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 Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie) 
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Post Anatomy 666 (Niellwyn and Cassie)
Human Female Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 666

For the 100th time I looked down at the crumpled piece of paper that wuz me schedule an all. Once gain I decided this ain’t nothing but somebody’s sick joke. Probably on of them girls that wuz real good at that computer stuff that I’d told on for having all that homemade drink in thar room. It wuz against school policy an so they shouldn’t been breaking them big rules like that. Well now here I wuz wondering if it had been such a good idea to tattle.

The paper laid out me schedule, not even the counselor said he could change it. He jus sat back in the big comfy looking chair a nodded all polite an bored like. Like he had to listen to me complain a bit but wasn’t bout to help none. I stormed outta that room after he explained that like something ‘bout the class being real selective an well the course attendees had to have permission and all them prerequisites that could only be overridden by the headmaster himself and so if this class wuz on me schedule then I had to have signed up an been accepted. ‘Cept I hadn’t done none of them things.

Worse than the course number wuz the whole lack of info….I mean the class guides only listed the class….no description; zip, zilch, nada. An I’m jus a freshman taking sum 100 and one 200 level class. What that graduate level class in science wuz a doing thar right in the middle of everything jus ain’t right. I hated science….like I’d never been good with it ‘cept when thar were numbers an like. Physics ok, biology an all that yucky stuff ‘bout reproduction an dissecting lil critters was yucky. I reckoned it be wrong, an like then somebody’d have done sum thing bout it. But NOOOOOO, seems everybody in this place is like…’Cassie that is yuy class…an what yah complaining fur anyway its like 8 credits for 1 hour a week’.

So now I wlaked a lonely corridor in the dead of night on a Friday when I should ‘ave been ‘aving fun with me friends an me lover. Once again I felt a shiver run up me spine as me eyes read the type on the page an they reached the class number. I prayed to me god for salvation and strength, clutching the thrice blessed crucifix in me left hand.
MWF 0900 MU215 Advanced Piano Transitions 3 Clive Hall – Room 105
MWF 1000 HIS102 Governmental Studies 3 Baker Hall – Room 532
MWF 1100 ENG104 Creative Poetry 3 Smith Hall – Room 432
F 1900 ANT666 Advanced repro Anatomy* 8 Wagner Hall – Room 239
T-TH 0900 SP132 Spanish 1 3 Keeton Hall - Room 132
T-TH 1030 PE101 Kenpo Karate 3 Briggs Gym – Room 112
Gasping as me eyes hit that number again. Any body could rightly see it wuz all wrong.
The number of the anit-christ that one…an me heart skipped a beat while I walked the empty corridors of Wagner Hall. An with 23 credits this semester I would be having to study like crazy no doubt.

I had to have a badge an everything to get into this place. The soft thump of me regulation black shoes hitting the tile of the perfectly clean an white corridors. The guard at the entrance of the building had shown me how to put me eye in that silly lil scanner till the door beeped a telling you that you could enter. He told me that the ID card with me picture on it had to be worn everywhere I wandered an not to worry cause only the classroom door would open. Then he smiled an winked…saying something under his breath about hoping it’d be my turn tonight …an some show of some sort.

I watched the door numbers…the hall smelling of antiseptic an strong soap. Kinda reminded me of a good ole hospital cept nobody seemed to be in the halls. Moving a bit faster an a knowing I might be cutting it close I rounded the corner…an spied me room. I stood before the plan metal door and paused. Air whooshed from me mouth in one long rush an I pulled the school skirt back down, the length of which still kinda bothered me…and sometimes felt like it wuz a getting shorter. I adjusted the blue blazer and then flipped me hair over me shoulder. The step brought me into a round classroom with a large strong looking table in the middle of the floor. Two rows of simple theater type seats ringed half the room on a raised platform no further than 4 or so meters from the table. High above the table in the middle of the room a glass dome of sorts with lots of lights in the slats tween the panels rose into the tall ceiling. The reflective surface making it look like a mirror above me head.

