, but hoping…still damp hair falls across me eyes an I brush it aside.

That one moment seems to stand still for an eternity. Me hands free, an I’m torn. Can I leave or fight? I summon the will to fight him…to curse him as me insides flutter on the very edge of pleasure. Every muscle in me body tenses, fighting meself as like a spirit I watch me hand creep down me body till it lays poised between me legs. I arch me back an wiggle till his large head rests in me finger tips an I guide the head to me sopping wet hole…one I have already felt him in, one that wishes the fire inside me ‘gain.

I cry as I flatten me self ‘gainst the table, cry for what I am doing cause its wrong an I can’t help me self like an booze head in a bar. I can’t avoid the temptation no longer and so I place me order. I open me self to him, guiding him, wanting him to make that decisive thrust that will take away the pain an leave me in another world of joy an bliss. I strain upon me toes to go higher, to bend me self in a way that will help him take me.

“Mr. Argos…please…take me, later..” I sob an sniffle, “the other one later….lord don’t let me…” I clam up, Its already bad enough as I push back ‘gainst the head of him, feeling me lips go round that wonderful full head. Stretching me…I gasp, me fingertips on his underside pushing him a lil upwards the head barely inside me.

I feel me body loosen ready itself while a part of me, the part that denies me habit recedes into me head calling me all manner of bad names. Names I don’t like…names I won’t say in good company or not. I mumble…not realizing the words may be making it past me lips…”bad girl…baaaadd, papa would spank you for this…” the last time that part of me says a thing gone from me mind while the rest of me wonders what it will be like… wonders if he can fill both holes…wonders other things more depraved, learned an hidden in the recesses of me head.
‘Ahh the little slut, truly awakens” Argos smiles to himself as he allows the young girl to lower his cock to the entrance of her womanhood. While he realises that it is probably a ploy to keep him away from her asshole, this is still the first time he has ever had a student physically pull him inside her, wanting the pleasure so much.

It is a sweet experience, made even better by the young girls claims of purity and dignity that seemed to have evaporated like the cold water that had been on her skin. Now her body just quivered in carnal pleasure as the young slut pulled him so his member began to penetrate her. The feeling of her tight flesh around him, caused him to thrust forward into her. With one thrust his full length was inside her, her womanhood stretched, but well lubricated with her juices.

Argos paused for a second inside her, before starting a long, thrusting rhythm in and put of her. Back and forth he went, in and out of her, his balls slapping her clit as he went. Yes, her pussy was most pleasurable, now that he could properly feel every aspect of her inner workings.

Her ass could wait. He would certainly have it, but for now her pussy would suffice and his curiosity about her asshole would slowly grow.

This wuz so wrong…an felt so goooood. Whimpering, the sounds rushing in a hiss across me teeth as He thrusts that first time…the end of him in the end of me, pushing past me womb to plunge deeper than I can member ever feeling ‘fore. Gasping at the tremor of pain, then a flush of pleasure as me insides make way for his size an length. I’m pushed by the power of him onto the table, laying there quivering in delight as I thrusts into me over an over.

I wiggle with each thrust, turning me hips o’er in shear joy. So close already, so lost now that he has entered me. I reach up with me hand, an slide me fingers against me swollen parts…shuddering at the touch that sends the wave crashing over me. I hear a wailing in the room like nothing before. It is not pain that the female voice cries out in but rather a joyful sound. It is then I realize once ‘gain it is my voice I hear. My voice that cries out as me insides clench an unclench round the wide shaft that fills me up…I have become what I fear the most. I don’t want it to stop, not now…not ever, as I dance upon the end of him.
Argos smiles as he notices the young girl move her hand to slutterly pleasure herself. His own member feels him go in and out of her, along with the low vibration of her hand flicking over her clit.

Slowly Argos leans over her pressing his chest along her smooth back, feeling every quiver of her body. This allows his hands to move forward and place themselves underneath her chest where her breasts remain pressed against the table when he thrusts into her, but lift slightly when he retreats. With careful timing Argos is able to grab hold of her mounds in his hands tweaking the nipples between his fingers.

The thrusting is however relenting as he feels the build up of pleasure beginning within himself. Her tightness feeling like it is trying to draw the pleasure from the intruding member

Fingers clutch me breasts an squeeze the hard full nipples. I drive me body onto those hands, to press the heat of me, of him, against one another. “yesssssss….ummmm”, the sounds rushing o’er me tongue with each thrust of his length into me. Closing me eyes I live in a world of flesh, of two souls becoming one. I let me head go sideways, resting on the cool surface of the table, one arm down me body, the other a reaching back to stroke the top a his arm an pull him closer.

