yes i do
i'm looking for someone who is able to alter my avater pic, adjust it so it will show off what my character currently have. for those of you whom doesn't know, my character, since returning to SHS, has the front portion of her hair dyed Pink. And i'm looking for someone who is able to do just that.
so if you can do it, please let me know. i don't have the full blown pic of it, i have only saved the pic that Miss Steel given me soo very long time ago in her little post with hundreds of pics for avaters
So the picture is rather small but i think it is still big enough for anyone who is pro at doing this.
On a side note, i got this idea from my favorite artist Avril Lavigne, who has done it, although what im describing is both sides of her hair in the front, not just on the right side like Avril has.