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 Shadows of the Past (for Ryu) 
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Post Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
She was in a stupor really. She had no idea how she got here though false memories began to squirm into her head. Names ... places ... people. Ivanna ... that much had struck her as it pressed into her mind. But her red eyes soon noticed the others dressed in similar garb. She was aware that she was bare foot too, in fact a quick survey of the others revealed a few things, most of the people present were lacking shoes and had an olive hued complexion and jet black hair.

Fences caged them in separating people into their own little communities. There was a gate here and in through it came a truck whereas the back of it was unloaded. The truck was old fashioned, a gray one at that.

A soldier got out of it, he in a gray uniform though her attention would be cast to the armband that he sported, namely the insignia on it. A swatsticker. At his side on a strap was an old fashioned rifle hung around his arm. He seized it though the muzzle of the weapon point to the earth as he opened up the rear of the truck and let other olive skinned people out of it.

Gypsies ... the same dress that had been attired to her. Vaguely things made rudimentary sense in her mind. She was part of a traveling troupe, her family had been wanders though they stopped in city to city from time to time to entertain with circus acts.

Her name was Ivanna here, She was as sure of that as the name of the soldier was Franz. Franz Schilburger or something like that. All she knew was that from time to time he dropped off more prisoners and was responsible for doling out rations to them ... when they got any.

They must not have been feed for awhile since she felt hungry now. But Franz directed the people towards a series of buildings in the camp, speaking in German, she understood what was being said though. The man was telling them what building was their's for inhabitation.

The soldier was pointing towards a ramshackle, his prisoners going in that direction though Franz watched after them as they went ...


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Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Ivanna, her name in this camp, that's what she thought as a few things came to her mind. She truly screwed up this time, getting her into a situation like this, not even knowing how. The word family had her attention for a moment, but then vanished by the noises of an incoming vehicle, and what was unloaded made her stare in shock.

It was easy to recognize what was going on when she recalled the insignia the soldier was adorned with, this simply couldn't be, she had to be dreaming. Still, it seemed too real to be taken as nothing. Family and the thought of her future were left behind at first as her tummy made her pay attention to it, a faint growl reaching her ears.

Never before had she felt real hunger, but this seemed to be worse than the usual day where you skip lunch and dinner because you can. Taking a look around, there were people ranging from young to old, however all of them didn't look quite as healthy as they were supposed to. Something had to be done about this and Ivanna had to make the first step.

She knew the soldier, thus approached him carefully, trying to keep a slow pace and leave a rather wide area between them. Perhaps she was lucky and this wasn't what she thought, possibly a labor camp rather than those that scared her to death although she knew people could die around here too, any move felt like a wicked gamble of sorts.

Unfortunately her path was blocked by a fence, maybe she just missed a path that led directly to the soldier, she wasn't quite aware of her surroundings as distracted as she was. A hand reached up lazily, fingers closed about one of the metal rods as she spoke, her voice soft yet having that slight hint of fear behind it.

"Franz, was it?" The young woman did adress him in English, it'd show if that worked out. Hopefully that wasn't insulting but got him to pay attention. "Excuse me, but I was wondering if we are given .. rations today? I'm afraid some have become weak for not eating enough .. I know it's a lot to ask for but .. Me and the others would appreciate it."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:04 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Slow movements were good, though Franz was busy watching the new arrivals as they went about there business. Currently they had formed a line near one of the buildings, removing their foot ware which soldiers tossed into a nearby pile that seemed quit high.

As she spoke, Franz jumped a little as if he had been unaware she had been there at all, he whirled, gun coming up. finger depressing the trigger ... nothing! It had been fortunate for her that the safety was on, though as he analyzed the situation he relaxed, the muzzle of his rifle lowering again.

He looked at her blankly at first, said something in German an apparently didn't understand what she was saying. "What?" He understood his name and that was about all. When she repeated her words in German he looked at her for a moment.

His eyes a startling ice blue that seemed as cold as his heart as he responded. "So ... that's not my problem." For a moment those eyes of his slid over her body as if appraising her. He remembered her arriving here some time back but of course did not know her name.

"What is your designation Romanian?"


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Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:47 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Slightly startled by having the luck not to be a lifeless hull on the ground, she did back away for a moment before returning close to her spot near the fence. Her eyes stared back at his, her expression rather perplexed as she thought he had been joking, unfortunately he meant every word he said. Coming up with a family name however proved to be tough.

"If by designation you mean name, then it's Ivanna Diaconu .. Doesn't really seem to matter since you would have shot me just a second ago." She cleared her throat before she could actually reply in German. Her chest rose a little more and faster as her mind dealt with the simple matter of calming her racing heart. God, she almost got shot because she startled him!

