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 First Impressions Are The Most Important 
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
(Sorry I have been so quiet guys. I was at work most of the day.)

Nell followed the other girls to the living room. She felt maybe she'd started out on the wrong foot with Sondra but she really didn't know what else she could have done. Shokushu had turned out to be such a different such of place than what she'd expected. Vanessa seemed to be trying to bridge the gap over their awkward beginning. She joined in the introductions as soon as the other girl had finished, determined to start off better with Kim. "I'm from the U.S. too. Vermont to be exact. My family is mostly of German heritage though we've lived in America from several generations now so..." She shrugged and sat down next to Vanessa on the sofa. "This is my first time at a 'traditional' school, if you can call Shokushu that. I was home tutored prior to coming here."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:37 am

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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
(cool with me)


Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:44 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((I'm cool with it, too. ^.~*))

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:51 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((I'm fine with it too, might have night show up soon too))


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:57 am
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 8:37 pm
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Location: Currently in her new home, located deep within the Shokushu Forest
Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((O.k., here it goes...Won't be long now...))

Earlier that morning...

Miles away from the student dorms, on a far-off remote section of Shokushu Island, was a deep, dark mult-chambered cavern located several feet below the edge of the jagged cliff and hidden by a waterfall that obstructed the cave's entrance from view. It was the perfect location for someone who might be taking great pains to make sure that their secret operations remained a secret, and with a few...safeguards put in place, not even the most powerful and persistent being could locate it without serious effort.

At the heart of the labyrinthine maze that was the Unnamed Cavern was a massive archway made of stone and carved with strange runes that appeared to be magical in nature. The runes suddenly began to glow, and a blinding, multi-hued light flashed in the interior of the archway and filled the immediate area with a dizzy array of colors as a powerful vortex began to form in the center...

And out of the brightly illuminated archway a searing incandescent ball of fire about eight and a half feet in diameter soared across and out through the central chamber. Seconds later the glowing light blinked out of existence, leaving only the burning orb to illuminate the otherwise light-less cavern. Gradually the ball began to shrink and lose its roundness, and by the time it reached the entrance it began to take on a whole different shape altogether...

Then an arcane phrase was spoken in a voice that sounded like the hiss of a large serpent, and a glowing doorway opened up in mid-air, which abruptly vanished as the flaming, human-shaped missile flew into it...

A second doorway opened up in another remote location of the island, and the flames eventually died out as it exited the rapidly diminishing portal. The demonic figure that finally revealed itself stretched out its leathery, bat-like wings as it soared like a rocket towards the bright morning sky...

And thus was the triumphant, if perhaps somewhat over-dramatic, return of the Jezebel the Lascivious...

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:03 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
At the same time as Jezebel was making her return from her two-year exile, Katrina Young was busy in the library catching up on all the schoolwork that she had missed during her own two-year absence. The large oak table where she sat was cluttered with stacks of textbooks and reference material that had been printed off one of the school computers or borrowed from the myriad of bookshelves lining the walls of the campus' massive library.

"Such a beautiful day outside," Kat said to herself as she paused briefly to stare out the window, "I wish I didn't have to waste it spending time here with all these assignments." Kat wasn't exactly prepared for the outdoors at the moment in any case, dressed as she was in an over-sized blue sweatshirt and baggy jeans. With a sigh of resignation, the industrious young student went back to work catching up on her classes...

The day rolled along rather uneventfully. The library wasn't too busy today, as most of the other students were either lazing about in their dorm rooms or were engaged in various outdoor activities. As for Kat, she didn't have the luxury of either. Instead she was stuck in the nearly empty library, working her little fingers to the bone to make up for two years of lost time...

"That's it, I can't do any more." Kat shut her notebook and put her things away, replacing the books back on their shelves before shuffling out the door, ready for a little r&r...

Fifteen minutes later, the elevator opened up on the third floor of the Student Dormitory, and a very tired and very hungry Katrina walked out and headed straight for her dorm room. The wonderful aroma hit Kat the moment she walked the door. "Smells so good in here. I guess I got back from the library just in time." Then she noticed the three girls on the couch, one who she recognized, and two she hadn't met before.

