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 A strange Path - (Cassie, Sinator) 
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:53 am
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Post A strange Path - (Cassie, Sinator)
Sintor – Green
Cassie - Black

sintor was he decided to make a game for one of the students to 'play', within the forest her manipulated it so once the student was in they would have to go all 7 ways before being able to get out of it. although he doupted it he was hoping for the red head devoted christain he had heard so much about. for the moment he just stayed in his little maze. although he did manipulate the humidity in the air so if he so wished it he could make fog once a student fell into his trap. also he made a damp smell such of that of foggy, wet surroundings but really the smell was also a type of drug that at the point of the student feeling desire and pleasure it would magnify the need and desire and the present pleasure one feels. once the student stepped into the 7 way path the 1st on the left would show it leading a bit into a darker part of the woods while the 7th on the right showed it heading towards near the ocean. of course each one had a trap set up of either manipulating animals, or clones of himself.

he awaits eagerly for a student to spring the trap.

I wuz in the zone, me runs having gotten longer, me stride better an me breathing coming with ever fourth step. Me red hair in its pony tail, a big ole braid that caught the setting sun and threw it back like fire an all as I ran. Bounce, bounce, bounce, breath…o’er an o’er ‘gain as the earth pathways in the forest churned by barely noticed in the passing. I loved the solitude, the chance to get away an all, a chance to feel one with meself an reflect on all the things a going on in me life.

Sweat ran round the collar of me white T-shirt an down the front where the golden crucifix hung beneath the shirt. Blue running shorts showed me legs off as the muscles tensed an relaxed with each thrust of me legs. I felt the change in the air as I went up the small hill, the slight mist hanging in the air. That be a bit unusual an all, still I plunged on, thinking that maybe Hanaji would be back at the room an the things that maybe…no, the things I could do with her an all. I shook me head a bit, an thought ‘bout me hands on her.

Sumthing wasn’t right, I stopped a staring at me surroundings. I’d been on this path for a couple a dozen times an suddenly the hairs wuz a sticking up on the back of me head jus as the cool damp air left me skin feeling all tingly like when Violet wuz a caressing it an all. Sumthing wuz up, I started jogging down the path, paying a bit more attention an noted the path split towards the ocean…Ok, take that un I thought as I picked up the pace an thought about a nice massage that would be awaiting me. I smiled an picked up the breathing all o’er ‘gain.
Smiling he saw the red head he had wanted for a long time. jogging and running as she was he had a perfect view of her curves and her athletic body. seeing how she fell into his game easily he turned on the mist as well as the drug which right now would have no effect. he say her hesitate on the 7 fold path and say her going towards the beach. smiling he knew that the trap that lay their would have its fun before all the others. but being cautions he gave the manipulated animal a heads up to prepare its self for what lay ahead. he even gave an extra dose of the drug that as the wind hit her she inhaled 4x the drug so that way her body would submit easily to the animals cravings.

I quickened me pace a bit as the clouds of mist closed in, a lil nervous an all ‘bout it. The strange musty smell of dead an decaying vegetation met me nose as I breathed in. Me feet an legs propelled me down the dirt track towards the ocean….any time I knew I should be hitting the soft white sand. Still nothing. Lord knew I wanted to get back to the dorm, maybe Suriel would be thar, I could almost feel his hands upon me….I couldn’t member another run that made me feel like this un did.

I’d gone a bit more when I stopped. This wuzn’t right no how. With me green eyes a gleaming I looked ‘bout, the sun a hazy disk in the sky with all the fog. Turning round I started to back track, not sure where I had gone wrong….it wuz gonna take me a bit longer to get home an all if I had to go back the other way and that jus didn’t seem so good right then.

Unfortunately, for her the path she thinks she just went through has seemed to dissapear all together in the foilage of vines tress and other plants. as she turns back she thinks it must of been the trick of the fog as she is near the beach as she hears the soft waves hitting the shore and if she were to walk 3 steps she would see sand on the ground.

as she walk out of the path the ocean is as clear as day and the fog was just in the forest, seeming to be just the humidity and tempature being different in the two differe areas she can actually feel the sun warm rays and if she gets close enough the gentle spray of ocean water. although she is being watched she has no sence that she is. sintor uses a a bit of his manipulation skills to form the thought and the desire to take off her cloths and cool her warm body in the water and implants it into cassie. knowing that unless she had alot of experience in ignoring or detecting manipulations she would do as it said. the animal near the shore eagerly awaits the command to attack the beutiful red head although he knows she must see that there is no danger before getting full of herself and enjoying the water.

I hear the soft lapping sounds of water rolling upon a beach. Crashing through the trees an vines I continue towards the soft sounds. Branches snag me clothes a small tear from one of the brambles catching in me shirt as I proceed. Somehow I’ve lost me way. An then as if from a dream I step out of the forest edge, seeing the white sands an churning waves. I breathe easier, ‘ok, home is this way.’

The water looks so inviting, a chance to cool off. I shrug the nagging thought aside, thinking on the bath that I could be having in cool fresh water, familiar hands upon me smooth soft skin. Hands I like thar. I shake me head, minutes having gone by, me hands wondering over me untucked T-shirt. ‘how did it get this way?.... gotta get back. Piana practice awaits, …. Been neglecting it…’ Still me green eyes gaze upon the water, seeing it as if for the first time in me life…’one little splash won’t hurt’ standing on one long well toned leg I slip off me shoe an sock, gracefully balanced upon the white sand. Toes feel the wet sand squish tween them as I work the other shoe.