Me brow furrows in concentration as the shear pleasure of the wave fades and starts to build anew. I squeeze with them muscles only a women has, ones that suriel says many women don’t even know they got. I squeeze him in order to hold him in, to make it hard for him to pull out….stifling a giggle as the fingers on my breast seem to tickle…knowing it won’t be long fore pleasure once again starts a building to a place I can’t control me self. I smile, mouth open, breathing….trying to make it as pleasurable as I can for this man/creature that makes me feel so good….

I feel him expand within me pink folds, knowing he is close, teasing him now as I wiggle me bottom an squeeze….
Her pussy grips him like a vice as it clenches around him sending warm pleasure through his member. His thrusting continues unrelenting as he pounds into her to her obvious pleasure. Her arm coming up to grip his, has a satisfaction all of its own.

His tongue moves over the back of her neck licking sensually, while he thrusts into her with his full length. Inside her inner workings, his solid member creates a beautiful pivot point and his hands pull backwards squeezing her breasts into her chest before forcing her torso upwards. Her body stands, her legs suddenly supporting her bodies own weight as she continues to be fucked and have her breasts lovingly played with.

However his licking ceases, Argos instead deciding to taunt her about the pleasure.

“Do you enjoy this, Miss Smith” he asks his mouth right by her ear, so he only has to whisper. “Enjoy having pleasure like this thrust upon your body. Enjoy having your body ravaged for its carnal desires.” He pauses for a second

“There is no shame if that is the case if you just admit it”

Oh lord the man has skills….an control. He feels a close to bursting an still thar is no release from him. I use every trick taught to me by Suriel an Violet to bring him to a head. An yet I shudder with each powerful thrust, I shudder ‘gain for the tongue that wiggles along me neck, offering him it as I elongate me neck were he touches me. His warm body now engulfs mine, laying along side it, safe inside the wrap of those arms whose hands play upon me chest as he presses me into the table.

An then we shift, well he does, pulling me upwards, his length enabling him to stay firmly inside me as I stay on me toes an me breasts are cupped with hands an fingers like I still wore me bra. The hands an fingers play across me breasts making the sensation all the more crazy in me head. I slide me now free hands down his sides by reaching back, trying to reach round his bum to pull him closer. Instead I must contend me self with hips that ripple with muscle during each thrust.

His words whispered in me ear as I tilt me head to the side an offer me neck to him. A caress of air, upon me bare skin…warm moist air that should be a kiss. I could not deny those feeling, I could not deny I wuz lost. To do so would make me a liar, to admit it cost nothing but foolish pride. I slide a hand up to grasp the back of his neck, to gather the hair an run me fingers through its length fore pulling it forwards next to me own face. Turning as best I can while keeping me hips straight ‘gainst him I answer….a hiss of air across swollen red lips that seek the mans behind me. “I….I want you….take me….all of me…ohhhhhhh” Another hand reaches for his, taking hold of it and guiding it lower…across the field of flesh that he has removed all me hair from…to show him his handiwork an my acceptance. “caress the flesh that you have prepared…make me sing for you”. With me hand pulling an me lips reaching I attempt to kiss him, long an full open the mouth each thrust bouncing me against him, causing the breathe to hiss from me mouth in small chirps an moans. No I cannot lie, not when me body is feeling what mine now is……I shain’t last long if he touches me slit…not long now….

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed May 02, 2007 7:00 am
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Her hand drawing his downwards to her prepared and now, suitably stretched flesh. Argos returns her kiss, his tongue swirling around hers wrestling with it softly. As he does so briefly he teases her womanhood, but cruelly his hand lowered that little bit further to the table where he released the clamps around her ankles with the touch of a button.

Her legs now free, he considered lifting one of them up to fully open her hairless hole, but instead used her new found freedom for something even more fancy. Breaking the kiss as he leans forward he lowers his mouth down her back. This bend in his back allows both his hands to slickly slide down her smooth legs to the back of her knees. With a quick thrust out of her Argos’ might muscles lift the young christian upwards, his forearms initially under her thighs as he lifts her body up.

Leaning back slightly his member is soon vertically pointing at her entrance willing it to come down. This occurs quickly and violently as Argos’ arms release her allowing her sweating body to fall down upon him once again. Roughly he then starts a new motion between their two bodies, not thrusting into her, but simply raising and lowing her up and down his length with ease

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Mon May 07, 2007 11:50 pm
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The kiss seems so tender, a soft dance of tongues. Yet the fingers I bring lower cause the air to rush in a hiss form around his mouth as it plays cross me own. A gentle touch that almost bring me off then an thar….but cruelly departs a moment too soon. The kiss is one that lingers even as he breaks from it. Gasping, moving me hips ‘gainst him an a wishing the hands had not left, event as he runs his hands down me legs, an then he leaves me…..leaves me…..”uh….hey…..” the words broken off as I am lifted up.

