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 The Troublesome Tome (for Therion) 
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Post The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
It over a year since Nell Apton returned to Shokushu after her necessary leave of absence. She'd mostly readjusted to being back there, as much as one could. Still, her recent alliance with Aegir had surprisingly improved her situation. It had even given her reason to hope that escape from this hell hole might actually be possible in the future. That hope had gone a long way to healing her emotional scars. Enough so that she finally had the courage to unpack some of her things from storage.

After her mental break down she had been forced to go to an off world mental institution for "rehabilitation". The school had put her belongings into storage until her return. Up until now she had avoided opening all but the bare essentials, not wanting to be reminded of those first horrible months on the island. It was time to stop avoiding them now though. Who knows, there might even be something useful to her escape hidden away in those boxes.

The first box was mostly things from home, photos, mementos, etc. God, how far away that life seemed now. She wasn't sure she'd ever get back to Earth and her family, she wasn't sure she could go back now. She wasn't the same person who left there. She'd keep the mementos though. Box two was filled with books. Mostly romance novels and old text books but there were a few books on magic as well from her independent studies.

Nell had mostly give up on using magic as a weapon to defend herself here. She didn't seem to have much of a talent for it and nearly all her attempts to learn more had backfired horribly. She should just leave all this crap alone. But then she suddenly happened upon the one book she couldn't ignore. The very last book of magic she had acquired and one she'd sacrificed a great deal of her sanity to keep. She'd let a demon have his way with her just to stop him from destroying it.

She had not seen Therion since that night and honestly she hoped to never see him again. Both he and Lujuria had been a large part of why she'd had her break down. Luju had caused the initial break but that night with Therion had been the last straw. She frowned at the book in her hands and wondered if it had really been worth it. She supposed now was as good a time as any to find out.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:09 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
Therion had only recently awoken from a deep slumber, his powers needing time to settle as he found himself drawn back to this world. Truly nothing had change except for a few new faces and further competition for the grandest prizes. Oh how Therion would love to take one of these students and twist her into his own but alas even he knew that would never be the case. Who was he to deny one of his brothers the spoils of this land.

Drifting through the hallways, his mind plays-back to his conquests. So many faces, so many exquisite tastes. He had only come to a halt when he felt a sudden sensation surging through his flesh. A spell he placed long ago upon a certain tome. He remembered it instantly, how feverishly she wanted that damned book and how she traded much to keep it. She never realized he had tampered with it, made it as much a weapon against her as his powers. A smile graced his features as he begins to follow its pull.

Perhaps it was time to see the results, to see an old "friend" once more and discover how she has endured. He was hungry after his long sleep, a deep hunger that none of these humans would ever understand. He needed pleasure, he needed to feed upon it.

Nell, that was her name.

Her face twisted in both disgust and pleasure, her hatred in those eyes for him. It had been divine to manipulate her so, to force her to degrade herself to earn her tome. Oh the pleasures he would inflict upon her again. Shifting into the shadows, he is all but invisible as he passes from room to room until he finds the tome and indeed, the woman he desired looking upon it. She was still so beautiful and by the look on her face, she remembered that night well. A faint whisper seems to enter her mind as he speaks as if but a memory from the past haunting her that resurfaces from touching the book.


Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Jul 10, 2013 4:30 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
Nell shivered at the remembered whisper and frowns at the book in her hands, wondering if she should just leave it be. She couldn't though. She was determined not to be frightened away by a memory. If this book had something useful in it she owed it to herself to find it out.

She stood up with the book and moved to sit on the edge of her bed. She opened the book in her lap and started flipping through it, looking for anything she could use. There were a wide range of spells here but many of them were offensive spells that she couldn't risk attempting in her dorm room. "No fire or lightning." She flipped another page. "Maybe something defensive like a shield or..." She jumped up suddenly when she found the perfect spell. "Teleportation! That's it!!"

She studied the spell quickly. It seemed simple enough, a short incantation and a good deal of concentration. She set the open book down on her bed and practiced saying the spell a few times until she had it memorized. Then she moved to the far side of her room and focused on the space just in front of her door. She spoke the words of the spell.

