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 What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania) 
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Acting as one the four appendages had managed to pull the princess into its waiting maw, now they were acting seperately in hopes of throwing the handmaidens off, but they weren't entirely successful seeing how only An refrained from freeing herself in favor of the princess. They tried to ensnare them, coiling about their waists from where they slid up to their arms and although the women might slow them down in their advance, their flexibility simply allowed for far greater feats as they wrapped around their limbs. It was attempting to surprise them with sudden tugs and pulls, unbalance the two of them but its own divided strength was barely enough to make them stumble at best. Octavia fell victim to sheer naivity and proved easy to overcome since the flower got the drop on her, but this time turned out to be different.

Slowly but surely Octavia came undone, slipping out of the flower inch by inch and while it would've gone faster if the both of them helped instead of just one, she found herself fully freed with a slurping sound moments later albeit stained by the strange fluid. Tendrils twitched this way and that at the realisation of their loss before they released all three of them, returning to its initial state in which the petals were closed and no sign of the thicker tentacles remained. While their language was unknown to the flower it knew they wouldn't destroy it, radiating its subtle glow it simply rested there, dormant.

Unknown to the Trixians it sensed another presence, something that'd make for an easier catch as it set foot onto the odd growth a few hundred meters down the corridor the women had come from, the only reason they were allowed to trespass now. Uncaring of what they did next, be it proceed with their original plans to enter the ship or not, it knew that it would not fail this time.

A dull, metallic thunk filled the air, followed by several others with less intensity as something was toppled over, perhaps one of the corroded objects they'd seen earlier, the sound merely coming their way as it happened nowhere near them. While that might have been random it was sure to break the otherwise dead silence of the hulk, the only warning sign of the imminent arrival of a ferocious predator they had yet lay their eyes on.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:23 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The tentacles had to now divert their attention between An and the Trixian princess it had it grips. Tentacles began to wrap around the brunette as she struggled to pull Her Highness free, attempting to ensnare the beautiful handmaiden. However it appeared that trying to capture two Trixians was too much too swallow for the plant. Except for a couple sudden tugs that made the Trixian warrior stumble, it could not even knock her over as she struggled to pull the Princess free. "Don't just stand there, Enru. Help me." The blonde was in shock until An words motivated in action, she quickly moved to get another the Princess's other arm as she began to help the pink haired beauty get free of the deadly plant that tried to swallow her.

It took a long while but eventually Octavia was finally freed from the carnivorous plant. The three Trixians collapsed just out of reach of the plant as they took a moment to catch their breath. Octavia found herself covered in the strange fluid, her outfit ruined but otherwise she was unharmed. They turned to watch the plant's tentacles writhe in frustration of not being able to secure the plant's latest meal. Finally the tentacles pulled back into the flower as the petals closed once more. It was like nothing had ever happened.

Thank you, Enru and An. She looked up at her handmaiden saviours, Had the plant pulled me in the I would have been a goner for sure. The handmaidens smiled happy that had managed to protect their Princess.

Suddenly there was a metallic thunk that echoed through the room. It sound like it was from the corridor that led back to the shuttle. More thunks made it sound like something was coming towards the trio though it was not as loud as the first sound. Instinctively the pair of handmaidens moved so they were between whatever it was and their princess.

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Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:48 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Silence lingered in the air like a harbinger of grave news, the flower to their side never shifting in face of what was to come. At first there was nothing, as if they misjudged the cause of the sound, but then the faint noise of wet, squishy steps reached their ears, much like the ones they'd heard when they first made their way to the royal vessel. Whatever was headed their way soon surpassed the intensity of their own steps, growing stronger by the second it had to be far heavier than any of the Trixians though it wasn't until it came in reach of the light that it became visible. Lacking eyes itself there wasn't much that hindered its own field of vision.

The creature erupted from the shadows with slow yet strong thuds colliding with the damp ground, walking on all fours as it approached the trio it was taller and wider than any of the women. Its front legs were made up of slabs of red muscle, attached to a larger body where the shoulder joints would be although the limbs were seperated into three sections, thick claws protruding from the middle section in the front and back. The feet or rather hands themselves were riddled with clawed fingers, bent at the last knuckle on which the monster walked upon. Its hind legs on the other hand were oddly digitigrade, ending in what appeared to be hooves whilst a wide, powerful tail swayed behind it with each step, the tip of which was covered in thorns that stood out in all directions though the very end seemed as though it was more of a trident shape.