Surprise as what had been a working suddenly ends. Surprise at the strength of him, the way I am tossed like a doll of cotton upwards, me back sliding along his broad chest, a rippling of muscles ‘gainst me smooth skin. “an now…” Gravity takes o’er as I drop, feet out an me heels catching the table top….his tip suddenly piercing me as me own weight drives me down his hard firm shaft. Gasping…sputtering, pain an pleasure both run their course from the hot fire tween me legs. A second and a third time as I get the motion, learn to deal with it and the pain starts a being pleasure ‘gain all o’er….I talk in short bursts tween the motion….”mmmmm like..arrrpphhh….mmmm this arrpphhh….mmmm do arrpphhh…..mmmmm you arrppphhh….?” The breath forced out of me in each sudden jarring stop at the bottom of him. Me breast bounce, an shutter upon me heaving chest. Breaths coming in rhythm to the beat he sets, slow an methodical like.

Each time I feel like he is ready to split me in two. The wide blunt hardness of him drawn out me legs together an a squeezing only to fall upon his sword, driving it deep inside in a single thrusting motion that don’t stop till me bottom rests upon the base of him. I throw me arms backwards over me head and play them across the back or this mans neck, feeling the muscles tense an relax, feeling the strength in them, reveling in what he is showing me….”yesssss…..”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 08, 2007 8:16 am
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The demonic motion continues unsubtly as Argos lifts drops his young victim, remorselessly up and down his pole. The disappointment she felf as his hands moved from her womenhood was obvious, but seemed almost fitting given the amount of tension the young girl hand built with in him.

The way that her hands gripped behind her to him, would have given a great view to anyone in front of her of her breasts as the bounced uncontrollably up and down with his powerful motion.

Her muffled question went unanswered, the torment becoming almost mechanical in its efficiency, but he could see her yearning for the release.

With his hands busy lifting her weight up and down, Argos turned to his large tail that swayed behind him. Widening his legs slightly, the appendage was quickly sent down and under his own body hooking itself around to point upwards. There it moved slowly upwards as if sensing the air, homing in on the heat, sweat and juices that came from above. Tentatively at first the tail reached Cassie’s young body, but seemed to gain confidence once it felt her skin, applying subtle pressure to her stretched pussy lips. The soft skin massaged her womanhood outside as his girth worked on her insides. With further exploring the tail found the young girls clit, the tiny tip beginning to circle it softly

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Fri May 11, 2007 10:19 pm
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Oh how I wanted to turn round, to ride against his chest an have me self rubbed against his skin like. An still he picked me up an let me ride down the long pole of steel that was his flesh. Each downward motion left the end of him bouncing down me insides, the ridge of that wide head sending waves a pleasure that left me a gasping an a moaning….almost pain…a dicey edge is what I rode.

An then something soft flutters ‘gainst the petals of me womanhood….pushing a lil higher, letting the motion play it cross me nub in the short pause after me bottom comes to rest ‘gainst him….I groan ….so close…. An then lifted away, squeezing his shaft with me legs tight together, trying to give him pleasure as well, to conquer the beast with me own … no…how can I….then bottom an another touch, forgetting the thoughts ‘bout me an him. Fire flares an catches inside me as me insides clench an spasm about the thick pole. Lifted ‘gain…screaming on the ride downwards in joy an ecstasy “arrrrrrrgghhhhh ….yesssssw saaarrrrrrr” I wiggle me hips in joy. Me mouth open, head kicked back against the great mans chest….lifted. The back of me head still back as far as it goes….then thumping ‘gainst flesh an muscle as I slide down him once ‘gain. Me insides a fluttering round the wide shaft that sets me outer lips afire with each thrust….a soft touch ‘gain upon me center a fire. Suddenly realizing that me fingernails are dug into the huge brutes neck, hands clenched tightly with each shattering spasm of me insides…gasping now, unable to mouth words or even sounds except for the hiss me of breath. I buck upon him, no longer in control of any of me muscles…..collapsing even as he continues to bring on the beginnings of yet another set of flames with the motion…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri May 11, 2007 11:04 pm
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Argos smiles with a confident satisfaction as her young body tenses with such an incredible orgasm. Her reaction to the climax is hard to believe especially with her hands dug securely into his neck. Her nails so not draw blood, but created severe pressure marks on his neck as she pressed harder and harder against his veins that ran below the skin.

