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 "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach) (completed) 
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Post "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach) (completed)
The second play of the year an all that work I done paid of real well when I saw me name on the list to play the leading lady. I only red the short synopsis an knew this wuz me part….all mine. I fairly danced in the hallway as I left Drama class. Frankly it wuz a getting to be one of me favorite classes of all times, with a soon to be second leading part I mean the sky’s the limit right?

The part wuz of a nun a praying to god to discover what it means to be a bride of Christ an a wishing she could be the best one possible. God gives her the glory of what she seeks after she passes a test given to her by satan himself. There had been a time I’d almost ended up being a nun. This play wuz near an dear to me heart….”The rape of Innocence”…kinda melodramatic an all as titles go. Still, I had the lead!....Me heart flip flopped in me chest an I skipped all the way back to the dorm anxious as all can be for tomorrow when we would start the roles. ……

Twuz a long night of tossing an turning in me bed. Even so nothing wuz gonna get me down….I arrived 10 minutes early to class. It took all me concentration jus to sit at me desk an await the start of class. Once the professor arrived I smiled an said a good day….He smiled back, one of those really big grins like sum body that had everything all figured out an all…..sum body like me. I must have become his favorite student an all. Them other girls jus glared at me when they arrived an fairly ignored me as they passed by an took up their seats.

“Class, today is a very special day indeed. For today’s assignment I will need Cassie to go to wardrobe and makeup. “ He looked right at me an smiled fore continuing on without so much as taking his eys off me.

“Cassie, you are going to do a study in what it means to be tempted by the devil an play out the final act in its entirety today. You must play the part correctly on stage and not think of us as even being their.” He turned to the class at large then.

“Class, today’s assignment is to critique Cassie’s performance. You must evaluate if she gives a strong performance and where she might improve her acting so that the play can be the best one we have ever done. You will all sit in the audience with me. Those I find whose critique is best will be given an extra credit for this class. Now…..there is more very good knew. Brad Pits had flown all the way to the island to play the part of the demon. Right now the experts from Hollywood light and magic are preparing both him and the stage for the special effects that will be needed for this performance.” I swear yah coulda heard a pin drop in the room. I could feel the stares at the back of me head. Feel the dagger points as each on everyone of um tried to stab me with their gaze. I had no idea who this actor wuz an all. But he must have been sum big shot by the way the room went cold as ice.

“Cassie, you may leave to prepare for your role.” I got up, girls hind me whispering things ‘bout Brad an Angie an how he had the cutest face. Frankly, it put a bit of the swish in me hips as I strode from the room to think they would all wanna be playing this part an being on stage with a pro wuz really special an all. I could hardly what.

I got the nun outfit on real quick like an the makeup people spent a bunch of time pampering me hair an face….even gave me one of them manicures with the fancy clear nail polish an long nails. Still it didn’t take too long an fore I knew It I wuz on stage, staring into them bright lights. Jus a couple of walls, a brass iron bed an a mirrored dresser were all the props. Squiring into the lights I tried to see the class, that wuz until the heavy footsteps shook the very floor behind me an I turned to stare at me fellow star.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:49 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
Kakumaoh grinned to himself at the set-up. The professor had found him in the library and proposed it a few weeks ago: under the guise of a class assignment, one of his students would do a scene from a play opposite Kakumaoh while the rest of the class evaluated the performance. The students would be under the impression he was an actor in a costume and the, well, climax of the scene was simulated (although the actress would know better by then).

The title of the play, "The Rape of Innocence," was pretentious, and the play itself was worse, but he could hardly complain. After all, he'd co-written it with the professor, then supplied the name of an obscure, extremely pompous wizard he'd known as the supposed playwright.

He looked at the clock. Probably time to meet my co-star. He put on the oversized trenchcoat, since one didn't wear a "costume" like this uncovered in public, set his face into the most non-threatening smile he could manage, and walked onto the stage.

As the girl on stage turned to face him, he held out his hand. "You must be Cassie, right?"

