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 A slaves own Salvation II (keemari) 
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Post A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I walked. Not the soldierly strides of a self assured ADD agent on some parade ground but rather something more…something that came from deep within me pelvis. Something that I feared might take over an truly be the end of me. How long….how long had I been a POW. Time…time was not on me side I feared. Not with that walk…not with the way I felt in these clothes…what little I might be wearing.

Blind and deaf to all the world I could feel the difference in the roll of me hip from wearing what had to be fairly high heels. Shoes that slid o’er me toes an round me ankles with a soft touch an made me feel like I walked upon a cloud. Shoes that much like the Fabric that touched me an felt unnaturally comfortable…if not comforting.

Each step shifting the gauzy fabric an caressing me body like a soft hand. Trembling under the touch I feared the worse even though not a hand had touched me in an inappropriate way. Still me throat remained tight as air moved to me lungs an lifted me chest to cause the fabric to shift over nipples tender an full, caressing me as a lover might. The fabric had to be the stuff of legends. The KRI’Nor manator, a fabric some said could bring a human to orgasm by its touch alone. Fabric we in the ADD had been sent to find and bring back. A new development in the age old war of humanity and the galaxy’s most unsavory slave traders.

If I did in truth wear it now….had worn it for the duration of me capture an incarceration. Then there was only one thing they wanted of me. The one thing I could not give into…an yet…yet me belly once more yearned for a touch I had repressed with all me might. I fought the demon within…fought it with all me strength and hoped god might save me yet ‘gain……
Some would call me a jus one more casualty of war. Somewhere in the bureaucracy of the ADD a clerk was processing yet another electronic tick mark that pronounced me missing…or dead. In this war I had expected my capture to be anything but what it had become. Rape was what our minders told us would be in store for us. Slavery…of a most unsavory sort. Death if we were lucky.

Death had not happened, neither had rape. Not in the classic physical sense. My uniform and weapons were gone. Replaced by the hood that kept me in the dark and prevented any sound from reaching me ears. It remained me of a different time … an different place. A time I would jus a soon forget an keep well locked up an behind me. I place that had shown me a weakness I had not known.

An now I walked to a place I feared. Each step, each roll of me hips showed jus how much me body an thoughts already betrayed me personal demons to those that might watch. I feared they would see the slave and not the agent. Feared I might succumb to the inner turmoil an blackness that had no part in an avenging angel.

Only time would tell…..only time…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:00 am
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
You were then forced down onto your knees after you walk, the frabic still carressing every inch of your body as the hood was taken from your eyes as the blindess and deafness was lifted from you in a time as the guards leave the room leaving you kneeling there in the room, it was fairly nice as you see a desk with a beautiful woman standing next to a chair that faced away as she talked to someone there as she wore a white lab coat as a cow tail swayed behind her and you could see cow type ears and horns on her head. Otherwise she looked to be human. She held a clipboard and talked lightly before bowing and going out as she looked at you and smiled at you before taking her leave.

The chair stays turned away, not revealing the person in it for several minutes as I wait, to see if you respond, if you say anything as the hood that had blinded you before was sitting on this person's desk as he let you wait. THe chair then turns around as you regonize the robe, the face, the powerful yellow eyes before as I lean forward on the desk and look at you a smile on my face. "Cassie, I'm so glad you made it back to me." Pierceye tells you as I stand and go around the desk and walk towards you seeing your reaction as you see your master come towards you.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:17 am
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
A slight tug upon the ring of leather that encircled me throat was enough of a hint for me to stop. For what I knew not….perhaps a lift…another mode of travel. As we had walked the air had changed. No longer did it carry the heavy metallic taint of a ships recycled and scrubbed air. Still not a planets natural air either…somewhere in between…station air perhaps.

For the first time, hands, rough and calloused touched me skin, guiding me downwards till me knees touched the soft carpeted deck. The end….the beginning had to be close at hand. My fate rested on me wits and ability to change the situation in an instance. Was it death that awaited me….or worse….would they take me now and use me like some play toy to be discarded once they had had their fill. There had been indications for an ‘gainst. I’d been bathed, perfumed, manicured: generally prepared for some sort of meeting since I had awoken.