The main objective remained the rations she desired to give to the others, her conscience was telling her she couldn't let herself and others suffer from hunger and possible dehydration. Perhaps she could draw upon things she had at hand.

"We both know that you're responsible for doling out rations to us .. while I want those you are the one with the power to give them away or not .. quite a dilemma." Ivanna spoke softly, almost calm again as her eyes went to the ground and gave her a sad and mildly frustrated appearance, the woman then shifted slightly as her hand slid off the metal bar and her gaze came back up. "Would you kindly show some mercy? Or isn't there any way to change your opinion? This is really important to me."

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
The luck of a safety had spared her for all her caution. Had she come up on him faster he might have thought that there was a threat to be addressed and flicked it off before turning in her direction so she was lucky in that at least.

He shook his head slightly as she spoke to him. "Not your name ... your designation." He glanced at her right arm somewhere beneath the cloth had been etched the tattoo used to identify her. Fresh ink so to speak. He waited for a moment before getting the said information though seemed to consider something as she looked upon him crest fallen.

Franz did not seem to be touched, if he were then he certainly did not show it as he gazed at her. "We're better off without your kind plaguing the streets seeking hand outs from hard working Germans. Still ... it would not look well with the further if I let many of Von Burren's subjects perish ..."

He took a moment of reflection, his eyes sliding over her then his blue eyes connected with her red ones again after a second. "What are you willing to do for rations? I do not give out free hand outs least I be a poor man with nothing further to give."


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Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:13 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
A shiver ran down her spine, looking up the number which was on her right arm, six digits long. Of course she didn't hesitate to give him the information, lacking the hope it would put her in a good light she definitely needed to keep the conversation going.

Von Burren's subjects .. sounded more like she would be serving science instead of working to death, she couldn't put it as better or worse however, it practically meant the same. It was an utter insult to be reduced to that, but as much as she would have liked to punch him in the face she knew that wouldn't end up well, trying to hide her emotions and temper.

"I understand your worries .. However we depend on these rations and for them I'd give all I have left. I'll do anything you think I'm able to do to achieve what I have in mind." Sure, she could think of what men mostly had in mind when seeing her, such a piece of clothing might appear unattractive but that didn't change certain physical needs.

"Do I have your word or won't you even grant the guarantee that the goods will be handed out?" Oh, she could guess what value she had in his eyes, as a human, Ivanna couldn't trust him at all, not without any evidence given he wasn't as cold as he spoke.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:52 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Franz studied her for a moment as she made her calculations in her head. She wasn't too far off the mark with her quick appraisal and before long it was the blond haired man speaking to her. "Von Burren isn't arriving until later this afternoon ... I can spare you and that filth," his eyes rolled towards the camp, "a small meal.

"After which I want you to go to that building there behind you where they process new arrivals. The last have already gone through there today and by this afternoon the soldiers will have dealt with all they need to and get the shoes out of there."

Shoes better off in their hands seeing how the gypsies resorted to eating them. Fortunately, this didn't seem to be a death camp, nor a labor one as far as Ryu could discern.

"Meet me in there and I will take what I want ..." he eyed the building and then was off without a word further. It seemed like an eternity though the passage of time always did when you were this hungry but they got a meager ration about noon that day, sausages.

Now if he had planned on double crossing her it was likely that he would have insisted on acting before delivering any rations at all to the camp. then again what did it really matter to him anyway since moving provisions had been part of his job. Was he that bad at it though? Was he saving supplies to assist the front?


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Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:19 am
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Few words of gratitude were given the soldier before he walked off, the girl did the same and went back to her people but approached a middle-aged man that knelt on the ground, standing next to him another as he muttered something about the annoyance of lacking shoes. It was stupid but she smiled a bit at that.

Ivanna had a few conversations with the others, mainly to get time to pass faster. For a while she thought Franz had forgotten about their deal until she could smell the enticing scent of meat which proved to be sausages, not her favorite but anything seemed edible at this point.

Apart from her yearning however she felt sympathy for the other gypsies, thus stilled her desire to eat till the majority of her own ration had been used, then shared what was left. It's been enough to make her feel better, both mentally and physically, she'd probably need to value food over many things in this camp.

Breaking her own promise for the rations was another thing though, right after she finished with her meal she proceeded to the place Franz wanted her to go to, again slow and cautious because she didn't want to get stopped or accidentally thought of someone who attempted an escape until she reached the building, the unexpecting awaiting her.

On a second thought, Ivanna might be the best to volunteer for this, she had enough strength and will to endure whatever was thrown at her. She had considered that he would have fed them either way, nonetheless it appeared essential to offer to do certain tasks in order to speed things up.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:01 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
The building was dark, the door creaked open disturbing the silence. Along the way she did she a few guards here and there but none stopped to molest her and all where on the other side of the fence. Occasionally a group of guards entered into the camp to extract individuals and bringing them to a white building but none returned from their, however.