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Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:52 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
Twuz not what I’d expected as I saw the great man outta the corner of me eye. Spinning I did a double take an would have recoiled in fear had me feet not been frozen in place. The offered hand….I saw the offered hand an then ‘membered what the professor had said ‘bout all the makeup on costume an all. I’d have been a monkeys uncle if I had ever thought they could make a man look so sinister an evil. But he had a smile on that mug of his, an his hand….

“Uh…Yah….its like an honor to work with sum one of yur caliber ah Mr. Pits. “ Taking up the offered hand an putting on me best award winning smile as well. His grip strong an I had a feeling those eyes were looking at me like a piece of meat. Boy did he really get into the part…an already. Me part wuz made for me. It would be a great scene no doubt.

“Those … well those makeup guys really do a great a job an all….I mean…yur a lot bigger than I thought yah would be…. A lot bigger” me eyes going from his head an down the long expanse of his trench coat to the very large feet. Each step he took has shaken the floor. Oh those special effect guys were good. This wuz gonna be the event of the lifetime.

“Lets see if they is ready to go”, I turned into the bright lights. “Professor shall we start?” A nervous tingle went up me spine an that creepy feeling hit the nap of me neck putting what hairs I still had their all a standing straight up. I should turn…the floor shaking under me feet, but I would not, he wuz probably jus getting ready for the … I knew then I had not read the part carefully ‘nough, an the lack of an answer from the audience ……

“Hmmmmmm” Not good. He felt close…really close.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:32 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
He fought down the urge to take her right then and there. She wasn't going to be trying to escape until it was too late, and some of her classmates might realize what was going on if he deviated too far from the script.

Instead, he waited until the class seemed to have all arrived and settled down, then turned to Cassie. "We should probably take our places now." With that, he walked off into the wing.

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Last edited by Kakumaoh on Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:49 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
Hunching me shoulders an turning from the bright lights I fairly bumped into him. Emotions danced in his eyes fore he closed them off to me. Strange that….that first look when I turned, sum thing troubled me ‘bout it. But, he spoke well, an the smile, I enjoyed its warmth. So I nodded in agreement an watched him turn to leave.

I gathered the long black trails of the habit an walked to the wall with the crucifix upon its surface. Kneeling with a graceful sweep of me arms round the long hem of the black cloth I settled me bare knees upon the floor. Bowing me head, an a clasping me hands I ‘gan me prayer in earnest.

“Lord, please show yur humble an faithful servant a sign…anything so that I may better serve yah as a bride of Christ.” Rocking, getting into the moment as I become earnest in me seeking god in all his glory I continued.

“I only wish to serve yah in the best possible way lord. I would prove it too yah like yah did to god himself by spending forty days an forty nights in the desert of temptations. I know yah know what’s in me ehart of hearts…please lord….give me a sign as help me to better understand yah, an gain the wisdom of Solomon. “

I threw in the last bit….a bit of improvisation I reckon could go along way. Now all I need do is await the devils temptaion.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue Aug 19, 2008 2:01 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
There was a burst of flame on the other side of the stage, which quickly died away to reveal Kakumaoh standing where it was. He smiled inwardly at the amazed sounds from the audience; the fire effect was a simple one that he'd set up the night before, and his own abilities had made him invisible to the audience until the flames died down.

Continuing the play, he strode across to Cassie. "So, another human whose foolish pride leads her to think herself beyond temptation."

He walked around to face her. "Nearly a thousand have claimed what you did, and I tested them all." He cupped her chin in his hand and tilted her head up slightly so she was looking in his eyes. "Not one has passed."

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Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:49 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
I saw the burst of reds an oranges splash lurid shapes upon the wall before me. Women danced upon the wall round the crucifix in congress with demons. Ran their hands across there sensuous bodies as if to beckon me. A final demon face formed an took o’er the wall. An then, as quickly as they came, they vanished. The special effects really took me by surprise, me breath caught in me throat. ‘Yes breath’ I thought, me chest rising an falling as I tried to catch me breathe.