Those parts were bare and might be vulnerable though the main body was plated with layers of dusky chitin, a massive bulk of a body that'd probably be able to crush them with its raw weight alone. It was largely unspectacular safe for several lavish veins connected to its inflated stomach, an apparantly natural state though these organic passageways were connected to its elongated neck as well, then its vicious maw. A circular opening protected by four rows of razor sharp teeth sat here, revealed only as it let out a guttural groan and spread its jaws apart, merely worsened by the two jagged peaks where ones chin would be which it could ram into a victim, entrapping it in sheer agony inches before its teeth before devouring it or killing it outright.

Other sounds came from the ceiling several metres above them, eliciting barely audible metallic thunks as another creature lurked in the shadows still, awaiting its moment to strike once its larger brethren allowed for it.

Gradually getting closer the monstrous creature sped up slightly, charging them with its desire to feed though it wasn't alone, a regrettable mistake on the flower's part for it could only feel what stepped onto it directly. This one it could not take care of, leaving it to dispose of the Trixians or the other way around whilst her focus had been on the second intruder.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:34 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
For a moment it appeared things were returning to normal as there was a moment of where all was quiet. However An was not allowing her guard down for a moment looking around for any sign of a threat. The burnette looked over to make sure the blonde handmaiden, Enru, was ready to guard the princess. Just when it looked like all was clear, the trio of Trixians heard the sound of wet, squisky steps. It grew stronger and louder as whatever it was approached the three Trixians. Suddenly Octavia screamed as she saw the creature came racing into the light.

The monster was massive as it came out of the shadows, it looked like it was on all fours but it was still taller and bigger than any of the Trixians that stood in front of the monster. The front limbs looked like they arms, though they ended in massive claws that could easily crush an arm or a leg. The back legs look they belonged on a powerful bull capable of propelling the creature rapid towards it prey. Even the creature tail looked dangerous as it seemed like the tip were covered in thorns. It was almost as if the creature had been genetically engineered for combat. It certainly seemed to the Trixians that the monster could not have been engineered any better to fight them. The handmaidens aimed their their weapons at the creature as they looked for weak spots.

Not there was many spots on the creature to attack. It looked like that its main body was covered in some sort dusky looking chitin. It open it maw to growl at the handmaidens that dared to defend their Princess. Octavia could only looked on in horror to see row after row of razor shapr teeth. Her Highness stumbled backed a bit was as she realized that the creature could crush her easily enough if it caught her in its powerful jaws. Fortunately the handmaidens, where holding firm as they took aim on the creature. S-stay back or my handmaidens will shoot. The Trixian royal realized the creature probably did not speak Trixian but she hoped that the show of force alone would scare the monster off.

The creature though was not impressed, it simply began to charge towards the trio of the Trixians. The handmaidens began to fire on the creature hoping that their shots would drop the creature before it got too close. Although An was already reaching for her sword just in case it would be needed. Even over the sounds of the battle, Octavia could hear the sound of metallic thunks above her, the pink haired princess looked up to see what was making that noise though she could not see it.

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:57 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Whatever the women threw at the beast, it simply shrugged it off, be it bullets, lasers or plasma. Projectiles easily ricocheted off its tough chitin as soon as their assault began, leaving nothing but scratches though some did manage to penetrate this layer of its body, getting stuck in the surface rather than digging into the flesh below and causing actual harm. A few luckier shots, their impact perpendicular to their target allowed for them to be successful in a sense as a few drops of blood were spattered across the ground though the creature made no attempt to dodge the malevolent onrush.

It rushed forth with its powerful hind legs, closing the distance a lot faster than it seemed possible initially. Striking Enru first it twisted its head, jerking back before smashing the female with the side of its head, the added force hitting her straight in the chest, sending her tumbling if not downright flying backwards. She may have trouble breathing from the sheer force she was struck with, perhaps fractured ribs if she got unlucky though that didn't concern her assailant. At least she hadn't been impaled on any of the spikes and got to live, just how long depended on the outcome of their struggle for survival. Swiftly turning on the spot its momentum didn't allow it to charge An for another couple of seconds, giving her little time to react accordingly.

