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 First Impressions Are The Most Important 
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2007 8:37 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((Ok, will, keep that in mind, Airi))

Jezebel touched down on the ground once more, fruit in hand. "I do indeed have one established here. Actually, I have ssseveral alter-egosss, mossstly disssguisssess of already exxissting humansss, botthh sstudentss and ssstaff membersss, all of whicchh are well-known and well-ressspected...and greatly feared in the casse of one very sstrict sssubsstitute gym teacchher."

Jezebel paused for a moment and took a small, delicate bite of the fruit...being cautious, she just to be sure that the Chlorian had been honest about the effects, you could never be to careful...and chewed the morsel for a moment be for swallowing. "Damn, you weren't kidding! This is the tastiest fruit I've ever eaten! Have you chosen a name for it yet?" it was everything Night had promised and more, and the succubus proceeded to eat the whole thing, orange, sticky juices dripping from the suddenly very hungry she-demon's mouth and trickling down her chin as she chowed down on the delicious treat until there was nothing left but the core and stem.

Jezebel pointed a sharp-nailed finger towards the upper branches of the nearest tree an made a come-hither gesture. Another of Anomin's 'special' fruit pulled away from the branch as if they were each being grasped by an in visible hand and floated down gently to rest in the palm of the waiting fiend's right hand.

"Asss for your quesstion about a potential reccipient..." and now it was Jezebel's turn to flash a mischievous smile, revealing two very sharp fangs of the type that would normally be seen on, for example, a king cobra snake. "Yesss, I think I have ssssomeone in mind..."

Jezebel made a complicated gesture in the air with her free hand, and what appeared in the air looked like a transparent movie screen, which, in a sense, it was. The demoness' eyes became two glowing translucent orbs that acted as the 'screen's' 'projectors'. Less than a second later, the 'movie' began to 'play'. An aerial view of Dorm Room 300's interior appeared on the screen. Three students were sitting on a couch with a fourth standing in front of the couch looking rather awkward.

"Here we have Vanessa, the tall one with the purple hair...Nell isss the blonde-haired ssseated on the coucch nexxtt to her...sseated besside tthhe two we have Kim...and the timid one ssstanding in front of the otththher three is Katrina. Ttthhat'sss four potential sssubjetsss right tthhere, and two more girlss by the namesss of Ssamantthha and Ssable sshhould be ssshhowing up sshortly asss well..."
((OOC: Little hint for you, Sable :wink:))

Then the 'camera' turned and 'zoomed in' on another girl standing in the kitchen, apparently hard at work preparing a meal for the group.

"And finally, we have Sssondra, who I have had the opportunity to 'make friendsss witthh' on more tthhan one occasssion...and I have it on good autthhority tthhat sshhe hasss quite a tassste for exxotic fruit, and sshhe can often be ssseen relaxxing on the beacchh and sssipping on sssome tropical drink or other, mango sssmootthhiesss being her favorite. And ssshhe is alwaysss, alwaysss more tthhan willing to try sssomething new and different...The perfect ssubject for our little 'exxperiment', metthinkss." With another gesture, the screen vanished and Jezebel's eyes appeared normal once more.

"I tthhink I'll cchange into ssomething a little more appropriate. I know your sspeciess hass a cccertain averssion to fire, ssso I'll need to sstand back a bit for ttthhisss..." Jezebel stepped back a bit, a good twenty feet or so away from her new comrade-in-arms, and silently uttered an arcane phrase. Suddenly the fiend was surrounded by a bright red, orange and yellow shimmering glow, appearing as though she was being engulfed in a semi-transparent fire, which was indeed the case...and her demonic form slowly began to morph and change, and when the searing flames died away, Jezebel's form had been completely replaced by that of the bubbly red-haired student photographer Jamie Paisley.

Jamie was dressed in a black Hell, Michigan t-shirt, a black skirt that went down to her knees and a pair of white Converse sneakers. There was a silver Canon digital camera hanging around her neck and a red camera and laptop bag strapped on her shoulders.