Feet hit the sand, the shoes still sitting on the beach, socks neatly tucked inside them as I race into the cool surf….jus long enough to get wet an cooled off fore getting on home I promise me self.
hmmmm.......stubborn.....yet futile ' sintor thinks into his own mind as he smiles. he watchs her untuck her shirt apparently about to do as he thought she would but apparently she was able to catch herself and saw her take off only her shoes and socks. 'i was hoping she woul take it all off since she would need something to wear after this was through....hmmm.....oh well' he thinks and as she goes in the timing she had was pretty bad as a large wave smashed down on her also depositing the camoflauged sea creature which its tendrils go around her legs in the form of sea weed snagging her just so her head is above water even from the waves. of course now that she was soaked her white shirt and the possible sports bra she has on are now translucent. as she floats their tangled in the 'sea weed' her cloths appear heavy but shes still able to keep her head above the water. through his manipulation he tells the creature to wait and keep the visual of a sea weed untill she sences something wrong.

he looks at her waiting her reaction from among the trees

One would say that the sea is unforgivin’ an all, an for the first time I be seeing it as true as the wave crashes o’er me head an the outgoing tide finds me floundering like a wet rat. I try to swim towards the shore, the ocean putting seaweed all about me, dragging at me arms an legs, the weight of me clothing hindering a lil….dumb thing to have not gotten rid of the shirt an shorts maybe….leaving me with just me underthings.

A few strokes…sea weed holding me forward progress back. I tread water a looking ‘bout an then I pray. “Lord, help yur servant…I…I trust in yah to deliver me back to the beach.” Peace seems to settle ‘bout me as I strive to push the fear of me situation back. Slowly I push down the seaweed, then try to float o’er the top….watching the waves, trying to figure the current…dumb…dumb… dumb. This ain’t no lil water hole like back home.
sintor had to try not to burst out laughing at her thoguhts he read and that little prayer she did. 'times up......have your fun' he tells the sea creature he had been manipulating and with sudden change the sea weed wraps around her wrists, spreading her legs and bringing her arms back behind her back to push out her breasts for better access. a single smaller then the rest tendril goes around her throat, it being gentle in not strangling her but hopefully she gets the idea that if she screams itll constrict. body accept for her head are still underwater and as shes held helpless 3 more tenticals start feeling around seeming careless and probably just curiouse at what she was.

Sumthing grabs me under the turbulent water. A passing fish?....oh lord sharks, the thought has no time to progress as slimy skin wraps about me ankle an pulls. Wrists soon follow as I find meself floatin’ on me back, head jus above the frothy waves as I bob up an down like. I struggle against the critter or thing that traps me in its foul grasp. A slimy thing slithers round me neck….and then others start a tapping an slithering on me skin like they is tasting me flesh an a testing me I reckon. I don’t take none to good to testing, no siree.

A wave crashes o’er me head an then air hits me face again as the tange of salt meets me nose an tongue. The scream rolls o’er the thundering surf as me lungs empty themselves into it, the scream piercing the sounds of the sea and sending the gulls that circle overhead to cry out themselves no doubt disturbed by it all.
the creature obliviouse to her screams found out that the shirt was able to be takin off.....or torn off which it saw to me much easier as it ripped the soaked shirt and then started touching her bare skin on her stomach and lower chest where her sports bra ended. the suction on the tenticals felt like thousands of kisses over her flesh as it poked here, there seeming to want to feel every part of her and were she reacted to what it touched. calming down the waves he made sure she didnt get that unfortunate experince again, although she may choose that then being felt up by a squid.

I struggle in the many tentacled grip, the slimy things a wrapped about me, the lil ole suction cups all keeping me skin puckered like a hard kiss from a lover. I gasp in air, the scream having done nothing but made the birds a circle o’er me a bit higher like.

With a sputter and hoarse voice, I begin me prayer, “Lord, what … why yah want me to be like Jonah an the whale… I didn’t run from that convent… I mean is that whar yah wanting me an all?” I tremble as the creature tears to the cloth about me, pieces drifting on the calming water like the lord a done heard me and answered. Still the creature continues as I get this sickening feeling in me gut from the way it be moving across me skin. Scared now that every inch of me is about to be explored like. Nightmares sift through me head of similar nature. “Lord how am I supposed to go an all….please… let me go back to shore.”
sintor amused by her prayer just sits there smiling as he watchs what goes on. back to the squid it seems to have no length in how it can stretch its tenticals for the ones that bind her hands and ankles go up keeping her bound but are exploring her shins, feet, elbow and lower arm, hands. the feet exploration is kind of ticklish and one of the tenticals not binding her finds a way past the sports bra easily tearing that as well, adding to the space in which they can explore. sintor sends out a mental note the squid to tell it to avoid that part of the chest for now, but it starts feelnig her sides another ticklish experience, and her back, as well as the one at her neck starts going down to feel around her collar and sensative parts of the neck. the only one that seem to have no job seems to touch her shorts with little nudges here and there seeing if it can come off or not.

Things continue to go bad as the critter continues to play with his food an all. How?... I wonder. Lord please. Amazed that I not be dragged under, like it knows I gotta have air.

Eyebrows arch as the lil pieces start to snap together an all. Suddenly me bra snaps from behind, falling off me held body, the straps surely ruined. The tentacles trailing down me sides, I fidget and then wiggle to get away from um, trying hard not to giggle as the ticklish tips poke at me ribs.

The sea remains calm as I float, me naked breasts pointing upwards from the water, tentacles slithering o’er me flesh as I lean me head forward watching in horror, laughing at the sensations thinking I must be insane perhaps…. Me shorts starting to slide downwards, the undies following jus a lil behind as something plays along the waist band….”Please lord, please save me…let me live” I laugh again, forced by the sensations into something that is not from mirth or joy. The birds continue to circle overhead as some demon like spawn seems intent on exploring me body fore eating me like them creatures from old.