Glancing about I saw thar be only 3 other students in the room and a stern faced woman in a tight white lab coat with them wire glasses perched upon a firm nose. She glared at me…then her face softened till a small crease developed upon edges of her mouth…not a smile that…a sneer of sorts. A shiver going down me spine with that gaze, like somebody that knows sum thing I don’t. I turned an went up the 5 steps to get me a seat an settled in real lady like on account of anybody in the middle of the room would be looking right up me skirt and well they didn’t need to see that Hanaji had thought I should go out in the lil black undies I had pulled from the closet for after class an her attention.

She thought It’d make me all hot an member what she had a promised me an all. Oh I could member that, I just couldn’t member buying no black nighty thing an that got me to thinking that hanaji had an was playing with me a bit. So I kept me knees together on hoped the lacy G-string wouldn’t be noticed an get me detention ‘gain. But then night classes…well….didn’t seem fair we couldn’t relax like everybody else in school…an two of them girls seemed to be lounging and a lil carefree already with thar uniforms. Maybe the professor would cut us a lil slack on account of the day and the time. One could always hope.

Nothing else but wait till the bell and the start of class with nothing being written on the two huge floor to almost ceiling white boards behind Mrs. Lab coat an having no book for the class yet.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:58 pm
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The teacher's lab coat rustled crisply as she produced a long, slim wooden pointer and rapped it upon one of the whiteboards just as the bell tones. The students immediately sat up straighter, mechanical pencils going unerringly to thin lined notebooks. The mirrors glistened and warped Cassie's shape as she passes under the dome to take her seat. "Miss Smith isn't it?" the teacher asked, her voice dry and disinterested. "It is Miss Smith isn't it?" Steely grey eyes flickered to sheet of paper on her desk. A few of the students whisper to each other urgently about some important point or other, fanning their faces with flapping hands in the warm room. Somewhere an air conditioner began the customary whirring, rattling drone to begin to rectify the condition. Tap. Tap. Tap. The searching finger touched each name on the list before her as she made her way down the line. Spectacles sparkled during her periodic glances up to match faces with names.

As this continued, an older girl leaned forward, brushing aside her severe blond bun and nudging Cassie's shoulder. "Hey, yer new here aren't you? I haven't seen you in class before." The room resounded with a swish and crack, wood smashing agaisnt the whiteboard with force. "Amanda!" The named girl quickly resumed her position. "Sorry Miss Hannigan." she apologized immediately. The blonde was favored with a particularly dissatisfied frown before the instructor uncapped a red marker and placed a mark upon the list. Amanda winced. Polished heels clicked agaisnt the tile floor, the lab coated figure took an imposing stance with one hand on her hip in front of the whiteboard. A new marker in hand, she began scribbling with small, harsh edged lettering until a few lines stood out in clear definition against the board.


"For those of you who are new among us..." Miss Hannigan's voice rose while she whirled to face the class. Her sharp gaze focused on Cassie in particular, seeming to hold some hint of displeasure. "..let me say this. Anatomy is not an easy subject, and it is assumed that you will not take it easy on yourselves. You can be rest assured that I will not." She paused to let that sink in, and proceeded to pace back and forth. The students were already busily engaged in taking notes. "By the time you leave here I will expect you to know the interior and exterior parts of a woman's anatomy like the back of your hand. I will expect you to know their functions. You will know what it is like to feel them, what they look like, and how they operate." Glasses winked as the woman's long fingers pushed them up on the bridge of her nose. "There will be surprise quizzes. There will be intensive in class exercises." A few of the girls around Cassie gave a quick, knowing glance to the table at the center. "Is this understood?" Miss Hannigan's eyes were fixed on Cassie once more. "Is it Miss Smith?"


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Last edited by niellwyn on Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:42 am, edited 3 times in total.

Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:29 pm
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With the tap of a pointer…and the bell ringing I stopped daydreaming for a moment an wondering why I wuz here with no book….in a class I knew nothing ‘bout. A stern voice echoed in the small room with its high ceiling of mirrors….yet it wuzn’t till that second time I really realized it wuz lil ole me she wuz all a calling on. Immediately I reacted to her authority an demeanor. Straightenin’ in me chair, shoulders back, and chin out. I brushed the last bit of me red hair o’er me shoulder with a quick flick of me hand fore settling them on the small writing surface of me chair.

“Yes Ma’am” me voice a bit timid an not at all like me most times. But this class an its level scared me. The Stern woman up front didn’t help, reminded me of the nuns back home in high school who ruled thar classrooms with an iron fist. I looked down at the desk where her hands held the pointer stick thing waiting to find out what this wuz really all ‘bout.

More remarks as another girl tried to make sum small talk. I can learn real quick how a class wuz gonna go down…an this worried me….oh this did. The sharp rebuke…the quickness with which she took control. I watched an learned, cause if nothing else I’m sure if I played Miss Hannigan this evening with Hanaji she would be calling me mistress in no time.

Then the words hit the board….an I dutifully copied them jus like the others round me were doing. Thar had to be sum mistake….a bad one an now I knew it fur sure. Biology wuz not me science at all. I felt me eyebrows go up….me eyes widen….and the teacher seemed to note it as well as she made me feel smaller and smaller. I could tell this class was gonna take all me weekends….

I raised me hand….Professor Hannigan’s stern eyes upon me. “Professor, Um….I think … Um I got in here by mistake…….but I understand, I really do…yes ma’am I do”
Me tongue stumbling o’er the words like the time yah talk to a boy the first time an yur words come out all wrong like.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:44 pm
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"Oh you understand do you?" Miss Hannigan's pointer rushed down to meet her palm loudly. Once, twice, three times she repeated the maneuver; lips pressed all the while into a firm line. "I know very well this isn't your subject Miss Smith." Her eyebrows harden into a hawkish V. The mirrors glittered, a giant dome that captured the faces of all present and returned them curved and Picasso-esque. Starch creaked while the coated woman closed the distance in a series of rapid strides until she gains the foot of the tiers. "To tell you the truth you were not my first choice at all Miss. I don't like this any more than you do, but I'm stuck with it and you're going to learn about human female reproductive anatomy and that..." The pointer rebounded agaisnt her hand with a splitting report. " that. You do understand don't you?"

Whether Cassie replied or not makes no difference, the teacher turned her back and returns to the whiteboard. "Now let us get on with this shall we? We have a lot to cover. A chart descended from above the blank expanse, roller rumbling until a black and white diagrahm appears. "This students, is a cross section of the human mammary." Indeed it was, exacting in detail though it's lack of color made it difficult to follow. "Can anyone tell me what purpose this plays in a reproductive sense?" It was Amanda who's hand raised first. "They produce milk in the presence of certain hormones, namely those produced during and especially just after pregnancy. The nipples act as valves to allow the feeding of this milk to an infant." Amanda's delivery was punctual and commanding, as if she was speaking to an examination board. Miss Hannigan rewarded her with a shallow nod. "Yes very good. What other role do they play?" No hand raised at this. Student's screwed up their faces in an effort to recall. "Anybody?" the class remained silent. "How about you Miss Smith? Perhaps you can supply an answer." Her eyes bored into Cassie maliciously as the room waited for a response.


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Sat Aug 25, 2007 12:21 am
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Quivering both inside an out I nodded like one of them lil bouncy doggy heads you can get that jus bounce up an down for all thar worth. Me hand fell silently to the little writing platform an me slim black pen. Fingers, long an slender curled round the cheap plastic surface, the red manicured nails a new additions since I’d met Hanaji an a started taking care of how I looked an all. If I could’a I would ‘ave faded from view. Oh lord I thought silently, me full red lips mouthing the words as she turned an strode with purpose back to the white boards. ‘Please give me strength an most of all wisdom for this class’.

