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 Ilixia's new profile (Edited Tuesday 9 November 2010) 
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Post Ilixia's new profile (Edited Tuesday 9 November 2010)
Name: Ilixia Mardrona

Race: Fallen celestial

Type: Mystic being

Place of Birth: The world of Tar'il, the first of her conquests

Gender: Theoretically sexless, but enjoys the female form

Age: Not nice to ask... but just over four thousand years

Height: Varies with form taken

Weight: Varies with form taken

Eye Color: Red when in full possession of a human body, custom when inhabiting a form she has made herself

Skin Color: Varies with form

Skin Texture: always smooth, unless she chooses a scaled form, but when human, or humanoid, always smooth

Hair Color: Usually black, Flaming red, or Violet

Body Build: Usually athletic, or trim

Tail: Only should she want one

Tentacles: She adores these wonderful tools

Number of Tentacles: As many as desired, up to a limit of one hundred

Wings: Should she desire them, (Usually black and feathered, or black draconic)

Wing Color: Black

Cock Size: Unnecessary (usually *grins*)

Fighting Style: Usually Ilixia becomes Non corporeal and laughs, but she has the fighting knowledge of four thousand years of existence, in many forms... and in the martial arts of many worlds...

Motivation: To feed, unlike others of her species, Ilixia does not feed on an element, she feeds on sexual energy, And for fun of course

Psychological Profile: Ilixia is a truly dominating being and has a serious superiority complex which would get her in serious trouble if she wasn't incorporeal. She wishes to rule worlds, and already has 5 worlds under her belt, which isn't just a figure of speech.

Sexual Oddities: Enjoys dominating her involuntary partners, Ilixia places a tiny fraction of her own being inside of girls she really enjoys to enhance their pleasure and to experience their pleasure and terror first hand. Otherwise, she has many things she enjoys, but these will be found out in time *grins*

Human Disguise Form: One of her favorite methods of drawing her prey to be alone.

Human Disguise Appearance: Usually appearing as the girl "Violet" (See avatar) a beautiful girl, with flawless skin, Violet hair and eyes, and a wise cast to her eyes.

Clothing: Varies as what she chooses to wear can alter in seconds.

Other forms: Ilixia is capable of using spare bio-matter to form herself another body or bodies, in her "natural" form Ilixia takes the form of an incorporeal giant black bird.

Distinguishing features: Red eyes when possessing a student.

Behavior: As stated before Ilixia is a dominating being, however since Terrany, her human puppet, is bi-sexual and a bit of a nympho at times Ilixia doesn't mind "resting" more and has taken to longer "naps" within her mind since the energy produced by Terrany and her lovers still fuels Ilixia. However Ilixia enjoys the "taste" of rape victims more (they have a pleasant "tang").

Capabilities: Using her magic Ilixia can manipulate the minds of humans however she dislikes the direct approach and while it IS within her power to force her targets to have sex with her and enjoy it she enjoys playing with their emotions more subtly for example making a girl feel more comfortable with a certain area so that they wander there for study or to relax she is also capable of removing memories from the concious mind but not the subconscious so although her "partners" will not remember her or what happened they may dream about her from time to time.

Ilixia can see the aura of her targets which allows her to see how much energy they have repressed and how much will be released it also allows her to see if her target is aware of her presence.

Weaknesses: As a mystic being Ilixia is unusually sensitive to mystic energies for example her trip was supposed to end on a planet a dozen light years away from Earth but her trip was diverted when the mystic lines that cross the universe were distorted by a spell originating on Earth so her trip was cut short,

Likes: Ilixia has developed a taste for tough girls, true fighters and although she does prefer them she will still take the "weaker" members of the race.

Dislikes: Monsters taking a prey out from under her nose (well without asking her first). Losing.


Ilixia looked around in boredom, the naked, nubile, forms chained to her throne no longer arousing the desire they once did, all she had to do now was command and she could have any one, or all of the females here, or from anywhere else on this pathetic world. They feared her enough now it was time to leave for newer hunting grounds.

Detaching her mind and soul from her "borrowed" body Ilixia summoned up the mental energy she needed to travel. Casting most of her being into the lines of power Ilixia began by sending a small fraction of her self back into her old form to act as a "regent" in her absence, her magic targeted a planet on the far side of the galaxy, a planet that had life forms similar to the old days when she was corporeal and mortal.