Not good at all, …think on the good things cassie….yah ain’t drowning an all.
'hmmmm...what a sight...' sintor thought licking his lips as he watched what was going on before him. the squid having suceeded in finding that the shorts can come off sent the tentical to go down wiggling and slightly rubbing her pussy as it got in a better position to tear the shorts off her hips. but seeing/sencing it would be tougher, and may hurt the girl, it found brough another tentical down to wiggle past her ass and then expanding outward they tore the shorts leaving her under things on. at this point sintor made his eye part of the water so he could see her closer and she wouldnt notice. he lookes at her nearly nude body as the tenticals set back to work while the one recently nudging her shorts feels her inner thighs and the part of her ass that isnt covered by the underthings. additionally the tentical at the collar went down to go about the top not touching her brest yet but very very close and down her cleavage as the other one at her stomach goes up at the lower swell still not touching her breasts as the other one on her back keep moving about feeling like a gentle massage with a barrage of little kisses.
Can’t be, I keep thinking to me self, knowing the answer is false, that in that back of me mind it can be….No critter of the wild would be a taking the clothes off pray it was going to eat an all, no critter would be keeping its pray from moving like this. Its all tooo contrived…”Who’s thar, whos are you” I call, fear crotched in me voice, scared of what this may turn into.
she just seems to be talking to herself as nothing replies back to her. and at the moment her voice stops her breasts are enveloped in the teticals. her breasts feel like there being kisses and sucked on gently by thousands of lovers, as well as her breasts start getting squeezed gently in a kind of milking rythm. the last shred of clothing is torn away as a tentical rips her panties and places the suction side of the tentical on her bald pussy making it seem as if her pussy was being kissed and sucked on while the one at her ass does the same putting the suction side at her puckering anus making it feel kissed and sucked apon.

any pleasure she feels becomes almost 5 times stronger from the drug she inhaled bacak in the forest.
Me fear tenses everyone of me muscles as them tentacles go to areas they a shouldn’t be any where ‘bout. Me body shudders to the touch, so many at once. I cry out, “AHHHH, NNOOOO”, not right to be one with a beast, not right at all as me flesh quivers in its unholy grip…. “lord, please let it spit me out like you had Jonah spit out….” A demon must control this thing, intelligence directing it to do this to me….nooooo I think as I feel me chest tighten, the end of each breast puckering a lil, responding in ways it shouldn’t be.
seeing the slight effects its having so far sintor keeps watching as the tenticals at her pussy and
ass mve up and down slightly keeping the sensation of light sucking and kisses on her sensative
spots while at her chest they squeeze her breasts a bit more still in a milking rythme but also
going a bit more going to her awakening nipples as the one on her left breast puts a part of the
tentical over her nipple sucking at it trying to draw it erect. after a few moments the one on her
right does the same while the sensations shes feeling are upped 5 times the normal that she would
feel. one lucky sucker found its way past her lips a bit and brushed over her hooded clit rubbing it
slightly and then leaving not realizing that was another part that was mostly sensative.

I clench me teeth fear…then anger coursing through me veins. Anger at being here, bobbing naked in the water as some sea monster from long dead tales plays with me like a piece of meat. I want to curse it, and curse me own lack of luck. I want the coarse the body that feels every lil touch, every lil poke in ways that haunt me good sense and cause me insides to heave in ways they shouldn’t.

I gasp, the sound of rushing air past me lips and teeth as the creature touches me sacred center. Gasp an turn red as heat flushes me face for a moment. I shake me head a tangle of dark red hair swirling in the sea beneath me head. Arms an legs hang down an apart in the water, secured by the swirl of muscle an skin of this godforsaken creature. Me head an chest pierce the water, but no longer am I free of the grey tentacles thar. No, the slither over me chest, trying to do things to me I don’t want to feel….succeeding ‘gainst me will as a fire begins to build inside me … feeling it an not liking the fact one bit. Another test of me lord? I don’t know, not sure if the old way I’d been taught or the new way of Violet an the Priest was what I should be a thinking on. No,no, no I murmur while me body says an reacts in ways that tell it as a lie.
the rubbing becoming more vigerouse the teinticals on her breasts working to give her pleasure as the on as her ass probes the entrance seeing if it can fit or it will mabey have to force its way up. the one at her pussy rubbing up and down her pussy pushing up agaisnt it able to spread the lips and find her clit rubbing that as well the touch everywere is 5 times what she would normally feel so even a slight brush of her clit would be extremly hard to hold the pleasure at bay, plus the other minitrations would make it even more difficult.

sintor watchs smiling to himself seeing how stubborn she is yet how good she will be when he breaks her.

Me pride of saying no is all I have left, even that deserting me as a moan goes cross me lips at the way this vile thing touches me. It reminds me of other nightmares, an I shudder as much form dread as pleasure. “why lord, why” I cry out as me body begins to succumb to the feelings on me own wonton needs.

Fingers curl an clench ‘gainst me palms…no longer do I struggle to free me self from this sin, but instead I find me self wanting to help. I cringe inside as the heat flares an me legs try to move outwards of there own, me hips struggling to gyrate ‘gainst the thrust of the tentacle running tween me legs an all. I gasp as one begins to probe me tight an sensitive rear. I throw back me head in a desperate maneuver to bring back some sanity, the salt water running cross me face, mouth filled with its tang….wondering if I should try an drown meself to forego me fate.

'hmmmm...finally....a responce' sintor smiles to himself watching as her bodies need becomes the master. the squid cannot sence her thought but sees she rather enjoys the attentions at her pussy and ass. it genly pushs the tentical up into her ass making a slow rythm of going in almost all the way then back in a bit deeper then before. it of course knows her limits so it keeps the tentical in a comfertible depth while the one at her pussy goes faster its tip curling down and rubbing just as fast against her clit not yet penetrating her cunt but sencing that she wants it to.
Struggling gainst me bodies wishes I roll me head under the water, a burst of bubbles leaving me mouth as me behind is pushed ‘gainst an then pushed into. I come up for air, the desire to live stronger…even as the creature plays with me and I fell me insides tremble. A soft groan escapes past me salt covered lips for I clamp me moth closed.

