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 The hot springs (noctros and Cassie 
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Post The hot springs (noctros and Cassie
Suriel had tol me ‘bout this really neat lil hot springs up in the woods an had told me to go an if he could get away he’d join me. Now, hiking ain’t a bad thing, but this walking stuff well, I’d do it only cause he thought he could meet me an I wuz in no shape to not meet him thar. I mean if yur husband – ok, so maybe we weren’t married in no church service yet, tells yah he might make it an Yah haven’t had no sex with um for a month or so then yah run….

Then I saw them clothes he put out. Ok, so the swim suit really wasn’t much smaller than the bra and panties that typically found me way atop me bed. But holding up the suit in me hand I couldn’t believe it covered ‘nough of me to start with…ok. I put the bottoms on and turned in the mirror, they wuz as red as me hair, an the back string jus seemed to disappear tween me bottom cheeks. I think that exercising wuz getting them much firmer that I’d been a doing. The front was the briefest of triangles an covered me recently shaved mound, sumthing else that had changed since I got here, but that wuz a longer story.

I put on the top an noted how the red triangles jus barely held me in an rolled up to jus cover me nipples…well after I pulled the top up a lil that is. I could swear thar wuz a lil rosy hue a color peeking out either side.

I gathered up me sorts and noticed a rabid dog had had a go at um. The denum was all gone form the legs cept for a thin stip that went from back to front. I put them things on cuase he laid um out and turned in the mirror noticing the way me rounded bottom sat out of um a lil in the back. they rode so low that me swimsuit bottoms straps where up over me hips outta them….lordy be I thought, me husband is trying to make me into a tramp. Well not really but I had to admit that It should turn on jus bout any man so I suppose her had his reasons.

When I put on the top I expected it to only be a half-T, all white an stuff, the bottom swell of me chest out form under it with the top of me bikini showing. Ok, I had the swim suit on so it shouldn’t be too bad. I packed up sum water an a towel an threw it into the bag.

I headed for the woods and the trail.
Noctros ----
Noctros had only discovered the hot spring a few days ago, being hidden away fairly deep in the wilderness of the island. However, as soon as he found it, he had decided to make it one of his regular resting places. The hot, mineral-rich water reminded him so much of his home world that at first he didn't want to leave. He was surprised to find such a place on this world, full of thin air and frail creatures. True, it wasn't as thick as the atmosphere of his world, but with his body changed as it was by the staff of the college, he had begun to worry what would happen to him should he ever return to his own world.

So it was that Noctros found his way to the spring today, late into the afternoon, ready to swim through it's relaxing waters. The spring wasn't as large as he would like, either, only a few times his length across on it's widest dimention, but it was better than nothing. At least he could turn around in it. Today, though, he was just ready to rest. Sinking down through the waters quickly, he settled at the bottom of the pool, his wings spread across the basin and brushing up against the edges.

"Too bad the frail creaturesss of thisss world will never realize he wonderful a placsse like thisss isss," he mumbled to himself after he let the water fill his lungs.

I stumbled along, looking at me map that Suriel had given me trying to make sense of the terrain an all. I mean thar are no real hills an stuff on the plains, this island was full of um. Suriel had said it might take a few hours but would be worth it. So I paused for a moment and pushed me sweat streaked hair outa me face and drank sum of me water.

I sat for a bit resting an a braiding me hair back. When I started ‘gains I could feel it a thumpin on me pack. At least it wouldn’t get all caught in the bushes. Finally crossing another of them volcanic ridges I heard water….I almost leaped with joy at a thinkun how fun it wuz gonna be in this secluded place with me lover an all. I hadn’t seen no body since I’d left so this wuz a good un.

Hitting the water I followed in upstream jus like the map said, the snapping of branches and a crunching of leaves under foot announcing to all I be a coming. I wuz really looking forward to getting into sum water, even it wuz a lil hot….it’d be cooler than I wuz a feeling. “Suriel” I called out loud, the map showing me a getting close.
Noctros ----
Noctros lifted his head slightly, momentarily confused. He thought that he had heard the voice of one of the girls from this world shouting somewhere nearby. He listened for a moment longer, then once again lowered his head to the rocky basin of the spring. Of course there wouldn't be any students out here, not this far from campus. Most of the girls who wandered more than a half-hour's hike from the buildings were automatically prey for the other creatures that happened to live in the forest.

