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 New Biginnings (juni, Aegir) 
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Nods slightly as she listens to the basement queen explanition. She shakes her head, thinking that a intire basement devoted to the punishment of wayward students had been missing from the packet of info she had been reading about the island.

"That seems a little far streched" she says after a moment... "It really sounds like your saying who ever is in change of the displin had a little.. too much fun at there job and does things to students there that isnt.. ethical or legaly allowed?" she says after a moment of considering.

She waves her han idly at comeing up with a pretxt at seeing the girl, she would in her own time when she wished to take on the girl, at least verbly. Who knows, perhaps the right time would present itself before then and she wouldnt have to make something up in her attempts to talk to the girl.

And glances toward the fridge.. watching.. that intire thing happen.. her eyes and words surprised. She watches juniper come toward her suddenly seemign overly nervouse also.

She watches her drop the cups of tease and the pasterys onto the deck watching her grasp her backpack just as that voice had wrung out... her eyes couldnt get any wider.. she had been right earler.. there was someone within the room with them and they were invisible, even though that was impossable..

"What.. is happening?" she asks again shaking her head as juni suddenly launches her backpack in the direction of where the voice had come from as it slams into the fridge.

Glanceing at juniper as she yells the words leg it.. she watches the girl take off like a deer scared as she hits the door jerking it open and bolting out the door. She only watches for a moment before she takes off after the girl.. perhaps this was some crude, new person hazeing joke.. but watching that jaw dissappear before her eyes.. and seeing the outline of someone invisible was enough to convince her at the moment as she follows the other girl.

Half wishing she had, had time to change into her workout clothing besides staying in a flared skirt. Least at the moment she was wearing sneakers and not the heels her father had wanted her to wear on her first day here.

Following the girl as they run down the hall "What the blazeing hell was that?!" she growls giving persuit behind the girl. Even as they round the first corner they allmost run right into the Young male that was there. She ws content on running despite the males words if juniper kept running.

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Thu Jan 10, 2013 3:28 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Ah hell, Jethro. She'd managed to avoid bumping into him since she'd threatened him with an amateur castration. Most of the guards she was reasonably certain she could skirt around with her old skills . . . and for the rest there were her new moves from the Gymnastics team, though she was still learning to incorporate those on the fly. But Jet, as she'd taken to thinking of him, had the look of a rugged young football star and she bet the reflexes to match. No, she was going to have to use a rather different ploy.

She ran right into him. She grabbed a hold of his uniform shirt and looked up into his eyes like a helpless, scared little lamb, trying to engage every protective instinct that had ever driven him to wear a uniform even as she appealed to his baser masculine instincts with the easy look down her low cut top. She just hoped she wasn't too badly outshone by Eve running up a few steps behind her. In the space it took their eyes to meet, she spun a lie and sold it with a frantic tone and quivering eyes.

"Oh thank God, Jet!" she exclaimed, "You have to help, it's Patricia DeWinter in room 212, she's been having headaches so she bought something from the Plaza, she's having some kind of seizure!" Ah, Patricia DeWinter, administration's little embarrassment. She'd had a condition that she'd hidden during her application, some neuromuscular disease that Juniper could never hope to pronounce, and now that she was on the island they couldn't very well send her away. She was firmly entrenched in the 90%, though she heard that some enterprising soul at NICE was attempting to correct the problem so that the girl wasn't a total loss. Of course, the student body in general didn't know that, Patricia mostly kept to herself, but Juniper could learn anything about a student that the faculty knew without too much effort.

She just had to hope that the new girl was quick enough on the pick-up to follow her lead, she needed Jethro out of the way and them on there way before that invisible thing made up the distance.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:17 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Jet certainly took the easy look at that young clevage that had pressed into his chest. She knew he was a flirt, he was probably getting it on with more than a few of the girls here though as Juni brough up her eyes he was looking, until his gazed flickered up and saw Eve. He was grinning either at the new girl or the view he just had though he did ask about the new girls name, he probably would have tried on of his infamous lines with her before Juni got his attention back to the present.


He groaned as he flicked his gaze back towards Eve, gave her a little wink but he as all action moving down the hall and yelling into his walkie talkie.


“Christ I just went on brake.”


“All right, alright, where is she?”


“Copy. ETA in three minutes.”

Jet ran off and Juni made a good call, he was quick, even with the students in the way he bobbed and weaved, yelling out for students to move this way and that. They had only heard him because he was so frantic and because the volume on the walkie talkie was so loud. Some might think that Jet was hard of hearing, hardly, though a lot of times he needed someone to draw his attention back to the present from one girl or another.

He left the pair, and there were no other guards in side. Nearby was the landing to the stairs that lead down to the ground level.