Octavia was largely ignored by the current threat, but when she looked up there was a brief shimmer in the distance. Something whizzed past what portion of the ceiling could actually be seen from the bottom, too fast for the eye to catch though when the monster made short work of her handmaidens there was a thud right next to her. Swiftly approaching the princess it threatened to pounce her although the flower sprung into action just in time as its tentacles snatched every limb they could.

The creature was smaller, but not any less vile. Rather lean in appearance it had been swift, more agile than its larger brethren. Moving on four limbs before it was captured another pair was sprouting from its chest, ending in widely arched scythe-like blades that were slicing through the air, aimed at the royal Trixian rather than attempting to free itself as it was pulled into the flower. Occasionally striking the floor as it was dragged away from her it cut through the odd growth and the ground beneath, leaving subtle ridges in the metal which would explain what happened to the Trixian ship they were trying to enter.

This smaller specimen didn't have a lot of muscles or body mass and could do nothing as it was engulfed by the petals, cutting through one of its boundaries by accident before inevitably succumbing to its captor and being audibly crushed as it slid down the channel Octavia escaped mere seconds ago only to be devoured.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:48 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The two handmaidens immediately fired on the beast as it began to charge them. However the hide of the monstrous beast was simply to tough for the energy weapons the Trixian bodyguards had. Most of the shots simply bounced off the creature like it was rubber bullets hit the creature. There were some scratches and nicks on the monster, even some blood drawn. However all the firing was only making the monster angrier as it closed the distance on the hand maidens.

Within seconds the creature was upon the blonde handmaiden, forcing Enru to attempt to dodge out of the way of the creature. The taller handmaiden was just lucky enough to avoid the spikes on the monster's head, but unfortunately she was too close to the creature. The monster swept its head directly into the blonde Trixian chest, sending her across the room. The young woman hit the ground tumbling and slammed into the wall with a loud ompf. The blonde didn't immediately pass out but it was clear that she had the wind knocked out of her. It was now down to An, as the brunette pulled out an extendable baton to fight the armored beast.

Octavia could see something moving above her but her eyes could not really track the movement as it ceiling was too dark. The sight of Enru being knocked across the room, distracted the Princess for a moment. Then the sound of something landing next to the Trixian royal directed her look in that direction. See saw a similar creature though it was smaller right next to her. The pink haired Trixian screamed as the creature pounced in her direction.

Just as the four legged monster was about to pounce on the helpless royal, the flower opened up and tentacles reached out and grabbed the creature, quickly ensnaring the monster's limbs. The creature struggled to get after the royal, despite the flower's attacks. Its blades came with in inches of hitting the pink haired beauty. However more tentacles wrapped around the creature as it was dragged towards the flower. Its blades carved up the growth and some of the metal floor as it was dragged closer and closer to blooming flower.

Within moments the creature was engulfed by the massive flower and it was swallowed whole with an audible crunch. Octavia winced in shock of what she just heard. This place was truly evolution run amock and the Trixian wanted no part of it. She just wanted to get off this hulk before it was too late.

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Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:13 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Ania couldn't tell how much time had passed since she arrived in this accursed place. As far as she knew it could've been days which were spent regenerating lost limbs and seeking hideout after hideout she could have a few minutes, perhaps hours of peace in. Her ship was lost, the landing nearly destroyed it entirely after some sort of energy field pulled her toward what might've turned out to be certain death if it weren't for certain traits her race posessed. After several careful alterations to her physique she'd managed to recreate the bodily scent of these vigorous beasts, however faint it may be her heightened senses picked up on it, allowing for the chemical to cover her exact location in whichever portion of the hulk she found herself in at the time. Nothing could be done about the warmth emanating from her body, making it a partially ideal solution, but at least it offered a chance for even a skilled warrior required sleep someday.

She'd found another vessel that could grant her escape, a ship buried in the hulk. Working her way through the chambers she was in the dark for a long time, meddling with the alien technology she found here in hopes of turning the power back on eventually. One breakthrough in the machine room brought the lights and ventilation back online when she replaced the drained power source by another, far lighter and undoubtedly weaker one, unknowingly activating the distress beacon in the process which wouldn't have ever stopped transmitting if it weren't for the power running out. It worked, at least for a while, until recently an unexpected tremor caused her to slip whilst working on the circuits, ruining any effort of hers up to this point.

