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 A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail) 
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail had stepped in front of the guards terminal to search this base for slaves location as out of no were the red alert alarm roared out, startling the poor agent. The alarm screamed threw out the base indicating Nails covers was blown as she looked around in a panic. "Great!! I NEED MORE TIME!!" Nail screamed with frustration as she slammed her hand ageist the guards computer terminal completely destroying it as it knocked off the table in a explosion of sparks and computer parts. Trying to calm her self down, Nail tapped her foot repeatedly ageist the floor, crossing her arms trying think of away out of this mess.

Hearing the siren echo threw the hallways of the base, Nail couldn't think of a plan and made her choice with out hesitation. "Well that's too bad....... such a shame those poor slaves got murdered by a bunch of crazed monsters......what can you do." Nail shrugged speaking to her self as she slowly walked down the hall not seeming to really care about what happens to them now. Giving her self a smirk, Nails expression quickly changed to a some what maleficent scowl as she took one last look around before bolted in to a sprint down the hall running as she drew a pistol in her right hand and the detonator to the explosives in her left, completely ready to release the trigger and blow this place to hell just in case getting captured was a possibility.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Feb 13, 2012 10:33 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon awaited her response wondering what she was doing at the terminal, her search for slave profiles gave him the final clue. Though she was not the traditional human female, she was certainly ADD if she was interested in finding and most likely freeing the slaves. He had some previous run ins with the ADD agents and they were always well trained and exceptionally trained in the bedroom. He would be excited to interrogate this one.

Listening to the siren begin he thought the situation just became interesting as she justified to herself, the loss of the slave's rescue. Apparently she wasn't visiting his base with the primary goal of setting the beauties free, but had ulterior motives. He watched her ready her weapon and pull something from her belt. Slimer wondered what possible weapon the box possibly was, although based on the pounding of the footsteps descending the staircase up ahead he was soon to find out.

Curious to see how good she was he trailed invisibly along, easily keeping pace with his four legs.

The guards reached the bottom about the same time she arrived there and he waited for an opportunity to secure her should it present itself with no possible harm to himself. He wondered if she fought as well as her lovely tight body seemed to indicate she would. Against five armed guards he would find out...



Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:09 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail moved along the hall way wepon drawn ready to shot dead any thing infront of her. Listen carfuly Nail was Hearing what sounded like feet pounding ageist metal on the stair case up ahead and what Nail could only assume were security guards roughly 4 or 5 of them. Nail held her position in hall for a momment as she tryed to come up with a plan to dispose of this sad escuse for security. Nail quickly had her Idea as her face lit up. " This should confuse them."

Keeping her gun pointed at the stair case were the guards would soon come from, Nail choffed to clear her throat as she loudly yelled with a scared cry to the approching guards down the hall way. "HELP!! HELP ME THE INTRUDER... HES UP HERE!!" Nail screamed trying to sound as pathetic and scared as possible to fool the guards. Quickly she holstered her weapon on her utility belt and quickly uncliped it taking it off and leaving her only in the tight black backless body suit and threw it some were out of veiw. Keeping the detonater safe in her left hand Nail waited for the guards to make their way up the stair case were she would protend to be a helpless slave and drop to her kness to better the look of being a scared and helpless and hopfully her bad acting would pay off. "Oh thank goodness your here He ran down that way...."

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:16 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The guards came around the corner to her screaming that he went down the stairs. Her weapon was tossed to the far corner, and the first few of them took off down the stairs where she had pointed, the last two were headed that way when recognition dawned on thier faces. They were the guards that she had knocked out and tied up as she entered the moonbase. Looking at the girl on her knees they looked at one another and then smiled.

Moving closer they drew their rifles and pointed them at her, Nice try but you didn't hit me on the head that hard, freeze where you are... and they crept closer weapons targeted on the kneeling agent...



Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:27 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail had to try her best to hold back a smile and laughter to keep a straight face as the guards quickly came to her rescue and even split up to search for the intruder who ran off down the hall that they would never find. Nail Continue to sit on her knees and pretend to be scared as she watched the last two guards slowly walk away untill it all went bad.

Suddenly the two remaining guards looked at each other and smiled as they both pointed there guns at poor Nail and told her too freeze. Looking at the guard speaking, Nail's scared act quickly vanished and her expression changed to an annoyed scowle as she stared daggers at guards. "Oh its you two....I should of hit you both harder then.." Nail put her hands up still holding the bomb detonater in her left hand sat there trying to think of away out of her new situation. "So what now? You going to call for back up?" Nail kept her hands raised as she stared at the two guards.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Sat Feb 18, 2012 2:12 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon was proud that the two joyous idiota finally had enough sense to do something right. He debated taking her then, but noticed the steange box still held in her hand, wondering once again it purpose and value to have thrown away her weapon but to have retained it. He wondered if the two briefly inspired guards would take heed of it as well.