Now as the hands removed the blindfolds and noise dampening headphones me blood surged like the white light that filled the space before me eyes. Breathing….eyes darting about from desk…to the back of the wide chair…the strange human female…perty cept for them horns and tail….guards in their black uniforms departing through the door behind me with a swoosh of and change of pressure.

For the first time I saw the gauzy black swirls of cloud that was me clothing. A constant shifting darkness that swathed me otherwise naked body. Above that me hair glistened like fire under the glare of lights. Me shoulders remained tight, hands clenched, ready to fight or flee this uncertain place. Laboring to steady me breath I waited me fate as me mind raced.

Raced hither an yon….I knelt I suddenly realized in perfect slave form. Knees not together, but spread so my master might notice me. SO wrong that…and such a thrill as I felt the heat rush low and knew other things were happening with me body. The sort of things that had gotten me a nickname in the med area….”Honey Pot”. The whisperings of the med techs meant to reach me ears, wanting to watch the hone y drip. Ohhhhhh… I hated that. How I wanted to rub their faces in the dirt. I had a name…a name…

Cassie….it startled me to hear me name from those lips. I heard the sound of it pass me ears, felt the touch of it upon me skin. Me heart speed and blood pounded in me veins. OH lord no…this was not supposed to happen to me. But he used me name…and it was his voice that called to me. Me skin tried to reach out to him…me body tensing, warmth spreading up an down me thighs. I did not breath for an eternity…nor move. And in that moment the wisdom of hindsight hit me like a brick tween me blue eyes. For no one but he could have tracked me in the galaxy and had me delivered to his doorstep untouched. Untouched because he would want me to feel the full impact of his voice..his touch….

Deep inside that voice had me belly do flip flops. Biting down on me tongue till the tang of copper filled me mouth did I manage to stifle the moan in me throat. Me eyes dropped from his an I knelt forward, red manicured fingertips reaching towards the man behind the desk as I placed them upon the floor in supplication to be bound at his pleasure. The moves ingrained in me despite the ADD’s supposed best efforts to remove the programming from me mind.

Though as a knelt, me bum in the air, the fabric now swirling over me displayed sex I knew I had not been perfect. A perfectly trained slave would have made sure her hair did not come tween her body and her masters gaze. I wore mine though in a mantle of fire that cascaded across and down me body sheathing me in the shimmering reds and oranges that would hide me body beneath.

Yet I waited….waited for his touch in fear as me body trembled. For I doubted me ability to contain me self…doubted me very sanity as I wished to run…and wished him to touch me. I feared the thrill…the pleasure of this mans bed. The fact I could and possible would once more do all he asked of me an break everyone of me lords commandments to please him. He made me feel so many things…both good and bad when I served him. I had given me heart to kouzakia…and should never have willingly cheated on him, but this man…this master would make me. Not that Kouzakia would care, no, He had given me to this man once long ago in a show of faith and support. The things agents had to do to show their loyalty to the cause. But I took to his bed now not in subterfuge but because I wanted to…wanted his touch…could not get enough of it…..oh god help me!

Pressing me forehead to the carpet I did what I could to slow me breathing..slow me racing heart…relax me body….an force the heat back into the bottle were I kept it. Sometimes though the genie does not want to go back into its bottle….I feared this would be one of those times….I feared far more as me own soft words reached me ear….

“Ma….mas…ter?” The word spilled pat unmoving lips, hoarse and broken with conflicted emotion. A tremor sliding down me spine like the sweat that now ran down me heaving breasts and twitching thighs. I could not…I had to…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun Mar 01, 2009 1:58 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I smiled as I moved towards you, you every motion was music to senses as you had surived the backwards thinking of ADD, there was some resistince I could see, some doubt, but overall you knew your place, your want, you destinty that you choose. Yes you know it all as I'm willing to forgive the hair since I did like such long hair as you feel me kneel down and softly move it back myself.

You feel me carress your hair for a bit as I make you shift so uncomfortable... or comfortable in the lovely cloth I made as I then lift up your hair and smell you lovely scent, the careful care you take to mantaining your beauty despite being a solider otherwise. I found it as a true calling to what you were that you would take such care, since this wasn't all the careful cleaining and perfume they made you put on before bringing you before me.

Then you said the sweet words of master as I smirk, ha, ha. "Cassie, you say it like your confused." I tell you as I then lift you up by your hair so you can look at me directly into my yellow eyes. As you look upon me you noticed I look much better then did last time. My skin still pale but not rotting or diseased looking at all as my research was doing quite well at the moment.