Nothing happened. She frowned and tried again, this time pour more of her will into the spell. This time she felt a distinct tickle and something changed. A small bit of black lacy material appeared in front of her door. Nell blinked and crossed the room to investigate. "Well Shit..." She muttered when she realized they were her panties. The ones she had been actually wearing. She sighed. Well it had sort of worked. Maybe she needed to concentrate harder.

She returned to her original location and tried again. Again there was another shift and the rest of her clothes joined her panties by the door. "Son of a bitch! That's not useful at all!!" She swore. Maybe it was the island's inhibitors the we're preventing her from teleporting anything more than just her clothing across the room. She sighed and moved to go pick up her things so she could get dressed again. She didn't like the idea of standing around naked while she practiced magic.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:30 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
It was all too ironic that Therion had little knowledge of what the spells may do now. He made sure each effect was harmless enough but he was only learning magic himself and how to combat it. Even so it proved quite amusing to see Nell's attempts at her first spell. She may not be too pleased but Therion certainly enjoyed the results. Once she was fully naked however, Therion suddenly gained his own ideas. It would be easy to simply claim her here and now but no that wasn't fun at all nor amusing.

As she walks over to retrieve her clothes, a shadow seems to emerge from them and quickly consume her entirely, a black orb that surrounds her only to vanish seconds later. Perhaps it was another part of the spell, as it seemed she had truly teleported... but now she was outside her room completely naked and only the tome left beside her. A quick check would prove the door was locked and with no key there was no way to get back inside without making too much noise that would surely attract unwanted attention to a naked student in a campus filled with monsters eager to use her.

In truth it had been Therion's power that shifted her, a simple manipulation of his powers to allow her to pass through one shadow and exit the other but for now he wants her to think it was an after effect of her spell. Still quite amused, he hovers around her unseen as it appears lucky the hallway is empty, atleast for the moment. With luck she'll try another spell now that it seems it may have worked despite the lack of clothing.

After all what had she left to lose?

While she is distracted, he flicks through the pages until he discovers one that claims it will summon a cloak of darkness that would render the user invisible. A quick adjustment meant the spell would only trigger a minor flash of light but it should be enough to convince her it worked as he prepared his next trick. If she used the spell, then he would grant her a cloak during the flash, but of course it would just be an extension of his power and more trouble then she knows.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:43 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
"Oh double shit!" She swore again when she found herself suddenly in the hall outside her dorm, still nude with her clothes locked on the other side of the door. She knew the door was locked before she tried it, she always kept it locked, but she tried it away. Oh, this was so not good. At least the hall was empty but it wasn't likely to stay that way. She thought about knocking on a neighbor's door to ask to borrow some clothes, pride be damned. It was preferable to being stuck naked in the hall when a monster showed up.

That's when she saw the spell book sitting on the ground. She bent to pick it up and then saw the page it had fallen open to. An invisibility spell? That might be a good temporary solution to her current predicament. I didn't look very difficult either. She looked around cautiously then quickly drew the spell book to her and focused her energy on the spell as she quickly read the words aloud.

There was a flash of light and then a pause. She waited with baited breathe for the spell to work.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:37 am
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
His timing had to be perfect but then again Therion was everyone at once in this dark hallway. The second the light has faded, there is a strange black cloak left laying upon the floor at her feet. It seems to be polished and gleam in the moonlight almost like latex but to touch it, it feels light and softer then the finest silks. Of course it would feel divine against naked flesh just as Therion has planned for later. For now he shall wait until she places it over her shoulders, after all the spell says you need to cover yourself with it for the spell to take effect.