Having never studied any aspects of engineering, not to mention those of another race, she found herself at a loss, but the feeling didn't last long. Something agitated the various organisms living here, crawling and rummaging through the corridors all around as they were seemingly headed toward something right after it happened. There must've been dozens from what she could tell, the faint vibrations tingling her every nerve she decided to investigate, swiftly navigating through the ship in order to reach their destination.

Meanwhile An was confronted by the massive bulk of a beast that rendered Enru unable to continue fighting for the moment. Its advance was slower this time since their ranks were shattered by its charge, having to focus on the last woman standing that still proved to be a threat. Chances were slim, possibly near zero though someone as expertly trained as the royal guard might have a chance. The handmaiden needed to devise a plan if she wanted to get out of this alive and with her being the sole focus of this atrocious monster it'd be out of the question she'd fare as well as Enru who survived the initial attack.

Then it lashed out at her, using its hind legs and weight in order to propel its body forward in an attempt to impale the woman before its mighty maw. Although it appeared to be heavy and sluggish, both head and tail were dangerously equipped and waiting to strike those individuals that managed to overcome these downsides. Whether using brute strength or agility, it'd put her skills to the test.

Unlike the handmaidens Octavia couldn't truly fend for herself, or so it seemed as the flower's tendrils slithered across the ground, once more headed for the princess with nothing left to protect her. In the meantime escape became less viable unless they chose to leave one of their own behind. There weren't many places to go either, back the way they came, further down the corridor looking for a junction that may not even be there or somehow wind up entering the Trixian ship.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Sep 22, 2013 4:15 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An took a moment to try to size up the situation. The creature was massive and it was difficult for the brunette to get fine a vulnerable point on the creature. She might have been able to take down the creature with the help of the blonde handmaiden, but it looked like Enru was still completely out of the fight. Now An, really had only her brain to fight off the creature before as her laser had proven to be useless. If she could some how get near the flower creature, maybe she could get it to fight the monster.

For the moment that would have to wait, as the monster lashed at An once more. The brunette barely rolled out of the way of the incoming creature trying to stay clear its head or tail. The Trixian body seemed to be particularly vulnerable to a hit like from the powerful beast, as Enru still crumpled form could attest to. The handmaiden would have to the stay mobile for the moment until she can gain the opportunity to lurn the monster towards the flower.

Octavia could only watch as her handmaiden fought for her life. However something got her attention. The tendrils began to move towards her once more. The pink haired princess couldn't stay here and the handmaiden could not protect her with out abandoning the other Trixian. All the Princess could do was back up and away going further down the corridor and away from the plant to stay out of reach of its tendrils.

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Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:39 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Picking up on the various life forms up ahead and the ones prowling through the vents of this vessel Ania could easily discern that a few of them didn't belong to the hostile creatures living aboard the hulk although they were inevitably caught up in a struggle for survival. Thanks to her senses she didn't need to arrive at the scene first before being able to tell what was happening, it only made engaging the threat much simpler from the get go when she finally arrived though at the time she wondered as to whether exposing herself for people she didn't know proved to be a wise decision. If one of them turned out to be an engineer these three were invaluable, her very personal ticket out of this hell and if not, then at least she'd have some company that could help her figure out how the ship functioned in the first place.

For Octavia, heading further down the corridor had consequences, of course. Too focused on the tentacles her back was turned toward the darkness, leaving her back exposed and while she did shift away from the appendages, they realized that they couldn't reach her if she backed up any further.

Instead they turned back halfway through, swiftly rushing toward the downed handmaiden as the quartett overwhelmed her before she could even reach for her weapon. The firearm was swept aside by one of them whilst another slammed into Enru's chest, the near exact same spot where she'd been hit by the monster dueling An at the time in hopes of rendering her paralyzed slightly longer. Before coiling around her waist, the remaining pair wrapped then encased these most appealing legs as Enru was dragged toward the flower ever so slowly, its petals unfolding in anticipation of this meal.

Luckily An dodged the charge of her assailant with sheer agility, but unlike any of the women it would never tire, never cease in its attempts to crush and devour such wonderful prey, a rarity composed of actual flesh rather than anything else. She might've been smarter and used her wits to find a solution, but this thing had survived here for many years since it belonged to those that eradicated any newcomers.