"Hi there!" The chipper teen gave Night a wide friendly smile as she extended her hand towards Night in a gesture of greeting. "My name's Jamie, what's yours?"

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:21 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Night simply watched Jezebel eat and listened to her talk, she took in every word diligently as she herself savored the flavor of the fruit she was eating rather than devouring it in the way the being before her did. She watched the 'projection curiously smirking softly hearing that so many girls would be in one place at the same time. It was quite the interesting prospect.
When she finally finished the piece of fruit, nothing at all remained, she'd eaten it seeds stem and all with a calm sigh. the flash of flame sent a shiver down her spine though she nodded slightly hearing the name of the 'disguise'
"Well lets see, I believe I should name the fruit, I was thinking of going with a human mythology name... Lili Pears... or Lilith's Pears... she was the 'mother of demons' in one of their books if i remember my xenomythologyl classes right."
A fitting enough name, she thought. as she looked over the disguise she smiled darkly.
"A Fantastic disguise, do wish I could manage something like that. would be far more useful than just hiding my roots... and infront of the human, do call me... Natasha I quite like that name actually."
A hand brushed through her hair as she looked to the fruits calmly.
"Though perhaps a little experiment... I'm certain we can't expect ALL the girls to eat the fruit... I'm curious if human sexuality can transfer from one person to another... Try to get about half of the girls to ingest the fruit... though I believe when it comes to the end of the experiment... I would like Nell to be free of the fruits effects if at all possible, she seems like she would be entertaining to torment a little and, all work and no play makes Night a dull girl."

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:45 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Looks like things are turning out nicely. Sondra mused as she listened to the conversation taking place in the next room. It's wonderful the way that everybody's getting along so far.

There was going to be certain difficult adjustments Sondra was going to have to make she knew. No more walking around her dorm naked, or even topless, while Nell and Vanessa were in the room. Any sex would have to be scheduled, and there would be fewer orgies taking place in her dorm room. She would most likely have to sate her 'cravings' either in the bathroom with the door locked or somewhere outside her dorm room. They were all very difficult adjustments that she needed to make, but also necessary if she wanted to keep her new roommates comfortable around her.

I guess sometimes a girl's just gotta do what a girl's gotta do...

Sondra paused in her cooking when she heard something about Kim not feeling well. A feeling of concern overcame her at that moment, and she ran out of the kitchen just in time to see her friend pass out on the couch.

"Kimmy!" Sondra ran over to the couch, practically running poor little Kat over in her panic, and knelt over Kim, trying to shake her friend awake. "Are you ok Kimmy? Please, give me a sign if you can hear me!"

There was a knock at the door, but Sondra was much to concerned with her best friend's well-being to bother with running to the door. "The door's open!" Sondra called out in the direction of the front door before turning her attention back to more important matters.

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:07 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Nell was very concerned as well and quickly moved to kneel beside Sondra. "I'm not sure what happened. She just looked like her head was bothering her and then passed out shortly after that. Does this happen often? Should I call emergency services?" She was already standing back up and making her way towards her book bag near the door to get her cell phone. She opened the door for Airi while she was there. "Sorry, we're having a bit of a crisis at the moment. You can come in if you like though just mind the girls near the couch." She dug into her bag for her cell and called over her shoulder as she did so. "What's the number for the campus doctor?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:37 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
She muttered softly cocking her head slightly curiously brushing a hand through her hair as she opened the door and stepped in following the sound of commotion. she was a little worried now having heard a bit of a panicked tone from the room before she'd entered.
She walked into the the much more busy room finally after peeking a head into several others. She looked on from a distance curiously curling her hair around her index finger, though there was a great deal of hair so it was difficult to tell what she was doing exactly.
"Sumimasen... this is a bad time for a visit from a neighbor I am guessing... Should I leave?"
she asked in a meek tone watching the girls hovering over the unconscious Kim. she couldn't help but wonder what had happened despite the bit of tension in the air. She looked increasingly anxious as she began to sway as she watched and waited.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:48 am

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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
and as Sondra was checking on long time friend Kim's hair started to darken a little and also starting to show a little muscle as well in her arms and legs her eyes would turn form blue to dark red as she opened them and looked at Sondra she then let out a yawn and then started to crack her knuckles as she smiles at Sondra "well Sondra its nice to see you again I hope your doing well.." she would look around to see Vanessa and Nell as well Kat and Airi.