To add to the "tension", Therion sends one of his shadows to the far end of the hallway. Once in place it begins to knock over things to minic a clumsy and large monster no doubht searching for fresh prey, perhaps able to sense a student outside the safety of her room. It mattered little so long as she reacted to it.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

Morloch [Campus] [Arena] [ADD/Space]

The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:12 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
It took a moment for Nell's eyes to readjust after the flash but when they did she saw the puddle of material laying on the floor in front of her. She touched the shimmery black clothe out of curiosity. It felt super luxurious, finer than silk against her skin. She stood up with it and let the fabric unfurl, surprised to discover it was an actual cloak. "Huh, well who would have suspected the spell would be so literal?"

There was a crush from the far side of the hall and she jumped. The sounds of a large lumbering creature approaching down the adjacent hall launched her into action. Without another thought she threw the cloak off her shoulders and drew the hood up so that it hung low over her face to cover as much of her body as possible. Then she pressed back close against the wall so that the odds of something running into her by accident would be minimal.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:02 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
With everything going according to plan, the crashing sounds seem to be getting closer to keep Nell distracted from what was happening. The "cloak" seems to flow over her body like a liquid before it literally begins to stick to her flesh. In a matter of moments it has gone from a cloak to a rather form fitting suit. Of course the strange fabric would given off the look of latex but still feel far softer against her flesh. It hugs every curve of her body, especially tight over her breasts and grinding up against her pussy each time she moves even the slightest. The suit is almost like a second skin now, showing every part of her naked body but still covering it.

It remains a hood atleast above, leaving her face untouched so she can breathe but now she would certainly appeal to some fantasies dressed in such a get-up. Luckily it renders her invisible as looking down would reveal her body is gone visibly. The crashing seems to linger closer as a dark shape stumbles into the hallway and begins to approach her. It's impossible to make out the features in such darkness but slowly it moves toward her only to pass her and head further down the hallway, leaving her unmolested and apparently signalling her spell worked.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:38 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
Nell held her breath as the violent noises grew louder, the creature was getting closer. She could feel the cloak molding to her body and might have panicked were she not already already so distracted. The shifting of the cloak stopped short of becoming constricting so she decided it probably was okay. The hood remained loose and flowing and she could still breath so that was a good sign. The only thing that bothered her was how erotic the soft fabric felt against her bare skin, especially her breast and crotch area but it eventually settled and did not seem to be alive with any carnal intent so she assumed it was safe.

The monster that just appeared at the far end of the hall was another matter. She couldn't make it out too clearly through the hood but it appeared to be moving towards her. She looked down at herself to confirm she was invisible. She was, now she just had to hope that the creature didn't hunt by smell. She waited in agonizing silence until the monster passed her and turned down a different hall. "Oh thank God..." She breathed softly. Now she could concentrate on getting back in to her room and getting this cloak off her. She removed the hood and went back to the book. She went slowly as every movement in this now skin tight outfit suddenly felt terribly arousing. She then started scouring the book for a charm to unlock her door or something.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:35 am
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
Therion was quite enjoying toying with poor Nell as he watches her reacting to the soft nudge of the skin tight outfit. For now he keeps things playful to amuse himself, not wanting to rush such an opportunity. Hovering over her shoulder, he peers into the book with her, curious as to just what spell she may try next. The book contains many strange and bizarre ones but some helpful ones too as it seems there is a second teleportation spell only this one would summon an item to her rather then teleport herself but it warns it may only used once or there may be some side effects. The spell says it will summon whatever you desire most and place it within your reach.

Therion could already tell how wrong this spell will go as he muses over the wording that he had changed. Rather then summon a key, it would respond to the growing arousal in her body and one area in particular that was getting attention while she moved. Rather then grant her a key to unlock the door, it would grant her something else to provide release to the faint teasing below. For now Therion is quite happy to enjoy the view, as she may be invisible to others but not to him. The suit only seems to get tighter around her flesh when she moves, making every feature stand out even more. Her shapely rear especially as he remembers paying that quite alot of attention before and he hopes she remembers too.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:57 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
"Hmm..." She frowned down at the spell book. The spell was not want she had been hoping for but it should work, provided her got her aim right. She would have to stay focused on the keys, not letting anything distract her. She really didn't wanted another magical misfire tonight. She closed her eyes and concentrated again. "Keys..." She whispered. "I need my keys." Then she muttered the words to the spell.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:51 am
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
There is a faint tingle in the air to signal the spell is working, the light pulsing once more before suddenly there is a loud pop signally the spell seems to have worked. But rather then a key falling to the ground at her feet, nothing seems to happen. That is of course until any movement is involved. Rather then summon a key, it seems to have summoned a special "toy" from one of her drawers used for stress relief and now that same toy is firmly placed inside her pussy below. The suit keeping it in place and pushed fully inside her much to Therion's amusement as now it would seem impossible to remove without removing the suit.