Still, the thought of one of these frail creatures being here was fascinating. Could one of them even tolerate an environment like this? They certainly couldn't breathe the liquid like he could, but perhaps only partially submerged...

Noctros settled a little flatter against the bottom of the spring, patient but hopeful. If there was a student out here, perhaps he could hear her through the ground. She might even be headed in this direction.

“Suriel, stop playin’ hard to get…..” My path took me tween sum bushes an I stopped, stopped cold as I saw the lil grotto, the water with its damp mist a jus curling off the top or it, the mineral wall forming a pool made o’er many years, or so me teachers woulda said. It wuz beautiful like.

I strode to the edge, and looking at the water, how inviting it would be to jus sink down into its depths an relax after the long walk here. I let me pack fall, then took out the towel and neatly laid it out upon the grassy bank of the pool. Sittin I neatly placed me shoes n socks on the blanket and then peeled of the half-T. I wuzn’t really comfortable yet bout the bottoms so I kept on me shorts an tested the water….it wux all warm like them hot tube people pay all that money for an ta think this one wuz free.

I stepped into the pool and settled me self down in the warm waters, it wuz like a full caress of me lover Suriel….or maybe violet and those thought made me think on other things ‘bout sex an such and that always got me a lil stirred up. Oh god, how long would it take for him to show up…..
Noctros ----
Remaining motionless at the bottom of the pool, Noctros listened as the girl approached the spring and shouted again. It was hard to hear her through the water, but it certainly sounded like she was calling to someone. Was she like some of the other girls he had seen here, the ones that had taken other girls for lovers? Two girls might be interesting to encounter at the same time, were it not for the risks of breaking one or losing the other...

Noctros then heard the girl slip into the water, setting in against the side, just a few feet away from one of his wings. Moving slowly, he brought his senses to bear on the girl's form, barely contained by a few straps of cloth, her large breasts the most prominent feature in his mind. They almost seemed to float at the top of the water, straining at the thin straps of her swimwear.

He continued to observe her from beneath the water, the disolved minerals clouding it enough to conceal him from her vision. Apparently these frail creatures could survive in here. As she began to relax in the water, Noctros began to hatch an idea.

This was turning out to be a very good day indeed.

I turned over and using me hands pushed me self round the outside of the pool, looking for Suriel. It would be like him to not show….then I found the point the water was coming in from…..ohhhh, now that wuz nice….the hot water ran by me skin, swirling o’er it in a sweet caress. Reachin down I unsnapped the denim shorts and slipped um free of me legs. I tossed um on the bank and then settled onto the eater stream feel’in it waft tween me legs real nice like….maybe thar wuz a reason for having such a tiny suit on….with jus a little tug it would be too the side, the warm water surging gainst me….

Suriel really had me a sinking low to be enjoying this I thought to meself….lordy how far had I come to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Well as long as I wuzn’t breaking none of gods covenants….

“Suriel, yah better hurry, cause the water is makin me a lil needful an I know you’d hate ta miss nothing……” If he was about that should get him a comin. Me insides wuz a starting to heat up, I could feel it like.
Noctros ----
Noctros began to reposition himself at the bottom of the pool, staring as the girl removed some of her scant clothing and set herself down on top of the spring. Before long, he could detect the taste of female arousal mixing with the minerals in the water, the taste completely different from everything else disolved in the liquid. He crawled slowly along the floor of the pool, aproaching the girl silently.

He listened as she called to someone again, but he heard no reply. Perhaps she was hoping someone was going to meet her here? He still couldn't quite make out the meanings of her words in the water, but he could make a good enough guess. She was told to meet someone here, and came dressed for some fun. These creatures always seemed to wear less clothing when they were anticipating some kind of sexual encounter. He couldn't determine what had happened to her partner, however, but it didn't really matter. She was here, and her partner wasn't.

And of course, Noctros was here as well. Sliding forward, he gathered his body together, a tight mass of limbs and wings. It was just about time he made his presence known to his newest prey.