I could see her quivering, wanting and it took a great deal of willpower not to take her there. No I had to find out, exactly where she was, although close to being my true slave would be a good guess. "So Cassie, you've come back to me, just like I said you would, just like I knew you would to became my true slave. Do you remember when I sent you back, that I told you that would be your final test?" I ask you as I show my gently side as I softly carress your check as I look upon you.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:35 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I felt his presence as he stood beside me and bent over. The warmth of his skin as it hovered just over mine and gathered the silky strands of fire to it. The strands slide across me skin and away from my body bit by bit. Once more I shudder, feeling him so close…smelling…smelling the scent of him, and something more.

Oh….I did not like the other scent that wove with his….female it was. The scent of sex…an try as I may to not feel the bitter tang of jealousy I did. An emotion that should be foreign to a slave but one I suffered from all the same. I wanted him…all of him…and this would never happen. Yet I could mark him…mark him with my scent and drive the others crazy with knowing he had been with me. Not a Christian and charitable thought…no, but then…oh lord how did I feel?

Feel…I could feel his hand wound tightly in me tresses, the gentle tug that brought me head up an back to stare upon him and see me master once more. He pulls…an I follow to me feet, standing eye to eye with this man that dominates me so strongly. I can smell him now…far more strongly as his breath touches me face with each and every word. Me body fairly dances with excitement, me own breathe coming in heaves.

SO much has changed. His body appears whole once more, his face pale but strong. The line of his jaw leads me to his neck…and downwards as I am no longer able to meet the intensity of his gaze. A gaze of lust and desire. One no doubt I echo back to me own internal shame. I have no morals to feel this way about another man. I have not the strength of will to combat it either. Almost I raise me fingers to trace the smooth swell of his chest, to feel the flesh once more upon the tip of each finger as I trail it downwards along the six pack of his abs were the robe has shifted apart…but the fantasy…oh the fantasy…I shutter once more.

His hand touches me to an explosion of heat and flame. Electricity travels along neural net ways at the speed of light and me body explodes. Air rushes from me mouth, a long soft moan of pleasure I cannot stifle. Balance is lost perhaps willfully …perhaps not, but I stumble forwards as me legs buckle to the deep clenching of me insides. Hands come up and touch that perfect chest. They dance along it, trembling slightly as the electricity of the touch dances along me skin and up me arms. Me head falls forward, mouth upon the curve of his neck an I taste the sweetness of his flesh….oh lord save me from what I do not wish to be saved from….

I remember it all now….remember it in a flash as bodies slide ‘gainst one another. The good and the bad. All the things the ADD had tried to repress…the things buried and now in the open.

“Maassster…..I…I ….I re…member.” Even then the tears slide down me cheeks to stain me masters skin.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:34 am
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
"That's good, it's good you remember I was begining to think you weren't going to come back due to something the ADD did you. Some called me foolish for letting such a perfect girl away to put my faith in you, but I knew you would come back, eventually, nothing the ADD could do you would keep you from your master eventually it would come to your body this need, this desire, this truth of yourself." I tell you as I hold you to my body as you lean again it tear flowing from happiness it seems.

I then reach into one of my pocket and pull ot a pen like instrutment that glowed a green energy as I then press it to the cloth, this new cloth I made. "Yes, how do you like your masters latest creation?" I ask you as I bring the pen towards the cloth and the soft carress that has kept you on edge erupts as if a skilled lover holds you, the cloth being his hands as he moves them up and down in a powerful carress, your breasts, fondled and squeezed, your pussy actually opening it up seems as the enters his fingers into your body as I then pull the pen away. "So how was it?" I ask you with a smile the pen changing to a red color as I look down at you both sexual excited and scietificly curious how my creation was working with you.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:23 am
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
So the impulse to move…to do had been set upon me psyche for I had not intended to be enwrapped in his arms. An yet me body responded, had responded in the most sexually satisfying way it knew how, all from a single touch. No matter that the cloth had put me on edge. No, it had been his touch, his caress of me cheek that had left me thighs wet with joy. The honey pot had finally melted. A year of celibacy and lack of sexual release gone in that touch.

