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 Perchance to Dream (For Aegir) 
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"Very well," the knight responded, her father seemed concerned as he watched events unfolding but said nothing as if he had been caught up in shock.

"The only innocent blood spilled was that of those that followed Geoff's coomands without hesitation or thought. But you will do, princess, to avenge to horrors that were brought upon Spartha's ruling family. I only wish that the ambassador from this nation could be found here but it seems that I must slake my revenge on those that I have managed to find for this crime while undoubtedly there are those that fall though the cracks of my fingers ..."


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Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:20 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
Nell felt a wave of fear so strong it made her dizzy. The knight had just confirmed her fears that there was a fate worse than death awaiting her. Still she was determined not to waver and stood her ground. "So, I am to be punished for Gerron's crimes as well as my father's? I was not aware of their crimes so I can make no defense for them but I know my own crimes. What have I done to you to deserve your vengence? Is being the daughter of a man you see as being evil enough to make me a villain in your eyes as well? If it is then I beg you deliver me onto the same fate you intend for them. Kill me with my father and your king shall be avenged."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:47 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"You misunderstand I am not going to kill you, or anyone here unless they behave foolishly. No, your punishment will be that you remember as did I. As I will for all time."

The knight relaid to her. He took a few steps closer to her as he spoke though it was the king that spoke up next.

"Gerron or Geoff, which do you mean? What have we done to provoke your ire>"

The knight whirled back to him and simply answered a question with one of his own as he gazed at him, a change of plans springing to his mind as he did so. "Where is your ambassador? The one that you last sent to Spartha?"

Things were still unclear though what was had been that something occurred concerning the ambassador.


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Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:02 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"Father, what is he talking about? What has our ambassador done?" Nell suddenly felt a deep seeded regret for not having been more interested in the politics of this war. She may not have been able to stop it but at least she would be less confused at this moment. All she could grasp was that this warrior wanted revenge for something that had been done to the royal family by one of their ambassador's under her father's order and that she was to be the means of him enacting this revenge. She was not sure how he intended to do this but she knew it did not involve her death or her fathers. The latter was the only fact that gave her comfort. She was quite certain she would prefer death to whatever the black knight had planned for her. "This is not fair! If I am to be punished for the crimes of my kingdom I should at least be allowed to know what they are!!"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:19 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"I have no idea ..." the king answered, drawing a blank.

"Let me remind you ..." the knight began. "He killed my sister."

The room feel silent at that revelation. He continued. "He raped her, repeatedly then cut out her tongue so she would be unable to speak about it as well as her hands so she couldn't write about it either. But she was able to grasp a tree branch in between the stumps of her hands and write on the sand of a beach ... she was unable to live with the shame and thus ended her life so in effect he killed her as well. You have three days to invoke this ambassador to me or the same fate will be delivered to the royal family, minus the maiming maiming. You are suppose to be the examplars of your people and thus are responsible for their well being and deeds."


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Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
(Ah, I see someone has been reading Titus Andronicus.)

"Wait, so then if we do not find this man who has injured your sister in three days then you will..." Nell suddenly could not find the words to finish the sentence and instead looked to her father for support. "And what if my father speaks the truth and this man was really no ambassador of ours. What prove do you have that we sent this person to your court?"

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:42 pm
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
(don't remember too much about it though, that and the meat pie business is about all read it years ago)

"What proof? He's been a frequent guest of our court."

"But surely you can't -"

"I can and I will," the knight cut off the king. "Three days, deliver him or this falls on the royal family."

Three days. Three days to search an entire kingdom for one man. Similar to the Grimm's fairy tale of Rumplestilskin in that there were three nights given to discover his name."

So the same amount of time afforded to find this man.

"Wilhelm, bring me Wilhelm in the time frame I have given or ..."

He need not have finished his words and trailed off with them as it were. He was looking at the king while he spoke but swung his attention back towards Nell, his head dipping up then down her body as he inspected her.


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Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:02 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
Nell did not like the feeling of his eyes as they inspected her. She was fully dressed but his gaze made her feel naked. She covered her chest with her arms and drew back away from him, side stepping the guards at the window. "And what will you do for three days?" The princess asked, hoping he would leave. If he left then she might have some chance of escaping the fate he intended for her, at the point of a knight if nothing else. She somehow did not feel confident they would find this Wilhelm person in the allotted time.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:14 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"We will occupy the castle until then," he answered, "it would make no sense in invading your lands, delivering this information to you then leaving again. The blood shed would have been for naught and I wouldn't have to fight my way back through your lands or give you the opportunity to escape.

"Three days," he repeated the last as he held up three fingers, "starting now."