Reaching tween me legs I let the tiny lil bottom slide sideways, nobody’d notice, an I could always slide it back. I let the water boil past me as I let me legs slide apart, better to feel its warm tickle across me flesh.

“Last chance Suriel, I’m like getting really warm an I done sumthing yah might like” I waited a bit, no answer, …Me lips puffed out an I pouted, such anticipation wasted….I could almost sit thar an pleasure meself I thought…almost, but I still wuzn’t comfortable with a doing it, specially outdoors whar sumbody might be a watching. No I wouldn’t be a doing none of that today…maybe with Sureil or Violet a watching me and wanting me too, maybe that would make a good first time. I missed her too.
Noctros ----
Noctros simply waited as the girl slid the small piece of clothing aside and exposed her bare slit to the water bubbling up beneath her. He listened to her call to her companion once more, and was able to make out that she was hoping someone would show up... Someone who she had been hoping to meet, perhaps in a circumstance like this.

He debated his next action. Should he simply surge forward and claim her, taking her forcefully as he had many of the students here before? No, he had done that many times, and while it certainly had its appeal, it didn't feel right, not in a place so much like his home. Perhaps something less violent would feem more appropiate here.

Slowly, he relaxed his body, keeping himself below water level, wanting to remain hidden yet. He brought his featureless head forwards towards her, then opened his mouth and let his long, snakelike tongue slide forward towards her body, letting it brush over her slit briefly. He paused, waiting to see how she would react to this new sensation.

Sumthing slide along me tween me legs…I jumped in the water a bit, my hands pushing the cloth back an a looking. Wuz thar sum of those lil minnows that liked to pick at yah in the water like at home. I couldn’t see nothing, the water cloudy with the minerals the hat spring pushed into it. I turned me self o’er and studies the water….looking real careful like for them minnows. Thar bodies should sparkle in the sun a lil as they danced ‘neath the surface….I remember me pa telling me bout them lil things at the bottom of the grand canyon all fighting like to nibble at yah. He said it tickled…and that one did, jus it hit the wrong spot for me.
Noctros ----
Noctros held still as the large-chested girl turned over to stare intently at the water, his dark skin reflecting absolutely no light this deep beneath the water. He debated a moment, then let his tongue slide forward again, trailing over the back of one of her knees, then along the calf of her other leg. He flicked his tongue across the skin of her legs slowly, the round, smooth tendril now as warm as the water he was submerged in.

He enjoyed toying with this girl like this. He didn't often get the chance to toy with his prey like this. Most of them saw him coming and were either running or fighting as soon as he touched them. He just wondered how long he could keep her here like this: confused, but not frightened.

I pulled me legs though the water each time one nibbled at me….Maybe they wuz black not silver, I still couldn’t see nuthin…but then other than that first time they was jus a touching me skin here an thar. I slapped the water with me palm an stilled me self back over the riser of warm water, “darn minnows, whar are yah.”

I let me self slide back the water rolling cross me. If the minnows wanted to nibble I wuzn’t gonna stoop them any time soon, so long as I could try an ignore the ticklish touches well the longer I could enjoy the lil hot spring. I tried to relax me body, but it twas hard to do knowing that at anytime one of them fishes is gonna be back to nibble at some place sure to be ticklish.
Noctros ----
Noctros tensed when the girl slapped the water, ready to launch himself at her, then noticed she simply settled back down on top of the spring. He relaxed again, then slid closer to her once more. A little more patience this time, and maybe he could keep her calm, if slightly unsettled.

He resumed flicking his tongue over her legs, tickling her shins and knees, then briefly licking at her slit once more through the thin strip of cloth still covering it. He could taste her arousal clearly through the fabric. Reaching one hand forward, he hooked his arm around one of her legs without touching her. At least he'd be able to trip her this way if she decided to panic and run suddenly.

They nibbled one here then one thar….nothing major, I giggled an kicked me leg up an out in the warm water when one got me on the back of me knee. It tickled. Then one got brave an hit me swim suit, right tween me legs. I slapped the water ‘gain. It had kept um off for a while the last time, I figured maybe that wuz all I needed to do. Thar wuz no way you’d go skinny dippin in this water.