His arms relax lowering her knees down, allowing her body to rest on his pole. Cupping her breasts roughly, Argos spoke to her. His voice muffled slightly by her hands.

“Feel that, Cassie. That feeling of pure blissful pleasure. Tell me that God has made you feel like that before”

Before she could really answer. Argos lifted her forward and up on to the solid table where he had restrained her, her grip around his neck not helping her stay close to him. But this time there, there was no restraint, just her body lying on her front, legs bent underneath her stomach, exposing her ass to him. Buttocks that Argos rubbed softly with each hand while a wandering finger softly pushed between them exploring the resistance.

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Mon May 14, 2007 11:25 pm
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Lifted into the air he removes me from round his sword. I feel it slip away even as me insides flutter but a bit…. Each breath is heavy an full, pushing me chest forward, his hands upon me as I push them into the rough grip. I sigh, hoping htat this is not the end, yet knowing his seed remains within him yet….yes, must be more…. Smiling even as his words great me ears…..

Hands place me, move me and I oblige, figuring out he wants me bum in the air all nice like. Large hands explore me bottom as I speak with lust tinged words. “Me god sent me an angel to teach me the ways….so yes he gave me blissful pleasure….He sent you as well to teach me….an maybe” a single finger plays along the tight swirl a muscle, pushing its way gainst me. I push back, wiggling onto it while I try and relax like I’d been taught by Suriel me lover…hoping he want be angry like. “ummmm, violet says I should explore…I jus don’t know….I think ummmmm yessss.” Me body answers for me, me mind slowly going to that place it goes when I feel this way an all.

“Mr. Argos….How can I please you?” Wiggling me way down the shaft of his finger a knowing what will happen next….how his seed will find his way inside me an all…. I reach through me legs with a hand, pushing two of me fingers into me recently filled channel….stroking his own finger through the membrane of me flesh. I hope he don’t mind, me a playing like this….never can be too sure how a man may take it.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 15, 2007 5:30 am
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“Believe what you want, Miss Smith, but I assure you that no god sent me to you”

The finger between her butt checks pressed harder between them, reaching her anus with its inquisitive tip. Slowly the finger explored her back hole, searching out for any particular sensitive spots. Her wiggling indicates that she enjoys the naughty feeling of pressure on her hole.

He honestly didn’t care what she thought about him. This girl had obviously had enough brain washing, so further sessions with him would at least be ineffective on her. He considered asking Mr Niceman, for a further session with her, perhaps with electro shock therapy, but even that would be unlikely to sway her much. Argos did not like wasted effort.

Instead with a single bound, Argos lifted his clawed feet on to either side of her body, raising his torso above her. With his hands, he gently lifts her bottom up further, her torso pushing her head down against the table. The mighty sword that had pierced her woman hood, now pointed almost vertically down at her asshole, preparing to pound her solidly.

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Tue May 15, 2007 11:40 pm
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For a moment, I smile as the table jiggles an he jumps upon it, the size of him a bouncing o’er me as he shifts me to a position he wants. I look back, me hands now under me, an suddenly realize the full length an girth of what has been in me….what is now poised to enter a far smaller place…a place that don’t stretch so easily.

Me eyes go wide an eyebrows go higher on me forehead. With quivering lips the words roll outta me mouth. “aaahh, plleassee, bbeee ccccareful” I cannot deny him any more that I can deny me lord, nor do I want to…but it scares me none the less, so I maintain the position an try to relax as his muscles flex and bunch for the strike. Me bum no high in the air, the roundness stretched an full. I slowly slide me legs inwards, to raise it closer, coming up on me feet, ….. wondering if I should tuck me head inwards an ride the thrusts upon me shoulders.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed May 16, 2007 5:47 am
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At first Argos enters the tight hole slowly. His tip pushing her butt cheeks apart and pushing against her hole softly. With slow progress the mighty weapon lowered itself as it entered her stretching her smooth soft flesh. A sharp exhale of pleasure coming from the green monster, his gentle approach finished once her hole was at its maximum extension

With a simple bend of his knees half of his full length was suddenly in her forbidden hole, savouring the warm tightness of her body as it pushed her down against the table further. Her young back is so sexily bent backwards to raise her bottom to him and her face turned to the side allowing him to see her expression of getting roughly fucked in her ass

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Thu May 17, 2007 2:34 pm
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The end of him pushes ‘gainst the me opening, slowly I feel it expand, grateful that he chooses to be slow for this….I am tight round the head as it pushes its way through, forcibly I relax, a long breath out. I watch as his legs lower, an I feel the end of him go deeper….halfway…..perhaps….It feels soooo good …stretching…slow….

