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 Something from Nothing 
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Joined: Wed May 28, 2008 6:52 am
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Post Something from Nothing
(OCC: Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to participate in this board. I’m really excited to be here. I would love to hear what you think about my monster.) :D

First there was fire, heat, and pain... Then there was the abandoned storage shed.

In early days of the school, the shed was where the old drama club kept their props & supply. But as girls went missing, or forget their past, the shed was forgotten. Many years went by. Dust collected upon the worn out props & moth eaten costumes, and the only thing that remained alive in this small and rundown old storehouse was ... Nothing ...

It was Nothing glided around the old stage scenery and forgotten props, for “nothing” was the only way to describe it. It had no shape, no substance, and was invisible to the world at large. A being made entirely of thought and emotion. It could see the little world it lived in, hear the shed groan with age, and smell the musty wood, but it could not feel, could not touch, could not taste. It could not ware the old costumes that had lost much of there color, but none of there flare. Nor could it open the few books that were left behind or use the old record player in the back corner. Some days, when the conditions were just right, a few lonely radio waves would reach it’s quiet den, and that was when it was most happy. It could here these waves as well as any other sound. So it would listen to the old songs, and “dance” between the old boxes & crates. For many years, this was how the Nothing lived.

Then they came! They were students, one had discovered the storage shed out behind some trees, and she had brought her lover there to share affections in a secluded spot. The formless being had never seen a woman before, let alone two. They were such beautiful creatures that moved in ways ... so captivating. And it was there, when the girls began to touch one another, that it began to feel something new, being able to feel at all was new, but this was something wonderful. It could feel what they felt, the charge of a loving touch, the heat of the two sensual bodies as they begin to move as one, and the overwhelming pleaser as the girls unique dance reached its most intense moment.

The Immaterial thing was nearly drowned with the girls feelings and energy, like a man falling into an ocean and realizing he had been dying of thirst all his life. It basked in energy of the girls’ passion, and became stronger. At the same time it began to have new feelings of it’s own. Envy, resentment, and longing began to spread in the formless one. How could it be that these two creatures were able to experience and shape the world, and it could not. Why for all this time had it been deprived the ability to touch another with passion, to make another feel the way these women made each other feel. The newly developed need to touch and interact with it’s world began to grow within the formless one, and for the first time it summoned all it’s energy to try and touch. It combined all that it was with the newfound energy that radiated from the lovers, and it reached out to hold & be apart of them...

...and it missed...

The two young woman had been to caught up in the moment to notice the slight breeze that started to form in the inclosed room. They were beyond the point where they could notice that the old consumes were beginning to gently sway upon there racks, yet no dust was being disturbed. However, when lights began to flicker from prop lamps that had no electricity, the situation began to register through there passion induced fever. And as objects began to fly through the room in the midst of there second climax, a different feeling mixed with lustful fervor... fear. Finally an old record player began to play a scratchy old melody, soft & low, and that was the end of it.

Terror drove the girls from the storage shed stark naked, and fear gave the one without substance something new to taste. That fear alone was not as sweet or as nourishing as the girls pleasure, but it had defiantly given spice to the experience.

With the Nothing’s new energy it could leave the confines of the old shed and explore the new, and much larger, world around it. It found this new world to hold many of those exquisitely beautiful, and flexible creatures. And it soon discovered that they all loved physical touch, even when they didn’t want to. That’s when it learned of the other monsters that prayed upon the girls sexuality, and discovered what brought meaning into this strange & twisted new realm. The formless creature was hooked the first time it witnessed one of the young helpless women being forcibly taken by one the many monsters that staked the land. It watched & drank deeply as the two creatures became awash with conflicting emotions, the deep fear, unrelenting ecstasy, and unbidden lust. Over and over again.

It saw many more of these little plays take place. Some of the monsters fed off the emotion like the formless did, and those were the ones that noticed this invisible thing as it made its first few observations. Some of those monsters would run it off because they knew it would soon be a competitor for nourishment. Other monsters tried to eat it as it was a creature entirely of thought and emotion. Still other monsters that sensed it’s presence were curious. They would ask what it was, what was it doing, what was it’s name. The last question would always perplex the shapeless one for it had never needed a name before, just as it had never needed substance, and it didn’t have either now.

Then there was still more monsters that couldn’t feed from, or even feel, the energies that radiated from the girls. To these monsters the Nothing went by undetected, the IT could feed from these energies without conflict. As its powers grew the Immaterial one learned how to move things, manipulate them, and be apart of those things. Oh the joy of finding out it could feel by touch when it possessed things. To feel the soft grass & cool night air with just an ordinary garden hose, or feel the smooth/warm body of a woman by taking control of her bed sheets. Also, the formless one found that it retained a connection with the objects in the storage shed, the only home it’s known, and it could call forth those items at will. The objects became its body, and it became there soul.