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Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:37 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Runs threw the hall with juniper, as they round a corner she runs right into the guard she guessed from his outfit. She comes to a stop right behind juniper not saying anything for the moment as juniper, surpriseily grabs ahold of the guys shirt and starts spinning some tail about some unknown girl.

Now this was intresting... If she hadnt been with the girl just now and really knew what happen, she could have easly beleaved her from how.. convincing she had been.

Even as the male looks toward her.. giving her a wink.. she doesnt miss a stride any more then Juniper did.. a look of seeming worry masking her face too as she nods at the male.. taking note of his gaze down over her for a moment before a look of concern acutally passes over his face.

That too was supriseing if she had to guess he was the type of male that chased anything with 2 breasts and a pussy... Considering this was supposed to be a all girls school.. she had seen more males so far then she had females..

Somewhere in the back of her mind that did worry her a bit considering what eles she knew to date.

Watching the male dart off.. she glances back at juniper...

"What.. was that all about?" she asks after a moment.. the only thing she had said up till this point. She would take off after the girl if she did get moving again.. still wishing she had at least had a chance to change.. but then again.. if she had changed whatever.. that was in the room would have been watching.

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Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:51 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Juniper couldn't quite help herself, she tilted her head slightly to one side as she watched Jet push his way through the crowd. Mm-mmn good hustle, better ass. If not for his being a shameless womanizing creep who and the minion of her former Arch-Nemesis she might actually have even given him the time of day. For her part though, Juniper didn't stick around long enough for him to figure out he'd been tricked, she dashed for the landing

"Not now, dammit, I need time to think!" she snapped. Where the hell could they go. It couldn't be too empty, or they'd be sitting ducks. It couldn't be too crowded or they wouldn't be able to speak. Niether of them were in uniform, heck, Juniper wasn't even wearing shoes, so according to school policy they weren't even supposed to leave the dorms. The beach . . . yes, that might work . . . but there was no way that Eve would just follow her blindly that far. She'd think it was a hazing prank . . . that's probably what the official report would be anyway. How long had that thing been in her room? Goddammit, what did it know!?

She jumped down the last few stairs and took a few hasty steps into the common room on the ground floor. Couches, televisions, a few lounging students. It wasn't nearly as far away as she wanted to be but she had to concede that she needed to come up with some answers quickly. What could she get away with saying? What would be damning? Actually, looking at Eve there was practically no chance at all of her being passed over . . . was there? Could her familial connections save her!? Argh, goddammit, why did everything have to be so complicated?

She stopped and pulled Eve off to one side, out of sight of the main room, but close enough that she could hear what was going on. More importantly, they could hear what was happening in here . . . so long as someone didn't close the door anyway. She didn't think a scream would save them, but it was better than nothing

"Look, I was hoping to spare you all of this, or at least break it to you gently, but I am about to sound like I've lost my damned marbles. Just trust that I think you have more common sense that a rutabaga and that there are at least a dozen more reasonable lies I'd prefer to tell." she said, gesturing with her hands and looking her straight in the eyes, hoping her earnesty was coming across, "The school is a front. 10% of the girls here are earmarked for the sex trade, and they use the four years you're here to 'break you in' while the administration sweeps it all under the rug. They keep all the weapons under lock and key, control all communication to and from the island, and there are no other islands within range to swim or raft to. It's the perfect little prison."

She looked away and scratched the back of her head. This was the embarrassing part.

"There's more, but-- I only ended up on the list because I found the truth. If that thing was just keeping tabs on me, if you're not on the list, I don't want to be the reason you end up on it. Just, prepare for the worst scenario you can imagine." she took a step back towards the door, "That's why the song and dance with Jet, he's a lot faster to fool than outrun. Speaking of which, he's got to know that Patty's fine by now, so I'm gonna book it for the beach and wait for his shift to end, maybe circle around to the woods. I won't blame you if you don't want to follow."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:47 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Fucking bitch! She's been nothing but trouble!”

Jet looked at Gus as the door to 212 closed … he grinned at his co-worker. “I don't know, she's been rather useful.” He walked with the sorta new security guard. Well, Gus arrived about the same time as Juni did …

“Falling out windows, getting Rena in an uproar, going places she's not to and now this!”

Jet chuckled and shook his head. “Yeah, she's a handful. I don't suppose you know who her friend is.”

“Friend? Someone's friends with her?”

Again, Jet chuckled, Gus was upset that his brake had been interupted of course. That and he was cranky pulling a double because Franky was sick. The guard known as Casanova by many had seniority over the guards here. He look young but was actually in his early 30's mot 20's not that he really minded that difference, the girls didn't seem to mind …

“I was just into my luch too and sucked down a leter of Coke.”

“Let me guess, two of everything and a Diet Coke as if that really matters. The bathroom is up ahead,” Jet chuckled and Gus frowned as if he were called out on the fact of his sizeable lunches,

“Good, I'm about ready to piss my pants because of that bitch.”