To ensure she has no chance to do just that, the loud bang returns as it seems the monster from before may have heard that and is quickly returning to find the source of the sound, tearing through the hallways. With all of the rooms locked, the only place to go is further into the school. Therion wants to slowly wear her down before he strikes, after all he needs to push her to her limits and force her to bargain with him again.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:14 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
Nell frowned again when the keys did not immediately appear. This spell book was proving to be the very opposite of helpful. That fact became even more evident when she attempted to move. "Dear God..." She gasped as a jolt of erotic sensation shot through her. Something was in her snatch. She froze for a moment while she tried to figure out what the hell it could be. It wasn't moving, thank God, so it was not likely something alive. She really could only feel it in the extreme when she moved but from the shape and size of it... She blushed suddenly as it dawned on her. "It couldn't be..."

It had to be though. It was the cordless egg vibrator one of the doctor's at the hospital had recommended for her to use to "relieve tension". Good grief, she'd never even used it before. She'd forgotten she'd even owned it. She took a deep steadying breath. Okay, at least it wasn't turned on. Still, she needed to get it out of her. She'd never be able to concentrate with it in there.

That's when she heard the monster returning. "Shit!" She whispered and pressed herself into the hollow of her door frame. The movement gave her another burst of sensation in her core and she bit her lip to prevent herself from panting. Just hurry up and pass me, She thought. She so did not need this right now...

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:38 am
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
It always seemed she had the worst luck when Therion was around, or rather he made sure she did. It was all too amusing to see her reaction as she struggled to figure out what it was that was inside her. It was too easy to switch the items and ensure the spell targeted that rather then her key and now he couldn't let her have a chance to relax. He manipulates the shadow of the towering brute, making it seem as if its tearing apart the hallway in a rage searching for whatever made that flash and noise.

As she pressed back against the wall, there is a sudden hum as the egg vibrator suddenly comes to life within her flesh. Perhaps moving around accidentally turned it on, or some of the magic hanging in the air reacted with it. Whatever the cause it was now active and sending vibrations through her sensitive body. Of course it would only make it harder to hide as the monster is getting closer and closer. The monster appears to be enraged, his voice booming out.


This amount of noise would surely be heard by others but Therion ensures only Nell hears it, her hood blocking out everything else and only making her hear what he wants her to hear. Perhaps the other students were too afraid to leave their room, atleast that's the impression he wants her to have as the tries to force her away from her own.

Therion [Campus]

Guan [Campus] [Arena]

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The Corruption (Omega 00125) [Arena] [ADD/Space]

Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:12 pm
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Post Re: The Troublesome Tome (for Therion)
She stiffened and stifled a gasp when the egg suddenly started vibrating. This could not be happening right now. She felt wetness begin to pool between her thighs and she sank to the ground against the wall. She heard the monster bellowing threats, how could anyone not? She did not blame her floormates for not coming out to help her. They would only end up getting caught themselves.

Her arousal grew against her will and she was forced to cover her mouth with one hand. The other hand slipped down between her legs, in part to sooth the growing ache there and in part to try and get passed the tight material hiding her so she could get the toy out of her.

I have decided that I'm not taking on any new RPs for now. I am going to focus on the couple of games I have going right now and once they are finished I'm going to be taking a break. Not sure when I'll be back but I likely will be some day.

Nell Apton
Kirsty Barker

Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:03 am
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