Kat nervously approached the group, not quite sure what to say to them but knowing she had to say something. The purple-haired girl sitting on the couch with Kim and the other stranger stood out amongst the rest and timid little Kat couldn't help but look at her with more than a little trepidation. The woman was huge, practically a giant compared to the diminutive figure who stood before the trio.

"Um...H-hi, Kimmy..." Kat stammered in her tiny, child-like voice, a halfhearted smile on her face as she spoke, "It's good to see you again. Wh-who are your friends?" It was weak, she knew, but somehow she couldn't think of anything else to say. Kat tried not to stare at the taller woman as she addressed the one person out of the small group, but her eyes kept darting back and forth apprehensively between the two girls.

It was bad enough that Katrina was cursed with such a short stature. She always felt like an insignificant little insect in a world full of giants, and now this...

I just hope she doesn't get offended by me for staring at her like this, but...My god, this woman is so big and strong-looking, and I'm so tiny and weak...She-she could squash me like a bug without noticing I was even there...

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:08 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
I listen to both of the girls talk about themselves and now it was my turn well I am Kimberly Stealer but you can just call me Kim im form Detroit Mi and I have Japanese blood in me but we have lived in the US for a long time now I also have a sister name Sable and like Sondra I have been in this school for a very long time.."

the easy part was now over now how I was going to tell them about the other me if seeing Sondra naked shocked them how would they feel about having someone with a split personality before I could say anything else I hear Kat walked in as I turned to her "oh hey Kat im moving in with Sondra and so our these two this is Nell and the tall one is Vanessa"

my head started to hurt a little but I tried to ignore the pain as I smile at Kat



Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:19 am

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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Night had returned to her ship for several days since her first attack on the island. The previous attack had been far too easy and, to be honest, quick. for her. A bright smile had crossed her face when it was finally ready. She'd tweaked several Acorns from the trees on the island to produce some... interesting, irresistible, delicious fruit. The fruit would grow filled with a powerful mammalian aphrodisiac. She took her algae raft over to the island proper and, wearing the shokushu uniform she walked the path to the edge of the forest. She was now near the edge on the school side of the island. she knelt down digging several small holes planting the altered acorns.
It took about an hour for the trees to grow to their full height though it seemed no one, at least no humans noticed the new trees.

She stood by them pruning the unusually long branches quietly pondering to herself what would make a good first test of exactly how powerful the fruit was on the humans compared to the lesser mammals she had used for the first tests.

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:01 am
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 8:37 pm
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Location: Currently in her new home, located deep within the Shokushu Forest
Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
"Ahh, freedom! At long lassst I have finally returned to my true home!" Jezebel Soared higher and higher into the sky, spinning and somersaulting in mid-air, whooping and hollering jubilantly as she exalted in her freedom. Higher and higher she went until Shokushu Island became no more than a dot in the landscape. Then she folded her wings and let gravity take over for her.

She straightened her body and pointed her fingers and toes downward towards the earth and began her rapid descent towards the crystal clear water that surrounded her island home. When she reached the desired altitude, the naked succubus unfurled her wings only slightly. The wind rustled her leathery wings and her wild hair for a moment, and then she caught the breeze and lifted in a gentle arc. The air currents held her aloft for a heartbeat. She was at the apex of the ark, and it seemed to the fiend that she hovered there, perfectly balanced between the the pull of the world below and the buoyant updrafts of the breezes. In that moment, at that instant of equilibrium, Jezebel felt unbridled joy, harmony contentment.

Then the she-demon's forward momentum carried her through the apex of her arc and she slid downward towards the ocean. The free-falling demoness stayed rigid, her body an arrow, her wings the fletching. she nosed downward, increasing speed, plummeting toward the water. The wind whistled past her ears and blew her her hair about. Jezebel accelerated, truly falling, and shifted her wings by fractions, making subtle corrections in her descent...

