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 Against the Machine (Ike Haw) 
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Post Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
He wasn't sure what she had done to deserve his company. Didn't really care, to be honest, so he sent the note without a thought. It would arrive on her doorstep, in a faded, crumbled off-white envelope. Delivered by one of the school couriers with no return address, she would simply knock on the girl's door and run, not wanting to see what was in that envelope, the kind they normally used to inform students of detentions. Not wanting to know what it would say. In truth, the note left on young Yoko Nakakouji's doorstep was quite simple, staid even. It read:

Ms. Nakakouji,

Your detention is to be served tonight. Please report to the basement at ten o'clock to be collected.

Kyros, on the other hand, had spent the day readying himself. His mask for the day was made of a highly polished, chromed steel with two angled rectangular slits for eyes, no other features. The surface was so smooth and buffed one could be forgiven for thinking it was a mirror. He lay on his back, tightening a heavy iron bolt on a massive, bulky spider-like contraption with something resembling an even-sided cross resting on its back, heavy shackles dangling from each of the cross's limbs. He oiled it, set it into motion, controlling it with his voice and his mind, making it do a circuit around the room. It moved quite smoothly, those plodding limbs thundering as they pounded the stone floor, the massive exposed gearwork of the thing twisting as it articulated its limbs, settling down when he asked, letting out pneumatic hiss. Kyros ran his hand over the metal beast's back as he walked to his chair, picking up his ancient, battered copy of Blake, taking a seat to read. All that was left to do was wait for the evening to arrive.

From scattered worlds they gather...

Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:49 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
Yoko had been sitting at her desk reading through one of her text books. She had found that if she studied the lesson for the next day she was less likely to fall behind in class. It had been a hassle to keep up with class work in the beginning due to unwanted distractions. This system helped ease that burden at least, but it wasn't flawless. A knock at her door made her rise from the chair she was sitting in. Not even half way to the door an envelope was slid under her door. Her eyes narrowed staring at the off white colored envelope on the floor. She would sigh, walking over to the envelope and picking it up off the floor. After all it was unusual for her to get any kind of letter, or mail from anyone. To say the least she was a bit cautious of what might be in the envelope. The envelope was turned in her hands a few times, before she held it up to the ceiling light trying to see what was inside in it.

Nothing seemed suspicious about the envelope of its contents, so the envelope was opened by sliding a finger under the seal. Tossing the envelope on the table in the center of the room she would sit on top of a pillow. Eyes narrowed as the notice was read. It was apparent the university thought it was time to use she pay for some of her infractions. Looking up at the wall clock it was a half hour till ten. It was ironic that the time of her punishment was past curfew, which would mean another infraction. Apparently the university wanted to keep her open for any more disciplinary actions in the future. Yoko would slide off the sky blue night gown she had been wearing, and dug through her laundry pile. In her mind it was pointless to put on a clean outfit. Eventually a white summer dress was pulled out from the basket, and slipped over her nude form.

She knew the way into the basement from a previous excursion into its depths. Back then it had been more out of curiosity she had gone into the basement, rather than to be ordered down. The dimly lit stone stair well and the stairs themselves seemed to take on a very different meaning. Her mind play back to all the devices of punishment a single room in the basement held. Even though she was still on the stairwell she could feel the sexual energy emanating from some of the rooms all ready. Reaching the base of the stairs she just stood there waiting, just as the letter had instructed.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:25 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
She stood at the foot of the staircase, the narrow hallway before her trailing off into a receding darkness. The darkness, however, was accompanied by a sound, slowly, steadily building. The sound rose with little fluctuation in tempo, never receding, its approach steady and unceasing. The grind of well oiled gears, heavy iron interlocking. There was a power to that sound of old, well worn iron slotting itself into place, the gears moving in lockstep, not a single one missing a beat or causing a jam. It appeared, emerging from the shadows at the end of the hallway, a spider-like machine made out of thick interlocking beams of smelted iron. The low-slung automaton moved with a heavy, loping grace despite its bulbous, bulky appearance.With the size of the thing, each step it took should have been thunderous, even cacophonous, but it was smooth, those rumbling gears accompanied only by the soft, heavy plod of its rubber-shod feet on the firm concrete. It stopped, the machine oddly without motion, no roaring engine to idle as it awaited its next order, rather, it seemed as though the thing operated under some sheer unworldly force of will alone.

That slow, oiled, monotonous grind began once more and the equal-armed cross that rested atop the body of the iron spider began to rise. It twisted in the air, the back of the crossbar attached to a rotating arm that moved with an eerie grace for its size and heft. The cross turned, forming an X in the air, a shackle anchored to the end of each of the beams. The arm turned, seeming to scan across her, the area in front of it, though it had no visible means of spotting her. It locked back into place, and with a loud ratcheting all four of the heavy shackles dropped to the ground before it, attached to the arms by lengths of brightly polished chain.

From scattered worlds they gather...

Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:38 am
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
By now Yoko was beginning to think the basement had some sort of soundproofing. Despite knowing what the rooms further in contained there was no noise echoing in the hall from the "punishments" handed out. It was an eerie silence that accompanied Yoko, while she sat on the last step at the bottom of the steps. The quiet silence was broken by something old moving down the halls. She wasn't sure of what it was, or what it even sounded like. All she knew was it didn't sound new and felt like something old and ancient was approaching. Eventually a silhouette appeared in the darkness, and soon after a clear shape appeared. Standing up all she could see in front of her was what looked like an archaic mechanical spider. She was half expecting steam to come bellowing out from it at some point, but nothing happened as the mechanical spider started up again.