The green glow tinted the skin of his chin in life an joy. Hands travelled over me wiling body. Legs shifted, opening to the lifeless touch as the fabric seemed to explore me most intimate of areas. I slide on leg upwards on his body, cupping him closer in me embrace as the fabric slide inwards an found me wet center. It opened me flower, playing along the edges, then sliding ever inwards. A soft outflow of pleasure slides across me lips and rumbles ‘gains that skin of his neck. A warm soft place.

With a lusty huskiness in me voice I answered his question…..“master…it is nothing compared to yur own touch upon me naked skin. I would far rather yur touch than the fabric…but the fabric…it prepares me…makes me desire….and then with you this close I wish it cast aside…I wish yur sword sheathed within me while I ride you in bliss. I know not if it is good for a slave to have desire or thoughts as these, but I wish to wipe the scent of all other women from yur body and have it smell of only me. I am jealous master an wish yah for me self. I understand the red….the punishment that can take me to the hazy edge of pleasure. Would that I could have you in me while I tighten in pain an pleasure at yur will? Would you grant me that wish…I want you…want you an not have to wait....But I will do your bidding.”

Reluctantly I pulled away me hands hesitating and then letting me fingers fall away from the gorgeous porcelain skin. Let the electricity an thrill of that contact become a memory as I slipped to me knees to be punished or pleasured at his whim.

“Master, a spanking of skin to skin would do more to punish and excite me than the cloth of a third party…it is the contact, the knowledge that me very master takes pleasure in punishing his slave from his own hand that is the greater punishment…the thought of riding you while you punish me…me giving you pleasure as I wither in pain….ahh…that is far more exciting than the impersonal cloth upon me…unless…unless me punishment is to be impersonal, withdrawn….that is hateful not matter what me sin. “

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I listen to your every word that float out of your mouth with such a sweet, sweet sound to them, floating through the air as if they were pure poetry. You... my goodness you were truely a woman born to be a slave to this world, this passion saying such things in only moments after I revealed myself your former master to you. THe add was slipping allowing such training to come up so quickly, unless she truely desired this life, of course I suspected that from the very begining.

"I see, you say such lovely words, which show your trueself, hmmm but there's a part of me that wonders if it's some ADD trick, that makes me wonder if you truely desire to be nothing more then my slave now, that you truely desire this?" I ask you as I take off the belt and open my robe showing off my cock to you as you kneel before it as I can see in your eyes that you do, but such lovely words, I would hear more of them, more of what I already know since you turn them into lovely peotry.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:14 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I am surprised when the blow does not fall and the red glow diminishes. Surprised by the praise he heaps upon me head for I truly do not understand why I am here. I did not seek him out. I did not come willingly. Even so….even so I find his presence draws me into a web of sinful thoughts and actions. His mere presence bringing conflict to me head an soul.

Now the silky robe falls open as if he alone understands me desire. There before me very lips as I kneel before him stands erect the bastion of manhood I so unwillingly crave. The tool to me soul’s destruction. I fear it and its effect upon me. The way me heart beats faster and the blood flows hot in me veins. The way me legs tremble in anticipation. The way me belly sets itself to fire. Does he know these things? Does he know how it pains me that a man can bring me to sin so easily?

Me entire body leans inwards towards sin an the pleasures of the flesh. I need to even look for the I can feel the heat of him with me lips alone. The smell of him….an….an…ohhhhhh how I hate the smell of another upon his fine flesh. Me eyes trail upwards across the taut ridges of muscle that is his tummy. Upwards to steal a glance from under heavy black lashes of his face….to see….to see what he may be thinking. To read that face of his.

Red puffy lips touch him, lips I know are meant for this. A tool to his pleasure…and mine….oh yes an mine. I shudder at the thought as the sin becomes real. I pear up at him as his heat touches me. I can see the smugness of his grin. The kink of his lips as his skin crinkles at the corners. His eyes dance…eyes that let me see deep into him. Eyes of mirth, desire an joy. Once more me faith is tested, for can it be a sin to bring happiness to another….can it be a sin that in that moment our eyes meet that I feel such joy an exhilaration? An as a watch the merriment in his eyes the most wicked of thoughts hits me. In that moment I hope me own face has not betrayed me. I hope I know me master……

Opening me mouth I move me lips round him but I do not touch him again…letting the soft heat of me mouth bath his throbbing member till I’m sure he wonders what his slave is up to….then an only then when the moment is past do I flick the very tip of me tongue across the end of him….