It was then that the exhilarated succubus noticed the lone figure in the forest below. It appeared to be human at, but as Jezebel used her abilities to scan all the life-forces in the immediate area, she found that the one life-form that she picked up was most definitely not human. In fact the being below was not of any species that the demonic woman had ever encountered before on Shokushu, though she did have the opportunity to meet a few while traversing the multiverse in her constant search for new materials, resources, and other items of interest to add to her magical arsenal.

A Chlorian? Thisss could be interesssting...

Intrigued by this unexpected turn of events, Jezebel further adjusted her descent, and with the aid of her latent talents, the acrobatic hell-spawn performed one more aerial somersault before gracefully touching down on the forest floor a few feet away from the other 'woman'.

"Hard at work, I sssee," Jezebel said in a pleasant voice (well, "hissed" might be a more accurate term...the fiend's forked snake-like tongue flicked out of her mouth whenever certain consonants were used, and her speech had a certain...serpentine quality to it) as the nude succubus sauntered nonchalantly towards the chorian. "Isss tthhere anytthhing I can do to asssissst?"

As Jezebel then proceeded to inspect her comrades work, the demoness noticed that there was something slightly...different about these trees, though she couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Hmmm..." Using her abilities once more, the fascinated fiend lifted off the ground and levitated up, higher and higher, until she reached the top. As she hovered there, Jezebel thoroughly inspected the new plant-life. "Leavesss are rattthher longer tthhan tthhe average tree...oh, and what'sss ttthhisss?" The inquisitive succubus pulled a piece of what had to be the most unusual-looking fruit she had ever seen. "I've never ssseen tthhisss fruit before...I asssume tthhisss isss sssuitable for consssumtion?"

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

Jezebel Bio and Pix
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Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:41 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Night turned to the hissing voice curiously offering a bit of a smile to the succubus when she began commenting on her trees. It was obvious she had a sense of pride in her little work.
"Work, Fun, relative expressions really, but yes I am working. As for assistance... not... hmmm, Actually perhaps you can."
She smirked slightly watching her looking over the leaves of the tree and then the fruits. She Couldn't help, but smile at her question. she brushed her skirt, which unlike the uniforms of the average students, was one hundred percent cotton throughout, while she spoke.
"Why yes, the longer leaves facilitate a loner lifespan and... a protective instinct. as for the fruit, That is what I am very proud of. That fruit, you could eat an entire grove of and be perfectly fine and have no ill effects, you seem to be a reptilian bipedual species afterall, do feel free to actually, it's entirely delicious, I tested the flavor myself. however, when a mammal like say, a human, eats it it works as a very unique aphrodisiac..."
She grinned slightly as she continued.

"Most aphrodisiacs I've seen used on humans work too quickly and make it impossible to be subtle. these after ingestion are broken down in the mammalian stomach and the enzymes in the stomach begin to cause a chemical reaction that spreads slowly through the body and mimics normal human arousal at first... within an hour the effects make them insatiable and ravanous for sex... though their free will will remain intact it will be very fragile and even a little flirting might break it and after it wears off they'll forget any transitions between human and inhuman any creature may make... well... that's what happened to the Lurian i tested it on... I haven't had the chance to test it on a human yet."
A vine from her finger brushed a bit of the green hair from her face as the smile became rather mischevious.
"I assume you've been here for awhile and have yourself a cemented alter-ego... perhaps you'd have an easier time finding someone to distribute the fruit to? otherwise I'd have to just wait until a human comes by and feels hungry..."
she sighed softly her vines simply reaching up and plucking one of the fruits, she took a bite and smiled faintly.
"Am quite glad I made it very specific to mammals, would be a pity not to enjoy this flavor."

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Oct 21, 2010 9:24 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
"The th-three of you are all s-staying here, too? Th-that's great, s-so are me and my sister." Kat replied in a tone that was rather more cheerful than she felt at that moment, though anxious girl's almost constant stuttering and her entire body language betrayed the fact that any joviality that she might expressing around the others was more than a little forced. It wasn't that Kat disliked Kim, in fact, she rather enjoyed the woman's company. And Nell, she seemed pleasant enough, though Kat would reserve judgment until she got to know her better. No, it was the purple-haired Amazon...or rather the size of the Amazon that was making the petite girl more than a little uncomfortable.