Frankly I’d of preferred not to be here, but that didn’t seem to be in anybodies plans but me. An now that I’d been rebuked I buckled down to prove me teacher all wrong ‘bout not wanting me to be the top choice for this class. I’d show her yes siree. I’d be the best pupil she had.

I took notes whilst they discussed what breasts were for….I knew they wuz for babies feeding an all but I wouldn’t have used the words they did….they wuz them important sounding ones…the ones that made me head spin. Like mammary an jus the way it all sounded. And then all eyes turned to me. I could feel them on the back of me head…on worse were the ones that bored into me like from me teacher, the one I had to impress and make amends.

For the life of me I had no idea…. Heat rose through me an I noted the obscene way me face jus went red like me hair in the mirrors….oh god I couldn’t say that…but Hanaji said it was true…an well It did lead to other things that dealt with reproduction….
“Umm. Ma’am….ummm like a display….cause I noticed that when umm like I” fidgeting in the seat this was so embarrassing like, I wiggled back an forth, me ankles sliding gainst one another an the heat growing all round me as the room warmed. “a female is, oh I can’t say this…” the stern eyes making it clear I would, “the nipples like get hard, an that tells the other side that your like maybe wanting something or at least are perhaps entertaining the notion of a coupling of sorts.” Well now that that was out, “so like it’s a way of signaling desire to mate?”

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 25, 2007 1:22 am
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The teacher's mouth made a little moue at her answer, perhaps irritated at her manner of speaking. The spectacles became agleam as she adjusted them in a habitual gesture. "Yes Miss, strictly speaking, you are correct. However I would suggest learning to use more formal modes. Any paper that possessed such a number of ums and pauses would be sure to receive a very low score." The authoritative voice fairly dripped sarcasm. The floor squeaked against her heel as she briskly turned and took her place once again at the boards. "What Miss Smith attempted to say," here her eyes hardened with her callous smirk, "is that the mammaries possess the secondary function of visually attracting the males of the species, as well as signalling readiness to breed through the engorgement of the nipples." Giggling spread about across the rows, muffled and low. For once the disciplinarian did not react, letting the ridiculing sniggers continue without punishment.

"It is worth noting that the prominence of human breasts are believed to be directly due to our adopting an upright posture during our evolution. Most animals are aroused by the sight and scent of a female's engorged buttocks and genitalia. With an upright posture, such views are necessarily more difficult, and it is theorized that the body adapted so that the mammaries mimicked the appearance of buttocks. Though it would seem to have overcompensated, as human males are generally far more interested in the illusory buttocks than they are in the actual ones." She gave an amused snort. "Isn't that correct Miss Smith?"


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Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:06 am
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The way she moved all smug an hard like made me wonder if beneath that starched lab coat was the heart of a human. Bit by bit I wuz a learning things, still, having to learn them words and string them together like she an the other girls had done would be like talking in some other language. But I could learn languages … did jus fine so far. To think this wuz at least English.

Them all laughing an snickering…well at least I’d gotten it right, I mean the answer of course. So laugh all yah want. It hurt, not that I’d admit it, but it did. Jus like them girls in the dorm, always snickering hind me back, making fun of me….I tapped the pen a few times, an shifted in the seat, keeping me knees tightly together like a real lady. Sum of um could learn sum manners I reckon.

I hadn’t known all that stuff an so I scribbled down on me notepad her words as fast as I could right um. Amazing how god works an all. He did make woman for man, so it was small wonder that women had the shape they did to make men take notice. Strange then that the nuns always wanted to go unnoticed, but then if yah take a vow of chastity I suppose it kept temptation away like. The pen froze from its ceaseless scratching at the paper before me. I looked up….realizing that once ‘gain I wuz in the line of fire….

