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 Hunger (for Ginger) 
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Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:50 am
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
By this point, she'd forgotten about his earlier passing mention of Slarr, and so assumed that he was simply making a joke in response to her suggestion of fairies. Certainly, she found the likelihood that a small island like this would lack any fauna except for a handful of creatures completely unlike anything elsewhere on Earth to be low. Still, she wasn't going to hold it against him, since she believed that she'd started it.

She let out a sigh of relief that he wasn't bored by her thoughts, and was in fact interested to some degree. "If they are actually organized, that would suggest that someone is seeing to their welfare outside of your garden and anything similar. Of course, this is all just guesswork on our parts unless we find some evidence of what's going on."

His suggestion when they returned to shore piqued her curiosity. While she doubted he was lying or exaggerating its danger, she also didn't doubt that he could keep this plant under control at least enough to let her get away if things went wrong. Besides, this seemed to be an opportunity to see another of the island's unique plants, and she didn't have anything else she had to do right now. "Sounds interesting. Lead on, MacDuff."

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Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:37 pm
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
“Yes, it is all speculation on our parts though I do like the idea of other people or a person even taking care of things but it is all unknown to me.” Birch dipped his head in a nod of sorts. “But it is convenient for gathering up plants from the island and gathering them together for my island.”

First he leads her back to her clothes so she can dress though he does bring so rather pleased caresses to her ass and the curve of her breasts until she is finished dressing though he does not tempt the student further or press his advances other than with the intent to make her feel good.

Leading them on when she is ready it takes them all of five minutes as he generates a path, plants moving out of her way as they stop on occasion with him pointing out something to her.

She notes that he moves through the plants as if they were nit even there in the first place.

Moving through the undergrowth would be a synch for Birch she realizes. Though they soon come to strange blue flowers that emit a sweet scent.

“Stay close and stay clear of the plants … they are all part of one creature there -” he points at a larger blue pod with yellow flowers around it. Near it is a sweeter sweet smell … honey … but there were no insects ...

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:58 am

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
Although she put all her other clothes on, she didn't bother binding her breasts when getting dressed, due to the work involved and the fact that no-one other than Birch was likely to see her right now. Besides, the distraction of his caresses would probably make putting it on correctly difficult anyway. Once she was dressed, he led the way to what he wanted to show her.

The trip was short, taking only a few minutes even with delays when he pointed things out to her. It would have taken longer if he hadn't been able to move plants out of her way and apparently pass right through them himself. No worries that I'll risk the danger to come back here, I suppose. I doubt I'd be able to find my way along the paths if I tried.

She had just noticed some unfamiliar blue flowers when he warned her to stay close and avoid the plants here. She noticed that he referred to it as a 'creature', implying that it was probably at least semi-aware and animate, although it looked unlikely that it could actually move from its current location. Given the extent of the flowers, however, it probably didn't need to.

"What is it?" she asked, her voice a whisper due to a reflexive desire that it wouldn't hear her and awaken. "And what can it do?"

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Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
“It is that,” he pointed though they had to get a little closer for her to see it. They was a sweet aroma that hung in the air as he pointed out a rather large blue pod. She scent was diluted at this rang though Birch drew her closer to his side as tendrils and vines unfurled, he could sense them moving and it was clear that the flowers where turning, perhaps in response to her body heat.

But Birch was reaching out to it, making it docile at least at this range.

“There are several pods connected through an enormous root system, a danger, though why this one is here eludes me. The opportunity for prey is small and yet as you can see it has grown quite large.

“The blue flowers product a honey like aphrodisiac that attracts humans to the pod that feeds off of sexual juices. If you see these flowers then you now there is at least a single pod around and you are best to leave the area.

“Often you will see these plants in busier areas such as near hiking trails. Someone has to be taking care of this one but it is not I. The flowers can only product the aphrodisiac and can even spray it up to ten feet or so. It is the pods that are dangerous, they have the vine lie tentacles that snatch up any warm blooded pray that draws too close. This one has already noted your presence though you are too far from it at present and I am keeping it docile.”

He explained one of the dangers she was likely to encounter in the future though other monsters had learned to drive prey into the area to make them vulnerable to their advances grabbing them before they could get to the pod but after the aphrodisiac affected them and since it did not work on non humans then it proved to be a perfect trap.