Luring the beast toward the plant proved difficult despite how spacious the corridor they were in really was, whenever An made a dash for the flower that could very well save her life it simply cut off the way with its massive body, moving a lot faster than the handmaiden desired. Several attempts nearly ending in her demise were necessary to achieve what she believed had to be done. Seemingly growing tired of the recurring attempts of hers to get past, its tail flailed through the air toward her mercilessly which she just barely managed to avoid with an exceptional display of skill as she rolled aside, then plunged through the offered opening since even the monster needed time to recover from the force of its own weight dragging it toward where she stood mere moments ago.

It was all for nought, however. Neither flower nor the infernal beast appeared interested in one another, although Enru would be in grave danger either way if An couldn't maintain the latter's focus on herself or severe the grasp of those tendrils to allow for her incapaciated crew member to get away.

Calculating their chances Ania silently slipped through the crawl space at an inhuman speed, a tentacle of her own reaching for the pistol in her holster whilst several others shaped their tips into blades, sharp enough to cut metal no doubt as she was drawn to the one farthest away from the crowd. Octavia may only see the newcomer clad in slightly shimmering attire, a skintight armor of sorts that didn't hide many of her feminine features though the protection and flexibility allowed her to move as though it weren't even there.

For a moment this woman came at her without saying a word, an obvious threat to her life it seemed, the face before her obscured by a helmet with tiny slits which merely showed the bright azure glow behind them. Something swept past the princess then, barely grazing her right arm before she was tossed aside with strength that could compare to these things around them. The reason for this became apparant when she looked back up; the corpse of one of the smaller monster laid there, cut in half. A second ago this might've been her if not for her unknown savior.

At the same time her firearm had been raised, two ear piercing shots echoing off the walls whose projectiles severed the plant's hold on Enru as they cut through the appendages like butter, the used shells dropping to the floor with a slight hollow, metallic tone. Despite the distance she hadn't missed as she moved to assist An with the final standing threat, it all hapenned so fast though they were far from done here.

A last glance had been directed at Octavia. What a pretty thing, much like the two women she'd been with despite her being covered in some sort of clear fluid. Their tails made them appear to be quite exotic, looking similar to her own as it swayed behind her shapely behind although Ania doubted they would've lasted much longer without her.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:55 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
Octavia continued to back away from the tentacles that kept reaching for her as she began to back into the dark hallway. It might have dangerous to walk backwards into the unknown, but the threat in front of her was obvious and very dangerous. At least until the tentacles turned and went a different direction.

Enru was struggling to regain her focus as she tried to will herself to try to get back into the fight. It was then that the blonde handmaiden saw some movement in front of her. With a single swat, her energy pistol was knocked out her hand. A second tendril slammed into Enru's chest, making the tall Trixian double in pain on the floor. Before she even knew it tentacles wrapped around her waist while other tentacles wrapped around her legs. Soon the blonde handmaiden was being dragged towards the flower, to be used as a tasty substitute of for the Princess that has gotten away from the carnivorous flower.

An managed to live up to her reputation as an elite guard of the royal family as she managed to nimbly dodge the creature attack. The brunette had to hold out until she could find someway to defeat the monstrous creature. For the monster's part, it did not seem to breathing nearly as hard as the handmaiden was, a sign that it has far more endurance than even someone as well trained as An was.

An struggled to make her way to the flower to try to lure the creature into the flower's grasp. It wasn't easy though, as the monster was faster than her. Everytime the handmaiden began moving towards the flower, the creature would cut her off and attack. It was only skill and timing, that allowed the Trixian elite warrior to dodge the creature's strikes. Still it seemed to only managed to agitate the giant monster as it attacked became even more ferocious. The brunette ducked out of the way just as the tail came down on the floor leaving a huge dent where she was standing. A hit like that would have finished the handmaiden. Still the handmaiden had managed to make it to the reach of the flower.

However the flower was not interested in the beast nor the brunette, the plant already had its tentacles around the Enru and was pull the helpless blonde to its flower. It would finish its tasty meal before dealing with anyone else.

Octavia felt completely helpless there was nothing she could do to help her handmaidens, it was then that she saw something shimmer above her. The Princess looked up as the form moved into view. It was clear feminine in nature as the outfit left no doubt in the royal's mind. And the outfit the new woman was wearing apparently was designed to allow the woman to move in any position she wanted as it appeared she was not to being hindered at all.