"the name is Evy I guess you can say im Kim's twin sister but im really just the memories of Kim's late sister and also Kim's anger but don't worry im a nice girl just don't piss me off and we will be just fine.." she then start to get up and look at the stuff that Kim brought seeing a box that had Evy's name on it "awsome my workout stuff is here too.." she says while picking up a dumbbell and smirks "so I guess Sable is on her way its been awhile since I seen the little shrimp.."


Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:49 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((OK, ladies, I'm off to beddie-bye. Much too tired to continue posting tonight. I'll post my replies when I get back in tomorrow evening. 'night all. :D ))

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:57 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Vanessa had spent several minutes of silence as Kim passed out, more out of worry and shock than anything. Seeing sondra dart over in a panic didn't help matters at all. It was happening so fast she wasn't sure what to say or do so she just watched. She noticed with her always rather sharp gaze the change in Kim's physique and the color of her eyes and hair. It was a curious shift but, nothing Vanessa would think odd given her own unique abilities.

When Evy introduced herself she couldn't help but scratch her head slightly, she knew a bit about psychology, she had seen a psychologist for the last four years and she knew this wasn't dis-associative identity disorder, Evy knew who Kim was and of course, there was the physical change. It had to fall into the realm of the supernatural

"Evy huh, well uhm good to meet you."
was all she could come up with to say really. it was confusing enough trying to figure out what exactly she should call this transfer of look and persona.

((night sondra, this is the end for my night too))

Vanessa; Size doesn't matter but damned if it isn't nice.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Night: Humanoid alien full of chloraphil

Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:01 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
((Oh, Kim, I almost forgot before I went to bed...I don't quite remember...has Kat ever met Evy before? It will effect how she responds to this sudden turn of events. I'm going to bed. Just had to ask first.))

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:07 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
(hmmmm not that I know of)


Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:09 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Nell had been about to tell Airi that maybe she should come back another time when movement over by the couch caught her eye. It seemed like Kim was regaining consciousness. She addressed the green haired Japanese girl in the doorway. "I thing the crisis may just have been averted. Please come inside." She smiled and lead the way back to the sofa. "Kim you scared..."

Nell paused and stared bemusedly at the now completely different girl who was sitting were Kim had just been. She'd caused the tail end of Evy's explanation but she was still very confused. "I think I missed something important?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:51 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
"Arigatō Gozaimasu."
She nodded to Nell politely as she followed to the group looking between the girls curiously noting the surprised looks on their faces. she scratched behind her ear for a moment as she wondered why they were all looking at the girl that called herself Evy... well Evy and Kim it seemed to her anyway, that was a little confusing honestly, but she didn't dwell on it.
She stood nervously watching the girls now smiling sweetly to them her hands reasting infront of her woven together.
"I hope that I am not interrupting anything important my neighbors... if indeed you are all living here."
she was just loud enough to be heard though still managed to sound obviously shy about it. her voice was as sweet as she looked though, it held an innocence that was impossible to fake.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Michael: wants to be just like mommy
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:00 pm
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Kim wrote:
I tried my best not to show it but I was in a little pain as I smile weakly "n no.. im fine at least I think I am...." I had no idea what was wrong with me unless this was Evy's way of wanting to take over I then look at Kat "um could you get me a glass of water..." as I say this I could hear Evy's voice in my head

sorry about doing this but if you don't tell them about me then I will you can yell at me later."