He doubted that this would help her in the future much from the other guests but at least she would not stumble into one on her own.

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:44 pm

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
While he'd misinterpreted her question about what the plant was, he still answered it well enough while explaining what the plant could do. How many of the plants here have the need to feed on sexual fluids, anyway? It did make sense in a way that Birch wouldn't be the only one; the odds that such an ability would only evolve along with his intelligence, mobility, and plant control was far lower than all of these evolving separately in the development that led to him.

When he told her that there were others around the island, she considered getting out her pad to quickly sketch the blue flowers. However, even with Birch holding the thing in check, she doubted that staying around for long enough to do so was a good idea. Besides, it was too dark to do a passable job anyway, so she simply did her best to memorize the flowers' appearance; she could do a sketch from memory in the morning.

"Are there… Are there many types of plants that feed… that way on the island?" she asked, her breathing slightly heavy. Whether it had been his plan or not, the aphrodisiacs in the air were having a bit of an effect on her in her already aroused state; her face was slightly flushed and her nipples were erect inside her bra.

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Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:48 pm
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
It had not been part of his plan to drug her, she had seemed receptive enough though he did make out those moments of budding desire as the aphrodisiacs were affecting her. Since they had been incapable o harming him he must have miscalculated the effective range or even this far from them they could still make one feel good.

Birch did not retreat right away though. If he gained from the situation then so be it, he doubt that she would mind too much after he had gone through such pains to warn her. He merely pretended not to take notice as he considered her question.

“It is uncommon but there are a good many that do. If I were to give you hard numbers here I would say that less than five percent of the plants need to survive by such methods or variants of it. To my knowledge all the mobile ones though there are some that need no such nourishment other than the sun and a bit of water but have come to enjoy such matters … they are the truly dangerous ones but are the rarest of the bunch.”

He only “noticed” her state now. “Are you alright? You are coloring. Is it something I've said?”

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:21 am

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
The number of plants surprised her, as did the revelation that there were other mobile ones. She might have asked about the ones that had 'come to enjoy such matters', but his question served to distract her and focus her attention on the effects that the stray aphrodisiac in the air was having on her.

"Huh…? No, it's not that. I'm just feeling… I think we may be a bit too close to the plants, or I'm a bit too worked up already, or something." She took a deep breath to compose herself before continuing, "I… I think I can shake it off, though." Privately, she wasn't quite so sure about that, and the breath had only served to introduce more of the drug into her system. It wouldn't have been enough to affect her like this normally, but she was already part of the way there to start with.

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Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
That deep breath … that could not have been good for her but he drew her further away. “Then let's back away a bit.” He draws them away from the area until the plants are out of sight though upon doing so he regards her and the effects that the aphrodisiac had on her.

He was uncertain as to how much of a dose she had received or how it affected her if it affected her at all but he drew up her near arm rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

“I no longer feel the hunger because of you but if you feel it then I will slake yours.” He wasn't sure how it worked in humans, he only had his own experiences and that the scientists had imparted to him.

“Perhaps that was a bit too dangerous but forewarned about the pod and plants for one likely to return to these jungles give you an edge.“ Or perhaps as a means to get some sort of numbness with the more vicious monsters he had imparted that knowledge to her to make use of as she saw fit.

“Perhaps it would have been best showing you some of the plants in the garden instead, the ones more common as those that we came upon are rather uncommon on the island.”

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:52 am

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
Birch's concern killed any doubts she might have had about whether he'd intended this to happen before they could fully form. "I… don't think that'll be… necessary," she said in reply to his offer. "It should… wear off in a bit." I hope.

She nodded at his explanation about her having forewarning. "Yes, you're… probably right. If you hadn't been… hungry… earlier, it might have been safer." Thoughts about their earlier activities did nothing to help her state of mind.

"That… might be for the best. The walk should help me… cool off, if nothing else." And if not, I might have to take you up on that earlier offer.

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Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:28 am
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
He draws her away from the scene once more manipulating the plants as they went along. “very well, though the offer stands.” He was unsure if she was going to be fine so he remained close watching through plants as if they did not exist at all if only to remain at her side should she need support or assisting.

Birch might not have brought her here with the intention of drugging her but he was not above taking advantage of such a situation should it arise. So far though she didn't seem to be loosing control though Birch moved along keeping their conversation light.