Suddenly something shot out at the Princess, the pink haired royal screamed as she closed her eyes. However the blades shot by did not hit her except a slight glaze across Octavia's arm. Almostly instantly Octavia was thrown to the floor. When she looked back up, she saw that one of the monsters was laying above her, cut in half. The Princess was frozen there for a moment terrified that the creature had almost got her except for her new savior.

Suddenly there was two shots fired, and the Enru found herself finally no longer being dragged across the floor, though the blonde was still too out of it to help out or even pull herself free of the severed tentacles. The unknown woman moved towards the was the remaining monster who An was desperately trying to hold off. Octavia had no idea where the warrior had come from but she grateful she was there.

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Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:22 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An at least had a strategy in mind, but it made little difference when confronted with an opponent of such dimensions and attributes which merely sought to kill or be killed in the process of attempting the former via any means necessary. Someone like the handmaiden, tired and inevitably nearing exhaustion if she couldn't outmaneuver a monster that already outmatched her by a fair margin, would certainly face death while on duty unless there was another fate this thing had in store for her before that moment came.

Before Ania could aid her against the assailant, it came at the Trixian again. Its tail swung toward her in a wide arc, attempting to strike her down once and for all after yet another charge although it failed to connect with its target, instead having its spikes collide with the growth's flower pod, tearing it to shreds. It was about to grasp Enru with the tentacles that remained after those shots were fired moments before, hesitant as a reminder that it might conceive of pain as an actual sensation before it, in its entirety, was reduced to nothing.

Whether their oxygen would deplete from here on would remain in the dark, whatever mush it had been reduced to then splashed to the ground in a mix of clear fluid and torn, fleshy petals and feelers. As a result their visibility had been slightly impaired, the faint glow of its appendages missing from this moment onward.

The monster roared out in frustration, utterly driven by the urge to end the woman's life it stomped the ground in preparation of another blind, bloodlust induced charge, ready to go after An though in that moment another projectile drew blood as it penetrated the thick layer of its skull. Much like their own, the newcomer's weapon didn't cause any further damage. It did, however, distract it for just a moment as Ania drew in closer, close enough to bury a tentacle in its usually protected throat.

When the alien in shining armor made contact with the beast, it was as though she was cutting butter with a sharpened sword. Due to her unique physique one of her limbs held the properties of the hardest metal she could mimic in what little time she had, strenghtening and perfecting the manipulation of her body before putting all her strength behind the attack. Whatever she did to the insides of its head as she managed to overcome its bodily defenses, whichever part she punctured or violated in every sense of the word, within the blink of an eye the battle had been decided. The thing lowered to the ground, crushing the growth below its weight as it fell for the very last time. It laid there, defeated and perished, and the victor wasted little time in moving on.

"You shouldn't be out here." Her weapon and limbs were lowered as she glanced over to An, the only one to have remained on her feet for so long. "More of them are coming."

With her voice sounding rather deep and dull due to her helmet, would they think of her as a threat despite helping them? There were doubts of course, hence the muzzle of her firearm was pointing to the ground, awaiting the response of these 'people'. More importantly, could they speak the language so widely known across the portions of space she'd grown accustomed to? Would they be cooperative? They were sharing the same goal, without a doubt; a way out of this mess, but nothing was certain when worlds collide.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:09 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
An struggled as she continued to fight the monster as best she could. The monster had every advantage, it had was faster and stronger the brunette. It hide was immune to the Trixian weaponry that was at the handmaidens disposal. Worse, the monster did not show any sign of slowing down as it launched attack after attack. And if even one of those attacks connect with the handmaiden she would be knocked out of the fight.

The creature suddenly launched another attack at the handmaiden. The brunette ducked out of the way as its tail whipped in to her direction. It barely missed An’s head as the spikes impaled the flower behind her. The plant’s tentacles which seemed to be reaching out for the blonde handmaiden seemed to be go limp. As the tail of the creature pulled itself out of the plant, An could see how fatal the hit had been. The flower was no longer even recognizable, torn apart from a single powerful swing from the creature.