The guards heard her witty comments as the shuffled closer weapons not waivering from her sexy form, and the words seemed to make them burn as their cheeks went flush and they realized she had completely made fools of them. Glancing at one another, they realized if they called for backup they would have to explain how they were able to recognize her when the others were fooled and would probably never live it down.

Closer and closer they drew, No I don't think we,re gonna need any backup dealing with the likes of you... one guard sneered at her kneeling form as if her suggestion were simply absurd. They were only a couple feet away when the other chipped in We should probably deliver her to the boss...

The demon almost smiled at their competence and about made himself known when moron one added his idea, Well I don't see the rush in delivering her, we should humiliate her like she humiliated us, the boss wouldn't mind if we have some fun with her first. You keep the weapon on her while I have my fun, then I'll do the same for you!

At this point they were only a couple feet away, and Slimer wanted to throttle their incompetance as they hadn't seen the box and seemingly had no intentions of following protocol. Wait, why should you get her first, you're the one who got us a nice headache in the first place. If anything you should get to go second, the demon considered throttling them again but wondered how she would handle these two especially as the guard swung his weapon while he talked to the other guard who at least kept his weapon trained on her even if he stopped watching her.



Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:31 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail rolled her eyes as she listen to the two guards argue, keeping her hands raised and the bomb detonater held in her left hand like befor. Nail watch them both as the fought over who was going to have their fun with her first as they kept their guns lock on her sexy kneeling form. Growing restless as she was forced to listin to thier bikering befor they both made the worst mistake possible, both guards withdrew their guns away from pretty little Nail and continue arguing as Nail could not help but smile at how stuid these two really are.

Nail choffed loudly into her sleave to get their attentin befor putting her hands back up. "Well Since I'm the *victim* here I'll pick" Nail gave the guard closet to herself a sinister smile. " And I pick you." Quickly with out warning Nail jumped up rushing the guard as her right hand suddenly shifted to its more beast like form ripping apart the glove and sleave on her forarm she wore over it and quickly swiped at him with her razor sharp claws aiming for his head hoping for a quick take down and if she was quick enough she would quickly strike out the secoind with out hesitation.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:10 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The guards in their bickering over who could take the girl didn't react fast enough as the agent jumped up and a clawed hand ripped through the hugging suit. The first guard looked stunned as the claws ripped through half his face and he went down, unconcious in a bloody mess. The pain from the vicious and possibly lethal move left him passed out from the pain and sudden bloodloss.

The second guard caught with his mouth hanging open barely had time to pull up his gun and shoot when the clawed hand spun towards him. The claws hit him in the throat as the shot rang out. He missed hitting her anywhere vital as the shockwave slammed into her left shoulder. He could only stare wide eyed as the fatal neckwound caused him to gurgle on the blood filling his airways. Finally, he slumped to his knees, fell to his side and was dead before he hit the ground.

The demon would have applauded the removal of the two useless guards, if he hadn't been intent on seeing the outcome. He smiled and waited to see if she would manage to down the second guard and she did, taking a nonconsequential hit, although it was in the shoulder of the arm carrying the device.



Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:00 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail managed to take out both guards leaving the hall way in a gorey mess as they both layed unconsios or dead, but Nails victory came at a price. The gun the guard was carrying had blasted her melting the suit over her left sholder while badly damaging the fleash underneath leaving a awful burn. The gun blast was enough to knock her off balance and cause her to fall back oh her ass. Nails blood soaked right hand shifted back too normal as she quickly grabed hold of her wounded sholder wincing as she cryed out in pain.

"Ahhhh damn it....h-he shot me!!!" Crying out in pain Nail kicked and trashed at how badly it hurt. despite all that happen she managed to keep the detonater in her hand. Slowly Nail got to her feet and retrived her weapons and utility belt and afther finding it rather challenging to get it around her waist with one arm but managed it as she painful moved her left arm, placing the detonater in her right hand for safe keeping for now as she sat agiest the wall for a momment to rest afther that crazy little encounter.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:45 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon thought now was a good time as any. He watched her agony at receiving the shoulder wound, and how she bravely strapped on her belt. Slimer smiled as he thought of breaking her spirit her strong will, and all the fun to be had doing it. She sat against the wall holding that box strangely enough.

As she sat there, he slipped his four tentacles from under his arms and sent them creeping slowly crawling along the floors, making their way to her ankles and wrists. He knew this was one of his best chances to capture the exotic intruder. The tentacles neared within range as she rested in against the wall breathing deeply, and finally they lunged at her wrists and ankles seeking to coil her limbs tight...



Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:30 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The pain in her left sholder felt as if it only got worse as the fabric of her suit covering her sholder was left melted, burnt and mostly ruined beyond repair while leaving the skin underneth in bad shape. The poor agent quickly found her self being forced to set the detonater to lock as she went to place it back on her belt for safe keeping to better tended to her badly wounded sholder.

It was untill Nail was suddenly interupted by a set of tenticles as they shot out of the shadows and quickly grappled her ankles and wriest pining her arms to the wall behind her. " WHAT!!??" Completly caught off guard by the sudden ambuse Nail dident have time to react to pull her weapon as her wounded arm was jerked around causing her to scream out in pain as she kicked and screamed trying to get free as she tryed to pull her arms and legs away and even get to her feet to even make a stand. "NO LET GO!!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:30 am
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon begins coiling her limbs, as Nail tries desperately to slip free of the binding tendrils. She manages to pull her legs back and with an amazing show of strength she slides her way up the wall. The tentacles use the planted move, to slowly creep up her calves, limiting her movement more.

Finally the demon appears in front of her, standing on his four legs. Two were faced opposite the front, and lead up past his loincloth to a firmly chiseled midsection. His massive arms almost hid the sight of the tentacles extending from underneath them. Under his short spikey brown hair was a dimunitive forehead, containing the green piercing eyes that locked onto his squirming blond prey.

Oh I can let you go. The question is will you tell me who the hell you are and what the hell you are doing here, killing my guards? Depending on whether you answer truthfully on how soon you are let go and in what condition... and with that he kept her arms pinned as she slid up the wall, his tendrils coiling their ways down to her elbows. Meanwhile he swung his massive tail over her head, the huge thing wobbling as it pulsed filling the tail through to the tip with his chemically charged green slime...



Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:07 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
Nail continued to trash and struggle even as the discusting creatures hulking form apeared infront of her. She could only manage to get her legs free and stand as the creatures grip quickly tighten and over powered her as it slid her up the wall felling her feet leave the steel floor as its creppy tenticles crawl up her calves and coil up around her arms. Nail glared at the creature with shear hatered as she only struggled to get free faster afther it had swung that massive tail over her head and let it dangle there.

"YOU WILL GET NOTHING OUT OF ME MONSTER!!...PUT ME DOWN!!!" Nail screamed as she noticed her legs were not restrained atleast not very well as Nail quickly took advantage of this and swung her leg high aiming to kick the creatures as hard as she can in its jaw, knowing this might cause more pain to her wounded sholder.

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:19 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The demon wasn't expecting the coming kick as she made it to her feet and demanded to be let go. With her wrists pinned against the metal wall she couldn't get her whole body into the move and it was more of a shocking hit rather than a damaging blow. The demons head snapped back from the hit. It took him a few moments to recover but luckily as she tried to put as much as she could into the hit, and in her position it actually caused her to pull hard at her wounded shoulder, the pain was great as she grimaced in more agony than the strike caused.

As he refocused on the troublesome blond, his voice rumbled his anger, Still have some fight left in you? You will pay for that... and his tentacles resnaked their way around her shapely ankles and calves. The demon used the tentacles to lift her a few inches off the ground, pinned spread eagle to the wall.

I think its time to take the fight out of you, and maybe after some time doing my bidding you will rethink answering my questions... With the the large pulsing tail over her head slowly opened its mouth, and a couple inches a second the blob of green slime slowly descended towards her blond hair...



Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:54 pm
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Post Re: A Not So Clean Getaway (Nail)
The kick connected with the creatures jaw as its head snap back from the blow but its hold on her arms dident budge or even seem to loosen as it still held tight. Crying out and wincing in pain, Nail only managed to hurt her wounded sholder more making it worse then befor afther performing her attack and soon noticing her kick only seemed to pissed him off made matters even worse for the poor agent.

"Ahhhuhh!!! LET GO!!" Nail paniced as she pulled and tugged agiest this creatures tenticles trying to get her arms away while trying not to move her wounded sholder to much as it throbbed in pain as she franticly kicked her legs even as Slimers tenticles went to secure them as he forced her body to be pinned spread out ageist the wall. " ILL NEVER ANSWER ANYTHING!!!" Nail yelled as she pulled agiest the restraining tenticles befor looking up wided eyed at the large tail dangling over her head as it suddenly open up releasing a cascade of its slime over Nails head covering her pretty bond hair as it ra down over her eyes as Nail began to trash and scream in a desprate attempt to get away. "AHHHHH!! STOP!! WHAT IS THIS STUFF!!!"

Hi I'm Nail the Hel'Cor Initiate! If you ever want to do a mission with me just send a PM, I'm sure we can work well together!

Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:45 am
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