I reached back an let me braid loose. Leaning back in the water the red flowing round me head all loose like. Slappng the water ‘gain, then working me hands through me hair, pulling at it to get rid of the worse of the tangles so it would flow smoothly when next I brushed it.

I would need to get sum more sunscreen soon, me skin tended to burn in the sun like this, but for now I would relax a lil more, slap the water and keep them minnows away.
Noctros ----
Noctros frowned, his tongue sliding back into his mouth. This girl was definately not about to let
him just play with her at his leisure, although she wasn't fleeing either. Perhaps it was time to
take a more forceful approach.

Grabbing her ankles gently in his clawed hands, he slowly pulled her legs apart. He made certain
his claws didn't dig into her skin, but he did hold tightly enough that she wouldn't be able to kick
out of his grasp. He knew she would be aware someone or some thing was here with her now.

He switched his grip on the girl, his lower claws now taking hold of her ankles as he released with
his hands, and let his head bob upwards out of the water, a dark grey dome emerging from the cloudy
liquid. He let his senses roam over the girl, feeling the heat emanating from her body, then braced
himself for the scream of terror that he was certain would follow his appearance.

Suddenly me legs got hit, this wuz bigger, oh god no…the creatures snout rose above the water, I hit it dead on with me fist….”Suriel…ALLIGATOR, HELPPPP” the scream rent the quite, birds taking off from the nearby trees in order to escape. I tried to move back, get out of the water…oh god help me I prayed, I didn’t want to be eaten by a now account gator in the waters.

I fought as hard as I could to scramble up that embankment. Me other hand clawing at the loose mud an rocks, the large stick running by me finger tips, I seized it in me hand, god had answered me prayer.

Rocking back with all me strength I brought it down upon he snout of the gator….soft wet splinters peeling of it to mare the surface of the grey dome…”shit shit shit, stupid rotten log” prayer can be a fickle thing, as little pieces of wood spread outwards on the rings of waves brought about by me struggles.
Noctros ----
Noctros continued to rise out of the water, the whole of his head now above the surface, his weight supported by his wings spread out in the water behind him. He opened his mouth, the cloudy water pouring out to rejoin the pool as the monster cleared it from his lungs and refilled them with the thin air.

"Ssso, your friend isss called Sssuriel?" he hissed at her, his teeth flashing in the light, looking almost metallic or crystaline, and very bright compared to the dark, mottled tones of his skin. "I don't think ssshe will be coming to help you, girl."

Splinters of rotted wood fload past the creature as he holds the girl tight, not letting her move her feet. He chuckled in amusement, the sounds causing a new set of ripples to spread out in the water away from him. "You sssee, very few girlsss make it out thisss far from the ssschool sssafely."

Me bright green eyes wide in horror as the creature, no monster begins to reveal himself to me…I let go the piddley lil stick, knowing it won’t do nuthin to this…this thing. Water slides down me body an around me curves but a pay it no heed. This is a bigger problem

I tremble, then think…..”Sureil ain’t no girl…..he’s…he’s me husband an a guardian angel, mine in fact….an he clean yur clock if yah don’t unhand me, no doubt god will smite yea down as well.” I bring me arm and hand across me breasts, noting the right one has gotten loose form the small suit….’I shouldn’t a warn this un, the old one piece that covered me completely woulda been better.

I let me eyes flash thar anger, an pull a lil on me legs waiting for him to unhand me.
Noctros ----
Noctros laughed even louder at that proclamation. A guardian angel, here? He'd seen evidence of plenty of creatures on this island, most of them definately not human, but he had never seen anything like what these humans called 'angels'. The only feathers anywhere on this uredisland belonged to the birds that lived in the woods here.

"I think you're confusssed, girl," the monster lectured her. "There are two kindsss of creaturesss here, asss I'm sssure you've ssseen." He lifted one clawed hand out of the water and poked at her stomach, pricking her lightly. "Humansss, like you," he said, then pointed at himself. "And thossse of usss that prey upon you."

He then lifted his hand to grab her arm, pulling it away from her chest to reveal her uncovered breast. "And sssuch lovely prey you are."

