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 A strange Path - (Cassie, Sinator) 
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Words and sounds slur to one, “ammmmm Immmm” as the large shaft slides in an out me tight wet center of pleasure. Sounds of sex, bodies slapping together in a rhythm of bestiality that know no bounds, sounds past lips dry with desire. I feel me breast squeezed bringing forth a squel of delight followed by me nipples, hard an full. The long points rolled bout by the tongue, played with an me eyes roll back in me head….a gurgling scream forced from me center, load and long an full of pleasure an wonder. “ARRHHPPPHHHH”. If thar are birds that are startled I fail to notice. No I exist in a world af hazy delight.

I clutch an let loose of the shaft that slides in an out of me. The tongue in me bum slithering round me inside as they shudder an bounce. Whimpers leave me mouth with each thrust, long an hard another bit of juice trickles down me inner thigh to leave its dark mark upon the lighter dry soil of the path. Muscles grow tired in me arms an I fall forward to me elbows. Back undulating in a rhythm with the thick hard sward that moves inside me I buck an roll me hips, desperately trying to pull the seed from the creature, to make it … cum.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Thu May 10, 2007 5:57 am
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he kept his pace a slow hard one and smiled at her reactions to her now over sensative nipples. he kept up the squizing and milking her nipples while some how the bump that had been rubbing against her clit fully envelopes it and squeezes again to the point were it will become hyper sensative and giving her almost sanity shattering pleasure. of course her sanity stays but the pleasure she is recieving is almost impossible to ignore and her attempt to make him cum into her is futile unless he wishs to cum into her. he watchs with glee at how she'll react.

Sun May 13, 2007 3:14 pm
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Demon….must be to give….give such pleasure. Every part of me flesh crawls to his touch. I quiver in ecstasy. A moan shatters the silence with each outgoing breath, each breath in rythme to his thrust in…like he drives the air from me and then pulling back brings it in. Finally, I gain the way of it, an rotate me hips outwards as he enters, an then a slow inward rotation as he withdraws. A good rhythm until…

I buck upwards, almost lifting us both as the tongue grips me sensitive nub and squeezes its protruding shaft. I swear I hear the angels sing thar praises to the god on high and shutter once gain….a long hard vibration of heat an electricity that threatens to sear me insides with its intensity…“ohhh, ummm…..ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhAMMMMM” muscles tremble with the effort, oh that wonderful shaft so tight within me as I dance over its length….sliding back out to dance ‘gain an ‘gain.

Me skin feels like it’s a ready to burst with heat….the leaves of me skirt curling an a turning brown…but I do not notice a thing only …only me body an its needs….craving this ….wanting more as the sweat dry’s upon me skin an I dig me fingertips into the earth trying to get a grip on anything I can.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sun May 13, 2007 7:50 pm
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the grip on her nippels and clit remain while the rubbing and massaging keep up while he starts moving faster but only by a little bit. he enjoys hearing her cries of pleasure and her attempts to make him cum.

Sun May 13, 2007 8:13 pm
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Heat hits me like a wind, inside an out….muscles quiver with the constant pounding…the need to keep going. Gasping I look back at the face, me hair starting to swirl in the hot breeze….dry of the sweat, billowing up round me head in a halo of red an orange.

From feral eyes I look into the beasts….my beast has risen, I am desire, lust…a heat sapping the last of me strength as the fore builds inside me….oh so close….so close to the release. I slam me self back against him, driving the hard shaft into me soft folds, driving it past me insides where it bumps and slides further inside me. I try to set the rhythm faster, to drive the beast away in shear enjoyment….

There is only heat…waves of it…..brought on by lust an desire unsettled….”I’m…..I’mmmm” the gasp rasps its way outta me mouth and into the heavons….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon May 14, 2007 6:08 am
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he smiles feeling her so close and wonders if he should stop and make her beg for release but thinks of another way.
he starts going faster the squeezing off all 3 nubs going harder the pain is non existant at her state and then as she cums he cums inside her and then pulls out sticking it into her ass the cum still coming out so he takes it out and baths her in a shower of lust cumm which keeps her in an aroused state and no matter how much rubbing is done itll only highten the sensativity. her 3 nubs are also hyper sensative from the hard squizing so if anything were to brush them shed feel 2x the pleasurable feeling.
the dog also seems to dissapear leaving her laying in a pool of lust cum and since the last orgams would surely take her a while to get her baring the scenery is changed to back to the different ways, now there is only 5 left.

Fri May 18, 2007 7:30 pm
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As me nubs are squeezed I scream, every muscle clenched in pleasure an then….the heat overwhelms me senses as me insides release in wave upon wave of pleasure… I pass out. Least I think I do….