Jet chucl;e and soon enough he felt much beter after using the head. He got a filthy look from Jet when he didn't wash his hands after …

“What, it's not like I'm pissing on my hands or something.”

Jet shook his head as he wiped his hands with the paper towels. They had been fortunate for Gus' sake amyway. Gus was moving towards the door when he was struck from behind, spiraling to the floor. He rolled the larger guard over, but his lips upon Gus who trembled violently as Jet inserted the slug into him that caused the chemical break down of one of the three slugs that Rena insereted into him.

He kissed the man again, finding that distasteful but their was no escaping it. The slug he inserted returned with two others, the third died, erasing some of Gus' short term memories. Gus would come too, but now he had all the surviving slugs, Gus was the last …

He grinned as he stepped out of the bath room, fixed his hat and got on his walkie talkie. “Johnie? Get the files out on the new girls particularly friends of Patrica DeWinter and Juniper Modnar.”

“I don't think either has many friends, I'll pull out all the files on the new girls.”

“Just the blondes, set aside the other files, I got a new project I'm working on.”


He clicked of his walkie talkie, fixed his hat again and passed by a few of the students.

“Ladies ...” he tipped his hat to them and kept walking onward.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:32 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Taks off after the other student, feet falling upon the tiled floors as she follows the other girl threw the halls. At her question.. she arks an eyebrow at the responce she got.. her gaze hardening.. not sure what to make of a responce like that, besides perhaps this other student had been scared by what had been happening in the other room.

True, seeing something appearntly invisible had, not so much alarming but if someone could do that.. what eles was the person capable of doing? Keeping her retort in check for the moment she follows along behind juniper.

As they head down some stairs she follows the other girl to what appeared to be the student lounge. Within she finally saw more females longueing around in there, what she considered skimpy or slightly too tight uniforms. There was assorted vendening machines along one side of the wall, and a bunch of couches scattered about in which the students had been lounging on.

Following juniper into a small offshoot room.. the door doesnt get closed by they were out of sight of the other students. She glances around.. before she looks back at juniper. Stopping to listen as the girl looks like she was fighting with herself over something before she speaks..

She simply watches.. keeping a blank appearence over her face as she talks..
And even she hears what is supposed to take place.. her mind was working.. a sextrade? Surely her father would have hurd about this place, he would have never sent her here, and her mother defently wouldnt have done something like that.

She hmms as the words finally die down.. she turns and paces a few steps back before turning, considering. It was strange.. how as foolish or some hazing joke her would could have been. but with everything she knew or had seen up to this point, did point at something. If anything.. the loss of everything, her father had equipted into her stuff, stuff she had had all her life, mostly the GPS's in which to find her.. and all of it was gone. Even the necklace she wore around her neck, her trunk all her gear as it were. IN a strange way this did make sence, perhaps not the sex slave part.. or someone invisible within the room, the girl still hadnt explained that little detail.

"So tell me this then, if this is so true.. have you been forced to have sex then?" she asks suddenly wondering what the girls answer would be.. still considering if she would follow the girl.. It well depended on her answer to her question she considered.

"And you still didnt explain what that was all about in back in the room. I could care less about the little story you made up to that male.. Easy to send the senceless off on a wild goose chase then to have to explain what was really happening." she answers...

"I know what i saw.. Someone was invisible within that room as strange as it sounds.. or unbealiveable as that sounds.. but i did see it. I even saw that jar dissappear from within the fridge as you were walking towards me" She finally says.. her brown eyes allmsot glittering as she talks to juniper.

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Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:31 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"So tell me this then, if this is so true.. have you been forced to have sex then?"

She paused a bit in her retreating step, one hand on the doorjamb as she'd been about to leave the little side room. Her eyes slid off to the side and her shoulders shook ... she tried not to think about it most days. Focus on the work. She couldn't go for a knockout, so she was playing to win on points, and she'd accepted she'd get battered along the way but she was hoping getting her gloves lifted at the end would make it all worth it. Yes, she'd been forced. She'd even subjected herself to the same, striving for some edge, a toe hold that would let her inch a little higher over the insurmountable wall of her ambition.

"I said I was on the list." she choked out, biting down a bit afterwards to steady her voice, "What do you want, a detailed inventory of my humiliations?"

"It only gets crazier from here, trust me." Juniper said, poking her head out of the door to look into the common room, "And don't let your contempt make you lose respect for the opposition. Overconfidence has undone girls with more pluck than me." She noted that particular turn of phrase "that male", as if his gender made him less than human. It was possible that she was simply used to seeing men as tools, God knew she could probably twist them around her little finger with a body like that, but it was also possible the girl's enrollment in an all-girl school had been her own preference rather than her parents'.