Can’t be happening, not here, not in the spot that Suriel had chosen. Not meat neither, no, didn’t want to be eaten, to die. That wuzn’t in them fancy school brochures, oh why had I come her…why?

Oh god no, he lifted me arm holding at aloft, I got me other one and pulled it o’er me nipple, adjusten’ the fabric as fast an as best I could. At least them nipples weren’t hard yet…but I could feel the warm rush a blood to me skin at those last words, bout being lovely….I shook me head, gathering up me courage like a well worn jacket.

“jus let me go, I don’t wanna die an be eatin, thar be lots a bigger juicier things on this ole island than me….see all touch an rubbery I’d be” pushing gainst me leg with me finger, the other still pulled taught above me.
Noctros ----
Lifingt her arm further away from her chest, Noctros grabbed at one of her breasts with a stony hand, still warm from the water of the hot spring. He squeezed lightly, teasingly, curious at her simultaneous stubbornness and her refusal to actually try to escape. Perhaps she was trying to talk her way out of this situation, a concept that Noctros wouldn't have concidered on his homeworld.

"You ssseem quite juicssy here, actually..." he hissed at her in amusement, still squeezing at her breast. "And don't worry, my prey, I'm not here to eat you." He slowly released her breast, his lower hands still grasped around her ankles. "I have a much more interesssting ussse for my prey..."

The gasp rolled o’er me lips, a rush a air as the critter touched me like he shouldn’t an all. I couldn’t see no eyes so I gave a bit of a nasty look jus at the dome of him. “yah shouldn’t touch no lady like that, it’s a bad un to do so. So stop it.” I wiggled out from under his touch, an didn’t like the idea none.

“why would yah want a girl like me” not sure if he wuz a demon or not….No this wuz not looking too good an I needed suriel right about now.
Noctros ----
Noctros grinned at the girl, enjoying her mix of emoitons. He grabbed at her again, once again squeezing her breast. "Becaussse you came to the closssessst thing I have to a home," he answered her honestly. "If sssuch a lovely girl asss you isss going to give yourssself to me thisss gladly, why ssshould I turn you down?"

He released one of her ankles, fairly convinced that she won't try to flee too quickly for him to stop her, and begins running the clawed hand up her leg, towards the skimpy suit barely covering her.

“WHAT!, I ain’t giving me self to you no way….what gives yah that idea? I be here for me husband and no It ain’t you… go an let me enjoy the water” I looked bout for something a lil more sturdy to bash the skull of the critter with. It released me leg and with that an idea formed.

I kicked out with me free leg at the claw ‘bout me ankle. The small suit bouncing form the impact and sending me firm but full breasts a jiggling in the lack a support they offered. Yah, I know it’d be dumb, but I had to try and get me other one free otherwise I had no chance to get away.
Noctros ----
Noctros frowned at the girl, then pulled at her by her breast, his claws still wrapped around her ankle, taking her off balance as she tried kicking at him. He released her wrist and quickly wrapped his arm around her waist, trying to draw her back down into the warm water with him.

"Your husssband?" the creature asked of her, laughing clearly now. "I told you, girl... There are only girlsss and monssstersss here." He couldn't believe how confused this girl was. "Unlessss you met your husssband before coming here, you don't have one."

"Not that it mattersss why you are here, of courssse. You are, and thusss, you are mine."

“lord no, Suriel show yourself and wipe...” no smile….”stop, I am a taken woman an you ain’t the one for me” I struggled, not liking this whole concept of finders keepers, possession be 9/10’s of the law stuff. “Look, god says tah turn the other cheek an all, maybe yah could jus turn yours a let me go.” Me struggles continued with the only obvious result was that both me breasts where a being squeezed together in the middle by cloth that no longer held um like it shoulda….I wuz gonna have a good talking to with suriel ‘bout this one.

The water was warm about me legs as it swirled upwards with each backward step. I tried to claw at the thing, hit him, kick him but didn’t have the vaguest idea of where would really hurt. I jus knew that this wasn’t none to good and god wuz once gain testing me.
Noctros ----
Noctros paused, a little confused by what this girl was saying. This girl seemed to believe in this Suriel creature and this god creature for some reason. He knew what she believed Suriel was, but he had no idea about the other one. Of course, if neither of them were here, it didn't really matter.