All about me the ground is black an grey, me nostrils greeted by the smell of burnt plants, a smoky taste upon me tongue. I open me eyes to be greeted by the a wisp of smoke curling in the air from the burnt end of a twig. I push me self upright an see the ground all about me a charred mess, the leaves of them plants nearby curled backwards from the area of grey and black charcoal that sits upon the ground, me at the center.
I stand, naked an alone, me hear billowing in the light breeze ‘bout me head all soft an clean. A halo of red, of fire and heat….Still it seems strange for the charred mass that surrounds me….I can’t member what has happened no matter how hard I try. I cover meself as best I can, looking ‘bout. The birds sing in the nearby trees, a bright blue one flies across the sky to me front chirping in merriment. The air flows over me skin, I look me self over, not a spot a grey upon me skin….strange, the soot ….I feel clean, full of energy….and thar is that nagging question in the back of me mind…

The red new balance running shoes sit upon the nearby trail, not a shoelace in site. Those be mine….I remember that…I was running….but how. I don’t feel in the least bit tired…so I stop an put them on fore continuing back down the path a praying that the rest of me clothes will be here. Lord only knows why I ain’t got none an I feel real funny for it a walking naked doen this path in the middle of the woods. I reason that I be in an all girls school, so maybe its not so bad if I be all naked.

I reach a point of many paths….perplexed by the lack of tracks, of anything to tell me which way to go an all. So I pick the one to me right….an patter of down that way, me arm tucked cross me breast, the other over me naked mound….trying to preserve as much of me dignity as I can….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Fri May 18, 2007 9:15 pm
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sintor watchs her walk into the path but looks at what happened with her.

'......lovly energie, but it seems shes changed a bit, oh well...' sintor smiles at what lays in store in the next challenge

the path shes on is filled with alot of plants as usual but unfortunatly theres a ridge that is unseeable so when she gets to it she'll trip and fall and land unhurt in a soft mushy type ground that feels good on her naked skin,

Sat May 19, 2007 12:35 pm
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Curling me toes in the shoes to keep um on I push forwards on the path. At times it is so choked with plants an stuff I have trouble with were I go…’perhaps I should turn back’ I think to meself. Yet I push forwards up the small hill to see what I might see.

The lush green vegetation closes in on me from all sides, the blue sky a mere scattering amoung the green canopy overhead. Birds chitter an cheep through the bushes and trees. Up ahead jus o’er the rise a light fog swirls among the plants. IN the pause I strip a few of the bigger leaves to hold in me hands an a cover me better. The hot humid atmosphere has me using the one leaf to soon be fanning me self, me breast exposed to all the critters of the forest an their prying eyes. I suppose they be gods critters an so maybe I not be in the at much of a sin an all. I reckon though me mother superior would be a turning in her grave, course thare wuz lil doing to ‘ave preventing me from a walking naked in a forest….no clothes yet to be found.

I look about, relaxing a lil in me nakedness. No, nobody will be here….which is a good thing, course, it means I am well and goodly lost. Another few steps, somehow misjudging it, the shoe a catching an I fell upon the hard dirt of the path, a slight roll….hadn’t even seen the drop off….not till I fell screaming o’er the edge.

Splat, I land a tangle of limbs, wallowing in mud like a pig, Me breath knocked out me as I hit. I gasp an wheeze for air…panicking, rolling over an suddenly me lungs fill as me chest is pulled downwards all on its own. I thank the lord then an thar for giving me full breasts….thinking that I owe me life to them. Gingerly I test each ooze covered limb. Somehow I am in one piece, covered in some sort of muddy slime like algae…jus me luck I think….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 19, 2007 9:54 pm
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the slimy substance that covers her skin makes the skin hypersensative and tingling with pleasure, and as she gets up she sees she is in a semi pit were the walls are to high to reach and the only way that seems to be able to go out is a hole that goes slanted so gonig down headfirst would seem not that good. sintor smiles knowing what is down that hole and what she might experience.

Mon May 21, 2007 7:10 pm
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Thar are people I’ve heard that pay good money for a mud bath, seems they think it as like really good fur you an all. Well I had other thoughts, all I wanted wuz to get meself otta this pit. I tried to stand an the first step went well enough I reckon, it wuz the second when I got me foot turned on something under the muck that sent me sprawling yet ‘gain.

Mama used to say when your given lemons, make lemonade and these seems like a really good idea right then. Given I was on me front now in the middle of muck, an given it seemed to cover me nakedness….well, I just scooped it up an smeared in over me….then rolling in the muck I made sure I was good an covered so I ain’t be feeling nearly so naked when I had to walk home. So, thar I was crawling through muck to the edge of the pit an a trying to scramble up its slick edges…..

After the third time of coming crashing back inot the muck an goo I’d had ‘nough. “Lord, what you want of me” giving a quick shack of me head so that the mud splattered over the walls of the pit. Me body covered in muck, I sat, wondering if this wuz where I wuz a goona die, but then One had to have faith, faith in the lord to rescue them. Me eyes looked out from a now brown face, streaked with the mud an all. Scanning the walls in frustration I finally noticed the hole down low, suddenly it making sense on were the water might be a going an all.