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Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:28 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"Very well..." Nell said after a moments pause. Of course, it was too much to hope for that he simply leave but she did not give up hope. There was still one escape left to her. Death was an escape after all and he could not watch her every second. Still, she would attempt she appease him with the true criminal's death first if she could manage it. "Will you give us his description. There is a possibility Wilhelm is not his true name so it would be helpful for our search parties to at least know what he looks like though if the man has any sense he will not be in our lands. Still, we will seek him out and if he is a fool and still here then we will find him and help you bring him to justice."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:00 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"He is short, about yeah tall and sports a scar on his left cheek. Plumb, with sandy brown hair and a van dyke beard. He is also left handed if that helps."

"I know of him," interjected the king. "Yes, sports a dueling scar on his cheek from his youth. He has his own baronry, an ambassador as well. He frequents the courts often enough too and was known to be aa avid hunter as well."

"Then find him. Three days, an incase any of you get ideas ... Gunthir, what the princess and make sure nothing transpires to her within the next few days." The knight said to a soldier nearby who nodded in response. It was as if he had known what she was thinking all along.


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Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:30 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
Nell regarded the soldier known as Gunthir for a moment as though taking his measure. So now she had a guard... She shook her head. She would concern herself with that when and if the situation arose. For now she held onto the hope that the culprit could be fought. She stayed and watched as the palace servants organized the search parties and set out to find the scarred ambassador her father knew of. Once they were gone she began to fret and pace around the throne room in a disconcerting manner.

Finally she stopped, unable to take the audience any longer and address the black knight. "If your guard accompanies me may I be allowed to retire to my chambers? I can do nothing further here until the search party returns with news. I would much prefer to be left somewhat alone until then."

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:51 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"Of course," the knight answered allowing her to depart. Gunthir had been with her as she transversed the halls to her sleeping chamber. The guard was adorned in half-plate armor, his arms and legs bare other than the shin guards and forearm protectors.

The steel of his armor had the emblem of a winged serpent on his left breast. The out line was in white and while he said nothing he remained a step behind her as she strolled down the halls, the scabbard of his sword bouncing off of his hip as he moved along.

They soon arrived in her sleeping chamber, Gunthir closed the door to the chamber behind them as they entered into the chamber, Gunthir standing silently near it like a statue.


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Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:15 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
As soon as the door to her sleeping chambers the tears she had been trying desperately to hold back all afternoon began to well up in her eyes. She kept her back to her silent sentry and tried to remain as quiet as possible herself as the first droplets rolled down her cheeks. Her whole body began to shake with fear and she hugged her arms around herself. She could expect two more days as torturous as this.

She bit her lip and held back a sob. Gunthir could surely tell she was crying but she would not sob openly in front of an enemy. So instead, she stood there for a long time with her head bowed and her arms wrapped around her shoulders and wept silently. Once she felt she was quite finished she dried her eyes on the back of her hand and set about preparing for bed, again pretending that Gunthir was not in the room.

She removed her jewelry and washed her face and hands in a basin of water set beside her vanity table. She then let her hair down from the ornate twist it had been down up in and brushed it out. She removed what articles of clothing she could while still maintaining a sense of decorum but honestly that was not very much. She was still wearing her court gown when she at last sat down of her bed and seemed ready to go to bed. Still, the dress was not made for sleeping and she was not very comfortable in it once she finally did lay down but she wanted to avoid undressing any more than she had. She felt exposed enough from the days events already without shedding what little protection her body still had.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:49 am
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Post Re: Perchance to Dream (For Aegir)
"Really, I don't see the fuss ... being born into your station, having all this luxury ... you should have spent more time taking care of selecting your diplomats." Gunthir was quiet assuming that she would not answer. He was aware of her break down, even though he had been unable to see her face he was able to read her body language.

He stood for a bit until his eyes fell upon the chair near the vanity table where he sat after she got ready for be. He adjusted his sword on his belt so it was over his lap and did not hinder him in the least. But he never questioned her lack of undress. He simple sat as the time passed until he heard a knock on the door before it was gently pushed in.

Gunthir was up in a flash, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword but he relaxed as he processed the threat. Before him was a man in simple dress, his long blonde hair tied in a pony tail his concerned blue eyes widening a bit as he analyzed Gunthir.

Standing there with a tray and a pitcher of wine was Serg, the stable hand. He looked over the room then entered when Gunthir visibly relaxed. He stepped into the room pouring fourth wine from the pitcher in a goblet before passing it to Nell.

"Miss, your evening drink."

"Hold," Gunthir said as he removed his helmet. He was quit young with raven black hair, fairly comely too. He smelled the pitcher, for God knows what before nodding then taking up a goblet from the tray and pouring himself a drink as well.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:08 am
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