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 Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia) 
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Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano smirked catching the gun and suddenly crushed it in his armour enhanced grip chuckling silently as his prey dashed off. "Hmm finally the hunt begin's..." He growled before he calmly counted to 3 before taking off moving fast his nose keeping track of her smell, the snow masking other smells making her much easier to keep track of. He grinned admiring that sexy frame but he had more than just a romp on his mind.

He finally had a hunt...something to boil his blood and pump it through his veins, something his kind was slightly famous for, hunting women, a past time of his tribe was to 'hunt' and capture a female of the tribe to mate with, as he chuckled remembering the tales his elder brothers told him of they're hunts.

He sadly never got the chance to hunt back at home going off on his little mercenary jobs, but when he encountered ADD Agents he finally found worthy prey for his own hunts, finally he had another to hunt.

He kept running keeping Tasha's scent as he followed her through the thick snowy forest his bulk making sure he ploughed through the snow knocking away any dead branches in his way.


Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:03 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
"Come on Tasha! Move! Move! Move!" I shouted to myself for no other reason than desperation. I could hear the heavy steps of the alien closing behind me. They didn't even sound like footfalls as the speed he was moving at caused his footfalls to overlap one another, sounding more like a train or stampede following every movement. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest as I fled desperately.

Alderos had chased me like this before. He'd always belittle me for being a weak prey when I followed predictable paths. He'd humiliate me for failing to make the hunt interesting, so I had to learn how to act as better prey. I've learned that I can't run in a simple straight line as I was never able to simply outrun him. No, instead I learned, that I have to stay unpredictable. I would turn sharply at seemingly random times, never staying too long in any one direction. I'd take every opportunity to hide my turns from behind the crests of hills or between large boulders, mounds of dirt or fallen trees. I had to think strategically and use everything I had to stay just one step ahead.

I always hated to admit that I enjoyed the hunts. He was always pressuring me to do better, encouraging me to train my body so that I could last just a little bit longer.

...I never could stay ahead of him for long. He'd always find me. Then I was his trophy to claim. He was always animalistic and feral when I gave him the hunt he wanted. ...I hated how I started to look forward to losing.

No! That's not what's happening now! I shouted internally. I'm only trying to make this hunt "invigorating" for him so I can lure him into the finding the same pleasure that Alderos had, letting his overconfidence make him careless. He's not Alderos and I'm not that...slave anymore!

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:21 am

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano continued to grunt as he moved like a freight train his nose telling him of any changes in direction and kept moving while he couldn't see her so well, he could smell her and kept moving only moving slightly in her direction so he didn't make a sharp turn and lose speed. He could see this one knew how to be prey...and that excited him, this girl knew when to turn, when to move and not just run in a straight line, she knew she couldn't outrun him. His steps were worth 3 of her steps so he could easily outrun and outlast her.

Taurano growled softly feeling his urges grow as he sped up slightly as his eyes caught a brief sight of his prey as she kept moving as he followed before playfully reaching out with his arm to try and lightly bump against her to try and make her lose balance and make her capture finally complete.


Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:38 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
"Okay Tasha, he's here somewhere! Don't think you've lost him. Don't look back to see if he's there! That's how he would catch you before!" I whispered to myself internally, running over all the previous times I'd been hunted and all the ways I was captured. "Okay, there's an outcropping over there. If I move over there and use the cave as a hiding place, he'll run past me."

I made another sharp turn and headed off as fast as I could towards the stone cave. It was grey and it was almost camouflaged into the rock face and I may not have seen it if I wasn't running at just the right angle for to catch the sun on an inner wall. The small mountainside that the cave was hollowed out from formed the rocky cliffs that I'd hid my ship behind, tryig to keep the hunt as close to my ship as I could when I finally could fight this thing off. I continued to run over the forest floor, hopping over exposed tree roots and small boulders on the way."Almost there, I think I can finally lo-"

Suddenly I felt something strike my shoulder as I leapt over a divot in the ground, sending me harder onto my foot and knocking me off balance. If I wasn't dressed in my Kevlar armour, hitting the ground at the speed I was moving in may have dislocated my shoulder. Instead, I fell to the forest floor a few metres away from the cave entrance. Because of how fast I was running and how surprising the shove had been, I rolled from the force of the impact as my padded thermal outfit threw fallent twings, snow and leaves.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:12 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grinned having caught up to his prey, his little bump having knocked her off her feet as she lost balance just like he thought and quickly moving pressing one of his feet against her back or chest depending on her position on the floor as he chuckled calmly looking down at her.

"You lose my dear, my prey has been hunted and captured," He said calmly looking into her eyes with that dominant look of a predator who had a prey ripe for the taking as he moving a hand lightly gripped at Tasha by her collarbone and throat due to his big hand moving his foot off her and lifting her off the ground letting her see his size and power, even if she used a knife it might not be truly harmful with those thick muscles.


Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:49 am
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
"Ugh...What was th-UHNNN!" I groaned before being shoved into the ground as a heavy boot dropped onto my back. It was obvious what had happened before the brute even started to gloat over beating me. I knew he was going to catch me eventually, so his prideful gloating was falling on deaf ears.