“Master, I reckon yah wish yur slave to play….so play I will. Mmmmm….we very favorite chew toy” with that I let me teeth lightly rasp the sensitive flesh of him. Let him feel the sharp edges before I bring lips down an slowly…oh so slowly slide him inwards me tongue dancing alone the underside of his flesh.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:53 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
Ha, ha, she was confused for a moment, but only for a moment as I see her eyes rest upon my man hood. Her faith, being tested as that was always at the top of her mind as her body so readily accepted the feel, the taste, the heat of a man, whether this was natural or simple the work of others whether one or it was cumlitive. I suppose I'll never know. All that matters is that she's mine now.

Ha, ha, I see her teasing my shaft, taking her time as was her nature, despite being so submissive she always had that stubborn streak of having some power, some control and she did fit the sterotype of the red head a bit, she had a powerful jealous within her. I could see it, smell it as she could sense, smell the other women that I've partaken of in her absence.

Her teeth graze over my shaft as she teases me with that sassy southern belle look of hers, ha, ha, her accent was quite enthralling also. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Mortal women are usally so boring... it is far and inbetween that you find one worthwhile, like this one here I thought as I move my hand through your hair as you skillfully take me into your mouth as I then sneer at you as I bring the pen down onto the cloth this time it glows red as you feel your skin being punished from where ever it touches. "Yes, now until you get me off, this will be part of you attoniment for taking so long." I tell you as I could manpulate what you felt, the tortures that have been inflicted upon you by having the cloth recal them from your memories and reproducing the siginals through your nervous system.

It would seem like a fire was licking at your flesh, the pain was there, without the damage for those who wished to punish there slaves, but not to leave marks and to damage there investment. However like Cassie said, the real thing would always be supieror for training them, but this was a good subusitie at the moment. Ha, ha, ha.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:25 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
The scream came out as a gurgling sound round the thick hard shaft of pleasure in me mouth. Teeth closed on flesh as every muscle in me body contracted trying to escape the burning pain. Dropping to the ground I rolled…rolled upon the floor as had been drilled into me in so many training exercises. But this was not real flame…it was not a real fire an so there wuz no escape, no way to turn it off….

It took time for his words to sink in. More for me to understand that I would have to endure the pain in order to pleasure him. At that moment I hated his smug grin as I withered in pain at his feet. Hated that he could take such pleasure an delight in me pain. An yet, could he not be so very kind….could he not give the heights of pleasure. Wuz this the price of me sin…to endure the torment of the flames of hell so I might have a bit of heaven later?

Slowly I got to me hands and knees before me master while me skin burned anew. Lights flickering for a moment while the lurid red glow from his wand made me feel even more like I had descended into the fires of hell itself. Like the demons themselves he seemed to laugh at me plight taking delight in me pain. I flinched with each move, the fires licking yet another portion of me skin, yet somehow, through shear determination I forced me mouth back upon his shaft.

Me Only thought was to stop the pain the only way I knew how….to make him come…to tease the erect shaft ah flesh till it erupted and the warm seen poured into me mouth. In earnest I worked his shaft in an out of me, one hand upon the base of him…the other hand toying with his balls. Pain still wracked me body….still took me breath away as I slid me lips upon him and tried so hard to keep me hands from teeth from biting. Sweat trickled down me face…down me body…leaving me damp an dy glistening in the light.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:50 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
"It's quite an impressive technogly isn't it, able to reproduce such powerful sensations within your body, however this is part of being my slave, the occasionly experiment upon your flesh, upon your mind, a test of your loyalty so to speak, however such tests are usless with you aren't they dear Cassie." I tell you complimenting you, dangling that carrot, that treat despite the pain I was infliciting upon her.

Despite this all she slowly got up and went back to work on my shaft as the fires of her mind lick at her body, torturing it as I decide what do do next as I you take my shaft deep, working it hard as I then touch you with the device again as I turn the fire off but instead bring up the memories of whip, a specific to, my whip upon your flesh as it became fresh in your mind as it centers on what you felt then and reproducing it through your nervos system. "I will admit though, this is no where near as fun as doing the real thing, but certain tortures are best used for this, so not to damage such lovely creatures." I tell you with a smirk.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:52 am
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I am free of pain, The burning ceasing as quickly as it started. Gasping in the respite, uncertain of me future I use the opportunity to please him more fully. TO take his hard stiff cock deeply till it threatens to choke me. An there… when I let me fingers drop and feel the skin of his abdomen ‘gainst me upper lip I let me tongue slither outwards an lick the dew from his jewels.