I close me eyes, the sensations getting stronger. I reckon me insides are as wet as me outsides an I shudder ‘gain. Hands open an close in rhythm to the stroke. “please let me….goooo” an almost inaudible whisper… sanity slipping as the heat builds hotter, an I feel me blood churn in me veins.
of course the squid either didnt hear her or ignores her keeping to his task, the thrusting getting slightly faster in random time amounts letting her adjust. the ones at her breasts keep squeezing and sucking them along with her nipples while the one at her pussy dips in slightly testing and waits for a reaction as the tipd (inch long) goes into her
I buck, the thing touching me in the place it shouldn’t in no ways…I work me head, building the damn higher to contain the rising feeling in side of me. My body struggles to get more, to be satisfied of its hunger while me mind works to push it away, to not feel the raging storm inside. It’s a new trick….to deny oneself what the body craves…to see if I can win/… win this race against desire. There is always a chance the creature will grow weary and let me go.

Each stroke, each touch sends another wave against me. I bite back the moans, the desires even as me body moves to heighten the sensations…moves in ways that sicken me…enjoying this touch, this beasts designs upon me. I want to cry out for it to take me…to not have it play so slowly, yet I remain in control, pushing my limits to keep me self from becoming a mass a quivering flesh.
the squid keeps playing with her and suddenly sends the tentical at her pussy all the way in touching her womb but so far just wiggling and squirming within her tight tunnel. the one in her ass going faster still kindof rubbing at the dormate one in her pussy but so far the one in her pussy does not move in and out rather jsut wiggles
It pushes into me an I feel me insides quiver once. Moving about the tentacle slides passed me tight opening, every bump, every ridge I feel ‘gainst the slick opening. Biting me lip I take control back with pain. It wiggles inside me like a living critter, the other pushing ‘gainst it through the thin membrane ah me insides…I can feel them, hot an round, exploring me like none other.

Thankfully It don’t move in an out…just remains like that, wiggling. My breathe hisses past me lips…me mind a thinking that if it’ll jus remain still…jus get bored an leave I can keep from a losing me head. I small smirk crosses me face. The dam in me head as high as I can build it, the water lapping at the edges. I’ve won…..
it didnt have to move as the suction cups on the tentical went to suck and 'kiss' her insides gently giving a strange new sensation which was probably beyond all others as the inside of her honey pot was sucks and kissed while the one in her ass did the same yet the one in her ass kept moving kept thrusting into her. the tentical kept on wiggling in her cunt as it hit the sensative g-spot and one suction seemd to stay there rubbing and sucking on it no doupt giving her waves of pleasure.
I was safe…or at least thought so till it wiggled an kissed me. Not like a man or woman kisses you, cause they can’t do this. Suddenly me world went outside in, that damn critter may his lil soul if he gots one rot in hell for an eternity. Right then and there had a moment ot think on it, an then the dam shattered…as much from that critter in them inside me kisses as to me own denial I think. “OOHHHHAAARRGGGHH humf humf OOHHHHHHHnoo FFFGGGD LLCCCKKTT” I screamed in a hush an closed me eyes against it all. Sensations like I’d not felt for a while crashed o’er me and sent me insides to tumbling goo. I felt the thing inside as I squeezed round it, so tight, so full inside me…oh lord .. the sensations rumbled ‘gain as it did its evil deeds

Me legs an arms no longer even tried to fight, I wuz one with the creature, a ball of heat an wetness…I wanted it, wanted it like I’d been with Suriel. I could hear music of a sudden like a chorus of angles. …waves and gulls an the sea adding to the orchestra in me head…gasping for air as I spiraled downwards, body going limp upon a waterbed of pure delight.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:25 pm
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Post Path 2
carefull to keep her head above water the squid is pleased it got her to cum but although it wishs it could play with her some more it light presses a certain part of her neck making her fall into a blissfull darkness as it sends her back to shore although thrusting in a few time just to keep the sensation there. the only cloths left are her shoes and socks. the sun dries her but it seems as if time hasnt moved from the start. infact it may have seemed like hours was really just days. the only path she finds leads back into the forest and back to the 6 remaining paths.
The insect buzzes about me head disturbing the tranquility of the day. Warmth heats me skin while the cool breeze flutters across me body…I doze half awake in the sensations feeling the sensations of wind and sun across the length and breath of me, soft sand under me back. I feel alive, like Suriel an I have been making love. I bring up me knee sliding me foot along me leg, happy of a sorts. A chuckle of joy, me chest bouncing happily unhindered by

“what” I open me eyes round an full, looking about me naked body, sitting up in a hurry, holding me arms across me breasts the me legs closed tightly. I’m alone on a small beach, cliffs rise on each side of me…a path behind with me footprints a coming form that way. I note me shoes an soaks, but not another thing. I went in the water, ah must have, noting the way me hair is wet and smelling of sea an salt. “ok, who took me stuff….this ain’t funny”

I still look about but nothing moves but the seagulls overhead. Thar is wetness tween me legs, the scent of me own sex upon me skin…I couldn’t have…not like me…no did I go skinny dipping an then do the deed to meself? Oh lord, Please, let it not be a sin…cause I don’t think it is an all. I carefully go to me shoes an taking the laces off I tie them round the socks, making a kinda bottom for me an all. I tie the whole thing round me waist, the socks running cross me bare mound and tween me legs. While the knot that hold um together be uncomfortable it while I walk at least it works…An then clutching one arm across me amble chest I pick up the shoes an slip um on me feet. Watching the foot prints in the sand I go back, angry at the joke an all, but at least I ain’t totally naked.
as she goes back into the forest she is again presented with a number of paths but now there are only 6 and the beach path seems to have dissapeared. which one she goes in depends on her own free will

I struggle up the path the socks not cooperating in the least…silently I pry I won’t met nobody or nothing on this quite trail. I spy one of them plants with the big wide leaves…the socks coming loose an just a dangling like. I step from the well worn path to get me a few spending time to thread them shoe laces through an all. Looking to the sky I note the sun is still overhead, like it ain’t moved a bit….could this all be a dream?