Almost at once the light that the plant was giving off began to fade, a clear sign there was no longer any life in the plant. While the brunette realized that the plant could no longer attack either Enru or the the Princess, it would no longer be capable of producing light or oxygen. And that point, the creature would probably have An for sure.

Not that the creature was concerned with that at the moment. It seemed to only wanted to kill the handmaiden as quickly as possible. As it prepared for another charge, a blast hit the creature from the side. It had no affect but it made the monster lose focus, as it turned its head to see where the blast had had come from. It was then that it froze as a sharp object was that driven through the monster’s throat.

It was then the brunette that it the sharp object was some short of extension of the new woman that had joined the fight. It had cut through the normally impenetrable armor like it was a hot knife through butter. It was frightening that the alien woman was able to do that with her body. The creature struggled for a second as if it did not understand it was already dead. Eventually though the creature collapsed crushing the plant underneath it. Finally An was able to get a moment to catch her breath. Of course now she had to figure out how much of a threat this new comer could be.

The alien woman seemed to be helpful though, as she told An more of those creatures were coming. It had taken all of the brunette’s efforts to fight a one to a stand still.

“May the Goddess protect us. We need to get Enru and the Princess to safety. We should get up into that ship, we can probably be safe there.” The handmaiden ran over into the direction of the Princess while pointed back at the blonde handmaiden. “You get Enru, I’ll get the princess.” For the moment at least An did not have the luxury of distrusting the alien woman, she was going to need all the help she could get.

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Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:22 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
"Agreed." Ania merely nodded in response, the plain front of her helmet facing the handmaiden who then went off to aid the supposed princess, making it easier to recognize which one of the women was Enru. They had to act fast, after all, there'd be no point in discussing anything else for the time being.

She had mixed thoughts and feelings on the matter, for one that she was given orders as one of the three assumed command, but since their intentions were matching rather well in that regard the blue skinned alien didn't protest. The unseen pheromone within sections of the ship would be strongest there seeing how Ania spent several days working on the power supply, allowing for it to spread whilst hopefully being potent enough to conceal whatever scent the Trixians carried. It was a gamble, but there seemed to be nowhere else to run seeing how no other craft was nearly as close as this one.

While holstering her weapon she made her way over to Enru, cautiously adjusting her tentacles in order for the woman to be comfortable whilst she stayed in her grasp. Perhaps it was a mistake on her part, but she didn't think the woman could move on her own just yet. "I was told to take care of you by one of your group, so please forgive me for any discomfort you may endure.", she said, guiding the downed handmaiden's arms to her torso so that they wouldn't dangle freely and possibly injure her whilst others wrapped about her legs and waist. "We'll get you out of here faster if I carry you, so try not to panic .. Your company will join us shortly."

When she gathered the foreigner's weapon off the ground, she couldn't help but stare at the female in her hands every so often. They were quite beautiful, she thought, leaving her to wonder why they were out on this journey, merely two of them protecting a princess. The responsibility must've been a constant pressure, but she didn't pay it any further attention when they returned to the hatch.

Within moments she set up tentacles near the entrance several feet above, extending them to that point until their once again altered physique applied a suction there, allowing for the newcomer to simply heave herself and the added weight toward the opening. Maneuvering through the crawl space with another woman in tow who was rendered immobile for the moment turned out to be rather troublesome, Ania had to recheck often yet swiftly to ensure that they got through quickly while the growth hindered their advance considerably.

The room had been the same as earlier, broken columns of glass which suggested its purpose, enveloped by a layer of darkness in the farthest corners of the room. Regrettably she had to leave Enru here, letting her down onto the floor with care in order for the woman to recover before making her way back through the hatch so that she may assist the other two, seeing how they weren't quite as flexible.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Oct 27, 2013 3:18 pm
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
The helmeted female alien merely nodded as she agreed to An’s command. The handmaiden had no real choice at the moment if she was to rescue the Princess and her fellow handmaiden at the same time.

The brunette headed over to the Trixian who had finally quit back away from the center of the room. “Your Highness, for the moment we this seem to be safe. But we must hurry there are more monsters coming this way. We should be safe if we can get on board that ship. That alien is helping us and will make sure that Enru is safe.” The handmaiden grabbed the pink haired beauty’s hand, “Please forgive me your Highness, the time is of the essence.” Octavia had not much choice in the matter as she found herself being dragged forward by the handmaiden.