No bodies were seen either and the numbers that were brought there had been insufficient to be effective in eradicating people. The building loomed over the camp just outside of it. It sat atop a hill near one of the guard towers overlooking the camp and providing a constant reminder of it's malvolence.

But that building was not the issue at present. This one was. And while she moved from the door into the darkness a dim light illuminated the room as a match was struck and a kerosene lamp was ignited.

It was only part way into the afternoon but the building was quit dark already for it was an overcast day. But by the light of the lamp she could make out a figure in the gloom. Franz she presumed given the gray uniform. The gun was absent though least he as a lone individual be over powered though he doubted that a bunch of half starved gypsies would disarm him, he took not chances though.

"000009 ..." he rectited her number, no she was not the 9th prisoner here but rather the million and eighth seeing that they only wished to use 6 digit numbers as designations. "Show me how you eat a sausage ..."

With that he began to loosen his belt.


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Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:54 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
" .. As you wish." Ivanna walked over to him, hands folded in her lap, hips swaying slightly which would purposely give the red eyed romanian more appeal though her outfit hid most of these subtle movements. The woman lowered her head a bit as she stood in front of him, her expression contained no emotions however she did seem to be sorrowful, not that he'd care.

Without any further indication she knelt down before him, patiently waiting for him to loosen his belt before her hands reached out to his pants, getting a hold onto the zipper and pulling it down slowly. The girl could feel herself breathe deeper now, relieved that this was done before pulling down his pants and undergarments at once to reveal what's hidden underneath.

His manhood displayed proudly, soft fingers enclosed about the base of his penis followed by tender strokes along his length, experiencing the feel of hair whenever she came back down. His servant kept this up for a brief moment, then moving on to the next phase to fulfill his request. Leaning over the slightest he'd feel her pleasant breath against him, the touch of her free hand against his hips now as it wasn't needed at all. Oh, she'd show him how she'd eat a sausage, but not without showing how she prepared such a particularly special food.

The tip of her tongue eventually traced a line on the lower side of his shaft, using her hand to lift it slightly to do so while never stopping her strokes. A gentle moan slipped past her lips, showing that she enjoyed this, bright red eyes looking up at his for the first time since they started to make sure she was doing good.

But she was heading for the fun part, it had been mere foreplay as she decided to try something on the soldier. Her tongue circled about the firm head of his undoubtedly erect phallus, teasing him before she moved forth, her lips wrapping around him and welcoming the sausage of his with a pleasant warmth.

Ivanna eagerly washed over him, a light suction on his mere tip which was about all that had been covered by her mouth and tongue, waves of pleasure assaulting him although she wasn't close to done yet. The rest of his was taken care of by her hand, her head moving back and forth as she moaned deeply, sending a single intense vibration through the top of his precious scepter.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:29 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Franz watched her as she complied coming over to him and kneeling down before him. A trace of excitement evident as she assisted him in peeling down his pants as a trace of his own pre-cum had leaked down his quivering shaft that stood firmly erect.

He groaned at the first inticing contact of her warm flesh moving over his quivering member. Up and down came her strokes that caused shivers to burst over his spine as little groans erupted from his lips. His eyes were half glazed over though looking in the direction of the door that had come ajar partially as if he had stood sentienal.

But that was not the only thing standing firm here. His eyes came back to her just as she was looking up into the features of his pleassure laidened face. He groaned again, head tilting back towards the ceiling as her tongue coiled about the tip of his engorged shaft.

"Fuck," he gasped as her tongue entwined around him. Hands that had gone white as they were bunched into fists uncoiled as he looked down into her red eyes, hands sliding against her shoulders, fingers pressing against skin and cloth beneath his touch.

Part of him wanted to thrust forward with his hips to relieve to tension flowing through him, part of him enjoyed the slow torture that her expert mouth and tongue had been bringing to him. His fingers closed against her more firmly as he did the later preferring to enjoy the slow torture that overcame him as again another shiver lanced over his spine.


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Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:52 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Not only was pleasure building in him, the girl could feel a slight tingle of arousal as hands slid against her shoulders, the touch could mean nothing but it did its part in motivating her. This was about his pleasure and she'd ensure that Franz might be interested in further agreements when it came to the point.

Her teasing had stopped as her lips let go of his shaft, however her tongue remained in place and twirled wildly about his tip for a moment before coming to a full stop below his erection. There she remained, by having control of the muscle it appeared as if she was weighing his hard member, rising and lowering it the slightest with just her tongue.