Thar like deja vu is a clearing…vaguely familiar an all. I had thought the ocean would get me home, but well, take the right one I think….closest to the ocean an all…maybe it goes back to the campus. I don’t like the feeling none, this feeling of being watched, the heavy fog…the feeling I been having sex but can’t member any of it. but most of all the feeling of being without me clothes, of being naked under a skirt of leaves an no top…I need some more string, but I got no idea how to make sum…maybe weave some grass?

Each step brings me further down the path as the big leaves sway the wiggle of me hips an gently move about me legs. Lord knows I’m probably flashing the world at times.

Trudging down the path still holding me self carefully I continue towards the dorms… well at least what I hope is the way an all. Something brown an small like scampers cross the path, running towards me an I jump, the jitters a getting to me in this strange place an all. Bouncing, me pulse racing as the squirrel goes by a running for his life like. An then the sound…whatever been a chasing the thing is up ahead, a brown mass hidden in the shadow of the tree. Me uncle always said that with any beast you gotta go still, show um who’s boss without being menacing like. So I go quite an still, me heart beating rapidly in me chest.

“its ok, I ain’t here to hurt yah…why don’t we jus go our own ways an leave each other alone.” I get it out in a breath an then gasp a few times…waiting, waiting to see if it’ll go back into the forest an leave me alone.
as she spoke the thing came out into a less shadowy part of the stree showing that it was a big black wolf which seemed to be grinning at she saw two grey wolves came up from the bushs and unkown to her 3 more wolves had covered the way behind her. they all stayed in the shadows not coming into the day light they seem to just stare at her for a few moments then what would be utter shock to cassie is the apparently lead wolf started to talk '....ahh.....i know you wont be able to hurt us.....but....i think since your outnumbered we can give you a handicap......since we arnt real wolves....i think you may find out true appearences....most frightening' it says as all of them act as one and go into the day light. on a few fur and skin seem to evaporate off of them leaving only the skeltal structure and what seems to be the only thing of flesh is a 9 inch long 4 inch wide phallus stuck inbetween there legs being cradled by there rib cages, as others seem to just loose part of there skin and furn seeming to look as if they are decomposing but they also have the same length phallus as the skelton ones. the lead dog however when he stepped into the light the fur on his back become a dark purple flame so dark only the edges lookied purple the end if his tail also the same colour flame as his red teeth grow even sharper his eyes glowing yellow, his phallus not yet viewable but it is larger and he smiles and giving a warnining if she though of running 'run and well only rape you cant get past us.....dark hounds are known for there speed as well as power' with that he sends a paw down onto the tree destroying most of the bark and nealy slicing it with his claws.
'of course if you had your may have helped' he taunted

For once I’d like to have me dreams be sumthing pleasant. Wrinkling me nose at the stench of thar sulfuric rotting flesh I quickly look about. The hounds of hell I’d not read about, but this, they had to be. I had thought to climb a tree ta get away an all, but that option be gone when I saw what he did to that there tree. I had to ask me self what was me purpose here…to show them I would not leave the flock no matter what they did to me.

I sank to me knees then, an holding me hands towards heaven I prayed to me lord in heaven. Prayed with all me heart an soul for his guidance, an his will. A weight settle between me softly swaying breasts, settles thar like an old friend. I’ve never understood how or why, but then it’s a dream an dreams don’t always have to have a how an why. Naked but for a skirt of leaves on me socks on shoes I await me fate. Perhaps best is the gold that stands atop me naked chest….the armor of me god, a testament to me faith.

Opening me eyes I look at the one that spoke, fear gone from me soul. “Many times fore creatures of darkness have tried to rob me of me faith. But it always comes back….it can not be locked away in some foul place, it cannot be taken for it comes back.” I hold the crucifix before me, thrice blessed by me sister superior, “be gone you foul denizens of hell, for today you have tasted the power of faith.”
the hell hounds look at the crucifex for one second...and all of them begin to laugh....there different sounds of laughter chill her to the bone as the leader steps closer. 'my....the gods must really look after afraid....that little toy of yours wont effect us.....yes a burn it might cause after a while....but other then that...its useless' the leader smiles as licks his teeth ' does look deliciouse might hurt as i eat it but it must taste very good' one of the bone dogs seeming to not be able to talk but talk it does, its voice a eerie sound as the wind goes through its voice box 'brother.....dont take risks.....she will lose it'

at the end of its words the chain the holds the crucifex dissolves instently clattering to the ground easily reachable if she bent down on her knees but the wind picks up strong enough to toss it so she would have to remain standing as she bent to pick it up, giving the hounds behind her a good look of her shaven cunt and puckering ass. as she bent down to grab it soundlessly one of the dogs leaps and lands on her back. in the position she is in she would lose all balance and land on the ground her breasts into the grassy dirt as well as her head on its side in the dirt as the thing reamined on her back, making sure during the landing her knees came up under her stomach in a way that would keep her ass in mid air. keeping the force on her shoulder, along with claws that threatened to go into her back if she dared move, the hound on her back was a decaying one as it sent its big cock to the hilt in her pussy and started to doggy style fuck her slowly so she could feel his large girth inside her while another comes up and started licking her puckering ass.