“Arumpmpphhhh”, the air rushes from me as me back bends to the sudden thrust an I bounce gainst the table. Inside I be on fire, the length of him suddenly thrust the rest of the way in….pain lances in me gut….grimacing as he withdraws, but the next stroke comes easier…the next after with even some pleasure…

Me back flexes an me breasts jiggle with each rough thrust, but I like it…much like …like I have sometime before. For a moment I think it would be good to be tied up, hand to foot, bent over like this…displayed for this mans enjoyment….I grin, an roll me eyes back in pleasure. Slowly I slide me hands along the table top till I can touch his strange feet. Then I curl them against the flesh of this monster of a man, an squeeze with each a his thrusts….whimpering in pleasure, an sometimes a tinge of pain. It is a blur, gasping…”tt……ttouch…me….”

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Thu May 17, 2007 7:43 pm
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The tight grip around his member is solid and tight as he pounds into her ass. Pleasurable surges penetrated the outer layer of skin, allowing the erectile tissue to also feel the warmth from her asshole.

Argos smiled at his work. The young girl below him desperate, filled with pleasure and yet she wanted more. Her grip on his feet is surprising, but not unpleasurable especially as it in some way allows him to feel her pleasure as she squeezes in unison with his deep thrusts. Her face, red and tired with all she has been through is still sexy as she looks at his face slightly with a whimpering request.

Such a sexy request is just to much to deny her. His hands have no moved to hold her back and bottom up allowing him ro roughly thrust into her. Again his tail is under used, so he moves it below himself again. There he finds her red pussy, still it recovers from the hellachous pounding it took and the mind-blowing orgasm that was thrust upon it. Now it rests, perhaps relieved that the other hole is receiving the same pounding it was forced to take. But it’s respite is over, as Cassie’s request is granted and the tail probes her smooth woman hood. Above her body Argos blissfully watches his young subject below her, observing her facial expression, as she is mercilessly DP’d

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Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Sun May 20, 2007 11:01 pm
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No longer do me eyes focus …. Instead I stare off without a seeing nothing while they are open….no I am … I am desire, pleasure….I lick me lips, running me pink tongue tip cross me puffy red lips as I the hard firm shafts enter me to their full depth an then pull out. Eyes, the green barely visible over me full black pupil….full, happy, pleasure dances in them. Even the occasional grimace at a harder thrust, or a thrust that goes a lil in the wrong way for a moment sends me body to a jumping with heat.

I grip with me hands then…..sliding me legs so me toes rub the inside of each of his ankles. The upstroke letting them to rise up the inside of his calf a wee bit…the down stroke sending the toes a crashing into the table top. All the stretching I been doing paying off, me body supple, toned an fit. I’m certain I could move me body further under me….push meself up even. Instead I try sumthing new…..clenching as he withdraws….relaxing on the down stroke….then me rounded bottom pulls tight once gain….as I whimper in pleasure…chirpin’ of sorts. Each thrust send me breasts to a bouncing down me chest….I pull back a hand, me head beneath me body as it is bent o’er in what should be a painful as it lays it weight upon me shoulders an neck. I take the hand an grab me breast…pulling it till the nipple bounces on me lips…..sucking it…playing the tip till it glistens with moisture….pulling on the end tween me lips….teasing me self…. And then moaning loader….

I see nothing, I hear the slap of his balls tween me legs as he powers down….the slurp of me insides as he tries to pull himself free….But I feel….I feel it all as the heat builds higher and threatens to once ‘gain send me o’er the edge….both me insides used….me nipples hard an full, the skin pulled tight round me breasts….”ummmmm”

“ohhhhhh yesss…..yessss…..likkkeesss”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon May 21, 2007 5:42 am
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Argos feels both her tight asshole around his member and the tight pussy that claps his tail. He even feels the other intruder in the other hole through the thin layer of flesh that he massages up and down with his tail. The warm flesh so soft and malleable under his touch

He also feels the other parts of her body touching him softly coinciding with his thrusts, causing a little extra sweet on the points of contact. His body becomes decidedly moist as his temperature rises. Some even dripped off him on to the fair body below him. Knowing his orgasm is approaching, Argos redoubled his efforts to make the young girl beneath him orgasm again, before he did.

He could fill her ass up, with his sweet thick seed, but hatched upon a much more satisfying plan to do to her once she had again been satisfied.

Argos Bio

Any Problem can be soved with a big enough Gun!!!- Old Klingon Proverb

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm

Tue May 22, 2007 12:01 pm
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