Perhaps he had underestimated her, she could do even better and that was exactly what she had in mind. Ivanna would serve him with a mind-blowing orgasm and have the taste of his release fill her mouth, the thought of doing so made her nipples harden and rub against the fabric as her hand slid off his shaft, wrapping around his waist before it came to rest on his back. The tease, he would come to notice, was officially over, she wouldn't want him to get used to draw this out any further although she'd love that to happen, too.

For a second she seemed to be waiting, hesitating, but then her lips slid back on his cock, taking half of his hot rod past the entrance of her mouth as her tongue gave pleasure to his sensitive tip all along as she kept this up for not longer than a few repetitions. Quite suddenly however she took him all in, down her throat, summoning an incredible suction as she retracted to do it one more time, and another, moving all the way down to where the bundle of hairs brushed against her face.

Ivanna looked at him with these wide, begging eyes, awaiting his release as she let loose low but passionate moans that came in a frantic pace, each time she was forcing his length back in. This was oddly pleasant, to say the least.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:56 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
Aegir, taped into her mind as he was had been able to feel the pleasure induced in her. His unusal link allowed him to feel these things and in the physical realm it was often a double edged sword in that he experienced his own pleasure and that of his victim looping back to him through this link, and since he often heightened arousal he usually paid for it in a good way.

When he induced dreams or modified them he experienced pleasure only if the individual was since he was taped into their minds and alienated from his own body so to speak. It only took him a small measure to do this, a small portion of his mind that could easily multi task on things as he was doing now seeing that her rising arousal had been from his hand messaging her breast beneath the sheets that had been draped over her.

His desire for her was strong and of course the usually patient Aegir was in essence giving himself a taste of what he could expect later on by stimulating her a little. The sole reason why she wasn't being roused into wakefulness, however was the fact that other portions of his brain had been working to keep her slumber for the time being.

Franz's fingers tightened on her, soft groans became louder pleas as her mouth slid down his package. The suction was great indeed, she certainly was good at this. Though his thumbs brushed lightly at the sides of her neck with each bob of her head back down over him.

His groans grew steadily louder as his eyes closed against the sensations that bombarded him just as Aegir was being bombarded by the sensory imput from Ryu that it was processing and sending back to it's master.

She did not have to wait long for the taste of him to rupture out of that firm hardness and slid against her tongue, fingers pressing firmly into her neck and shoulders, hips slapping up to her face to met her downward strokes urgently in those last few seconds before he halted with a final jolt of his hips as his length slid firmly into the warm and wet confines of her mouth against the sensitivity that was coursing over him as he gasped for air like a fish out of water.


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Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:49 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
The young woman remained in place as the hot torrent of his release had been squirted down the back of her throat, drinking each drop as her glistening eyes locked on his. Ivanna moaned faintly as a subtle blush came over her cheeks, elicited by rising lust and embarassment as he let her swallow up until he had nothing left.

"Mmm .. " Slowly retracting from the base of his shaft she began to suck on the throbbing member, drawing the remains of the tasty fluid into her mouth where she savored its taste on her tongue. She had grown to like this, appreciate it as each man developed a slightly different flavor, offering a surprise to her every time. The girl resumed to suck strongly, soon however she realized that there was a shortage, the warmth of her lips and mouth were fading as she slipped away, hands returning to her own.

She put on a show for him, a hand of hers came to rest near her throttle as a barely clenched fist. Her eyes closed for a moment, it was then she tilted her head backwards the slightest, swallowing the rest of what she had gained in a single gulp. Surely she had discovered a few benefits by offering herself for the rations about now.

His servant opened her eyes but didn't move beyond that, she did not dare to as she remained on her knees, he could easily take any disobediance the wrong way. She got what she needed and fulfilled her part of their deal, unless he decided for the rules to be changed and was going to go further with her.

An athletic and energetic bundle. - Ryu Tanaka, Senior now, but still kicking!

Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:59 pm
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Post Re: Shadows of the Past (for Ryu)
A shudder rushed over him, he was quiet sensitive but she continued to clean him up for all she was worth, drawing out each glob of his own release, causing him to groan loudly against her questing tongue until finally she had finished with him drawing her mouth off of his still sensitive rod that twitched and throbbed with each beat of his heart.

He wilted a little but was still quit hard. He gazed down at her, seeing the throb of her throat as she swallowed his cum moving it from her throat to her belly, a small grin on his pleasure laiden face as he looked into her eyes.

"How'd that taste?"

His hands still rubbed against her shoulders though his grip was weaker now. A hand retracted from her stuffing himself back into his pants making it obvious that he had no further plans for her at least just yet as his eyes flowed down to her impressive cleavage then back up as both hands reached down to help her up to her feet.

"Get some rest ... Von Burren wishes to have 00001 through 0000020 brought to him in the morning."


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Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:16 pm
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