Grabbing at each of her wrists and ankles, Noctros pulled himself back into the water, dragging the girl behind her. Maybe the heat was getting to her. He couldn't be sure, but he was getting tired of this girl's constant babbling. He was comfortable here, and she was going to be his.

"No, my lovely prey, you are mine now, and I don't think I want to let you go," he answered her, his head slipping beneath the water for a moment as he pulled at her.

Panic rod me hard of a sudden as I watched the head disappear neath the water, the bubbles slowly rising. Me hands and feet held in rock solid clasps, the water growing higher on me. “Oh lord, what if he don’t know I can’t breath in thar” I screamed then as the water rose over me an I arched me self to keep me head up. I’d been working out, and still the strength wuz not enough, not enough by a long shot. Me head sank beneath the water last, a pool of read hair floating on the surface, whipped about in the frenzy of me panic at dying in this pool that’d had seemed so special…
Noctros ----
As soon as he had pulled her free from the edge of the spring, Noctros pulled her further under for a moment, his grip on her limbs letting him force her body against his. Her breasts are squeezed between their two bodies briefly before he finally lets go of her arms, allowing her to get her head above the water to breathe. He then grabs her about the waist and joins her above the water so he can speak to her once more.

"Ssstop babbling about thisss husssband of yoursss or whatever he isss," he commanded her. "He isssn't here. It'sss jussst you and me. So you can either accssept that, or not." Reaching around her body with one of his clawed hands, he neatly sliced through the small straps that held her top on, the material quickly coming apart behind her and releasing some of the tension trying to contain her breasts.

I felt me self crushed against him as lovers do…as Sureil or Violet and I do to one ‘nother, not sumthing I saw this creature as. Suddenly me arms went free an in a froth of bubbles and spray I broke the surface, me feet still held. I gulped in the air as life itself.

The rising dome soon joined me, its lack of eyes disconcerting to being able o read it. I listened to its babble as well, “A man an a woman take one nother as thar own an god watches o’er them, I ain’t yurs and no I ain’t gonna quite talking cause it bothers yah don’t it.” I splashed the mouth, trying to fill it with water. Pathetic, but a girl does what she gotta do.

My suit sliding away into the water unnoticed in my moment of vindication an revenge. I suppose that’s the problem when they be all too small an stuff.
Noctros ----
Noctros barely noticed the water that the girl tried to splash at him. Instead, noticing that the top of her suit had come off of her completely, he bobbed his head back under the water, his long tongue reaching forward to slide between her ample breasts. The claw that had so deftly freed her from her top now slid down her back and under the water to the edge of the remaining suit, slicing through the strap on one side, then the other. So precise were the cuts that he didn't even scratch her.

Letting his head surface for a moment, he gave her a final bit of information. "Very well... You do asss you wisssh, and ssso will I." As his head vanished beneath the water again, his mouth opened around one of her breasts, the teeth grazing over the skin gently as his tongue began to play over her nipple, wondering how long it would be before her body began to betray her defiant attitude.

Sumthing like slither tween me breasts like sum eel of sorts. I pulled back, trying to get away, finally realizing the suit no longer clung to me top….the bottoms as well, as they flouted past me leg….”give um back I yelled, mad at the money I’d spent and now was gone. Mad that he had made um go….an I wuz naked in the arms of …of a creature. No not like that movie from long ago, creature of the black lagoon. Sum monster that falls in love with the girl…but that monster hadn’t a been taking all the clothes off a the girl an a feeling her up an all.

I felt the play of him o’er me nipple an willed um not tah respond. But like most me obody I’ve learned it has a mind a its own. Thank goodness he water wuz warm and they wasn’t hard already…no not a good thought, the warm water now pushing cross an tween me legs I felt it, a pressure an swiveled an bucked to get outa the area that the hot water gushed its way into the spring….like that shower massage, not a good thing at all.
Noctros ----
The monster held the girl fast, his arms wrapped tightly about her waist and his legs anchoring him to the bottom of the spring. His tongue continued to work over and around her nipple, the slimy tendril occasionally coiling all about the flesh of her breast. Finally she had finished talking, not that he could have heard her clearly now that he was underneath the water.