Juni's eyes widened slightly as she looked through the lobby. She might've been distracted, but she was still listening. She'd seen! That thing had been watching her and she saw! Dammit, June! What was Rule #2!? "Don't involve another student." And now she knew . . . she didn't know what she knew, but Jet had seen them together, he'd put it together. And it was her fault. Hers. She should've taken more precautions, taped the window shut, set up alarms, something. Why hadn't she ever considered invisible prowlers? Her knuckles turned white on the door jamb, her other hand clenching into a fist.

And the little bastard was in her preserves, did he know what that little indulgence of comfort food had cost from her monthly allowance?

"Probably a demon, maybe a fae. Invisibility seems to run strongest in those circles." she said it straight. No build up. She didn't have the time, and her mood was shot, let the other girl think she was crazy if she liked, "Either way, I don't intend to stick around and find out. I'm moving on, you can come along and I'll try to expand that point, or you can just let me go." She started to pull herself through the doorway, she had the track training, she could make the distance from the dorms at a dead run and barely be winded. That was her best bet, she figured, given the lack of visual cover along the trail. Of course, she didn't know that Eve had both the reflexes and the strength to snatch her back and demand more answers, if she so desired.

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:47 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
“Juniper Modnar … she's not in Rena's old files, I remember hearing she went nuts trying to get a hard copy of her file once but it was missing, that was before we found out her name and had to get administration to send over her file. To be honest I didn't think it would be needed now ...”

Johnny ran a hand through his brown hair, he looked at his superior as Jet thumbed through the manila file containing her application. He skimmed over it looking over the file then saw a few of the snap shots and began thumbing though them.

“What are these?”

Johnny shrugged and looked at the snap shots of land scapes. “I dunno. Maybe she took some photos as part of the essay question? I mean don't get me wrong, she's cut in that Tom boyish way but I would think that you'd be interested in Morgan or even that girl with that large chest,” he made an indication of size amd Jet knew who he had meant, their weren't any other girls that chesty that he saw.


“That's it.”

“Shes too much of a recuse for my tastes but damn are those some huge titties.”

Johnny laughed a little. “I know, she'll have back problems before long. I thought Dolly had large bazookas.”

“That country singer? Right, did you pull out the files on the new girls? I don't recall seeing her and doubt that I would have missed her.

Johnny point, I stacked them over there. “Damn that Gus he was he still hasn't reported in …”

Jet checked his watch … and he wouldn't for another twenty minutes or so when those memories were will and truly burned away. Jet had the memories, as the eldest slug existed within him something awakened in him, something primal. By instinct he began gathering up the other slugs, two from each other security guard since he had to kill one to burn away the memories that some had. The more he collect, the stronger he found himself becoming though around 30 gave him flashes, impressions that he was seeing, memories that weren't his though.

He moved and opened the top file on the desk ready to thumb through each in turn but he smile, it was the top file.

“Eve Sterling … that's her.”

“Who?” Johnny was shown the picture attached to the file …

“She's a looker. I'd get my ass reemed out if I touched any of the girls without the bosses oking it first, what makes you so damn lucky?”

Jet grinned. “Seniority. Seniority … I sort of got grandfathered in, I've been here awhile and when they change the rule I was the exeption. You know how there's an exception to every rule.”

“Bull … there's something else ...”

Jet grinned as he took up Eve and Juniper's files for some reading later on.

It had been a while since Juni wasted his time so he would have to visit her later on tonight, maybe tomorrow or the next night, she wasn't going anywhere after all. He considered the other blond though, she looked delicate, maybe she'd invite her to the show and show her what happened when you wasted his time or perhaps she'd join them out of principal? She was desirable enough, probably some spoiled rich girl … well, he still was on the clock so to speak for the next few hours anyway so he had time to catch up with them later. He walked away from the table, thanked Johnny then began whistling.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:19 pm
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Watches juniper after she had asked the question, having seen her pause as she had started to ehad for the door again.. stopping as she looks back at her for a moment.

"Perhaps.. not a detailed account, but if you havent noticed i like to know what im up against and despite what you think you have or havent gotton me in, i appear to be in it. Just by me going along with your little ruse on that male has gotton me involved. So i dont think its too much to insist.. or demand if you want to take it that way, for you to tell me what im up against.. or what we are up against." she growls.. if the girl had contuned to bolt she would have reached out stopped her. but at least for the moment she had contuned to stand there.

"Im going to assume from the way your panicing, its not as something as imple as a bunch of males trapping you in a corner in a starwell and having there way with you?" she says allmsot in a too matter of factly. She contunes to watch her, watching the other students eyes contune to glance out of the room and around the common room.. She might herself appearing to look at juniper, but her eyes were allways scanning.. oddly enough she was now watching for.. shifts in the air... dust you might say.. just in case she picked out some unknow moveing objects.