While I felt frustration, anger, and anxiety build in me, I tried to keep myself calm. I knew that my chance to drive him off was coming closer and as I felt a heavy hand grabbing me before the restraining weight of it's boot was lifted from my back. I groaned as I felt it grab me and lift me off the ground before turning me to face it. My hands quickly grabed ahold of the armor-clad appendage suspending me in the air, struggling against it's seeming unbreakable grip. When his predatory gaze met my hateful glare, I knew it was time to strike.

"W-wrong!" I shouted back.

Without warning and with an obvious practiced skill, an arm dropped to my side as I lifted my left leg to bring my knife within reach. The black knife stood out against the grey colouring of my thermal pants, however the movement of me drawing the knife from it's holster seemed to happen in the blink of an eye. With only a moment to glance over the arm suspending me, I took my knife and attempted to drive the blade into any unarmoured gaps at the bending points of his arm. As the knife came down, and should it find a soft place to drive into his arm, my glove covered thumb would press the button at the base of the handle to discharge the knife's full 50,000 volt charge.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:18 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano looked at his prey caught and dangling by her throat and collarbone in his hand. Watching her reaction to being captured before catching a glint of the blade. She tried to drive the blade through any spots between the armour as he grinned savagly before he quickly clenched his other fist...and drove it into her stomach with the force to knock out some aliens as he grunted the blade got through a weak spot but his own thick hide made the stab very small.

The Zap she tried worked a little it got him by surprise but if she was even still awake after that gut punch. Taurano dropped her grabbed the dagger and forced it out and tossed it away as it dug deep into a nearby tree as he growled.


Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:19 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
It felt good when I managed to drive my knife into the massive beast. I could barely breathe through it's iron grip, but I could see him wince and hear him groan as the dagger drove into him and lightning surged through him. After all the times Alderos had hunted me, and all the things he did to me when he won, now I'd won. Eventhough it wasn't the four armed bobcat-like alien, driving 50,000 volts of electricity into the Minotaur was good enough for me.

Yet as much as I wanted to finally celebrate and gloat for putting down the same type of alien who'd enslaved me for months, I felt every breath of air being violently shoved out of me. The massive shock of the brutal punch to my stomach was all that was needed to knock me unconscious. Even though I pride myself on honing my body to be the most effective weapon against the hordes of aliens bent on enslavement, I was still only human.

With it's grip broken, I slumped to the ground in a heap on my side. Helpless and defeated.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:31 am

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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grunted as he had tossed the dagger away a little hurt from the stab but otherwise fine for now shaking off that shock form the voltage and growled. Approaching the down Tasha and smirked picking her up and slung her over his shoulder before calmly carrying her away to have his fun with her. Being careful he reached the Zen Knight's base arriving back at his personal ship and grins, inside was a little holding cell for captured targets. Walking inside he calmly began stripping Tasha rubbing his hands over her form and finding any zippers or other items that would assist in her suit removal.

"Ooh very nice..." He grinned before reaching with his hands and fondled those lovely breasts of his captured prey. Only fondling them for a moment to enjoy before he calmly watches his prey to see if she had enough time to get air back in her lungs.


Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:10 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Natasha had been breathing for quite a while as she was hefted over the beast's shoulder and placed onto the simple bed inside it's ship's cell. The ADD agent laid motionless aside from the simple movements of her breathing.

The minotaur took a few moments to look over the unconscious woman as he looked for a place to disrobe his prize. Starting with her black thermal boots, it was easy to remove her clothing. Simply untying the laces, her boots were loosened and slipped from her feet. Where Taurano was expecting to see the small toes of the agent, instead he found them wrapped in a tight black nylon-like fabric that continued across her feet and disappeared into the grey thermal pants.

Finding the fastener at her waist, the minotaur easily drew the heavier fabric of her pants from her long legs, and underneath he noticed that the same fabric did continue upwards over both her legs. The bodysuit certainly suited the agent as the sheer fabric followed the thick curve of her calves before again disappearing under a grey “tactical skirt”, suggested by how it wasn't secured to her thighs and presumably hung from her waist. Taurano noticed that the skirt had several pouches sewn into the fabric. These pouches contained a multitude of items: lock picks, digital lock picks, basic toolkit, scanner, and some were only empty. He couldn't reach the fastener to the skirt as her waist was still hidden under the heavy thermal jacket.

The minotaur had little difficulty in unzipping the white padded jacket and easily slipped it from her body. Underneath he confirmed that the bodysuit practically covered her entire body, ending at her hands and jawline. Unfortunately, for Taurano, removing her jacket only exposed another piece of clothing: a tactical vest. The grey fabric of the vest was thicker than that of the skirt and had no pouches, suggesting it was made of more protective material than what the skirt was made from. Taurano examined the vest and eventually found two metallic buttons at the side that held it on her body. Although the thickness of Taurano's fingers made it difficult, eventually he was able to manipulate the smaller buttons to unfasten and remove the vest. Now that he knew what to look for, the same was easily done with the heavier skirt. Tossing the grey fabric aside, Taurano sighed disapprovingly as his hopes for a tightly wrapped naked body was marred by two more pieces of clothing hidden underneath: a sports bra and panties.