Umm, ah sorry ma’am bout the umm. I, .. I don’t rightly know, I’ve well been to a catholic school and then this all girls school so boys really haven’t met any like that an all.” I thought about Suriel, but he was an angel an seemed interested in all of me….though he had…no that didn’t count. “So Professor, I jus don’t have lots of…..” I thought through me words then….an science class “Observation” pride swelled inside me at coming up with that big ole word. “Experience of men an all”

I really hoped that wouldn’t be a bad answer, but it was honest. An I’d always tired to stay covered up on top.

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Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:53 am
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Those uncaring eyes focused a bit lower, staring directly between Cassie's legs. "Well, I daresay you have a bit of experience elsewhere." The corner of her thin lips quirked and she turns back to the chart and gave it a quick jerk. The diagram flew upward and snaps into place jarringly. "Miss Smith, I require a volunteer. You do not mind do you?" The tone was challenging, her look penetrating. "I certainly hope you do not." Again those mercurial eyes focused on the shadows between your legs. "I do allow a bit of leeway in the rules for students who prove themselves eager to learn and participate. Dress codes for example, can be ignored to a point." The air was suddenly chill, accentuating the uneasy silence that develops after Miss Hannigan's suggestive, knowing remark. Odd, since the distracting rattle of the air conditioning unit seemed to have faded.

A light turned on, an echoing click accompanying it. All others flickeedr and die a moment later, leaving a square beam projected onto the whiteboard. Another screen was pulled down from the above to make a viewscreen. The sound of static filled the air, black and white dots appearing upon it as Miss Smith beckons. "Come now. Unless you'd prefer I give you a write up to the Headmaster. It's easier on me at least."


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Last edited by niellwyn on Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:09 am
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A chill runs across me with her all knowing look, Like she can see right through me skirt and blouse. Lace seems to constrict me for a moment, the chill biting a bit deeper an me other parts reacting. Oh lord, would they laugh, thinking I was a reacting like a girl that wanted to mate…the light lace of me bra would do nothing to stop the revealing dimples upon me tight white blouse. Thar were times I thought gods blessings could be curses and this wuz one of um. Yet I moved.

I jumped up from me seat, legs together an walked to the steps, descending them the short skirt fluttering upwards with the quick descent. The crucifix thumped gainst me chest on the last step, breasts jiggling a bit as I hit the floor with a solid thump. I thought bout it…the numbers rolling through me head, the angles, the distances. It wuz as natural as the music I played. An I knew.

That wuz it….the stairs … the razed platform about the floor. I’d gone up those stairs in me school skirt…swishing me hips like I always do….Oh lord, why couldn’t I get a longer skirt…oh she knew…she knew an wuz willing to use it. I had no choice. I didn’t need no headmaster sending me home or detention. I’d given in to Hanaji, that would be the last time unless this professor really did let us have a different dress code. I could only hope now…and say me silent prayer to the lord.

I pulled at the hem of the skirt a bit as I walked, the rubber soled shoes note making a bit of noise upon the hard floor. Now I would be a mouse….a silent good mouse as I stopped before her like a slave to a mistress. Leaning in closer to her ear so the other students wouldn’t hear me I whispered then, “Ma’am, sorry bout the panties, won’t happen again…..or the top, be all regulation next time….” Then I thought bout what she had said…”unless yah want me in something else an it is ok.” A simple pair of jeans an thick top sounded real good to me.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:34 am
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"Do not worry about it, I was quite serious about relaxing the rules somewhat. That...garment," her words were laced with an acidic edge of disdain, "will be an aid to the exercise, so I will not require that you change them. Take a seat at the edge of the table if you please." Miss Hannigan's approval was as cold and nonchalant as her verbal barbs as she watched to make sure Cassie did as she was bidden. Which naturally, she did, not wishing to displease this professor who was already seemingly possessed of a distaste for her.