His mouth began to close a little tighter around her breast, the points of his teeth making small indentations in her skin as they dug in. He took care not to break the skin, however, not wanting to contaminate the pool with the blood that pumped through these humans.

I felt him, an felt the nipple respond, lengthening like It would till it wuz kinda big an all. The swelling of um pulling the flesh taunt bout me breast making the tip more sensitive an all. I knew me body and this wus non to good.

The prick of teeth brought me back…”owww, behave yourself.” The first impulse was to move, the second to stay still to avoid the tearing of me flesh….I smacked the water right where I thought his head was, “that hurt, an it ain’t nice to do to me. Not right away” I bit me lip jus after that one slid out..I ain’t no hussie. I had to keep reminded me self, now that me mound was as smooth as a babies bottom thanks to Argos and his salve.

“stop it, yah might get sumthing yah won’t like too much…”
Noctros ----
While the words might not have conducted properly though the air and water to reach his skin, they were conveyed quite clearly to him through her body, the sounds resonating down her throat and chest. The words that he heard definately intrigued him, enough that he had to ask more. His head cleared the water enough to let him speak to her again.

"Not right away, you sssay?" he asked her, his claws prickling lightly up and down her back, little more than a tickle. "Ssso you would like the pain later?" He slipped back under the water, beginning to play with the other nipple this time, his teeth kept away from her for the moment. Instead, he brought his tail around, letting the tip of it slide teasingly over her skin, enough to let her know of the dangerous point at the tip, but at the same time not forceful enough to do anything more than tickle along her bare thighs.

“no not what I meant, stop that” Feeling the stroking along her back, and now her thighs. “I said I didn’t like it, not that I’d like it…I don’t like pain, I like plea…” I cut me self off ‘gain. what wuz a happening to the girl and the white picket fences and the husband an all. Me skin shuddered, a hand sliding into the water, feeling the hairless dome this thing might call a head. “Yah gotta stop this …this teasing me an all….I …ohhh, I don’t wanna be a cheatin an that’s what it is starting to feel like

The water teased me, his tongue teased me and other things teased me. Made me feel alive in ways me body might pay the price for but me mind wasn’t ready for yet. “please, find another willing girl, one that is more willing than me an…an have a fun with her…please”
Noctros ----
Noctros paid no mind to the girl's words, intent on enjoying her in this warm, fluid pool. His tail continued to play over the skin of her thighs, then slowly slid further upwards, until it was dancing just below the full curve of her ass. He kept his grip about her waist tight with one arm, but slowly loosend his grip with the other, intent on fully exploring this new treat that had stumbled into his 'home'.

Once he was sure he could hold the girl with just the one arm, he brought his free hand around to tease at her stomach and chest, the sharp claws tickling much like the tail was for a few moments before placing his hand over her stomach, his rough skin scratching at her. His hand explored her body, conveying the details of her form to him as even his sonar could not, lingering over the curve of her stomach and hip.

Wiggling under the touch, even like this I wuz sensitive to it, a small gurgle bouncing up me throat, trying real hard like to suppress the giggle that he caused. “are you really trying to tickle me now….that ain’t no way to a girls heart, not at all.” I knew better, but maybe it’d take the creature aback a bit. Thar wuz too much exploration of pieces of me I didn’t need explored, tongues an mouths that had touched me in a bad way.

The hand wus rough like sandpaper maybe, It’d be good for them mosquiter bites, but not much else. Wht I done get meself into running off on sum fool errand for Suriel…he’d a have sum ‘xplaining to do that wuz fur sure.

The way the hands moved reminded me of that movie with the blind girl, how she had tah touch everything….wuz this thing blind…kinda maybe…It might give me an edge, it might explain many things. “you …you can’t like see can yah, … ok, tell yah what, I be real still, let yah touch so long as yah don’t get all carried away with them fingers and tongues an things an yah keep that sandpaper like hand from a scratching me all up. Then afterwards, jus let me go an we will be even…watcha say?” I could do this, maybe…

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 19, 2007 1:03 am
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Noctros paused, surprised by the way this girl was trying to bargain with him. He had seen nearly every ploy and tactic that he thought these creatures would use in their futile attempts to escape, but never had one tried to offer him something he already had to try and stop him from taking all he could.