His voice boomed out, full an rich. A commanding voice, the type you did not want to cross. Within the timber of that voice wuz mocking humor an a loathing of dripped from every word. Oh…he wuz good. If only I wuz half as good. He strode into view, towering o’er me as I knelt before the wall in prayer. Fingers touched me an seemed to singe me flesh with their heat. I could smell the scent of sulfur ‘bout him like a horrible perfume. He looked me in the eyes as if to mock me even more so than his words. Those eyes held evil in their depths, evil of the most hideous types.

Shifting upon me knees I gathered up me courage an tried to wrap in ‘bout me like a familiar blanket. A tremor road me body as if to tell me I should fear every word…every deed. Ohhhh, wuz he good to have done that to me already. A part of me told me to run, to leave this stage before it wuz too late. But it wuz only a play. An in the play I pass the test, there could be no harm here no matter how well he played his part.

“But god commands me soul oh foul one.” Me voice broke, but then me courage asserted itself. An I batted his large hand aside from me face. Gripping me sacred cross tween me hands I entered into prayer in order to challenge this misbegotten creature of hell.

“You have no power o’er me for I am the lords an he protects his followers. I am betrothed to him an wear his wring about me finger. You have no power over me foul beast, so go, take yur pleasures elsewhere for I am the lords an only he can offer me eternal life. Perhaps you should reconsider yur position here. Perhaps you should bow before the lord beside me an pray for yur salvation”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:03 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
She was certainly getting into the part. Still, he could sense a trace of fear in her, as if a part of her, deep down inside, had some idea of what was going on. Well, it was too late for that to do her any good.

He pulled the cross from her hands. "Do you really believe that this..." He paused briefly, then continued in a tone of disgust, "...This trinket gives you any protection?" Tossing the cross aside, he advanced on her. "Every one of them before you was sure that their soul was beyond my reach. Every one of them found otherwise. Is your vanity so great that you believe yourself better than all of them?"

A hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. "You'll soon enough learn that your soul..." He pulled her to him, his free hand grasping her ass. "....Is a willing slave to your body."

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Thu Aug 21, 2008 8:43 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
The words hit me in ways that hurt more than any mortal cut. I could well believe in the power of that cross, but yes, perhaps I wuz vain for thinking I could endure temptation jus as well as the son of god on high. The words, I’d not ‘membered them in the script, an frankly the ad lib wuz far better. I only hoped I could keep up.

“Yur hand ain’t supposed to be on me bum” I whispered, while discreetly trying to pull the arm higher. This wuz not part of the script an I reckon a tad to far even if he wuz some special super star actor. Me bum an others parts of me anatomy were strictly off limits. The arrogance of the man wuz intolerable if he thought I would merely allow him such untoward advances on me person.

His hand moved nowhere, in fact his fingers curled an groped me. Ohhhhh….it got me dander up. I could feel the heat flush me cheeks. I could feel it fill me wrenching gut. The nerve of him. Who did he think he wuz play or no play.

“Me soul in the lords, me body is his temple, I shall not have you defile his temple, not shall he allow you to. I do all I can to maintain me temple in a neat an tidy manner, so get yur hand from where a gentleman would not have dared put it an release me you foul creature.” Oh I meant that…meant it with all me heart an soul.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu Aug 21, 2008 12:08 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
He felt her tense in his grasp. Seems she's starting to realize something's not like she expected.

"You... All the ones like you... Denying your wants to keep your soul 'pure.' And yet, every one of you I've found has given in soon enough once they know what I have to offer."

He released her wrist and ripped off the headpiece of her habit, unleashing a torrent of red hair. Holding her head in place, he licked her from the side of her neck up to her ear. "I doubt that you'll be any different."

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:01 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
“Oh do Pray tell, what have yah to offer one such as me?” Ma said I should use I when speaking like that, but I usually forgot an there were more important things at stake. Like the high an mighty actor wuz a getting a bit carried away of a sudden. Getting ride of me Habit, well, I don’t member nothing in the script about that….nor the licking of me face. More an more I reckon he wuz getting lost in the part. Maybe that wuz what made yah a good un in Hollywood an all. But frankly I had grave doubts ‘bout us continuing an all.

I squirmed in his tight embrace, trying to wiggle free an put some air tween us. The wet slobbery goo from him a licking me face wuz not making it any easier to continue in the role. What’s a lady to do?