Then the teacher left her to open a drawer. Six pairs of eyes followed her, aglow in the reflected brilliance of the overhead projector's beam. They snapped as one to Cassie, the teacher back at her place without seeming to have moved. In her hands she carried a small instrument. A camera lense set within a short, blocky black cylinder, devoid of any sort of sheen. A very utilitarian looking device. A flick of the thumb switched the camera on, and the screen was awash in color. A giant image of Cassie's blouse appeared, magnifying every detail as Professor hannigan cleared her throat. The weave of her thin blouse was visible, as well as the mild swell and fall of her chest. If not for the obvious hardness of her nipples, this may not have been so bad, but the projector spared no detail and soon the shadowed students engage in furtive, nervous laughter.

Laughter dies immediately, while Miss Hannigan cleared her throat once more unnecessarily. Quickly the class was absorbed in the lesson once more. Cassie's bosom jerked vaguely from the natural tremors of the teacher's hand as she pointed it steadily at her. To the subject's chagrin, a glance backward betrays that even the the shape of her bra is not hidden by the viewscreen, the lace hinted at through the white material. "Now then, to begin my demonstration. Miss smith, if you would be so kind as to remove your blouse?"


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Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:54 am
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Breathing a sigh of relief at her words I relaxed, the tension in me shoulders letting um slip downwards a bit. The pounding of me heart slowly ‘gain to slow an me chest didn’t hurt nearly so much. Stoic….I’d learned that word jus the other day an it seemed to describe me professor to a tee. I wondered what a relaxing of the dress code really meant. Wondered if it would allow me to come to class in something a bit less revealing of me legs.

Commands came an I moved as directed, prancing to the table an a jumping right up on it. Sitting thar upon the cool table, me knees close together one legs nervously swinging back an forth like the pendulum of a Ma’s grandfather clock. Oh I wuz a wee bit nervous an all. It seemed form the moment I’d walked in the room that the professor had it out for me. Yet, the incident about the clothing made me think it wuz all in me head. Perhaps she knew I wuz going to struggle with this…knew I needed a good swift kick in the tush to get me concentrating. Well with me notebook on the chair I wuz gonna have to pay mighty fine attention to what she said an did so I could member it all.

Laughter, I stopped looking at the professor an what she wuz a doing an looked at the students…then flowed thar eyes to the screen….then back to um….the screen. Heat flared ‘gain, the overly large nipples showing a mind of thar own an bringing me to me knees in shame an guilt. Oh lord why me….It would only be worse if I’d been naked on that big ole screen….why the sudden coolness that had started this….an now…they seemed to react…an how come it felt so good, the way me flesh was held in those lace cups…the way the straps pulled gainst me flesh. The way the mysterious black collar an its golden studs seemed to feel perfect on me neck. Nothing wuz funny to me, no I wuz dying of embarrassment and some how feeling all hot under the collar for it.

Scarcely could I believe me ears at the next simple command….I mean ok, we’d seen a diagram an all, but no way… eyebrows curled upwards as me eyes went wide an I looked into those demanding eyes with me own green ones. There was no room for dissent, no parlay at all with those eyes. with a trembling lips and a mumbling voice real low like I spoke or tired to…”Ma…ma’am….all ….the…www..wway…off?” Me hands already fumbling in the buttons. The only salvation for me wuz in that moment at least I had me large full breasts covered by me slender forearms. Fingers refused to work…the stubborn button not sliding through the hole. In depsreation I pulled…the small button bounding away from me shirt to flutter though the air till its shiny pearl surface landed upon the floor an spun to a halt.

Moistness hit me eyes, an I vowed to not allow the tear…not show the weakness. Sum girls may be into public nakedness, but not me. Not really….cept that time with violet on the roof. I squirmed a bit then, thinking on that an the way it made me feel. Not good this…not good that…I tried to repeat the mantra while things started to get a bit warmer all round me.