I reach for me crucifix, the sign of me faith fingers tips straining as me face an chest are ground into the black volcanic dirt of the island. My scream pierces the air but this time thar are no birds to take wing as the ugly dead dogs do to me what not even a human should do. The Nauseating stench of death pervades me nostrils an the bile rises up in me throat. The thing worms his way against me an the breaks through me tightly barred barrier of muscle. I scream in pain is he pierces me death and decal all about me.

I heave as me stomach loses its contents across the ground beside me face. Tears stream down me eyes an for a moment I have to wonder why god has allowed this to occur…why do I have to have these nightmares…so real…so real….
the puke seemed to dissapear just as soon as she had spewd it out and the leader roared with laughter as he saw the girl reaching for the crucifex. meanwhile the scream did nothing to the dog who eagerly plunged in and out of her tight passage seeming to not care if she experienced pleasure or pain it itslef was feeling pleasure but he senced that her tightness was from wanting him out and that only made him plunge in faster. hell hounds take longer to cumm then humans so it was no surprise that even with the tightness the dog was still only 2/5 away from cumming and wouldnt stop untill it did.
The thrusts force me body forward, an I let it go, every inch gained is a might bit closer to the crucifix. I strain, my body wiggling foreward on the hard dirt path, scrapping me elbows an chest upon the sharp rocks…the dog to me back doing unspeakable things that bring tears to me eyes…”Lord, please, why….why me….”. I reach, mere fraction of an inch, my body against the ground as I close me legs an make it even harder for the beasts ravishing of me tender insides.
her attempts to halt its movement fail as he does relent and he seems to just keep pounding into her while the leader sees shes close to getting her crucifex but it really wouldnt do anything to them even if she had it, he decided to play with her and smashed a big black foot on the crucifex making it unreachable. some smoke comes up but the dog stays there untill it is his turn or untill he decides to throw it away. after what seemed like an eternity but was really just 6 minutes the dog spurted it seed all over her back. the cum seemed to stick to her seeming like an erotic drug which sped through her system lighting nerves as well as the need for more. of course with caution the first dog got off but as soon as he was off she felt another wieght on her...a bit less heavy but this time she felt tiny points in her back seeming if she pushed up she would get 6 puncture wounds on each side. the bone dog hesitated for one second before plunging straight into her gaping hole going the speed of the first hell hound.
Fingers close on the dirt of the path, the crucifix beneath the black paws an bony legs. Even the curling black smoke does lil to alleviate me hurt pride as the creature on me back plunges into me in an unspeakable way. I wanna curl in a ball, an hide in me mothers lap away from this suffering wondering why I can’t change me dreams to sumthing pleasant, sum thing good….I try to, but the dirt beneath me, the smell of it an sulfur rocks me senses. Though even more so is the creature on me back, his thrusting, feeling him expand of a sudden with in me, knowing in me shame what this means and able to do nothing for it.

It hits me, the thick gooey mass across me back an buttocks. Like I don’t even deserve the decency of his seed within me….I cry out in shame, a long mournful cry. Then the next one lines up over me his dark shadow upon the ground to me front. I feel me skin where the seed touches it start to go warm, a sensation that makes me dizzy as it builds. Spears jab me back…an I lay thar, as still as I can not wanting to die even now….

The creature takes me, but this time…this time to me shame a sensation begins to take root deep inside, a building heat. “nooo nooo….stopppp…” I shake in fear, not fear for these creatures, but fear for what I am beginning to smell.
her arousal was smellable for the hell hounds acute and they all smiled curely at her as the one pistoning into her hole kept on going, but sometimes slowing down to let her fully feel the girth thats inside her. her breasts were against the dirt which was smushing them into her chest untill she was brought up to a standing position, the bone dog in front of her and now a new decay dog behind her, the whol repositioning took a second and anothier milisecond before her ass was penetrated by the decay one and started pumping into her. her breasts now were being brushed agaisnt bone which felt rather smooth and felt strangley good as if they were carassing them between thrusts. meanwhile the remaining two underlings and the leader stood back for a while before the 3rd decay dog went up and wrapped her clit in a very long tongue which vibrated sending sheer pleasure into her.
Is life so cruel…me body abused by these creatures, the crucifix torn away from me fingers, everything in this dream gone but me poor aching body. Me foot slips from one of me shoes the skirt of leaves flopping in the dust and offering no protection ‘gainst the horrid creatures that seem assembled for their pleasure. A pleasure taken from me…

Suddenly I am free of them…nuzzling me, changing my position with dry hard noses. I obey, scared of the wicked teeth, fearing for my life as these creatures have me stand like. I think to me Ma and Pa, wondering if they have nightmares like mine…wishing I’d stayed behind in their warm safe house an all.

An then it begins again. The hard tip a flesh gainst me bum…wiggling to enter. I cry out to turn, to get away an another of them bony dogs stands before me like a man would, his bony paws hot ‘gainst me shoulder in a way that the dead should not be. Putrid sulfer assaults me nose as his breath blows past me face. Squirming in thar grasp me bottom is used, the thick muscle pushing me lil ole hole aside and pushing in….I scream ‘gain, “ahhhgrrrrggggghhhh…no….why…why me?” I have to ask….for they are cruel beyond belief not content to jus take me an wonder off…no they take me an caress me…an make me feel….”nnooooooooo” I pivot as much as I can as the rough tongue flicks its end ‘gainst me middle, finding the morsal it seeks an sending fire into me…….
the vibrating tongue that has fully enveloped her clit starts also rubbing and squeezing it. her pussy and ass are both used as the hounds keep going and going. soon the 2nd bone one pulls ot and cumms onto her stomach, breasts, and inner thighs making them tingle in lust. the last of the bone comes up and gets into the same position to fuck her pussy gonig slow at first then faster as the two dogs keep fucking her ass and cunt. meanwhile the leader just watchs knowing that she'll be willing....even begging to let him fuck her.
White sticky stuff falls about me an clings to me skin. For a moment I can only object, me mouth forming words with no sound….a tingling warm sensation like them oils you can get to rub on yur skin like. I gasp at the mess I be, at the way this is wrong an I gotta clean me self now. Yet, me insides shutter in the warmth. This time it goes deeper….but I have no time.. not time to catch me breath as two more join in on their depraved fun.