How does one describe the travelling? It is like being in all places at the same time a truly wondrous feeling Ilixia always believed that any lesser being would lose their selves while travelling.

This time was different as she focused toward her destination she felt her consciousness wrestled toward an even smaller world, the mystic lines she travelled were pulled into focus and she landed... hard... even for a spirit the shock of being forcefully dumped out of travelling hurt.

Ilixia extended her senses and looked around her she perceived a small group of girls involved in some sort of psudo-magic, they seemed to be just as shocked as she was, but Ilixia's rage grew much faster than her surprise, she possessed one of the girls, the closest to her, and bound the other six with her magic. With a thought Ilixia formed a dozen thick, if somewhat crude, tentacles, although the strain caused her to break out with perspiration. Ilixia's "borrowed" body sneered at the helpless females and said "don't try to mess with things you don't understand" she then lashed out with her new tentacles and began her explorations of her captives bodies as her new hands explored her own.

Terrany was sitting at home studying hard for her chemistry finals tomorrow, eyes narrowed as she tried to stay awake enough to focus on the equation, she stretched to keep herself limber and prevent cramp, her smallish breasts threatening to pop out of her bra, and wiped her forehead the room WAS far too warm for anything more, her panties kept bunching uncomfortably beneath her on the chair but she had to keep at least something on, after all her parents WERE home and if they should come in... she returned her gaze to her books.

Ilixia had finished the explorations of her new body and concentrated now on the six, still bound by her magic, before her. She snaked her tentacles over every piece of flesh tearing any bothersome garments out of the way as she went. out of curiosity Ilixia unbound their voices and was rewarded by the rich sound she so treasured... the sound of screams.

Terrany's ears perked up at a faint sound coming from the woods outside, she listened intently but the sound was not repeated so she shrugged it off, however she did grab a long nightshirt from the floor beside her and shrugged into it.

Ilixia although loving the sound of her victims screams didn't want them bringing help so she stuffed a tentacle in each mouth to silence them Two of the girls attempted to fight back by biting the tentacles in their mouths, punching, kicking, anything that would have helped them against a lesser being. The other four girls simply began crying and begging around the tentacles in their mouths pleading for her to stop. The mouth twisted into a strange grin and said "if you didn't want me you shouldn't have brought me here fools" and she sprouted an additional four tentacles from her back even though the effort caused her pain. She finished with the explorations of the helpless females and turned to focus on restoring her magic.

She raised the tentacles not stuffed into mouths and waved them in front of the girls faces tauntingly and released her control on their necks allowing them to watch what was happening to themselves and the others of their little group.

Ilixia drifted tentacles down the naked forms of each teasing nipples and coiling around breasts, she drifted even lower trailing over their stomachs and watched with satisfaction as her touch aroused them, although of course they would never admit it. She continued still lower, tracing their lower lips with one tentacle each, in a slow rhythmic touch, as she slid another behind them and stroked down their spines to further stimulate their lower bodies. She noticed with growing smugness as their begging turned to moans of pleasure and the struggles ceased. She continued her slow stimulation of their cunts noticing the sensitive nubs which her "borrowed" form referred to as a "clit" the tentacles at the rear began circling the anus of each girl and suddenly probed into each. The girls cried out as they were violated but strangely, their minds seemed to enjoy it.

Ilixia stepped closer as two of the girls had to make do without the stroking of their pussies so she decided to use her fingers for them. Ilixia continued her ministrations on the outer four girls and began stroking the two closest to her with her fingers, she found with some surprise that they were dripping with some form of natural lubricant. She continued but focused on her tentacles now and found that each girl was wet with this lubricant. She brought her hand up to her mouth and sucked her fingers, she was pleased by the taste and began to make more aggressive motions the tentacles stopped their soft rubbing and began to enter each girl... Deep and Hard. She thrust her fingers deep into the pussies of the two closest and probed harder and faster into the girls.