Cassie (Good Girl)
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Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:22 am
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Hannigan's sigh cut the air like a knife. "Yes, all the way off. Your bra as well if you please." Her tone was impatient. She tapped her fingers on her hips. A chair squeaked somewhere in the shadows. "Try not to waste time Miss we are on a schedule." That singular button shone like a pearl in upon the floor, a misplaced point of light. The mirrors danced with motes and dull swirls of white. Abruptly the lab coat crunches from movement. Once again the stern woman plunged into shadow, followed by the sounds of metal rollers on wood as she checks a drawer. The diagram was pulled back down, suddenly awash in light as a positional lamp is activated with a click.

"Try to think of this clinically." The suggestion drifted out of the darkness just before the teacher reappears bearing a pair of latex gloves in her off hand. The pointer was tucked under one armpit and the white elastic gloves stretched onto one hand and then the other. Powder dispersed into the air as she allowed the material to snap against each wrist. The pointer resumed it's place in her hands, held crosswise in front of her chest. While she continued to wait, a student timidly raised her hand. "Yes what is it Kaitlin?"

"Professor, isn't it true that the mammaries have a pleasure stimulus?" Miss Hannigan gave a genuine smile. "How very prescient of you Kaitlin. that was to be our next object. Yes, you are quite correct. The pleasure stimulus you mentioned the body's manner of motivating the female to feed an infant through suckling. Though naturally humans have displaced this urge and employed the stimulus outside of it's intended purpose. On the overhead screen, buttons worked loose reluctantly under nervous fingers.


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Last edited by niellwyn on Thu Sep 17, 2009 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:42 am
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Control o’er me trembling hands wuz made all the worse by the large screen I knew every sacred inch of me chest was being displayed. The class being an hour did only give us a certain amount of time. Pulling an teasing the buttons I got them undone, slowly working me way down me front. The banter continued with the class an I wuz having trouble following it, nervousness and embarrassment making it hard to undress yet keep track of what I wuz supposed to be learning.

White latex gloves, a puff of white and the plastic slaps together. Clinical or not that scared me, I wondered what those gloves were about to protect her fingers from….a woman’s body had a lot of tender area….the banter….pleasure stimulus…me lips curled downwards in worry. The last of the buttons undone on me pale freckled flesh as it came into view when the blouse billowed open. I let it slide off me arms, not even fully pulling the fabric from me skirt so it pooled about me upon the table.

I reached back for the clasp of the black lacy bra pushing the firm full breasts forwards in an obsene way upon the huge screen. Golden rings glittered under the shear fabric made more pronounced by the deep red of me nipples base. I bit me lip to keep the tears from coming. Swore it was in the name of science an that they wuz all girls an such. The bra came free and an I gently let the straps flow over me shoulders and down me arms till it fluttered to the floor at me professors feet. I held me hands over me breasts, covering the golden rings that pierced me thar. Upon the screen stood those prominent mounds, my ring finger with its diamond wedding band and the golden crucifix dangling in the valley of me chest.

Me chest heaved as I breathed, laboring to take each breath on remain calm enough I didn’t run through the door and into the hallway. “what….what now?” not really wanting to know the answer out of utter fear.

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
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Sat Aug 25, 2007 6:03 am
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Gold glinted upon the screen in quick flashes. The teacher raised a thin black eyebrow once the sheer ebon brassierre came into view, both of them at the appearance of two dangling rings clipped into Cassie's burgeoning, rosy nipples. "Oh my God..." a nameless girl in the background whispered, perfectly audible. "Are those...what I think they are?" Murmurs filled the classroom. All too many watchful eyes concentrated on the video, taking note of the way Cassie's breasts quivered in the cold that made goosebumps appear over the milky, dappled expanse of her curves.