This time thar is no welcome of pain to keep me thoughts from a straying to what they are an what they do…this time I feel um different like…like they fit me an lift me. Inwordly I can feel me mind recoil at the sensation me body presents to it….I keep me hands lifeless at me sides, not wanting to touch these mangy hell spawn. Not wanting the sensations that they are giving me…fighting it….feeling sanity slip for a moment as I think about casting me self down to enjoy it all.

“noooooo” I murmer, slowly turning me head to look at the one with eyes of fire an patience…”why…why…” me voice low an husky…a mere whisper on the wind. Our eyes lock an I see the desire in his…the fire that threatens to want to consume me, for a minute I get lost on those eyes, an see an image of me self lost in lust an desire. ”NOOOOO” my voice loud against the backdrop of the rustling of leaves, drowning out the sounds of the forest an the smacking of me flesh ‘gainst these hideous creatures. “noooooo, I cannnnooottt” but it is a whisper now, a whisper that cannot dispel the truth of what I feel….
the leader smiles at her whispers and the other things she says as the decay dog fucking her ass thrusts in one last time sending in a pleasently warm feeling as he shoots his cumm up her ass, making that tingle and more sensative to the next ravishing (pleasure wise). her ass was only barely empty, not counting the cumm, before the last decay dog gets in and starts pumping in slow then going faster till its matching the speed of the other one. unfortunatly that makes it so her clit is now unattened but her more sensative ass makes up for that. inside her ass the cumm only gets rubbed into her inner surfaces so it cannot be expelled nor does it rubb off onto the decays dick. the more it rubbs the more sensative it becomes. the same will happen for her mouth or pussy if either of those gets filled with the cumm.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:26 pm
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Still they take me, the sensations….how? … why? I feel um, deep within me, a pleasant tingling, a warming of me insides like I welcome these things. I don’t wanna believe it, believe that the demons as vile as these can do this to me. Is not the body a scared vessel blessed of god. An yet these vile creatures can use that vessel an make it…noooooooo

I look down as see my breasts, the full nipples begging to be played with like I was in bed with someone I love an doing these things….Bodies that lack flesh, lack warmth an smell of the most awful ways are a making me feel things that I shouldn’t. I bring me hands to me breasts, to hide the way of them so the creatures won’t now what they is doing to me. Covering me mounds I push the nipples back….”hmmm”

Closing me eyes I begin to silently pray, ‘lord, please show your humble servant the way” I grasp me breast tighter, the feeling remarkable in its pleasure, me fingers massage the mounds “I feel lost an ‘fraid of what is happening….”. Fingers slide round the hard nub, pinching it tween um as I rub. ‘demons be a at me doorstep…please let Suriel come rescue me, please for I’ I feel warmth inside me…a shudder an the tears start even as the hands play o’er me flesh, building the excitement. For a moment I open me watery eyes, an stare at the largest of um…the leader. Is he saving me for last so his minions warm me up good an all….A sudden image of me on me knees before him, offering me rear as I bend o’er an beg him to enter…..

“noooooo, I ain’t gonna beg you…..” but the feelings are stronger, me hands no longer simply covering me nakedness but instead responding to the desire that sits within me….desire I have put of for too long.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:40 pm
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the leader smiles 'you say one thing yet you do another, but its good to see you giving into the pleasure, makes it more enjoyable' the two other keep their pace, yet somehow they havnt came yet, the other would have finished by now yet they keep fucknig her, and fucknig her. if she were able to process good solid thoughts she'd know they either wanted her to cum, or to beg them to cumm inside her.

Mon Apr 30, 2007 7:56 pm
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For the love of me god I do not want this….I don’t want to feel the warmth the desire that sets fire to me insides and drives me to accept what they do. Electricity seems to crackles cross me nerves an sets me hips to rotate ‘gainst the creatures that move inside me holes.

I press me breasts more so than before, massaging them like the creature wants me too. … Displaying me needs an lusts an a hating me self for it. For a moment, I think I might go crazy, me mind teetering on the edge. An then a small tremor hits, the moan torn loose from me lips as I feel the intense release of pleasure from tween me legs an grow wobbly, me legs buckling under the strain, toppling forwards into the creature to me front, not knowing if I will stay upright, no longer caring if I do no how

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Tue May 01, 2007 9:52 am
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she did stay upright and oddly the bone dog still fucking her pussy seemed to feel oddly comferting as she leaned agaisnt it as they ravaged her holes even as she had her orgasm. the orgasm instead of making so she lost all the arousal she had, hightened it making her even more sensative. oddly she did not feel tired, except for the weak feeling of her orgasm, but she did not feel the need to rest,or the need to catch her breath. they kept fucking her which still seemed like they were taking forever....but they were waiting for her first beg to unleash their lust cum into her.

Tue May 01, 2007 7:12 pm
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All about me the dogs watched as the two continued to push an pull within me. Already me skin felt warm, the body flushing in pleasure as the creatures continued thar assault. Muscles move with them, finding the rhythm of the pumping, feeling it as the thick hard shafts pass one another in me tight confines. Slowly the smile creeps across me face, a smile suppressed till now. Amazement at how these two creatures can last like they do…I gasp an turning to the one that seems to lead them…”I do hope you have picked them to be better n better….it might mean I can find enjoyment with you, an maybe you’ll last long enough for me….” Baiting him as his minions relentlessly shaft in an out, the old girl gone, the wild one now out of its cage I’ve made in me mind for her.