And it was not an innocent, or even a particular kind, soul either. The Nothing had seen what the girls did to themselves by choice, and what the monsters had done to them by force. And while it understood that the women didn’t want the Monsters’ attentions, it also knew that girls inevitablely gave in to there urges. No matter how hard they fought, over & over, the pleaser always won. So after many years of being alone, of not being able to touch or feel anything... It Would Play! So it trained, practiced, and developed its skills. And now it waits for its chance ... the only thing left to do was find a name & shape.

Of all boxes in the old storage shed, there was only one that was labeled. In the old box marked “Effect Finishes” there were a number of dead sparklers, ancient FX gear, and one old mask. The mask wasn’t the most detailed of the many masks in the shed, and there were others that still had there gleam. But this ratty old mask, made of newspaper, largely faded, and slightly singed, was the one mask that “it” was always drawn to. So now it chose a name, and even had a shape (when it chose to use it). It was no longer “Nothing”, Its name would be Fin.

Name: Effect Fin
Race: Unknown (if any)
Type: Immaterial (Living Thought & Emotion)
Place of Birth?/Home: Abandoned storage shed (old drama club)
Gender: None (but has male tendencies)
Nationality: None
Age: Unknown (over eighteen)

Characteristics: Fin has no substance or form and is Invisible. When at weakest it can only sense smell, sight, sound, and energy (regular & those generated from emotion). It can’t touch or interact with anything in its weakest state.

Special Abilities: When it has absorbed energy from female emotions/orgasms (usually an event that happens before RP, and therefore unmentioned) it can possess/control/manipulate inanimate objects (and some plant mater). From the possessed objects it can touch/feel and interact with people or things. Fin can bend, stretch, and contort the possessed objects at will. These “appendages” can be as strong or as sensitiva as fin wishes. They are not bound by gravity (they can hover/move in the air), and in certain cases, can be enlarged or shrunk. Fin has minor control over electricity/heat in any area it’s in, changing/creating flow of electricity in objects, decreasing/increasing temperature (which also means it can create drafts & wind gust). Fin can detect many forms of energy and wavelengths (such as radio waves and inferred light). Also, Fin has occasional conjured items from storage shed it lives in (mostly costumes and masks to appear visible). It also has some empathic qualities, do to it’s energy absorption ability.

Height: None
Weight: None
Eye Color: None
Skin Color: None
Skin Texture: None
Other Physical Characteristics: You get the idea.

How do we know It’s there?: Some monsters (emotion/female orgasm absorbers) can detect Its presence/location in an area (but is still “seen” as having no substance). When It wishes to be visible to others, It call forth a suitable costume and mask from its storage shed, or use whatever is laying around to create a physical form.

When It wants to be seen: By using masks, costumes, props, and anything else laying around, it can form something that looks human from a distance (this has created a few ghost stories around the campus), but nothing that would pass close scrutiny or daytime lighting conditions. Fin usually wears these “costumes” when it wants it’s “playmate” to see it. However Fin normally just as content, or more so, if the girls are unaware of what’s attacking them. In those cases, Fin will possess the items without trying to construct a form for itself (the items appear to attack/molest the woman under there own power) .

Favorite Mask (If it uses any): Dingy old theater mask (made of old newspapers and slightly singed on one side)

Communication: It can’t communicate normally (only monsters that absorb emotions/orgasms can “hear” it), nor telepathically. It’s primary means of communication is through the manipulation of objects (it has had some interesting results manipulating radios and other sound making devices).

Fighting Style: Effect Fin is (normally) incapable of being hurt, and (normally) has no need to engage in fighting. However, If the circumstances warrant it (when energy draining creatures attack, or a girle wants to feel like she can put up a fight), Fin can & will use any object it can manipulate, for an effect similar to fighting the whole room. It also has a couple defiance mechanisms to avoid being eaten.

Motivation: Fin has been stuck in a relatively small box like room (shed) for many years and now it wants to play with the petite & pleasantly bendy young women that occupy this school (even if they don’t want to play with it). Fin is aware of the fact that the girls unwelcome to and/or abhorred by the advances of itself and the other monster of the island. But has seen the number of times these woman have reached there climax against there will, so Fin chooses to ignore the reality that these girls don’t want to be played with. In fact the thought usually never bothers Fin at all.

Psychological Details: Fin can not remember how it was created/born. It’s only recurring memory is of Intense Fire. There are a number of items in the old storage shed that show signs of fire damage. The fact that it can’t remember doesn’t bother Fin and it doesn’t try to find out more about its past.

Personality: Fin has a taste for the theatrical (as his birthplace would indicate). Effect Fin feels good if it can build the suspense up before the "main act", and bonuses points for geting her off many times without her knowing who, why, or how. It’s ok if she gets a little scared. It can happen to a girl when she notices her nightgown is felling her up, or she’s watching helpless as her brushes explore new places on there own.