She would have to see if she could make a raid on the kicthens later and find some flour.. perhaps sand would work from the beach, but flour tended to stick more and was easy to cover a area with. Lets see something hide in that.

She had trained in blindfolded fighting.. but.. she wasnt as good in that.. she could hold her own against someone that made some noise.. but if he knew what she was doing when she stoped to listen she couldnt telegraph there movements when not looking.

She blinks a bit as she girl suddenly speaked.. and she blinks a couple more times. Demons? Fea? Had this girl lost her marbles.. this talk had suddenly gone from raping sex trade males into, what.. sex trade rapeing male demons and Fea's? She shakes her head slightly trying to take this in..

In her normal world, at least the one she was raised in and what to believe this would be utter nonsence from someone that had over dosed on drugs. In fact normaly she would think that juniper had done such a thing, maybe she had even tryed to poison her or something. But one thing stuck in her mind that was hard to dismiss despite all the outlandish claims from her.. There had been SOMETHING in that room, she had watched that fridge open and close, which could have been done by remote.. but that jaw that had been on the shelf within had dissappeared right before her eyes, right before the door had slammed again.

She was biginning to think.. and feel, what had she gotton herself into on this island. She looks at the girl for a moment or 2.. before desideing that perhaps.. for the moment she should go with her. Something still didnt fit into this. And perhaps she wasnt a reporter, but her nature didnt like things unexplained and things she couldnt control.

She watched her turn toward the door without seeming to wait for any more.. questions or answers for her, she could have caught her.. her hidden agile state would have allowed her to in a heart beat.. but.. she desided to follow the girl.

"Fine but im going to have more questions and when we are.. sometwhere we can talk i do expect you to answer them" she answers as she follows her back out the room, Following her and appearntly haveing no issue keeping up at all. Lucky she had been wearing sneakers.. she could image trying to do this in high heels.. and frankly a thought comeing to her from an older movie she had seen.. she wasnt a Batgirl.. fighting crime in highheels. If something like that had been real, she might have been the one fighting that bat..

Odd she considered, the things you think about as your running away...

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Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:35 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"I'm not panicking." Juniper clarified a little heatedly, "Panic implies a loss of control, a lack of focus, or the absence of a plan of action. I'm just running." she said as she launched her way into the lounge. She made a straight shot for the door, leaping over the back of one of the couches and unwittingly over a student who'd been reclining in it, causing her to sit up in confusion as Juniper pulled open the door and slid through the moment she'd fit. All of this she'd gotten plenty of practice with lately. She crossed the landing to the dorm in a few steps, jumping up to slide down the rail that normally divided traffic in and out of the dorm and hopping off the other side to land, pushing herself forward as she stood up. Maybe it was extravagant, but it got her passed the girls milling about out front, discussing their classes for the day or whatever mundane concerns they had.

"Keeping on the move helps." she tried to explain as she realized the girl was dogging her heels . . . pretty good for a rich kid, "These things don't coordinate much on the hunt, they're selfish, don't want to share. That said, they do compare notes, so try not to visit any one place with too much regularity or they'll start waiting for you there. The dorm is a liability, but I haven't found a better solution yet. Can't just drop completely off the map, there are no animals in the island's interior, no edible plants, and either I'm terrible at sea fishing or they have a drag net to keep the sea life out of reach." she said, bare feet slapping on the hot pavement as she picked up the pace. She poured on the speed, deciding to push the other girl a bit and see just how fast she was, though it meant she had to focus more on breathing than talking.

Eventually her toes were digging into sand as she pushed herself along. It was a harder run, the sand absorbing all the impact of her heel, forcing her to push herself forward instead of riding the spring in her step. She didn't stop as soon as she hit the sand, making her way clear to the coast before she slowed down to an even stride, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath though she didn't pant and it sounded like she could go a lot further if she had to. She turned around, surveying the area. Open line of sight in all directions, so noone would be sneaking up on them, sand that would be displaced by invisible footsteps, and a bevy of the island's usual beautiful student bodies cavorting. Lots of new girls around, taking the opportunity to enjoy their stay on the tropical paradise before their classes officially started up. Good, no one should even notice unfamiliar faces. Still, they were far enough off to the side, she didn't think her voice would carry over the waves and laughter.

"I don't have all the answers." she said, glancing back, raising an eyebrow appraisingly at the other girl . . . "If I did, I'd already be off this rock. Any questions you have, though, I'll answer as well as I'm able." She set her hands on her hips a bit and let out a pained sigh. Reaching down, she snatched up a handful of sand and held it tight in her fist, watching the grains fall through the gaps in her fingers like a sieve.