Terrany stretched again and went over to the window, the stars gleamed brightly, and the trees rustled in the wind she saw something move in the dark and decided she had worked hard enough to earn a break so she would go investigate, she went downstairs and called to her father, her father got up and dressed while she waited outside the door the last thing he grabbed was his shotgun, outside Terrany slipped into her gumboots and waited impatiently tapping her foot, she shuddered when she saw her father had brought his shotgun but knew better to tell him to put it back.

Ilixia watched as the girls danced on the end of her tentacles loving every minute of it she increased the speed of her probing pistoning in and out of the girls enjoying the feeling of her skin on theirs, all of a sudden one of the girls screamed and her body spasmed despite the enchantment upon her and Ilixia was surprised as the girl gushed lubricant down her tentacle almost screaming against the tentacle in her mouth. Her borrowed form was apparently enjoying this as much as she was because she repeated the action, lubricant almost exploding from between her legs, Ilixia collapsed to her knees screaming in pleasure overwhelmed by the sexual energy flooding over her, far more than she had anticipated, perhaps this stop-over was a good thing after all.

Terrany heard the scream and by the look on her fathers face so had he but he knew better than to try and send her back alone especially after a scream like that... who knew what awaited them. Terrany's father stepped ahead of her and began stalking through the forest towards the sound but he stepped on a brittle branch and the whole forest froze and the scene that greeted him just a single step later froze him...

Ilixia froze at the sound of the breaking branch but continued pumping the girls hard, two more quivered in orgasm and another one soon after them. Extending her senses outward she sensed the male and his daughter approaching "hmmm some company" she said aloud and was surprised when two more came. Ilixia dropped the five she had already taken and focused on the last she plunged another tentacle into the females cunt and plunged harder and more aggressively than before two of her now free tentacles began focusing on the girls tits and nipples tweaking and pulling dexterously and it was not long till she too came, this time Ilixia pulled the tentacle out of the girls mouth and let her scream.

Terrany looked at the THING in the clearing it looked mostly like a human girl but its eyes glowed red in the firelight and it had a multitude of tentacles sprouting from its back she looked at it again using her power to see its aura, it was strange unlike anybody she had seen before, strange energy pulsing through its aura, she was able to watch as it fed, drawing the energy from the collapsed girls around it. But beside her her father went crazy he fired wildly at the thing but his shots instead hit the girls around it Terrany could tell they were dead as their auras died out.

Ilixia's rage grew again as the male across the clearing fired his crude projectile weapon and hit the females she was feeding upon. He fired again and Ilixia stood striking a pose as she gathered herself to leap from this body, he fired yet again and was rewarded by Ilixia's old body jerking backward as it took several slugs, Ilixia leaped and the tentacles dissolved. The male cheered and took his eyes away from the body.

Terrany was worried about her father as he walked forward to investigate but was distracted when an insubstantial form rose up and swooped through her father it looked like a huge ghostly raven with glowing green eyes. But it didn't stop there, it swept onward and into Terrany's body her last concious thought was "Aww crap".

Ilixia stood revelling in her new body as she did so, she drew the discarded bio-matter to re-create her tentacles marveling at the ease that she was able to create these far more proficient limbs, the male turned and Ilixia stabbed forward skewering him in several places at once, "die fool" was the only thing she said.

"Ow my head... who am I... Wait... Wallet where's my wallet? why am I sitting in a bus? Why not? Ah my wallet... Terrany Marx that sounds right..."

(see you around school... One form or another...)

Last edited by Ilixia on Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:35 pm
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Oh my .... your back! :shock: This is great, I've missed me nemisis upon these boards. :D

And to think I haven't been up on IM to talk with you in a month or so....I'm so sorry....but Yeah! can't wait to get some of our threads back up and running.... :wink:


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Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:28 pm
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Wow, really thought out :o

Im not one of the fighty ones in the campus, but id still like to get into an RP with you ^^

"It only short jump. You go first."
"Hmm . . . we go different way now."

Take your pick:
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Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:19 am
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Good to see you here!

The Menu- see who's been eaten!

Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:36 am
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Hehe I know, I missed you too Cass! But back from the land of white, so YAY!

And Nanaca, *grins* that's fine, Ilixia would love to play! *giggles* anytime.

Ahhh Alucard, thank you so much for the welcome back to Shokushu!

Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:05 pm
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Cassie is not the only one to have missed you but I'm glad you're back


Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:51 pm
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