“How long have you been sketching? Is it in lieu of cultivating a garden of your own or in addition to it.” The question a simple one just to divert her mind away from the aroma for the time being though he would follow her lead here. He could see that she was still aroused or rather her body was still showing such signs.

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Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:43 am

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
Although she was maintaining control outwardly, this was partly because she expected the effects to wear off reasonably quickly once she was away from the flowers and partly because she didn't wish to impose on him. Admittedly, she had done him a favor earlier and taking him up on his offer to help could be seen as repayment, but she'd got quite a bit of enjoyment from said favor and wasn't sure the same would be true for him in the reverse. Then again, he'd shown far more interest in her tits than was necessary if he was simply trying to get her hornier; perhaps he was capable of getting similar enjoyment from it as a human.

His question took her by surprise, and she needed a moment to get her thoughts together enough to answer it, although she was grateful for the distraction from her state. "I… I'm really not sure… As long as I can remember, more or less. I got serious about it in school, I think. So far, it's been instead of cultivating a garden; I doubt I'll have much chance to really do that before I graduate." She paused a moment before adding, "I don't usually sketch plants the way I was when you met me. Not since I got a camera, anyway; that's a better way of getting an accurate picture of something." She blushed, noticeable even with her flushed skin. "I seem to have forgotten to pack it before coming here, though, so I'm limited to sketching until I can get home for one of the breaks. That'll probably be summer, given how long the flight here from England is." Despite her apparent control, slight catches in her voice betrayed the battle she was fighting to keep that control.

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Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:57 pm
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
He could see the little tells as she fought her battle against that scent though he did not know how well she was doing and could only judge things from what little details that he could pick up on. She seemed to be doing as well as expected and so he had assumed that she was doing fairly well given that she was keeping it all together.

“Camera?" He was uncertain about what one actually was though she had explained the matter well enough so that he had an immediate understanding of what it did.

“I would like to see your sketches,” he studied her a moment, hair the color of dying leaves, he desired something else from her at the moment though he waited for this moment patiently.

“Are you feeling better, Ginger?” He asked after they proceeded a short distance getting back to the initial location that they had departed from.

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:25 am

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
"It's a… a device for taking photos… pictures of something so you can look at it later or show it to someone else… I can't really explain it any better." She worried that she might have to explain what photos were, but at least there she could show him the one in her student id to give him an idea of what they were.

"Well, sure, but I only have a few here at the school right now, and that includes the one of you and the one of that partly closed flower." She welcomed the distraction of his conversation, allowing her to focus on something other than how horny she was. "With the limits on how much we could take on the plane, it didn't make any sense to pack my older sketchbooks."

As they got back to the vicinity of his garden, he asked about how she was recovering. "A bit, I think, but I… I might have to take you up on that earlier offer. At this rate, I don't think I'll be able to get any sleep tonight, and being tired and horny won't exactly be great for me in class tomorrow." Even as she spoke, she was starting to take her shirt off.

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Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:21 am
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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
She conjured up a suitable image in his mind as far as the camera went. He might not have been impart with lots of knowledge but he was smart and had considered what she described and gave an acknowledged nod before they continued on speaking about sketches though he had eyed her when they got back.

“That offer stands all night and morning, for as long as you need it.” But he could see that she was already working to unbutton her shirt. Looking at Ginger it might have been a bit presumptuous on his part to assume anything though he turned her to face him, his hands resting on her ass as he turned her to face him.

“Allow me,” he began assisting her with those buttons, more and more of her cleavage displayed as he pulls her blouse opened to reveal those large knockers, the luckiest of which feels the quick brush of his thumb before his tongue stretches out to swirl against her nipple tracing against it slowly.

If things did not appear too badly he press on as he continued assisting her throughout the removal of the rest of her garments.

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The occasional partner of Slarr

Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:36 pm

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Post Re: Hunger (for Ginger)
The speed with which he moved to help her undress suggested to her that he was more than just willing to help her with her problem. In a way, it was fortunate for Birch's long-term plans that she wasn't familiar with the island's true purpose, as she might have found his eagerness suspicious otherwise.

She made no move to slow him down, gasping in pleasure as his tongue circled her nipple. Once she had removed her panties, she placed one hand on the back of his head and pressed him closer to her bosom. "You like?" she asked as her other hand sought out his root and caressed the member once she'd found it.

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Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:01 am
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