"Why ssshould I make any dealsss with you, ssslut?" he asked her, his tail still brushing over her skin, coiling and slithering along her thigh. "You can't ssstop me from taking what I want, ssso why ssshould I bargain?"

He had been willing to toy with this one since she had been the first to visit him in this pool, but even here his patience had limits. He stopped running his hand over her stomach and brought it up to her head, gripping her hair between stony fingers and claws.

"And asss for ssseeing, I sssee in waysss you can only imagine."

Sat May 19, 2007 1:31 am
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The large knot in me throat made it hard to swallow….an talk. So I stayed quiet as I worked that lump down with all me energy…the thing before me a playing his appendages about me body. Fear sent a tremor up me leg were something touched me…slithering its way higher still.

Then that word hit me ears….gave me heart, an courage like no other word does. “I ain’t no matter what yah do to me I ain’t one nor do I think yah any good fur calling me one. Do yur worse, but I ain’t goona be beginning yah fur nothing yah big ugly slug!”

Still with me hair in his claws an me body unable to move….well things weren’t looking up to well. “God is on me side, an he ain’t gonna tke to kindly to yah messing with me an all” It wuz all I had an I could only hope that god would take sum time otta that busy schedule and give this thing its jus deserts….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 19, 2007 2:10 am
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Noctros simply grinned at her renewed energy. This was something he was much more used to: having one of these frail creatures struggle futilely to escape from him. He heard her whisper a quiet plea to this 'god' once again, and it finally made him curious. Curious enough to stop him from simply dragging her beneath the water as she struggled to breathe, in fact.

"I don't know who thisss 'god' isss that you keep begging for help, but if he wasss going to help you, he would have arrived already," he laughed. "If he even exissstsss. What isss he sssupposssed to be, some kind of guardian?"

He twisted his hand in her hair, pulling it tight in his grip. "He didn't protect any of the other girlsss, you know," he whispered.

Sat May 19, 2007 2:30 am
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“he works in mysterious ways….perhaps even now he moves…perhaps I am here to show you by me actions what a good god fearing girl is all ‘bout. But yes he is a guardian, an he sent a angel named Suriel to guard me….it’s who I was gonna meet here….an who you will have to answer to in all yur black hearted darkness. Maybe you can find it in yur heart to let me leave in peace, I say I’m sorry ‘bout bothering yah in the water an all…or maybe we can share a lil of the pool”

Me head hurt from the way he pulled me hair. Hurt the way he held me an didn’t let me go. “It ain’t right to take a girl gainst her wishes….an we all ain’t sluts or whores even. An if I wuz one then you would have to pay to play with me body….so be nice, play nice an let me go, I’m sure yah can find a bad girl to do what yah want….”

At least he wasn’t playing nothing cross me body no more…one threat down….now I had to get away for much more happened….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 19, 2007 2:48 am
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Noctros growled, a low rumbing under his breath. His patience finally exhausted, he stepped back from the girl and pulled her forward with his hand in her hair, pushing downwards to submerge her under the water, his voice rising into something resembling a roar.

"Yesss, we will 'ssshare the pool', whether you want to or not!"

Sat May 19, 2007 3:13 am
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The claw in me hair yanked me down, me face hitting the warm water first….pushing me deeper as he bubbles went past we wide open eyes. Thrashing ‘bout, trying to get me face up, me mouth were thar wuz air. The pain in me head were me hair threatened to unroot itself from me scalp wuz nothing to the panic of being underwater while some critter yelled at you in a voice commanding an angry like.

Thoughts of death crossed me mind….an I wondered if the thing even knew I couldn’t breath water none. Me struggles grew weaker as the bubbles no longer crawled by me face. I saw the blackness of a tunnel coming cross me vision. Lungs hurt an threatened to burst as me heart banged away in me chest….pieces of me feeling like they was ‘bout to explode….

A gulp of water then…hitting me throat…an I knew I wuz done for….me last thought to pray a silent prayer as I left earth me parents… poor parents….

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat May 19, 2007 3:30 am
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