"Right, what're you up against. Listen, I don't know where they come from, or why they're here, but I wasn't lying about the sex trade. The thing is, they're not shipping us off to some Columbian drug lord who'll keep us doped up and content to be fucked liked dolls, or some crazy Russian sadist who doesn't believe in safewords, the buyers here are inhuman monsters in a more literal sense." she paused a bit, "And no, they didn't just dope me up and rape me while wearing Halloween masks, okay? I'm talking about legitimately inexplicable shit." she started ticking off on her fingers

"I've come across a demonic brain-jacking nurse whose face kept melting off, a psychic squidman, an over-sized amoeba, some flying triclops, a robot, malevolent water, some kind of oversized dominatrix octotaur, an oozing dog-shaped thing and . . ." she tapped her chin, "Fuck, I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Anyway, my point is that they come in all shapes, all sizes. No broad spectrum weaknesses that I've uncovered so far, no unifying organization, or coherent methodology." she shrugged her shoulders a bit, "It's like someone set up a game preserve or something, the ones who know each other met here and they all want the same thing." she tossed what was left of the sand grains out at the ocean.

"Statistically, it's worst for Freshman and Seniors. The allure of something new brings them in, and then they share stories amongst each other leading to more creatures visiting the same girl. Then the next wave comes in and you get a respite, visited only by the ones you made an impression on while the allure of the new drags the rest away. Senior year it picks up again, almost like a competition, people staking out "favorites" or tryin to find the undiscovered star just before graduation. After that . . . " she shrugs a bit "Speculation. The favorite theory is that the 10% go up for auction while the other 90% go home . . . that seems too pat for me."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:49 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
It was a rather lazy day. There were opportunities for him but he waited to see what fate brought beneath him along that hiking trail. Four students that he had let slid by, he was picky at the best of times it seemed and he was curious to see if anyone came today of their own free will.

He had been lounging up in that tree for most of the day save for the hour or so he went up to the dorms on a whim, masked in an illusion as he visited Alynia, given her another dose of the fantasy realm that he created for her, the one that she had come to love so much though as of yet she had not figured out the true nature of things or perhaps she didn't want too.

In his experience many of the victims came to realize, usually by tormentors that they wouldn't be going home, that they were to be used and brutalized by things like Thudd or Birch or even that pesk Slarr. Knowing this harsh reality many wanted a pretty lie.

Most he would sat but Juniper struck him as the exception, the one that wanted the truth regardless of how horrid it really was. Still, he wondered if one day somewhere down the line that she would just need to recharge herself.

He had considered how that whole Rena situation turned out for her. Topple one, there was always another that would step up eventually. It might seem like a hopeless cycle to most but Aegir realized that Juni liked throwing wrenches into plans.

Plans. He considered what he was going to do today as it was later in the evening now. Decisions, decisions. Not much hiking was done during this time nor did it look as if any visitors were going to seek him out today so he called it a night, plpping down from his branch and slowly slithering out of the forest.

As he continued the soil lightened and the trees thinned out, giving way to the sands of the beach eventually. By this stage he had projected the illusion of the spectacled blue haired book worm.

She looked a bit out of place on the beach though, still in a school uniform her book bag tossed over her shoulder though she was not adorned in a bathing suit like many of the other students that she passed.

Aegir paused here and there following snipets of thoughts that were on their mind, most was gossip or the occassional I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S WEARING THAT or the HOW DO I TELL HER I LOVE/LIKE HER nothing that was too interesting.

The minds of the victims were worse, negative thoughts were so distasteful to him and their was a reason that he had sought pleasurable experiences since they meashed so well with him. Since he was a mind reader, a student's pain was like his own pain, but a student's pleasure could add to the pleasure that he had felt.

A lot of the girls were going back to the dorms, some were not and he found that he was nearly at the far end of the beach at his grotto where he could rest up and recharge though he supposed he did a lot of that today as it was. Perhaps a swim … yes, a swim …

He had felt something. Panic? No a calmness under fire. He looked and saw Juni with a blodnd … a second later and just like that he had a name, Eve. She was new so he started rummaging around for memories about her , mostly out of curiousity.

“June!” She waved out as she approached.


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:48 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
She chases after the other student.. she isnt as.. flamboyant as the other girl is in her efforts to get over or around. She hadnt needed to be really, nothing was semeing to actively chase her at the moment so she kept herself in check.

No need to flaunt skills you had if you didnt need to. So she contuned to follow the other girl out of the dorms, down over the hurddles she was going over in her attempts to follow.. or simply going around as need be following at a more.. descret distance. She was acutally kinda surpriused at the junipers stamina which was appearent as she contuned to run.

Even as she picked up speed she got the faint impression she was trying to outdistince her.. or at least show she was faster. It was kinda odd though she was thinking as she moved to keep up.. normaly she could have outrun the girl, over took her and wrestled her to the ground at this speed.. and barly broken a sweat.. but for someunknown reason she was acutally feeling herself lightly pant.. as if.. some inhibtor was lowering her natural skills a bit. it was strange. She was still able to keep up with no problem.. it was jsut odd that she was noticeing something.. different.