This giant of a woman is staying here?

"Um...It's v-very nice to m-meet you b-both." Katrina's feet shuffled constantly during the exchange, and her hands were rubbing against each of her wrists in a rather rough manor, which she usually did when she was nervous. "I-I hope we'll all have the ch-chance to be-become good f-friends here...Um...Kimmy are...are you alright." Kat added, her attitude suddenly changed at that moment from forced cheerfulness to genuine concern when she saw that her friend seemed to be in pain. She stepped forward towards the blue-haired girl, "Do you need an Asprin or anything?"

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:51 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Vanessa offered a polite disarming smile to Kat as she sat looking quite relaxed on the sofa with her hands elegantly on her lap.
"I'm sure we will be good friends Kat, you seem like a Sweet girl, even if you're shaking like a leaf."
she laughed softly, not a mocking laugh, just a playful one at most. Really despite her size Vanessa was a kind person, there was no reason at all to be intimidated by her, well at least as long as she worked hard to not slip into old ways anyway. she shifted gently in her seat taking a deep breath of the aroma in the air, she loved the smell of food cooking, even when it wasn't her own work; which she believed was at least 4 star quality.
"Why not sit down Katrina? I mean, none of us bite, we'll be living her together anyway... though from what I've seen I'll probably be sleeping on a pile of blankets on the floor."
she laughed nervously shifting to adjust her top to hide a little more of the cleavage that she had to show or rip the top she was wearing.
"Definitely going to need to buy some bigger tops when i get that little allowance the school gives."
Wonder why she's so off put...

she then looked to kim curiously about the same time Kat did, it seemed kind of sudden for kim to be suffering.
"I could get you a drink if you wanted."

Vanessa; Size doesn't matter but damned if it isn't nice.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Night: Humanoid alien full of chloraphil

Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:05 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Nell immediately joined Vanessa in greeting the other girl. "Hello Kat. It's very nice to meet you. And don't worry about Nessa. I can verify that she's safe. I spent most of the day with her just yesterday and she didn't bite me once." She smiled cheerfully and moved over as well so Kat had room to sit. She then turned her attention back to Kim for a moment after Kat's question about the Aspirin. "Are you not feeling well, Kim?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:16 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
I tried my best not to show it but I was in a little pain as I smile weakly "n no.. im fine at least I think I am...." I had no idea what was wrong with me unless this was Evy's way of wanting to take over I then look at Kat "um could you get me a glass of water..." as I say this I could hear Evy's voice in my head

sorry about doing this but if you don't tell them about me then I will you can yell at me later."

I bit my lower lip and whisper softly "damn it Evy... not now..." and that was last thing I said before my eyes went blank and my body fell limp



Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:19 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Airi was bored and alone in her room, which happened to be room 305 across the hall, mostly she was just laying in bed staring up to the ceiling listening to music with a pen in hand jotting down musical notes and words for herself for later in japanese, ideas for songs for when she got back home; she planned to release a new album when she was done with her little vacation. Quickly however she got tired of this.

She hopped out of her bed and changed out of her pink coton Pajamas into her more usual outfit, her skirt, sleeveless top, tie, thigh high boots and arm cuffs tied just below the tattoo on her shoulder before she walked to her door and out.

In the hall she spent several moments thinking about what other dorm to knock at and introduce herself in, it would be nice making friends for once instead of fans, of course there was always the chance someone would know japanese music well enough to recognise her but, she decided she'd deal with that road when she got there.

Finally she moved across the hall to 300.
"Will be nice to meet neighbors I think..."
she muttered to herself before knocking at the door.
"Konbonwa~!! I am from the room across the hall! I thought we should meet!"
she called in a sweet lyrical tone hoping someone was home.

((for any who knew airi, the same deal as with vanessa, no one knows her from the past))


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:28 am
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