Take them I will, the water that threatens to drown me in pleasure already building ‘gain, only this time higher an faster than ‘fore.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed May 02, 2007 7:15 am
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the leader just smiled but doesnt respond as the two keep fucknig her. and now instead of just regular thrusts they twist sometimes, they make random rythms, and anything else to send new pleasurable sensations to them but also making it so that no part has not been touched. the leaders eyes glow a dark red and his smile widens as the two dicks stretch and become even longer then before...and wider. not only that bumps and ridges and other things to enhance pleasre were also there. the two cocks now kept up there pace and rythms always doing some new while hitting more pleasurable nerves and a few times a few ridges and bumps hit her g-spot and rubbed agaisnt it. if she cared to look at the bone one infront of her its face changed so its lower jaw was split in two so 3 tongues could come out and start vibrating,squeezing, and rubbing her nipples and clit.

Wed May 02, 2007 7:03 pm
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For a moment of lucidity I ask me lord how I wuz e’er supposed to last ….an then I ma nothing but a sponge, absorbing the pleasure the sensations. Soaking them up as I whimper, moan, an gasp. I close me eyes to not have to remember the horror of the creatures…instead they are pleasure. Me insides feel the expanding length an girth, I grip the one to me front like I been taught, knowing he is close cause me lover has the same thing happen jus fore he spurts his seed…still the creature continues to pound himself within me like none other I can member beign with….which is jus one….no ….”ummmm, yesssss” I feel the wave….

“AARGGHHGHHH AHHMMMMM” I dance within thar embraces, wetness across me nub, breasts an nipples played with…all tooooo much “UMMMpphh” another gasp, “AooooPHHH” an still the sounds flow o’er me lips. O’er an o’er me insides tremble, wave after wave….this one stronger than the last….I clutch at the furry n scraggly head to me front, hold onto it to stay upright. Bringing a leg up to clasp it closer as the vibrations start to subside, yet the creatures still thrust into me. “yessssss”

I care not any longer how long it will go, jus so it don’t end….a gasp, fighting for the air I needs to continue….”don’t stop………”

‘you are lost’, the small part of me mind tells me fore it retreats an hides deep down like.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Wed May 02, 2007 8:00 pm
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they keep pounding into her and keep their tongues were they were doing the same deeds. yet the leader smiles and says 'if you want them to cumm, beg them.....simple' he smirks and keeps looking at her as she moans dances and writhers with each thrust and lick

((nuts...wrong account...oh well))

Thu May 03, 2007 12:23 am
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A wicked grin slowly curls me lips an brings heat to me much like the thrusting demon dogs do to me while they long for release. Beg….oh no….no need. For a moment, I revile in me pleasure, absorbed as the heat builds once ‘gain. Pleasure will be mine for as long as I don’t beg….silly creature, an then the thought goes as I become one with me tormentors, enjoying even inch of um, letting um play, moaning and wiggling… arms round the neck of the one before me.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu May 03, 2007 5:58 am
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the leader gives a cruel grin and then says 'well...if you wont beg them to cum in you....then i guess theres no other choice' as the words stop the dogd keep fucknig her but then she feels them tighten and soon both holes are overflowing with lust cum making her insides tingle and then they to dissapear...leaving only the leader and the slut redhead. 'hmmm now......if i remeber that grin said you wouldnt beg......but unless you want to keep feeling that well as release....youre gonig to have to beg for my cock. as she looks she can see that the leaders cock was thicker and even longer then the other 2. as she lays in the pool of lust cumm he walks up but has his cock away from her but in sight...teasing her.

Thu May 03, 2007 7:09 pm
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They release their seed within me…gasping with each pulse…. Feeling um explode an then gone. No longer do they thrust an fill me. Left gasping upon the dirt path, falling to hands an knees as the support they provided evaporates into thin air, I whimper with me need. So close an now there is nothing, me pride, an scheming all for naught. I had the perfect experience in me grasp an now it wuz gone.

With big green eyes I looked at him, that last dog of lust as he wiggled, well two could play the game. I turned round, showing off the roundness of me rump, the puffy pink lips, ready an waiting. My heart beat faster, desire pushing me to my limits as I looked over me shoulder an met the cruel eyes of my tormentor. From under me eyelashes I glanced at him, running me tongue o’er me lips. Finally, me display complete I added the words in a sultry voice tinged with lust an desire. “So how would the big bad wolf like his lil red riding hood?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Thu May 03, 2007 7:48 pm
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seeing her think she could turn the table and make him fuck her like any man would have done....he just stands there and seems to think a long time which makes it seem like an eternity of needing to be fucked, yet finally he smiles and says: "so willing are you yet....theirs to many things to decide on mabey if you told me what you wanted me to do it'll be easyer"

Fri May 04, 2007 7:09 pm
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Lust an desire drive me…How, how have I fallen to this, an yet as dirty an wrong as it may be it feels sooooo gooooood. I need him, an know I must resist … must. Me hand snaking down me belly to me exposed center, sliding me fingers along the pink mound till me middle one slides into the round wet hole, stretched by the dogs that have gone before. The sounds of its entry, the pushing of wet seed that slides outwards and down me thigh.

I take it out, an make sure the creature can watch me suggestively lick each finger off, sliding it in past me full lips that curl in an a big oh, cheeks dimpled as I suck upon the finger, slowly pulling it free. Me lips and throat tingle as the seen slides downwards with each swallow….hmmmmm,

Voice, husky, needful “I bow to yur needs, whatever you want” wiggling me bottom as it stands in the humid air, hand moving back into position to open me self to him, “I will pleasure you” The words tumble out, wanting….an some where that other part of me tries to rebel, tries to make me sick an throw up….but desire runs too strong, the finger sinking into the moist hole. If he doesn’t want me then I can torment him ….. an please me self.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri May 04, 2007 11:16 pm
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