SMACK the sound resided across the stage an surely out into the audience. Me own hand stung from the concussion of the slap across his face. An still that godforsaken Leer continued. Like nothing I could do wuz gonna change a thing.

“I told yah, I don’t want none of what yur offering, now get control of yur self an unhand me! An then yah can tell me what it is yur offering with a lil space tween us. ” OH….me panties wuz in a wad. Nothing like a no good man that’s hands is a wondering an his tongue is a dragon on the ground to teach yah what is important in life. An treating others as yah would have ‘um treat yah wuz one of the top ones in me book.

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:38 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
His head swung to the side as she slapped him, mainly to maintain the illusion he was an actor for the audience, then snapped back, still leering. The professor had certainly given him a lively one. "I think you know what I offer you. You just don't realize that you want it."

His hands moved to the collar of her dress and tore the garment as if it were thin paper. Pulling the parts down around her waist, he continued, "Once you've experienced it, you'll know better."

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:48 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
“I know what I don’t want!” Standing me ground while me body trembled in the face of his shear an brazen arrogance. Evil mischief glowed deeper in his eyes as he regarded me. Those eyes boring a line down the front of me habit fore one large hand gripped the gown jus below the leather color an ripped the cloth from me body like it wuz a paper sack.

The sack wuz gone revealing the sheer black lace bra that wardrobe had given me. As if they had planned for this moment when me breasts would be revealed, cupped in the sensuous material for all to see. The material much to sheer to hide the golden rings of me piercing from the eyes upon the stage an further into the audience. An for a moment I feared why the I wore the matching sexy black lace panties. Not good…not god at’all. Heat flared across me chest an face. Red hot as a mix of rage an humiliation hit me with full force.

Pulling back I threw one arms across me chest an shrieked at him. The other trying to hold him back with an elbow in the gut. If it went much further I wuz gonna knee him in the crotch an all. Good riddance no matter what his silly superstar status. Inside I had that nagging feeling it would go further. If nothing else the panties were not yet exposed. But this ‘Play’ had gone far enough.

“NO….yur not allowed to do this…Stop it now….ENOUGH…no no no no no” I stammered stamping me feet to drive home the point.

“I hope yah rot in hell, now let me GO!. One last warning before he got it in ways he would be sorry for.

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:23 pm
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
"I'm not allowed to do this?" he mocked, pulling her back towards himself. "Who will stop me? Your 'God' doesn't seem to be interested in doing anything, and you are far too weak." One hand moved to her breast and began to fondle it through her bra. "Not that you will wish to stop me once I'm finished."

Poor girl... It seems her copy of the script was from the Bowdlerized version. From the way she's tensing, I expect a knee blow soon. That'll be a good time for her to get a couple of additional surprises.

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Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:49 am
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Post Re: "The Rape of Innocence" A play (Kakumach)
Of all the low down dirty old men, this one had to take the cake. I’d said no. An he once more pushed the envelope. Who’d stop him…me…campus security…the professor that had to be able to see since he’d made the mistake of using the hand to the audience side of the house.

“Me….now hands off, your nuthin’ but a two bit punk if yah were to ask. I an’t sum trollup that’s gonna roll o’er an take yah to me bed cause yur some big whoop tee do in Hollywood. I punched…well, struck him with me palm right to the end of the nose…. Me knee came up, a solid strike right into the crotch an then I struck with the other hand, thump an fingers on each side of the windpipe right at the adams apple.

Sum thing wuzn’t right….first he jus stood there. Second me fingers had hit sum things hard on that neck, like he ware a tin plate to protect the vulnerable area of his throat. Like he had seen it coming an prepared himself in wardrobe ‘fore even coming out here. I struggled, clawing an biting an hitting. Still the arm at me behind didn’t move but only gripped me check harder. An the one at me front only slide its terrible fingers under the lacy black bra, dislodging it from me breast as he continued to do unspeakable things to me.

What had gone wrong….

“SECURITY….PROFFESSOR….HELP”. No longer wuz I in charactor. the play wuz o'er.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:16 am
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