Even as she runs a little behind the girl.. she was listening to her.. those words were seeming to get more and more hard to believe as she hurd her. No animals on the island, around it? that in itself was weird, if it was a tropical island why wount there be.. animals of any sort.. it didnt make sence that one.

She contuned to listen as they ran, not saying anything as she contuned to mull over her words within her mind as they finally made it down to the beach.. slowing slowly so the other girl would think she had been haveing a harder time keeping up... forceing a more of a pant to make the look even more convinceing.

As they came to the stop on the beach itself after a bit though.. she stops.. her eyes scanning around first one way.. and then the other.. catching sight of aother assorted students enjoying the sun.. She was taking note though.. they every single girl, student she had seen so far was acutally farly if not downright pritty to "hot" by someones standards.

She glances back at juniper, even the reporter girl here was pritty, even her axcent might have been considered charming to some people. She considers and reaches up brushing a few strands of her hair that had moved into her eyes as she looks over her, Listening as she speaks again. She did so enjoy speaking. Which was fine by her.. the more she talked the more time she had to learn about her.

She shakes her head as the girl starts listening off the assorted "monsters" she had claimed to see.. each one of them getting more outlandish as she spoke. The fact that had seen a jar dissappear before her very eyes was about the only reason she was even remotely listening to this outragouse story.

She arks an eyebrow... "A amoeba? An oozing dog thing? You mean to tell me.. you think youve been raped by a oozeing dog? whatd it do, threaten to drool on you?" she asks sacraticly. She sighs a bit looking around again her head considering all these words.. possabliles.. Even if she didnt believe in raping monsters, that was some of that hentai anima shit that alot of those teenage boys in the slums watch... things didnt make sence in all of this and the little bits were pieceing togeather even if she didnt have the proof of the monsters.

"So your basicaly telling me, ive come to this school.. by my own choice to be basicaly breeding stock for monsters i dont believe exsist? or some sexual play thing for some unknow creatures?" she shakes her ehad slightly paceing a few steps away.. forgetting that she was supposed to be winded.. half wondering if the other girl would even notice how.. quickly she had recovered... or seeming recovered anyway.

"if i choose to belive you.. then what was in.. our room? And.. if this is true how come all the students are revolting? I saw a floating station of somesort off the side of the island on my plane ride in.. surely there is someway.. to make ones way off the island.. or find a way to comnacate with the outside world?" she says.. as movement makes her spin back quickly.. seeing someone that was totaly out of place suddenly walking across the sand.. she blinks a moment peering down into the sand.. footprints.. and then looking at the bookgirl that was walking towards them.

Picture ... review.jpg

Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:40 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
"I don't fucking think, it happened" Juniper snapped a bit, gritting her teeth, "They hit me with some kind of aphrodisiac, jacked my body sensitivity up to eleven, pinned me to the ground with my ass in the air and let it fuck me like a bitch. Came inside twice, okay? That's not my idea of a good time. I didn't make that shit up, just like I didn't imagine being strung up to just stew for a few hours afterwards." she squared her jaw a bit and looked at her hard, before she finally took a long hissing breath through her teeth and looked away,"Fine, whatever, you want to think I snapped my twig you go right ahead. God knows some of the other girls have, started targeting their own kind, trying to take back some of the control that's been torn from them."

She let her eyes settle on the rolling green waves of the sea, taking a deep breath of the salty air. She was tearing the bandages off some rather fresh trauma in an attempt to educate this girl, and the old hurts were mixing with her general dislike of being dismissed to severely undermine her composure. Breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. Deep cleansing breath. That's good, calm, serene.

"It wasn't your choice, you were tricked, same as the rest of us. Don't ever let 'em tell you otherwise." she said. God, she'd kill for a smoke about now, "And never breeding. Maybe it's as simple as incompatible genetics, or maybe they don't want visitors ruining their "merchandise?" I dunno. They want to turn us into play things, pleasure slaves, whatever." she let her eyes drift over towards the NICE platform as she talked.

"I don't know what was in our room, exactly. It was invisible, makes it kinda hard to ID." she said with a bit of a smirk, "As for a student revolt, well, like I said. The administration sweeps it all under the rug, cover stories, muddying the facts, discrediting hysterical witnesses. For every girl on the menu, there are nine more perfectly normal college girls to help suppress the truth." she glanced back over the shoulder, "NICE Labs is in on it, so don't go looking to them for help. They support the school with experimental advanced technologies like the Inhibitor Fields, and in exchange they get human guinea pigs for their illegal experiments. Trust me, if you think being a play thing is bad, being a lab rat is far more demeaning."