I looked at the light a coming from the bottom of the hole, sure now that it wuz me way out. “Thank you lord, thank you for a taking care of yur humble servant.” I felt good, me heart jus a singing as me prayers were answered, carefully I edge me foot in, then another over the lip of the whole, trying to keep me self from a falling fast an a getting hurt. Me skin tingled under the mud, an jus before I went through That thought about all them rich old ladies paying perfectly good money for this hit me….I understood why… I mean it felt incredibly nice…a tingle across me skin…nipples hard under the thick goo….

An then I fell…..screaming through the darkness the light still to me front……”AHHHHHHH”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Tue May 22, 2007 5:36 am
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when she lands she lands in wasit deep of that green slime maknig her pussy and lower palces tingle with lust, around the holes are miniture ones which are almsot to small for her to crawl through.

Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:50 pm
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I hit the bottom of the slick slide an land in more goo….Struggling I get me feet under me an me head above…into the air as the slimy green muck slithers down me face. I spit an a blow outwards as me lips tingle, the goo upon them…me whole body is covered in it, but me feet are on solid ground as I stand, the goo up to me waist. I flick me wrists to get the worst of it off, an try an push the muck from me eyes an mouth, with lil success.

I push me tangled an matted hair over me shoulders, using me hands like on of them squeeges to get most of it off me head like. No longer am I sum redheaded lil whit girl on a stroll, no I be green an brown, a thick glisting layer of pond scum upon me. Me body tingles with it, I suppose in need of a shower, though for sum reason it feels real good….I settle into the warm muck, ‘well it ain’t like I’m going no where here real quick cassie girl,‘ I tell meself. I run me hands along me neck, the sensations jus a tingling an warm like….like I wuz in the shower.

Closing me eyes for a moment I think….me hands wandering under the top of the slime that I bask in. Sliding down the slick coating about me skin as the wonder o’er the tops of me chest. I can feel the tightness in me skin….the growing need….. Opening me eyes I glance about, noting how the slime is like a coating of bubbles…. Nothing, nobody moves, I be in a pit, the steep walls impossible for me to climb. Birds chitter in the breaches far over head, singing a chorus of mating calls filled with lust an desire.

‘Why not’ I think to meself….”not like anyone will be watching…..” the words escape me mouth. I let me hands explore downwards….across me tight chest, with me hard nipples…I play with them an the first groan echoes in the walls of me cave. “ummmm”…..

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Cala (Future Prefect)
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Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:01 am
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Sintor watched her from the wall, she didn't of course feel his eyes on her, nor did she see the strange objects slither around the muck. Of course even if one did brush against her she would only think it was the slime. He allowed her to make herself ready and open for the next fun test he had in store for her.

Sat Aug 18, 2007 7:30 am
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Pure pleasure cascaded ‘cross me nerves from every pore in me body. If this wuz what them rich folk paid all that money for I couldn’t rightly blame ‘um. Sure, I’d heard about a mud bath an all, but not in me wildest imagination had a I thought it would feel like this gainst me skin. It seemed to move gainst me like a lovers body. Smooth an soft with jus the flicker of a touch. Feeling welled up from deep inside as a wiggled in the mud, me feet slowly sliding further apart, a gasp as the ooze an slime seemed to touch me down low.

Fingers plied me full breasts, teasing me flesh with a firm touch while me head bobbed up an down jus above the surface. I let them fingers rove over me skin, touching an exploring like. I couldn’t member ever feeling like this….so wonton….an in the wild…with nothing but me own hands. I brought me body back upwards, pushing off the bottom of the pool so I could see me breasts above the muck.

The scent of flowers cascaded ‘bout me in the air….not muck an filth but of life an purity. Titling me head I looked at the full ripeness of me, covered in dripping slime and slide me fingers to the erect nipple. It stood, fully erect, as big round as me pinky, ready to be played with….begging to be enjoyed. Watching me chest I worked bouth hands along one of me breasts, squeezing it form the base an letting the wet lubrication of the slim allow me to easily slide me hands and fingers outwards. “Ummmmmm” it felt wonderful… the feeling of something wiggling tween me legs….

In a haze of lust it thar be feeling like large globs a sliding over me skin under the muck….I slid me legs apart, lowering meself a bit to do so…..’oh lord, thank you for this’ I though to meself as something slid along the lips of me an ‘tween me legs. It wuz as if the ‘hole mass of slime was a reacting to me….caressing me….arching backwards I let me self float….happily me mouth stayed above the top of the muck. Yet even this was not enough for the most sensitive parts of me body had the least of the slime upon them….still the warm sun beating upon me body, the caress of the slime as it slid downwards…me nipples pointed to the sky an me legs an arms spread upon the surface…I felt like an angel floating on a cloud in gods presence…..”Yessssssss”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:55 pm
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