The air was chill on her skin, making fine hairs stand on end. Just before the young woman covered herself, pressing her firm globes against her chest, it seemed as if someone catches their breath in the darkness. Did she hear a repressed sigh of disappointment? Those glowing pairs of eyes felt far too interested to the nubile model at that moment. She could have sworn she noticed some drift closer, as if the students had been leaning forward. The lecherous wavering was surely her imagination. "Well for starters Miss Smith, you could remove your hands." The teacher's sarcastic tone brought her back to awareness. Latex sheathed fingers touched Cassie's wrists impersonally. "I did not ask you to uncover yourself just so you could hide behind your hands." Despite Miss Hannigan's words, she droops somewhat. Idly replacing a stray strand of hair, she employs a slightly gentler tone. "There's no need to be embarrassed Miss Smith. It isn't as if you are abnormal. In fact your porportions are nearly ideal for this purpose." Such neutral admiration. Even her praise comes out clipped and medical.


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:02 pm
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Eyes seem to bore into me….the room deathly silent ‘cept the whirr of the fan that keeps the projector cool. Even me breath rattles in me head with each quick gasp. Finally, breathing in while I lean a bit forward, me chest expanding with the long intake of air to settle me nerves. I look at her face, thar is no judgment thar, only the clinical look of me doctor in those eyes. Even me doctor for the stuff tween me legs had looked like that while I got all embarrassed on each of them visits. It helps settle me, that an the long relaxing expulsion of air in the now cool room.

Fidgeting with me knees a rubbing together I drop me hands an clench the edge of the table white knuckled. Waiting for the jeers an catcalls that will no doubt begin as me secret is revealed to the world. Gossip spreads fast in this school, an this was one of me lil secrets I wanted to stay that way. The catcalls could be cruel barbs, even more so when the secret wuz as much a secret to me. To this day I did not know how or why I had um….yet Hanaji liked um….an I liked the way she played with them, those golden rings that pierced me rosy nipples.

Looking over me shoulder I saw the way the heart shape of me breasts filled the screen. The firmness with which they stood upon me chest, the gentle curve an swell that wuz so much different form Hanajis small teacups. The gold rings caught the eyes, held me transfixed upon the hard rosy rise of me points. I could see it, I could see how a man might interpret it all. This is why….

Suddenly the stray thought hit me like a big ole bus on main street. All breath stopped while the thoughts tumbled through me head. I’d been marked, decorated of sorts to bring even more attention to meself on the bountiful offerings of me body. Decorated for all to see….meant to be seen. Knuckles went white were I grasped the edge of the table in a deaths grip to keep meself from falling o’er. An I liked it….liked the decorations an the feelings it gave me. Wuz I really that brazen, that wonton….had I covered me darker sides all these years since puberty …. I wanted to go back then….back before all this an back to that good girl an the simplicity of it all. Gasping I came back…but not to the place I wanted, no to a dark cool room where I sat upon a table with a professor to me front. I looked upon the floor, the tiny pearl colored button drawing me attention to its luminescent presence on an otherwise empty floor.

The black bra…where? Breaths came from the darkened room, like the girls themselves had sat still for too long. I felt a tingling on me feet….rising from me toes. Something wuz crawling up me legs….an I couldn’t look down…I wiggled me toes then, an found no restrictions to them…Shoes? Something enveloped me calves…crawling upwards on me hairless skin. An still the professor nor the students took notice so mesmerized by the glittering of gold. Keeping me head high I briefly glanced downwards to the slow creeping mass of black thread….fingers of it forming a net round each leg, marching upwards ever so slowly till I felt a tight circle upon me inner thighs way up high… then stopping of a sudden. Me entire leg tingled with the sensation of the stockings…an yet no one had said a word….had they not noticed….was the display of me chest too much.

I had to wonder what wuz going on….me world wuz a spinning like. Looking at those clinical eyes so high above the expanse of starched white that swathed me instructors body I opened me mouth an started to talk. “I…..I still don’t know how it happened.”

Cassie (Good Girl)
Cassie's Adventures Blog

Cala (Future Prefect)
Bio and adventures

Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:28 pm
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