Grey eyes watched as a mechanical cross rose up off the machines back. It twisted and moved until it formed an x just standing there. Shackles would hit the floor with a clanking sound causing Yoko to jump a bit from the sudden loud noise. It was obvious to her that the owner of this machine, if it was sentient took very good care of it just by how well the chains were polished. There were questions in her head about what this thing could be here for, but it all came back to one conclusion her punishment. Her chest would slowly rise as she took a deep breath, and slowly fall as she let it out. Unsure if the machine in front could actually see. She decided to not draw things out any further. "Are you the one I've been waiting for? The one supposed to take me to my punishment." She just stood there and waited for some sort of response from the machine.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
The giant cross-bar tilted to the side, the gesture on an animal would have been a display of curiosity. It nodded up and down, the chains jingling to accompany the gesture. The bar, which must have easily weighed a ton, made, it seemed, from some odd sort of polished pitch-black iron, moved with a grace, a smoothness of motion that was almost uncanny, certainly unsettling. It strode forward, those spider-like legs bringing it towards her in a loping motion. The thing was only inches away now, coiled power in those massive locking gears and curved bars. The chains retracted for a moment, the thing dropping the heavy shackles down again at her feet for emphasis. The movement was repeated as it waited for her.

Kyros stood in the darkness of the hallway far behind the thing. He knew its purpose was to eliminate his need to go out and collect his charge, but he couldn't help following along, watching to make certain that his creation was doing all right. A thick needle attached to a long line of cable was poised in his hand, and he pressed it through his ashen skin, using the cable to sew up a ghastly looking gash in his forearm. That was the trouble with making machines designed for the pleasurable sort of torture. If you're looking to rip a person to pieces you can do just about whatever you'd like with the design. With these, though, it was crucial to keep all the nasty spiky bits away from its occupant, that usually meant arranging all the grinding parts in the areas he spent the most time working on. No matter. He took a nasty looking pair of metal shears from his belt, snipping the end of the cable from the spool and tying it off to keep his wound sealed, turning his attention back to the girl and his creation.

From scattered worlds they gather...

Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:22 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
At this point Yoku felt like she was in some sort of novel of hers, or at least a perverted version of Alice in wonderland. She didn't move as the machine came closer to her dropping the chains again at her feet. In her mind she wondered if it was really necessary for her to be strapped down. It seemed rather odd in that matter the machine seemed so insistent on getting her chained to it. Picking up one of the shackles in her hand, she would examine it. The metal had been well polished to the point one could see them self in it. She would walk forward a bit a hand reaching out, and brushing against the black metal. The color reminded her of those obsidian gems, but a quick tap with one of her knuckles proved it to be metallic in nature. She was trying to get into the head of the person who made this machine. What were they thinking in their head. Were they expecting for her to run at the sight of this machine. There was a certain look on her face, as she quickly licked her lips.

She figured it wouldn't harm her to amuse who ever made this machine, and play along with it. The white summer dress would be pulled off and placed over one of the flat portions of the x. Turning around she would place one shackle around her ankle, closing it before repeating the process on her other ankle. "You better not lose my dress. I need that back after I'm done here, and I'll be very upset if you lose it." Placing one of her wrist inside the shackle and closing it. Yoko would try to reach for the other shackle and see she couldn't reach it. "Um...could you extend the chain a bit? I can't reach the other shackle." She would pull on the chain a bit to indicate which one she needed extended. All the time she wondered if the machine really understood her.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:22 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
Kyros tilted his head to the side, curious as he watched her strip naked before fixing the polished chains around her ankles. Now he was certain that the girl being naked would be necessary for his task to progress any further, but how the machine communicated that information to her was a mystery. Not knowing much about the reputation the basement had among the girls who had been there, it was the only conclusion he could draw. Satisfied as she began to shackle herself in, her folded his arms behind his back, returning to the room he had been allotted to continue his preparations.

The machine paused for a moment as she asked, jangling on the chains. There was a slight shift within it as it seemed to consider her proposal. Finally, the chain attached to her wrist began to spool out of the end of the cross, dropping down to give her enough room to move about. When she finally attached the last chain to her wrist, the shackles were drawn back into the arms, pulling her limbs away from one another and fixing her body to the cross. It tilted backward, resting her along the spider's back as the massive machine moved away into the darkness, plodding smoothly on those rubber-footed legs.

In the cell Kyros was preparing, he held a sledgehammer in his hands. He drove the sledge against a heavy iron mold resting on the floor, cracking it open. Reaching in, he pulled out a thick, black rubber dildo with an area on the back open for attachment. He removed a knife from his belt, cutting the flash that had spilled over from the freshly molded phallus, a whole library of other strange and intimidating rubber shapes ready to be fixed on all manner of devious machines still resting within the mold.

From scattered worlds they gather...

Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:07 pm
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Post Re: Against the Machine (Ike Haw)
She wasn't sure if the machine understood her or not, but she thanked it none the less. Being slowly hoisted up with her limbs being spread out, she thought how odd it was to thank a machine. The cross would suddenly tilt backwards laying itself on the spiders back. With the machine moving down the basements halls she could feel the cooler air wash over her nude form. Her thoughts suddenly shifted to how perverted and embarrassing to be carried around in such a situation was. She had expected to feel every movement of the machine, but was surprised at how smooth it was. Her eye lids would go down half way, as she suddenly remembered how late it was. This caused her to think how perverted it be to fall asleep in such a compromising position. Yoko's thoughts began to wander to what the creator of this machine would do to her, and she couldn't help but feel a bit aroused. There wasn’t much she could do, so she just laid there waiting to be brought to where she would punished.

Students: Yoko Nakakouji, Sara Houjou
Campus Monster: Aisaka
Arena Monster: LX
Story Index: Yoko's encounters

Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:13 pm
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