I bit my lower lip and whisper softly "damn it Evy... not now..." and that was last thing I said before my eyes went blank and my body fell limp

"Water? Sure thing Kimmy, I'll get..." Kat was about to leave the group to go fetch a glass of water from the kitchen when when her friend began to whisper something abut a girl named Evy. "'Evy?'" Kat's brows furrowed as she looked around the room in confusion, thinking that someone else had walked into the room without her knowing it. "Wait a minute, I don't see anyone else here. Who--aah!"

That was all that Katrina managed to get in before Sondra bowled her over, knocking the petite girl to the ground in her haste to get to the passed-out Kim.

Slowly, Kat managed to pick himself up off the ground just as Sondra and her new roommates began swarming over Kim, trying to figure out how to fix the situation. And then...

Evy wrote:
and as Sondra was checking on long time friend Kim's hair started to darken a little and also starting to show a little muscle as well in her arms and legs her eyes would turn form blue to dark red as she opened them and looked at Sondra she then let out a yawn and then started to crack her knuckles as she smiles at Sondra "well Sondra its nice to see you again I hope your doing well.." she would look around to see Vanessa and Nell as well Kat and Airi.

"the name is Evy I guess you can say im Kim's twin sister but im really just the memories of Kim's late sister and also Kim's anger but don't worry im a nice girl just don't piss me off and we will be just fine.." she then start to get up and look at the stuff that Kim brought seeing a box that had Evy's name on it "awsome my workout stuff is here too.." she says while picking up a dumbbell and smirks "so I guess Sable is on her way its been awhile since I seen the little shrimp.."

"Wait a minute...wh-what's going on here?" Katrina had missed witnessing the bizarre transformation due to the fact that she was too busy dusting herself off after accidentally getting knocked on her behind, and so all she knew was that one moment Kim was passed out on the couch and the next minute she was gone and another woman was sitting in her place.

"What...Where...Kim was just...How did you..." Kat had already been on edge since the moment she had encountered the imposing form that was her new roommate Vanessa, and things had only gone downhill since then. The panic-stricken girl was practically one scare away from wetting herself at the best of times...and this was, in Katrina's mind, not exactly the best of times. Kat did the only thing she could at a time like this. She passed out.

Katrina's Bio & Pix (a work in progress)

Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:00 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
and just as Kat passed out Sable walked in with a kart that the dorms loan to her to carry her stuff she walked in and looked around at everyone and then she saw Evy "well well if it isn't Evangeline...." she smirked knowing that she hated anyone calling her by her full name she then saw Kat passed out and tried to wake her up "man you just moved here and already you scared some one oh Evangelin what will we do with you!"

she smile at everyone else and giggled "well hello you wonderful ladies I am Sable Stealer Kim's sexy and mega cute sister I love anime video games hentai and I love to have fun if you know what I mean I hope we can all get along." she then notice Vanessa then went sort of pale it was bad enough that she was the short girl in the dorm room but to have someone like Vanessa was quite a shock but then she smile "your tall...... and also sexy!" she says before letting out a soft giggle and then look at Sondra "so is dinner ready im so hungry I could eat a Pikachu!"


Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:29 am

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 7:24 am
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Post Re: First Impressions Are The Most Important
Vanessa looked to Kat just as she passed out and then to Sable as she walked in and made her grand entrance. She couldn't help but laugh a little bit, though it was an obviously nervous uncomfortable laugh. she shook her head softly to sable.

"Name's Vanessa, And thanks I think... you re kinda cute But, try not to get any funny ideas alright?"

she said offering a gentle smile to kim's sister hoping kat was alright. for now though she said nothing else, she was too worried and confused by the events going on around her right now and the number of sexy innocent looking girls around her right now.

((sorry for it being so short...))

Vanessa; Size doesn't matter but damned if it isn't nice.


Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Night: Humanoid alien full of chloraphil

Last edited by Vanessa on Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:03 am
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