The underwear was obviously out of place as the bodysuit seemed to wedge uncomfortably underneath the edges of her underwear. Taurano was growing tired of having to remove more and more clothing; so, with little interest in the proper way to remove the suit, he slid his thick fingers under the fabric from around her neck. The Minotaur’s strength was more than enough to effortlessly tear the sheer black fabric from her body.

He salivated from watching the near flawless skin being “unwrapped” from his captured prey. This was a rare prize as it was obvious that Natasha cared for her body, as it was honed into a beautiful fighting machine. Her fair skin was taut and flawless and accented by the lightly defined muscles of her arms and abs. He couldn't help but enjoy the feel of her perfect flesh as his hands striped the bodysuit away. He noticed that the muscle definition had just the right amount of resistance to still let his heavy hands sink into her warm skin while it pushed back to fill every crevice in his hands. He was more than eager to see if her round calves and thighs had the same perfect feel.

As he slid the fabric from her legs, instead he found the heart of her training. Her legs were anything but soft. Although her calves were well defined but not nearly as firm as that of her thighs and round bottom. Taurano couldn't help but groan quietly to himself as he felt the firm flesh of Natasha's thighs, already imaging how hard they could squeeze him when she came. This thought led him to the other question as to how strong her inner muscles were, seeing how focused she was on her lower body. He couldn't wait to find out just how hard her tepid inner walls would be able to milk him.

Once the offending body suit was removed Taurano could now enjoy the sight of her body dressed only in her underwear. After deciding to start with her breasts the minotaur leaned forward to take a hold of the grey featureless sports bra. With three simple tears he easily stripped the last piece of clothing that hid her smaller breasts.

Her mounds were smaller than many of the other agents Taurano had come across, however they shared the same firm quality as the rest of Natasha's body. Adorned with rose coloured iris-sized nipples with aureola only a centimetre wider, he could easily see that they were just big enough to be palmed by his large hands. Unable to resist, the minotaur cupped each breast in his hands and gently massaged the small mounds, revelling in the small soft nipples dragging along his palms.


“...ughnnn...” I groaned as I felt the world starting to come back to me, my eyes fluttering as I regained consciousness.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Sun Feb 03, 2013 2:22 am

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano loved a challenge even unwrapping his prize was a fun little challenge beside catching her, having gotten rid of any tools she had left and her outfit littered around the holding cell as some mini droids he had as workers took the items away to either dispose of or maybe study for any weapons that could get through the fabric easily. Watching her as his hands kept groping her chest for a moment before pulling back loving his naked prey as he smirked part of him going to enjoy fun with this one. As he waited for her to wake up.

"Welcome to my ship my little prey," he grins standing up and letting poor Tasha see her predicament, naked, any weapons she had was gone and she was trapped in a locked Cell with her captor.

"Now before you freak, the Knights still don't know of your little spy work," He teases calmly while moving his hands calmly to his armour as he calmly began removing it as some Droids came in through tiny openings to take his armour way to clean and fix it of any damage. "So for now, your my captive prey," He grins at her letting her think over her defeat.


Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:13 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
The world still felt hazy to me as I awoke, still feeling the soreness in my belly from the powerful blow. I reached down to soothingly rub the strained muscle only to feel my bare skin and suddenly it dawned on me what'd happened.

My emerald eyes went wide as I caught sight of the disrobing Minotaur standing over me. Reflexivly I cowered away by pulling my legs inward to try and hide my nakedness, hugging my arms agianst my breasts. My cheeks immediately began to flush a deep red as I felt fear and anxiety well within me. It was a drastic difference from the intense, assassin-like stare he'd seen from over the barrel of my pulse gun. I swore that I'd never find myself in this position again. That I'd rather fight to my own death then let another alien enslave me again...but it was happing all over again.

"N-No!" I shouted back defiantly, through my embarrassed expression undermined my tone. "I-I'm...I'm not your prey! I'm an ADD Agent! Now give me-give me back my clothes!" I stuttered, knowing full well that the Minotaur wasn't going to. I didn't know what to do. I started to panic as every second that passed felt all the more familiar; like I was back on that station again and Alderos was preparing himself to use me again.

All that was missing was a short tug of a leash to have me service him.

Natasha's Personnel File:

If you'd like to play a mission with me, let me know by sending me a message.

Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:41 am

Joined: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:53 pm
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Post Re: Zen Knights: Mission 2 (For Meia)
Taurano grinned and gasped the chain attached to a little shackle attached to the throat of his prey and tugged on it roughly. "Now my little slave, for the next couple of hours...your all mine, and I hope your mouth is good for more than just chatting," he grins grabbing the top of her head and showed her his rather big bull cock before calmly reaching to a little chest and brings out a Ring gag and smirked at Tasha and began forcing the ring gag onto her keeping her mouth wide open.

"Hmm, yes that looks nice, mouth wide open and wanting to service your master," He grinned before he began pushing his cock into her mouth slowly wanting her to service the cock with that tongue.


Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:54 pm
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