Enru was struggling to move when the alien moved over to her. The blonde felt the tentacles moved over her body as she began to the process of lifting the tall handmaiden up in the air. The handmaiden let out a soft moan as she felt a tinge of pain from being positioned in to be carried. Her arms and legs were secured to prevent the blonde handmaiden from injuring herself any further. “W-who are you? How did you get here?”

The alien seemed to have as many tentacles as she needed as she reached down with yet another one and picked up Enru’s pistol. The alien looked down at the handmaiden from time to time, but the blonde could not make out expression behind the facemask. It did not matter as the alien carried the Trixian to the hatch.

The immobilized blonde found herself being brought up the to the entrance that she and An had explored just a few moments ago. Enru could not help but be impressed at how at easily the alien had managed to climb up to the ship. The blue alien seemed to have some difficulty carrying the handmaiden up here, but none of the difficulty that An would have carrying the blonde up here .

Enru let out a soft gasp as found herself being placed in the room, which seemed to be covered in broken glass. The handmaiden would have to be careful in how she moved as she struggled to regain her breath. Meanwhile An had moved with the Princess to the ship. The brunette would make sure the royal Trixian was brought up to the ship first and safety before she went up. It was after all the role of the handmaiden.

To see Octavia's Profile, click here

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:19 am
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Post Re: What you find in the strangest of places (for Ania)
There had been no comment from Ania as Enru was brought to relative safety, placing her down whilst leaning the woman against one of the firm metal walls of that section of the ship. A tentacle held the handle of her pistol out to the royal escort, speaking lowly yet with a certain weight attached considering the gravity of the situation. "You'll need this." Her eyes shifted briefly behind that mask, eyeing the weapon carefully before returning to its prior focus on her alien features. "Now don't move and stay quiet. I'll get the others."

With that she was gone yet again, the dim light viewing her as nothing more than a shadowy figure as she crawled back through the hatch, tentacles at the ready for the remaining two women. At first she planned on seizing the other armed escort, thinking along the lines of more weapons yielding higher chances of survival though when she insisted on allowing the princess to go first, Ania simply extended several of her limbs in order to carry both of them at the same time, ensnaring their arms and legs much like she did with Enru before. It made the procedure of getting them inside the ship quite a hassle, but time was of the essence and she didn't plan on wasting any of it due to petty arguments on who'd be more important to rescue first.

Seeing the exotic beauty in a dress caught her attention for various reasons, one of them being just how inadequate it'd been for the situation at hand though part of her couldn't deny the appeal of such attire in combination with certain accessories. While not snug in the least it'd been a thrill to be able to lay her eyes on a sexual fantasy inducing, yet regal individual all the way out here in the vastness of space, not any less attractive than her guards, but those thoughts were terribly misplaced at the time and therefore, regrettably, discarded.

They were set down next to Enru upon their arrival within the botany section, on their feet seeing how they were just fine although Ania had other concerns now. "Don't make a sound.", she commanded albeit nearly whispered since she couldn't ascertain how close these creatures were. "We're not out of danger just yet."

Ania remained perfectly still, the cold grimasse of her helmet facing the women as her superior senses monitored the various sounds and echoes all around while at the same time producing the pheromone their own senses couldn't perceive of. While she dashed through regular hallways to aid the newcomers, some of the monsters had taken alternate routes, taking their time traversing the ventilation among other paths which meant their arrival would take place right then and there.

It wasn't before several long moments that the Trixians could hear them, too. Metallic clunks indicating their presence as they moved inside the walls and rooms beside their own, barely seperating them from the dangers of this realm.

It was vital not to attract their attention for Ania doubted the trio could see in the darkness which would make any combat erupting in here a disastrous event. While the room they were in wasn't totally lit it'd also been a wide open space if it wasn't for the various glass tubes that riddled the chamber, being far too spacious as it was any sound would be amplified by the echo alone. Even worse, the pheromone could potentially stretch far too thin to cover their natural scent and they'd simply get jumped, the noise of battle drawing in more of the beasts until it was too late.

Ania hoped her companions would manage to remain silent for several minutes in which case she'd suggest moving along. They were too close to the source of their assault prior to meeting up, so those things would inevitably fan out if they couldn't find the Trixians there.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Nov 16, 2013 11:07 am
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