Human Disguise Form: No! (See When It Wants To Be Seen above)

Weaknesses: Besides brunets, and small breasts? 1) Fin gets It’s strength female emotions (more specifically it gets most of its energy from female orgasms), energy that generates from almost all creatures (including itself). Therefor, in theory, if Fin procured an “appendage” with enough sensitivity, and the part was given enough stimulus, it could make fin cum, and weaken it slightly. Done enough times in a short enough interval, it could be weakened to it’s original state. All items would stop moving, and any items conjured from the shed would go back. (though unlikely to happen often) 2) A monster who can feed off feelings like a women’s orgasm could possibly eat/consume Fin (who is basically thought and emotion). Why a creature would try to eat Fin when there are so many tasty possibilities for the other is unknown (maybe fin just pissed it off)

What is it? Why Something from Nothing

Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:27 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
That really is a wonderful character. You should be proud.


Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:27 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
So very creative and different form teh narmal basets that haunt the island.....but then seems you are quite the haunt. THough what I like best is the challenge. yeap, that challenge you laid down to be sucked to teh point of nothingness....I can see it now, "Girl, if you make me cum enough I will simply disappear to torment you no more, Honest!"

Hmmm....oh to try it....Once I'm warmed up of course. One wouldn't willlingly fall to sin now woudl they. well .... maybe not.


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Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:45 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
Thank you Elise for such high prays, I hope I can live up to it.

And thank you Cassie for your warm welcome (in both this post and the accidental one), don’t size me up just yet thought, I might surprise you.

With such lovely and attractive ladies around I may come to regret such a fundamental weakness in my character, yet it should be very fun finding this out the hard way.

(On a slightly embarrassing noob note: I accidently posted twice and wasn’t able to delete one in time. Thanks Cassie for moving your comment to this post)

What is it? Why Something from Nothing

Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:08 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
(other post is gone)

Acutally I don't think of it as a weakness. More a great way to end the adventure. After all you get to decide when you become nothing, not us in the feed lot. :wink:

And you always have the option to simply wander off after having had enough fun.

an jus think of the fun you could have in my dorm room...what with all the toys laying about. Shackles, vibraotros, strap ons....all moving of there ownn accord an tormenting me....oh the fun...(hint, hint) :oops:


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Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:16 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
Indeed, a very impressive character. Welcome!

*Is jealous and tries to eat fin* (j/k)

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Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
Great intro thread! Very original character, from start to finish. I like it a lot.

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Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:57 pm

Joined: Mon May 26, 2008 11:50 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
lot to read sir but, indeed a welcome addition to the islands monsters; will read the rest when I can sit up properly but, I'm sure you'll be a pleasure to play with

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Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:33 am
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
(Thanks Dendrite for deleting extra post)

Thank you all for the welcome, I’m really glad you like Fin. To say I wasn’t nervous before posting the story would be a lie.

Cassie: With such an open and appealing invitation, and with such detailed specifications of your room, it would be very hard for me to refuse. I may just have to take you up on it.

Whisperer: Thank you, I’ll try not to float to close to your territory.

*The formless feels the tug of another absorber, trying to take it from this world. With a thought, Fin calls forth it’s mask, instantly binding the shapeless one to it’s place of safety. It goes off in search of calmer hunting grounds.*

Xel: It really means a lot to me what you said (especially since this is my first thread, ever), thank you.

Tatiana: I’m glad to meet you (Fin looks forward to seeing you in the halls). My apologies on the size of the article. I’ve been planing on leaving the “how(s)” out of my writing and focusing on “what’s happening” and “why.” I wrote the post for those who wanted/needed more information about what Fin is. Also, Fin is my first RP character so I wanted to give a good first impression.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the forms.

What is it? Why Something from Nothing

Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:23 am
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
"A being without substance yet... With existence..."

A pile of Pocky packages attributed to Prof. Montclair's intense thoughtfulness. Chewing upon another chocolate-coated morsel, he lay back upon his luxurious armchair.

"What would it be like to debate existentialism with this one?"

He turned to meet the brass gaze of his lamp.

"What do you think?"

The professor was met by silence.

"I thought so," he said with self-satisfaction. "I will see him when my schedule opens up."

(Now that's a cool monster. =D> )

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:52 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
Effect Fin wrote:
(Thanks Dendrite for deleting extra post)

'Twas Cassie; I suggested it, she did it. But welcome, anyway. ;)

The students were sleeping all snug in their beds, while visions of tentacles danced in their heads.

Dendrite, irresistibly helpful tentacled alien! Message me to move your completed threads.

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--Jason Carter

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Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:08 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
An incredibly interesting, original character. Can't wait to see some of the story threads you start.

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:09 pm
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Post Re: Something from Nothing
Dendrite wrote:
Effect Fin wrote:
(Thanks Dendrite for deleting extra post)

'Twas Cassie; I suggested it, she did it. But welcome, anyway. ;)

(Thanks Cassie)

Thank you “gentleman” (that word is just not working, is it :D ).

It was reading about all of your awesome characters (especial your characters, ladies), and all their fun escapades together, that inspired me to make Fin. I’m ecstatic to be here.

And a couple of Threads are on the way (Elise and Cassie have both generously “volunteered”, to show me around the campuses).

What is it? Why Something from Nothing

Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:05 am
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