"As for escaping this place? Getting a message out? I've been trying . . . with every fiber of my being. I think --" she hesitated a moment, then sighed and tapped the side of her head, "I think I've been close to something important, maybe more than once, but . . . things don't always line up right in my head. A detail goes weird, or I find I remember being in two places but not how I got from one to the other. NICE gets up to some dark shit, I'm not ruling out memory editing." she said. Honestly, she wasn't sure which thought was more infuriating, that she was making progress so slowly, or that she'd been so close only to have it ripped away from her.

She blinked a bit as someone called "June!" over the crowd. There was only one person she'd ever told to use that variation on her name, and sure enough she saw a blue-haired scholarly looking young lady making her way towards the two of them. She raised her hand high and waved, though her face wasn't the most inviting. Aw crap, that was one of Aegir's masks . . . what was her name . . . what was her name . . .

"That's Cindy Adams, she's an insider, so we can still talk freely." she said, glossing over a few major details in the process, "Just . . . don't get too attached, alright?" she added lowly. As the girl entered conversational range, Juniper took a few steps to meet her, embracing her tightly.

"Cindy, dear, what are you doing all the way out here dressed like that? You look like you intend to summon someone back to class." she said easily enough, "And when are you going to let me take a proper picture of you? My little sketch just does no justice at all." she took a step back, breaking the friendly contact and gesturing back to Eve, "Ah, but where are my manners. They've assigned me a new room mate. Cindy Adams, I present Eve Sterling. She's very impressive."

Juniper Modnar Spirited investigator

Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:42 am
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Post Re: New Biginnings (juni, Aegir)
Embraced Aegir was not expecting that but smiled at her, a blush spilling over her cheeks as she looked out at the ocean, watching the waves for a second. He could feel the duress coming from the two girls, the fresh memories, the conversation that he was intruding upon.

He absorbed all of that up, then cast his gaze back at the pair with a smile on her lips. She removed her glasses and cleaned them with a cloth that had been taken from a concealed pocet in her skirt or rather half pocket that probably couldn't hold much else.

She cleaned her glasses and place them back on and smiled. “Oh, I was just going home,” she pointed to the end of the beach. “There's a grotto there that I spend most nights in after dark … when the students all clear out I slip back in but those students familiar with Cindy would find it out of place for her to be in a bathing suit and besides I don't need to attract any undue attention, not that the uniform isn't short enough or that I couldn't handle myself in the case of mistaken identy but for me to be in a bikini and without my books probably stands out more than going around like this. I would have used my Ruby disguise, she blends in a bit better but I didn't want to get absorbed into things, Ruby is a bit familiar to some of the students, Cindy's true nature is known by a few.”

She gazed at the new girl, scanned then smiled offering out her hand. “Cindy Eva Von Hessler, actually, I let June calle me Cindy Adams, easier for her to differentiate me and a bit simpler to remember. Given the train of your conversations I can tell that you two have been spooked. Nice spot though, students all about, no cover so you can see anyone approaching and tracks, revealed in the sand in the event of the approach of something you can't see.

“it's not perfect though but it will due.” Cindy pointed to her tracks. “I'm influencing your minds so these appear normal for instance but once I loose contact with your minds they will seem to revert to what they actually are, of course they wouldn't appear as anything suspect so something real good at illusions might be able to approach or a flying invisible creature though you're probably right, June fey or demon or demon-like creature.

“The fey I know of are more mischievous than anything though from the minds of some of the girls I have only picked up attacks by a vicious swarm of faeiries … I know of demons and devils with the gift though, I never really questioned them.

“And don't worry if something unseen approaches I will let you know well before it arrives or even keep it away while we speak.

“So, we have a bit of a skeptic here. A bad combination on the island a skeptic virgin … many beings are attracted to one or the other, they particularly like dispelling that doubt, some can be quite sadistic … others like braking a girl in, I do not mean to alarm you, there are many in the favored 90% for instance that are virgins that aren't targetted for whatever reason, I think it's more of a quantity thing for the campus though I never did investigate the reasons why.

“It is an odd application you are aware of, a means for the school to attract what they are after. They realize that certain qualities are gathered where they might let in others that don't possess these qualities that change things up a bit, add some variety to the mix and what not.

“But you have seen something unnatural, I am afraid. It might be minor enough where you are not place on the list … then again t wouldn't surpise me if you were either or at the very least a trip to the labs to scrub the memory … I can offer a bit of unique insight that I doubt that you will manage to get through your formative years without an incident. Still, there are a greater number of students in each class now so you may get lucky … your contact with me, provided I don't do anything too remarkable should go unnoticed, especially if you just think this is some BS Sherlock Holmes stuff based on simple observations and tricks so there is alwas room fo doubt my dear..”


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Summoned or not, the god will come.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:31 am
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