Pain erupts in a line across me back. A sharp cutting pain centered along a line of agony that spreads inwards an leaves me breathless and whimpering. Yet the whimper is more a gurgle as me body twitches to avoid the contact with the whip. Confusion reigns in me head for there is no whistle of leather through air…only the pain if its impact, only me twitching body at the end of the strike.

Once more me master speaks…once more I hear the voice in a haze of pain. Anger stirs within. Anger at his smirk..the smugness of his words. Anger that he would cause me such pain as I try to pleasure him. I move from his cock, letting it slip from me mouth as once more I twitch under the lash. Anger sparks defiance, not something perhaps I should let to the fore, but I cannot help it….anymore that I can help the fact I desire him….and want to feel his pleasure.

“it is useless….yes…..” vehemence drips form me words….anger flashes in me eyes an as I stare up at him I realize me mistake…realize he may withdraw his favors from me.

“Master….sorry….oh lord….sorry…” blubbering now words fired in rapid succession, I bow….prostrated me self before his feet…feeling the next blow…an hoping…hoping the rashness of anger has not undone what I desire.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:30 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
Yes, I was getting close so very close yet I hide it well behind my face, her work was superb, bordering on perfect, but that was pretty good for a mere mortal as I look down at her as I supress a moan coming as I continue to stare at her as the whipping becames too much as you pulled back and you let your anger, your former ADD self out as even with your crying it was too late.

"Hmm, it seems the ADD still has a hold upon you." I tell you as I grab my cock and show it off to you letting you see the precum drip from it now as if to let you know if you could've supressed it just for a moment longer you would've had your masters seed as I walk over to the desk and hit a button. "Yes, please send Betsy in." I say as the door opens a moment later and you see that cow girl again walk in.

"Yes Pierceye sir." She asked blushing a bit as she saw my erect cock. "Yes, I need you to finish up the work my slave in training started, her skills are lacking." I say to her, ignoring you atm it seems letting your failure ring in your ears about how you lost my favor and worse there was no praise in it as I called you... in training, unable to satisfy her master with just a BJ, that should've been an easy task for you, for any slave that is as trained in pleasuring men, who desires it so much as I turn so that you are forced to watch the assitant skip over and slip onto her knees as she salivates for it much like you do at times before she steals your masters cock and the cum that you were working so hard for as it barely takes her a minute, as her scent stains my cock once more as I force you to watch this, your failure.

Dancing leave, dancing wind, the element mix and change as time passes. Always a sign of things to come. Listen to the wind, the trees, the air, listen to nature and listen well.

Master Druid of the Berry Lin

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:21 pm
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Post Re: A slaves own Salvation II (keemari)
I am lost….too late I realize as he parades like one of um pheasants at the edge of a farmers hedge during huntin’ season…knowing…knowing yah can’t shoot. Oh how a part of me wanted to wipe that silly lookin’ grin off his self-assured face. An the other….the other felt the heat in me loins as he passed by, trembled as he abused me with his words. Unworthy as his slave….forced to sit there as that cow entered.

Fingers curled into balls as ice tore through the heat of me body. I could smell her…an knew…knew it was this cows scent upon me masters skin. I want to scream in frustration. Me brow knits itself an only through force of will an the biting of me lip do I remain silent. Forced to watch in disgust as she gets what I had endured the pain to receive.

Quickly I let me eyes dart to me masters face, his eyes upon me…he see’s me discomfort the curl of his lips an flash of teeth herald the grin. Mirth an lust dance in his eyes as I swear they change in color…gold now….the gold of dragons. Be spelling me while I wallow in misery. AN than the look flashes across his face…a grimace, but one of joy as the pleasure of taking his cow builds an I see first hand the look that should have been caused by me….

“noooooooooooo” the quite keen of angst passing me lips as I tear me gaze form him an all me heart desires. The heat leaves me body, the air chill ‘bout me….soooooo cold….that I shiver

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:47 pm
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